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Bertie Ahern and the Drumcondra Mafia

by Michael Clifford Shane Coleman

In March 2008, Bertie Ahern announced his resignation as Taoiseach, prompted by ongoing evidence in a planning inquiry that uncovered he had received large sums of money when minister for finance. Yet, even in defeat, he remained the most popular politician of his generation, one for whom the defining 'Teflon Taoiseach' tag had not entirely slid away. However, what made Bertie Ahern unique was not his enormous popularity or the revelations about his personal finances, but his dependence on a power base largely separate to Fianna Fail: 'the Drumcondra Mafia', a largely unknown, fiercely loyal, close-knit group of friends. When Ahern was Taoiseach the centre of power was arguably as much in St Luke's, the legendary constituency office bought by the Drumcondra Mafia, as in Government Buildings.Bertie Ahern and the Drumcondra Mafia takes the reader inside the organisation and examines how they not only established the most efficient electoral machine in the country but put 'their man' in the most senior political office in the state. It also details how, in his rise to power, Ahern acquired substantial sums of money while propagating the image of a man with no interest in money. Finally, it tracks his descent with the investigation into his finances, a descent punctuated by one final victory, in the 2007 general election. This is the story not just of Bertie Ahern but of the men and women who travelled with him on his extraordinary journey.

Bertie Ahern Autobiography: The Autobiography

by Bertie Ahern

Bertie Ahern, three times Irish Taoiseach, is often described as an enigma. The Old IRA man's son who delivered peace in Northern Ireland. A working class boy responsible for the Celtic Tiger. The man of faith who ushered in progressive, cosmopolitan secular Ireland. An ardent nationalist admired by European leaders. 'I know 25 per cent of Bertie Ahern', said his finance minister, Charlie McCreevy, 'and that's 24 per cent more than anyone else.'Now in this frank and revealing autobiography, Ahern gives his own account of a remarkable political life and the personal story that accompanies it. He shows the cost to his family of a life played out in the public eye and, for the first time, discloses what really happened in his final weeks in power.Here for the first time is the truth behind the man who is Bertie.Ahern has been at the cutting edge of Irish politics for over three decades. He was first elected to Dáil Éireann in the Fianna Fáil landslide victory in 1977 that saw Jack Lynch returned as Taoiseach. In 1982, Charles Haughey appointed him Government Chief Whip. In volatile political times, he strongly supported Haughey during three challenges to his leadership of Fianna Fáil.In 1987, Bertie Ahern received his first cabinet portfolio as Minister for Labour. It was a time when the Irish economy was in crisis. Ireland had a higher debt per head than Ethiopia or Sudan. Unemployment stood at 16%. Ahern negotiated Ireland's first social partnership agreement, which underpinned economic recovery and put in place the foundations for a period of sustained growth. In 1991, he was appointed Minister for Finance. International commentators first began to refer to 'Ireland's Tiger economy' in this period. When Bertie Ahern left the Department of Finance in late 1994, for the first time in almost 30 years, Ireland had a budget surplus.Bertie Ahern succeeded Albert Reynolds as leader of Fianna Fáil in November 1994. Following the General Election in 1997, he became Ireland's youngest ever Taoiseach. The Ahern Era was a time of unprecedented progress in Irish society. Over the course of his tenure in office, Ireland's economy out-performed that of every other European country. For the first time ever, the number of people in employment in the State reached 2 million.Working closely with Bill Clinton and Tony Blair, Ahern won widespread acclaim for his perseverance and skill in negotiating the Good Friday Agreement, which has provided the political framework for a lasting peace in Northern Ireland.On the international stage, he was a respected figure who enjoyed an acclaimed Presidency of the European Council in 2004. He presided over the completion of the largest ever expansion of the EU and concluded negotiations on a European constitution. He is one of only five visiting statesmen to have addressed both the United States Congress and the Houses of Parliament in Westminster.At home, Ahern enjoyed phenomenal electoral support. He was the first Taoiseach since 1944 to win three successive General Elections.Bertie Ahern resigned on 6th May, 2008. He had served for ten years, ten months and ten days as Taoiseach.

