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ANOVA results three and four (UEB Contracted)

by Rnib

There are two graphs on the page which show the main effects that can occur with ANOVA data. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. One graph is at the top of the page and one at the bottom. They both have the y-axis to the left labelled cell means. The x-axis to the bottom is marked with the experimental conditions A, B and C. There are two lines plotted on each graph, which are labelled at the top of the page in a small key, and represent the groups. The graph at the top of the page shows the one line sloping downwards to the point marked C on the X-axis, and one line sloping up to the point marked C on the X-axis. The lines cross at point marked B on the X-axis. The graph in the lower half of the page shows the two lines nearly parallel to each other sloping slightly downwards.

ANOVA results three and four (UEB Uncontracted)

by Rnib

There are two graphs on the page which show the main effects that can occur with ANOVA data. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. One graph is at the top of the page and one at the bottom. They both have the y-axis to the left labelled cell means. The x-axis to the bottom is marked with the experimental conditions A, B and C. There are two lines plotted on each graph, which are labelled at the top of the page in a small key, and represent the groups. The graph at the top of the page shows the one line sloping downwards to the point marked C on the X-axis, and one line sloping up to the point marked C on the X-axis. The lines cross at point marked B on the X-axis. The graph in the lower half of the page shows the two lines nearly parallel to each other sloping slightly downwards.

Anpassungsleistungen und Konstruktionsprozesse beim Grundschulübergang (Rekonstruktive Bildungsforschung #6)

by Dorthe Petersen

Dorthe Petersen untersucht in einer qualitativ-rekonstruktiven Längsschnittstudie wie sich die Interaktionsprozesse im Unterricht an Grundschulen und weiterführenden Schulen unterscheiden, welche Anforderungen dies für die wechselnden Kinder mit sich bringt und wie die SchülerInnen gemeinsam mit den Lehrkräften spezifische Lernkulturen hervorbringen. Aus Analyseergebnissen konnte eine Prozesstypik generiert werden, die die Anpassungsleistungen und Konstruktionsprozesse von SchülerInnen am Übergang abbildet.

Anreiz, Risiko, Ruin – Finanzpsychologie für jedermann!

by Heribert Wienkamp

Ohne das Wissen um die eigene „Finanzpersönlichkeit“ lassen sich keine Finanzprobleme zufriedenstellend lösen! Diese Lektüre unterstützt Sie dabei, die eigene Finanzpersönlichkeit besser kennen zu lernen und mehr aus Ihrem Geld und Vermögen zu machen. Damit Sie sich beim Management Ihrer Finanzgeschäfte nicht selbst im Wege stehen, bedarf es einer dafür notwendigen Selbsterforschung. Neben nützlichen und profunden Kenntnissen zu finanz- und persönlichkeitspsychologischen Themen werden Ihnen ausgesuchte und wissenschaftlich erprobte Instrumente als Testskalen angeboten, die Sie ausprobieren können.Auf der Basis Ihres finanzpsychologischen Profils lernen Sie darüber hinaus verschiedene Situationen mit Finanzproblemen kennen, die Sie sowohl unter Berücksichtigung Ihrer persönlichen Finanzziele als auch Ihrer emotionalen Bedürfnisse zu Ihrem eigenen Nutzen und Vorteil lösen können. Auch hier werden Ihnen Verfahren vorgestellt, die Sie, ohne einschlägige Vorkenntnisse zu besitzen, sofort und profitabel als „Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe“, einsetzen können. Selbstverständlich verschafft Ihnen dieses Buch sowohl einen Einblick über die Geschehnisse an den Finanzmärkten als auch über die Gewohnheiten der Börsianer und ihren im Hintergrund wirkenden Motivationskräften wie Gier nach Geld und Profit und vieles mehr. Das Werk ist bestens für alle interessierten „Finanzverbraucher“ geeignet, aber auch Professionelle können von den finanzpsychologischen Mechanismen und psychodiagnostischen Anwendungen profitieren.

Anreizsysteme für Leadership-Organisationen: Employer Branding und Anreizsysteme der Next Practice (Leadership und Angewandte Psychologie)

by Corinna Von Au

Der vorliegende siebte Band der Reihe Leadership und Angewandte Psychologie beleuchtet die Grenzen klassischer (finanzieller) Anreizsysteme und die Möglichkeiten holistischer (immaterieller) Anreizsysteme, die die gesamte Organisation betreffen. Neben wissenschaftlichen Beiträgen finden sich konkrete Next-Practice-Impulse von Vertretern verschiedener Unternehmensbranchen und -größen.

Answer to Job

by Jung C. G.

