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Partners in Play: An Adlerian Approach to Play Therapy

by Terry Kottman Kristin Meany-Walen

Play therapy expert Terry Kottman and her colleague Kristin Meany-Walen provide a comprehensive update to this spirited and fun text on integrating Adlerian techniques into play therapy. Clinicians, school counselors, and students will find this to be the definitive guide for using Adlerian strategies with children to foster positive growth and effective communication with their parents and teachers. After an introduction to the basics of the approach and the concepts of Individual Psychology, the stages of Adlerian play therapy are outlined through step-by-step instructions, detailed treatment plans, an ongoing case study, and numerous vignettes. In addition to presenting up-to-date information on trends in play therapy, this latest edition emphasizes the current climate of evidence-based treatment and includes a new chapter on conducting research in play therapy. Appendixes contain useful worksheets, checklists, and resources that can be easily integrated into practice. Additional resources related to this book can be found in the ACA Online Bookstore at and on Terry Kottman’s website *Requests for digital versions from the ACA can be found on *To request print copies, please visit the ACA website here. *Reproduction requests for material from books published by ACA should be directed to

Partners in Play: An Adlerian Approach to Play Therapy

by Terry Kottman Kristin Meany-Walen

Play therapy expert Terry Kottman and her colleague Kristin Meany-Walen provide a comprehensive update to this spirited and fun text on integrating Adlerian techniques into play therapy. Clinicians, school counselors, and students will find this to be the definitive guide for using Adlerian strategies with children to foster positive growth and effective communication with their parents and teachers. After an introduction to the basics of the approach and the concepts of Individual Psychology, the stages of Adlerian play therapy are outlined through step-by-step instructions, detailed treatment plans, an ongoing case study, and numerous vignettes. In addition to presenting up-to-date information on trends in play therapy, this latest edition emphasizes the current climate of evidence-based treatment and includes a new chapter on conducting research in play therapy. Appendixes contain useful worksheets, checklists, and resources that can be easily integrated into practice. Additional resources related to this book can be found in the ACA Online Bookstore at and on Terry Kottman’s website *Requests for digital versions from the ACA can be found on *To request print copies, please visit the ACA website here. *Reproduction requests for material from books published by ACA should be directed to

Partners in Thought: Working with Unformulated Experience, Dissociation, and Enactment (Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Series)

by Donnel B. Stern

Building on the innovative work of Unformulated Experience, Donnel B. Stern continues his exploration of the creation of meaning in clinical psychoanalysis with Partners in Thought. The chapters in this fascinating book are undergirded by the concept that the meanings which arise from unformulated experience are catalyzed by the states of relatedness in which the meanings emerge. In hermeneutic terms, what takes place in the consulting room is a particular kind of conversation, one in which patient and analyst serve as one another’s partner in thought, an emotionally responsive witness to the other’s experience. Enactment, which Stern theorizes as the interpersonalization of dissociation, interrupts this crucial kind of exchange, and the eventual breach of enactments frees analyst and patient to resume it. Later chapters compare his views to the ideas of others, considering mentalization theory and the work of the Boston Change Process Study Group. Approaching the link between dissociation and enactment via hermeneutics, metaphor, and narrative, among other perspectives, Stern weaves an experience-near theory of psychoanalytic relatedness that illuminates dilemmas clinicians find themselves in every day. Full of clinical illustrations showing how Stern works with dissociation and enactment, Partners in Thought is destined to take its place beside Unformulated Experience as a major contribution to the psychoanalytic literature.

Partners in Thought: Working with Unformulated Experience, Dissociation, and Enactment (Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Series)

by Donnel B. Stern

Building on the innovative work of Unformulated Experience, Donnel B. Stern continues his exploration of the creation of meaning in clinical psychoanalysis with Partners in Thought. The chapters in this fascinating book are undergirded by the concept that the meanings which arise from unformulated experience are catalyzed by the states of relatedness in which the meanings emerge. In hermeneutic terms, what takes place in the consulting room is a particular kind of conversation, one in which patient and analyst serve as one another’s partner in thought, an emotionally responsive witness to the other’s experience. Enactment, which Stern theorizes as the interpersonalization of dissociation, interrupts this crucial kind of exchange, and the eventual breach of enactments frees analyst and patient to resume it. Later chapters compare his views to the ideas of others, considering mentalization theory and the work of the Boston Change Process Study Group. Approaching the link between dissociation and enactment via hermeneutics, metaphor, and narrative, among other perspectives, Stern weaves an experience-near theory of psychoanalytic relatedness that illuminates dilemmas clinicians find themselves in every day. Full of clinical illustrations showing how Stern works with dissociation and enactment, Partners in Thought is destined to take its place beside Unformulated Experience as a major contribution to the psychoanalytic literature.

