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Raus aus der Konfliktspirale: Unsere Konflikte - Und wie wir sie lösen

by Andrea Hartmann-Piraudeau

Das Thema Konfliktspirale und was passiert mit uns, wenn wir im Konflikt stecken, fasziniert alle gleichermaßen. Die Reaktion ist dann Nachdenklichkeit und Selbstreflektion. Jeder hat eigene Konflikte und deshalb ist uns das Thema nahe. Konflikte sind in der Regel belastend und deshalb wünschen wir uns Erklärungen und Auswege. Welche Dynamik nehmen Konflikte an und wie entwickeln sie sich? Was passiert mit uns, wenn wir in die Konfliktspirale eintreten. Wie verändert sich unser Denken, unsere Sicht auf die Dinge und unsere Interessen? Was macht der Konflikt mit uns und wie kommen wir wieder heraus aus dem Strudel? Darüber handelt dieses Buch. Es basiert auf wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen aus der Psychologie und der Konfliktforschung.

Rausch ohne Drogen: Substanzungebundene Süchte

by Dominik Batthyány Alfred Pritz

Die Suchtforschung hat sich bislang überwiegend mit der substanzgebundenen Abhängigkeit beschäftigt. Heute richtet sich der Blick verstärkt auf substanzungebundene Süchte – etwa Internet-, Sex-, Kauf- oder Arbeitssucht. Der hohen Anzahl an Betroffenen steht jedoch ein Mangel an Aufklärung und wissenschaftlicher Diskussion gegenüber. Das Buch diskutiert den Stand der Forschung sowie Erfahrungen mit substanzungebundenen Süchten. Weitere Schwerpunkte sind u. a. Therapie, Behandlung und Prävention sowie neurobiologische Aspekte.

Rauschdrogen: Marktformen und Wirkungsweisen

by T. Geschwinde

Rauschdrogen: Marktformen und Wirkungsweisen

by Thomas Geschwinde

Das Werk bietet grundlegende Informationen zu den Wirkungsweisen verschiedener Drogen. Die ausführliche Darstellung in Form eines Nachschlagewerks ermöglicht den Vergleich der jeweiligen Wirkungen. Neben „klassischen“ Drogen wie Kokain werden in der Neuauflage auch vollsynthetische, ursprünglich für medizinische Therapien entwickelte Substanzen ausführlich behandelt. Ferner werden pflanzliche Stoffe, die über Online-Shops erhältlich sind, und „Lifestyle-Medikamente“, die u. a. zur kognitiven Leistungssteigerung eingenommen werden, berücksichtigt.

Rauschdrogen: Marktformen und Wirkungsweisen

by Thomas Geschwinde

Der Rauschdrogenkonsum und Arzneimittelmißbrauch ist nach wie vor ein ernstes Problem. Mitarbeiter im Bereich der Drogenmißbrauchsbekämpfung stehen vor der Aufgabe, immer mehr Drogen und Ausweich- oder Zusatzmittel erkennen und zuordnen zu müssen. Die neubearbeitete, dritte, aktualisierte Auflage wendet sich an Juristen, Kriminalbeamte, Psychologen, Sozialarbeiter und andere Berufsgruppen, die in der täglichen Praxis mit Rauschdrogen und ihren Wirkungen auf Körper und Psyche konfrontiert sind. Auch der nicht naturwissenschaftlich ausgebildete Leser erhält mit diesem Nachschlagewerk eine praktische Anleitung zur Einordnung der verschiedenen Aspekte einer bestimmten Rauschdroge im Vergleich mit anderen Substanzen.

Rauschdrogen: Marktformen und Wirkungsweisen

by Thomas Geschwinde

Rauschdrogen: Marktformen und Wirkungsweisen

by Thomas Geschwinde

Das Werk bietet grundlegende Informationen zu den Wirkungsweisen verschiedener Drogen. Die ausführliche Darstellung in Form eines Nachschlagewerks ermöglicht den Vergleich der jeweiligen Wirkungen. Neben „klassischen“ Drogen wie Kokain werden in der Neuauflage auch vollsynthetische, ursprünglich für medizinische Therapien entwickelte Substanzen ausführlich behandelt. Ferner werden pflanzliche Stoffe, die über Online-Shops erhältlich sind, und „Lifestyle-Medikamente“, die u. a. zur kognitiven Leistungssteigerung eingenommen werden, berücksichtigt.