Of all the books of the Bible few have had more resonance for modern readers than the Book of Job. For a world that has witnessed great horrors, Job's cries of despair and incomprehension are all too recognizable. The visionary psychotherapist Carl Gustav Jung understood this and responded with this remarkable book, in which he set himself face-to-face with 'the unvarnished spectacle of divine savagery and ruthlessness'. Jung perceived in the hidden recesses of the human psyche the cause of a crisis that plagues modern humanity and leaves the individual, like Job, isolated and bewildered in the face of impenetrable fortune. By correlating the transcendental with the unconscious, Jung, writing not as a biblical scholar but 'as a layman and physician who has been privileged to see deeply into the psychic life of many people', offers a way for every reader to come to terms with the divine darkness which confronts each individual.

Answer to Job

by Jung C. G.

Of all the books of the Bible few have had more resonance for modern readers than the Book of Job. For a world that has witnessed great horrors, Job's cries of despair and incomprehension are all too recognizable. The visionary psychotherapist Carl Gustav Jung understood this and responded with this remarkable book, in which he set himself face-to-face with 'the unvarnished spectacle of divine savagery and ruthlessness'. Jung perceived in the hidden recesses of the human psyche the cause of a crisis that plagues modern humanity and leaves the individual, like Job, isolated and bewildered in the face of impenetrable fortune. By correlating the transcendental with the unconscious, Jung, writing not as a biblical scholar but 'as a layman and physician who has been privileged to see deeply into the psychic life of many people', offers a way for every reader to come to terms with the divine darkness which confronts each individual.

Answer to Job: (From Vol. 11 of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung)

by C. G. Jung R. F.C. Hull Sonu Shamdasani

Considered one of Jung's most controversial works, Answer to Job also stands as Jung's most extensive commentary on a biblical text. Here, he confronts the story of the man who challenged God, the man who experienced hell on earth and still did not reject his faith. Job's journey parallels Jung's own experience--as reported in The Red Book: Liber Novus--of descending into the depths of his own unconscious, confronting and reconciling the rejected aspects of his soul. This paperback edition of Jung's classic work includes a new foreword by Sonu Shamdasani, Philemon Professor of Jung History at University College London. Described by Shamdasani as "the theology behind The Red Book," Answer to Job examines the symbolic role that theological concepts play in an individual's psychic life.

Answer to Job: (From Vol. 11 of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung)

by C. G. Jung R. F.C. Hull Sonu Shamdasani

Considered one of Jung's most controversial works, Answer to Job also stands as Jung's most extensive commentary on a biblical text. Here, he confronts the story of the man who challenged God, the man who experienced hell on earth and still did not reject his faith. Job's journey parallels Jung's own experience--as reported in The Red Book: Liber Novus--of descending into the depths of his own unconscious, confronting and reconciling the rejected aspects of his soul. This paperback edition of Jung's classic work includes a new foreword by Sonu Shamdasani, Philemon Professor of Jung History at University College London. Described by Shamdasani as "the theology behind The Red Book," Answer to Job examines the symbolic role that theological concepts play in an individual's psychic life.

Answer to Jung: Making Sense of 'The Red Book'

by Lynn Brunet

The Red Book is C.G. Jung’s record of a period of deep penetration into his unconscious mind in a process that he called ‘active imagination’, undertaken during his mid-life period. Answer to Jung: Making Sense of ‘The Red Book’ provides a close reading of this magnificent yet perplexing text and its fascinating images, and demonstrates that the fantasies in The Red Book are not entirely original, but that their plots, characters and symbolism are remarkably similar to some of the higher degree rituals of Continental Freemasonry. It argues that the fantasies may be memories of a series of terrifying initiatory ordeals, possibly undergone in childhood, using altered or spurious versions of these Masonic rites. It then compares these initiatory scenarios with accounts of ritual trauma that have been reported since the 1980s. This is the first full-length study of The Red Book to focus on the fantasies themselves and provide such an external explanation for them.Sonu Shamdasani describes The Red Book as an incomplete task that Jung left to posterity as a ‘message in a bottle’ that would someday come ashore. Answer to Jung brings its message to shore, providing a coherent, but disturbing, interpretation of each of the fantasies and their accompanying images.Chapters: Chapter 4 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons [Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND)] 4.0 license.

