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Perspectives on World Politics

by Richard Little Michael Smith

Perspectives on World Politics has been essential reading for students of international relations since the 1980s. This new edition fully updates this key text for the twenty-first century. Focusing on the main competing analytical perspectives, the first and second editions established an authoritative sense of the conceptual tools used to study world politics, as well as reflecting on the major debates and responses to changes in the world arena. This third edition builds on the success of its predecessors by presenting a fresh set of readings within this framework: power and security interdependence and globalization dominance and resistance. It also includes a much-expanded fourth section, ‘World Politics in Perspective’, which reflects the methodological and normative debates that have developed since publication of the previous edition. This is an essential text for all students and scholars of politics and international relations.

Perspectives on World Politics

by Richard Little Michael Smith

Perspectives on World Politics has been essential reading for students of international relations since the 1980s. This new edition fully updates this key text for the twenty-first century. Focusing on the main competing analytical perspectives, the first and second editions established an authoritative sense of the conceptual tools used to study world politics, as well as reflecting on the major debates and responses to changes in the world arena. This third edition builds on the success of its predecessors by presenting a fresh set of readings within this framework: power and security interdependence and globalization dominance and resistance. It also includes a much-expanded fourth section, ‘World Politics in Perspective’, which reflects the methodological and normative debates that have developed since publication of the previous edition. This is an essential text for all students and scholars of politics and international relations.

Perspectives On World Politics (PDF)

by Richard Little Michael Smith

Perspectives on World Politicshas been essential reading for students of international relations since the 1980s. This new edition fully updates this key text for the twenty-first century. Focusing on the main competing analytical perspectives, the first and second editions established an authoritative sense of the conceptual tools used to study world politics, as well as reflecting on the major debates and responses to changes in the world arena. This third edition builds on the success of its predecessors by presenting a fresh set of readings within this framework: power and security interdependence and globalization dominance and resistance. It also includes a much-expanded fourth section, 'World Politics in Perspective', which reflects the methodological and normative debates that have developed since publication of the previous edition. This is an essential text for all students and scholars of politics and international relations.

Perspektiven der Arbeitsmarktpolitik: Internationaler Vergleich und Empfehlungen für Deutschland

by C.M. Schmidt K.F. Zimmermann M. Fertig J. Kluve

Angesichts einer anhaltend hohen Arbeitslosigkeit setzt Deutschland beträchtliche finanzielle Mittel für aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik ein. Dies kontrastiert mit einem geringen Stand an überprüfbaren Wissen über die Wirksamkeit und die Kosteneffizienz der einzelnen Maßnahmen. Die Defizite lassen sich durch den begrenzten Datenzugang der akademischen Forschung wie durch unzureichende methodische Konzeptionen bei der Programmevaluation erklären. Stärkere Anstrengungen für eine fundierte wissenschaftliche Evaluierung sind deshalb zwingend erforderlich. Deshalb analysiert dieses Buch die vorliegenden internationalen Erfahrungen mit aktiver Arbeitsmarktpolitik, die auf einem erheblich besseren Forschungsstand beruhen. Daraus werden Handlungsempfehlungen für die deutsche Arbeitsmarktpolitik abgeleitet und ein Aktionsplan für eine effektivere und effizientere neue Arbeitsmarktpolitik entwickelt.

Perspektiven der politischen Meinungsforschung: Demoskopische Ergebnisse im Spannungsfeld von Theorie, Praxis und Öffentlichkeit

by Anne Jessen

Wen würden Sie wählen, wenn am nächsten Sonntag Bundestagswahl wäre? ‑ Angesichts der sinkenden Bindungsstruktur zwischen Parteien und Wählern beschäftigt sich Anne Jessen mit der Zukunft dieser so genannten ‚Sonntagsfrage‘. Betrachtet werden die an der ‚Produktion‘ der demoskopischen Ergebnisse beteiligten Bereiche: Theorie, Praxis und Öffentlichkeit. Ist die Theorie, auf der die Sonntagsfrage basiert, noch zeitgemäß? Entsprechen die praktizierten Methoden den wissenschaftlichen Standards? Wie werden die Ergebnisse veröffentlicht? In der Auseinandersetzung mit diesen Fragestellungen modelliert die Autorin einen eigener Ansatz: das heuristische Wählen. Anhand der Frage, welcher Wähler wann welche Heuristik zur Wahlentscheidung nutzt, soll das volatiler gewordene Entscheidungsmoment des Wählers eingefangen werden. Unter Berücksichtigung der überraschenden Ergebnisse lässt sich eine Qualitätsverbesserung der politischen Meinungsforschung ableiten.

