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Delivering Intensive, Individualized Interventions to Children and Youth with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities (Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities #32)
by Melody Tankersley Bryan G. Cook Timothy J. LandrumIntensive, individualized interventions are certainly the hallmark promise of special education. In a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS), tier 3 interventions are the most intensive and require individualized delivery to address the learning and behavioral needs of students who are most often identified for special education services. MTSS, such as Responsiveness to Intervention (RTI) and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), are comprised of universal assessment, progress monitoring, and databased decision-making as intervention is implemented with increasing intensity and individualization based on the needs of the learner. The chapters in this volume cover a broad range of topics that address issues surrounding the identification of students who need the most intensive intervention, intensive intervention features and delivery considerations, behavioral interventions, academic interventions, and preservice teacher preparation. The authors of the chapters are recognized as international experts on these topics and provide specific recommendations that are based on research evidence as well as discuss considerations for future enhancement of multi-tiered systems of supports and intensive interventions. This is a contemporary resource for teachers, administrators, and teacher-educators who are charged with delivering special education and/or supporting those who do.
Delivering Psycho-educational Evaluation Results to Parents: A Practitioner’s Model
by Francis J. DeMatteoDelivering Psycho-educational Evaluation Results to Parents presents a concrete and adaptable Feedback Model that efficiently communicates complex evaluation results to parents in an easily understandable manner. The book discusses a model rooted in basic learning principles, effective communication practices, and practitioner empathy towards the parent experience of the home-school relationship, hinging upon practitioners and parents jointly creating a permanent product of the evaluation results during the feedback process. It provides early career school psychologists with a parent-friendly Feedback Model that can be adapted to their school-based setting. The text includes specific verbiage to explaining constructs in the cognitive, achievement, visual-motor, and social-emotional domains, along with considerations in application to working with diverse populations. The text is intended for school psychologists and professionals who complete psycho-educational evaluations for special education eligibility. More specifically, the text is envisioned to support the graduate training of school psychologists and the professional development of early career professionals in the field.
Delivering Psycho-educational Evaluation Results to Parents: A Practitioner’s Model
by Francis J. DeMatteoDelivering Psycho-educational Evaluation Results to Parents presents a concrete and adaptable Feedback Model that efficiently communicates complex evaluation results to parents in an easily understandable manner. The book discusses a model rooted in basic learning principles, effective communication practices, and practitioner empathy towards the parent experience of the home-school relationship, hinging upon practitioners and parents jointly creating a permanent product of the evaluation results during the feedback process. It provides early career school psychologists with a parent-friendly Feedback Model that can be adapted to their school-based setting. The text includes specific verbiage to explaining constructs in the cognitive, achievement, visual-motor, and social-emotional domains, along with considerations in application to working with diverse populations. The text is intended for school psychologists and professionals who complete psycho-educational evaluations for special education eligibility. More specifically, the text is envisioned to support the graduate training of school psychologists and the professional development of early career professionals in the field.
Delivering Resilient Health Care
by Erik Hollnagel Jeffrey Braithwaite Robert L. WearsHealth care is under tremendous pressure regarding efficiency, safety, and economic viability. It has responded by adopting techniques that have been useful in other industries, such as quality management, lean production, and high reliability – although with limited, and all-too-often disappointing, results. The Resilient Health Care Network (RHCN) has worked since 2011 to facilitate the interaction and collaboration among practitioners and researchers interested in applying concepts from resilience engineering to health care and patient safety. This has met with considerable success, not least because the focus from the start was on developing concrete ways to complement a Safety-I perspective with a Safety-II perspective. Building on previous volumes, Delivering Resilient Health Care presents documented experiences and practical guidance on how to bring Resilient Health Care into practice. It provides concrete advice on how to prepare a study, how to choose the right data, how to collect it, how to analyse the data, and how to interpret the results. This fourth book in the Resilient Healthcare series contains contributions from international experts in health care, organisational studies and patient safety, as well as resilience engineering. This book provides a practical guide for delivering resilient healthcare, particularly for clinicians on the frontline of care unsure how to incorporate resilience into their everyday work, managers coordinating care, and for policymakers hoping to steer the system in the right direction. Other groups – patients, the media, and researchers – will also find much of interest here.
