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Showing 85,726 through 85,750 of 100,000 results

Polity and Crisis: Reflections on the European Odyssey (Critical Studies in Jurisprudence)

by Sakari Hänninen Massimo Fichera

European integration is an open-ended, ongoing process which has been deeply challenged by integral world capitalism. This study explores the present EU foundational dilemma, looking at the problematic relationship between the ideal model of integration and the reality of the 21st century. Including contributions from leading theorists, this volume explores the ways and extent to which the present European crisis could create a politico-legal space for new possibilities and opportunities for action. The authors discuss the current role of the EU, and whether it aspires to be a democratic polity or a functional organization based on inter-governmental bargaining. The chapters question whether the future of European integration after the crisis will be paved by decisions which conflict with its Treaty basis, and how it might come up with alternatives which would do more than echo the compulsions of the global market. Issues are analysed from a historical perspective to see what can be learnt from its past and to explore the options for the future. With contributions from prominent international legal and political scholars, the book will be of interest to academics, students and policy-makers working in these areas.

Polity and Economy: An Interpretation of the Principles of Adam Smith (International Scholars Forum #8)

by Joseph Cropsey

My original research on the present subject was done a number of years ago as I was preparing a doctoral dissertation at Colum­ bia University. I wish to thank Prosessor Joseph Dorfman for the help he so unstintingly offered at that time. Only my reluctance to implicate him in the shortcomings of this book prevents me from acknowledging the full measure of my obligation to Professor Leo Strauss of the University of Chicago. His influence upon this study is not to be reckoned in terms of his concurrence with its substance, as to which I cannot testify, or in terms of the credit that this study does to his influence, as to which I can but entertain modest hopes. I must finally express my gratitude to my parents, to whom this volume is dedicated, for the patient sacrifice which made my training possible. J. C. New York March,1956 INTRODUCTION One axiomatic premise of this study is that capitalism is an embodiment of Smithian principles. Hence the interpretation of Smith's teaching must also be an interpretation of capitalistic society. A second such premise is that it is at least as likely that Smith had a single view of existence that pervaded both his books as that he had two views of existence which contended in each of his books. Hence the possibility is not excluded that the tension of outlooks reflected in Smith's writings betokens not an inconsistency but an intention.

Polity And Society In Contemporary North Africa

by I. William Zartman William Mark Habeeb I William Zartman

In the twenty-five years since the last comprehensive book on state and society in North Africa was published, the nations of the Maghrib have undergone profound social, political, and economic changes. The region has, for example, experienced one of the highest population growth rates in the world, accompanied by a dramatic increase in migration t

Polity And Society In Contemporary North Africa

by I. William Zartman William Mark Habeeb I William Zartman

In the twenty-five years since the last comprehensive book on state and society in North Africa was published, the nations of the Maghrib have undergone profound social, political, and economic changes. The region has, for example, experienced one of the highest population growth rates in the world, accompanied by a dramatic increase in migration t

Polizei als lernende Organisation: Systemisches Polizeimanagement in Planungspraxis, Entscheidungsfindung und Handlungsoptionen

by Jan-Philipp Küppers

Ist das Polizeimanagement lernfähig? Wie äußert sich das in seinem strategischen und operativen Handlungsumfeld? Und: Welchen Einfluss haben institutionell gewachsene Automatismen darauf? Die Polizei als flexible und adaptive Einsatzorganisation ist mit komplexen dynamischen Handlungsfeldern, Risiken und Gefährdungspotenzialen konfrontiert. Neben der täglichen Routinearbeit kommen Demonstrationen, Amokläufe, terroristische Anschläge hinzu. Die Polizei als lernende Organisation sollte daher stets auf unerwartete Ereignisse und sicherheitsrelevante Entwicklungen vorbereitet sein, um sie frühzeitig zu erkennen und folgenarm zu bewältigen. Anhand von drei praktischen Fallbeispielen wird untersucht, ob und wie operative Polizeieinsätze systemorientiert nach Kriterien der lernenden Organisation ablaufen können und wo Verbesserungspotenziale für unerwartete und kritische Situationen möglich oder notwendig sind.

