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Nonverbal Learning Disabilities in Children: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Practice

by John M. Davis Jessica Broitman

Although it has yet to be recognized by the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), nonverbal learning disabilities (NVLD) in children are a growing concern. NVLD are receiving increased attention from researchers as well as from clinicians encountering these conditions in their young clients. At the same time, reliable information on effective interventions for NVLD has lagged behind this interest.Nonverbal Learning Disabilities in Children: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Practice offers a well-rounded understanding of NVLD, placing it within the context of other developmental disorders, most notably high-functioning autism and Asperger’s syndrome. The most current genetic, environmental, and neurobiological theories of and research into the causes of NVLD (e.g., the “white matter model”), in-depth diagnostic methods, and quality interventions are examined. Using an evidence-based approach, this groundbreaking volume:Conceptualizes NVLD as a disorder with subtypes. Differentiates between diagnostic criteria for NVLD and Asperger’s Syndrome. Analyzes the co-occurrence of NVLD with other developmental disabilities and psychological disorders.Provides a comprehensive psychoeducational assessment model.Describes efficacious treatments and supports their empirical validation. Offers guidelines for sustaining treatment gains through effective collaboration of school personnel and family members.Nonverbal Learning Disabilities in Children is a must-have reference for researchers, practitioners, and graduate students in school and clinical child psychology, education, speech-language therapy, and other disciplines and professions involved in identifying and treating children with NVLD.

Nonverbal Perceptual and Cognitive Processes in Children With Language Disorders: Toward A New Framework for Clinical intervention

by Walter Bischofberger F‚licie Affolter

A growing body of literature is suggesting that many children with language disorders and delays--even those with so-called specific language impairment--have difficulties in other domains as well. In this pathbreaking book, the authors draw on more than 40 years of research and clinical observations of populations ranging from various groups of children to adults with brain damage to construct a comprehensive model for the development of the interrelated skills involved in language performance, and trace the crucial implications of this model for intervention. Early tactual feedback, they argue, is more critical for the perceptual/cognitive organization of experiences that constitutes a foundation for language development than either visual or auditory input, and the importance of tactually-anchored nonverbal interaction cannot be ignored if efforts at treatment are to be successful. All those professionally involved in work with children and adults with language problems will find the authors' model provocative and useful.

Nonverbal Perceptual and Cognitive Processes in Children With Language Disorders: Toward A New Framework for Clinical intervention

by Walter Bischofberger F‚licie Affolter

A growing body of literature is suggesting that many children with language disorders and delays--even those with so-called specific language impairment--have difficulties in other domains as well. In this pathbreaking book, the authors draw on more than 40 years of research and clinical observations of populations ranging from various groups of children to adults with brain damage to construct a comprehensive model for the development of the interrelated skills involved in language performance, and trace the crucial implications of this model for intervention. Early tactual feedback, they argue, is more critical for the perceptual/cognitive organization of experiences that constitutes a foundation for language development than either visual or auditory input, and the importance of tactually-anchored nonverbal interaction cannot be ignored if efforts at treatment are to be successful. All those professionally involved in work with children and adults with language problems will find the authors' model provocative and useful.

Nonverbale Dialogik: Ein psychosozialer Beratungs- und Entwicklungsansatz nach Ishwara Hadinoto (BestMasters)

by Ishwara Hadinoto

Zentral für viele Organisationen und ihre Mitglieder ist das „Doppelbindungsdilemma“; es manifestiert sich in einem tiefgreifenden Kommunikationsproblem: Oftmals übermitteln die Betroffenen durch subtile nonverbale Signale ihre Vorwürfe, trauen sich jedoch nicht, das eigentliche Problem offen anzusprechen. Sie fürchten negative Reaktionen oder Sanktionen. Diese Dynamik kann für Organisationen weitreichende Auswirkungen haben. Hier kommt Ishwara Hadinoto’s Konzept der „Nonverbalen Dialogik“ ins Spiel. Diese Arbeit betrachtet verschiedene Dimensionen des Selbstwerts. Von großer Bedeutung ist dabei die zentrale Rolle nonverbaler Kommunikation und von Doppelbindungen als ursächliche Stressfaktoren. Nach einer Analyse zur Konfliktlösung wird dargelegt, wie die Nonverbale Dialogik Psychoanalyse, Humanistische Psychologie und daoistische Philosophie in einem innovativen Ansatz verbindet. Schließlich wird das Augenmerk auf die direkte Anwendung der Methode und ihre messbaren Auswirkungen auf Coachees gerichtet.

