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The Paradoxes of Planning: A Psycho-Analytical Perspective (New Directions In Planning Theory Ser.)

by Sara Westin

Why is it that modern architects and planners - these benevolent and socially visionary experts - have created environments that can make one feel so uneasy? Using a philosophical and psycho-analytical approach, this book critically examines expert knowledge within architecture and urban planning. Its point of departure is the gap between visions and realities, intentions and outcomes in planning, with particular focus on projects in Sweden that try to create an urban atmosphere. Finding insights from the work of Sigmund Freud and his followers, the book argues that urban planning during the 20th century is a neurotic activity prone to produce a type of alienation. Besides trying to understand the gap between intentions and outcomes in planning, the book also discusses how to define the concept of the urban, juxtaposing different knowledge traditions; contrasting the positivistic theory of space syntax with poetic-dialectical approaches, the planner view of the city with that of the flâneur, examining texts by Virginia Woolf and August Strindberg.

Paradoxes of Post-Mao Rural Reform: Initial Steps toward a New Chinese Countryside, 1976-1981

by Warren Sun Frederick C. Teiwes

The decollectivization of Chinese agriculture in the early post-Mao period is widely recognized as a critical part of the overall reform program. But the political process leading to this outcome is poorly understood. A number of approaches have dominated the existing literature: 1) a power/policy struggle between Hua Guofeng’s alleged neo-Maoists and Deng Xiaoping’s reform coalition; 2) the power of the peasants; and 3) the leading role of provincial reformers. The first has no validity, while second and third must be viewed through more complex lenses. This study provides a new interpretation challenging conventional wisdom. Its key finding is that a game changer emerged in spring 1980 at the time Deng replaced Hua as CCP leader, but the significant change in policy was not a product of any clash between these two leaders. Instead, Deng endorsed Zhao Ziyang’s policy initiative that shifted emphasis away from Hua’s pro-peasant policy of increased resources to the countryside, to a pro-state policy that reduced the rural burden on national coffers. To replace the financial resources, policy measures including household farming were implemented with considerable provincial variations. The major unexpected production increases in 1982 confirmed the arrival of decollectivization as the template on the ground. The dynamics of this policy change has never been adequately explained. Paradoxes of Post-Mao Rural Reform offers a deep empirical study of critical developments involving politics from the highest levels in Beijing to China’s villages, and in the process challenges many broader accepted interpretations of the politics of reform. It is essential reading for students and scholars of contemporary Chinese political history.

Paradoxes of Post-Mao Rural Reform: Initial Steps toward a New Chinese Countryside, 1976-1981

by Warren Sun Frederick C. Teiwes

The decollectivization of Chinese agriculture in the early post-Mao period is widely recognized as a critical part of the overall reform program. But the political process leading to this outcome is poorly understood. A number of approaches have dominated the existing literature: 1) a power/policy struggle between Hua Guofeng’s alleged neo-Maoists and Deng Xiaoping’s reform coalition; 2) the power of the peasants; and 3) the leading role of provincial reformers. The first has no validity, while second and third must be viewed through more complex lenses. This study provides a new interpretation challenging conventional wisdom. Its key finding is that a game changer emerged in spring 1980 at the time Deng replaced Hua as CCP leader, but the significant change in policy was not a product of any clash between these two leaders. Instead, Deng endorsed Zhao Ziyang’s policy initiative that shifted emphasis away from Hua’s pro-peasant policy of increased resources to the countryside, to a pro-state policy that reduced the rural burden on national coffers. To replace the financial resources, policy measures including household farming were implemented with considerable provincial variations. The major unexpected production increases in 1982 confirmed the arrival of decollectivization as the template on the ground. The dynamics of this policy change has never been adequately explained. Paradoxes of Post-Mao Rural Reform offers a deep empirical study of critical developments involving politics from the highest levels in Beijing to China’s villages, and in the process challenges many broader accepted interpretations of the politics of reform. It is essential reading for students and scholars of contemporary Chinese political history.

