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Demystifying Therapy (PDF)

by Ernesto Spinelli

This book questions the efficacy of those who seek to promote mental health using specific approaches and asks whether their approach may actually impede the therapeutic process.

Den Dingen auf der Spur: Zum Umgang mit Gegenständen in Kindheit und Jugend

by Petra Götte Wiebke Waburg

Im Band wird die Frage nach der Verankerung von Dingen in sozialen und kulturellen Praxen von (und mit) Kindern, aber auch von (und mit) Jugendlichen in den Fokus gerückt. Es geht darum, wie sich im Umgang mit den Dingen leibliches Erleben entfaltet, wie Dingen Bedeutung zugeschrieben wird, wie sie zu Symbolen werden, wie mit ihnen Übergänge, Rollen- und Geschlechterstereotype, generationale und kulturelle Differenzen, Machtverhältnisse und Regierungsspielräume konstituiert, aber auch verschoben werden.

An Den Grenzen der Psychiatrie

by Oswald Bumke

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Den Kopf frei machen und so bleiben: Anders denken und glücklich werden

by Frederic Adler

Sie sind etwas unzufrieden? Oder sehr? Oder sogar unglücklich? Sind Sie nicht! Allerdings wissen Sie das nicht. Man hat Ihnen bedauerlicherweise nicht mitgeteilt, dass Sie auch glücklich und zufrieden sein können. Machen Sie Ihren Kopf frei und entdecken Sie eine ganz andere Welt! Aber warum sollte das so einfach sein? Unser Denken ist von diversen Einflüssen geprägt. Dadurch konstruieren wir unsere Welt. Oft sind wir uns der zahlreichen Einflüsse und Prägungen selbst kaum bewusst. Dadurch halten wir unsere Sicht der Welt für unveränderbar. Wir haben den Eindruck zahlreichen Regeln und Normen zu unterliegen, die wir einzuhalten haben. Dieses Buch kann Ihnen helfen diese scheinbaren Regeln zu erkennen und zu hinterfragen. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Büchern geht es nicht darum etwas zu tun, um zufriedener zu werden, sondern darum zu erkennen, dass wir manchmal nur eine falsche Sicht auf die Dinge haben. Mit dieser Einsicht und dem neuen Verständnis können Sie Ihr Leben in einem anderen Licht sehen. Die Grundlage hierfür bilden einfach dargestellte und praktisch aufgearbeitete, psychologische und soziologische Erkenntnisse. Auf unterhaltsame Weise erfahren Sie, dass Sie vielleicht schon dort sind, wo Sie schon immer sein wollten und dass Sie sich alles einfach noch ein bisschen schöner einrichten können.Zum Autor:Der Autor (Dr. phil. Dipl.-Päd. Frederic Adler) ist promovierter Pädagoge und derzeit an der Universität Augsburg und der Zeppelin Universität Friedrichshafen tätig. In der Vergangenheit war er an der TU München und der Universität der Bundeswehr München tätig. Er wurde durch seine Beschäftigung mit Emotion und Motivation und dem Hintergrund des Konstruktivismus zu diesem Sachbuch inspiriert.

Den Traummann finden für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Andrea Bettermann

So finden Sie einen Mann, der zu Ihnen passt Sind Sie auf der Suche nach Ihrem Traummann, aber Wissen nicht so recht, wie Sie ihn finden können? Andrea Bettermann begleitet Sie bei der Partnersuche. Sie gibt Ihnen konkrete Tipps, wie Sie in Onlinebörsen, Speed-Datings oder auf Single-Partys Ihrem Traummann begegnen können. Sie hilft Ihnen, sich darüber klar zu werden, was Sie eigentlich suchen, und zeigt Ihnen, dass es oft sinnvoll ist, auch rechts und links zu schauen. Vor allem aber macht sie Ihnen Mut, auch die Zeit als Single zu genießen, auf sich selbst zu vertrauen und selbstbewusst auf die Suche zu gehen.