Polizei, Gewalt und Staat im 20. Jahrhundert (Studien zur Inneren Sicherheit)

by Alf Lüdtke Herbert Reinke Michael Sturm

Die Polizei repräsentiert wie kaum eine andere Institution das staatliche Gewaltmonopol. Doch was ist damit konkret gemeint? Die historische Erkundung zeigt, dass auch in der neuesten Zeit „Polizei“, „Gewaltmonopol“ und „Staat“ sehr unterschiedlich verstanden werden. Entscheidend für das Profil staatlicher Autorität und Durchsetzungsmacht sind dabei weniger abstrakte Strukturen und gesichtslose Apparate, als die sozialen Praktiken der Akteure: der Polizei, anderer Institutionen, aber auch des Publikums. Umstritten bleiben zumal die Formen der Androhung und des Einsatzes polizeilicher Gewalt. Die Beiträge des Bandes widmen sich in exemplarischen Fallstudien unterschiedlichen Praktiken wie Deutungen des Polizierens im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert.

Polizei im kooperativen Staat: Verwaltungsreform und Neue Steuerung in der Sicherheitsverwaltung (Studien zur Inneren Sicherheit #6)

by Hans-Jürgen Lange Jean-Claude Schenck

Umfangreiche Staats- und Verwaltungsreformen verändern die bisherige Aufgabenstellung und das Verständnis von Innerer Sicherheit und Polizei. Sicherheitsleistungen und Staatsfunktionen werden neu definiert. Das Buch zeigt Zusammenhänge zwischen Verwaltungsreformen, staatlichen Sicherheitsfunktionen und politischer Steuerung auf und entwickelt Perspektiven der Polizei im kooperativen Staat.

Polizei und Bürgerbeteiligung: Impulse für mehr Vertrauen, Kooperation und Akzeptanz

by Jan-Philipp Küppers

Dieses Buch erläutert, warum Beteiligungsprozesse für die Polizei an Bedeutung gewonnen haben und wie sie erfolgreich gestaltet werden können. In Zukunft wird zunehmend eine integrierte Sicherheitsstruktur gefragt sein, in der Stakeholdergruppen und betroffene Bürger*innen eine wichtige Rolle in der polizeilichen Gefahren- und Risikobewertung und damit an der Gestaltung ihres lebensweltbezogenen Sicherheitsempfindens einnehmen. Das Buch verfolgt einen orientierenden und handlungsleitenden Anspruch, wie praktikable Beteiligungsprozesse der Bürger*innen in Planung und Vorhaben der Polizei eingebunden werden können. Theoretische Grundlagen und praktische Anwendungsfelder für die Umsetzung von Beteiligungsprozessen werden ermittelt: Mitwirkung in Kooperationsgesprächen zur diskursiven Konfliktbearbeitung im Vorfeld von Protestlagen, zur Meinungsbildung durch Information und diskursiven Austausch von Argumenten im Rahmen der kommunalen Sicherheits- und Präventionsarbeit oder anlassabhängige „Runde Tische“ im Wirkbereich von unabhängigen Bürger- und Polizeibeauftragten. In einer Zeit großer Verunsicherung angesichts gesellschaftlicher Veränderung und Komplexität eröffnen Beteiligungsprozesse die Chance, angespannte Verhältnisse von Polizei und Zivilgesellschaft zu befrieden und ein gegenseitiges Vertrauensverhältnis aufzubauen. Bürgerbeteiligung kann kein hoheitliches Handeln ersetzen, aber mit Alltags- und Erfahrungswissen anreichern. In diesen bewegten Zeiten gibt es kein besseres Rezept, um gemeinsam Sicherheit zu gestalten und Probleme zu bearbeiten. Der Inhalt Praktische Hilfestellung und besseres Verständnis von Beteiligungsprozessen für die Polizeiarbeit Vorteile der Bürgerbeteiligung auf einen Blick Drei praxisorientierte Anwendungsfelder (Kooperationsgespräche in Protestlagen, unabhängige Bürger- und Polizeibeauftragte und kommunale Sicherheits- und Präventionsarbeit)

Polizei und Fremde - Fremde in der Polizei (Studien zur Inneren Sicherheit)

by Karlhans Liebl

"Fremde" oder ethnische Minderheiten und das Verhalten der Polizei ihnen gegenüber ist Gegenstand schon langjähriger Diskussion. Der Tagungsband, der auf eine Tagung an der Deutschen Hochschule der Polizei zurückgeht, stellt den bisherigen Forschungsstand dar und gibt Ausblicke auch auf zukünftige Entwicklungen.