Perspektiven der politischen Soziologie im Wandel von Gesellschaft und Staatlichkeit: Festschrift für Theo Schiller

by Thomas Winter Volker Mittendorf

Die beiden Bezugsgrößen der politischen Soziologie, die gesellschaftlichen Strukturen auf der einen Seite und das politische System mit den staatlichen Institutionen als Kern auf der anderen Seite, sind einem ständigen Wandel unterworfen. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes versuchen aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven eine Antwort auf die Frage zu geben, wie sich diese Wandlungsprozesse auf die Politik im Wirkungskreislauf der Gesellschaft auswirken und insbesondere vor welche Herausforderungen sie die Demokratie stellen. Dabei geht es sowohl um die veränderten Rahmenbedingungen für die politischen Akteure und Institutionen als auch darum, wie die politischen Strukturen und Prozesse auf die Gesellschaft zurückwirken.

Perspektiven einer pluralen Ökonomik (Wirtschaft + Gesellschaft)

by David J. Petersen Daniel Willers Esther M. Schmitt Robert Birnbaum Jan H. E. Meyerhoff Sebastian Gießler Benjamin Roth

Der Sammelband zeigt einerseits die Vielfalt und das Potential einer pluralen Ökonomik auf, indem einführende Überblicke sowie exemplarische Vertiefungen von ökonomischen Perspektiven und Diskursen erfolgen. Andererseits versteht er sich als Debattenimpuls, bei dem auch die grundsätzliche Frage nach der Relevanz und Verantwortung einer Wirtschaftswissenschaft und -praxis in den Fokus gerückt wird, die sich den Herausforderungen dieser Zeit adäquater zu stellen vermag. Es werden zentrale wissenschaftstheoretische, ökonomische und gesellschaftliche Kritiken, Herausforderungen und mögliche Lösungsansätze diskutiert.Mehr Hintergründe zum Projekt und aktuelle Lesetour-Termine unter

Perspektiven sozialer Demokratie in der Postdemokratie (Staat – Souveränität – Nation)

by Oliver Eberl David Salomon

Der Band untersucht die Perspektiven sozialer Demokratie in der Postdemokratie anhand zweier Leitfragen: Stellt Postdemokratie wirklich eine stabile Ordnung dar oder doch nur einen Zwischenzustand zu einer autoritären Überwindung der politischen Demokratie? Welche demokratischen Formen der Überwindung von Postdemokratie können zugleich als Verwirklichung sozialer Demokratie begriffen werden? Untersucht werden in diesem Zusammenhang sowohl Modelle, die helfen, das Postdemokratietheorem zu spezifizieren als auch die Bedeutung von Formen der Transnationalisierung für die postdemokratische Tendenz und Varianten einer sozialen Demokratie (globale soziale Rechte, Europäische Integration).

Perspektiven zum Umbau der fossilen Wirtschaft: Hürden und Chancen für nachhaltigen Konsum in Gegenwart und Zukunft

by Christian J. Jäggi

Dieses Fachbuch beleuchtet wo wir global mit unserer bis heute noch fossilen Weltwirtschaft stehen und wie ein Umbau weg von fossilen Brennstoffen nicht allein in Deutschland sondern weltweit gelingen könnte. Der Autor analysiert die aktuele Situation und benennt die Risiken die ein solcher Umbau mit sich bringt.

The Persuadable Voter: Wedge Issues in Presidential Campaigns

by D. Sunshine Hillygus Todd G. Shields

The use of wedge issues such as abortion, gay marriage, and immigration has become standard political strategy in contemporary presidential campaigns. Why do candidates use such divisive appeals? Who in the electorate is persuaded by these controversial issues? And what are the consequences for American democracy? In this provocative and engaging analysis of presidential campaigns, Sunshine Hillygus and Todd Shields identify the types of citizens responsive to campaign information, the reasons they are responsive, and the tactics candidates use to sway these pivotal voters. The Persuadable Voter shows how emerging information technologies have changed the way candidates communicate, who they target, and what issues they talk about. As Hillygus and Shields explore the complex relationships between candidates, voters, and technology, they reveal potentially troubling results for political equality and democratic governance. The Persuadable Voter examines recent and historical campaigns using a wealth of data from national surveys, experimental research, campaign advertising, archival work, and interviews with campaign practitioners. With its rigorous multimethod approach and broad theoretical perspective, the book offers a timely and thorough understanding of voter decision making, candidate strategy, and the dynamics of presidential campaigns.