Denial: A Clarification of Concepts and Research

by E. L. Edelstein D. L. Nathanson A. M. Stone

We do not think about everything at once all the time. Various mecha­ nisms allow us to choose from among the themes, issues, topics, feelings, ideas, and memories that might occupy consciousness. One can focus selectively on anything deemed important; yet the methods by which this is accomplished vary greatly. We clinicians assign to these various mech­ anisms names that fit whatever theoretical system is central to our work-the healthy suppression of "background noise" allows us to pay attention to certain matters; the repression of unconscious conflict may assist our functioning in one moment despite its later cost; whereas denial and disavowal are used as general and fairly nonspecific terms for matters that are left out of awareness in order to avoid the noxious emotions specific to the personal significance of such awareness. Despite the attitude of scientific objectivity characterizing Freud's introduction of psychoanalysis, an aura of morality clings to certain of these mecha­ nisms, for we tend to judge people by their use of them. We are a society of doers, people of action and accomplishment who look with disrespect at the avoidance of any responsibility or task. Thus denial has taken on a negative connotation, and those who use this avoidance system are seen as the lesser among us.

Denial: Self-Deception, False Beliefs, and the Origins of the Human Mind

by Ajit Varki Danny Brower

From two acclaimed scientists comes a revolutionary theory that alters our understanding of human evolution. The history of science abounds with momentous theories that disrupted conventional wisdom and yet were eventually proven true. Ajit Varki and Danny Brower's "Mind over Reality" theory is poised to be one such idea-a concept that runs counter to commonly-held notions about human evolution but that may hold the key to understanding why humans evolved as we did, leaving all other related species far behind. At a chance meeting in 2005, Brower, a geneticist, posed an unusual idea to Varki that he believed could explain the origins of human uniqueness among the world's species: Why is there no humanlike elephant or humanlike dolphin, despite millions of years of evolutionary opportunity? Why is it that humans alone can understand the minds of others? Haunted by their encounter, Varki tried years later to contact Brower only to discover that he had died unexpectedly. Inspired by an incomplete manuscript Brower left behind, DENIAL presents a radical new theory on the origins of our species. It was not, the authors argue, a biological leap that set humanity apart from other species, but a psychological one: namely, the uniquely human ability to deny reality in the face of inarguable evidence-including the willful ignorance of our own inevitable deaths. The awareness of our own mortality could have caused anxieties that resulted in our avoiding the risks of competing to procreate-an evolutionary dead-end. Humans therefore needed to evolve a mechanism for overcoming this hurdle: the denial of reality. As a consequence of this evolutionary quirk we now deny any aspects of reality that are not to our liking-we smoke cigarettes, eat unhealthy foods, and avoid exercise, knowing these habits are a prescription for an early death. And so what has worked to establish our species could be our undoing if we continue to deny the consequences of unrealistic approaches to everything from personal health to financial risk-taking to climate change. On the other hand reality-denial affords us many valuable attributes, such as optimism, confidence, and courage in the face of long odds. Presented in homage to Brower's original thinking, DENIAL offers a powerful warning about the dangers inherent in our remarkable ability to ignore reality-a gift that will either lead to our downfall, or continue to be our greatest asset.

Denken + Doen = Durven - werkboek kind

by S.M. Bögels

Iedereen is wel eens bang en dat is hartstikke normaal. Maar als de angst ervoor zorgt dat je leven minder leuk en makkelijk is, is het tijd om die angst aan te pakken! Er is echt iets aan te doen! Dit boek helpt jou om met je angsten te leren omgaan. Het begint met uitleg over wat angst is en daarna zijn er veel oefeningen in te vinden. De meeste kinderen die het boek gebruiken, vragen hulp bij een therapeut, die weet hoe dit boek werkt. Als je zo'n therapeut zoekt, kun je het beste even naar je huisarts gaan, die kan je verder helpen.Speciaal voor ouders van kinderen met een angststoornis is er Denken+DoenDurven, werkboek voor ouders. Voor de psychologen, orthopedagogen, psychiaters en andere hulpverleners die met deze kinderen en hun ouders werken is er Behandeling van angststoornissen bij kinderen en adolescenten.

