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Anorexia Nervosa: Patient's Log Book

by Professor A Crisp A.H. Crisp

This log book brings together the in-patient version originally designed by Professor Arthur Crisp and Dr Kingsley Norton for use by people undergoing treatment in the Anorexia Nervosa Unit at Atkinson Morley's Hosptial, and the out-patient version published by Professor Crisp in 1993. The latter has been used by those attending the out-patient treatment programme of St George's Hospital Medical School and the related Highly Specialist Services section of Pathfinder Mental Health Services NHS Trust, and in other centres in the UK.The overall treatment programme is presented in the author's Anorexia Nervosa: Let me Be, first published in 1980 and now reprinted by Psychology Press.The Patient's Log Book is intended for both in-patient and out-patient use, as part of a clinically supervised treatment programme based on the "St George's" approach outlined in Anorexia Nervosa: Guidelines for Assessment and Treatment in Primary and Secondary Care.

Anorexia Nervosa: The Wish to Change

by Professor A. Crisp Neil Joughin Christine Halek Carol Bowyer

This guide to 'self-help' has become highly valued by sufferers from anorexia nervosa, their families and their carers. It relates to Arthur Crisp's much praised text Anorexia Nervosa: Let Me Be, now in its third reprint. Many sufferers report that Anorexia Nervosa: The Wish to Change has provided them with their first private opportunity to reconsider their position and future properly, and then to do more about them. Carers have found it particularly helpful as a joint tool in their work with patients, especially when used alongside the more recently published Anorexia Nervosa: Guidelines for Assessment and Treatment in Primary and Secondary Care and the Patient's Log Book from the same centre.

Anorexia Nervosa: The Wish to Change

by Professor A. Crisp Neil Joughin Christine Halek Carol Bowyer

This guide to 'self-help' has become highly valued by sufferers from anorexia nervosa, their families and their carers. It relates to Arthur Crisp's much praised text Anorexia Nervosa: Let Me Be, now in its third reprint. Many sufferers report that Anorexia Nervosa: The Wish to Change has provided them with their first private opportunity to reconsider their position and future properly, and then to do more about them. Carers have found it particularly helpful as a joint tool in their work with patients, especially when used alongside the more recently published Anorexia Nervosa: Guidelines for Assessment and Treatment in Primary and Secondary Care and the Patient's Log Book from the same centre.

Anorexia Nervosa: A Recovery Guide For Sufferers, Families And Friends (PDF)

by Janet Treasure June Alexander

The highly respected and widely known Anorexia Nervosa: A Survival Guide for Sufferers and Friendswas written in 1997. This long-awaited new edition builds on the work of the first book, providing essential new and updated research outcomes on anorexia nervosa. It offers a unique insight and guidance into the recovery process for those who suffer from an eating disorder as well as advice and information for their loved ones. Written collaboratively by both an expert in the field and someone with personal experience of eating disorders, this book offers exceptional understanding of the issues surrounding the illness. Divided into four sections, it includes: an outline of anorexia nervosa coping strategies for sufferers advice and information for families, carers and friends guidelines for professionals who are involved in the sufferer's life. Families, friends, carers and professionals such as teachers and GPs are encouraged to read all sections in order to fully understand the illness. With an emphasis on collaboration and a layout that enables content to be referenced and read in any order, this book is an essential resource for anyone affected, directly or indirectly, by anorexia nervosa.

Anorexia Nervosa: A Recovery Guide for Sufferers, Families and Friends

by Janet Treasure June Alexander

The highly respected and widely known Anorexia Nervosa: A Survival Guide for Sufferers and Friends was written in 1997. This long-awaited new edition builds on the work of the first book, providing essential new and updated research outcomes on anorexia nervosa. It offers a unique insight and guidance into the recovery process for those who suffer from an eating disorder as well as advice and information for their loved ones. Written collaboratively by both an expert in the field and someone with personal experience of eating disorders, this book offers exceptional understanding of the issues surrounding the illness. Divided into four sections, it includes: an outline of anorexia nervosa coping strategies for sufferers advice and information for families, carers and friends guidelines for professionals who are involved in the sufferer’s life. Families, friends, carers and professionals such as teachers and GPs are encouraged to read all sections in order to fully understand the illness. With an emphasis on collaboration and a layout that enables content to be referenced and read in any order, this book is an essential resource for anyone affected, directly or indirectly, by anorexia nervosa.