Answer to Jung: Making Sense of 'The Red Book'

by Lynn Brunet

The Red Book is C.G. Jung’s record of a period of deep penetration into his unconscious mind in a process that he called ‘active imagination’, undertaken during his mid-life period. Answer to Jung: Making Sense of ‘The Red Book’ provides a close reading of this magnificent yet perplexing text and its fascinating images, and demonstrates that the fantasies in The Red Book are not entirely original, but that their plots, characters and symbolism are remarkably similar to some of the higher degree rituals of Continental Freemasonry. It argues that the fantasies may be memories of a series of terrifying initiatory ordeals, possibly undergone in childhood, using altered or spurious versions of these Masonic rites. It then compares these initiatory scenarios with accounts of ritual trauma that have been reported since the 1980s. This is the first full-length study of The Red Book to focus on the fantasies themselves and provide such an external explanation for them.Sonu Shamdasani describes The Red Book as an incomplete task that Jung left to posterity as a ‘message in a bottle’ that would someday come ashore. Answer to Jung brings its message to shore, providing a coherent, but disturbing, interpretation of each of the fantasies and their accompanying images.Chapters: Chapter 4 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons [Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND)] 4.0 license.

Anteros: A Forgotten Myth

by Craig E. Stephenson

Anteros: A Forgotten Myth explores how the myth of Anteros disappears and reappears throughout the centuries, from classical Athens to the present day, and looks at how the myth challenges the work of Freud, Lacan, and Jung, among others. It examines the successive cultural experiences that formed and inform the myth and also how the myth sheds light on individual human experience and the psychoanalytic process. Topics of discussion include: Anteros in the Italian Renaissance, the French Enlightenment and English Modernism psychologizing Anteros: Freud, Lacan, Girard, and Jung three anterotic moments in a consulting room. This book presents an important argument at the boundaries of the disciplines of analytical psychology, psychoanalysis, art history, and mythology. It will therefore be essential reading for all analytical psychologists and psychoanalysts as well as art historians and those with an interest in the meeting of psychoanalytic thought and mythology.

Anteros: A Forgotten Myth

by Craig E. Stephenson

Anteros: A Forgotten Myth explores how the myth of Anteros disappears and reappears throughout the centuries, from classical Athens to the present day, and looks at how the myth challenges the work of Freud, Lacan, and Jung, among others. It examines the successive cultural experiences that formed and inform the myth and also how the myth sheds light on individual human experience and the psychoanalytic process. Topics of discussion include: Anteros in the Italian Renaissance, the French Enlightenment and English Modernism psychologizing Anteros: Freud, Lacan, Girard, and Jung three anterotic moments in a consulting room. This book presents an important argument at the boundaries of the disciplines of analytical psychology, psychoanalysis, art history, and mythology. It will therefore be essential reading for all analytical psychologists and psychoanalysts as well as art historians and those with an interest in the meeting of psychoanalytic thought and mythology.

Anthology of Contemporary Clinical Classics in Analytical Psychology: The New Ancestors

by Stefano Carpani

This anthology of contemporary classics in analytical psychology bring together academic, scholarly and clinical writings by contributors who constitute the "post-Jungian" generation. Carpani brings together important contributions from the Jungian world to establish the "new ancestors" in this field, in order to serve future generations of Jungian analysts, scholars, historians and students. This generation of clinicians and scholars has shaped the contemporary Jungian landscape and their work continues to inspire discussions on key topics including archetypes, race, gender, trauma and complexes. Each contributor has selected a piece of their work which they feel best represents their research and clinical interests, each aiding the expansion of current discussions on Jung and contemporary analytical psychology studies. Spanning two volumes, which are also accessible as standalone books, this essential collection will be of interest to Jungian analysts and therapists, as well as academics and students of Jungian and post-Jungian studies.

Anthology of Contemporary Clinical Classics in Analytical Psychology: The New Ancestors

by Stefano Carpani

This anthology of contemporary classics in analytical psychology bring together academic, scholarly and clinical writings by contributors who constitute the "post-Jungian" generation. Carpani brings together important contributions from the Jungian world to establish the "new ancestors" in this field, in order to serve future generations of Jungian analysts, scholars, historians and students. This generation of clinicians and scholars has shaped the contemporary Jungian landscape and their work continues to inspire discussions on key topics including archetypes, race, gender, trauma and complexes. Each contributor has selected a piece of their work which they feel best represents their research and clinical interests, each aiding the expansion of current discussions on Jung and contemporary analytical psychology studies. Spanning two volumes, which are also accessible as standalone books, this essential collection will be of interest to Jungian analysts and therapists, as well as academics and students of Jungian and post-Jungian studies.

