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Showing 78,451 through 78,475 of 100,000 results

Parlamentarismus oder Richterstaat?: Beeinflussung des politischen Prozesses durch deutsche Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit als demokratietheoretisches Problem (Staat – Souveränität – Nation)

by Daniel Hildebrand

Parlamentarische Herrschaft selbst lässt sich durch gerichtliche Verwaltungskontrolle soweit brechen und wird zugleich justiziell derart übertroffen, dass Demokratie insgesamt gestört wird, lautet die Ausgangsvermutung dieser Studie. Das Buch enthält wesentlich drei Bereiche: Nachdem zunächst in einem eingehenden methodischen Teil die Eigengesetzlichkeit juristischer Methode gewürdigt und nach Legitimitätsgründen von Rechtsprechung geforscht worden ist, werden Urteilstexte aus dem Blickwinkel des Politischen untersucht: Leitend ist hierbei die Frage, inwieweit im weitesten Sinne die Sphäre parlamentarischer Macht berührt wird und demokratietheoretische Probleme entstehen. Sodann wird eine Synthese der gefundenen Erkenntnisse formuliert. Dabei werden auch ideen- und geisteshistorische Hintergründe berücksichtigt. Durchgehend wird als Folie das Modell der Westminster-Demokratie kontrastiv genutzt. Abgeschlossen wird die Studie mit 23 Thesen. Die Grundsätzlichkeit des Dilemmas von Rechtsstaat und parlamentarischer Demokratie adressiert jeden politisch gebildeten und interessierten Staatsbürger als Leser. Die Forschungsstudie spricht primär Wissenschaftler, aber auch Journalisten, Juristen, Lehrer und Politiker an sowie alle diejenigen, die dem politischen Prozess in irgendeiner Art verbunden sind.

Parlamentarismus ohne Transparenz (Kritik #3)

by Prof. Dr. Steffani

Parlamente und ihre Funktionen: Institutionelle Mechanismen und institutionelles Lernen im Vergleich

by Werner J. Patzelt

Dieser Band setzt die in 'Parlamente und ihre Symbolik' (Westdeutscher Verlag 2001) begonnene 'institutionelle Analyse' von Vertretungskörperschaften fort. Standen dort die symbolischen Parlamentsfunktionen im Mittelpunkt, sind es nun die instrumentellen. Über die traditionelle Funktionsanalyse geht der hier durchgeführte Ansatz hinaus, indem er einesteils die zur Funktionserfüllung genutzten institutionellen Mechanismen vergleichend herausarbeitet und andernteils die Entwicklung sowohl von Parlamentsfunktionen als auch von institutionellen Mechanismen evolutionsanalytisch als Prozess institutionellen Lernens untersucht. Um aussagekräftige Befunde auf eine möglichst große Vielfalt von Vertretungskörperschaften zu gründen, werden ganz verschiedenartige Institutionen verglichen: liberaldemokratische vs. sozialistische Parlamente am Beispiel von französischer Nationalversammlung und Volkskammer der DDR, bundesstaatliche Vertretungskörperschaften aus föderaler vs. ständischer Wurzel am Beispiel von deutschem Bundesrat und kanadischem Senat, sowie als ziemlich neuartige und noch im Werden befindliche Institution das Europäische Parlament.

Parliament and Conscience (Routledge Library Editions: Government)

by Peter G. Richards

Originally published in 1970, this book has a dual purpose. Firstly, it is a study of how Parliament works when the party whips are withdrawn. The author shows how backbenchers can create legislation of great importance; he demonstrates the obstacles, political and procedural to social reform; he relates the votes of MPs to their personal characteristics e.g. age, religion and occupation, and he argues that Parliament achieves a fresh vigour and authority when MPs think and act independently of party policy. Secondly, Parliament and Conscience analyses 6 major controversies in British society in the late 20th Century: the death penalty, homosexuality, abortion, theatre censorship, divorce and Sunday entertainment.