Bertrand Russell and his World

by Ronald Clark

First published in 1981, this is about the life of Bertrand Russell, born when Queen Victoria had nearly three decades still to reign, was one of the most influential of the twentieth century, as well as one of the most controversial. He resolved to write two series of books 'in the philosophy of the sciences and 'on social and political questions ; and for the next three quarters of a century he switched from one to the other in an astonishing range of publications which gave him a position unique among other Englishmen of his time. But the Bertrand Russell of A History of Western Philosophy, the man who put an 'absolute unbridled Titanic passion' into Principia Mathematica, was also a controversial figure on the world stage. He served two prison sentences: the first during the 1914-18 war for making 'statements likely to prejudice His Majesty's relations with the United States of America', the second in 1961, in his 90th year, for inciting the public to civil disobedience. Russell's personal life was as turbulent as his public activities. With the most famous of his mistresses, Lady Ottoline Morrell, he found a 'kind of restfulness and sense of home-coming in her 'aristocratic habits of mind', but he also married no fewer than four times.

Beruf - Politik - Transparenz: Nebentätigkeiten-Regeln für Bundestagsabgeordnete im internationalen Vergleich

by Stephan Malessa

Der Skandal um Nebentätigkeiten von Bundestagsabgeordneten im Jahr 2005 hat gezeigt, wie kritisch die Öffentlichkeit die Finanzierung der politischen Klasse beobachtet. Der Skandal führte zur Einführung von Transparenzregeln, die nicht nur vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht diskutiert wurden. Stephan Malessa untersucht die Systemkonformität der Nebentätigkeiten-Regeln aus politikwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Dabei analysiert er zunächst die Politikbezüge der veröffentlichten Nebentätigkeiten. Darüber hinaus überprüft er durch einen internationalen Vergleich den Zusammenhang zwischen der Professionalisierung von Parlamenten und der Schärfe der jeweiligen Transparenzregeln.

Beruf und Gesellschaft: Ansprüche, Wirklichkeiten und Herausforderungen des Politikunterrichts an Berufsschulen (Politische Bildung)

by Christine Engartner

Im Einklang mit den jüngeren curricularen Entwicklungen offenbart die institutionelle Segmentierung des allgemein- und berufsbildenden Schulwesens eine insbesondere für die Leitfächer der politischen Bildung problematische Verkürzung des (Allgemein-)Bildungsanspruchs. Statt die gesellschaftspolitische Wirkmächtigkeit politischer Bildung zu akzentuieren, dominieren vielfach entpolitisierende „Kammerprüfungen“ den Politikunterricht. Angesichts der wachsenden Kluft zwischen der „politischen Elite“ einerseits und den sozioökonomisch weniger privilegierten Bevölkerungsgruppen andererseits, ist diese Entwicklung nicht nur pädagogisch, sondern auch politisch in besonderer Weise bedenklich. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden im vorliegenden Buch konstitutive Merkmale des Politikunterrichts in der dualen Ausbildung erörtert. Dazu werden historisch gewachsene Strukturen sowie aktuelle curriculare Entwicklungen der politischen Bildung an Berufsschulen problematisiert, um anschließend – ausgehend vom politikdidaktischen Prinzip der Lebensweltorientierung – die Gesellschaftsdeutungen von Auszubildenden hinsichtlich ihrer Teilhabeerfahrungen und -vorstellungen auszuwerten.