Delivering Resilient Health Care
by Erik Hollnagel Jeffrey Braithwaite Robert L. WearsHealth care is under tremendous pressure regarding efficiency, safety, and economic viability. It has responded by adopting techniques that have been useful in other industries, such as quality management, lean production, and high reliability – although with limited, and all-too-often disappointing, results. The Resilient Health Care Network (RHCN) has worked since 2011 to facilitate the interaction and collaboration among practitioners and researchers interested in applying concepts from resilience engineering to health care and patient safety. This has met with considerable success, not least because the focus from the start was on developing concrete ways to complement a Safety-I perspective with a Safety-II perspective. Building on previous volumes, Delivering Resilient Health Care presents documented experiences and practical guidance on how to bring Resilient Health Care into practice. It provides concrete advice on how to prepare a study, how to choose the right data, how to collect it, how to analyse the data, and how to interpret the results. This fourth book in the Resilient Healthcare series contains contributions from international experts in health care, organisational studies and patient safety, as well as resilience engineering. This book provides a practical guide for delivering resilient healthcare, particularly for clinicians on the frontline of care unsure how to incorporate resilience into their everyday work, managers coordinating care, and for policymakers hoping to steer the system in the right direction. Other groups – patients, the media, and researchers – will also find much of interest here.
Delphi-Befragungen: Ein Arbeitsbuch
by Michael HäderSeit Mitte der neunziger Jahre gewinnen Delphi-Befragungen wachsende Bedeutung in Politik und Wirtschaft. Denn sie ermöglichen es, stichhaltige Einschätzungen über einen per se unklaren Sachverhalt - zum Beispiel die Zukunft des Internet - zu generieren. Dazu werden Experten in einem mehrstufigen, anonymen Verfahren nach ihrer Einschätzung gefragt und dadurch zu kompetenteren Urteilen geleitet. Dieses Buch ist Einführung in und Arbeitsbuch für die Durchführung von Delphi-Befragungen. Der Autor gibt Anleitungen für das adäquate Design der vier etablierten Befragungstypen (Aggregation von Ideen, Strukturierung eines diffusen Sachverhalts, Qualifizierung von Expertenmeinungen, Schaffung eines Konsenses unter den Experten). Dabei stellt er jeweils alle wichtigen Aspekte des Verfahrens detailliert dar, zum Beispiel die Auswahl der Teilnehmer, die Erstellung des Fragebogens, die Gestaltung des Feed-backs und die Analyse der gewonnenen Daten. Darüber hinaus soll der Band die von Kritikern oft eingeforderte theoretische Fundierung des Verfahrens liefern. Basis dazu sind kognitionspsychologische Überlegungen und empirische Befunde zur Evaluation des Delphi-Ansatzes. Zahlreiche kommentierte Literaturhinweise ermöglichen dem interessierten Leser gezielten Zugang zu weiteren Informationen.
Delphi-Befragungen: Ein Arbeitsbuch
by Michael HäderSeit Mitte der neunziger Jahre gewinnen Delphi-Befragungen wachsende Bedeutung in Politik und Wirtschaft. Denn sie ermöglichen es, stichhaltige Einschätzungen über einen per se unklaren Sachverhalt - zum Beispiel die Zukunft des Internet - zu generieren. Dazu werden Experten in einem mehrstufigen, anonymen Verfahren nach ihrer Einschätzung gefragt und dadurch zu kompetenteren Urteilen geleitet. Dieses Buch ist Einführung in und Arbeitsbuch für die Durchführung von Delphi-Befragungen. Der Autor gibt Anleitungen für das adäquate Design der vier etablierten Befragungstypen (Aggregation von Ideen, Strukturierung eines diffusen Sachverhalts, Qualifizierung von Expertenmeinungen, Schaffung eines Konsenses unter den Experten). Dabei stellt er jeweils alle wichtigen Aspekte des Verfahrens detailliert dar, zum Beispiel die Auswahl der Teilnehmer, die Erstellung des Fragebogens, die Gestaltung des Feed-backs und die Analyse der gewonnenen Daten. Darüber hinaus soll der Band die von Kritikern oft eingeforderte theoretische Fundierung des Verfahrens liefern. Basis dazu sind kognitionspsychologische Überlegungen und empirische Befunde zur Evaluation des Delphi-Ansatzes. Zahlreiche kommentierte Literaturhinweise ermöglichen dem interessierten Leser gezielten Zugang zu weiteren Informationen.
