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Qualitative Research Using Social Media

by Gwen Bouvier Joel Rasmussen

Do you want to study influencers? Opinions and comments on a set of posts? Look at collections of photos or videos on Instagram? Qualitative Research Using Social Media guides the reader in what different kinds of qualitative research can be applied to social media data. It introduces students, as well as those who are new to the field, to developing and carrying out concrete research projects. The book takes the reader through the stages of choosing data, formulating a research question, and choosing and applying method(s). Written in a clear and accessible manner with current social media examples throughout, the book provides a step-by-step overview of a range of qualitative methods. These are presented in clear ways to show how to analyze many different types of social media content, including language and visual content such as memes, gifs, photographs, and film clips. Methods examined include critical discourse analysis, content analysis, multimodal analysis, ethnography, and focus groups. Most importantly, the chapters and examples show how to ask the kinds of questions that are relevant for us at this present point in our societies, where social media is highly integrated into how we live. Social media is used for political communication, social activism, as well as commercial activities and mundane everyday things, and it can transform how all these are accomplished and even what they mean. Drawing on examples from Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Snapchat, Reddit, Weibo, and others, this book will be suitable for undergraduate students studying social media research courses in media and communications, as well as other humanities such as linguistics and social science-based degrees.

Qualitative Researcher Vulnerability: Negotiating, Experiencing and Embracing

by Bryan C. Clift Ioannis Costas Batlle Sheree Bekker Katharina Chudzikowski

Qualitative Researcher Vulnerability provides conceptual, experiential, and practical insights into the vulnerability of the qualitative researcher. Compared to participants’ vulnerability, researcher vulnerability has seen limited attention in the qualitative research process, but yet it is an important consideration. Drawing on an interdisciplinary group of authors—across criminology, education, feminisms, geography, health, kinesiology, nursing, management and organisation, policy, political science, psychology, sociology, and qualitative inquiry writ broad—the book explores the ways in which we might understand and work with researcher vulnerability, most notably in relation to ethics, risk, empathy, emotion, and power. Ultimately, the authors suggest researcher vulnerability is a vital component of our research practices throughout the research process, for emerging as well as experienced researchers. Whilst researcher vulnerability can be something to protect against, it is also something to be aware of, explore, learn from, work with, and at times (and with care and consideration) embrace. This book is suitable for undergraduate, postgraduate students, and emerging and established researchers who are utilising qualitative research. It will be especially useful for researchers examining (potentially) sensitive topics, or for those who wish to develop more responsive, responsible, ethical, or reciprocal approaches to qualitative practices.

Qualitative Researcher Vulnerability: Negotiating, Experiencing and Embracing

Qualitative Researcher Vulnerability provides conceptual, experiential, and practical insights into the vulnerability of the qualitative researcher. Compared to participants’ vulnerability, researcher vulnerability has seen limited attention in the qualitative research process, but yet it is an important consideration. Drawing on an interdisciplinary group of authors—across criminology, education, feminisms, geography, health, kinesiology, nursing, management and organisation, policy, political science, psychology, sociology, and qualitative inquiry writ broad—the book explores the ways in which we might understand and work with researcher vulnerability, most notably in relation to ethics, risk, empathy, emotion, and power. Ultimately, the authors suggest researcher vulnerability is a vital component of our research practices throughout the research process, for emerging as well as experienced researchers. Whilst researcher vulnerability can be something to protect against, it is also something to be aware of, explore, learn from, work with, and at times (and with care and consideration) embrace. This book is suitable for undergraduate, postgraduate students, and emerging and established researchers who are utilising qualitative research. It will be especially useful for researchers examining (potentially) sensitive topics, or for those who wish to develop more responsive, responsible, ethical, or reciprocal approaches to qualitative practices.