Partnerschaft und Sexualität im höheren Lebensalter

by Michael H. Wiegand Götz Kockott

Das Buch behandelt den Themenbereich "Partnerschaft und Sexualität im höheren Lebensalter" unter medizinischen, psychologischen und sozialen Aspekten und beruht auf den Beiträgen einer 1996 in München abgehaltenen Arbeitstagung im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe "Verhaltenstherapie im Alter". Im ersten Teil des Buches liegt der Schwerpunkt auf normalen altersbedingten Veränderungen im körperlichen, seelischen und sozialen Bereich. Damit soll einiges von dem Hintergrundwissen vermittelt werden, das jeder benötigt, der mit alten Menschen therapeutisch arbeitet. Die Beiträge des zweiten Teils befassen sich mit Diagnostik und Behandlung von Störungen im Bereich von Sexualität und Partnerschaft. Das bewußt interdisziplinär ausgerichtete Buch wendet sich an Angehörige aller in diesem Bereich tätigen Berufsgruppen wie Ärzte, Psychologen, Sozialarbeiter und Pflegepersonal.

Partnerschaftsprobleme: Handbuch für den Therapeuten

by K. Hahlweg L. Schindler D. Revenstorf

Wie die steigenden Scheidungszahlen in fast allen westlichen Ländern zeigen, sind Schwierigkeiten in der Ehe ein bedeutendes soziales Pro­ blem. Man schätzt, daß in der Bundesrepublik etwajede vierte bis dritte Ehe durch Scheidung oder Trennung enden wird. Die Auswirkungen von ehelichen Auseinandersetzungen oder von Scheidung auf die emo­ tionale Befindlichkeit der Partner und vor allem auf die Kinder sind bis­ her kaum erforscht; wie groß die Bedeutung dieses Problems ist, zeigen Zahlenaus den USA: In den nächsten Jahrzehnten werden ca. 40% aller Kinder von Scheidung betroffen sein. Schonjetzt ist deutlich, daß Ehe­ probleme in enger Beziehung zur psychischen Gesundheit stehen und bei der Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung von seelischen Problemen eine große Rolle spielen können. Die Ehe- und Partnertherapie war bis vor kurzem ein Bereich, in dem es zwar viele Ansätze, aber kaum harte Daten gab. Die Wirksam­ keit der meisten, heute praktizierten Therapien ist immer noch nicht be­ legt, dementsprechend hängt es oft von der Ausbildung und Intuition des Praktikers ab, wie einem ratsuchenden Paar geholfen wird. Leider ist die persönliche Erfahrung des Klinikers nicht immer eine gute Richt­ schnur des Handelns, vor allem lassen sich so Mythen und falsches Vor­ gehen nicht abbauen.

Partnerschaftsprobleme?: So gelingt Ihre Beziehung - Handbuch für Paare

by Ludwig Schindler Kurt Hahlweg Dirk Revenstorf

Eine glückliche Partnerschaft ist von zentraler Bedeutung für unser Wohlbefinden und wirkt sich unmittelbar positiv auf viele andere Lebensbereiche aus. Umgekehrt rauben uns Beziehungsprobleme in hohem Maße Energie und Lebenskraft. Es gibt kaum eine langjährige Beziehung ohne kritische Momente. In solchen schwierigen Phasen ist es entscheidend, nicht vorschnell aufzugeben. Mit vielen Beispielen und konkreten Anregungen hilft dieses Arbeitsbuch Paaren, ihre persönlichen Herausforderungen Schritt für Schritt zu bewältigen.Aus dem InhaltLiebe und Bindung - Geben und Nehmen - Wie sage ich es? - Wie nehme ich es auf? - Wie lösen wir Konflikte? - Wie setzen wir Absprachen um? - Streit minimieren - Die 10 Gebote der Beziehungspflege.

