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RESTRUCTURING RELATIONS C: Indigenous Self-Determination, Governance, and Gender

by Rauna Kuokkanen

Adopted in 2007, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples establishes self-determination--including free, prior, and informed consent--as a foundational right and principle. Self-determination, both individual and collective, is among the most important and pressing issues for Indigenous women worldwide. Yet Indigenous women's interests have been overlooked in the formulation of Indigenous self-government, and existing studies of Indigenous self-government largely ignore issues of gender. As such, the current literature on Indigenous governance conceals patriarchal structures and power that create barriers for women to resources and participation in Indigenous societies. Drawing on Indigenous and feminist political and legal theory--as well as extensive participant interviews in Canada, Greenland, and Scandinavia-- this book argues that the current rights discourse and focus on Indigenous-state relations is too limited in scope to convey the full meaning of "self-determination" for Indigenous peoples. The book conceptualizes self-determination as a foundational value informed by the norm of integrity and suggests that Indigenous self-determination cannot be achieved without restructuring all relations of domination nor can it be secured in the absence of gender justice. As a foundational value, self-determination seeks to restructure all relations of domination, not only hegemonic relations with the state. Importantly, it challenges the opposition between "self-determination" and "gender" created and maintained by international law, Indigenous political discourse, and Indigenous institutions. Restructuring relations of domination further entails examining the gender regimes present in existing Indigenous self-government institutions, interrogating the relationship between Indigenous self-determination and gender violence, and considering future visions of Indigenous self-determination, such as rematriation of Indigenous governance and an independent statehood.

Restructuring South Africa

by John D. Brewer

The volume assesses whether or not South Africa can achieve peace and stability following the violence, chaos and disorder that has accompanied the transition from apartheid. Some chapters examine important aspects which define the current period of chaos in order to evaluate the prospects of the disorder coming to an end. Others address key areas of reform by which peace and stability could be restored in order to assess the likelihood of this being acheived.

Restructuring, Stabilizing and Modernizing the New Russia: Economic and Institutional Issues

by Paul J. J. Welfens Evgeny Gavrilenkov

Russia has embarked upon a difficult process of systemic transformation and economic opening up. While the initial strong GDP decline seemed to have ended in 1997, the real development was facing even more difficult problems as output declined sharply after the Ruble and banking crisis of August 1998: inflation started to increase again, exports and imports were falling, capital flight increasing and unemployment rising. There is broad disappointment in Russia regarding the transformation failure in 1998 since so many people had hoped that the end of the Soviet command economy would bring democracy, prosperity and international integration. While Poland has been able to double per capita income in the 1990s it has fallen by 50% in Russia and this despite considerable IMF involvement and some (modest) support from other international organizations. What were the reasons for transformation failure in the 1990s? What are the ingredients for long term sustainable transformation? What are the internal and international requirements to avoid a second - possibly tragic - failure of transformation in Russia? An international group of researchers has focussed on these problems during a two-year research project financed by the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation. A series of papers were presented at workshops in Potsdam, Bonn and Moscow in 1999 where this book is devoted to four important issues: the Russian transformation crisis, the topic of restructuring, the need for stabilizing Russia and the requirements for modernizing Russia.

Restructuring the Labour Market: The Implications for Youth (Cambridge Studies in Sociology)

by D. Ashton M. Maguire M. Spilsbury

This book represents an advance in our knowledge of the labour market. For the first time it combines the analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data to produce an explanation of the main changes which have transformed the labour market during the recession. For the first time it demonstrates the segmented character of the youth labour market and the significance of the local labour markets. The result is a substantial contribution to labour market segmentation theory and to the analysis of social policy in this field.

Restructuring Welfare Organizations in Europe: From Democracy to Good Management?

by P. Mattei

Providing a new comparative analysis of the changes which have radically questioned the 'old' organizational arrangements of the delivery of welfare services since the early 1980s, this book argues that new managerial accountability regimes severely undermine the democratic foundations of the welfare state in Europe.

Restructuring The Welfare State: Political Institutions and Policy Change (Political Evolution and Institutional Change)

by B. Rothstein S. Steinmo

The modern welfare state is under threat from a variety of fronts. Changing demographic patterns, declining public trust, interest group demands and growing international competition for capital and labour are presenting modern states with intense pressures. This volume examines these competing pressures and offers a coherent analyses of both institutional resilience and institutional change. Adopting an evolutionary approach, this innovative volume demonstrates both how past practices and policies significantly affect the current options and how social and economic forces impinge upon each of these societies in surprisingly different ways. Cross-national in scope and unified in approach, Restructuring the Welfare State examines core issues facing the contemporary welfare state while at the same time significantly advancing historical institutionalist theory.