Denken + Doen = Durven - werkboek voor ouders

by S.M. Bögels

Ieder kind is wel eens bang en dat is heel normaal. Echter te grote angsten kunnen het leven van uw kind belemmeren, we spreken dan van angststoornissen. Aan angststoornissen is zeker wat te doen! Dit boek beschrijft een zeer effectief bewezen programma om te grote angsten bij kinderen tussen 8 en 18 jaar oud aan te pakken. Tevens wordt de rol van de ouders daarbij uitgelegd.Het boek begint met uitleg over wat angst is en wat eraan te doen is, en welke steun ouders kunnen bieden. Daarna zijn er veel oefeningen voor uw kind om zijn of haar angst aan te pakken. Voor de ouders zijn er tips en oefeningen hoe u uw kind hierbij kunt helpen. De meeste gezinnen en kinderen volgen dit programma bij een therapeut. De therapeut zal het gezin steeds vertellen wat te lezen en welke oefeningen te doen. De therapeut helpt met hoe uw kind zo goed mogelijk oefent, en wat u en uw kind kunnen doen als iets moeilijk gaat. Als u zo'n therapeut zoekt, kunt u het beste even naar uw huisarts gaan, die kan u en uw kind verder helpen. Voor kinderen is er Denken+DoenDurven, werkboek voor jezelf. Dit boek helpt het kind om met zijn of haar angsten om te gaan. Voor de psychologen, orthopedagogen, psychiaters en andere hulpverleners die met deze kinderen werken is er Behandeling van angststoornissen bij kinderen en adolescenten. 

Denken und Erkennen im kybernetischen Modell

by Herbert Stachowiak

Denktraining mit geistig behinderten Menschen: Eine Anleitung für Pädagogen und Pflegefachpersonen (essentials)

by Annemarie Frick-Salzmann

Die Pädagogin und erfahrene Autorin Annemarie Frick-Salzmann stellt in diesem Band ihr eigens konzipiertes Denktraining für geistig behinderte Menschen vor. Geistig behinderte Menschen nach ICD-10 lassen sich auch geistig stimulieren. Vielerorts wird das zu wenig beachtet. In diesem essential werden verschiedene Möglichkeiten geistiger Anregungen in einem Denktraining aufgelistet. Das Konzept der Autorin ist einmalig und fußt vor allem auf induktiven Denkaufgaben (nach K. J. Klauer). Die induktiven Denkaufgaben sind sehr praxisbezogen und haben einen hohen Transfer auf die Bewältigung des Alltags. Die Arbeit ist auf eine Viertelstunde begrenzt und ist ein Dialogtraining. Der große Vorteil für die Bewohner eines Heimes ist, dass damit die persönliche Zuneigung motivierend ist und konzentriert gearbeitet werden kann. Zum Buch werden Arbeitsblätter online bereitgestellt.

A Dented Image: Journeys of Recovery from Subarachnoid Haemorrhage

by Alison Wertheimer

Every year, 8,500 people in the UK will have a subarachnoid haemorrhage, of whom about 50 per cent will survive this traumatic brain injury which often occurs without warning. Survivors can make a ‘good’ neurological recovery but the psychosocial impact can be longer lasting. Drawing from her own experience of surviving a subarachnoid haemorrhage, together with other people's journeys of recovery and recent research findings, Alison Wertheimer covers: themes of recovery leaving neurocare and early days of recovery looking for help physical, sensory and cognitive effects the emotional impact of subarachnoid haemorrhage the survivor’s relationship with family and friends returning to work what helped the survivors with their recovery subarachnoid haemorrhage as a life-changing event. A Dented Image will be of interest to a wide-ranging audience: survivors and their families and friends; health professionals working with people recovering from acute brain injury in hospital and community-based services including doctors, nurses, psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and other members of rehabilitation teams. It may also be of interest to people recovering from other traumatic illnesses or injuries.

A Dented Image: Journeys of Recovery from Subarachnoid Haemorrhage

by Alison Wertheimer

Every year, 8,500 people in the UK will have a subarachnoid haemorrhage, of whom about 50 per cent will survive this traumatic brain injury which often occurs without warning. Survivors can make a ‘good’ neurological recovery but the psychosocial impact can be longer lasting. Drawing from her own experience of surviving a subarachnoid haemorrhage, together with other people's journeys of recovery and recent research findings, Alison Wertheimer covers: themes of recovery leaving neurocare and early days of recovery looking for help physical, sensory and cognitive effects the emotional impact of subarachnoid haemorrhage the survivor’s relationship with family and friends returning to work what helped the survivors with their recovery subarachnoid haemorrhage as a life-changing event. A Dented Image will be of interest to a wide-ranging audience: survivors and their families and friends; health professionals working with people recovering from acute brain injury in hospital and community-based services including doctors, nurses, psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and other members of rehabilitation teams. It may also be of interest to people recovering from other traumatic illnesses or injuries.

