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Showing 42,751 through 42,775 of 68,354 results

The Organic And The Inner World (Psychoanalytic Ideas Ser.)

by Ronald Doctor Richard Lucas

For some years, there has been an unfortunate tendency in the UK for psychiatry and psychoanalysis to be perceived as in opposition to one another, to the detriment of both disciplines. Rather than see 'organic' psychiatry on one side and 'dynamic' psychiatry on the other, the British Psychoanalytical Society now wishes to try to foster closer links between psychoanalysis and psychiatry. To this end, psychoanalysts have been going out to give presentations of their work to various psychiatric departments, in the hope of building up increasing understanding both of current developments in analytic thinking, and of how analysts can learn from psychiatric colleagues. The authors learned, from their experience of putting on a number of Freud events, that there is a great hunger to know more about psychoanalysis, particularly among young people, both those in psychiatric training and in the wider community. In parts of the academic world, there is a particular interest in psychoanalysis; indeed the most subscribed courses in some of our most prestigious universities are those where psychoanalysis is involved.

The Organic and the Inner World

by Richard Lucas Ronald Doctor

This book considers the place for analytic thinking in the world of psychiatry with its emphasis on an organic approach to major psychiatric disorders. It is the result of a conference that was held at the Institute of Psychoanalysis entitled 'The Organic and the Inner World'.

The Organic and the Inner World (The\psychoanalytic Ideas Ser.)

by Richard Lucas Ronald Doctor

This book considers the place for analytic thinking in the world of psychiatry with its emphasis on an organic approach to major psychiatric disorders. It is the result of a conference that was held at the Institute of Psychoanalysis entitled 'The Organic and the Inner World'.

Organic Creativity in the Classroom: Teaching to Intuition in Academics and the Arts

by Jane Piirto

Creativity can be taught and nurtured, and we can build classrooms in which creativity thrives. This philosophy acts as a central thesis in a new book, Organic Creativity in the Classroom, edited by award-winning author Jane Piirto, Ph.D.This innovative collection of essays explores approaches to teaching creativity from the perspective of experienced educators and artists. The 23 authors have taught for more than 500 years combined, and in this book they share teaching stories and helpful strategies that can be used to encourage students to become more creative within specific domains. The authors include master teachers, curriculum theorists, holistic educators, and award-winning practitioners of writing, mathematics, science, social science, literature, foreign language, theater, songwriting, dance, music, and arts education, among other domains, who incorporate creativity and intuition into their classrooms. In this readable and lively book, they share their personal stories and practical advice for infusing creativity into the lives of students.

Organic Creativity in the Classroom: Teaching to Intuition in Academics and the Arts

by Jane Piirto

Creativity can be taught and nurtured, and we can build classrooms in which creativity thrives. This philosophy acts as a central thesis in a new book, Organic Creativity in the Classroom, edited by award-winning author Jane Piirto, Ph.D.This innovative collection of essays explores approaches to teaching creativity from the perspective of experienced educators and artists. The 23 authors have taught for more than 500 years combined, and in this book they share teaching stories and helpful strategies that can be used to encourage students to become more creative within specific domains. The authors include master teachers, curriculum theorists, holistic educators, and award-winning practitioners of writing, mathematics, science, social science, literature, foreign language, theater, songwriting, dance, music, and arts education, among other domains, who incorporate creativity and intuition into their classrooms. In this readable and lively book, they share their personal stories and practical advice for infusing creativity into the lives of students.

Organic Public Engagement: How Ecological Thinking Transforms Public Engagement with Science

by Adam S. Lerner Pat J. Gehrke

This book advances organic public engagement methods based on ecological thinking. The authors draw on rich multi-disciplinary literature in ecological thinking as well as research from public engagement with science events held over the past several years across the United States. Through this combination of ecology theory and case studies, this book provides both the conceptual foundations and the proven practical applications of public engagement grounded in ecological thinking. It offers engagement scholars an effective and efficient means of carrying out their missions, while simultaneously building a more ecologically valid method for studying actually existing publics.

Organic Public Engagement: How Ecological Thinking Transforms Public Engagement with Science

by Adam S. Lerner Pat J. Gehrke

This book advances organic public engagement methods based on ecological thinking. The authors draw on rich multi-disciplinary literature in ecological thinking as well as research from public engagement with science events held over the past several years across the United States. Through this combination of ecology theory and case studies, this book provides both the conceptual foundations and the proven practical applications of public engagement grounded in ecological thinking. It offers engagement scholars an effective and efficient means of carrying out their missions, while simultaneously building a more ecologically valid method for studying actually existing publics.

