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Showing 41,926 through 41,950 of 67,291 results

Online Education 2.0: Evolving, Adapting, and Reinventing Online Technical Communication (Baywood's Technical Communications)

by Kelli Cargile Cook Keith Grant-Davie

The collection asks how faculty, courses, and programmes have responded and adapted to changes in students' needs and abilities, to economic constraints, to new course management systems, and to Web 2.0 technologies such as social networking, virtual worlds, and mobile communication devices. Addressing these questions it includes contributing voices from a wide variety of post-secondary, from urban and rural institutions and from technological and career colleges.

Online Education 2.0: Evolving, Adapting, and Reinventing Online Technical Communication (Baywood's Technical Communications)

by Kelli Cargile Cook Keith Grant-Davie

The collection asks how faculty, courses, and programmes have responded and adapted to changes in students' needs and abilities, to economic constraints, to new course management systems, and to Web 2.0 technologies such as social networking, virtual worlds, and mobile communication devices. Addressing these questions it includes contributing voices from a wide variety of post-secondary, from urban and rural institutions and from technological and career colleges.

Online Education 2.0: Evolving, Adapting, and Reinventing Online Technical Communication

by Kelli Cargile Cook Keith Grant Davie

First Published in 2017. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis, an Informa company.

Online Education 2.0: Evolving, Adapting, and Reinventing Online Technical Communication (Baywood's Technical Communications Ser.)

by Kelli Cargile Cook Keith Grant-Davie

First Published in 2017. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor and Francis, an Informa company.

Online Harms and Cybertrauma: Legal and Harmful Issues with Children and Young People

by Catherine Knibbs

This vital, sensitive guide explains the serious issues children face online and how they are impacted by them on a developmental, neurological, social, mental health and wellbeing level. Covering technologies used by children aged two through to adulthood, it offers parents and professionals clear, evidence-based information about online harms and their effects and what they can do to support their child should they see, hear or bear witness to these events online. Catherine Knibbs, specialist advisor in the field, explains the issues involved when using online platforms and devices in family, social and educational settings. Examined in as non-traumatising a way as possible, the book covers key topics including cyberbullying; cyberstalking; pornography; online grooming; sexting; live streaming; vigilantism; suicide and self-harm; trolling and e-harassment; bantz, doxing and social media hacking; dares, trends and life-threatening activities; information and misinformation; and psychological games. It also explores the complex overlap of offline and online worlds in children and young people’s lives. Offering guidance and proactive and reactive strategies based in neuroscience and child development, it reveals how e-safety is not one size fits all and must consider individual children’s and families’ vulnerabilities. Online Harms and Cybertrauma will equip professionals and parents with the knowledge to support their work and direct conversations about the online harms that children and young people face. It is essential reading for those training and working with children in psychological, educational and social work contexts, as well as parents, policy makers and those involved in development of online technologies.

Online Harms and Cybertrauma: Legal and Harmful Issues with Children and Young People

by Catherine Knibbs

This vital, sensitive guide explains the serious issues children face online and how they are impacted by them on a developmental, neurological, social, mental health and wellbeing level. Covering technologies used by children aged two through to adulthood, it offers parents and professionals clear, evidence-based information about online harms and their effects and what they can do to support their child should they see, hear or bear witness to these events online. Catherine Knibbs, specialist advisor in the field, explains the issues involved when using online platforms and devices in family, social and educational settings. Examined in as non-traumatising a way as possible, the book covers key topics including cyberbullying; cyberstalking; pornography; online grooming; sexting; live streaming; vigilantism; suicide and self-harm; trolling and e-harassment; bantz, doxing and social media hacking; dares, trends and life-threatening activities; information and misinformation; and psychological games. It also explores the complex overlap of offline and online worlds in children and young people’s lives. Offering guidance and proactive and reactive strategies based in neuroscience and child development, it reveals how e-safety is not one size fits all and must consider individual children’s and families’ vulnerabilities. Online Harms and Cybertrauma will equip professionals and parents with the knowledge to support their work and direct conversations about the online harms that children and young people face. It is essential reading for those training and working with children in psychological, educational and social work contexts, as well as parents, policy makers and those involved in development of online technologies.