Denying Death: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Terror Management Theory

by Lindsey A. Harvell Gwendelyn S. Nisbett

This volume is the first to showcase the interdisciplinary nature of Terror Management Theory, providing a detailed overview of how rich and diverse the field has become since the late 1980s, and where it is going in the future. It offers perspectives from psychology, political science, communication, health, sociology, business, marketing and cultural studies, among others, and in the process reveals how our existential ponderings permeate our behavior in almost every area of our lives. It will interest a wide range of upper-level students and researchers who want an overview of past and current TMT research and how it may be applied to their own research interests.

Denying Death: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Terror Management Theory (The\enlightenment World Ser. #11)

by Lindsey A. Harvell Gwendelyn S. Nisbett

This volume is the first to showcase the interdisciplinary nature of Terror Management Theory, providing a detailed overview of how rich and diverse the field has become since the late 1980s, and where it is going in the future. It offers perspectives from psychology, political science, communication, health, sociology, business, marketing and cultural studies, among others, and in the process reveals how our existential ponderings permeate our behavior in almost every area of our lives. It will interest a wide range of upper-level students and researchers who want an overview of past and current TMT research and how it may be applied to their own research interests.

Denying to the Grave: Why We Ignore the Science That Will Save Us, Revised and Updated Edition

by Jack M. Gorman Sara E. Gorman

With science denial as a rising danger to public health, Sara E. Gorman and Jack M. Gorman analyze society's resistance to scientific evidence relating to health and safety, and the tools to combat these tendencies. Why do some parents decide not to vaccinate their children? Why do some people keep guns at home, despite ample evidence that doing so increases the risk of a gun-related injury? And why do people use antibiotics for illnesses that antibiotics cannot possibly alleviate? When it comes to health, many people believe that science is wrong, that the evidence is incomplete, and that unidentified hazards lurk everywhere. In Denying to the Grave, Sara Gorman and Jack Gorman explore the psychology of health science denial. Using several examples as case studies, they propose six key principles that may lead people to reject "accepted" health-related wisdom: the charismatic leader; fear of complexity; confirmation bias; fear of corporate and government conspiracies; causality and filling the ignorance gap; and the nature of risk prediction. This fully updated and expanded new edition of Denying to the Grave reviews the most recent research on health science denial, offering a brand new chapter on how the contemporary "assault on science" waged by certain political administrations has eroded public trust in national health and science agencies, such as CDC, FDA, and EPA. Also new to this edition is a chapter investigating the relationship between health crises and misinformation, and what happens to science denial amidst a global public health crisis. Finally, the book proposes a novel approach to counteracting misinformation and improving our ability to understand and accept scientific consensus. In an era in which trust in science has become more important, and yet more elusive, than ever before, Denying to the Grave sheds light on why we often choose to ignore scientific evidence, pointing the way toward a new understanding of how science should be conveyed to the public in order to save lives with existing knowledge and technology.

Denying to the Grave: Why We Ignore the Science That Will Save Us, Revised and Updated Edition

by Sara E. Gorman Jack M. Gorman

With science denial as a rising danger to public health, Sara E. Gorman and Jack M. Gorman analyze society's resistance to scientific evidence relating to health and safety, and the tools to combat these tendencies. Why do some parents decide not to vaccinate their children? Why do some people keep guns at home, despite ample evidence that doing so increases the risk of a gun-related injury? And why do people use antibiotics for illnesses that antibiotics cannot possibly alleviate? When it comes to health, many people believe that science is wrong, that the evidence is incomplete, and that unidentified hazards lurk everywhere. In Denying to the Grave, Sara Gorman and Jack Gorman explore the psychology of health science denial. Using several examples as case studies, they propose six key principles that may lead people to reject "accepted" health-related wisdom: the charismatic leader; fear of complexity; confirmation bias; fear of corporate and government conspiracies; causality and filling the ignorance gap; and the nature of risk prediction. This fully updated and expanded new edition of Denying to the Grave reviews the most recent research on health science denial, offering a brand new chapter on how the contemporary "assault on science" waged by certain political administrations has eroded public trust in national health and science agencies, such as CDC, FDA, and EPA. Also new to this edition is a chapter investigating the relationship between health crises and misinformation, and what happens to science denial amidst a global public health crisis. Finally, the book proposes a novel approach to counteracting misinformation and improving our ability to understand and accept scientific consensus. In an era in which trust in science has become more important, and yet more elusive, than ever before, Denying to the Grave sheds light on why we often choose to ignore scientific evidence, pointing the way toward a new understanding of how science should be conveyed to the public in order to save lives with existing knowledge and technology.