Qualitative Sekundäranalyse: Zum Potenzial einer neuen Forschungsstrategie in der empirischen Sozialforschung

by Irena Medjedović

​Irena Medjedović widmet sich der Frage, inwiefern die Sekundäranalyse mit den Grundprinzipien qualitativer Forschung vereinbar ist. Denn diese Frage wird zunehmend gestellt: Erste empirische Beispiele, forschungspolitische Diskurse um Fragen der Transparenz von Forschung und eine international voranschreitende Archivbewegung belegen dies. Darüber hinaus möchte sie mit dem Fokus auf qualitative Interviewdaten die methodologischen Grundlagen für die Anwendung der Sekundäranalyse legen. Zu diesem Zweck leistet sie zunächst eine Einführung in Begriff, Entwicklung und Stand der Sekundäranalyse. Neben dem Bezug auf die internationale Diskussion werden die Erfahrungen und die Urteile der deutschen Profession fokussiert. Deutlich wird, dass die Sekundäranalyse viel Potenzial für die qualitative Forschung bietet – solange die methodologischen Prämissen beachtet werden. Schließlich erörtert sie, wie das umstrittene Verifizierungspotenzial der Reanalyse tatsächlich zu bewerten ist.​

Qualitative Studies in Quality of Life: Methodology and Practice (Social Indicators Research Series #55)

by Graciela Tonon

This volume explores the use and relevance of qualitative methods for the study of quality of life. It analyzes the role of qualitative researcher and the role of the context and the culture in quality of life studies. It presents the use of qualitative methods in real projects carried out in specific fields: geography, health, community studies, labor life and yoga. Finally, the book proposes the use of mixed methods that are considered as the third methodological approach in social research.The main purpose of using qualitative methods is to understand what it means for participants to be involved in certain events, situations and actions. Such methods help understand the context in which participants act and the influence of that context on their actions. The decision to use a particular methodology implies a philosophic, theoretical and political decision. Qualitative methodology constitutes an approach that is essential for understanding people’s experiences of well-being and discovering new issues related to quality of life.

Qualitätsmanagement und gute Arbeit

by Rainer Zech

In dieser zweiten Auflage des essential wird mit aktualisierter Literatur das traditionelle Qualitätsmanagement als verdeckt herrschaftliches Disziplinarsystem entschlüsselt und die Frage diskutiert, was unter Qualität substanziell zu verstehen ist. Der Autor argumentiert dafür, dass die Qualitätsfrage in den Kontext der großen Thematik eines guten Lebens in einer gerechten Gesellschaft gehört. Daher wird sowohl das Gute als auch das Gerechte kurz skizziert. Daraus werden die Voraussetzungen einer entsprechend gelingenden Qualitätsentwicklung abgeleitet, um schließlich beispielhaft für den Bereich der personenbezogenen sozialen Dienstleistungen ein Qualitätsentwicklungssystem vorzustellen, das den Fallen der Disziplinierung entgeht und die Entscheidung über die Definition guter Arbeit – als Prozess und Ergebnis – in die Hände der Arbeitenden gibt.

Qualitätsmanagement und gute Arbeit: Grundlagen einer gelingenden Qualitätsentwicklung für Einsteiger und Skeptiker (essentials)

by Rainer Zech

In diesem Essential wird das traditionelle Qualitätsmanagement als verdeckt herrschaftliches Disziplinarsystem entschlüsselt und die Frage diskutiert, was unter Qualität substanziell zu verstehen ist. Der Autor argumentiert dafür, dass die Qualitätsfrage in den Kontext der großen Thematik eines guten Lebens in einer gerechten Gesellschaft gehört. Zu diesem Zweck wird sowohl das Gute als auch das Gerechte kurz skizziert. Daraus werden die Voraussetzungen einer entsprechend gelingenden Qualitätsentwicklung abgeleitet, um schließlich beispielhaft für den Bereich der personenbezogenen sozialen Dienstleistungen ein Qualitätsentwicklungssystem vorzustellen, das den Fallen der Disziplinierung entgeht und die Entscheidung über die Definition guter Arbeit – als Prozess und Ergebnis – in die Hände der Arbeitenden gibt.