Nonviolence and Peace Psychology: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Societal, And World Peace (Peace Psychology Book Series)

by Daniel Mayton

Recent trends and events worldwide have increased public interest in nonviolence, pacifism, and peace psychology as well as professional interest across the social sciences. Nonviolence and Peace Psychology assembles multiple perspectives to create a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the concepts and phenomena of nonviolence than is usually seen on the subject. Through this diverse literature—spanning psychology, political science, religious studies, anthropology, and sociology—peace psychologist Dan Mayton gives readers the opportunity to view nonviolence as a body of principles, a system of pragmatics, and a strategy for social change. This important volume: Draws critical distinctions between nonviolence, pacifism, and related concepts. Classifies nonviolence in terms of its scope (intrapersonal, interpersonal, societal, global) and pacifism according to political and situational dimensions. Applies standard psychological concepts such as beliefs, motives, dispositions, and values to define nonviolent actions and behaviors. Brings sociohistorical and cross-cultural context to peace psychology. Analyzes a century’s worth of nonviolent social action, from the pathbreaking work of Gandhi and King to the Courage to Refuse movement within the Israeli armed forces. Reviews methodological and measurement issues in nonviolence research, and suggests areas for future study. Although more attention is traditionally devoted to violence and aggression within the social sciences, Nonviolence and Peace Psychology reveals a robust knowledge base and a framework for peacebuilding work, granting peace psychologists, activists, and mediators new possibilities for the transformative power of nonviolence.

Nooit meer vliegangst!: Een zelfhulpboek om vliegangst te overwinnen

by Cor Anneese

Een op de drie mensen is bang om te vliegen, ondanks het statistische gegeven dat vliegen 250 keer veiliger is dan reizen per auto. Er bestaan verschillende vormen van vliegangst. De angst om neer te storten is er slechts een van. Veel mensen nemen een angst of fobie die hun dagelijks parten speelt mee op reis. Heb je last van hoogtevrees? Dan vind je het waarschijnlijk lastig om in een vliegtuig bij het raampje te zitten. Als je in het dagelijks leven last van engtevrees hebt, is de kans groot dat je ook in een vliegtuig een benauwd gevoel krijgt. Misschien raak je zelfs in paniek uit angst voor die angst. Nooit meer vliegangst! biedt iedereen die op een of andere manier last van dergelijke angstklachten heeft een effectieve aanpak om daarvan af te komen. Het geeft informatie over allerlei technische aspecten van het verschijnsel vliegen en laat zo zien dat je vliegangst niet nuttig of realistisch is, maar alleen wordt veroorzaakt door je eigen gedachten. De duidelijk beschreven oefeningen in dit zelfhulpboek geven je inzicht in het ontstaan van je angst. De ontspanningstechnieken zijn gemakkelijk toepasbaar in allerlei situaties. De herkenbare verhalen van ervaringsdeskundigen maken dit boek bovendien prettig leesbaar en extra toegankelijk.

Norbert Elias and Sigmund Freud: The Psychoanalytic Foundations of the Civilizing Process (Classical and Contemporary Social Theory)

by André Oliveira Costa

This book explores the influence of Freudian psychoanalysis on Norbert Elias’ theory of the civilizing process – an influence acknowledged by Elias himself – conducting a dialogue with a view to analyzing points of contact and distance between them. Examining the development of Elias’ work, it sheds light on the integration of psychoanalytic concepts in his thought, considering the dynamics that exist between individuals and social processes, as the civilizing process affects the psychic economy of individuals and psychic structures serve to sustain civilization. A genealogical study of Freudian concepts as expressed in the trajectory of Elias’s sociology, it will appeal to scholars of sociology and psychology with interests in social and psychoanalytic theory.