Delphi-Befragungen: Ein Arbeitsbuch
by Michael HäderDelphi-Befragungen richten sich an eine Expertengruppe, die in einer anonymen Situation über einen unklaren Sachverhalt, z.B. die Zukunft, eine Vermutung äußern. Das Ergebnis dieser Erhebung wird den Teilnehmern mitgeteilt. Danach wird vor diesem Hintergrund die Befragung wiederholt. Seit Mitte der 90er Jahre ist eine erhöhte Aufmerksamkeit gegenüber Delphi-Befragungen zu bemerken. Vermehrt sind Delphi-Befragungen beziehungsweise deren Ergebnisse auch Gegenstand der Ausbildung an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen geworden. Diese Monographie versucht - im Sinne eines How-to-do - zu zeigen, welche Ergebnisse von Delphi-Befragungen zu erwarten sind und in welchen Schritten solche Befragungen vorbereitet, durchgeführt und ausgewertet werden können. Gegenstand sind außerdem konkrete Erfahrungen, die aus einer Vielzahl von Delphi-Studien gewonnen wurden und die auf diesem Weg einem breiteren Interessentenkreis vorgestellt werden sollen.
The Delusional Person: Bodily Feelings in Psychosis
by Salomon ResnikIn a long and distinguished career Salomon Resnik has established himself as a psychoanalyst of international reputation. The present volume gathers together, for the first time in an English translation, writings essential for a fuller understanding of his important and original ideas.
Delusions: Investigations Into The Psychology Of Delusional Reasoning (Maudsley Series #No. 36)
by Philippa A. Garety David R. HemsleyThe authors offer cogent reviews of the literature pertaining to the formation and maintenance of delusions, but the most substantial parts of the monograph expound the empirical inquiries which they and their colleagues have carried out in recent years. Most of the research has been published elsewhere, but such is the relevance of the experiments cited to the whole schema that the monograph has unique value. It is a synthesis which portrays the contribution to date of cognitive science to the biology and psychopathology of delusional thinking, and convincingly demonstrates that this way of looking at things has a considerable future. There are important implications for therapy as well as for hypothesis formulation. The monograph is attractively written, and the authors present their claims with exemplary modesty. The whole tenor of their approach gives weight to the conviction that here we have a story that must be taken seriously. It is a significant book, and I warmly commend it to all those with an interest in the future of psychopathology, and especially to psychiatrists who wish to advance their understanding of mental states and avoid stagnating with outworn dogma." - Robert Cawley, University of London in British Journal of Psychiatry Delusions are a key symptom of psychosis and yet there is no single book which considers delusions from a psychological perspective. In part this is because the syndrome of schizophrenia has captured the attention of many workers, and in part because delusions, as private mental phenomena, are not well suited to purely behavioural or observational methods of enquiry. For the past two decades, however, cognitive psychology has been in its ascendancy and delusions, as beliefs, are particularly amenable to investigation applying cognitive concepts and methods. Within this framework, it is possible to consider continuities between delusional and ordinary beliefs, as well as to seek to identify differences. This book, therefore, uniquely presents a psychological model of delusions, employing the neglected strategy of single symptom research and the tools of cognitive psychology
Delusions: Investigations Into The Psychology Of Delusional Reasoning (Maudsley Series)
by Philippa A. Garety David R. HemsleyThe authors offer cogent reviews of the literature pertaining to the formation and maintenance of delusions, but the most substantial parts of the monograph expound the empirical inquiries which they and their colleagues have carried out in recent years. Most of the research has been published elsewhere, but such is the relevance of the experiments cited to the whole schema that the monograph has unique value. It is a synthesis which portrays the contribution to date of cognitive science to the biology and psychopathology of delusional thinking, and convincingly demonstrates that this way of looking at things has a considerable future. There are important implications for therapy as