Organisation and Everyday Life with Dyslexia and other SpLDs

by Ginny Stacey Sally Fowler

Organisation and Everyday Life with Dyslexia and other SpLDs is about the wide impacts of dyslexia/ SpLD on everyday life. All dyslexic/ SpLD people live with the possibility that their mind will function in a dyslexic/ SpLD way at any moment, regardless of strategies that they have acquired or developed. Even people with many strategies can suddenly find themselves struggling with their dyslexia/ SpLD again. This book is adressed to dyslexic/ spld readers. Organisation is promoted as a tool to minimise the effets of dyselxia /spLD. The book covers: • situations that might disrupt organisation • a systematic approach to organisation • everyday life, study peripherals and employment. It has many life stories to help readers recognise the impacts of their own dyslexia/ SpLD. Dyslexic/ SpLDs have the potential to offer skills and alternative approaches to tasks. Often, the solutions that they devise for themselves are very useful to the non-dyslexic/ SpLD people around them, which can enhance their self-confidence. When organisation suits the individual with SpLD innate intelligence and potential can be realised.

Organisation and Memory: A Review and a Project in Subnormality (Psychology Library Editions: Memory)

by Peter Herriot Josephine M. Green Roy McConkey

Originally published in 1973, this volume looks at the organisation of memory data in, what at the time was termed, ‘mental handicap’. The first part surveys recent work in this important area, giving a general account of experiments and findings. The second part reports a particular piece of research on memory in people with learning difficulties, then called ‘subnormal individuals’. Very much of its time, in terms of the terminology, this was an important book for anyone concerned with people with intellectual disabilities and for experimental psychologists involved with the processes of memory.

Organisation and Memory: A Review and a Project in Subnormality (Psychology Library Editions: Memory)

by Peter Herriot Josephine M. Green Roy McConkey

Originally published in 1973, this volume looks at the organisation of memory data in, what at the time was termed, ‘mental handicap’. The first part surveys recent work in this important area, giving a general account of experiments and findings. The second part reports a particular piece of research on memory in people with learning difficulties, then called ‘subnormal individuals’. Very much of its time, in terms of the terminology, this was an important book for anyone concerned with people with intellectual disabilities and for experimental psychologists involved with the processes of memory.

Organisation, Motivation und Konflikte in der Freiwilligenarbeit: Eine organisationspsychologische Analyse freiwilligen Engagements in Non-Profit-Organisationen

by Kathrin Thiel

Kathrin Thiel untersucht in einer längsschnittlichen Studienreihe das Erleben von Konflikten in Non-Profit-Organisationen: Welche Auswirkungen hat das Konflikterleben etwa auf Zufriedenheit oder Bereitschaften zu weiterem Engagement? Und wie bedeutsam ist Konflikterleben dabei im Vergleich zu Motiven und ausgewählten Variablen der Organisationspsychologie, etwa Gerechtigkeitswahrnehmungen? In einer multimethodalen Studienreihe werden dazu über 1.700 freiwillig engagierte Personen verschiedener Non-Profit-Organisationen befragt. Die Befunde bestätigen die negativen Auswirkungen von Konflikten und damit die Notwendigkeit eines organisationspsychologischen Blicks auf Freiwilligenarbeit. Konkrete Ansatzpunkte für ein erfolgreiches Management von Freiwilligen in Non-Profit-Organisationen werden abgeleitet.

Organisation und Entscheidung (Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften #232)

by Niklas Luhmann

Organisationsbildung setzt eine Erkennungsregel voraus, die erlaubt festzustellen, welche Handlungen und unter welchen Aspekten sie als Entscheidungen der Organisation zu gelten haben. Diese Erkenntnisregel ist zunächst und vor allem eine Mitgliedschaftsregel. Sie legt fest, wer als Mitglied des Systems angesehen wird und in welchen Rollen diese Mitgliedschaft ausgeübt werden kann. Durch Personalauswahl und Rollendefinition wird die Organisation gegen das sie umgebende sonstige Soziale abgegrenzt und ausdifferenziert. 35 Jahre nach der erstmaligen Veröffentlichung von "Funktionen und Folgen formaler Organisation" schließt "Organisation und Entscheidung" das Gesamtwerk Niklas Luhmanns mit einem weiteren Grundlagenwerk zur soziologischen Theorie formaler Organisationen ab.