Qualitätssicherung im psychiatrischen Krankenhaus

by Wolfgang Gaebel

Mit Inkrafttreten des Gesundheitsreformgesetzes (1989) in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland sind qualitätssichernde Maßnahmen in der Medizin bundesweit verbindlich geworden. Qualitätssicherung ist demnach auch im psychiatrischen Krankenhaus gesetzlicher Bestandteil der Versorgungsaufgaben. Das vorliegende Buch legt erstmals im deutschsprachigen Raum Beiträge zur Qualitätssicherung im psychiatrischen Krankenhaus zusammenfassend vor. Ausgewiesene Experten setzen sich mit konzeptuellen, gesetzlichen und organisatorischen Fragen sowie Aspekten der Struktur-, Prozeß-, und Ergebnisqualität auseinander. Das Buch wendet sich an alle, die sich über die Thematik umfassend informieren wollen.

Qualitätssicherung in der Psychiatrie (Bayer-ZNS-Symposium #11)

by Matthias Berger Wolfgang Gaebel

Das Buch ermöglicht eine umfassende Übersicht über qualitätssichernde Maßnahmen in der Psychiatrie und deren Rahmenbedingungen. Nach einer Einführung über die Geschichte und zentrale Begriffe werden methodische Vorgehensweisen und deren Umsetzungen im ambulanten und stationären Bereich dargestellt. Interessant ist insbesondere, daß nicht nur verschiedene Modellprojekte skizziert werden, sondern auch Angehörige, der Berufsverband Deutscher Nervenärzte und Kassenvertreter Konzepte zur Verbesserung von Qualitätssicherung im psychiatrischen Bereich vorstellen.

Qualitätssicherung und Lebensqualität in der Kinder-und Jugendpsychiatrie

by Klaus Schmeck Fritz Poustka Heinz Katschnig

Auch im Bereich der Psychiatrie und speziell der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie ist der "Konsument" kritischer geworden. Besorgte Familien, die mit ihrem Kind eine Behandlung in Anspruch nehmen, haben Anrecht auf eine nachvollziehbare Untersuchung, Beratung und auf Therapievorschläge. Der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiater muß sich daher auf Standards berufen können, die ihm eine sichere und qualitativ anspruchsvolle Grundlage vermitteln. In dieser Basisdokumentation werden Leitlinien für die Diagnostik und Therapie, die Funktion von Qualitätszirkeln und Qualitätsmanagement bis hin zur Kosten- und Nutzenrechnung am Beispiel der Ausbildungs- und Personalstrukturen dargestellt und erörtert. Diese Faktoren stehen in engem Zusammenhang mit den qualitativen Voraussetzungen für eine angemessene Behandlung psychisch kranker Kinder unter Einbezug ihrer Familien. Dieses Buch bietet Lösungsansätze an, wie bei psychischen Störungen im Entwicklungsalter am effektivsten geholfen werden kann, und welche Voraussetzungen notwendig sind, um die Helfer dafür optimal zu rüsten.

Qualitätszirkel erfolgreich gestalten: Ein Arbeitsbuch für hausärztliche Qualitätszirkel

by Martin Härter Berndt Tausch

In Zusammenarbeit mit der Kassenärztlichen Vereinigung Südbaden

Quality: Its Definition and Measurement As Applied to the Medically Ill

by Ivan Barofsky

Quality, as exemplified by Quality-of-life (QoL) assessment, is frequently discussed among health care professionals and often invoked as a goal for improvement, but somehow rarely defined, even as it is regularly assessed. It is understood that some medical patients have a better QoL than others, but should the QoL achieved be compared to an ideal state, or is it too personal and subjective to gauge? Can a better understanding of the concept help health care systems deliver services more effectively? Is QoL worth measuring at all? Integrating concepts from psychology, philosophy, neurocognition, and linguistics, this book attempts to answer these complex questions. It also breaks down the cognitive-linguistic components that comprise the judgment of quality, including description, evaluation, and valuations, and applies them to issues specific to individuals with chronic medical illness. In this context, quality/QoL assessment becomes an essential contributor to ethical practice, a critical step towards improving the nature of social interactions. The author considers linear, non-linear, and complexity-based models in analyzing key methodology and content issues in health-related QoL assessment. This book is certain to stimulate debate in the research and scientific communities. Its forward-looking perspective takes great strides toward promoting a common cognitive-linguistic model of how the judgment of quality occurs, thereby contributing important conceptual and empirical tools to its varied applications, including QoL assessment.