The Persuadable Voter: Wedge Issues in Presidential Campaigns

by D. Sunshine Hillygus Todd G. Shields

The use of wedge issues such as abortion, gay marriage, and immigration has become standard political strategy in contemporary presidential campaigns. Why do candidates use such divisive appeals? Who in the electorate is persuaded by these controversial issues? And what are the consequences for American democracy? In this provocative and engaging analysis of presidential campaigns, Sunshine Hillygus and Todd Shields identify the types of citizens responsive to campaign information, the reasons they are responsive, and the tactics candidates use to sway these pivotal voters. The Persuadable Voter shows how emerging information technologies have changed the way candidates communicate, who they target, and what issues they talk about. As Hillygus and Shields explore the complex relationships between candidates, voters, and technology, they reveal potentially troubling results for political equality and democratic governance. The Persuadable Voter examines recent and historical campaigns using a wealth of data from national surveys, experimental research, campaign advertising, archival work, and interviews with campaign practitioners. With its rigorous multimethod approach and broad theoretical perspective, the book offers a timely and thorough understanding of voter decision making, candidate strategy, and the dynamics of presidential campaigns.

The Persuaders: Winning Hearts and Minds in a Divided Age

by Anand Giridharadas

A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER CHOSEN AS A BOOK OF THE YEAR BY THE GUARDIAN, NEW STATESMAN AND THE IRISH TIMES'Illuminating and entertaining . . . while the world seems to counsel despair, The Persuaders is animated by a sense of possibility' The New York TimesThe lifeblood of any free society is persuasion: changing other people's minds to enable real change. But America is suffering a crisis of faith in persuasion that is putting its democracy and the planet itself at risk. People increasingly write each other off instead of seeking to win each other over. Debates are framed in moralistic terms, with enemies battling the righteous. Movements for justice build barriers to entry, instead of on-ramps. Political parties focus on mobilizing the faithful rather than wooing the sceptical. And leaders who seek to forge coalition are labelled sell-outs.In The Persuaders best-selling author Anand Giridharadas takes us inside these movements and battles, seeking out the dissenters who continue to champion persuasion in an age of polarization. We meet a co-founder of Black Lives Matter; a leader of the feminist resistance to Trumpism; white parents at a seminar on raising adopted children of colour; Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; a team of door knockers with an uncanny formula for changing minds on immigration; and an ex-cult member turned QAnon deprogrammer.As they grapple with how to "call out" threats and injustices while "calling in" those who don't agree with them but just might one day, they point a way to healing, and changing, a broken society.

The Persuaders: When Lobbyists Matter

by S. John

The impact of political lobbyists remains highly controversial. No-one has explored when they matter. This book tells readers when lobbyists count and analyses the relationship between lobbying, policy outcomes and the impact of external factors to reveal the professional lobbyist's limited effect on policy. On most policy issues lobbyists simply do not matter. But, on rare occasions lobbyists can make a difference and this book explains when they matter and why.

Persuading Local Government: How to Organize and Implement Effective Advocacy Campaigns

by Herbert J. Rubin

This book provides a guide to becoming an empowered citizen, capable of achieving success when advocating with local government. Based on interviews with mayors, together with documentary evidence, analyses of public meetings, and the author’s own experience of advocacy, volunteering on city committees, and work on political campaigns, it describes how to advocate with local government officials, whom to contact, what to say when and where, and how to locate the facts, figures, and stories that can lend credence to an advocacy campaign. Guided by the ideas that persuasion efforts can succeed, are not difficult to undertake, and are in fact appreciated by public officials; that the system is open and that citizens have a fair chance of advancing their point of view; and that democracy depends upon citizen engagement, it presents concrete case studies in order to illustrate the guidance provided. With advice on how to organize and implement a successful advocacy campaign at a local level—and what to avoid—Persuading Local Government provides an antidote to the alienation of national politics, showing that local efforts at persuasion are meaningful and effect change on matters that affect people’s everyday lives.