Online-Kommunikation - Die Psychologie der neuen Medien für die Berufspraxis: E-Mail, Website, Newsletter, Marketing, Kundenkommunikation

by Annette Kielholz

Ganz gleich, ob in der Unternehmenskommunikation oder im persönlichen E-Mail-Verkehr, Online-Kommunikation hat viel mit Psychologie zu tun. Denn auch wenn ein Computer dazwischengeschaltet ist, es stehen doch immer Menschen dahinter. Dieser Praxisratgeber für den professionellen Umgang mit dem Internet im Berufsleben zeigt auf, welche psychologischen Mechanismen im Internet zum Tragen kommen und wie Unternehmen auf dieser Basis ihre Online-Präsenz professionell gestalten können - in den Bereichen Website, Newsletter, E-Mail-Verkehr, bei Marketing- und PR-Aktivitäten und in der Kundenkommunikation. Das Buch bietet neben der wissenschaftlichen Fundierung viele Praxisbeispiele, Checklisten und Interviews mit Spezialisten. Aufgrund seiner durchgehend klaren Struktur eignet es sich gleichermaßen für Einsteiger wie für Online-Profis, die die psychologischen Hintergründe der Netzkommunikation besser verstehen und neue Trends eigenständig beurteilen wollen. Es richtet sich an Führungskräfte, Kommunikationsverantwortliche in Unternehmen, Medienpsychologen, Unternehmensberater, Medienberater und -gestalter, Webmaster und Trainer.

Online-Lehre mit System: Wie man in der digitalen Lehre passgenaue Lernimpulse setzt und neue Lernerfahrungen ermöglicht (essentials)

by Martina Eckert

Dieses Buch zeigt, wie eine gelungenen Online-Lehre an Hochschulen mit dem Lernzyklus-Modell von David Kolb aufgebaut und durchgeführt werden kann. Zu Beginn der Corona-Krise 2020 mussten Lehrkräfte an Hochschulen und in der Fort- und Weiterbildung sehr schnell von der Präsenzlehre auf Online-Lehre umschwenken. Nicht nur die technischen Herausforderungen waren zu bewältigen. Durch den veränderten Zugang waren didaktische Hürden zu nehmen und Lernende auf Distanz zu motivieren, zu instruieren und Lernprozesse zu steuern. In solchen radikalen Veränderungs-Situationen ist man auf Beispiele und Modelle angewiesen. Will man sich nicht in Versuch und Irrtum verschleißen, braucht man einen Orientierungsrahmen – ein Design. David Kolb hat in den 1970er Jahren bereits seinen Lernzyklus zum Erfahrungslernen vorgelegt. Er eignet sich hervorragend um zu verstehen: welche Lernschritte vollzogen werden müssen, damit Studierende Wissen erwerben und den Lerntransfer leisten können,welche unterschiedlichen Lernbedürfnisse und Lernstile Studierende haben und wie man diese motivierend bedient,wie man Lehrmaterialien und Instruktionen am besten gestaltet, um als Lehrende/r eine möglichst nachhaltige und ganzheitliche Lernerfahrung zu initiieren,welche Entlastungen sich mittelfristig in der Lehre durch Teil-Automatisierung in digitalen Lehrformen ergeben.Mit den neuen digitalen Möglichkeiten eröffnen sich jetzt neue und spannende Perspektiven in der Lehre. Dieses Buch gibt praxiserprobte Tipps, diese Chancen zu nutzen.

Online-Lernen und Weiterbildung (Bildung und Neue Medien #5)

by Dorothee M. Meister

Neue Medien finden in der Weiterbildung immer mehr Verbreitung. Der Band stellt prinzipielle Überlegungen zum gewandelten Lernfeld an, behandelt typische Fragen des Online-Lernens und wertet Praxiserfahrungen aus.

Online Matchmaking

by M. Whitty A. Baker J. Inman

Online Matchmaking examines the joys, fears, and disappointments of hooking up with people in cyberspace. Unlike many other books in the field, this collection includes studies by experts from a range of disciplines including Communications, Cultural Studies, Health, Journalism, Psychology, Rhetoric, and Sociology.