Polizei und Politische Bildung

by Peter Leßmann-Faust

Nach der Erfahrung des terroristischen Gebrauchs von Polizeigewalt im nationalsozialistischen Regime und nach den Erfahrungen und Belastungen der protestbewegten Jahre zwischen 1960 und 1980 ist der Autoritätsanspruch der Polizei kommunikativ trainiert und geglättet. Was hat die Veränderungen im Selbstverständnis und Verhaltensrepertoire der Polizei in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten der Bundesrepublik gekennzeichnet? Die Beiträge dieses Buches verfolgen den Wandel der Polizei unter dem Einfluss der gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen seit den 60er Jahren, die teils langwierige Ablösung tradierter Führungs- und Ausbildungsstile, die durch die Einstellung von Frauen seit Ende der 70er Jahre angestoßene Gender-Debatte und Variation maskuliner „policing“-Modelle in der Polizei und skizzieren zu erwartende Folgen der gegenwärtigen Europäisierung der Polizeiarbeit. Die Autorinnen und Autoren widmen sich einem Bereich in der Ausbildung der Polizei, der in den letzten Jahrzehnten ausgebaut worden ist und an Bedeutung gewonnen hat: der Politischen Bildung.

Polizei und taktische Kommunikation (Sicherheit – interdisziplinäre Perspektiven)

by Peter Kern

Peter Kern macht polizeiliche Kommunikation bei Großveranstaltungen erstmals zum Gegenstand einer wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung und beleuchtet dabei die Parameter gelungener Kommunikation. Sowohl beim zivilen polizeilichen Gegenüber als auch in den Reihen der Polizeikräfte ist ein Kommunikationsbedürfnis bei Großveranstaltungen verankert. In der Polizistenkultur wurden das Verständnis und das Bekenntnis für Kommunikation nach außen bislang jedoch noch nicht als notwendiges Prinzip einer Alltagsleistung erkannt. Das erstaunliche Ergebnis der vorliegenden Studie ist, dass bereits einfache Mittel der Kommunikation auch taktische Maßnahmen ermöglichen, welche geeignet sind, gewalttätige Auseinandersetzungen zu vermindern. Der Autor macht deutlich, welch hohe Erwartungshaltung bei den Menschen an polizeiliche Kommunikation besteht und welche Rahmen und Maßnahmen bei einer gelungenen taktischen Kommunikation von der Polizei gebraucht und beachtet werden müssen.

Polizeikultur: Routinen - Rituale - Reflexionen. Bausteine zu einer Theorie der Praxis der Polizei

by Rafael Behr

Wie entwickelt sich Polizeikultur angesichts zunehmender Internationalisierung von Polizeiarbeit? Wohin entwickelt sich die Polizei in einer diversifizierten und multikulturellen Gesellschaft? Inwieweit bildet sich überhaupt Gesellschaft in der Polizei ab? Wie verändert sich die berufliche Identität von Polizisten im Prozess fortschreitender Individualisierung? Das Buch antwortet auf diese und andere zentrale Fragen.

Poll Power: The Voter Education Project and the Movement for the Ballot in the American South (Justice, Power, and Politics)

by Evan Faulkenbury

The civil rights movement required money. In the early 1960s, after years of grassroots organizing, civil rights activists convinced nonprofit foundations to donate in support of voter education and registration efforts. One result was the Voter Education Project (VEP), which, starting in 1962, showed far-reaching results almost immediately and organized the groundwork that eventually led to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. In African American communities across the South, the VEP catalyzed existing campaigns; it paid for fuel, booked rallies, bought food for volunteers, and paid people to canvass neighborhoods. Despite this progress, powerful conservatives in Congress weaponized the federal tax code to undercut the important work of the VEP. Though local power had long existed in the hundreds of southern towns and cities that saw organized civil rights action, the VEP was vital to converting that power into political motion. Evan Faulkenbury offers a much-needed explanation of how philanthropic foundations, outside funding, and tax policy shaped the southern black freedom movement.

Polling America [2 volumes]: An Encyclopedia of Public Opinion [2 volumes]

by Richard L. Clark, et al.

This work provides an authoritative overview of the composition of public opinion in America, the methodologies by which public opinion is measured, and the importance of polling to U.S. politics, policy, and culture.This revised edition is a comprehensive resource for understanding all aspects of public opinion polling in the United States, including major and emerging theories and concepts; historical and current methodologies; political, journalistic, and corporate uses; landmark events and developments in the history of polling; and influential people and organizations. The encyclopedia also illuminates how public opinion polling has become important in shaping the trajectory of American society and the views that Americans have about themselves and their fellow citizens.Specific big-picture topics explored include how data mining of internet and social media usage trends has shaped modern political and business advertising campaigns; the impact of politically partisan media outlets on public opinion; and attitudes of various sectors of the American electorate about diverse topics including gun control, abortion, immigration, marijuana legalization, and the nation's two main political parties.

