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Ordnungsbildung und Entgrenzung: Demokratie im Wandel (Politologische Aufklärung – konstruktivistische Perspektiven)

by Renate Martinsen

Die Komplexität von Politik in einer sich entgrenzenden Welt ergibt sich durch das vielschichtige Zusammenspiel von fluiden Grenzbildungen und erfordert neue Strukturen und eine neue Semantik von Demokratie. In diesem Band wird das Verständnis der theoretisch gehaltvollen Begriffe Ordnungsbildung und Entgrenzung aus gesellschaftstheoretischer Warte vertieft und anhand des Schwerpunkts Demokratiewandel beleuchtet. Die Thematisierung von Bestandsvoraussetzungen und Entwicklungschancen der Demokratie ist für das politikwissenschaftliche Selbstverständnis grundlegend. Doch die vorherrschende Konzentration auf die überlieferte „Norm“ der nationalstaatlich verstandenen Demokratie vermag die strukturell gewandelten Verhältnisse nur unzureichend zu erfassen. Der Vorzug einer historisch vermittelten Orientierung an der „Form“ der Demokratie erweitert den Analysefokus und eröffnet die Option, die gegenwärtig stattfindenden Wandlungsprozesse neu zu beschreiben.

Ordnungspolitik in der Montanunion

by Gerhard ˜vonœ Beckerath

Die Problematik der Europäischen Gemeinschaft für Kohle und Stahl (EGKS, kurz "Montanunion") ist in den ersten Jahren ihres Bestehens deutlich hervor­ getreten und hat zu einigen Enttäuschungen geführt. Die Kritiken, die zu hören waren, richteten sich oft nicht an die richtige Adresse: Nicht die mit dem mißver­ ständlichen Wort "supranational" gekennzeichnete Hohe Behörde war zu kriti­ sieren, sondern die politisch gewollte Zusammenfassung der Grundstoffindustrien Kohle und Stahl der sechs Länder (Bundes republik Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Belgien, Niederlande und Luxemburg). Manche Vorstellungen auf den Gebieten der Sozialpolitik, der "Harmonisierungen", oder auch der herkömm­ lichen Konjunkturpolitik der Staaten lassen sich nicht verwirklichen, da die juri­ stischen Voraussetzungen dazu nach dem Montanunion-Vertrag nicht gegeben sind. Auf der anderen Seite sind z. B. andere Kreise enttäuscht über noch immer fortbestehende Interventionen, die die "rationellste Verteilung der Erzeugung" (Artikel 2, Absatz 2), insbesondere innerhalb des Kohlenbergbaus der sechs Län­ der, verhindern. In den ersten Jahren gelang es der "supranationalen" Institution der Hohen Behörde jedoch, manche Schwierigkeiten zu lösen. Man kann heute sagen, daß diese Institution sich immerhin einige Verdienste zuschreiben darf. Damit hat der Gedanke der "wirtschaftlichen Integration" trotz schwieriger Umstände für die sechs Länder eine Art Bewährungsprobe bestanden. Von wirtschaftlicher Integration spricht man in Westeuropa seit einigen Jahren immer häufiger da, wo man die Bestrebungen zum politischen Zusammenschluß der westeuropäischen Staaten auf dem wirtschaftlichen Gebiet unter dem Primat der Politik vorbereitet.

Ordoliberalism and European Economic Policy: Between Realpolitik and Economic Utopia (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics)

by Malte Dold Tim Krieger

This volume takes a broad perspective on the recent debate on the role of German ordoliberalism in shaping European economic policy before and after the eurozone crisis. It shows how ordoliberal scholars explain the institutional origins of the eurozone crisis, and presents creative policy proposals for the future of the European economy. Ordoliberal discourse both attempts to offer political solutions to socioeconomic challenges, and to find an ideal market order that fosters individual freedom and social cohesion. This tension between realpolitik and economic utopia reflects the wider debate on how far economic theory shapes, and is shaped by, historical contingencies and institutions. The volume will be of interest to policymakers as well as research scholars, and graduate students from various disciplines ranging from economics to political science, history, and philosophy.