Quality Activities in Center-Based Programs for Adults with Autism: Moving from Nonmeaningful to Meaningful (Critical Specialties in Treating Autism and other Behavioral Challenges)

by Dennis H. Reid Marsha B. Parsons

Quality Activities in Center-Based Programs for Adults with Autism: Moving from Nonmeaningful to Meaningful describes what constitutes meaningful versus nonpurposeful activities for adults with autism and other severe disabilities in a classroom or center-based program. Then this step-by-step guide presents an evidence-based process for changing nonpurposeful activities, using behavior analytic research and application. The goal is to help ensure adults with autism and other severe disabilities are engaged in week-day activities that truly enhance their income-earning capacity, independence with life skills, day-to-day enjoyment, and overall dignity.Summarizes the existing state of activities for adults with autism and severe disabilities in center-based programsCovers how to empirically assess and monitor participation in meaningful activitiesDetails evidence-based procedures for changing existing activities to become more meaningfulProvides maintenance strategies for ensuring activities continue to be meaningful on a daily basis

Quality Assured Measurement: Unification across Social and Physical Sciences (Springer Series in Measurement Science and Technology)

by Leslie Pendrill

This book presents a general and comprehensive framework for the assurance of quality in measurements. Written by a foremost expert in the field, the text reflects an on-going international effort to extend traditional quality assured measurement, rooted in fundamental physics and the SI, to include non-physical areas such as person-centred care and the social sciences more generally. Chapter by chapter, the book follows the measurement quality assurance loop, based on Deming’s work. The author enhances this quality assurance cycle with insights from recent research, including work on the politics and philosophy of metrology, the new SI, quantitative and qualitative scales and entropy, decision risks and uncertainty when addressing human challenges, Man as a Measurement Instrument, and Psychometry and Person-centred care. Quality Assured Measurement: Unification across Social and Physical Sciences provides students and researchers in physics, chemistry, engineering, medicine and the social sciences with practical guidance on designing, implementing and applying a quality-assured measurement while engaging readers in the most novel and expansive areas of contemporary measurement research.

The Quality Classroom Manager

by Robert C. Norton

Drawing upon thirty-two years of extensive school work (including classroom teaching, school administrator, principal, District Curricula Director responsible for change, school psychologist, and Director of Special Education and presently teaching at the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse), the principals of control theory/reality therapy and Dr. William Deming's philosophy on quality management, Bob Norton created this "how-to" text to effectively achieve quality classroom management.

The Quality Classroom Manager

by Robert C. Norton

Drawing upon thirty-two years of extensive school work (including classroom teaching, school administrator, principal, District Curricula Director responsible for change, school psychologist, and Director of Special Education and presently teaching at the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse), the principals of control theory/reality therapy and Dr. William Deming's philosophy on quality management, Bob Norton created this "how-to" text to effectively achieve quality classroom management.

Quality Control for Behavior Analysts: How to Manage Behavioral Intervention Quality in Autism Service Settings

by Bryant C. Silbaugh

Quality Control for Behavior Analysts helps practitioners apply concepts of quality planning, control, and improvement to implement high-quality behavioral interventions that maximize care value through superior clinical outcomes.Unlock the secrets of delivering high-quality behavioral interventions with this indispensable handbook designed for the Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA®). Starting with an introductory overview and concise history of quality, this book demystifies key concepts like quality assurance, planning, control, and improvement for the practicing BCBA and other stakeholders in the applied behavior analysis (ABA) autism service industry. Discover how behavior analysts can apply these concepts to effectively manage the quality of their behavioral interventions through the frequent routine assessment of procedural fidelity and interobserver agreement during ABA therapy. With its practical guidance and step-by-step approach, this book empowers BCBAs to effectively control the quality of their interventions in the evidence-based practice of ABA in ways that can dramatically improve care value and the quality of life for people with autism. This guide is a vital resource for any BCBA committed to providing high-quality ABA therapy and making a difference in the lives of individuals with autism.