Restrukturierung der Sozialen Sicherungssysteme in den Postfordistischen Gesellschaftsformationen: Eine vergleichende Analyse von Großbritannien, Schweden und Deutschland

by In Rib Baek

1. 1 Die Transformation des Wohlfahrtsstaates – Umbau, Abbau oder Erhaltung? 1. 1 Die Transformation des Wohlfahrtsstaates Mit den Weltwirtschaftskrisen von 1974/75 und 1980-82 gerieten die e- wickelten kapitalistischen Länder in eine tiefe sozioökonomische Krise. Das Wirtschaftswachstum ging ständig zurück. Die Arbeitslosigkeit und die Armut nahmen drastisch zu. Die Struktur der traditionellen Familie wurde allmählich instabil. Die Staaten reagierten mit verschiedenen Maßnahmen und Reformen, um die neuen Probleme zu beseitigen. Die Schwierigkeiten und Probleme wurden jedoch nicht wirklich behoben. Vielmehr ist der Modus der Intervention des Staates, d. h. der Wohlfahrtsstaat an sich, der früher als Instrument des Krisenmanagements hoch gewürdigt worden war, „selbst zum Objekt perman- ter Krisendiagnostik und – offensichtlich vergeblicher – Krisenbewältigung - worden. “ (Lessenich 2000: 65) Vor diesem Hintergrund werden nun die po- tischen Bestrebungen zur Transformation des Wohlfahrtsstaates fortgesetzt, um ihn an die neuen sozioökonomischen Umstände anzupassen. Während der letzten zwei Jahrzehnte wurden bereits viele Monographien und Bücher veröffentlicht, welche die Transformationstrends der Wohlfahr- staaten der westeuropäischen Länder darstellen. Die Ergebnisse der Unt- suchungen sind grob in folgende drei Arten zu unterteilen: Umbau, Abbau oder Erhaltung. Zum Beispiel stand mit Bezug auf die Transformation des deutschen Wohlfahrtsstaates bei den Erklärungen einiger Akademiker, so bei Lothar Lißner und Josef Wöss (1999), der Umbau im Zentrum. Einige, z. B. Christoph Butterwegge (2001), betonten den Abbau oder Rückbau des Wohlfahrtsstaates. Bei den Erklärungen der dritten Gruppe, so unter anderem Josef Schmid (2002), standen Erhaltung und/oder Kontinuität zwischen Vergangenheit und Heute im Mittelpunkt.

Results that Matter: Improving Communities by Engaging Citizens, Measuring Performance, and Getting Things Done

by Paul D. Epstein Paul M. Coates Lyle D. Wray David Swain

Today's communities—whether they are currently strong, or struggling to survive—face difficult challenges if they want to be tomorrow's healthy, vibrant communities. The challenge for leaders and citizens of modern communities is not just to solve specific problems today. Their real challenge is to keep learning from their experience so they can keep improving their communities tomorrow. Results That Matter will provide a new governance framework for using valuable tools of community improvement—especially performance measurement and citizen engagement—to empower communities to achieve the outcomes their citizens most desire. Government and nonprofit managers will learn how to combine these tools in new ways, not only to achieve one-time improvement of their organizations and communities, but to foster continual community renewal and improvement. The benefits and practicality of the framework and related practices will be reinforced by case examples from 25 communities across the country. The book will offer "how to" guidance to public and nonprofit managers, including promising practices for effective communities, and new roles for citizens, community leaders, and managers.

The Resurgence of Inflation: Lessons from History and Policy Recommendations (Financial and Monetary Policy Studies #57)

by Michael Heine Hansjörg Herr

In light of the resurgence of inflation in developed industrialised countries following a period of inordinately low inflation, this book analyses the causes and devastating effects of inflation by drawing lessons from the past. Focusing on the German hyperinflation of the 1920s and the inflationary waves of the 1970s, it examines the resulting economic crises and their influence on the subsequent periods of social and political turmoil, namely the fascism of the 1930s and the neoliberal revolution of the 1980s. Featuring five detailed case studies on inflationary waves in various countries in the 1970s, the book identifies economic policy errors of the past, seeking to prevent their recurrence. Offering empirical and theoretical insights alike, the authors present strategies for effectively combating inflation and deflation. In turn, the book assesses the complex ties between wage increases, income distribution, and price changes, ultimately providing valuable recommendations on how wage policy can be used to stabilise price level increases at a low level in a world characterised by diverse and extreme economic shocks.“The Resurgence of Inflation” fosters a vital discourse on wage and price dynamics, economic development and the role of trade unions, making it an essential read for policymakers, economists, and anyone seeking a deeper understanding of today’s economic challenges.