Ordoliberalism and European Economic Policy: Between Realpolitik and Economic Utopia (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics)

by Malte Dold Tim Krieger

This volume takes a broad perspective on the recent debate on the role of German ordoliberalism in shaping European economic policy before and after the eurozone crisis. It shows how ordoliberal scholars explain the institutional origins of the eurozone crisis, and presents creative policy proposals for the future of the European economy. Ordoliberal discourse both attempts to offer political solutions to socioeconomic challenges, and to find an ideal market order that fosters individual freedom and social cohesion. This tension between realpolitik and economic utopia reflects the wider debate on how far economic theory shapes, and is shaped by, historical contingencies and institutions. The volume will be of interest to policymakers as well as research scholars, and graduate students from various disciplines ranging from economics to political science, history, and philosophy.

Ordoliberalism, Law and the Rule of Economics

by Josef Hien Christian Joerges

Ordoliberalism is a theoretical and cultural tradition of significant societal and political impact in post-war Germany. For a long time the theory was only known outside Germany by a handful of experts, but ordoliberalism has now moved centre stage after the advent of the financial crisis, and has become widely perceived as the ideational source of Germany's crisis politics.In this collection, the contributors engage in a multi-faceted exploration of the conceptual history of ordoliberalism, the premises of its founding fathers in law and economics, its religious underpinnings, the debates over its theoretical assumptions and political commitments, and its formative vision of societal ordering based upon a synthesis of economic theories and legal concepts. The renewal of that vision through the ordoliberal conceptualisation of the European integration project, the challenges of the current European crisis, and the divergent perceptions of ordoliberalism within Germany and by its northern and southern EU neighbours, are a common concern of all these endeavours. They unfold interdisciplinary affinities and misunderstandings, cultural predispositions and prejudices, and political preferences and cleavages. By examining European traditions through the lens of ordoliberalism, the book illustrates the diversity of European economic cultures, and the difficulty of transnational political exchanges, in a time of European crisis.

Ordoliberalism, Law and the Rule of Economics

by Josef Hien Christian Joerges

Ordoliberalism is a theoretical and cultural tradition of significant societal and political impact in post-war Germany. For a long time the theory was only known outside Germany by a handful of experts, but ordoliberalism has now moved centre stage after the advent of the financial crisis, and has become widely perceived as the ideational source of Germany's crisis politics.In this collection, the contributors engage in a multi-faceted exploration of the conceptual history of ordoliberalism, the premises of its founding fathers in law and economics, its religious underpinnings, the debates over its theoretical assumptions and political commitments, and its formative vision of societal ordering based upon a synthesis of economic theories and legal concepts. The renewal of that vision through the ordoliberal conceptualisation of the European integration project, the challenges of the current European crisis, and the divergent perceptions of ordoliberalism within Germany and by its northern and southern EU neighbours, are a common concern of all these endeavours. They unfold interdisciplinary affinities and misunderstandings, cultural predispositions and prejudices, and political preferences and cleavages. By examining European traditions through the lens of ordoliberalism, the book illustrates the diversity of European economic cultures, and the difficulty of transnational political exchanges, in a time of European crisis.

Organic Food and Farming: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues)

by Shauna M. McIntyre

Organic Food and Farming: A Reference Handbook is a valuable resource for students and general readers curious about the history, evolution, and growth of the organic food movement.Organic Food and Farming: A Reference Handbook begins with a deep dive into the origins of organic farming, offering a clear discussion of what constitutes organic production and how that has changed over time. Next, the volume provides a comprehensive overview of growth of organics as both an industry and a social movement and the inherent challenges that occur from trying to be both. The book additionally covers controversial issues and challenges, along with good news about what is working and what is possible. Included are essays by scholars, farmers, and experts working with NGOs as well as profiles of key people and organizations in the organic sector. Additional chapters include data and documents, a comprehensive resource list, and a detailed chronology of the key events in the history of the organic sector. Distinguishing it from others that laud or dismiss organic food and farming practices is this book's objective nature, which allows it to be used as a definitive resource on the topic.

Organic Food and Farming: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues)

by Shauna M. McIntyre

Organic Food and Farming: A Reference Handbook is a valuable resource for students and general readers curious about the history, evolution, and growth of the organic food movement.Organic Food and Farming: A Reference Handbook begins with a deep dive into the origins of organic farming, offering a clear discussion of what constitutes organic production and how that has changed over time. Next, the volume provides a comprehensive overview of growth of organics as both an industry and a social movement and the inherent challenges that occur from trying to be both. The book additionally covers controversial issues and challenges, along with good news about what is working and what is possible. Included are essays by scholars, farmers, and experts working with NGOs as well as profiles of key people and organizations in the organic sector. Additional chapters include data and documents, a comprehensive resource list, and a detailed chronology of the key events in the history of the organic sector. Distinguishing it from others that laud or dismiss organic food and farming practices is this book's objective nature, which allows it to be used as a definitive resource on the topic.