Departing from Deviance: A History of Homosexual Rights and Emancipatory Science in America

by Henry L. Minton

The struggle to remove the stigma of sickness surrounding same-sex love has a long history. In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its diagnostic classification of mental illness, but the groundwork for this pivotal decision was laid decades earlier. In this new study, Henry L. Minton looks back at the struggle of the American gay and lesbian activists who chose scientific research as a path for advancing homosexual rights. He traces the history of gay and lesbian emancipatory research from its early beginnings in the late nineteenth century to its role in challenging the illness model in the 1970s. By examining archival sources and unpublished manuscripts, Minton reveals the substantial accomplishments made by key researchers and relates their life stories. He also considers the contributions of mainstream sexologists such as Alfred C. Kinsey and Evelyn Hooker, who supported the cause of homosexual rights through the advancement of scientific knowledge. By uncovering this hidden chapter in the story of gay liberation, Departing from Deviance makes an important contribution to both the history of science and the history of sexuality.

Departing from Deviance: A History of Homosexual Rights and Emancipatory Science in America

by Henry L. Minton

The struggle to remove the stigma of sickness surrounding same-sex love has a long history. In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its diagnostic classification of mental illness, but the groundwork for this pivotal decision was laid decades earlier. In this new study, Henry L. Minton looks back at the struggle of the American gay and lesbian activists who chose scientific research as a path for advancing homosexual rights. He traces the history of gay and lesbian emancipatory research from its early beginnings in the late nineteenth century to its role in challenging the illness model in the 1970s. By examining archival sources and unpublished manuscripts, Minton reveals the substantial accomplishments made by key researchers and relates their life stories. He also considers the contributions of mainstream sexologists such as Alfred C. Kinsey and Evelyn Hooker, who supported the cause of homosexual rights through the advancement of scientific knowledge. By uncovering this hidden chapter in the story of gay liberation, Departing from Deviance makes an important contribution to both the history of science and the history of sexuality.

Departing from Deviance: A History of Homosexual Rights and Emancipatory Science in America

by Henry L. Minton

The struggle to remove the stigma of sickness surrounding same-sex love has a long history. In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its diagnostic classification of mental illness, but the groundwork for this pivotal decision was laid decades earlier. In this new study, Henry L. Minton looks back at the struggle of the American gay and lesbian activists who chose scientific research as a path for advancing homosexual rights. He traces the history of gay and lesbian emancipatory research from its early beginnings in the late nineteenth century to its role in challenging the illness model in the 1970s. By examining archival sources and unpublished manuscripts, Minton reveals the substantial accomplishments made by key researchers and relates their life stories. He also considers the contributions of mainstream sexologists such as Alfred C. Kinsey and Evelyn Hooker, who supported the cause of homosexual rights through the advancement of scientific knowledge. By uncovering this hidden chapter in the story of gay liberation, Departing from Deviance makes an important contribution to both the history of science and the history of sexuality.

Departing Radically in Academic Writing: Alternative Approaches to Writing and Methods in Qualitative Research

by Elizabeth Mackinlay Karen Madden

Departing Radically in Academic Writing (DRAW) seeks to show qualitative researchers that there are ways to embrace creatively alternative approaches to writing, whilst fulfilling the demands of an academic tenure system. Putting forward playful, arts-based and creative writing/fiction approaches to writing up research, the contributions in this book demonstrate how theorisation can happen in different ways, particularly, for younger career scholars struggling with their thesis submissions. Some of the contributions in the book come from those who have successfully defended a "DRAWn" thesis. Whilst this is not a handbook or "how to", it does show DRAW and radical departure work can work in practice without disadvantaging the researcher. Each chapter includes Author's Notes on the chapter and Radical Writing Prompts to stimulate creative thinking. Drawing on the work of Sara Ahmed, Ruth Behar, bell hooks, Helene Cixous, Virginia Woolf, Laurel Richardson and other literary and creative feminist, qualitative thinkers, Departing Radically in Academic Writing will appeal to graduate students and researchers in Education, the social sciences and humanities who are interested to advance critical thinking through radically departured work.