Parliament and Conscience (Routledge Library Editions: Government)

by Peter G. Richards

Originally published in 1970, this book has a dual purpose. Firstly, it is a study of how Parliament works when the party whips are withdrawn. The author shows how backbenchers can create legislation of great importance; he demonstrates the obstacles, political and procedural to social reform; he relates the votes of MPs to their personal characteristics e.g. age, religion and occupation, and he argues that Parliament achieves a fresh vigour and authority when MPs think and act independently of party policy. Secondly, Parliament and Conscience analyses 6 major controversies in British society in the late 20th Century: the death penalty, homosexuality, abortion, theatre censorship, divorce and Sunday entertainment.

Parliament and Convention in the Personal Rule of James V of Scotland, 1528–1542

by Amy Blakeway

This book, based on a fresh understanding of Scottish governmental records rooted in extensive archival research, offers the first study of these important institutions in a period of revived royal authority. The regime which emerges from these records is one which understood the power of consultation, adroitly using a range of groups from full parliaments to conventions of specialists and experts selected to deal with the matter in hand. Policies were crafted through not one single meeting but several types of gathering, ranging from small groups when secrecy was of the essence or complex details required to be hammered out, to elaborate large gatherings when the regime employed a performative strategy to disseminate information or legitimise its policies. Still more impressively, much of this was managed in the King’s absence – James remained at a distance from many of these gatherings, relying on key officials such as the Chancellor or Clerk Register to relay counsel and the royal will. This emphasis on specialised, frequent consultation reflects concurrent developments in the council, whilst relocating debate surrounding the development of state and administrative structures in Scotland traditionally located in the late sixteenth-century into the 1530s. In tackling the development of parliament in Scotland and placing it in its proper context amongst many different forms of consultative meeting this book also speaks to subjects of European-wide concern: how far early modern Parliaments were used to impose or resist religious change, the pace of state formation, monarchical power and relations between monarchs and their subjects.

Parliament and Diaspora in Europe (Europe in Transition: The NYU European Studies Series)

by M. Laguerre

This book analyzes the unfolding of a new institutional phenomenon: the cosmonational parliament of the cross-border nation and the expanded state, focusing on three European national parliaments, namely the French Senate, the Italian Chamber of Representatives and Senate, and the Croatian unicameral parliament.

Parliament and Parliamentarism: A Comparative History of a European Concept (European Conceptual History #2)

by Pasi Ihalainen Cornelia Ilie Kari Palonen

Parliamentary theory, practices, discourses, and institutions constitute a distinctively European contribution to modern politics. Taking a broad historical perspective, this cross-disciplinary, innovative, and rigorous collection locates the essence of parliamentarism in four key aspects—deliberation, representation, responsibility, and sovereignty—and explores the different ways in which they have been contested, reshaped, and implemented in a series of representative national and regional case studies. As one of the first comparative studies in conceptual history, this volume focuses on debates about the nature of parliament and parliamentarism within and across different European countries, representative institutions, and genres of political discourse.

Parliament and the People: The Reality and the Public Perception (Routledge Revivals)

by Philip Laundy

First published in 1997, this book provides an assessment of the main issues and deliberations of the Wilton Park Conference, based largely on the theme of standards in public life and consideration of measures which may be taken to allay public concern of their erosion. The book is a paraphrased report of the deliberations, together with evaluation and commentary. The conference attended by parliamentarians (including presiding officers in ministerial positions), senior civil servants, parliamentary staff, journalists and others from a wide range of countries, most but not all being Commonwealth members.

Parliament and the People: The Reality and the Public Perception (Routledge Revivals)

by Philip Laundy

First published in 1997, this book provides an assessment of the main issues and deliberations of the Wilton Park Conference, based largely on the theme of standards in public life and consideration of measures which may be taken to allay public concern of their erosion. The book is a paraphrased report of the deliberations, together with evaluation and commentary. The conference attended by parliamentarians (including presiding officers in ministerial positions), senior civil servants, parliamentary staff, journalists and others from a wide range of countries, most but not all being Commonwealth members.

Parliament and the Public

by Edmund Marshall

Parliament in British Politics (Contemporary Political Studies)

by Philip Norton

This fully revised new edition includes expanded coverage of Parliament's relationship with the courts, devolved assemblies and the European Union. Distinctively, the book goes beyond the usual focus of Parliament-Government relations to encompass policy-makers beyond Whitehall and Parliament's broader relationship with citizens.