The Organic Globalizer: Hip Hop, Political Development, and Movement Culture

by Christopher Malone George Martinez Jr.

The Organic Globalizer is a collection of critical essays which takes the position that hip-hop holds political significance through an understanding of its ability to at once raise cultural awareness, expand civil society's focus on social and economic justice through institution building, and engage in political activism and participation. Collectively, the essays assert hip hop's importance as an “organic globalizer:” no matter its pervasiveness or reach around the world, hip-hop ultimately remains a grassroots phenomenon that is born of the community from which it permeates. Hip hop, then, holds promise through three separate but related avenues: (1) through cultural awareness and identification/recognition of voices of marginalized communities through music and art; (2) through social creation and the institutionalization of independent alternative institutions and non-profit organizations in civil society geared toward social and economic justice; and (3) through political activism and participation in which demands are articulated and made on the state.With editorial bridges between chapters and an emphasis on interdisciplinary and diverse perspectives, The Organic Globalizer is the natural scholarly evolution in the conversation about hip-hop and politics.

The Organic Globalizer: Hip Hop, Political Development, and Movement Culture

by Christopher Malone George Martinez Jr.

The Organic Globalizer is a collection of critical essays which takes the position that hip-hop holds political significance through an understanding of its ability to at once raise cultural awareness, expand civil society's focus on social and economic justice through institution building, and engage in political activism and participation. Collectively, the essays assert hip hop's importance as an “organic globalizer:” no matter its pervasiveness or reach around the world, hip-hop ultimately remains a grassroots phenomenon that is born of the community from which it permeates. Hip hop, then, holds promise through three separate but related avenues: (1) through cultural awareness and identification/recognition of voices of marginalized communities through music and art; (2) through social creation and the institutionalization of independent alternative institutions and non-profit organizations in civil society geared toward social and economic justice; and (3) through political activism and participation in which demands are articulated and made on the state.With editorial bridges between chapters and an emphasis on interdisciplinary and diverse perspectives, The Organic Globalizer is the natural scholarly evolution in the conversation about hip-hop and politics.

Organic Resistance: The Struggle over Industrial Farming in Postwar France (Flows, Migrations, and Exchanges)

by Venus Bivar

France is often held up as a bastion of gastronomic refinement and as a model of artisanal agriculture and husbandry. But French farming is not at all what it seems. Countering the standard stories of gastronomy, tourism, and leisure associated with the French countryside, Venus Bivar portrays French farmers as hard-nosed businessmen preoccupied with global trade and mass production. With a focus on both the rise of big agriculture and the organic movement, Bivar examines the tumult of postwar rural France, a place fiercely engaged with crucial national and global developments.Delving into the intersecting narratives of economic modernization, the birth of organic farming, the development of a strong agricultural protest movement, and the rise of environmentalism, Bivar reveals a movement as preoccupied with maintaining the purity of the French race as of French food. What emerges is a story of how French farming conquered the world, bringing with it a set of ideas about place and purity with a darker origin story than we might have guessed.

Organic Waste Composting through Nexus Thinking: Practices, Policies, and Trends

by Hiroshan Hettiarachchi Serena Caucci Kai Schwärzel

Organic waste composting is another excellent example to demonstrate the power and the benefits of nexus thinking. Even though organic waste composting itself is not a new topic, those who want to start a new project or align an ongoing project with nexus thinking, find it difficult to gather the necessary information. With nine case studies from four continents, this book aims to fill above gap in literature. While current literature on composting is often found to be limited to either soil/agriculture sector or waste management sector, this book presents a combined point of view. This open access book starts with an introductory chapter that describes the need to bring the waste management aspects and soil nutrient management aspects of compost production into one integrated theme. The relevance of nexus thinking and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are also presented in this introduction. The first three chapters after the introduction covers composting from the solid waste management and its policy aspects, taking examples from three developing countries. The next three examples are mostly about the benefits composting can provide to the soil and agriculture. These examples are also from three developing countries, but with a mixture of urban as well as rural settings. Last three chapters present more insight into the latest developments taking examples from Europe, as well as new methods adapted from the traditional styles from Africa.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (Global Institutions)