Online Peer Engagement in Adolescence: Positive and Negative Aspects of Online Social Interaction (Studies in Adolescent Development)

by Nejra Van Zalk

This book provides an in-depth insight into what is currently known and relatively unknown about youths’ online peer engagement. It delivers state-of-the-art current reviews of the literature in the field, with a strong coverage of methodological issues in studying online friendships and an emphasis on moving towards a new, less dichotomic, view of online peer interaction in adolescence. With a focus on what spending time with online-exclusive peers entails – in terms of both potential positive as well as negative consequences for friendship quality, intimacy, and well-being – this book offers a more nuanced commentary on youths’ online peer engagement. Including coverage of the evolution of online friendships, cyberbullying, cyberdating, sexting, online abuse, smartphones, social networks, as well as their impact on adolescent social interaction online, Van Zalk and Monks consider implications for future research directions and practical applications. Online Peer Engagement in Adolescence is important reading for undergraduate and master students studying social and developmental psychology, education, relationships and health, as well as advanced researchers and academics working in these fields.

Online Peer Engagement in Adolescence: Positive and Negative Aspects of Online Social Interaction (Studies in Adolescent Development)

by Nejra Van Zalk Claire P. Monks

This book provides an in-depth insight into what is currently known and relatively unknown about youths’ online peer engagement. It delivers state-of-the-art current reviews of the literature in the field, with a strong coverage of methodological issues in studying online friendships and an emphasis on moving towards a new, less dichotomic, view of online peer interaction in adolescence. With a focus on what spending time with online-exclusive peers entails – in terms of both potential positive as well as negative consequences for friendship quality, intimacy, and well-being – this book offers a more nuanced commentary on youths’ online peer engagement. Including coverage of the evolution of online friendships, cyberbullying, cyberdating, sexting, online abuse, smartphones, social networks, as well as their impact on adolescent social interaction online, Van Zalk and Monks consider implications for future research directions and practical applications. Online Peer Engagement in Adolescence is important reading for undergraduate and master students studying social and developmental psychology, education, relationships and health, as well as advanced researchers and academics working in these fields.

Online Recruiting and Selection: Innovations in Talent Acquisition (Talent Management Essentials)

by Douglas H. Reynolds John A. Weiner

In Online Recruiting and Selection, Reynolds and Weiner provide an accessible introduction to implementing and operating Web-based tools for hiring in organizations. Discusses recent trends and their implications for new advancements in the field of technology-based hiring Explains key factors for developing an effective recruiting web site, choosing the right assessment tools, and designing integrated talent acquisition systems Discusses issues such as the proper environment for deploying tests and other assessments, the implications of global access, and data security and privacy policies Reviews regulations and professional standards for measurement and personnel selection, including new rules governing the treatment of Internet job applicants, the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, and the Principles for the Validation and Use of Personnel Selection Procedures

Online Resilience and Wellbeing in Young People: Representing the Youth Voice (Palgrave Studies in Cyberpsychology)

by Andy Phippen Louisa Street

This book explores online resilience and safety from a new perspective, by drawing extensively upon the youth voice. While “online safety” as a concept has now existed for well over ten years, the majority of policy and narrative is driven by preventative and adultist views of ensuring safety from harm. Underpinned by extensive empirical work, this book argues that safety, or freedom from harm, is not an achievable goal and we should refocus upon harm reduction and risk mitigation. Fundamental to this argument is that the youth voice clearly states that they will not disclose, or ask adults for support, because they do not believe they will get help or worse, will be punished as a result of disclosure. The research shows that professionals often bring their own digital value biases into safeguarding decisions, and feel that they should be white knights to young people, rather than listening to them and supporting them in a non-judgemental way. The book will be of great value to researchers and students as well as practitioners, teachers and parents interested in digital resilience and safeguarding, internet security and youth online behaviour and wellbeing.

Online-Self-Assessments zur Studienfachwahl: Entwicklung - Konzepte - Qualitätsstandards

by Gundula Stoll Susanne Weis

Dieses Buch befasst sich praxisnah mit Online Self-Assessments (OSA), die an Hochschulen zur Unterstützung der Studienfachwahl eingesetzt werden. Es beschreibt die einzelnen Schritte im Prozess der OSA-Entwicklung – von der Auftragsklärung über die Identifikation von Anforderungen, Erfolgskriterien und relevanten Personenmerkmalen, die Konzeption der einzelnen OSA-Elemente und ihre technische Umsetzung, bis hin zur Evaluation.Für jeden Entwicklungsschritt werden konzeptuelle und methodische Grundlagen vermittelt, potenzielle Stolpersteine aufgezeigt, Qualitätsstandards abgeleitet, sowie Praxisbeispiele und Checklisten bereitgestellt.Dieses Buch ist ein Gemeinschaftswerk des Netzwerks Online Self-Assessment (NOSA).