Persuading Local Government: How to Organize and Implement Effective Advocacy Campaigns

by Herbert J. Rubin

This book provides a guide to becoming an empowered citizen, capable of achieving success when advocating with local government. Based on interviews with mayors, together with documentary evidence, analyses of public meetings, and the author’s own experience of advocacy, volunteering on city committees, and work on political campaigns, it describes how to advocate with local government officials, whom to contact, what to say when and where, and how to locate the facts, figures, and stories that can lend credence to an advocacy campaign. Guided by the ideas that persuasion efforts can succeed, are not difficult to undertake, and are in fact appreciated by public officials; that the system is open and that citizens have a fair chance of advancing their point of view; and that democracy depends upon citizen engagement, it presents concrete case studies in order to illustrate the guidance provided. With advice on how to organize and implement a successful advocacy campaign at a local level—and what to avoid—Persuading Local Government provides an antidote to the alienation of national politics, showing that local efforts at persuasion are meaningful and effect change on matters that affect people’s everyday lives.

Persuading The People: British Propaganda In World War II (PDF)

by David Welch

During World War II, the UK government created the Central Office of Information to act as the country's marketing and communications agency. In these desperate times, the Office produced steady streams of propaganda for the home front, for the colonies and for dissemination through occupied countries. In addition to patriotic material encouraging Britons to maintain a stiff upper lip, thousands of postcards, leaflets, posters, booklets and other promotional materials were dropped from aircraft over occupied countries in World War II. In 2000, the master set of copies was deposited with the British Library, making an enormous collection of great social and historical significance available to the public for the first time.

Persuasion durch Protest: Protest als Form erfolgsorientierter, strategischer Kommunikation

by Jasmina Gherairi

Jasmina Gherairi analysiert alle an einem Protest beteiligten Akteure aus einer rhetoriktheoretischen Perspektive, liefert ein umfangreiches Klassifikationsmodell von Protesttechniken und illustriert an zahlreichen zeitgenössischen Beispielen, wann, wie und warum Protest (nicht) erfolgreich war. Wer protestiert, will überzeugen. Entgegen der landläufigen Meinung ist Protest keine planlose, spontane Unmutsbekundung, sondern eine Form erfolgsorientierter, strategischer Kommunikation. Es handelt sich dabei um die prinzipiell wiederholbare Anwendung von Protesttechniken, mit denen Protestierende ihr Anliegen ausdrücken und zu überzeugen versuchen.

Persuasion in Parallel: How Information Changes Minds about Politics (Chicago Studies in American Politics)

by Alexander Coppock

A bold re-examination of how political attitudes change in response to information. Many mistakenly believe that it is fruitless to try to persuade those who disagree with them about politics. However, Persuasion in Parallel shows that individuals do, in fact, change their minds in response to information, with partisans on either side of the political aisle updating their views roughly in parallel. This book challenges the dominant view that persuasive information can often backfire because people are supposedly motivated to reason against information they dislike. Drawing on evidence from a series of randomized controlled trials, the book shows that the backfire response is rare to nonexistent. Instead, it shows that most everyone updates in the direction of information, at least a little bit. The political upshot of this work is that the other side is not lost. Even messages we don't like can move us in the right direction.

Persuasion in Self-improvement Books (Postdisciplinary Studies in Discourse)

by Jeremy Koay

This book investigates how persuasion relates to values in self-improvement literature, revealing the discursive practices used to persuade and engage their readers, and construct a credible persona. The author adopts a corpus-driven approach that encompasses an examination of genre analysis and linguistic features such as narrative, pronoun, grammar and structure. The book further draws on insights from original interviews with writers and readers of self-improvement books, as well as people who do not read the genre. It begins by providing a helpful overview of the concepts of ideology and genre. A brief history of self-improvement books and their values and assumptions provide the context for the analysis. Where relevant, linguistic features in self-improvement books are compared with other genres (e.g. academic text, conversation, news). This book will be of interest to students and scholars in the fields of linguistics, culture and media studies.