Partnerschaftsprobleme?: So gelingt Ihre Beziehung - Handbuch für Paare

by Ludwig Schindler Kurt Hahlweg Dirk Revenstorf

Eine glückliche Partnerschaft ist von zentraler Bedeutung für unser Wohlbefinden und wirkt sich unmittelbar positiv auf viele andere Lebensbereiche aus. Umgekehrt rauben uns Beziehungsprobleme in hohem Maße Energie und Lebenskraft. Es gibt kaum eine langjährige Beziehung ohne kritische Momente. In solchen schwierigen Phasen ist es entscheidend, nicht vorschnell aufzugeben. Mit vielen Beispielen und konkreten Anregungen hilft dieses Arbeitsbuch Paaren, ihre persönlichen Herausforderungen Schritt für Schritt zu bewältigen. Aus dem Inhalt: Liebe und Bindung - Geben und Nehmen - Wie sage ich es? - Wie nehme ich es auf? - Wie lösen wir Konflikte? - Wie setzen wir Absprachen um? - Streit minimieren - Die 10 Gebote der Beziehungspflege. Die Autoren: Prof. Dr. Ludwig Schindler, Universität Bamberg. Prof. Dr. Kurt Hahlweg, Technische Universität Braunschweig. Prof. Dr. Dirk Revenstorf, Universität Tübingen.

Partnerschaftsprobleme?: So gelingt Ihre Beziehung - Handbuch für Paare

by Ludwig Schindler Kurt Hahlweg Dirk Revenstorf

Für das Wohlbefinden ist eine gelungene Beziehung von elementarer Bedeutung. Doch jede Partnerschaft kennt immer wieder auch Krisenzeiten. Dieses Buch erläutert mithilfe wissenschaftlich fundierter Methoden, wie Paare ihre Probleme meistern und an ihrer Beziehung arbeiten können. In leicht verständlicher Weise werden Gesetzmäßigkeiten partnerschaftlicher Interaktion erläutert und daraus konkrete Handlungsschritte und Maßnahmen für den Alltag abgeleitet. Zahlreiche Beispiele machen das Handbuch zu einer praktischen Anleitung für Verhaltensänderungen.

Partnerschaftsprobleme: Therapiemanual

by Ludwig Schindler Kurt Hahlweg Dirk Revenstorf

Partnerschaftsprobleme nehmen in der therapeutischen Praxis immer mehr Raum ein. Die Scheidungsraten steigen, und immer häufiger sind Partnerschaftsprobleme Ursache für neurotische, psychosomatische und psychiatrische Störungen. Daher ist das Interesse an Ehe- und Partnerschaftstherapie in den letzten Jahren weiterhin stark angewachsen.Das Therapiemanual stellt Theorie und Praxis der Ehe- und Paartherapie auf dem aktuellen Wissensstand dar.Praxisnah und verständlich beschreiben die Autoren ein umfassendes Therapieprogramm, das nicht zuletzt auf das Training von Kommunikationsfertigkeiten der Paare fokussiert ist.Zahlreiche anschauliche Fallbeispiele.Das Manual vermittelt leicht umsetzbare Praxishilfen für die Anwendung des vorgestellten Therapie-Programms.

Partnerschaftsprobleme: Ein Handbuch für Paare

by Ludwig Schindler Kurt Hahlweg Dirk Revenstorf

Bis dass der Tod euch scheidet? Eine glückliche Partnerschaft wirkt sich positiv auf alle anderen Lebensbereiche aus. Wer in einer funktionierenden Beziehung lebt, ist psychisch stabiler. Wer seine Beziehung verbessern will, erhält hier wirksame Hilfe. Aus dem Inhalt u.a.: Liebe und Bindung - Geben und Nehmen - Wie sage ich es? Verständlich erklärt das "Programm für Paare" partnerschaftliche Interaktion. Für mehr Zufriedenheit in der Partnerschaft.

Partnerschaftsprobleme: Handbuch für Therapeuten (Psychotherapie: Praxis)

by Ludwig Schindler Kurt Hahlweg Dirk Revenstorf

Das Therapieprogramm: Partnerschaftsprobleme nehmen in der therapeutischen Praxis immer mehr Raum ein. Sie wirken sich direkt auf die allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit aus und können Ursache für neurotische, psychosomatische und psychiatrische Störungen sein. Daher ist das Interesse an Ehe- und Partnerschaftstherapie weiterhin stark angewachsen. Ausgehend vom aktuellen theoretischen Stand der Ehe- und Paartherapie schildern die Autoren praxisnah und verständlich ein umfassendes Therapieprogramm, das nicht zuletzt auf das Training von Kommunikationsfertigkeiten der Paare fokussiert ist.