by Richard Woodward

Celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2021, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is routinely heralded as one of the leading organs of global governance, yet it remains one of the least written about and least well understood of our major global institutions. This fully revised and updated second edition builds a well-rounded understanding of this crucial, though often neglected, institution. A range of clearly written chapters chart the origins and evolution of the organization, comprehend its influence, examine its current agenda, and evaluate its future prospects. Rather than the simplified characterizations of the OECD as a “rich-country’s club” or “think tank,” this book suggests that truly understanding the OECD and its significance to global governance requires it to be conceived as the entity it truly is: an international organization. New to this edition: Outlines the OECD’s origins and evolution, bringing its story fully up to date Considers the ‘OECD way’ of working, including the peer review process Examines competing views of the OECD’s influence over global governance Evaluates the OECD reform and the organization’s future prospects This concise introduction continues to be vital reading for all students of international relations, politics and world history and affairs.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (Global Institutions)

by Richard Woodward

Celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2021, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is routinely heralded as one of the leading organs of global governance, yet it remains one of the least written about and least well understood of our major global institutions. This fully revised and updated second edition builds a well-rounded understanding of this crucial, though often neglected, institution. A range of clearly written chapters chart the origins and evolution of the organization, comprehend its influence, examine its current agenda, and evaluate its future prospects. Rather than the simplified characterizations of the OECD as a “rich-country’s club” or “think tank,” this book suggests that truly understanding the OECD and its significance to global governance requires it to be conceived as the entity it truly is: an international organization. New to this edition: Outlines the OECD’s origins and evolution, bringing its story fully up to date Considers the ‘OECD way’ of working, including the peer review process Examines competing views of the OECD’s influence over global governance Evaluates the OECD reform and the organization’s future prospects This concise introduction continues to be vital reading for all students of international relations, politics and world history and affairs.

The Organisation of Crime and Harm in the Construction Industry (Routledge Studies in Organised Crime)

by Jon Davies Hanna Malik

Drawing on empirical work and secondary analysis from the UK and Finnish construction industries, this book contributes a deep-rooted analysis of construction industry harms that originate from corporate-industrialstate processes.The UK context arguably represents a classic ‘neoliberal’ system categorised by privatisation of services and minimal regulation, whereas Finland broadly provides a ‘social democratic’ alternative with its relatively strong national regulation and public sector oversight of industry. These concepts interlink strongly with the notion of state-corporate crime, since this perspective shifts attention away from individualistic explanations for crime and harm towards symbiosis between states and corporations. This book argues that existing explanations based on organised crime and individual ‘rogues’ are insufficient to account for the wider range and subtlety of harms that occur in construction, and therefore offers a unique perspective into organisational, industry, and state dynamics in this sector.An accessible and compelling read, this book will appeal to students and scholars of criminology, sociology, organized crime, and those interested in harms in the construction industry.

The Organisation of Crime and Harm in the Construction Industry (Routledge Studies in Organised Crime)

by Jon Davies Hanna Malik

Drawing on empirical work and secondary analysis from the UK and Finnish construction industries, this book contributes a deep-rooted analysis of construction industry harms that originate from corporate-industrialstate processes.The UK context arguably represents a classic ‘neoliberal’ system categorised by privatisation of services and minimal regulation, whereas Finland broadly provides a ‘social democratic’ alternative with its relatively strong national regulation and public sector oversight of industry. These concepts interlink strongly with the notion of state-corporate crime, since this perspective shifts attention away from individualistic explanations for crime and harm towards symbiosis between states and corporations. This book argues that existing explanations based on organised crime and individual ‘rogues’ are insufficient to account for the wider range and subtlety of harms that occur in construction, and therefore offers a unique perspective into organisational, industry, and state dynamics in this sector.An accessible and compelling read, this book will appeal to students and scholars of criminology, sociology, organized crime, and those interested in harms in the construction industry.

Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists on Emigration: Its Formation and Transnational Connections in 1929–⁠1934 (Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right)

by Magdalena Gibiec

This book describes the formation, transnational activities, and inner workings of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) in exile. Made possible thanks to an in-depth examination of previously unutilised correspondence relating to the OUN, this title examines the organization during the first five years of its existence (1929–1934). In contrast to other available sources, such as the press or propaganda materials, the letters more faithfully present actual plans, motivations, and goals of the nationalists. The analysis not only uncovers unknown facts, but also reveals reactions, opinions, and emotions of individual activists. The book explores the structure and mechanisms of the OUN émigré networks by depicting tactics, decision making processes, and the efficiency of activities, as well as contacts and relations within the OUN and with the outside world. The international activity of the OUN is examined through the cooperation with individual countries, including Lithuania, Czechoslovakia, and Germany, but also with lobbying efforts in Great Britain, France, Italy, and North America, where émigré activists of the OUN or their contacts were based. Finally, the book investigates the OUN policy towards activists operating on the area of the Second Polish Republic. This text will be of interest to scholars of Ukrainian history, nationalism, comparative fascism, and transnationalism.

Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists on Emigration: Its Formation and Transnational Connections in 1929–⁠1934 (Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right)

by Magdalena Gibiec

This book describes the formation, transnational activities, and inner workings of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) in exile. Made possible thanks to an in-depth examination of previously unutilised correspondence relating to the OUN, this title examines the organization during the first five years of its existence (1929–1934). In contrast to other available sources, such as the press or propaganda materials, the letters more faithfully present actual plans, motivations, and goals of the nationalists. The analysis not only uncovers unknown facts, but also reveals reactions, opinions, and emotions of individual activists. The book explores the structure and mechanisms of the OUN émigré networks by depicting tactics, decision making processes, and the efficiency of activities, as well as contacts and relations within the OUN and with the outside world. The international activity of the OUN is examined through the cooperation with individual countries, including Lithuania, Czechoslovakia, and Germany, but also with lobbying efforts in Great Britain, France, Italy, and North America, where émigré activists of the OUN or their contacts were based. Finally, the book investigates the OUN policy towards activists operating on the area of the Second Polish Republic. This text will be of interest to scholars of Ukrainian history, nationalism, comparative fascism, and transnationalism.

Organisation über Grenzen: Jahrbuch der Sektion Organisationspädagogik (Organisation und Pädagogik #29)

by Andreas Schröer Stefan Köngeter Sebastian Manhart Christian Schröder Thomas Wendt

Das Jahrbuch versammelt 18 Beiträge, in denen die grundlegende Bedeutung von Grenzbildungen und Grenzziehungen für Organisationen und für die Theorie und Praxis der Organisationspädagogik herausgearbeitet wird. Die Beiträge beobachten, analysieren und untersuchen Grenzen, die von und durch Organisationen, aber auch durch organisationspädagogische Praxen gezogen, überschritten und aufgelöst werden. Das Bedingungsverhältnis von Grenzziehung und Grenzüberschreitung sowie die sich dabei konstituierenden Grenzobjekte und -praxen werden in begrifflich-theoretisch ausgerichteten Arbeiten wie auch in empirischen Untersuchungen systematisch reflektiert. Damit trägt der Band zur Klärung des Verhältnisses von Organisation und Grenze und zur weiteren Konturierung der spezifischen Perspektive der Organisationspädagogik bei. Über das Schwerpunktthema hinaus enthält das Jahrbuch zwei weitere Beiträge aus der aktuellen organisationspädagogischen Forschung.

Organisation und Bildung: Theoretische und empirische Zugänge (Studien zur Schul- und Bildungsforschung #58)

by Maja S. Maier

Der Band beleuchtet das Verhältnis von Organisation und Bildung in theoretischen und empirischen Analysen. Das zentrale Anliegen ist es, zu zeigen, wie unterschiedliche organisationssoziologische Ansätze für die qualitative Bildungsforschung fruchtbar gemacht werden (können). Die Beiträge entwickeln einerseits u.a. aus neo-institutionalistischer, systemtheoretischer und kulturtheoretischer Perspektive auf Bildungsorganisationen empirische Zugänge zu spezifischen Fragestellungen; andererseits werden empirische Befunde aus unterschiedlichen Bildungsbereichen, die auf Basis von unterschiedlichen qualitativen Daten und Verfahren wie der Ethnografie, der Dokumentarischen Interpretation und der Inhaltsanalyse, gewonnen wurden, unter zur Hilfenahme von organisationssoziologischen Konzepten plausibilisiert. Als Bildungsbereiche werden dabei Kindergarten, Schule und Hochschule sowie Erwachsenen/Weiterbildung fokussiert.

Organisational Behaviour in the Public Sector: A Critical Introduction (Emerald Points)

by John Fenwick

This book adopts a highly critical approach to the ways in which organisations have been analysed by orthodox theories and offers instead a perspective on elements of organisational behaviour including leadership and its failures, structures, cultures, bullying and the denial of individual voice, firmly rooted in the critical understanding of power and control. Professor Fenwick draws from international examples of practice and finds grounds for optimism in the distinctive positive values of the public sector organisation. This book is an invaluable source for those with an interest in organisational behaviour in the public sector, designed for many audiences including students embarking upon study of how such organisations work, researchers who wish to assess aspects of the topic in greater depth, or readers with a practical interest or involvement with the organisations in question.