The Resurgence of Military Coups and Democratic Relapse in Africa

by Adeoye Akinola

This book presents the reality of democratic reversals and waves of coups cutting throughAfrica, explores the political economy of coups, and through a case studyapproach, provides a nuanced analysis of the negative impacts of coups inAfrica, and interrogates the roles of African regional organisations incurtailing coups and foreign powers in distorting the security architecture ofAfrican states, particularly in the Sahel region. It proffers sustainablepolicy templates for political development, professionalism of the military,and the subsequent withdrawal of the military from African politics. Apart fromits policy relevance, it will serve as a resource pool for researchers workingin the area of African political development, peace and security, and securitysector reforms. With the incremental exit of France from the Sahel, the bookwill also offer a nuanced perspective on the ‘scramble for the soul’ of theSahel by non-Western powers, such as China, Russia, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia.

The Resurgence of Parish Council Powers in England

by Alistair Jones

Parish councils are often underappreciated and undervalued in what they do even though they are an essential part of the governing of England today. In spite of this, the number of parish councils and the roles they perform are increasing. This book explores the reasons for this apparent resurgence in parish councils. Some of it is a response to local demand, especially with the impact of austerity on local government as a whole. At the same time, austerity measures have seen moves to much larger units of local government. Again, the demand for a more local tier of government has resulted in the creation of new parish councils. There is a huge caveat and this is in relation to capacity. Do these new councils have the capacity to deliver the services demanded of them?

The Resurgence of the Latin American Left

by Steven Levitsky Kenneth M. Roberts

Latin America experienced an unprecedented wave of left-leaning governments between 1998 and 2010. This volume examines the causes of this leftward turn and the consequences it carries for the region in the twenty-first century.The Resurgence of the Latin American Left asks three central questions: Why have left-wing parties and candidates flourished in Latin America? How have these leftist parties governed, particularly in terms of social and economic policy? What effects has the rise of the Left had on democracy and development in the region? The book addresses these questions through two sections. The first looks at several major themes regarding the contemporary Latin American Left, including whether Latin American public opinion actually shifted leftward in the 2000s, why the Left won in some countries but not in others, and how the left turn has affected market economies, social welfare, popular participation in politics, and citizenship rights. The second section examines social and economic policy and regime trajectories in eight cases: those of leftist governments in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Uruguay, and Venezuela, as well as that of a historically populist party that governed on the right in Peru. Featuring a new typology of Left parties in Latin America, an original framework for identifying and categorizing variation among these governments, and contributions from prominent and influential scholars of Latin American politics, this historical-institutional approach to understanding the region’s left turn—and variation within it—is the most comprehensive explanation to date on the topic.

The Resurgence of the Latin American Left

by Kenneth M. Roberts Steven Levitsky

Latin America experienced an unprecedented wave of left-leaning governments between 1998 and 2010. This volume examines the causes of this leftward turn and the consequences it carries for the region in the twenty-first century.The Resurgence of the Latin American Left asks three central questions: Why have left-wing parties and candidates flourished in Latin America? How have these leftist parties governed, particularly in terms of social and economic policy? What effects has the rise of the Left had on democracy and development in the region? The book addresses these questions through two sections. The first looks at several major themes regarding the contemporary Latin American Left, including whether Latin American public opinion actually shifted leftward in the 2000s, why the Left won in some countries but not in others, and how the left turn has affected market economies, social welfare, popular participation in politics, and citizenship rights. The second section examines social and economic policy and regime trajectories in eight cases: those of leftist governments in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Uruguay, and Venezuela, as well as that of a historically populist party that governed on the right in Peru. Featuring a new typology of Left parties in Latin America, an original framework for identifying and categorizing variation among these governments, and contributions from prominent and influential scholars of Latin American politics, this historical-institutional approach to understanding the region’s left turn—and variation within it—is the most comprehensive explanation to date on the topic.

The Resurgence of the State: Trends and Processes in Cyberspace Governance

by Sai Felicia Krishna-Hensel

The transnational architecture of global information networks has made territorial borders less significant. Boundaries between spaces are becoming blurred in the evolving information age. But do information and communication technologies networks really lead to a weakening of the nation-state? This volume revisits the 'retreat of the state' thesis and tests its validity in the 21st century. It considers cyberspace as a matter of collective and policy choice, prone to usurpation by governance structures. Governments around the world are already reacting to the information revolution and trying to re-establish their leading role in creating governance regimes for the Information Age. The volume comes at a historical moment when new political dynamics are detected and new conceptual models are sought to categorize the attempts to deal with global/transnational issues. It will intrigue the reader with expert-level analysis of the role of the state in the emerging global/supranational governance structures by providing historical context and conceptualizing trends and social dynamics.