Partnerschaftsprobleme: Möglichkeiten zur Bewältigung. Ein Handbuch für Paare

by Ludwig Schindler Kurt Hahlweg Dirk Revenstorf

Wir wissen heute mehr denn je, welche Bedeutung eine zufriedenstellende Partnerschaft für die psychische Stabilität des einzelnen hat und wie die Beschaffenheit der partnerschaftlichen Beziehung einen direkten Einfluß auf alle anderen Lebensbereiche ausübt.Wer seine Beziehung verbessern möchte oder bemüht ist, eine Krise selbständig zu bewältigen, erhält mit dem vorliegenden Programm wirksame Hilfe. Es ist ein Lernprogramm für Paare; es informiert in verständlicher Form über die Gesetzmäßigkeiten partnerschaftlicher Interaktion und macht die sich daraus ableitenden Änderungsschritte plausibel.

Partnerschaftsqualität und kindliche Entwicklung: Ein Überblick für Therapeuten, Pädagogen und Pädiater (essentials)

by Martina Zemp Guy Bodenmann

Internationale Befunde haben konsistent dargelegt, dass destruktive Paarkonflikte und Scheidungen zu den wichtigsten Risikofaktoren für eine ungünstige kindliche Entwicklung gehören. Für Kinder sind Störungen in der Partnerschaft der Eltern in hohem Maße bedrohlich und gehen im Falle einer Trennung der Eltern mit dem schmerzvollen Bruch des bisherigen Lebensentwurfs einher. Dies bedeutet in aller Regel ein hoch destabilisierendes Ereignis, welches von Kindern vielgestaltige Anpassungsleistungen abverlangt. Ermutigenderweise hat die gegenwärtige Paar- und Familienforschung Bedingungen identifiziert, wie Paarkonflikte und Scheidungen möglichst konstruktiv verlaufen – um der Partnerschaft und des Kindeswohls willen.

The Partnership Model in Human Services: Sociological Foundations and Practices (Clinical Sociology: Research and Practice)

by Rosalyn Benjamin Darling

This book provides students and practitioners with a theoretical and methodological foundation for implementing client- and family-centered `partnership' approaches in human services. Unlike other texts in the field, the author integrates the principles and practices of sociology with applied work in the helping professions and shows how key sociological concepts can be used to explain the nature of clients' perspectives and expand client opportunities.

Partnerships for Inclusive Education: A Critical Approach to Collaborative Working

by Liz Todd

Shortlisted for the NASEN/TES 2007 Book Award Increased partnership between professionals, particularly through the integration of services, indicates a major opportunity for child and parent participation, but one that seems in danger of being side-stepped. Drawing on substantial research evidence, this book looks at reasons for this situation; what is happening now, what developments and initiatives have been tried and what can be done to develop a culture of participation? Some of the main threats to participation are discussed in this book including: Has ‘partnership’ ever been? Who is excluded from 'partnership'? Which discourses have made participation illusive and what are the implications – theoretical and practical - for how we move forward? Partnerships for Inclusive Education includes a helpful framework map which guides critical thinking towards the development of a culture of collaboration and presents original and stimulating ideas to open up the complex processes that can frustrate participative practice. Combining socio-cultural ideas with post-structural thinking gives this book a strong yet accessible theoretical basis, making it a valuable resource to both an academic and a professional educational audience.

Partnerships for Inclusive Education: A Critical Approach to Collaborative Working

by Liz Todd

Shortlisted for the NASEN/TES 2007 Book Award Increased partnership between professionals, particularly through the integration of services, indicates a major opportunity for child and parent participation, but one that seems in danger of being side-stepped. Drawing on substantial research evidence, this book looks at reasons for this situation; what is happening now, what developments and initiatives have been tried and what can be done to develop a culture of participation? Some of the main threats to participation are discussed in this book including: Has ‘partnership’ ever been? Who is excluded from 'partnership'? Which discourses have made participation illusive and what are the implications – theoretical and practical - for how we move forward? Partnerships for Inclusive Education includes a helpful framework map which guides critical thinking towards the development of a culture of collaboration and presents original and stimulating ideas to open up the complex processes that can frustrate participative practice. Combining socio-cultural ideas with post-structural thinking gives this book a strong yet accessible theoretical basis, making it a valuable resource to both an academic and a professional educational audience.