Parliament In British Politics (PDF)

by Philip Norton

This fully revised new edition includes expanded coverage of Parliament's relationship with the courts, devolved assemblies and the European Union. Distinctively, the book goes beyond the usual focus of Parliament-Government relations to encompass policy-makers beyond Whitehall and Parliament's broader relationship with citizens.

Parliament in Ethiopia: Participation, Representation and Resistance (African Governance)

by Mercy Fekadu Mulugeta

African legislatures remain understudied, yet democratisation, development and peacebuilding all depend on these key political institutions. This book provides an in-depth analysis of Ethiopia’s parliament, a country of key political and strategic importance to the whole region. In 1931, Ethiopia’s monarchical government introduced a system of parliamentary democracy with seemingly contradictory objectives; it wanted to legitimize its rule in a changing world, and also needed to provide a respectable retirement vocation (as senators and deputies) to sections of the aristocracy it ousted from power. This paradox of recognizing the parliament as essential to modern governance yet deliberately seeking weak institutions that are unable or unwilling to challenge those in power continues to haunt the parliament to this day. Ethiopia continues to struggle to maintain political stability, and the separation of power between government and parliament and a system of checks and balances are yet to substantially flourish. Drawing on extensive original data gathered from interviews and surveys, this book investigates the legal and practical status of federal representative institutions in Ethiopia from 1931 up to and including 2021. It delves into the rules and routines of parliament, its contextually and historically grounded culture of representation, and the techniques of manoeuvring executive bureaucracies. The book also aims to understand the extent of civil dis/engagement and the perceptions and role of citizens in shaping parliament, and how the mandates and functions of individual MPs are also determined by cultural and socio-economic factors such as gender, population, inequality and conflict. This book’s in-depth and original analysis will be of interest to researchers across African studies, politics, development, and governance.

Parliament in Ethiopia: Participation, Representation and Resistance (African Governance)

by Mercy Fekadu Mulugeta

African legislatures remain understudied, yet democratisation, development and peacebuilding all depend on these key political institutions. This book provides an in-depth analysis of Ethiopia’s parliament, a country of key political and strategic importance to the whole region. In 1931, Ethiopia’s monarchical government introduced a system of parliamentary democracy with seemingly contradictory objectives; it wanted to legitimize its rule in a changing world, and also needed to provide a respectable retirement vocation (as senators and deputies) to sections of the aristocracy it ousted from power. This paradox of recognizing the parliament as essential to modern governance yet deliberately seeking weak institutions that are unable or unwilling to challenge those in power continues to haunt the parliament to this day. Ethiopia continues to struggle to maintain political stability, and the separation of power between government and parliament and a system of checks and balances are yet to substantially flourish. Drawing on extensive original data gathered from interviews and surveys, this book investigates the legal and practical status of federal representative institutions in Ethiopia from 1931 up to and including 2021. It delves into the rules and routines of parliament, its contextually and historically grounded culture of representation, and the techniques of manoeuvring executive bureaucracies. The book also aims to understand the extent of civil dis/engagement and the perceptions and role of citizens in shaping parliament, and how the mandates and functions of individual MPs are also determined by cultural and socio-economic factors such as gender, population, inequality and conflict. This book’s in-depth and original analysis will be of interest to researchers across African studies, politics, development, and governance.

Parliament Ltd: A journey to the dark heart of British politics

by Martin Williams

'Eye-popping analysis of politicians' finances... a ground-breaking study... a fascinating and important work.' Sunday Times'Immaculately researched... A powerful reminder that reporters can serve the public good... Should make journalists proud - and may even help to make the world a better place' Peter Oborne, New StatesmanWho do our politicians work for? The public, or big business? If you want to understand why British politics isn't working, the first place to start is here. Parliament Ltd reveals the financial interests that British politicians would rather you didn't hear about. From banks and private corporations, to lobbying and the arms trade, there are MPs making millions by moonlighting in second jobs. Where does their loyalty belong - to us or to their paymasters? Meanwhile - years after the expenses scandal - they are now claiming more than ever before. In his enthralling journey to the dark heart of British politics, Martin Williams exposes a hidden, shocking culture of greed and corruption.