Polling America [2 volumes]: An Encyclopedia of Public Opinion [2 volumes]

This work provides an authoritative overview of the composition of public opinion in America, the methodologies by which public opinion is measured, and the importance of polling to U.S. politics, policy, and culture.This revised edition is a comprehensive resource for understanding all aspects of public opinion polling in the United States, including major and emerging theories and concepts; historical and current methodologies; political, journalistic, and corporate uses; landmark events and developments in the history of polling; and influential people and organizations. The encyclopedia also illuminates how public opinion polling has become important in shaping the trajectory of American society and the views that Americans have about themselves and their fellow citizens.Specific big-picture topics explored include how data mining of internet and social media usage trends has shaped modern political and business advertising campaigns; the impact of politically partisan media outlets on public opinion; and attitudes of various sectors of the American electorate about diverse topics including gun control, abortion, immigration, marijuana legalization, and the nation's two main political parties.

Polling, Policy, and Public Opinion: The Case Against Heeding the "Voice of the People"

by R. Weissberg

The opinion poll has become commonplace in politics and typically reveals public desires for greater government social welfare assistance, such as more aid for education or health care. These statistics seem to proclaim the welfare state's enduring popularity. Though sincere, these desires largely reflect how questions are asked. Unfortunately, polls usually lack basic economic restraints. There are no costs, risks or disasters in the world of polling. Market-based solutions are routinely excluded. This book works to reveal these shortcomings and clearly demonstrates why a government ruled by the vox populi would be folly.

The Polluters: The Making of Our Chemically Altered Environment

by Benjamin Ross Steven Amter

The chemical pollution that irrevocably damages today's environment is, although many would like us to believe otherwise, the legacy of conscious choices made long ago. During the years before and just after World War II, discoveries like leaded gasoline and DDT came to market, creating new hazards even as the expansion and mechanization of industry exacerbated old ones. Dangers still felt today--smog, pesticides, lead, chromium, chlorinated solvents, asbestos, even global warming--were already recognized by chemists, engineers, doctors, and business managers of that era. A few courageous individuals spoke out without compromise, but still more ignored scientific truth in pursuit of money and prestige. The Polluters reveals at last the crucial decisions that allowed environmental issues to be trumped by political agendas. It spotlights the leaders of the chemical industry and describes how they applied their economic and political power to prevent the creation of an effective system of environmental regulation. Research was slanted, unwelcome discoveries were suppressed, and friendly experts were placed in positions of influence, as science was subverted to serve the interests of business. The story of The Polluters is one that needs to be told, an unflinching depiction of the onslaught of chemical pollution and the chemical industry's unwillingness to face up to its devastating effects.

The Polluters: The Making of Our Chemically Altered Environment

by Benjamin Ross Steven Amter

The chemical pollution that irrevocably damages today's environment is, although many would like us to believe otherwise, the legacy of conscious choices made long ago. During the years before and just after World War II, discoveries like leaded gasoline and DDT came to market, creating new hazards even as the expansion and mechanization of industry exacerbated old ones. Dangers still felt today--smog, pesticides, lead, chromium, chlorinated solvents, asbestos, even global warming--were already recognized by chemists, engineers, doctors, and business managers of that era. A few courageous individuals spoke out without compromise, but still more ignored scientific truth in pursuit of money and prestige. The Polluters reveals at last the crucial decisions that allowed environmental issues to be trumped by political agendas. It spotlights the leaders of the chemical industry and describes how they applied their economic and political power to prevent the creation of an effective system of environmental regulation. Research was slanted, unwelcome discoveries were suppressed, and friendly experts were placed in positions of influence, as science was subverted to serve the interests of business. The story of The Polluters is one that needs to be told, an unflinching depiction of the onslaught of chemical pollution and the chemical industry's unwillingness to face up to its devastating effects.