The Resurgence of the State: Trends and Processes in Cyberspace Governance

by Sai Felicia Krishna-Hensel

The transnational architecture of global information networks has made territorial borders less significant. Boundaries between spaces are becoming blurred in the evolving information age. But do information and communication technologies networks really lead to a weakening of the nation-state? This volume revisits the 'retreat of the state' thesis and tests its validity in the 21st century. It considers cyberspace as a matter of collective and policy choice, prone to usurpation by governance structures. Governments around the world are already reacting to the information revolution and trying to re-establish their leading role in creating governance regimes for the Information Age. The volume comes at a historical moment when new political dynamics are detected and new conceptual models are sought to categorize the attempts to deal with global/transnational issues. It will intrigue the reader with expert-level analysis of the role of the state in the emerging global/supranational governance structures by providing historical context and conceptualizing trends and social dynamics.

The Resurgence of the West: How a Transatlantic Union Can Prevent War and Restore the United States and Europe

by Richard Rosecrance

After two centuries of ascent, the United States finds itself in economic decline. Some advise America to cure its woes alone. But the road to isolation leads inevitably to the end of U.S. leadership in the international system, warns Richard Rosecrance in this bold and novel book. Instead, Rosecrance calls for the United States to join forces with the European Union and create a transatlantic economic union. Such a U.S.-Europe community would unblock arteries of trade and investment, rejuvenate the West, and enable Western countries to deal with East Asian challenges from a position of unity and economic strength.Exploring the possibilities for such a merger, the author writes, “The European Union offers a means of creating larger units without recourse to force. A connection between Europe and North America could eventually grow into an agglomeration of states, drawing China and the East into a new network of countries. In this way East will eventually join the West.” Through this great merger the author offers a positive vision of the future in which members of a tightly knit Western alliance regain economic health and attract Eastern nations to join a new and worldwide international order.

Resurgent China: Issues for the Future

by N. Islam

In this book, top scholars of China from around the world combine to offer deep analyses of recent trends in China's economy and society in order to help understand the country's future. Topics covered include: population, agriculture, internal migration, industry and banking reform, resource constraint and environmental impact.

A Resurgent China: South Asian Perspectives

by S. D. Muni Tan Tai Yong

Bringing together a range of South Asian perspectives on rising China in a comparative framework, an attempt has been made, for the first time, to identify and examine the political, economic and socio-cultural stakeholders and constituencies that influence the respective policy of individual South Asian countries towards China. The essays also project how their mutual relations are likely to be shaped by these. The book is especially relevant today owing to China’s growing weight in Asian and global affairs.

A Resurgent China: South Asian Perspectives

by S. D. Muni Tan Tai Yong

Bringing together a range of South Asian perspectives on rising China in a comparative framework, an attempt has been made, for the first time, to identify and examine the political, economic and socio-cultural stakeholders and constituencies that influence the respective policy of individual South Asian countries towards China. The essays also project how their mutual relations are likely to be shaped by these. The book is especially relevant today owing to China’s growing weight in Asian and global affairs.

Resurrecting Marx: Analytical Marxists on Exploitation, Freedom and Justice ([studies In Social Philosophy And Policy #No. 14)

by David Gordon

The last two decades have seen Marxism's academic renascence. In fields as diverse as law, literary criticism, history, and philosophy, Marxism once again captivates no small number of scholars. In part, this reassessment is driven by the efforts of a group of philosophers and economists to reconstruct Marx from the ground up on a more rigorous basis. The work of these "Analytical Marxists" — who include G.A. Cohen, Jon Elster, and John Roemer — is given a sustained examination and critique in David Gordon's Resurrecting Marx. The charge of the Analytical Marxists that capitalism is inherently exploitative and unjust is the primary subject of Gordon's book. Gordon takes issue with that contention; he argues that the Analytical Marxists' withering criticism of classical Marxism is essentially correct, but that they fail to replace it with a superior theoretical edifice. Gordon also analyzes the Analytical Marxists' reformulation of the Marxian notion of exploitation, the implications of their rejection of the labor theory of value, their differences over what rights people have, and their arguments for the compatibility of markets with socialism.