Organisation und Netzwerke: Beiträge der Kommission Organisationspädagogik (Organisation und Pädagogik #26)

by Susanne Maria Weber Inga Truschkat Christian Schröder Luisa Peters Andreas Herz

Der Band erarbeitet theoretisch, empirisch, method(olog)isch und praxisorientiert Zugänge zum Verhältnis von Organisation und Netzwerken und untersucht die Verbindung zwischen sozialer Netzwerkforschung und erziehungswissenschaftlicher/ organisationspädagogischer Diskussion. Der InhaltTheorie und Methodologie in der Netzwerk- und Organisationsforschung • Organisationales Lernen und Steuerung in und von Netzwerken • Vernetzung, soziale Dienstleistungsorganisationen und Adressat*innen • Netzwerkförmige und digitale Arbeits- und Organisationsformen • Netzwerke und Schule(n) • Netzwerke, Hochschule und InnovationDie HerausgeberInnenDr. Susanne Maria Weber ist Professorin am Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft an der Philipps-Universität Marburg.Dr. Inga Truschkat ist Professorin am Institut für Sozial- und Organisationspädagogik an der Universität Hildesheim.Dr. Christian Schröder ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Post-Doc) an der Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften an der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes.Luisa Peters ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Sozial- und Organisationspädagogik an der Universität Hildesheim.Dr. Andreas Herz ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Post-Doc) am Institut für Sozial- und Organisationspädagogik an der Universität Hildesheim.

Organisation und Zivilgesellschaft: Beiträge der Kommission Organisationspädagogik (Organisation und Pädagogik #24)

by Susanne Maria Weber Nicolas Engel Michael Göhlich Andreas Schröer Christian Schröder Claudia Fahrenwald

Der Band diskutiert die Besonderheiten von Organisationalem Lernen in, von und zwischen zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen. Zivilgesellschaft bildet den Kontext von Lernprozessen, Lernen findet aber auch zwischen Organisationen unterschiedlicher gesellschaftlicher Sektoren statt, schließlich können zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen selbst als lernende Akteure verstanden werden. Zivilgesellschaft wird zwischen Staat, Markt und privaten Haushalten verortet. Ihr werden unterschiedliche gesellschaftliche Rollen und Funktionen zugeschrieben, die Konsequenzen für das Verständnis von Lernprozessen haben. In den Beiträgen werden diese spezifischen Aspekte einer organisationspädagogischen Verhältnisbestimmung von Organisation und Zivilgesellschaft analysiert und diskutiert. Der Inhalt Organisationales Lernen in der Zivilgesellschaft: Theoretische Grundlagen ● Organisationales Lernen zwischen Zivilgesellschaft, Staat und Markt ● Führung, Steuerung und Entwicklung gesellschaftlicher Organisationen ● Inklusive und partizipative Forschungsstrategien ● Organisationspädagogik und Demokratisierung von Organisationen Die Herausgeber Dr. Andreas Schröer ist Professor für Organisationspädagogik an der Universität Trier. Dr. Nicolas Engel ist Akademischer Rat am Lehrstuhl für Pädagogik an der FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. Dr. Claudia Fahrenwald ist Professorin für Organisationspädagogik mit Schwerpunkt Schulentwicklung an der PH Oberösterreich Linz. Dr. Michael Göhlich ist Professor für Pädagogik mit dem Schwerpunkt Organisationspädagogik an der FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. Dr. Christian Schröder ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes - University of Applied Sciences. Dr. Susanne Maria Weber ist Professorin für gesellschaftliche, politische und kulturelle Rahmenbedingungen von Bildung und Erziehung am Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft der Philipps-Universität Marburg.

Organisational Excellence and Resilience: Stress Management as a Component of a Sustainable Corporate Development Strategy (Management for Professionals)

by Rita Berger C. Andreas Dalluege Hans-Werner Franz

Personal stress has an enormous impact on organizational and employee performance. This book introduces the web-based diagnostic tool IMPRESS, which provides employees, managers and HR professionals with information about potential stress factors. The book describes the underlying methodology for this integrated approach and presents the tools and learning modules to support the methodology. A series of case studies from pilot implementations in companies and universities illustrate the application of the approach in a variety of work environments. The book is based on an international research project for a holistic approach to stress prevention by combining Human Systems Audit with the European Excellence approach as promoted by the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) and the EFQM Excellence Model. This approach is intended to contribute to organizational development that supports effective employee stress management.