Norbert Elias and Sigmund Freud: The Psychoanalytic Foundations of the Civilizing Process (Classical and Contemporary Social Theory)

by André Oliveira Costa

This book explores the influence of Freudian psychoanalysis on Norbert Elias’ theory of the civilizing process – an influence acknowledged by Elias himself – conducting a dialogue with a view to analyzing points of contact and distance between them. Examining the development of Elias’ work, it sheds light on the integration of psychoanalytic concepts in his thought, considering the dynamics that exist between individuals and social processes, as the civilizing process affects the psychic economy of individuals and psychic structures serve to sustain civilization. A genealogical study of Freudian concepts as expressed in the trajectory of Elias’s sociology, it will appeal to scholars of sociology and psychology with interests in social and psychoanalytic theory.

Nordic Dialogues on Children and Families (Evolving Families)

by Susanne Garvis Elin Eriksen Ødegaard

This book brings together key authors from the Nordic countries (Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark and Iceland) to discuss theoretical and empirical research on families and children. Sharing the Nordic perspective from each of the five countries, the book highlights key ideas within and across the countries. The chapters provide an understanding of the history of the Nordic perspectives of family and children, present current innovative research on solutions to complex issues, and explore contemporary issues. Nordic countries continually attain high scores in lifestyle measures, quality of life and children’s outcomes. Much of this has to do with the specific culture and policy of the Nordic countries. Written by academics within the region who are well regarded for contributing to academic and public debate, this book will appeal to an international audience interested in the Nordic perspective and social policy around family and children.

Nordic Dialogues on Children and Families (Evolving Families)

by Susanne Garvis Elin Eriksen Ødegaard

This book brings together key authors from the Nordic countries (Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark and Iceland) to discuss theoretical and empirical research on families and children. Sharing the Nordic perspective from each of the five countries, the book highlights key ideas within and across the countries. The chapters provide an understanding of the history of the Nordic perspectives of family and children, present current innovative research on solutions to complex issues, and explore contemporary issues. Nordic countries continually attain high scores in lifestyle measures, quality of life and children’s outcomes. Much of this has to do with the specific culture and policy of the Nordic countries. Written by academics within the region who are well regarded for contributing to academic and public debate, this book will appeal to an international audience interested in the Nordic perspective and social policy around family and children.

Nordic Social Pedagogical Approach to Early Years (International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development #15)

by Charlotte Ringsmose Grethe Kragh-Müller

This book studies the major characteristics of the social pedagogical approach to early childhood education and care. It does so by investigating the distinctive elements of the Nordic approach and tradition. The cultural, educational, and ideological structures and values within the Nordic tradition indicate a strong “social pedagogical” rather than “early education” emphasis. The Nordic tradition applies a social learning approach that emphasizes play, relationships and outdoor life, and presumes that learning takes place through children’s participation in social interaction and processes. Set against this background, the book examines the characteristics of the pedagogue and the important features that develop through the Nordic approach. It compares children educated in the Nordic tradition with those educated in the French-English and Anglo-American tradition. It explores quality in relation to how children can enjoy childhood, and at the same time become able to actively participate in society and develop the social and cognitive skills and competences that individuals require to do well in society.

Normal and Abnormal Behavior in Chinese Culture (Culture, Illness and Healing #2)

by A. Kleinman T. Y. Lin

Our purpose in assembling the papers in this collection is to introduce readers to studies of normal and abnormal behavior in Chinese culture. We want to offer a sense o/what psychiatrists and social scientists are doing to advance our under­ standing of this subject, including what fmdings are being made, what questions researched, what conundrums worried over. Since our fund of knowledge is obviously incomplete, we want our readers to be aware of the limits to what we know and to our acquisition of new knowledge. Although the subject is too vast and uncharted to support a comprehensive synthesis, in a few areas - e. g. , psychiatric epidemiology - enough is known for us to be able to present major reviews. The chapters themselves cover a variety of themes that we regard as both intrinsically interesting and deserving of more systematic evaluation. Many of the issues they address we believe to be valid concerns for comparative cross­ cultural studies. No attempt is made to artificially integrate these chapters, since the editors wish to highlight their distinctive interpretive frameworks as evidence of the rich variety of approaches that scholars take to this subject. 'We see this volume as a modest and self-consciously limited exploration. Here are some accounts and interpretations (but by no means all) of normal and ab­ normal behavior in the context of Chinese culture that we believe fashion a more discriminating understanding of at least a few important aspects of that subject.