Anorexia Nervosa: A Recovery Guide for Sufferers, Families and Friends

by Janet Treasure June Alexander

The highly respected and widely known Anorexia Nervosa: A Survival Guide for Sufferers and Friends was written in 1997. This long-awaited new edition builds on the work of the first book, providing essential new and updated research outcomes on anorexia nervosa. It offers a unique insight and guidance into the recovery process for those who suffer from an eating disorder as well as advice and information for their loved ones. Written collaboratively by both an expert in the field and someone with personal experience of eating disorders, this book offers exceptional understanding of the issues surrounding the illness. Divided into four sections, it includes: an outline of anorexia nervosa coping strategies for sufferers advice and information for families, carers and friends guidelines for professionals who are involved in the sufferer’s life. Families, friends, carers and professionals such as teachers and GPs are encouraged to read all sections in order to fully understand the illness. With an emphasis on collaboration and a layout that enables content to be referenced and read in any order, this book is an essential resource for anyone affected, directly or indirectly, by anorexia nervosa.

Anorexia Nervosa and Other Dyscontrol Syndromes

by E.L. Edelstein

What is that which gleams through me and smites my heart without wounding it? I am both a-shudder and a-glow. St. Augustine It is wonder and awe that I feel in view of the individual's power to create self-therapeutic devices. This book is the saga of these young in­ dividuals, who change and recreate the shape and dimensions of their bodies in a quest to achieve and finally demonstrate autonomy. Ironically, it seems that they can go on living thanks to their exces­ sive behavior, their hunger, and their deviances. They exhibit an ex­ treme polarity, an "either-or": the thrill of excesses, the joy of giving in to pleasure, versus masochistic enjoyment and pride curbing, procras­ tinating and mastering these impulses almost to the absolute by simple force of effort and sublimatory strength. Somewhat alien to the medi­ cal profession, these maladies are self-induced, and only make sense if their symbolism is recognized and understood using a hermeneutic ap­ proach. It aptly reflects their interaction with other objects, both human and nonhuman. The anorectic girl, to whom the book is specifically devoted, rejects any human bond in a masochistic way and also denies that her own body is a worthwhile object that deserves to be cared for. On the other hand, her body and its expressions are virtually under the most potent overcontrol. Thus, the narrative of the anorectics is strongly related to their incessant suffering, which is again of their own creation.

Anorexia nervosa: Effektivität einer Gewichtsmapping-basierten Intervalltherapie

by Kathrin Peters

Bei Anorexia nervosa zeigen sich oft schwere, langwierige und mitunter ernüchternde Verläufe. Selbst nach scheinbar erfolgreicher stationärer Behandlung kommt es häufig zu erneutem Körpersubstanzverlust und ungeplanten Wiederaufnahmen. Kathrin Peters stellt daher eine innovative Weiterentwicklung bisheriger Therapiekonzepte vor: Die Gewichtsmapping-basierte Intervalltherapie für Anorexia nervosa bei Erwachsenen. Diese fokussiert den Aufbau eines selbstfürsorglichen Essverhaltens sowie die Akzeptanz der resultierenden Gewichtsentwicklung. Durch eine individualisierte Behandlungsplanung auf Basis standardisierter Mapping-Methoden mit planvoll genutzten stationären Therapie- und häuslichen Erprobungsphasen können Bewältigungskompetenzen stufenweise aufgebaut werden. Erstmalig wird die mittelfristige Effektivität der Gewichtsmapping-basierten Intervalltherapie im Vergleich zur Standardtherapie untersucht und ihre Wirksamkeit empirisch belegt. Damit wird erstmals aufgezeigt, dass Gewichtsmapping-basierte Intervalltherapie vielversprechend für die Praxis ist, um die Essstörungsbewältigung nachhaltig positiv zu beeinflussen.

The Anorexic Mind (Tavistock Clinic Series)

by Marilyn Lawrence

Eating disorders vary in severity from developmental difficulties in adolescence which may be transitory, to serious and chronic mental illnesses. The Anorexic Mind offers a coherent approach to these difficult and demanding problems, always underlining the point that while many of the manifestations are physical, eating disorders have their origins as well as their solutions, in the mind. While anorexia nervosa may be considered the central syndrome in eating disorders, this book also considers how it links and differs from bulimia nervosa, the more common, related disorder. In the process of the research on anorexia and bulimia, valuable insights have been gained into the very common problem of overeating. The author takes a developmental approach to eating disorders, and is very aware of the continuities between infantile, adolescent and adult experience. Our earliest relationship is a feeding relationship and feeding difficulties early in life are not rare.