well as for hypothesis formulation. The monograph is attractively written, and the authors present their claims with exemplary modesty. The whole tenor of their approach gives weight to the conviction that here we have a story that must be taken seriously. It is a significant book, and I warmly commend it to all those with an interest in the future of psychopathology, and especially to psychiatrists who wish to advance their understanding of mental states and avoid stagnating with outworn dogma." - Robert Cawley, University of London in British Journal of Psychiatry Delusions are a key symptom of psychosis and yet there is no single book which considers delusions from a psychological perspective. In part this is because the syndrome of schizophrenia has captured the attention of many workers, and in part because delusions, as private mental phenomena, are not well suited to purely behavioural or observational methods of enquiry. For the past two decades, however, cognitive psychology has been in its ascendancy and delusions, as beliefs, are particularly amenable to investigation applying cognitive concepts and methods. Within this framework, it is possible to consider continuities between delusional and ordinary beliefs, as well as to seek to identify differences. This book, therefore, uniquely presents a psychological model of delusions, employing the neglected strategy of single symptom research and the tools of cognitive psychology
Delusions in Context
by Lisa BortolottiThis open access book offers an exploration of delusions—unusual beliefs that can significantly disrupt people’s lives. Experts from a range of disciplinary backgrounds, including lived experience, clinical psychiatry, philosophy, clinical psychology, and cognitive neuroscience, discuss how delusions emerge, why it is so difficult to give them up, what their effects are, how they are managed, and what we can do to reduce the stigma associated with them. Taken as a whole, the book proposes that there is continuity between delusions and everyday beliefs. It is essential reading for researchers working on delusions and mental health more generally, and will also appeal to anybody who wants to gain a better understanding of what happens when the way we experience and interpret the world is different from that of the people around us.
The Delusions of Certainty
by Siri HustvedtPrizewinning novelist, feminist, and scholar Siri Hustvedt turns her brilliant and critical eye toward the metaphysical issues of neuropsychology in this lauded, standalone volume. Originally published in her collection A Woman Looking at Men Looking at Women, The Delusions of Certainty exposes how the age-old, unresolved mind-body problem has shaped - and often distorted and confused - contemporary thought in neuroscience, psychiatry, genetics, artificial intelligence, and evolutionary psychology.
Delusions of Competence: The Near-Death of Lloyd’s of London 1970--2002 (Palgrave Studies in Economic History)
by Robin PearsonThis book examines the crisis at the famous insurance market, Lloyd's of London, during the late twentieth century, which nearly destroyed the 300-year-old institution. While rapid structural change resulting from system collapse is less common in insurance than in the history of other financial services, one exception was the Lloyd’s crisis. Hitherto, explanations of the crisis have focused on the effects of catastrophic losses and poor governance. By drawing on contemporary accounts of the crisis, the author constructs the first comprehensive scholarly analysis of the public and political response. The book applies theoretical concepts from behavioural economics and economic psychology to argue that multiple delusions of competence were at work both within and outside the Lloyd’s market. Arrogance, elitism and defence of vested interests comprised endogenous elements of the crisis. Entrenched ideas about the virtues of self-regulation and faith in insider experts also played a role. The result was a misdiagnosis by both insiders and politicians of what ailed Lloyd’s and a series of reforms that failed to address the underlying causes of its disease. This book offers a salutary lesson from recent history about the importance of the transparency, accountability and effective monitoring of financial institutions. It is of interest to academics and students of economic and financial history, business, insurance, political economy and history.