Online-Seminare bewegt gestalten: Mit Schwung durch den Online-Marathon (essentials)

by Robert Rupp

In digitalen Lernformaten dominiert eine sitzende Lern- und Arbeitshaltung vor dem Bildschirm. Dies hat nicht nur schnelle Ermüdung, inneres Abschalten und Konzentrationsprobleme zur Folge - die langen Sitzzeiten führen auch zu einem Gesundheitsrisiko. Dieses essential zeigt die Gefahren des übermäßigen Sitzens. Basierend auf aktuellen Erkenntnissen der Gesundheits- und Lernforschung wird ein aktivierender Ansatz vorgestellt, der mit ganz einfachen kleinen Maßnahmen für mehr körperliche Bewegung und Sitzunterbrechungen in Online-Seminaren sorgt. Online-Seminare werden lebendiger, kurzweiliger und produktiver. Jede Mikrobewegung ist ein kleiner gesundheitsfördernder Beitrag für Lernende und Lehrende. Das essential enthält praxisanregende Empfehlungen sowie konkrete, einfach anwendbare Methoden aus der digitalen Lehrpraxis.

Online Supervision: A Handbook for Practitioners

by Anne Stokes

As online therapy becomes more mainstream, the importance of using a means of supervision which parallels this is increasingly being recognised by practitioners and the professional bodies. Very little has been written about this newly developing way of working, so this book is timely. Online Supervision: A Handbook for Practitioners covers a wide range of issues, from the practical aspects of how supervision happens, through research, legal and ethical issues to specific therapeutic settings and issues. Existing models of supervision are considered in the context of the online setting and new models which have been developed specifically for supervising online are explored.All chapters are authored by experienced online therapists and supervisors, who bring their considerable knowledge from their practice to illuminate this growing area of the profession. In many chapters, anonymised case examples illustrate the text, alongside reflective activities which readers can choose to undertake.While the book aims to develop the practice of online supervision of online therapists, it is recognised that there are circumstances which mean that some practitioners may choose to engage in online supervision of their face-to-face work. This is recognised and guidelines for offering and engaging in online supervision are discussed. Many practitioners begin to offer online supervision without specialised training and the final chapter centres on a discussion about the value and necessity of undertaking preparation for working in a new medium.Online Supervision: A Handbook for Practitioners will be highly readable and accessible to both experienced practitioners and newcomers to this field.

Online Supervision: A Handbook for Practitioners

As online therapy becomes more mainstream, the importance of using a means of supervision which parallels this is increasingly being recognised by practitioners and the professional bodies. Very little has been written about this newly developing way of working, so this book is timely. Online Supervision: A Handbook for Practitioners covers a wide range of issues, from the practical aspects of how supervision happens, through research, legal and ethical issues to specific therapeutic settings and issues. Existing models of supervision are considered in the context of the online setting and new models which have been developed specifically for supervising online are explored.All chapters are authored by experienced online therapists and supervisors, who bring their considerable knowledge from their practice to illuminate this growing area of the profession. In many chapters, anonymised case examples illustrate the text, alongside reflective activities which readers can choose to undertake.While the book aims to develop the practice of online supervision of online therapists, it is recognised that there are circumstances which mean that some practitioners may choose to engage in online supervision of their face-to-face work. This is recognised and guidelines for offering and engaging in online supervision are discussed. Many practitioners begin to offer online supervision without specialised training and the final chapter centres on a discussion about the value and necessity of undertaking preparation for working in a new medium.Online Supervision: A Handbook for Practitioners will be highly readable and accessible to both experienced practitioners and newcomers to this field.