Normal and Abnormal Fear and Anxiety in Children and Adolescents (BRAT Series in Clinical Psychology)

by Peter Muris

Written at a post-graduate level, this new volume provides a cumulative overview of the research available on the pathogenesis of fear and anxiety in youths. Its aim is to give the reader an idea of the factors that are thought to be involved in the development of abnormal fear and anxiety in children and adolescents, and to integrate this knowledge in a comprehensive model. Normal and Abnormal Fear and Anxiety in Children and Adolescents also gives an update of the current scientific status on the psychological and pharmacological treatment and assessment of anxiety disorders in youths. - Reviews research literature on the cause of childhood anxiety, not only the existence and treatment - Discusses empirically supported intervention strategies - Includes questionnaires for measuring anxiety and related concepts that can be employed for research purposes - Anxiety disorders in children and adolescents is the author's primary area of research

The Normalisation of Cyprus’ Partition Among Greek Cypriots: Political Economy and Political Culture in a Divided Society

by Gregoris Ioannou

This book explores the basic dynamics that shaped the Cyprus problem, with a focus on recent decades. The author deals with the periods, nodal points and fields that produced the conditions for the normalisation of partition and also presents the Cyprus problem as viewed from the outside. The chapters approach Cyprus’ division in light of power relations in society, the interaction between the political elite and society, and discuss the political and ideological dynamics as manifested in the public sphere. While analysing primarily the Greek Cypriot community, the book also refers to parallel developments in the Turkish Cypriot and international communities, arguing that the normalisation of Cyprus’ partition is rooted in the political economy and political culture of Greek Cypriots. At the same time, from the perspective of the peace and reunification movement, this is an inherently contradictory and potentially unstable process that can be overturned.‘Α remarkably thorough study focusing on nationalist narratives, political and media discourses and socio-economic structures in Cyprus and their impact on the formation and transformation of political identities since the 1950s. Unlike many other books on the issue, Ioannou analyses social and political developments in both the Greek-Cypriot and the Turkish-Cypriot communities. This approach sheds light on the internal reasons of the perpetuation of the island’s division, which the geopolitical and international relations approaches alone miss to grasp. Combining the analytical skills of a political scientist and his personal experience as an engaged citizen in favour of unification, Ioannou offers significant insight on a complex and traumatic conflict that remains one of Europe’s black spots.’ –Athena Skoulariki, Assistant Professor in Sociology of Communication, Discourse Analysis and Social Representations, University of Crete, Greece ‘The basic argument of the book is that the consolidation of partition was neither automatic nor happened behind the backs of Greek Cypriots. The very interesting and demythologising work of Gregoris Ioannou brings to light a hidden, but common secret of the Greek Cypriots.’ –Alexis Heraklides, Emeritus Professor of International Relations, Panteion University, Greece ‘Ioannou projects a multi-focal spotlight on the Cyprus problem, so as, at least for the careful reader, this becomes not only an interesting topic in itself, but, also a cognitive springboard from which to understand broader pathogenies of our common social and political life.’ –Seraphim Seferiades, Associate Professor in Political Science, Panteion University, Greece

Normalitätskonzepte im Behinderungsdiskurs: Eine qualitative Befragung inklusiv-beschulter Brandenburger Grundschulkinder (BestMasters)

by David Brehme

Der Autor legt mit diesem Buch die erste empirische, kritisch-sozialpsychologische Untersuchung der Rolle von Normalitätskonzepten von Kindern vor, wenn diese über Behinderung sprechen. Seine Befragung von Schulkindern an inklusiven Grundschulen in Brandenburg zeigt, dass Behinderung und Normalität als Konzepte untrennbar und auf vielfältige, widersprüchliche Weise miteinander verbunden sind. Diese Ergebnisse leisten einen Beitrag zur empirisch fundierten Theoretisierung von Normalität – einem für die Psychologie essentiellem, aber kaum untersuchten Konzept.