Paradoxes of Power: U.S. Foreign Policy in a Changing World

by David Skidmore

This book provides a lively and readable introduction to current debates over U.S. power and purpose in world affairs. The end of the Cold War launched a new era in U.S. foreign policy. The United States entered a period of unprecedented global power, but one also characterized by new conflicts, challenges, and controversies. The terrorist attacks of 9/11 and the subsequent U.S. military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq cast a spotlight on continuing debates over how the United States should best use its considerable international power to secure safety for Americans and stability in the world. These debates involve two crucial questions: Should U.S. foreign policy focus on securing vital interests that are narrowly defined, or should the United States seek to spread U.S. institutions and values to other societies? Should the United States exercise maximum independence in the exercise of U.S. power abroad or work principally through multilateral institutions? This book brings together many different voices to answer these questions and to add to our understanding of the issues. Contributors include: Andrew J. Bacevich, Max Boot, Stephen G. Brooks, Ralph G. Carter, Robert F. Ellsworth, Niall Ferguson, Francis Fukuyama, Philip H. Gordon, Christopher Hitchens, James F. Hoge Jr., Michael Ignatieff, G. John Ikenberry, John B. Judis, Robert Kagan, Charles Krauthammer, Christopher Layne, Michael Mandelbaum, Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Minxin Pei, PEW Center for the People and the Press, Jeffrey Record, Paul W. Schroeder, Todd S. Sechser, Dimitri K. Simes, Stephen M. Walt, The White House, William C. Wohlforth

Paradoxes of Power: U.S. Foreign Policy in a Changing World (International Studies Intensives Ser.)

by David Skidmore

This book provides a lively and readable introduction to current debates over U.S. power and purpose in world affairs. The end of the Cold War launched a new era in U.S. foreign policy. The United States entered a period of unprecedented global power, but one also characterized by new conflicts, challenges, and controversies. The terrorist attacks of 9/11 and the subsequent U.S. military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq cast a spotlight on continuing debates over how the United States should best use its considerable international power to secure safety for Americans and stability in the world. These debates involve two crucial questions: Should U.S. foreign policy focus on securing vital interests that are narrowly defined, or should the United States seek to spread U.S. institutions and values to other societies? Should the United States exercise maximum independence in the exercise of U.S. power abroad or work principally through multilateral institutions? This book brings together many different voices to answer these questions and to add to our understanding of the issues. Contributors include: Andrew J. Bacevich, Max Boot, Stephen G. Brooks, Ralph G. Carter, Robert F. Ellsworth, Niall Ferguson, Francis Fukuyama, Philip H. Gordon, Christopher Hitchens, James F. Hoge Jr., Michael Ignatieff, G. John Ikenberry, John B. Judis, Robert Kagan, Charles Krauthammer, Christopher Layne, Michael Mandelbaum, Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Minxin Pei, PEW Center for the People and the Press, Jeffrey Record, Paul W. Schroeder, Todd S. Sechser, Dimitri K. Simes, Stephen M. Walt, The White House, William C. Wohlforth

Paradoxes of Strategic Intelligence: Essays in Honor of Michael I. Handel

by Richard K. Betts Thomas Mahnken

Part of a three part collection in honour of the teachings of Michael I. Handel, one of the foremost strategists of the late 20th century, this collection explores the paradoxes of intelligence analysis, surprise and deception from both historical and theoretical perspectives.

Paradoxes of Strategic Intelligence: Essays in Honor of Michael I. Handel

by Richard K. Betts Thomas G. Mahnken

Part of a three part collection in honour of the teachings of Michael I. Handel, one of the foremost strategists of the late 20th century, this collection explores the paradoxes of intelligence analysis, surprise and deception from both historical and theoretical perspectives.

Paradoxes of the Popular: Crowd Politics in Bangladesh (South Asia in Motion)

by Nusrat Sabina Chowdhury

Few places are as politically precarious as Bangladesh, even fewer as crowded. Its 57,000 or so square miles are some of the world's most inhabited. Often described as a definitive case of the bankruptcy of postcolonial governance, it is also one of the poorest among the most densely populated nations. In spite of an overriding anxiety of exhaustion, there are a few important caveats to the familiar feelings of despair—a growing economy, and an uneven, yet robust, nationalist sentiment—which, together, generate revealing paradoxes. In this book, Nusrat Sabina Chowdhury offers insight into what she calls "the paradoxes of the popular," or the constitutive contradictions of popular politics. The focus here is on mass protests, long considered the primary medium of meaningful change in this part of the world. Chowdhury writes provocatively about political life in Bangladesh in a rich ethnography that studies some of the most consequential protests of the last decade, spanning both rural and urban Bangladesh. By making the crowd its starting point and analytical locus, this book tacks between multiple sites of public political gatherings and pays attention to the ephemeral and often accidental configurations of the crowd. Ultimately, Chowdhury makes an original case for the crowd as a defining feature and a foundational force of democratic practices in South Asia and beyond.