Berufliche Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderung: Best Practices aus dem ersten Arbeitsmarkt

by Stephan A. Böhm, Miriam K. Baumgärtner and David J.G. Dwertmann

Die berufliche Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderung ist ein zentrales, jedoch noch zu wenig beachtetes Thema des Personalmanagements. Das vorliegende Buch stellt Best-Practice-Beispiele aus dem ersten Arbeitsmarkt vor. Es entstand am Center for Disability and Integration der Universität St. Gallen (CDI-HSG). Inspiriert durch den „Com(mitment) To Act(ion)“-Wettbewerb werden verschiedenste Unternehmensbeispiele zentralen Handlungsfeldern des Personalmanagements zugeordnet. Hierdurch sollen Führungskräften und Personalverantwortlichen geeignete Konzepte an die Hand gegeben werden, um die Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderung aktiv voran zu treiben.

Berufs- und Arbeitswelt in der politischen Bildung: Über Bildungs- und Berufsvorstellungen Jugendlicher am Ende der Sekundarstufe I in Deutschland und Österreich (Citizenship. Studien zur Politischen Bildung)

by Sarah Straub Iris Baumgardt Dirk Lange

Dieses open access-Buch analysiert den Zusammenhang von Berufsorientierung und politischer Bildung von Jugendlichen. Der Anspruch der Mündigkeitsbildung stellt die Ausgangsposition für die Vorstellungsforschung subjektiver Sinnbilder über die Berufs- und Arbeitswelt von Jugendlichen in der Sekundarstufe I dar. Dabei zeichnen sich Unterschiede in den Vorstellungen entlang der Trennlinien von sozioökonomischem Hintergrund, Herkunft, Geschlecht und Schulform ab. Die empirische Studie liefert wichtige Erkenntnisse zu den Vorstellungen und Handlungsmöglichkeiten von Schüler*innen und hilft zu verstehen, wovon diese abhängen und welche didaktischen Ansätze sich für die Berufsorientierung ableiten lassen.

Berufsbildung, Beruf und Arbeit im gesellschaftlichen Wandel: Zukünfte beruflicher Bildung im 21. Jahrhundert

by Sandra Bohlinger Gero Scheiermann Christian Schmidt

Berufliche Bildung ist wie kein anderer Bildungssektor an Arbeitsmarktentwicklungen gekoppelt. Die Gewährleistung der an sie gerichteten Ansprüche (Bildung, Fachkräftequalifikation, Sozialisation) sind aktueller denn je im berufs- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Fachdiskurs. Vor dem Hintergrund und mit Blick auf die pandemiebedingten arbeitsmarktlichen und sozialstrukturellen Verschiebungen liefert der Band mit theoretischen und empirischen Beiträgen eine Bestandsaufnahme der beruflichen Bildung in Deutschland zu den Schwerpunkten Übergänge und Inklusion junger Menschen, Europäisierung und Internationalisierung beruflicher Bildung, Berufs- und Arbeitsmarktpolitik.

Berufsgewerkschaften in der Offensive: Vom Wandel des deutschen Gewerkschaftsmodells

by Wolfgang Schroeder Viktoria Kalass Samuel Greef

Zuerst die Pilotenvereinigung Cockpit, dann die Ärztegewerkschaft Marburger Bund und zuletzt die Gewerkschaft Deutscher Lokomotivführer: Seit geraumer Zeit sorgen kleine aber mächtige Berufsgewerkschaften für Wirbel in der Öffentlichkeit. Scheinbar mühelos ziehen sie mit hohen Lohnforderungen und großer Streikbereitschaft an den etablierten Branchengewerkschaften vorbei. Wie erklären sich das plötzliche Auftreten und der Erfolg dieser Verbände? Und was lässt sich aus diesen Entwicklungen für die Zukunft des deutschen Gewerkschaftsmodells ableiten? Diese Fragen beantwortet die vorliegende Studie, indem sie in vergleichender Perspektive die Entwicklung von vier berufsbezogenen Organisationen zwischen Kontinuität und Wandel analysiert.