The Anorexic Mind (Tavistock Clinic Series)

by Marilyn Lawrence

Eating disorders vary in severity from developmental difficulties in adolescence which may be transitory, to serious and chronic mental illnesses. The Anorexic Mind offers a coherent approach to these difficult and demanding problems, always underlining the point that while many of the manifestations are physical, eating disorders have their origins as well as their solutions, in the mind. While anorexia nervosa may be considered the central syndrome in eating disorders, this book also considers how it links and differs from bulimia nervosa, the more common, related disorder. In the process of the research on anorexia and bulimia, valuable insights have been gained into the very common problem of overeating. The author takes a developmental approach to eating disorders, and is very aware of the continuities between infantile, adolescent and adult experience. Our earliest relationship is a feeding relationship and feeding difficulties early in life are not rare.

Another Day in the Monkey's Brain

by Ralph Siegel

ANOTHER DAY IN THE MONKEY'S BRAIN charts a neuroscientist's journey to understand the central mysteries of consciousness. Dr. Siegel began his career in the neurophysiology of vision in the 1980s, just when the field was coming into focus with the advent of new computing and imaging technologies. As a pioneer in the technique of mesoscopic imaging, he worked with some of the giants in vision science: Torsten Wiesel, Francis Crick, Tom Albright and many others. With insight and clarity, he shows how science is built on such relationships. Along the way, he gives a vivid sense of the abundant passion and creativity that drive scientists in their pursuit of understanding. From monkey to man, Dr. Siegel finds the beauty in the scientific discovery of self in mind and brain.

Another Kind of Evidence: Studies on Internalization, Annihilation Anxiety, and Progressive Symbolization in the Psychoanalytic Process (CIPS (Confederation of Independent Psychoanalytic Societies) Boundaries of Psychoanalysis)

by Norbert Freedman Jesse D. Geller Joan Hoffenberg Marvin Hurvich Rhonda Ward

In our current professional climate, with calls for 'evidenced-based treatment', and in light of the prestige accorded to this emblem, we can ask: for what purpose do we seek evidence? For our students? For the public at large? For an inner sense of feeling supported by science? Most disciplines are concerned with cumulative knowledge, aimed toward self-affirmation and self-definition, that is, establishing a sense of legitimacy. The three parts of this volume are directed toward the goal of affirming a public and private sense of the legitimacy of psychoanalysis, thereby shaping professional identity. In each contribution we adhere to the precepts of 'scientific inquiry', with a commitment to affirming or disconfirming clinical propositions, utilizing consensually agreed upon methods of observation, and arriving at inferences that are persuasive and have the potential to move the field forward. Beyond this, each part of this book describes distinct methodologies that generate evidence pertaining to public health policy, the persuasiveness and integrity of our psychoanalytic concepts, and phenomena encountered in daily clinical practice.

Another Kind of Evidence: Studies on Internalization, Annihilation Anxiety, and Progressive Symbolization in the Psychoanalytic Process (CIPS (Confederation of Independent Psychoanalytic Societies) Boundaries of Psychoanalysis)

by Norbert Freedman Jesse D. Geller Joan Hoffenberg Marvin Hurvich Rhonda Ward

In our current professional climate, with calls for 'evidenced-based treatment', and in light of the prestige accorded to this emblem, we can ask: for what purpose do we seek evidence? For our students? For the public at large? For an inner sense of feeling supported by science? Most disciplines are concerned with cumulative knowledge, aimed toward self-affirmation and self-definition, that is, establishing a sense of legitimacy. The three parts of this volume are directed toward the goal of affirming a public and private sense of the legitimacy of psychoanalysis, thereby shaping professional identity. In each contribution we adhere to the precepts of 'scientific inquiry', with a commitment to affirming or disconfirming clinical propositions, utilizing consensually agreed upon methods of observation, and arriving at inferences that are persuasive and have the potential to move the field forward. Beyond this, each part of this book describes distinct methodologies that generate evidence pertaining to public health policy, the persuasiveness and integrity of our psychoanalytic concepts, and phenomena encountered in daily clinical practice.