Paradoxical Effects of Social Behavior: Essays in Honor of Anatol Rapoport

by A. Diekmann P. Mitter

In the history of science "paradoxes" are not only amusing puzzles and chal­ lenges to the human mind but also driving forces of scientific development. The notion of "paradox" is intimately related to the notion of "contradiction". Logi­ cal paradoxes allow for the derivation of contradictory propositions (e.g. "Rus­ sell's set of all sets not being members of themselves" or the ancient problem with propositions like "I am lying" 1), normative paradoxes deal with contradic­ tions among equally well accepted normative postulates (Arrow's "impossibility theorem", Sen's "Impossibility of a Paretian Liberal") and "factual" paradoxes refer to conflicts between conventional opinion based on an accepted empirical theory and contradictory empirical evidence (e.g. the "St. Petersburg paradox" or the "Allais paradox" in decision theory2). Paradoxes, either logical, normative or factual, also contradict our intui­ tions. The counter-intuitive property which seems to be a common feature of all paradoxes plays an important part in the empirical social sciences, particularly in the old research tradition of scrutinizing the unintended consequences of pur­ posive actions. Expectations based on naive theories ignoring interdependencies between individual actions are very often in conflict with "surprising" empirical evidence on collective results of social behavior. Examples are numerous reach­ ing from panic situations, the individual struggle for status gains resulting in collective deprivation, the less than optimal supply of collective goods etc. to global problems of the armament race and mismanagement of common resources.

Paradoxical Japaneseness: Cultural Representation in 21st Century Japanese Cinema

by Andrew Dorman

This book offers insightful analysis of cultural representation in Japanese cinema of the early 21st century. The impact of transnational production practices on films such as Dolls (2002), Sukiyaki Western Django (2007), Tetsuo: The Bullet Man (2009), and 13 Assassins (2010) is considered through textual and empirical analysis. The author discusses contradictory forms of cultural representation – cultural concealment and cultural performance – and their relationship to both changing practices in the Japanese film industry and the global film market. Case studies take into account popular genres such as J Horror and jidaigeki period films, as well as the work of renowned filmmakers Takeshi Kitano, Takashi Miike, Shinya Tsukamoto and Kiyoshi Kurosawa.

Paradoxical Right-Wing Sexual Politics in Europe (Global Queer Politics)

by Cornelia Möser Jennifer Ramme Judit Takács

How did far-right, hateful and anti-democratic ideologies become so successful in many societies in Europe? This volume analyses the paradoxical roles sexual politics have played in this process and reveals that the incoherence and untruthfulness in right-wing populist, ultraconservative and far-right rhetorics of fear are not necessarily signs of weakness. Instead, the authors show how the far right can profit from its own incoherence by generating fear and creating discourses of crisis for which they are ready to offer simple solutions. In studies on Poland, Hungary, Spain, Italy, Austria, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Portugal, France, Sweden and Russia, the ways far-right ideologies travel and take root are analysed from a multi-disciplinary perspective, including feminist and LGBTQI reactions. Understanding how hateful and antidemocratic ideologies enter the very centre of European societies is a necessary premise for developing successful counterstrategies.

Paradoxical Urbanism: Anti-Urban Currents in Modern Urbanism

by Malcolm Miles

Modernist urbanism seems progressive, even Utopian: design for a better world through a democratic and humane built environment. But two currents undermine this vision from within: an Arcadianism which turns to a rural idyll as retreat from change and the effects of industrialization; and an instrumentalism by which the humane vision becomes prescriptive and anti-democratic. Malcolm Miles argues that these two currents undermine modernism’s progressive vision. This book examines the roots of modernist urbanism in the seamless, self-contained systems of Cartesian space; and identifies contradictions within modernist urbanism in its instrumentalism and reliance on de-politicised professional expertise. Miles adroitly reviews the postmodern culture of industrial ruinscapes; and posits that if cities are to be places of proximity, diversity, mobility and agency, this will require a move from modernist instrumentalism to a creative and radically democratic co-production of the built environment.