Online Teaching and Learning in the COVID-19 Era: Perspectives on Equity and Epistemic Justice

by Felix Maringe Otilia Chiramba

This book examines the ongoing changes initially caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the future prospects of teaching and learning in higher education institutions. It focuses on the impact of online education on issues of learning equity and epistemic justice. The transition from traditional face-to-face teaching to remote learning has exacerbated existing inequalities in epistemological access among higher education students, despite the shortcomings of the former in this regard. The book features essays by African academics who reflect on the challenges of epistemological access during the sudden shift to hybrid, blended and remote teaching and learning. It specifically explores the question of equitable learning in diverse home contexts, drawing on both theoretical and empirical studies conducted by the authors in South African universities and the region. The chapters employ the conceptual framework of epistemic injustice to define and explore various forms of such injustice, providing a basis for analyzing the implications of the transition to online pedagogy.

Online Workshops mit Angewandter Improvisation: Soziale Kompetenzen abwechslungsreich und spielerisch online vermittelt (essentials)

by Susanne Schinko-Fischli

​Susanne Schinko-Fischli beschreibt in diesem essential kompakt, wie sich über Onlinemedien soziale Kompetenzen interaktiv und spielerisch mit Methoden der Angewandten Improvisation vermitteln lassen. Verbundenheit, Vertrauen und Offenheit können zum Beispiel online aufgebaut werden, um echte Teamarbeit zu ermöglichen. Storytelling-Formate eignen sich ausgezeichnet, um Wissen spannend und abwechslungsreich zu transportieren. Statusspiele wiederum sind auch online ein nicht zu unterschätzendes Phänomen, selbst wenn bestimmte Möglichkeiten der Darstellung fehlen. Das eigene Statusverhalten an die jeweilige Situation anpassen zu können, ist auch virtuell eine wichtige Grundlage für wirksame Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe.

Only-Child Experience and Adulthood

by B. Sorensen

This book examines only-child experience in global perspective and offers an insight into the dilemmas and challenges only-children face as adults. Explored from both a social and psychological perspective, it reveals the complexity and multidimensional nature of the private and public worlds of the only-child.

Onomatopoeia and Relevance: Communication of Impressions via Sound (Palgrave Studies in Sound)

by Ryoko Sasamoto

This book aims to provide an account of both what and how onomatopoeia communicate by applying ideas from the relevance theoretic framework of utterance interpretation. It focuses on two main aspects of the topic: the contribution that onomatopoeia make to communication and the nature of multimodal communication. This is applied in three domains (food discourse, visual culture in Asia and translation) in the final sections of the book. It will be of interest to scholars working in the fields of pragmatics, semantics, cognitive linguistics, stylistics, philosophy of language, literature, translation, and Asian studies.

Ontogeny of Learning and Memory (Psychology Library Editions: Memory)

by Norman E. Spear Byron A. Campbell

Originally published in 1979, this volume contains chapters prepared following a conference at SUNY- Binghamton in 1977. The conference was the outcome of exciting new developments that had occurred in the ontogeny of learning and memory at the time, as well as a long-standing friendship between the editors. Many changes had taken place in the years leading up to this volume and there were now many more researchers active in the field. This volume reflected the rapidly changing state of this research area at the time and includes early contributions from researchers now well established in the field.

Ontogeny of Learning and Memory (Psychology Library Editions: Memory)

Originally published in 1979, this volume contains chapters prepared following a conference at SUNY- Binghamton in 1977. The conference was the outcome of exciting new developments that had occurred in the ontogeny of learning and memory at the time, as well as a long-standing friendship between the editors. Many changes had taken place in the years leading up to this volume and there were now many more researchers active in the field. This volume reflected the rapidly changing state of this research area at the time and includes early contributions from researchers now well established in the field.

Open: Love, Sex and Life in an Open Marriage

by Jenny Block

Finally, a book about open marriage that grapples with the problems surrounding monogamy and fidelity in an honest, heartfelt, and non-fringe manner. Jenny Block is your average girl next door, a suburban wife and mother for whom married life never felt quite right. While many books on this topic presuppose that the reader is ready to embrace an "alternative lifestyle,” Block operates from the assumption that most couples who are curious about or engaged in open marriages are in fact more like her - normal people who question whether monogamy is right for them; good people who love their spouses but want variation; capable parents who are not deviant just because they choose to be honest about their desires. Open challenges our notions of what traditional marriage looks like, and presents one woman's journey down an uncertain path that ultimately proves open marriage is a viable option for her and others.

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