Quality Control for Behavior Analysts: How to Manage Behavioral Intervention Quality in Autism Service Settings

by Bryant C. Silbaugh

Quality Control for Behavior Analysts helps practitioners apply concepts of quality planning, control, and improvement to implement high-quality behavioral interventions that maximize care value through superior clinical outcomes.Unlock the secrets of delivering high-quality behavioral interventions with this indispensable handbook designed for the Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA®). Starting with an introductory overview and concise history of quality, this book demystifies key concepts like quality assurance, planning, control, and improvement for the practicing BCBA and other stakeholders in the applied behavior analysis (ABA) autism service industry. Discover how behavior analysts can apply these concepts to effectively manage the quality of their behavioral interventions through the frequent routine assessment of procedural fidelity and interobserver agreement during ABA therapy. With its practical guidance and step-by-step approach, this book empowers BCBAs to effectively control the quality of their interventions in the evidence-based practice of ABA in ways that can dramatically improve care value and the quality of life for people with autism. This guide is a vital resource for any BCBA committed to providing high-quality ABA therapy and making a difference in the lives of individuals with autism.

Quality Education @ a Distance: IFIP TC3 / WG3.6 Working Conference on Quality Education @ a Distance February 3–6, 2003, Geelong, Australia (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology #131)

by ElizabethStacey GordonDavies

This book considers several aspects of providing quality education at a distance: Quality of systems that support online learning, quality support infrastructure, quality of technical access and support, materials distribution; issues in each of these areas are considered. It contains the papers presented at the working conference of Working Group 3.6 (Distance Education) of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP Geelong, Australia, Feb. 2003).

Quality Improvement in Behavioral Health

by William O’Donohue Alexandros Maragakis

This innovative volume presents a cogent case for quality improvement (QI) in behavioral healthcare as ethical practice, solid science, and good business. Divided between foundational concepts, key QI tools and methods, and emerging applications, it offers guidelines for raising care standards while addressing ongoing issues of treatment validity, staffing and training, costs and funding, and integration with medical systems. Expert contributors review the implications and potential of QI in diverse areas such as treatment of entrenched mental disorders, in correctional facilities, and within the professional context of the American Psychological Association. The insights, examples, and strategies featured will increase in value as behavioral health becomes more prominent in integrated care and vital to large-scale health goals.Included in the coverage: Behavioral health conditions: direct treatment costs and indirect social costs.Quality improvement and clinical psychological science. · Process mapping to improve quality in behavioral health service delivery.· Checklists for quality improvement and evaluation inbehavioral health.· Creating a quality improvement system for an integrated care program: the why, what, and how to measure.· Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT): improving the outcome of psychotherapy one person at a time.Quality Improvement in Behavioral Healthcare gives health psychologists, public health professionals, and health administrators a real-world framework for maintaining quality services in a rapidly evolving health landscape.

Quality Improvement in Early Childhood Education: International Perspectives on Enhancing Learning Outcomes

by Susanne Garvis Hillevi Lenz Taguchi

This book explores international perspectives on quality improvement within the field of early childhood education and care. Many countries and governments are focusing on preschool quality as a way to improve entrenched inequalities and reduce social disadvantage and segregation: this book draws together various global case studies to showcase how different countries tackle aspects of quality improvement. The concept of quality is understood in different ways both culturally and contextually, and the implementation of measures to improve quality will differ from country to country. The book draws together case studies from numerous contexts to showcase various ways of working with aspects of quality improvement. Sharing important insights into policy and practice, this book guides a shared understanding of the complex nature of quality improvement within early childhood education and care.