Paradoxien des Verbraucherverhaltens: Dokumentation der Jahreskonferenz 2017 des Netzwerks Verbraucherforschung

by Birgit Blättel-Mink Peter Kenning

Dieses Buch informiert sie eingehend über die VerbraucherforschungDas Konsumentenverhalten ist für Unternehmen eine wichtige Kennzahl, um Marketingstrategien erfolgreich gestalten zu können. Nur wer seine Zielgruppe kennt, kann auf deren Bedürfnisse und Wünsche eingehen. Die wissenschaftliche Konferenz des Netzwerks Verbraucherforschung aus dem Jahr 2017 hatte zum Ziel, Paradoxien, Widersprüche und Ambivalenzen im Consumer Behaviour aufzudecken. Die Ergebnisse der Konferenz wurden in diesem Buch zur Verbraucherforschung festgehalten und analysiert.Neben der Thematisierung des verbraucherwissenschaftlichen Kontextes waren auch Sprecher aus der Politik an der Konferenz beteiligt. Aus diesem Grund werden auch die politischen Konsequenzen des Verhaltens von Verbrauchern in diesem Tagungsband diskutiert. Das Buch über die Verbraucherforschung berücksichtigt aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse. Gleichzeitig identifiziert es Forschungspotentiale für die Zukunft. Den Autoren ist es wichtig, nicht nur Wissenschaftlern einen Zugang zu diesem Wissen und den Erfahrungen zu liefern, sondern auch praxisbezogene Leser anzusprechen.Folgende Thematiken werden behandelt:Privatheit und Datenschutz beim Online-ShoppingParadoxien der Nutzung von IT-SystemenDas Spannungsverhältnis von Mode und nachhaltigem KonsumWidersprüche der Digitalisierung und des nachhaltigen KonsumsVerbraucherpolitische ImplikationenKonsequenzen für die Verbraucher- und KonsumforschungDie Podiumsdiskussionen der Konferenz von 2017 werden in diesem Buch zur Verbraucherforschung aus allen Sichten dargestellt, sodass der Leser ein differenziertes Bild aktueller Diskussionen erhält.

Paraguay: The Personalist Legacy

by Riordan Roett Richard S Sacks

The shots fired during the early morning hours of February 3, 1989, at the Asuncion headquarters of the presidential escort battalion presented the planet with its first blood-and-steel evidence that the year would be recorded, like 1848, as one of universal human liberation. The deposed government of Alfredo Stroessner had held power in Paraguay for close to 35 years, a political longevity then surpassed only by Bulgaria's Todor Zhivkov, North Korea's Kim ll-song, and Jordan's King Hussein.

Paraguay: The Personalist Legacy

by Riordan Roett Richard S Sacks

The shots fired during the early morning hours of February 3, 1989, at the Asuncion headquarters of the presidential escort battalion presented the planet with its first blood-and-steel evidence that the year would be recorded, like 1848, as one of universal human liberation. The deposed government of Alfredo Stroessner had held power in Paraguay for close to 35 years, a political longevity then surpassed only by Bulgaria's Todor Zhivkov, North Korea's Kim ll-song, and Jordan's King Hussein.

Parallax: 13.1

by Igor Cassar Mark Dawson Eve Kalyva

This book presents themed issues to provoke exploratory, interdisciplinary thinking and response. It provides a forum for a wide spectrum of perspectives on a topical question or concern. The book will be of interest to those working in cultural studies, critical theory, and cultural history.

Parallax: 13.1

by Igor Cassar Mark Dawson Eve Kalyva

This book presents themed issues to provoke exploratory, interdisciplinary thinking and response. It provides a forum for a wide spectrum of perspectives on a topical question or concern. The book will be of interest to those working in cultural studies, critical theory, and cultural history.

Parallax of Growth: The Philosophy of Ecology and Economy

by Ole Bjerg

Parallax of Growth explores the ideas of economy and ecology and the factors that have put them on a collision course. Bjerg argues that our current mode of economic organization is characterized by an inherent 'debt drive', whereby the creation of money through the issuance of commercial bank credit has locked our economy into a vicious circle of forced growth and increasing debt. Parallax of Growth is not a catalogue of solutions to the ecological or the economic crisis. The book aims to shift the inquiry from 'what shall we do?' to 'why have we not already done it?' In order to address the challenges of our contemporary times of crisis, we need to understand how the idea of growth is deeply ingrained in the ideology as well as the organization of our society. The book aims to open the space for philosophical thinking about this important issue.

Parallax of Growth: The Philosophy of Ecology and Economy

by Ole Bjerg

Parallax of Growth explores the ideas of economy and ecology and the factors that have put them on a collision course. Bjerg argues that our current mode of economic organization is characterized by an inherent 'debt drive', whereby the creation of money through the issuance of commercial bank credit has locked our economy into a vicious circle of forced growth and increasing debt. Parallax of Growth is not a catalogue of solutions to the ecological or the economic crisis. The book aims to shift the inquiry from 'what shall we do?' to 'why have we not already done it?' In order to address the challenges of our contemporary times of crisis, we need to understand how the idea of growth is deeply ingrained in the ideology as well as the organization of our society. The book aims to open the space for philosophical thinking about this important issue.