Departing Radically in Academic Writing: Alternative Approaches to Writing and Methods in Qualitative Research

Departing Radically in Academic Writing (DRAW) seeks to show qualitative researchers that there are ways to embrace creatively alternative approaches to writing, whilst fulfilling the demands of an academic tenure system. Putting forward playful, arts-based and creative writing/fiction approaches to writing up research, the contributions in this book demonstrate how theorisation can happen in different ways, particularly, for younger career scholars struggling with their thesis submissions. Some of the contributions in the book come from those who have successfully defended a "DRAWn" thesis. Whilst this is not a handbook or "how to", it does show DRAW and radical departure work can work in practice without disadvantaging the researcher. Each chapter includes Author's Notes on the chapter and Radical Writing Prompts to stimulate creative thinking. Drawing on the work of Sara Ahmed, Ruth Behar, bell hooks, Helene Cixous, Virginia Woolf, Laurel Richardson and other literary and creative feminist, qualitative thinkers, Departing Radically in Academic Writing will appeal to graduate students and researchers in Education, the social sciences and humanities who are interested to advance critical thinking through radically departured work.

Depathologizing Psychopathology: The Neuroscience of Mental Illness and Its Treatment

by Theodore Wasserman Lori Drucker Wasserman

This brief, accessible treatise harnesses the neurophysiological processes of learning to create an innovative and powerful approach to therapy. It sets out a non-pathologizing alternative not only to the current medicalized conception of diagnosis and treatment but also to the labeling of relatively normal reactions to stressors and upsets as illnesses. Rooted in the neurobiology of human learning, the book’s approach to treatment, Neuro-Cognitive Learning Therapy, characterizes maladaptive behavior patterns as learned responses to upsetting conditions—processes which can be unlearned. In addition, the coverage includes a clinical teaching guide for bringing NCLT theory and methods into the training curriculum.This groundbreaking volume:Proposes a non-stigmatizing learning model for therapy, Neuro-Cognitive Learning Therapy.Introduces the concept of the connectome and explains its critical role in mental health and illness.Differentiates between the unconscious and automaticity in cognition and behavior.Addresses the applicability of NCLT to biologically-based mental disorders.Offers case studies illustrating NCLT in contrast with commonly-used approaches.Includes a chapter-by-chapter clinical teaching guide with therapeutic principles and discussion questions.Provides a comprehensive therapeutic framework for practitioners of all orientations.Depathologizing Psychopathology gives neuropsychologists, psychiatrists, clinical social workers, and child and school psychologists new ways of thinking about mental illness and learning about learning for a bold new step in the evolution of mind/brain knowledge.

Dependability in Medicine and Neurology: Using Engineering and Management Principles for Better Patient Care

by Nikhil Balakrishnan

This ground-breaking title presents an interdisciplinary introduction to the subject of Dependability and how it applies in medicine generally and in neurology in particular. Dependability is the term applied in engineering and industry to a service that is safe, reliable and trustworthy. Dependable systems use a variety of methods to deliver correct service in the face of uncertainty resulting from misleading, erroneous information, and system faults. Dependable systems result from the application of systematic methods in design, operation, and management to deliver their services.Dependability in Medicine and Neurology presents the philosophy and ideas behind the specific methods of dependability and discusses the principles in the context of medical care and neurologic treatment especially. Patient case vignettes are used widely to illustrate key points. A first-of-its-kind title and based on the author’s many years of teaching these principles to medical colleagues throughout the United States, Dependability in Medicine and Neurology will inspire readers to develop applications for their specific areas of clinical practice. Intended for physicians (especially neurologists), medical students, nurses, and health administrators, Dependability in Medicine and Neurology is an indispensable reference and important contribution to the literature.

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