Berufsorientierung Jugendlicher in Deutschland: Erwartungen, Sorgen und Bedarfe (SINUS-Studien)

by Christoph Schleer Marc Calmbach

Wie gut sehen sich Jugendliche auf die berufliche Zukunft vorbereitet? Welche Sorgen machen sie sich? Welche Vorstellungen haben Jugendliche über die Arbeitswelt? Welche Erwartungen richten sie an Beruf und Unternehmen? Wie informieren sie sich über berufliche Optionen und wo haben sie noch Unterstützungsbedarf? Diesen und weiteren Fragen ist das SINUS-Institut mit einer repräsentativen Studie auf den Grund gegangen.Ein zentraler Befund ist, dass die Berufsentscheidung weniger durch „externe“ Faktoren erschwert wird (Noten-Defizite, Druck der Eltern, fehlende Unterstützung), sondern primär auf persönliche Unsicherheiten zurückzuführen ist. Zugespitzt formuliert beschäftigt die Jugendlichen vor allem die folgende Frage: Was will und kann ich eigentlich, und zu welchen Berufen passt das?Auf Basis der Studienergebnisse werden Schlussfolgerungen gezogen und Handlungsempfehlungen formuliert.

Berührbarkeit als conditio humana: Emotionale Phänomene in Hannah Arendts politischem Denken (Praktiken der Subjektivierung #24)

by Héla Hecker

Hannah Arendts leidenschaftliches Denken offenbart sich in ihrem Werk u.a. durch die häufige Nennung emotionaler Phänomene wie Wut, Liebe, Mut oder Mitleid. Bislang wurde diese affektive Argumentationsebene jedoch nicht systematisch untersucht. Héla Hecker argumentiert dafür, dass Arendt Gefühle und Affekte nicht als per se apolitisch, sondern als welteröffnende bzw. -verschließende Artikulationen einer grundsätzlich menschlichen Berührbarkeit bewertet. Das Politische ist der Bereich, in dem diese Berührbarkeit als conditio humana frei und geschützt gelebt werden kann. Gleichzeitig bürgt die Fähigkeit, sich vom Anderen und von der Welt berühren zu lassen, für die Möglichkeit von Freiheit und Neubeginn.

Beschäftigungspolitik!: Argumente zur Neubelebung einer demontierten Strategie (Schriftenreihe der HWP #6)

by Rainer Volkmann

Das Buch setzt sich kritisch mit der erfolglosen Beschäftigungspolitik der EU auseinander. Falsche Konzepte, der Verzicht auf eine expansive Finanzpolitik und die Verpflichtung der EU-Mitglieder auf Konsolidierung und Rückführung des Staates reduzieren Beschäftigungspolitik auf reine Arbeitsmarktpolitik. Deren Rechtfertigungen werden in diesem Buch widerlegt.

Besieged: Seven Cities Under Siege

by J. Bowyer Bell

J. Bowyer Bell's Beseiged is built on the premise that as long as men have constructed walls, other men have tried to scale them. From ancient Jericho and Joshua's trumpet to London and the onslaught of the Luftwaffe, people have always devised cunning weapons, with all the skills at their command, to breach such barriers and invade the camps and fortified places of their enemies.Beseiged is the story of seven great modern sieges: Madrid in the Spanish Civil War; London, Warsaw, Singapore and Stalingrad in World War II; Berlin during the Post World War II Airlift; and Jerusalem under Arab attack from four sides in 1947. Bell, a veteran historian, describes in detail the actual battles involved, clearly demonstrating the universality of sieges and siegecraft and showing that all these beleaguered places have things in common and obey certain basic laws or principles.Bell points out commonalities showing, for example, though no bullets were fired during the Berlin Airlift, the city itself was as much under siege as was Warsaw, where the Polish Underground fought a fierce but hopeless battle against Hitler's Wehrmacht. By the same token, Bell shows though no German infantry ever came close to London, it was nonetheless besieged by aerial squadrons just as surely as Stalingrad was by both German and Russian ground forces. The histories of these sieges are ones of heroism and cowardice, meticulous planning and incredible blunders, all of which can be studied and used even currently in similar situations in either defending, or piercing the defenses of, a location in times of unrest or war.Beseiged is a must-read for those interested in modern conflict pondering the enigma of human endeavor in wall building and breaking involved in siegecraft. A must-read for everyone from military strategist aficionados and historians to science and technology buffs. If it is to be believed the danger of not knowing history is the possibility of unknowingly repeating it, then Beseiged should appear on all required reading lists.