Another Life: The stunning love story and BBC2 Between the Covers pick

by Jodie Chapman

THE STUNNING AND DEVASTATING LOVE STORY ABOUT HOPE, SACRIFICE AND THE CONNECTIONS THAT FOREVER BIND US 'A modern day Atonement meets David Nicholls. Beautifully written - I couldn't put it down' EMMA GANNON 'Like if One Day had been written by Sally Rooney' 5***** READER REVIEW 'The Romeo and Juliet of our generation' GILLIAN McALLISTER _______ She could be the girl dancing on tables one night, and the next she'd be hiding in the shadows. Just when I thought I understood her, she would melt away and become a completely new person, and I'd have to start all over again. That's how it was with Anna. _______ Nick and Anna work the same summer job at their local cinema. Anna is mysterious, beautiful, and from a very different world to Nick. She's grown up preparing for the end of days, in a tightly-controlled existence where Christmas, getting drunk and sex before marriage are all off-limits. So when Nick comes into her life, Anna falls passionately in love. Their shared world burns with poetry and music, cigarettes and conversation - hints of the people they hope to become. But Anna, on the cusp of adulthood, is afraid to give up everything she's ever believed in, and everyone she's ever loved. She walks away, and Nick doesn't stop her. Years later, a tragedy draws Anna back into Nick's life. But rekindling their relationship leaves Anna and Nick facing a terrible choice between a love that's endured decades, and the promises they've made to others along the way._______ 'This book broke me in the best way. A heart wrenching portrait . . . It feels a bit like if One Day had been written by Sally Rooney' 5***** READER REVIEW 'Stunning. Written with such poignancy, full of nostalgia, unspoken longing and the agony of wrong turns' BETH MORREY 'I have a feeling that this will be one of my favourite books of 2021! I could not put it down, it's so, so good' 5***** READER REVIEW

Another Twinkle in the Eye: Contemplating Another Pregnancy After Perinatal Mental Illness

by Elaine Hanzak

Another Twinkle in the Eye is an essential guide for anyone contemplating another pregnancy after perinatal mental illness. The decision to bring a child into the world is rarely one that is taken lightly. When a previous pregnancy and early parenthood has resulted in poor maternal and/or paternal perinatal mental health, making a conscious decision to have another baby can be even more challenging. This unique book provides facts, resources, and discussion points to support people in making informed and comfortable decisions. It is also an essential resource for health professionals who support or are involved in the decision-making process of couples planning another pregnancy. The author combines personal experience with real-life stories from other parents. Also included are contributions from healthcare professionals. The book offers comprehensive coverage across five key areas: Reflection on the previous pregnancy, miscarriage or stillbirth, Decisions to be made when considering another pregnancy, Ways to plan for and to have a healthier experience, The role of healthcare professionals and facilities, and Self-help and complementary techniques for good mental health in the perinatal period.

Another Twinkle in the Eye: Contemplating Another Pregnancy After Perinatal Mental Illness

by Elaine Hanzak

Another Twinkle in the Eye is an essential guide for anyone contemplating another pregnancy after perinatal mental illness. The decision to bring a child into the world is rarely one that is taken lightly. When a previous pregnancy and early parenthood has resulted in poor maternal and/or paternal perinatal mental health, making a conscious decision to have another baby can be even more challenging. This unique book provides facts, resources, and discussion points to support people in making informed and comfortable decisions. It is also an essential resource for health professionals who support or are involved in the decision-making process of couples planning another pregnancy. The author combines personal experience with real-life stories from other parents. Also included are contributions from healthcare professionals. The book offers comprehensive coverage across five key areas: Reflection on the previous pregnancy, miscarriage or stillbirth, Decisions to be made when considering another pregnancy, Ways to plan for and to have a healthier experience, The role of healthcare professionals and facilities, and Self-help and complementary techniques for good mental health in the perinatal period.

ANOVA and Mixed Models: A Short Introduction Using R (Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series)

by Lukas Meier

ANOVA and Mixed Models: A Short Introduction Using R provides both the practitioner and researcher a compact introduction to the analysis of data from the most popular experimental designs. Based on knowledge from an introductory course on probability and statistics, the theoretical foundations of the most important models are introduced. The focus is on an intuitive understanding of the theory, common pitfalls in practice, and the application of the methods in R. From data visualization and model fitting, up to the interpretation of the corresponding output, the whole workflow is presented using R. The book does not only cover standard ANOVA models, but also models for more advanced designs and mixed models, which are common in many practical applications. Features Accessible to readers with a basic background in probability and statistics Covers fundamental concepts of experimental design and cause-effect relationships Introduces classical ANOVA models, including contrasts and multiple testing Provides an example-based introduction to mixed models Features basic concepts of split-plot and incomplete block designs R code available for all steps Supplementary website with additional resources and updates available at This book is primarily aimed at students, researchers, and practitioners from all areas who wish to analyze corresponding data with R. Readers will learn a broad array of models hand-in-hand with R, including the applications of some of the most important add-on packages.