Rauschdrogen: Marktformen und Wirkungsweisen

by Thomas Geschwinde

Komprimiert und dennoch ausführlich: Die 6., aktualisierte Neuauflage geht auf jüngste Entwicklungen und Tendenzen ein, wie z.B. Verschiebungen bei den Konsumgewohnheiten, neue Drogenarten bzw. Varietäten, missbrauchte Salbeiarten und Absinth. Damit setzt der Autor - neben den Alkaloiden - einen weiteren Schwerpunkt bei der Wirkstoffgruppe der Terpene im Bereich der biogenen Drogen. Im Mittelpunkt: der chemische Aufbau des Wirkstoffs, pharmakologisches Wirksamwerden, Auswirkungen auf Körper und Psyche. Plus: jede Droge im historischen Kontext. Experten sowie Laien können Drogen und missbrauchte Arzneimittel schnell erkennen und einordnen.

The Raven Banner (The Whale Road Chronicles #2)

by Tim Hodkinson

'FAST-PACED, DETAILED AND BRILLIANTLY WRITTEN [FOR] FANS OF BERNARD CORNWELL, GEORGE R.R. MARTIN AND THEODORE BRUN' HISTORICAL NOVEL SOCIETY. Einar Unnsson will be a great warrior, whether he wants it or not. AD 935 - Late Winter, City of Jorvik. Einar Unnsson is destined to be a great Icelandic warrior. He has already defeated the men sent to kill him by his notorious father, Jarl Thorfinn, the 'Skull Cleaver' of Orkney. He has a gift that makes him lethal in battle. Yet he has cast it all off to be a bard. When three men attack him, Einar's poetry provides little protection. Luckily, the skilled archer and Norse-Irish princess Affreca saves him. She'd assumed Einar had left to raise an army, challenge Thorfinn and seize the Jarldom of Orkney. Now she's determined to set him back onto his rightful path. Einar soon finds himself entangled on Affreca's own mission. She's seeking the Raven Banner for King Eirik. Legend has it that the banner is imbued with powerful magic. That it was a gift from the Norse God Odin and any army that marches behind it will be victorious. The quest sets events in motion that are beyond Einar's control. Einar has no choice but to face his fate and swing his sword once more... Praise for Tim Hodkinson: 'An excellently written page-turner, with a feel for the period which invites you into the era and keeps you there' Historical Writers Association. 'A gripping action adventure like the sagas of old; and once finished, you just want to go back and read it all over again' Melisende's Library.

The RBT® Ethics Code: Mastering the BACB© Ethical Requirements for Registered Behavior Technicians™

by Jon S. Bailey Mary R. Burch

This practical textbook will enable students training to become Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs™) to fully understand and follow the new RBT® Ethics Code administered by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB®). Starting with an overview of the role of ethics and core ethical principles, subsequent chapters provide concrete guidance for each of the three sections of the RBT® Ethics Code: responsible conduct, responsibility to clients, and competence and service delivery. The authors then show correct and incorrect applications of each code item and provide practical examples and solutions for applying each section to everyday practice. Also included are test questions where RBTs™ can test themselves on their newfound knowledge, along with a glossary, the complete RBT® Code of Ethics, and suggested readings. Last, Appendix D, "Considerations and Conversation Starters," will help RBT™ trainers quickly focus on specific code items and presenting scenarios for discussion and role-plays. This book is intended to serve as a primary text for the training of RBTs™ as well as a reference and study guide for these RBTs™ and their trainers.