Besieged: Seven Cities Under Siege

by J. Bowyer Bell

J. Bowyer Bell's Beseiged is built on the premise that as long as men have constructed walls, other men have tried to scale them. From ancient Jericho and Joshua's trumpet to London and the onslaught of the Luftwaffe, people have always devised cunning weapons, with all the skills at their command, to breach such barriers and invade the camps and fortified places of their enemies.Beseiged is the story of seven great modern sieges: Madrid in the Spanish Civil War; London, Warsaw, Singapore and Stalingrad in World War II; Berlin during the Post World War II Airlift; and Jerusalem under Arab attack from four sides in 1947. Bell, a veteran historian, describes in detail the actual battles involved, clearly demonstrating the universality of sieges and siegecraft and showing that all these beleaguered places have things in common and obey certain basic laws or principles.Bell points out commonalities showing, for example, though no bullets were fired during the Berlin Airlift, the city itself was as much under siege as was Warsaw, where the Polish Underground fought a fierce but hopeless battle against Hitler's Wehrmacht. By the same token, Bell shows though no German infantry ever came close to London, it was nonetheless besieged by aerial squadrons just as surely as Stalingrad was by both German and Russian ground forces. The histories of these sieges are ones of heroism and cowardice, meticulous planning and incredible blunders, all of which can be studied and used even currently in similar situations in either defending, or piercing the defenses of, a location in times of unrest or war.Beseiged is a must-read for those interested in modern conflict pondering the enigma of human endeavor in wall building and breaking involved in siegecraft. A must-read for everyone from military strategist aficionados and historians to science and technology buffs. If it is to be believed the danger of not knowing history is the possibility of unknowingly repeating it, then Beseiged should appear on all required reading lists.

Beslan: Six stories of the siege

by Sue-Ann Harding

This book is the first, sustained close reading of Russian-language online media accounts of the 2004 Beslan school siege, now seen as a vital turning point in Russia’s approach to terrorism and in the Putin/Medvedev presidencies.

Best American Political Writing 2008

by Royce Flippin

The Best American Political Writing 2008 draws from a variety of publications and political viewpoints to present the year's most insightful, entertaining, and thought-provoking pieces on the current political scene. This year's edition will include full coverage of the presidential candidates and conventions, and will offer incisive reporting on America's most pressing political concerns-from the threat of a looming economic recession, to the continued struggles in Iraq and Afghanistan.Selections will include Jane Mayer's investigation of the various highly coercive interrogation techniques routinely employed by the CIA and the Pentagon, Jonathan Chait's report on how radical economic extremists have hijacked national policy, Andrew Sullivan's article on "Why Barack Obama Matters,” George Packer's analysis of the contrasting appeals of Obama and Hillary Clinton, Parag Khanna on America's struggle to retain its status as the world's great superpower, and John Judis's essay on how politicians wield power by tapping into our deepest anxieties, from such publications as The New Yorker, The New Republic, the Atlantic Monthly, The New York Times Magazine, Esquire, and Vanity Fair.