Normality and Pathology in Childhood: Assessments of Development

by Anna Freud

The author's book deals with a most neglected aspect of psychoanalysis - normality. Its chief concern is with the ordinary problems of upbringing which face all parents and the usual phenomena encountered by every clinician. Yet, though primarily practical and clinical in its approach, it also makes a major theoretical contribution to psychology. The author begins with an account of the development of analytic child psychology, its techniques and its sources in child and adult analysis and direct observation of the child. The author then describes the course of normal development, how it can be hindered or eased, what are the unavoidable stresses and strains and how variations of normality occur. The author outlines a scheme for assessing normality and for gauging and classifying pathological phenomena in terms of the obstruction of normal progress rather than the severity of symptoms. Stress is laid on the problem of predicting the outcome of infantile factors for adult pathology in the face of the child's continual development. Finally, child analysis is considered both as a therapeutic method and as a means for the advance of knowledge.

Normality and Pathology in Childhood: Assessments of Development (Writings Of Anna Freud #Vol. 6)

by Anna Freud

The author's book deals with a most neglected aspect of psychoanalysis - normality. Its chief concern is with the ordinary problems of upbringing which face all parents and the usual phenomena encountered by every clinician. Yet, though primarily practical and clinical in its approach, it also makes a major theoretical contribution to psychology. The author begins with an account of the development of analytic child psychology, its techniques and its sources in child and adult analysis and direct observation of the child. The author then describes the course of normal development, how it can be hindered or eased, what are the unavoidable stresses and strains and how variations of normality occur. The author outlines a scheme for assessing normality and for gauging and classifying pathological phenomena in terms of the obstruction of normal progress rather than the severity of symptoms. Stress is laid on the problem of predicting the outcome of infantile factors for adult pathology in the face of the child's continual development. Finally, child analysis is considered both as a therapeutic method and as a means for the advance of knowledge.

Normality Does Not Equal Mental Health: The Need to Look Elsewhere for Standards of Good Psychological Health

by Steven James Bartlett

How do you define good mental health? This controversial, counterintuitive, and altogether fascinating book argues that "psychological normality" is neither a desirable nor an acceptable standard.Normality Does Not Equal Mental Health: The Need to Look Elsewhere for Standards of Good Psychological Health is a groundbreaking work, the first book-length study to question the equation of psychological normality and mental health. Its author, Dr. Steven James Bartlett, musters compelling evidence and careful analysis to challenge the paradigm accepted by mental health theorists and practitioners, a paradigm that is not only wrong, but can be damaging to those to whom it is applied—and to society as a whole.In this bold, multidisciplinary work, Bartlett critiques the presumed standard of normality that permeates contemporary consciousness. Showing that the current concept of mental illness is fundamentally unacceptable because it is scientifically unfounded and the result of flawed thinking, he argues that adherence to the gold standard of psychological normality leads to nothing less than cultural impoverishment.

Normalizing Mental Illness and Neurodiversity in Entertainment Media: Quieting the Madness

by Malynnda Johnson

This volume examines the shift toward positive and more accurate portrayals of mental illness in entertainment media, asking where these succeed and considering where more needs to be done. With studies that identify and analyze the characters, viewpoints, and experiences of mental illness across film and television, it considers the messages conveyed about mental illness and reflects on how the different texts reflect, reinforce, or challenge sociocultural notions regarding mental illness. Presenting chapters that explore a range of texts from film and television, covering a variety of mental health conditions, including autism, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and more, this book will appeal to scholars of sociology, cultural and media studies, and mental health.

Normalizing Mental Illness and Neurodiversity in Entertainment Media: Quieting the Madness

by Malynnda Johnson Christopher J. Olson

This volume examines the shift toward positive and more accurate portrayals of mental illness in entertainment media, asking where these succeed and considering where more needs to be done. With studies that identify and analyze the characters, viewpoints, and experiences of mental illness across film and television, it considers the messages conveyed about mental illness and reflects on how the different texts reflect, reinforce, or challenge sociocultural notions regarding mental illness. Presenting chapters that explore a range of texts from film and television, covering a variety of mental health conditions, including autism, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and more, this book will appeal to scholars of sociology, cultural and media studies, and mental health.