Anthology of Contemporary Theoretical Classics in Analytical Psychology: The New Ancestors

by Stefano Carpani

This anthology of contemporary classics in analytical psychology bring together academic, scholarly and clinical writings by contributors who constitute the "post-Jungian" generation. Carpani brings together important contributions from the Jungian world to establish the "new ancestors" in this field, in order to serve future generations of Jungian analysts, scholars, historians and students. This generation of clinicians and scholars has shaped the contemporary Jungian landscape, and their work continues to inspire discussions on key topics including archetypes, race, gender, trauma and complexes. Each contributor has selected a piece of their work which they feel best represents their research and clinical interests, each aiding the expansion of current discussions on Jung and contemporary analytical psychology studies. Spanning two volumes, which are also accessible as standalone books, this essential collection will be of interest to Jungian analysts and therapists, as well as to academics and students of Jungian and post-Jungian studies.

Anthology of Contemporary Theoretical Classics in Analytical Psychology: The New Ancestors

by Stefano Carpani

This anthology of contemporary classics in analytical psychology bring together academic, scholarly and clinical writings by contributors who constitute the "post-Jungian" generation. Carpani brings together important contributions from the Jungian world to establish the "new ancestors" in this field, in order to serve future generations of Jungian analysts, scholars, historians and students. This generation of clinicians and scholars has shaped the contemporary Jungian landscape, and their work continues to inspire discussions on key topics including archetypes, race, gender, trauma and complexes. Each contributor has selected a piece of their work which they feel best represents their research and clinical interests, each aiding the expansion of current discussions on Jung and contemporary analytical psychology studies. Spanning two volumes, which are also accessible as standalone books, this essential collection will be of interest to Jungian analysts and therapists, as well as to academics and students of Jungian and post-Jungian studies.

Anthology of French Language Psychiatric Texts

by Francois-Regis Cousin Jean Garrabé Denis Morozov John Crisp

Part of a series of anthologies of classic psychiatric textsIn 1999, the World Psychiatric Association established a program where a series of anthologies of classic psychiatric texts were translated from their original language into English. This was launched because English is a scientific language used globally. The first book was published to share major French classical texts. Anthology of French Language Psychiatric Texts includes descriptions and pathogenetic hypotheses of French authors of the 18th and 19th century as well as the beginning of the 20th century. Their observations have historical importance and could be provide insight into modern psychiatry.

Anthology of German Psychiatric Texts

by Henning Sass

Discover the history of European psychology from the region's biggest thinkers The Anthology of German Psychiatric Texts is the fourth volume in the International Anthologies of Psychiatry series, presented by the World Psychiatric Association. The anthology features the work of Johan Christian August Heinroth, Carl Wilhelm Ideler, Ernst Freiherr von Feuchtersleben and other significant contributors to the field of psychiatry. Wilhelm Griesinger and Paul Julius Mobius are also represented. Griesinger became one of the founders of modern-day psychiatry, while Mobius was a founder of the concept of hysteria in the German-speaking countries. The anthology series is offered to readers as part of the history of European psychiatry.

Anthology of Italian Psychiatric Texts

by Juan José López-Ibor Driss Moussaoui

Part of a series of anthologies of classic psychiatric textsIn 1999, the World Psychiatric Association established a program where series of anthologies of classic psychiatric texts were translated from their original language into English. This was launched because English is a widely used scientific language globally. The first book was published to share major French classical texts. Anthology of Italian Psychiatric Texts is the third volume in the series under the editorship of Mario Maj and Filippo M. Ferr.

Anthology of Spanish Psychiatric Texts

by John Crisp Jean Garrabé Dennis Jones Juan José López-Ibor Carlos Carbonell

Part of a series of anthologies of classic psychiatric textsThe World Psychiatric Association established a program where series of anthologies of classic psychiatric texts were translated from their original language into English. This was launched because English is a widely used scientific language globally. The first book was published in 1999, covering major French classical texts. Anthology of Spanish Psychiatric Texts is the second volume in the series. Its contents represent an extensive date range from history, with contributions from as early as the 1500s.

Anthropocene Psychology: Being Human in a More-than-Human World (Concepts for Critical Psychology)

by Matthew Adams

This ground-breaking book critically extends the psychological project, seeking to investigate the relations between human and more-than-human worlds against the backdrop of the Anthropocene by emphasising the significance of encounter, interaction and relationships. Interdisciplinary environmental theorist Matthew Adams draws inspiration from a wealth of ideas emerging in human–animal studies, anthrozoology, multi-species ethnography and posthumanism, offering a framing of collective anthropogenic ecological crises to provocatively argue that the Anthropocene is also an invitation – to become conscious of the ways in which human and nonhuman are inextricably connected. Through a series of strange encounters between human and nonhuman worlds, Adams argues for the importance of cultivating attentiveness to the specific and situated ways in which the fates of multiple species are bound together in the Anthropocene. Throughout the book this argument is put into practice, incorporating everything from Pavlov’s dogs, broiler chickens, urban trees, grazing sheep and beached whales, to argue that the Anthropocene can be good to think with, conducive to a seeing ourselves and our place in the world with a renewed sense of connection, responsibility and love. Building on developments in feminist and social theory, anthropology, ecopsychology, environmental psychology, (post)humanities, psychoanalysis and phenomenology, this is fascinating reading for academics and students in the field of critical psychology, environmental psychology, and human–animal studies.