Best American Political Writing 2009

by Royce Flippin

A must-have anthology for political junkies, Best American Political Writing compiles the year's best political stories from a variety of publications and points of view, in a single, comprehensive volume. Culling from the most memorable reporting of what promises to be a thrilling political year, the 2009 American Political Writing edition will include incisive coverage of the new Obama presidency and its impact nationwide, as well as the most pressing political concerns facing America today-from the depressed economy to our participation in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Best Catholics in the World: The Irish, the Church and the End of a Special Relationship

by Derek Scally

'At once intimate and epic, this is a landmark book' Fintan O'Toole'A great achievement ... Brilliant, engaging and essential' Colm TóibínWhen Dubliner Derek Scally goes to Christmas Eve Mass on a visit home from Berlin, he finds more memories than congregants in the church where he was once an altar boy. Not for the first time, the collapse of the Catholic Church in Ireland brings to mind the fall of another powerful ideology - East German communism. While Germans are engaging earnestly with their past, Scally sees nothing comparable going on in his native land. So he embarks on a quest to unravel the tight hold the Church had on the Irish.He travels the length and breadth of Ireland and across Europe, going to Masses, novenas, shrines and seminaries, talking to those who have abandoned the Church and those who have held on, to survivors and campaigners, to writers, historians, psychologists and many more. And he has probing and revealing encounters with Vatican officials, priests and religious along the way.The Best Catholics in the World is the remarkable result of his three-year journey. With wit, wisdom and compassion Scally gives voice and definition to the murky and difficult questions that face a society coming to terms with its troubling past. It is both a lively personal odyssey and a resonant and gripping work of reporting that is a major contribution to the story of Ireland.______________'A clear-headed account of a changing country and a provocative insight into a time that many would rather forget' John Boyne'An engaging and incisive book that asks what keeping the faith cost us, how it shaped us and what it means now' Caelainn Hogan, author of Republic of Shame'Remarkable ... Essential reading for anyone concerned about history and forgetting' Michael Harding'Offers some challenging end-of-an-era reflections on being Catholic in the scandal-ridden church of contemporary Ireland' Mary McAleese

Best Development Practices: Doing the Right Thing and Making Money at the Same Time

by Reid Ewing

The author draws upon case examples of some of today's most acclaimed developments in this book, and recommends best practice guidelines to help developers create vibrant, livable communities-and still make money. For years, Florida's planners and developers have had to deal with some of the most difficult growth management problems. Now planners and developers across the nation can benefit from the valuable lessons Florida offers on combating urban sprawl. Ewing first searched the state for the best contemporary developments, then distilled their lessons into guidelines for directing new development and assessing the quality of existing development. The 43 practices outlined in this exciting book cover four areas of development-land use, transportation, the environment, and housing. They apply to a broad range of development projects, including small planned communities, residential subdivisions, and commercial centers. The book's recommendations are based upon the experiences of successful developers and supported by empirical research. The proof lies in the compelling real-world examples Ewing highlights throughout the text. Illustrated with dozens of photographs and written in a lively style, this book is must reading for all those seeking better ways to plan and design communities. Developers will find proven, feasible land development regulations and benchmarks against which to evaluate development proposals.

Best Development Practices: Doing the Right Thing and Making Money at the Same Time

by Reid Ewing

The author draws upon case examples of some of today's most acclaimed developments in this book, and recommends best practice guidelines to help developers create vibrant, livable communities-and still make money. For years, Florida's planners and developers have had to deal with some of the most difficult growth management problems. Now planners and developers across the nation can benefit from the valuable lessons Florida offers on combating urban sprawl. Ewing first searched the state for the best contemporary developments, then distilled their lessons into guidelines for directing new development and assessing the quality of existing development. The 43 practices outlined in this exciting book cover four areas of development-land use, transportation, the environment, and housing. They apply to a broad range of development projects, including small planned communities, residential subdivisions, and commercial centers. The book's recommendations are based upon the experiences of successful developers and supported by empirical research. The proof lies in the compelling real-world examples Ewing highlights throughout the text. Illustrated with dozens of photographs and written in a lively style, this book is must reading for all those seeking better ways to plan and design communities. Developers will find proven, feasible land development regulations and benchmarks against which to evaluate development proposals.

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