The Delusions of Crowds: Why People Go Mad in Groups
by William L BernsteinInspired by Charles Mackay's 19th-century classic Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, William Bernstein engages with mass delusion with the same curiosity and passion, but armed with the latest scientific research that explains the biological, evolutionary and psychosocial roots of human irrationality. Bernstein tells the stories of dramatic religious and financial mania in western society over the last 500 years - from the Anabaptist Madness that afflicted the Low Countries in the 1530s to the dangerous end-times beliefs that animate ISIS and pervade today's polarised nations; and from the South Sea Bubble to the Enron scandal and dot com bubbles of recent years. Through Bernstein's supple prose, the participants are as colourful as their motivation, invariably 'the desire to improve one's well-being in this life or the next.'As revealing about human nature as they are historically significant, Bernstein's chronicles reveal the huge cost and alarming implications of mass mania as he observes that if we can absorb the history and biology of mass delusion, we can recognise it more readily in our own time and avoid its frequently dire impact.
Dem Leser auf der Spur: Literarisches Lesen als Forschen und Entdecken. Zur Sozialpsychologie des literarischen Verstehens (Konzeption Empirische Literaturwissenschaft #8)
by László HalászThe Demands of Motherhood: Agents, Roles and Recognition (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life)
by L. SmythDrawing on qualitative interviews with forty middle-class mothers living in Northern Ireland and the US, this book explores the strategies women adopt, as they take on and creatively re-make motherhood in ways which allow them to cope.
by David Ames John T. O'Brien Alistair BurnsDementia represents a major public health challenge for the world with over 100 million people likely to be affected by 2050. A large body of professionals is active in diagnosing, treating, and caring for people with dementia, and research is expanding. Many of these specialists find it hard to keep up to date in all aspects of dementia. This book helps solve that problem. The new edition has been updated and revised to reflect recent advances in this fast-moving field.
by David Ames John T. O'Brien Alistair BurnsDementia represents a major public health challenge for the world with over 100 million people likely to be affected by 2050. A large body of professionals is active in diagnosing, treating, and caring for people with dementia, and research is expanding. Many of these specialists find it hard to keep up to date in all aspects of dementia. This book helps solve that problem. The new edition has been updated and revised to reflect recent advances in this fast-moving field.
Dementia: Metamorphosis in Care
by Claire BiernackiOur perceptions of dementia and what dementia care should constitute have changed dramatically over the past 20 years. Research has uncovered a mass of information concerning all aspects of dementia. This wealth of information should be reflected in a dramatic change, indeed a metamorphosis, in the way people with dementia are cared for. No such change has occurred. Dementia - Metamorphosis in Care will address the need for change and provide practitioners with a means of understanding why adhering to the old model – the medical approach – can be damaging in current care settings. Practitioners are advised on what is needed from them in order that they can positively influence the lives of those living with dementia. The importance of the role of professional carer and the responsibility they carry regarding whether or not care improves, is underlined throughout the book.
Dementia: Current Perspectives in Research and Treatment
by Gary ChristopherThis book explores how our conception of dementia has changed since its initial discovery, taking in advancements in knowledge that translate into better ways to manage the condition. Providing detailed reports of the latest research, the book explores the myriad forms of dementia. Written in accessible language, it looks at current methods of assessing and diagnosing the condition before turning to contemporary approaches to treatment. Chapters dedicated to often overlooked issues include raising awareness about how dementia affects the lives of those with an intellectual developmental disorder, the fundamental need to consider cultural differences, and the need to fully acknowledge and support informal carers. The final section of the text examines how COVID-19 has spotlighted serious gaps in healthcare for those living with dementia. Fortified with straightforward explanations and references to clinical material throughout, the book is essential reading not only for clinical psychologists in training and those in practice seeking an overview of the field and latest developments, but for a broader audience as well.
Dementia: Current Perspectives in Research and Treatment
by Gary ChristopherThis book explores how our conception of dementia has changed since its initial discovery, taking in advancements in knowledge that translate into better ways to manage the condition. Providing detailed reports of the latest research, the book explores the myriad forms of dementia. Written in accessible language, it looks at current methods of assessing and diagnosing the condition before turning to contemporary approaches to treatment. Chapters dedicated to often overlooked issues include raising awareness about how dementia affects the lives of those with an intellectual developmental disorder, the fundamental need to consider cultural differences, and the need to fully acknowledge and support informal carers. The final section of the text examines how COVID-19 has spotlighted serious gaps in healthcare for those living with dementia. Fortified with straightforward explanations and references to clinical material throughout, the book is essential reading not only for clinical psychologists in training and those in practice seeking an overview of the field and latest developments, but for a broader audience as well.