Parallel Cultures: Majority/Minority Relations in the Countries of the Former Eastern Bloc

by Christopher Lord Olga Strietska-Ilina

This title was first published in 2001. This stimulating and well-written text is particularly suitable as a subsidiary text for courses in politics, sociology and ethnic studies.

Parallel Cultures: Majority/Minority Relations in the Countries of the Former Eastern Bloc

by Christopher Lord Olga Strietska-Ilina

This title was first published in 2001. This stimulating and well-written text is particularly suitable as a subsidiary text for courses in politics, sociology and ethnic studies.

Parallel Lives: Romans and the American Founders

by Karl Baughman Brook Poston

This book compares selected Romans of the late Republic with American Founders in the style of Plutarch, encouraging readers to rethink how we view heroes and villains and their conceptions of republicanism. Through entertaining yet informative short comparisons, this volume demonstrates the humanity of heroes and villains from different times and places through their often idiosyncratic similarities and differences. Readers gain not only a fuller understanding of the late Roman and early American Republics and their leaders but also an appreciation for comparative biography in its ability to make connections across the human experience. The book provides a way to connect two different areas of study, focusing on how republicanism shaped both Romans and American Founders and providing a previously unexplored contribution to a growing trend of broadening historical exposure. In doing so, Baughman and Poston demonstrate the continued need for connecting different fields of history while also helping students understand their connection to the ancient past. This book is suitable for students and scholars interested in the late Roman and the early American Republics and also appeals to readers of varied interests across historical times and places, particularly those studying the connections between the classical past and modern world.

Parallel Lives: Romans and the American Founders

by Karl Baughman Brook Poston

This book compares selected Romans of the late Republic with American Founders in the style of Plutarch, encouraging readers to rethink how we view heroes and villains and their conceptions of republicanism. Through entertaining yet informative short comparisons, this volume demonstrates the humanity of heroes and villains from different times and places through their often idiosyncratic similarities and differences. Readers gain not only a fuller understanding of the late Roman and early American Republics and their leaders but also an appreciation for comparative biography in its ability to make connections across the human experience. The book provides a way to connect two different areas of study, focusing on how republicanism shaped both Romans and American Founders and providing a previously unexplored contribution to a growing trend of broadening historical exposure. In doing so, Baughman and Poston demonstrate the continued need for connecting different fields of history while also helping students understand their connection to the ancient past. This book is suitable for students and scholars interested in the late Roman and the early American Republics and also appeals to readers of varied interests across historical times and places, particularly those studying the connections between the classical past and modern world.

Parallel Patterns of Shrinking Cities and Urban Growth: Spatial Planning for Sustainable Development of City Regions and Rural Areas

by Rocky Piro

Focussing particularly on urban fringe and rural areas, this book addresses the parallel phenomena of growth and decline. In doing so, it not only broadens a debate which generally concentrates on urban municipalities, especially inner city areas, but also covers new ground by starting to build a new theoretical framework for the spatial planning related assessment of these phenomena. Bringing together contributions from internationally renowned authors, such as Sir Peter Hall, Steve Ward and Johann Jessen, the book compares international case studies and highlights their relationships with one another. It concludes by emphasizing common themes that are addressed, as well as showing applicability to other urban and rural regions. Overall, the book provides a timely and comprehensive analysis of the spatial consequences and related spatial planning concepts in theory and practice which aim to further sustainable development of city regions, urban fringe and rural areas experiencing growth and decline.

Parallel Patterns of Shrinking Cities and Urban Growth: Spatial Planning for Sustainable Development of City Regions and Rural Areas

by Rocky Piro

Focussing particularly on urban fringe and rural areas, this book addresses the parallel phenomena of growth and decline. In doing so, it not only broadens a debate which generally concentrates on urban municipalities, especially inner city areas, but also covers new ground by starting to build a new theoretical framework for the spatial planning related assessment of these phenomena. Bringing together contributions from internationally renowned authors, such as Sir Peter Hall, Steve Ward and Johann Jessen, the book compares international case studies and highlights their relationships with one another. It concludes by emphasizing common themes that are addressed, as well as showing applicability to other urban and rural regions. Overall, the book provides a timely and comprehensive analysis of the spatial consequences and related spatial planning concepts in theory and practice which aim to further sustainable development of city regions, urban fringe and rural areas experiencing growth and decline.

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