Persuasion in Society

by Jean G. Jones Andi McClanahan Joseph Sery

This fully-updated fourth edition introduces readers to the rich tapestry of persuasive technique and scholarship, interweaving perspectives from rhetoric, critical theory, and social science and applying their insights to practical political, social, and business contexts. This text examines current and classical theory through the lens of contemporary culture, encouraging readers to explore the nature of persuasion and to understand its impact in their lives. Employing a contemporary approach, it draws from popular culture, mass media, social media, advertising, political campaigns, and social movements to help readers become informed creators and consumers of persuasive messages. Case studies show how and why people fall for persuasive messages, demonstrating how persuasion works at a cognitive level. This new edition includes extended treatment of the ethics of persuasion, including opposing views on handling controversial issues in the college classroom; a new chapter on propaganda and ideology; and a greater focus on digital contexts and social media. Discussion questions, exercises, and key terms are provided for each chapter. This textbook will be a valuable tool for students of communication, media studies, politics, psychology, and business and advertising. Online resources for instructors include PowerPoint slides and test bank.

Persuasion in Society

by Jean G. Jones Andi McClanahan Joseph Sery

This fully-updated fourth edition introduces readers to the rich tapestry of persuasive technique and scholarship, interweaving perspectives from rhetoric, critical theory, and social science and applying their insights to practical political, social, and business contexts. This text examines current and classical theory through the lens of contemporary culture, encouraging readers to explore the nature of persuasion and to understand its impact in their lives. Employing a contemporary approach, it draws from popular culture, mass media, social media, advertising, political campaigns, and social movements to help readers become informed creators and consumers of persuasive messages. Case studies show how and why people fall for persuasive messages, demonstrating how persuasion works at a cognitive level. This new edition includes extended treatment of the ethics of persuasion, including opposing views on handling controversial issues in the college classroom; a new chapter on propaganda and ideology; and a greater focus on digital contexts and social media. Discussion questions, exercises, and key terms are provided for each chapter. This textbook will be a valuable tool for students of communication, media studies, politics, psychology, and business and advertising. Online resources for instructors include PowerPoint slides and test bank.

Persuasion in Your Life

by Shawn T. Wahl Eric Morris

This accessible introductory textbook in persuasive communication speaks directly to the student by focusing on real-life experiences in personal, social, and professional contexts. Through its use of rhetoric, criticism, and social scientific research, this book helps readers understand, analyze, and use persuasion in their lives and careers. It explores techniques of verbal and visual persuasion for use in business and professional communication, health communication, and everyday life, as well as expanded coverage of persuasion in social movements and social advocacy. It also pays attention throughout to ethical considerations and to the significance of new media. This textbook is a student-friendly introduction suitable for use in undergraduate courses in persuasion, health communication, and business communication. The companion website includes an instructor’s manual with test questions, sample assignments, web links, and other resources, as well as PowerPoint slides. Visit

Persuasion in Your Life

by Shawn T. Wahl Eric Morris

This accessible introductory textbook in persuasive communication speaks directly to the student by focusing on real-life experiences in personal, social, and professional contexts. Through its use of rhetoric, criticism, and social scientific research, this book helps readers understand, analyze, and use persuasion in their lives and careers. It explores techniques of verbal and visual persuasion for use in business and professional communication, health communication, and everyday life, as well as expanded coverage of persuasion in social movements and social advocacy. It also pays attention throughout to ethical considerations and to the significance of new media. This textbook is a student-friendly introduction suitable for use in undergraduate courses in persuasion, health communication, and business communication. The companion website includes an instructor’s manual with test questions, sample assignments, web links, and other resources, as well as PowerPoint slides. Visit

Persuasive Peers: Social Communication and Voting in Latin America (Princeton Studies in Global and Comparative Sociology)

by Andy Baker Barry Ames Lúcio Rennó

How voting behavior in Latin America is influenced by social networks and everyday communication among peersIn Latin America’s new democracies, political parties and mass partisanship are not deeply entrenched, leaving many votes up for grabs during election campaigns. In a typical presidential election season, between one-quarter and one-half of all voters—figures unheard of in older democracies—change their voting intentions across party lines in the months before election day. Advancing a new theory of Latin American voting behavior, Persuasive Peers argues that political discussions within informal social networks among family members, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and acquaintances explain this volatility and exert a major influence on final voting choices.Relying on unique survey and interview data from Latin America, the authors show that weakly committed voters defer to their politically knowledgeable peers, creating vast amounts of preference change as political campaigns unfold. Peer influences also matter for unwavering voters, who tend to have social contacts that reinforce their voting intentions. Social influence increases political conformity among voters within neighborhoods, states, and even entire regions, and the authors illustrate how party machines use the social topography of electorates to buy off well-connected voters who can magnify the impact of the payoff.Persuasive Peers demonstrates how everyday communication shapes political outcomes in Latin America’s less-institutionalized democracies.

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