Polluting Textiles: The Problem with Microfibres (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies)

by Judith S. Weis Francesca De Falco Mariacristina Cocca

This book examines the critical issue of environmental pollutants produced by the textiles industry. Comprised of contributions from environmental scientists and materials and textiles scientists, this edited volume addresses the environmental impact of microplastics, with a particular focus on microfibres released by textiles into marine and water environments. The chapters in Part I offer environmental perspectives focusing on the measurement of microplastics in the environment, their ingestion by small plankton and larger filter feeders, the effects of consuming microplastics, and the role of microplastics as a vector for transferring toxic contaminants in food webs. Written by environmental and material scientists, the chapters in Part II present potential solutions to the problem of microplastics released from textiles, discussing parameters of influence, water treatment, degradation in marine environment, textile end-of-life management, textile manufacturing and laundry, possible policy measures. This is a much needed volume which brings together in one place environmental research with technical solutions in order to provide a cohesive and practical approach to mitigating and preventing environmental pollution from the textiles industry going forward. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of environmental conservation and management, environmental pollution and environmental chemistry and toxicology, sustainability, as well as students and scholars of material and textiles science, textile engineering and sustainable manufacturing.

Polluting Textiles: The Problem with Microfibres (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies)

by Judith S. Weis Francesca De Falco Mariacristina Cocca

This book examines the critical issue of environmental pollutants produced by the textiles industry. Comprised of contributions from environmental scientists and materials and textiles scientists, this edited volume addresses the environmental impact of microplastics, with a particular focus on microfibres released by textiles into marine and water environments. The chapters in Part I offer environmental perspectives focusing on the measurement of microplastics in the environment, their ingestion by small plankton and larger filter feeders, the effects of consuming microplastics, and the role of microplastics as a vector for transferring toxic contaminants in food webs. Written by environmental and material scientists, the chapters in Part II present potential solutions to the problem of microplastics released from textiles, discussing parameters of influence, water treatment, degradation in marine environment, textile end-of-life management, textile manufacturing and laundry, possible policy measures. This is a much needed volume which brings together in one place environmental research with technical solutions in order to provide a cohesive and practical approach to mitigating and preventing environmental pollution from the textiles industry going forward. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of environmental conservation and management, environmental pollution and environmental chemistry and toxicology, sustainability, as well as students and scholars of material and textiles science, textile engineering and sustainable manufacturing.

Pollution and Atmosphere in Post-Soviet Russia: The Arctic and the Environment (Library of Arctic Studies)

by Lars Rowe

This study addresses the many initiatives to decrease industrial pollution emitting from the Pechenganikel plant in the northwestern corner of Russia during the final years of the Soviet Union, and examines the wider implications for the state of pollution control in the Arctic today. By examining the efforts of Soviet industry and government agencies, Finnish and Swedish officials, and Norwegian environmental authorities to curb industrial pollution in the region, this book offers an environmental history of the Arctic as well as a transnational, geopolitical history.

Pollution and Atmosphere in Post-Soviet Russia: The Arctic and the Environment (Library of Arctic Studies)

by Lars Rowe

This study addresses the many initiatives to decrease industrial pollution emitting from the Pechenganikel plant in the northwestern corner of Russia during the final years of the Soviet Union, and examines the wider implications for the state of pollution control in the Arctic today. By examining the efforts of Soviet industry and government agencies, Finnish and Swedish officials, and Norwegian environmental authorities to curb industrial pollution in the region, this book offers an environmental history of the Arctic as well as a transnational, geopolitical history.

Pollution, Politics, and Power: The Struggle for Sustainable Electricity

by Thomas O. McGarity

Today’s electric power companies compete to provide cleaner electricity. That’s a good thing, but progress has come with costs, especially for communities reliant on the coal industry. Thomas McGarity examines the changes of recent decades and offers ideas for building a more sustainable grid while easing the economic downsides of coal’s demise.

Pollwatching, Elections and Civil Society in Southeast Asia (Routledge Revivals)

by William A. Callahan

This title was first published in 2000: Corruption has become a major issue in East and Southeast Asia since the financial crisis of 1997, leading to widespread political change across the region. But political corruption is not a new issue in Southeast Asia. As Pollwatching, Elections and Civil Society in Southeast Asia shows through in-depth studies of Thailand and the Philippines, political corruption has been a major point of contention within South East Asian countries for decades.

Pollwatching, Elections and Civil Society in Southeast Asia (Routledge Revivals)

by William A. Callahan

This title was first published in 2000: Corruption has become a major issue in East and Southeast Asia since the financial crisis of 1997, leading to widespread political change across the region. But political corruption is not a new issue in Southeast Asia. As Pollwatching, Elections and Civil Society in Southeast Asia shows through in-depth studies of Thailand and the Philippines, political corruption has been a major point of contention within South East Asian countries for decades.

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