Resurrecting Marx: Analytical Marxists on Exploitation, Freedom and Justice

by David Gordon

The last two decades have seen Marxism's academic renascence. In fields as diverse as law, literary criticism, history, and philosophy, Marxism once again captivates no small number of scholars. In part, this reassessment is driven by the efforts of a group of philosophers and economists to reconstruct Marx from the ground up on a more rigorous basis. The work of these "Analytical Marxists" — who include G.A. Cohen, Jon Elster, and John Roemer — is given a sustained examination and critique in David Gordon's Resurrecting Marx. The charge of the Analytical Marxists that capitalism is inherently exploitative and unjust is the primary subject of Gordon's book. Gordon takes issue with that contention; he argues that the Analytical Marxists' withering criticism of classical Marxism is essentially correct, but that they fail to replace it with a superior theoretical edifice. Gordon also analyzes the Analytical Marxists' reformulation of the Marxian notion of exploitation, the implications of their rejection of the labor theory of value, their differences over what rights people have, and their arguments for the compatibility of markets with socialism.

Resurrecting the Jew: Nationalism, Philosemitism, and Poland’s Jewish Revival (Princeton Studies in Cultural Sociology #18)

by Geneviève Zubrzycki

An in-depth look at why non-Jewish Poles are trying to bring Jewish culture back to life in Poland todaySince the early 2000s, Poland has experienced a remarkable Jewish revival, largely driven by non-Jewish Poles with a passionate new interest in all things Jewish. Klezmer music, Jewish-style restaurants, kosher vodka, and festivals of Jewish culture have become popular, while new museums, memorials, Jewish studies programs, and Holocaust research centers reflect soul-searching about Polish-Jewish relations before, during, and after the Holocaust. In Resurrecting the Jew, Geneviève Zubrzycki examines this revival and asks what it means to try to bring Jewish culture back to life in a country where 3 million Jews were murdered and where only about 10,000 Jews now live.Drawing on a decade of participant-observation in Jewish and Jewish-related organizations in Poland, a Birthright trip to Israel with young Polish Jews, and more than a hundred interviews with Jewish and non-Jewish Poles engaged in the Jewish revival, Resurrecting the Jew presents an in-depth look at Jewish life in Poland today. The book shows how the revival has been spurred by progressive Poles who want to break the association between Polishness and Catholicism, promote the idea of a multicultural Poland, and resist the Far Right government. The book also raises urgent questions, relevant far beyond Poland, about the limits of performative solidarity and empathetic forms of cultural appropriation.

Resurrecting the Jew: Nationalism, Philosemitism, and Poland’s Jewish Revival (Princeton Studies in Cultural Sociology #18)

by Geneviève Zubrzycki

An in-depth look at why non-Jewish Poles are trying to bring Jewish culture back to life in Poland todaySince the early 2000s, Poland has experienced a remarkable Jewish revival, largely driven by non-Jewish Poles with a passionate new interest in all things Jewish. Klezmer music, Jewish-style restaurants, kosher vodka, and festivals of Jewish culture have become popular, while new museums, memorials, Jewish studies programs, and Holocaust research centers reflect soul-searching about Polish-Jewish relations before, during, and after the Holocaust. In Resurrecting the Jew, Geneviève Zubrzycki examines this revival and asks what it means to try to bring Jewish culture back to life in a country where 3 million Jews were murdered and where only about 10,000 Jews now live.Drawing on a decade of participant-observation in Jewish and Jewish-related organizations in Poland, a Birthright trip to Israel with young Polish Jews, and more than a hundred interviews with Jewish and non-Jewish Poles engaged in the Jewish revival, Resurrecting the Jew presents an in-depth look at Jewish life in Poland today. The book shows how the revival has been spurred by progressive Poles who want to break the association between Polishness and Catholicism, promote the idea of a multicultural Poland, and resist the Far Right government. The book also raises urgent questions, relevant far beyond Poland, about the limits of performative solidarity and empathetic forms of cultural appropriation.

Resurrection (The Englishman)

by David Gilman

Dan Raglan, former Foreign Legion fighter, alias The Englishman, returns in Resurrection, the new high-octane, high-stakes international thriller from David Gilman.Somewhere in the Sahara, on the desolate border between Sudan and Chad, a P51 Mustang with long-range drop tanks slowly emerges from the dunes.Inside, the skeletalized remains of a man missing for three decades.His flying jacket bears no insignia, a worn leather attaché case lies by his side, held securely by a manacle around his left wrist. Inside a document men will kill for. Die for.The sands of time have shifted, and whoever finds that aircraft finds information that could expose the most valuable spy the UK intelligence service has ever known.The British, the French, and the Russians are on the trail.And so is Raglan.Reviewers on David Gilman:'An author at the zenith of his powers' Peter James 'Raglan is nicely complex: an action man with inner depths' Financial Times

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