Partnerships for Mental Health: Narratives of Community and Academic Collaboration

by Laura Weiss Roberts Daryn Reicherter Steven Adelsheim Shashank V. Joshi

This unique title richly tells the stories of partnership and collaboration. The narrative voice of each chapter derives from the people who tell their story -- immigrants, survivors of torture, mental health experts, urban people, rural people, teachers, doctors, attorneys, students and international leaders. These authors provide emotionally powerful tales that move, affect and encourage readers. The collection of narratives is inspired by these individuals, who believe that collaboration can bring authentic mutualism, promise-keeping and innovation to address the hardest problems we face as a world community. Partnerships for Mental Health: Narratives of Community and Academic Collaboration is about the stories of innovation and collaboration occurring between community and academic partners who have undertaken among the very hardest of problems – such as the care of veterans with ravaging posttraumatic stress disorder; the care of homeless individuals with HIV, addiction and mental illness; the care of caregivers for Hispanic family members with Alzheimer’s disease; the prevention of illness in impoverished vulnerable youth; and the rescue of profoundly mentally ill earthquake survivors. In addition, this title not only also tells the story of identity formation of early-career physicians with a calling to work with distinct populations for whom suffering and stigma are immense, but also the stories of the special bonds that develop and are strengthened between community members and academic colleagues and ultimately, between friends. A truly indispensable contribution to the literature, this captivating and novel title illustrates and inspires collaboration in order to bring about better health outcomes for people affected by mental health issues in communities throughout the world.

Party Leaders in Eastern Europe: Personality, Behavior and Consequences (Palgrave Studies in Political Psychology)

by Sergiu Gherghina

This book explores the relationship between the personality of political leaders, its interaction with top leadership positions and its impact on the respective parties' electoral performance and organization. It focuses on the less-investigated region of Eastern Europe and includes chapters on Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Poland, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovakia. Each chapter compares and contrasts two party leaders with at least two terms in office between 1991 and 2019. The book applies systematically a common theoretical and methodological framework across leaders and countries, thus providing rich empirical evidence.

Party Planning for Children and Teens on the Autism Spectrum: How to Avoid Meltdowns and Have Fun!

by Kate E Reynolds

This book highlights the aspects of parties that can cause anxiety for those on the autism spectrum and outlines practical solutions to these issues. It covers party invitations, prizes, food and venues, with chapters suggesting activities for age groups 2-8, 9-12 and teenagers and will enable caregivers to plan stress free parties with ease.

The Parva naturalia in Greek, Arabic and Latin Aristotelianism: Supplementing the Science of the Soul (Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind #17)

by Börje Bydén Filip Radovic

This book investigates Aristotelian psychology through his works and commentaries on them, including De Sensu, De Memoria and De Somno et Vigilia. Authors present original research papers inviting readers to consider the provenance of Aristotelian ideas and interpretations of them, on topics ranging from reality to dreams and spirituality. Aristotle’s doctrine of the ‘common sense’, his notion of transparency and the generation of colours are amongst the themes explored.Chapters are presented chronologically, enabling the reader to trace influences across the boundaries of linguistic traditions. Commentaries from historical figures featured in this work include those of Michael of Ephesus (c. 1120), Albert the Great and Gersonides’ (1288–1344). Discoveries in 9th-century Arabic adaptations, Byzantine commentaries and Renaissance paraphrases of Aristotle’s work are also presented.The editors’ introduction outlines the main historical developments of the themes discussed, preparing the reader for the cross-cultural and interdisciplinary perspectives presented in this work. Scholars of philosophy and psychology and those with an interest in Aristotelianism will highly value the original research that is presented in this work.The Introduction and Chapter 4 of this book are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

PASS: A Guide to PASSing the Praxis Exam in School Psychology

by Barbara Bole Williams Rosemary B. Mennuti

Are you getting ready to take the Praxis Exam and looking for a resource to help as you study? In this guide, Williams and Mennuti, two veteran school psychologists who have been involved in the development, testing, and revision of the Praxis Exam, present their PASS model to help you study and achieve the best score possible: Prepare – Find out how to register for the exam, what to bring with you on the day of the test, how the score reporting process works, and how to get ready to study. Chapters review each content area in-depth, and numerous graphic organizers provide invaluable study tools. Useful sample questions with rationales for correct and incorrect answers to each question are included at the end of each chapter to test your knowledge. Assist – Doing your best on the Praxis depends on successful study habits. The authors show you practical ways to review the material effectively and make the most of your time. Survive – Feeling overwhelmed? Learn how to get organized, develop a study schedule, take care of yourself, and manage your anxiety. Succeed – Show-up for the test prepared and confident, and walk-out knowing you did your best! In this guide, you’ll also find reflections from students who have used the PASS model to prepare for the Praxis, along with their experiences taking the exam and some of the challenges they faced and how they overcame them. An accompanying CD contains all of the graphic organizers found in the text, six practice exams with answer keys, and other helpful materials for you to use as you prepare for the exam.

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