Organisational Behaviour in the Public Sector: A Critical Introduction (Emerald Points)

by John Fenwick

This book adopts a highly critical approach to the ways in which organisations have been analysed by orthodox theories and offers instead a perspective on elements of organisational behaviour including leadership and its failures, structures, cultures, bullying and the denial of individual voice, firmly rooted in the critical understanding of power and control. Professor Fenwick draws from international examples of practice and finds grounds for optimism in the distinctive positive values of the public sector organisation. This book is an invaluable source for those with an interest in organisational behaviour in the public sector, designed for many audiences including students embarking upon study of how such organisations work, researchers who wish to assess aspects of the topic in greater depth, or readers with a practical interest or involvement with the organisations in question.

Organisational Change Management for Sustainability (Strategies for Sustainability)

by Rodrigo Lozano

This book is aimed at providing clarity through a systemic and systematic approach to organisational change management for sustainability. Chapter 2 of the provides an overview of sustainable development and sustainability discourses, focussing on the economic, environmental, social, and time dimensions, as well as their interactions. Chapter 3 explains what organisations are, the types of organisations (civil society, corporations, education, public sector, and hybrid), the levels and system elements (individuals, groups, organisation, and system), attitudes (informational, emotional, and behavioural), the stakeholders that affect and are affected by the organisation, and the interactions between organisations (from competition to collaboration). Chapter 4 focuses on how organisations have been addressing sustainability, divided into 1) efforts to contribute to sustainability (i.e. focussing outside the organisation), and 2) engagement efforts (i.e. those focussing inside the organisation, e.g. through the use of tools, initiatives, and approaches for sustainability, and collaboration). Chapter 5 discusses change, types of change (internal vs. external, proactive vs. reactive, etc.), change strategies, change frameworks, and change for sustainability in organisations. Chapter 6 focusses on three key mechanisms for sustainability: Leadership, Governance, and Assessment and reporting (with examples from Higher Education Institutions, corporations, and public sector organisations). Chapter 7 discusses on the different drivers (internal, connecting, and external) that foster sustainability in organisations. Examples from empirical research are presented. Chapter 8 delves into resistance to change, particularly on the barriers that slow down or stop sustainability in organisations, as well as the strategies to overcome the barriers to change. Examples from empirical research are presented. The seventh chapter focuses on the different strategies that help reduce or eliminate resistance to sustainability in organisations. Examples from empirical research are presented. Chapter 9 focusses on where sustainability efforts have started (incorporation) and how have they been adopted throughout the organisation (institutionalisation). Examples from empirical research are presented. Chapter 10 presents the effects of external stimuli, such as COVID-19 on organisational change management for sustainability.

Organisational Learning and the Modern Army: A New Model for Lessons-Learned Processes (Cass Military Studies)

by Tom Dyson

Drawing upon extensive original research, this book explores best practice in army lessons-learned processes. Without the correct learning mechanisms, military adaptation can be blocked, or the wider lessons from adaptation can easily be lost, leading to the need to relearn lessons in the field, often at great human and financial cost. This book analyses the organisational processes and activities which can help improve tactical- and operational-level learning through case studies of lessons learned in two key NATO armies: that of Britain and of Germany. Providing the first comparative analysis of the variables which facilitate or impede the emergence of best practice in military learning, it makes an important contribution to the growing scholarship on knowledge management and learning in public organisations. It will be of much interest to lessons-learned practitioners, and students of military and strategic studies, defence studies, organisation studies and security studies.

Organisational Learning and the Modern Army: A New Model for Lessons-Learned Processes (Cass Military Studies)

by Tom Dyson

Drawing upon extensive original research, this book explores best practice in army lessons-learned processes. Without the correct learning mechanisms, military adaptation can be blocked, or the wider lessons from adaptation can easily be lost, leading to the need to relearn lessons in the field, often at great human and financial cost. This book analyses the organisational processes and activities which can help improve tactical- and operational-level learning through case studies of lessons learned in two key NATO armies: that of Britain and of Germany. Providing the first comparative analysis of the variables which facilitate or impede the emergence of best practice in military learning, it makes an important contribution to the growing scholarship on knowledge management and learning in public organisations. It will be of much interest to lessons-learned practitioners, and students of military and strategic studies, defence studies, organisation studies and security studies.

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