ANOVA and Mixed Models: A Short Introduction Using R (Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series)

by Lukas Meier

ANOVA and Mixed Models: A Short Introduction Using R provides both the practitioner and researcher a compact introduction to the analysis of data from the most popular experimental designs. Based on knowledge from an introductory course on probability and statistics, the theoretical foundations of the most important models are introduced. The focus is on an intuitive understanding of the theory, common pitfalls in practice, and the application of the methods in R. From data visualization and model fitting, up to the interpretation of the corresponding output, the whole workflow is presented using R. The book does not only cover standard ANOVA models, but also models for more advanced designs and mixed models, which are common in many practical applications. Features Accessible to readers with a basic background in probability and statistics Covers fundamental concepts of experimental design and cause-effect relationships Introduces classical ANOVA models, including contrasts and multiple testing Provides an example-based introduction to mixed models Features basic concepts of split-plot and incomplete block designs R code available for all steps Supplementary website with additional resources and updates available at This book is primarily aimed at students, researchers, and practitioners from all areas who wish to analyze corresponding data with R. Readers will learn a broad array of models hand-in-hand with R, including the applications of some of the most important add-on packages.

ANOVA for the Behavioral Sciences Researcher

by Rudolf N. Cardinal Michael R.F. Aitken

This new book provides a theoretical and practical guide to analysis of variance (ANOVA) for those who have not had a formal course in this technique, but need to use this analysis as part of their research.From their experience in teaching this material and applying it to research problems, the authors have created a summary of the statistical theory underlying ANOVA, together with important issues, guidance, practical methods, references, and hints about using statistical software. These have been organized so that the student can learn the logic of the analytical techniques but also use the book as a reference guide to experimental designs, realizing along the way what pitfalls are likely to be encountered.

ANOVA for the Behavioral Sciences Researcher

by Rudolf N. Cardinal Michael R.F. Aitken

This new book provides a theoretical and practical guide to analysis of variance (ANOVA) for those who have not had a formal course in this technique, but need to use this analysis as part of their research.From their experience in teaching this material and applying it to research problems, the authors have created a summary of the statistical theory underlying ANOVA, together with important issues, guidance, practical methods, references, and hints about using statistical software. These have been organized so that the student can learn the logic of the analytical techniques but also use the book as a reference guide to experimental designs, realizing along the way what pitfalls are likely to be encountered.

ANOVA results one and two (Large Print)

by Rnib

There are two graphs on the page which show the main effects that can occur with ANOVA data. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. One graph is at the top of the page and one at the bottom. They both have the y-axis to the left labelled cell means. The x-axis to the bottom is marked with the experimental conditions A, B and C. There are two lines plotted on each graph, which are labelled at the top of the page in a small key, and represent the groups. Both graphs are titled Main effects for condition. The graph at the top of the page shows the two lines sloping downwards to the point marked B on the X-axis, and then rising upwards. The graph in the lower half of the page shows the two lines close together at point marked A on the X-axis and then rising upwards.

ANOVA results one and two (UEB Contracted)

by Rnib

There are two graphs on the page which show the main effects that can occur with ANOVA data. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. One graph is at the top of the page and one at the bottom. They both have the y-axis to the left labelled cell means. The x-axis to the bottom is marked with the experimental conditions A, B and C. There are two lines plotted on each graph, which are labelled at the top of the page in a small key, and represent the groups. Both graphs are titled Main effects for condition. The graph at the top of the page shows the two lines sloping downwards to the point marked B on the X-axis, and then rising upwards. The graph in the lower half of the page shows the two lines close together at point marked A on the X-axis and then rising upwards.

ANOVA results one and two (UEB Uncontracted)

by Rnib

There are two graphs on the page which show the main effects that can occur with ANOVA data. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. One graph is at the top of the page and one at the bottom. They both have the y-axis to the left labelled cell means. The x-axis to the bottom is marked with the experimental conditions A, B and C. There are two lines plotted on each graph, which are labelled at the top of the page in a small key, and represent the groups. Both graphs are titled Main effects for condition. The graph at the top of the page shows the two lines sloping downwards to the point marked B on the X-axis, and then rising upwards. The graph in the lower half of the page shows the two lines close together at point marked A on the X-axis and then rising upwards.

ANOVA results three and four (Large Print)

by Rnib

There are two graphs on the page which show the main effects that can occur with ANOVA data. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. One graph is at the top of the page and one at the bottom. They both have the y-axis to the left labelled cell means. The x-axis to the bottom is marked with the experimental conditions A, B and C. There are two lines plotted on each graph, which are labelled at the top of the page in a small key, and represent the groups. The graph at the top of the page shows the one line sloping downwards to the point marked C on the X-axis, and one line sloping up to the point marked C on the X-axis. The lines cross at point marked B on the X-axis. The graph in the lower half of the page shows the two lines nearly parallel to each other sloping slightly downwards.

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