Anthropocene Psychology: Being Human in a More-than-Human World (Concepts for Critical Psychology)

by Matthew Adams

This ground-breaking book critically extends the psychological project, seeking to investigate the relations between human and more-than-human worlds against the backdrop of the Anthropocene by emphasising the significance of encounter, interaction and relationships. Interdisciplinary environmental theorist Matthew Adams draws inspiration from a wealth of ideas emerging in human–animal studies, anthrozoology, multi-species ethnography and posthumanism, offering a framing of collective anthropogenic ecological crises to provocatively argue that the Anthropocene is also an invitation – to become conscious of the ways in which human and nonhuman are inextricably connected. Through a series of strange encounters between human and nonhuman worlds, Adams argues for the importance of cultivating attentiveness to the specific and situated ways in which the fates of multiple species are bound together in the Anthropocene. Throughout the book this argument is put into practice, incorporating everything from Pavlov’s dogs, broiler chickens, urban trees, grazing sheep and beached whales, to argue that the Anthropocene can be good to think with, conducive to a seeing ourselves and our place in the world with a renewed sense of connection, responsibility and love. Building on developments in feminist and social theory, anthropology, ecopsychology, environmental psychology, (post)humanities, psychoanalysis and phenomenology, this is fascinating reading for academics and students in the field of critical psychology, environmental psychology, and human–animal studies.

Anthropological Approaches to Psychological Medicine: Crossing Bridges

by Maurice Eisenbruch John Campbell Simon Dein Els Van Dongen Dinesh Bhugra Maureen Fitzgerald John Cox M S Lipsedge Vieda Skultans Simon Sinclair Roland Littlewood Sushrut Jadhav Jane Jackson Gerard Hutchinson

`There are many insights and nuggets of value in this collection. Maurice Lipsedge reminds us how badly psychiatry needs anthropology's insights.This book should contribute to the ongoing dialogue between the two fields.' - The Journal of the Royal Antropological Institute `The editors states in the introduction that they wish to encourage the reader `to meet halfway the other discipline'. This expresses the view which all the contributors clearly feel and which is correct, that psychology and psychiatry and anthropology have much to offer each other and indeed are similar in several respects'. - The International Journal of Social Psychiatry `As an introductory text the book is perhaps too difficult, but for students of medical anthropology and cross-cultural psychiatry it offers a useful up to date assessment of the field.' - The International Journal of Social Psychiatry 'This text brings together some noted clinicians and researchers in psychiatry and mental health. The aim is to explore what we can learn from anthropology to achieve a contextual understanding of mental illness and health in contemporary society. The book contains a wide selection of ideas, and works well to bridge the gap between anthropolgy and psychiatry. This book is definitely not for the novice or anyone new to the field. It is, however, worth reading to explore ways in which mental health practitioners can make the shift from ideologies, theories and practices that are only interested in establishing the presence or absence of pathology or illness, towards theory and practice that take account of the meaning of those experiences for people in their everyday lives. One of the authors sums this up well by suggesting that "anthropologically informed methods of enquiry have potential to help establish clearer links between personal suffering and local politico-economic ideologies".` - Openmind. No110, July/Aug 2001 The relevance of transcultural issues for medical practice, including psychiatry, is becoming more widely recognized and medical anthropology is now a major sub-discipline. Written for those working in the mental health services as well as for anthropologists, Anthropological Approaches to Psychological Medicine brings together psychiatry and anthropology and focuses on the implications of their interaction in theory and clinical practice. The book reaffirms the importance of anthropology for fully understanding psychiatric practice and psychological disorders in both socio-historical and individual contexts. The development and use of diagnostic categories, the nature of expressed emotion within cross-cultural contexts and the religious context of perceptions of pathological behaviour are all refracted through an anthropological perspective. The clinical applications of medical anthropology addressed include, in particular, the establishing of cultural competence and an examination of the new perspectives anthropological study can bring to psychosis and depression. The stigmatization of mental illness is also reviewed from an anthropological perspective. Encouraging practitioners to reflect on the position of medicine in a wider cultural context, this is an exciting and comprehensive text which explores the profound importance of an anthropological interpretation for key issues in psychological medicine.

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