Quality Learning for Positive Ageing: Voices of Older Learners

by Alan Potter

Quality Learning for Positive Ageing explores the views of older adult learners to understand the factors that contribute to ‘quality’ in later-life learning and how these relate to wellbeing, positive ageing, and gaining protection against cognitive decline.Through capturing and considering the viewpoints of learners, facilitators and learning organisations, the author outlines the specific characteristics of quality that they associate with informal learning and how it can be enhanced through the adoption of simple strategies. Key topics covered include the implications of an increasing ageing population and barriers to older people learning as well as the cognitive, mental wellbeing, health, and social benefits of learning in later life. Illustrated throughout with vignettes of real later-life learners, this thought-provoking text unpicks how learners can maximise the benefits of learning in later life for themselves, how tutors can create learning opportunities that embody the characteristics of quality for them, and how providers can offer an environment that simply allows quality learning to flourish.This accessible and comprehensive text will be of great interest to researchers of gerontology and ageing, educational gerontology, adult education, and lifelong learning as well as those engaged in dementia research.

Quality Learning for Positive Ageing: Voices of Older Learners

by Alan Potter

Quality Learning for Positive Ageing explores the views of older adult learners to understand the factors that contribute to ‘quality’ in later-life learning and how these relate to wellbeing, positive ageing, and gaining protection against cognitive decline.Through capturing and considering the viewpoints of learners, facilitators and learning organisations, the author outlines the specific characteristics of quality that they associate with informal learning and how it can be enhanced through the adoption of simple strategies. Key topics covered include the implications of an increasing ageing population and barriers to older people learning as well as the cognitive, mental wellbeing, health, and social benefits of learning in later life. Illustrated throughout with vignettes of real later-life learners, this thought-provoking text unpicks how learners can maximise the benefits of learning in later life for themselves, how tutors can create learning opportunities that embody the characteristics of quality for them, and how providers can offer an environment that simply allows quality learning to flourish.This accessible and comprehensive text will be of great interest to researchers of gerontology and ageing, educational gerontology, adult education, and lifelong learning as well as those engaged in dementia research.

The Quality of European Societies: A Compilation of Composite Indicators (Social Indicators Research Series #75)

by Eduardo Bericat María Luisa Jiménez-Rodrigo

This volume presents a compilation of composite indicators created in order to measure important aspects of the quality of European societies. It examines three main questions: do Europeans live in good societies and enjoy good lives; are European societies becoming better as time passes, or is their quality slowly deteriorating; is the quality of life of Europe’s citizens improving over time or is it gradually and irrecoverably getting worse. The volume uses a precise and rigorous system of information to answer these questions and to assess the current situation and monitor the quality of European societies. It describes and discusses fourteen key domains, and per chapter, presents five rankings of EU countries based on composite indicators, which are used as one of the best instruments social science has to synthesize a large amount of information, and they are especially well suited to measure multidimensional social phenomena. The new System of Indices on the Quality of European Societies (SIQES) presented in this volume offers a very broad and rich empirical overview of more than 70 social composite indicators and their nearly 300 dimensions. One of the key findings coming out from the SIQES is that, according to the societal quality of European countries, there exist five different “Europes” inside Europe.

Quality of Life Among Cancer Survivors: Challenges and Strategies for Oncology Professionals and Researchers

by Tanya R. Fitzpatrick

This multidisciplinary reference explores the concepts and realities of quality of life among cancer survivors in its physical, psychological, cognitive, social, and familial dimensions. Informed by a broad range of fields including genetics, psychiatry, nursing, dentistry, rehabilitation, and ethics, it addresses daily challenges of living for this population, from self-care to cultural concerns and from social interactions to experiences with providers. Family issues of pediatric, young adult, and elder survivors, caregiving parents, and siblings are a major area of concern. And contributors describe interventions for survivors as individuals, in family content, and as part of integrated care across primary and specialty settings. Included among the topics: Play, leisure activities, and cognitive health among older cancer survivors. Genetic mutations in cancer susceptibility genes: a family history of cancer. Cancer patients in a pediatric intensive care unit: a single center experience. The impact of childhood cancer on the quality of life among healthy siblings. When cancer returns: family caregivers and the hospice team. Experiencing cancer services: a story of survival and dissatisfaction. A significant addition to the cancer survivorship literature, Quality of Life Among Cancer Survivors is a practice-building resource for oncology and allied health professionals, health psychologists, and social workers, as well as researchers in these fields.

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