Norman N. Holland: The Dean of American Psychoanalytic Literary Critics (Psychoanalytic Horizons)

by Jeffrey Berman

Norman Holland was unquestionably the leading 20th-century American psychoanalytic literary critic. Long known as the Dean of American psychoanalytic literary critics, Holland produced an enormous body of scholarship that appeals to both neophytes in the field and advanced researchers, many of whom have been influenced by his writings. Holland was one of the first proponents of reader-response criticism, the theorist of readers' identity themes, and the author of fifteen books that have become classics in the field. Jeffrey Berman analyzes all of Holland's books, and many of his 250 scholarly articles, highlighting continuities and discontinuities in the critic's thinking over time. A controversial if not polarizing figure, Holland is discussed in relation to his closest colleagues, including Murray Schwartz, Bernard Paris, and Leslie Fiedler, as well as his fiercest critics, among them Frederick Crews, David Bleich, and Jonathan Culler, creating a dynamic and personal portrait. Insofar as this text illuminates the evolving mind of a premier literary critic, it produces a parallel profile of the American reader, the primary object of Holland's extensive work.

Norman N. Holland: The Dean of American Psychoanalytic Literary Critics (Psychoanalytic Horizons)

by Jeffrey Berman

Norman Holland was unquestionably the leading 20th-century American psychoanalytic literary critic. Long known as the Dean of American psychoanalytic literary critics, Holland produced an enormous body of scholarship that appeals to both neophytes in the field and advanced researchers, many of whom have been influenced by his writings. Holland was one of the first proponents of reader-response criticism, the theorist of readers' identity themes, and the author of fifteen books that have become classics in the field. Jeffrey Berman analyzes all of Holland's books, and many of his 250 scholarly articles, highlighting continuities and discontinuities in the critic's thinking over time. A controversial if not polarizing figure, Holland is discussed in relation to his closest colleagues, including Murray Schwartz, Bernard Paris, and Leslie Fiedler, as well as his fiercest critics, among them Frederick Crews, David Bleich, and Jonathan Culler, creating a dynamic and personal portrait. Insofar as this text illuminates the evolving mind of a premier literary critic, it produces a parallel profile of the American reader, the primary object of Holland's extensive work.

The Normative And The Evaluative: The Buck-passing Account Of Value

by Richard Rowland

Many have been attracted to the idea that for something to be good there just have to be reasons to favour it. This view has come to be known as the buck-passing account of value. According to this account, for pleasure to be good there need to be reasons for us to desire and pursue it. Likewise for liberty and equality to be values there have to be reasons for us to promote and preserve them. Extensive discussion has focussed on some of the problems that the buck-passing account faces, such as the 'wrong kind of reason' problem. Less attention, however, has been paid as to why we should accept the buck-passing account or what the theoretical pay-offs and other implications of accepting it are. The Normative and the Evaluative provides the first comprehensive motivation and defence of the buck-passing account of value. Richard Rowland argues that the buck-passing account explains several important features of the relationship between reasons and value, as well as the relationship between the different varieties of value, in a way that its competitors do not. He shows that alternatives to the buck-passing account are inconsistent with important views in normative ethics, uninformative, and at odds with the way in which we should see practical and epistemic normativity as related. In addition, he extends the buck-passing account to provide an account of moral properties as well as all other normative and deontic properties and concepts, such as fittingness and 'ought', in terms of reasons.

Normative Political Economy: Subjective Freedom, the Market and the State

by David P. Levine

Normative Political Economy explores the criteria we use for judging economic institutions and economic policy. It argues that prevailing criteria lack sufficient depth in their understanding of subjective experience. David Levine's arguments cover topics which include: * basic needs, equality and justice * freedom, self-integration and creative living * the role of the state * capitalism and the good society

Normative Political Economy: Subjective Freedom, the Market and the State

by David P. Levine

Normative Political Economy explores the criteria we use for judging economic institutions and economic policy. It argues that prevailing criteria lack sufficient depth in their understanding of subjective experience. David Levine's arguments cover topics which include: * basic needs, equality and justice * freedom, self-integration and creative living * the role of the state * capitalism and the good society

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