Organisational Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies (Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies)

by Niklas K. Steffens Floor Rink Michelle K. Ryan

Organisational Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies critically reflects upon 14 studies by researchers such as Gilbreth, French and Raven, Greenberg, and Schein, that have long been considered foundational. Written and edited by leading scholars, this book invites you to think about the limitations of the classic studies, put theory into practice, and consider, in-depth, the lasting impact of these key studies on the field today. Revisiting the Classic Studies is a series of texts that introduces readers to the studies in psychology that changed the way we think about core topics in the discipline today. It provokes students to ask more interesting and challenging questions about the field by encouraging a deeper level of engagement both with the details of the studies themselves and with the nature of their contribution. Edited by leading scholars in their field and written by researchers at the cutting edge of these developments, the chapters in each text provide details of the original works and their theoretical and empirical impact, and then discuss the ways in which thinking and research has advanced in the years since the studies were conducted. Niklas K. Steffens is Director of the Centre for Business and Organisational Psychology and Associate Professor at The University of Queensland. Floor Rink is Professor of Organisational Behaviour at the University of Groningen. Michelle K. Ryan is the inaugural Director of the Global Institute of Women’s Leadership, and Professor of Social and Organisational Psychology at The Australian National University.

Organisational Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies (Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies)

by Niklas K. Steffens Floor Rink Michelle K. Ryan

Organisational Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies critically reflects upon 14 studies by researchers such as Gilbreth, French and Raven, Greenberg, and Schein, that have long been considered foundational. Written and edited by leading scholars, this book invites you to think about the limitations of the classic studies, put theory into practice, and consider, in-depth, the lasting impact of these key studies on the field today. Revisiting the Classic Studies is a series of texts that introduces readers to the studies in psychology that changed the way we think about core topics in the discipline today. It provokes students to ask more interesting and challenging questions about the field by encouraging a deeper level of engagement both with the details of the studies themselves and with the nature of their contribution. Edited by leading scholars in their field and written by researchers at the cutting edge of these developments, the chapters in each text provide details of the original works and their theoretical and empirical impact, and then discuss the ways in which thinking and research has advanced in the years since the studies were conducted. Niklas K. Steffens is Director of the Centre for Business and Organisational Psychology and Associate Professor at The University of Queensland. Floor Rink is Professor of Organisational Behaviour at the University of Groningen. Michelle K. Ryan is the inaugural Director of the Global Institute of Women’s Leadership, and Professor of Social and Organisational Psychology at The Australian National University.

Organisational Psychology: An Essential Guide

by Julia Yates Lara Zibarras Lynsey Mahmood

Organisational Psychology offers an accessible, engaging and practical introduction to this fascinating discipline. It explores the latest thinking, reveals surprising truths about the way we work, and explains how to craft a successful and fulfilling career in the field. Organisational psychology is a complex and dynamic field that focuses on human behaviour in the workplace, and explores how individuals, groups and organisations function. Structured in three parts, the book combines an overview of the field with effective advice on how to become a successful organisational psychologist. It offers a deep-dive into the British Psychological Society’s five core areas of organisational psychology: Psychological Assessment at Work; Learning, Training and Development; Leadership, Engagement and Motivation; Well-being and Work; and Work Design, Organisational Change and Development. Chapters include key academic and theoretical concepts, practical applications, future directions for the field, key learning points, and further reading. Written by highly qualified experts in the field, this text is ideal for both undergraduate and postgraduate students taking programmes or modules in organisational psychology or related topics, including work and business psychology and human resources, as well as human resources practitioners. This text will also be valuable for anyone interested in understanding how organisations function and the best ways to allow individuals and organisations to survive, thrive and flourish.