Dementia: Time Awareness Across Life Stages And In Dementia (Perspectives on Individual Differences)
by Allen Jack EdwardsDementia is a state that has implications for several groups. There are, first, those who wish to assess its nature and impact in an objective and scientific fashion, using tools of research to uncover dementia's causes, effects, and parameters. The result has been a rapidly expanding literature in diverse disciplines: physiology, chemistry, neurology, psychology, and sociology, among others. Second, there are those professionals and caregivers who work di rectly with patients and other caregivers and who must assess and apply interventions. Third, physicians are involved in diagnosis and treatment (so far as possible) and are responsible for communicating the ominous meanings of the destructive disease process. Fourth, there are the caregivers, who accept accountability for the future of a human who increasingly shows a "robbing of the mind" in his or her behaviors. The needs and stresses of those who care for and about those with progressive dementia are among the most intense imaginable. They need support of many kinds, frequently without knowing what to ask or of whom to ask it. Finally, there are the patients, who increasingly become dependent as their mental competencies decline. They need empathic care-including answers to questions about cause, stabilization, or reversal of the de menting process. Even more, they need cure. Further, present and future generations need the assurance of prevention. This volume surveys present "knowledge" about dementia and its consequences.
Dementia: Person-Centered Assessment and Intervention
by Ellen Hickey Michelle S. BourgeoisPerson-centered care for persons with dementia has been developed and expanded over the last few decades. Speech-language pathologists are uniquely positioned to understand the striking impact that communication challenges have on persons with dementia and their caregivers, and can lead the charge to improve access to communication and participation. This volume serves as a starting point and reference manual for those who want to provide person-centered and life-enhancing services to persons with dementia, and to inspire the continued generation of quality research to demonstrate the value of cognitive-communication, behavioral, and caregiver interventions. It serves as a call to action for an interprofessional team of healthcare providers across healthcare settings to promote meaningful life engagement in persons with dementia using evidence-based assessment and intervention approaches. This volume provides background on the evolution of caring for persons with dementia, as well as a description of the diagnostic process for dementia syndromes and the cognitive and communication characteristics of dementias with an emphasis on Alzheimer’s dementia. Its chapters cover the person-centered assessment process for persons with cognitive and communicative disorders of dementias; intervention approaches for the wide variety of cognitive, communicative, eating/swallowing, and behavioral symptoms and consequences of dementia syndromes; reimbursement and documentation issues for various settings in which persons with dementia are seen; and issues and challenges of quality of life and end-of-life care.
Dementia: Person-Centered Assessment and Intervention
by Ellen Hickey Michelle S. BourgeoisPerson-centered care for persons with dementia has been developed and expanded over the last few decades. Speech-language pathologists are uniquely positioned to understand the striking impact that communication challenges have on persons with dementia and their caregivers, and can lead the charge to improve access to communication and participation. This volume serves as a starting point and reference manual for those who want to provide person-centered and life-enhancing services to persons with dementia, and to inspire the continued generation of quality research to demonstrate the value of cognitive-communication, behavioral, and caregiver interventions. It serves as a call to action for an interprofessional team of healthcare providers across healthcare settings to promote meaningful life engagement in persons with dementia using evidence-based assessment and intervention approaches. This volume provides background on the evolution of caring for persons with dementia, as well as a description of the diagnostic process for dementia syndromes and the cognitive and communication characteristics of dementias with an emphasis on Alzheimer’s dementia. Its chapters cover the person-centered assessment process for persons with cognitive and communicative disorders of dementias; intervention approaches for the wide variety of cognitive, communicative, eating/swallowing, and behavioral symptoms and consequences of dementia syndromes; reimbursement and documentation issues for various settings in which persons with dementia are seen; and issues and challenges of quality of life and end-of-life care.