The Parliament of Bangladesh (Routledge Revivals)

by Nizam Ahmed

This title was first published in 2002: This comprehensive account of the growth, decline and resurgence of parliament in Bangladesh examines the ’new’ parliament that have been elected in Bangladesh since the 1990s. It identifies key dimensions of their activities such as the nature of legizlation passed, the types of issues raised, the strategies that members have adopted to get things done, the techniques they have used to resolve conflicts and the measures they have taken to strengthen the parliament. Examining the role of the opposition MPs and government back benchers in the parliamentary process, Nizam Ahmed also provides an insightful guide to the factors that influence behaviour and analyzes their significance for democratic consolidation. Combining both theory and practice, this worthy contribution will prove its value as both an accessible reference and a revealing read to parliamentarians and parliamentary scholars alike.

The Parliament of Bangladesh (Routledge Revivals)

by Nizam Ahmed

This title was first published in 2002: This comprehensive account of the growth, decline and resurgence of parliament in Bangladesh examines the ’new’ parliament that have been elected in Bangladesh since the 1990s. It identifies key dimensions of their activities such as the nature of legizlation passed, the types of issues raised, the strategies that members have adopted to get things done, the techniques they have used to resolve conflicts and the measures they have taken to strengthen the parliament. Examining the role of the opposition MPs and government back benchers in the parliamentary process, Nizam Ahmed also provides an insightful guide to the factors that influence behaviour and analyzes their significance for democratic consolidation. Combining both theory and practice, this worthy contribution will prove its value as both an accessible reference and a revealing read to parliamentarians and parliamentary scholars alike.

The Parliament of Man: The Past, Present and Future of the United Nations

by Paul Kennedy

In the course of the twentieth century, there occurred a development unique in the story of humankind. States, which had defined themselves from Thucydides to Bismarck by their claims to sovereign independence, gradually came together to create international organizations to promote peace, curb aggression, regulate diplomatic affairs, devise an international code of law, encourage social development and foster prosperity. The emergence of this network of global governance was not straightforward and the debate about its role is just as heated today as it was generations ago. In this long-awaited new book, Paul Kennedy, probably the best-selling historian now living, examines this key development in the history of our century. Beginning with the earliest forms of international organization, he goes on to trace the creation and changing role of the UN in the postwar era, and finally suggests how, in the face of new threats to security and the continued vigour of at least some nation states, the institution will need to change over the course of the twenty-first century, arguing that we all share the responsibility to make the only world organization we possess work as well as possible.

Parliament (Volume I - Ancestral Voices): The Biography

by Chris Bryant

The history of Parliament is the history of the United Kingdom itself. It has a cast of thousands. Some were ambitious, visionary and altruistic. Others were hot-headed, violent and self-serving. Few were unambiguously noble. Yet their rowdy confrontations, their campaigning zeal and their unstable alliances framed our nation.This first of two volumes takes us on a 500-year journey from Parliament's earliest days in the thirteenth century through the turbulent years of the Wars of the Roses and the upheavals of the Civil Wars, and up to 1801, when Parliament – and the United Kingdom, embracing Scotland and Ireland – emerged in a modern form.Chris Bryant tells this epic tale through the lives of the myriad MPs, lords and bishops who passed through Parliament. It is the vivid, colourful biography of a cast of characters whose passions and obsessions, strengths and weaknesses laid the foundations of modern democracy.

Parliamentarians’ Professional Development: The Need for Reform (Public Administration, Governance and Globalization #16)

by Colleen Lewis Ken Coghill

This book addresses the education and training of Members of Parliament (MPs). It examines existing training programs offered in various countries around the world, evaluates their strengths and weaknesses and makes recommendations for a new approach, which aligns the professional development of MPs to 21st century requirements. Contributors address the role of parliamentarians, how to prepare them for their multi-faceted functions, the importance of ethics in any program, the requirement for more sophisticated adult learning approaches, human resource implications and the need to reform existing education and training models. The book will appeal to scholars in the fields of political science, adult education and human resource management, as well as to parliamentarians interested in enhancing their skills so as to perform more efficiently and effectively.

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