Organisational Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies (Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies)

Organisational Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies critically reflects upon 14 studies by researchers such as Gilbreth, French and Raven, Greenberg, and Schein, that have long been considered foundational. Written and edited by leading scholars, this book invites you to think about the limitations of the classic studies, put theory into practice, and consider, in-depth, the lasting impact of these key studies on the field today. Revisiting the Classic Studies is a series of texts that introduces readers to the studies in psychology that changed the way we think about core topics in the discipline today. It provokes students to ask more interesting and challenging questions about the field by encouraging a deeper level of engagement both with the details of the studies themselves and with the nature of their contribution. Edited by leading scholars in their field and written by researchers at the cutting edge of these developments, the chapters in each text provide details of the original works and their theoretical and empirical impact, and then discuss the ways in which thinking and research has advanced in the years since the studies were conducted. Niklas K. Steffens is Director of the Centre for Business and Organisational Psychology and Associate Professor at The University of Queensland. Floor Rink is Professor of Organisational Behaviour at the University of Groningen. Michelle K. Ryan is the inaugural Director of the Global Institute of Women’s Leadership, and Professor of Social and Organisational Psychology at The Australian National University.

Organisational Psychology: An Essential Guide

Organisational Psychology offers an accessible, engaging and practical introduction to this fascinating discipline. It explores the latest thinking, reveals surprising truths about the way we work, and explains how to craft a successful and fulfilling career in the field. Organisational psychology is a complex and dynamic field that focuses on human behaviour in the workplace, and explores how individuals, groups and organisations function. Structured in three parts, the book combines an overview of the field with effective advice on how to become a successful organisational psychologist. It offers a deep-dive into the British Psychological Society’s five core areas of organisational psychology: Psychological Assessment at Work; Learning, Training and Development; Leadership, Engagement and Motivation; Well-being and Work; and Work Design, Organisational Change and Development. Chapters include key academic and theoretical concepts, practical applications, future directions for the field, key learning points, and further reading. Written by highly qualified experts in the field, this text is ideal for both undergraduate and postgraduate students taking programmes or modules in organisational psychology or related topics, including work and business psychology and human resources, as well as human resources practitioners. This text will also be valuable for anyone interested in understanding how organisations function and the best ways to allow individuals and organisations to survive, thrive and flourish.

Organisationale Resilienz: Kernressource moderner Organisationen (Essentials)

by Gregor Paul Hoffmann

Dieses Buch erklärt, was Organisationen in Zeiten großer Veränderungen und Krisen "resilient" – also widerstandsfähig – gegen schwierige Einflüsse und Gefährdungen macht und was Führungskräfte beitragen können, um die Resilienz der Organisation zu sichern. Resiliente Unternehmen erhalten ihre Funktionsfähigkeit, passen ihre Prozesse und Strukturen an und sind besser auf künftige Herausforderungen vorbereitet – doch was macht eine resiliente Organisation eigentlich aus? Das Buch beleuchtet den Resilienzbegriff aus Sicht verschiedener Disziplinen – u.a. der Psychologie, der Ökologie und der Soziologie – und entwickelt erstmals ein theoretisch fundiertes Modell organisationaler Resilienz, aus dem sich Implikationen für Haltung und Konzeption resilienzfördernder Führung als beständige aktive Gestaltung von Organisationskultur ableiten lassen. Angereichert werden die verständlich beschriebenen Grundlagen durch konkrete Praxisbeispiele und Handlungsempfehlungen. Ein Buch für Personalverantwortliche, Führungskräfte, Berater und Coaches.

Organisationale Resilienz: Grundlagen und Handlungsempfehlungen für Entscheidungsträger und Führungskräfte (essentials)

by Gregor Paul Hoffmann

Dieses Essential definiert und erläutert den Begriff der Organisationalen Resilienz auf Basis der aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung in groben Zügen. Der Autor leitet zudem Implikationen für die praktische Führungs- und Managementarbeit in modernen Volkswirtschaften ab und reflektiert die Praxis von Führungskräften. Dabei beschreibt er auch das Konstrukt der Organisationalen Resilienz, in welchem sowohl ein psychologisches, soziologisches und auch ein wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Verständnis zusammenwirken.

Organisationen digital und resilient transformieren: Ein Kompass zur ganzheitlichen Organisationsentwicklung (essentials)

by Birgit Cronenberg

Die digitale Transformation findet unverkennbar in allen Ebenen und Bereichen der Gesellschaft statt. Insbesondere für Unternehmen und Organisationen stellt sich die Frage, wie den Wandelanforderungen der digitalen Transformation widerstandsfähig und ganzheitlich begegnet werden kann. In diesem essential werden hierzu die jungen Trendkonzepte der digitalen Transformation und der organisationalen Resilienz mit ihrem aktuellen Forschungsstand dargelegt, entschlüsselt und in den Kontext einer ganzheitlichen Organisationsentwicklung integriert.

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Showing 42,751 through 42,775 of 68,354 results