The RBT® Ethics Code: Mastering the BACB© Ethical Requirements for Registered Behavior Technicians™

by Jon S. Bailey Mary R. Burch

This practical textbook will enable students training to become Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs™) to fully understand and follow the new RBT® Ethics Code administered by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB®). Starting with an overview of the role of ethics and core ethical principles, subsequent chapters provide concrete guidance for each of the three sections of the RBT® Ethics Code: responsible conduct, responsibility to clients, and competence and service delivery. The authors then show correct and incorrect applications of each code item and provide practical examples and solutions for applying each section to everyday practice. Also included are test questions where RBTs™ can test themselves on their newfound knowledge, along with a glossary, the complete RBT® Code of Ethics, and suggested readings. Last, Appendix D, "Considerations and Conversation Starters," will help RBT™ trainers quickly focus on specific code items and presenting scenarios for discussion and role-plays. This book is intended to serve as a primary text for the training of RBTs™ as well as a reference and study guide for these RBTs™ and their trainers.

Re-Circuiting Trauma Pathways in Adults, Parents, and Children: A Brain-Based, Intergenerational Trauma Treatment Method

by Valerie Copping

Re-Circuiting Trauma Pathways in Adults, Parents, and Children presents the evidence-informed and substantiated Intergenerational Trauma Treatment Model (ITTM), with an emphasis on up-to-date trauma theory, the development of specialized clinical skills, and the replicability of methods. Grounded in original research, experiential practice, and mathematical principles of logic, the ITTM targets and treats both the child’s and the caregiver’s complex trauma, providing the content and the process for supplying an effective, and brief, caregiver-first treatment option. It delivers an innovative, multigenerational approach to complex trauma treatment that strengthens the caregiver-child relationship by motivating and teaching caregivers to help their children cope with the effects of trauma.

Re-Circuiting Trauma Pathways in Adults, Parents, and Children: A Brain-Based, Intergenerational Trauma Treatment Method

by Valerie Copping

Re-Circuiting Trauma Pathways in Adults, Parents, and Children presents the evidence-informed and substantiated Intergenerational Trauma Treatment Model (ITTM), with an emphasis on up-to-date trauma theory, the development of specialized clinical skills, and the replicability of methods. Grounded in original research, experiential practice, and mathematical principles of logic, the ITTM targets and treats both the child’s and the caregiver’s complex trauma, providing the content and the process for supplying an effective, and brief, caregiver-first treatment option. It delivers an innovative, multigenerational approach to complex trauma treatment that strengthens the caregiver-child relationship by motivating and teaching caregivers to help their children cope with the effects of trauma.

Re(con)figuring Psychoanalysis: Critical Juxtapositions of the Philosophical, the Sociohistorical and the Political

by Aydan G�lerce

Leading international scholars present novel dialogues between different psychoanalytic orientations as well as between the particularities of diverse socio-cultural and historical contexts in order to offer critical insights which are highly relevant to the current intellectual debates and social praxis.

Re-Designing Youth Sport: Change the Game

by John McCarthy Lou Bergholz Megan Bartlett

Many observers have pointed out what is wrong with youth sport: an emphasis on winning at all costs; parental over-involvement; high participation costs that exclude many families; lack of vigorous physical activity; lack of player engagement; and no focus on development. Currently, most attempts at righting the wrongs of youth sport have focused on coach education and curriculum, but in this book, the authors offer a different approach—one that involves changing the game itself. Re-Designing Youth Sport combines vivid examples and case studies of innovative sport programs who are re-designing their sport with a comprehensive toolkit for practitioners on how to change their game for bigger and better outcomes. It offers a fresh and exciting perspective on the seemingly intractable issues in sport. It presents a practical and empowering pathway for readers to apply the examples and tools to the outcomes that they aspire to achieve in their sport, such as increased fun and excitement, life-skills building, gender inclusion, increased sportspersonship, greater parity and avoidance of one-sided competition, and positive parental roles. The book also reveals how community leagues as well as national and international sport governing bodies are using re-design to accelerate player skill development, tactical awareness, and physical fitness.

Re-Designing Youth Sport: Change the Game

by John McCarthy Lou Bergholz Megan Bartlett

Many observers have pointed out what is wrong with youth sport: an emphasis on winning at all costs; parental over-involvement; high participation costs that exclude many families; lack of vigorous physical activity; lack of player engagement; and no focus on development. Currently, most attempts at righting the wrongs of youth sport have focused on coach education and curriculum, but in this book, the authors offer a different approach—one that involves changing the game itself. Re-Designing Youth Sport combines vivid examples and case studies of innovative sport programs who are re-designing their sport with a comprehensive toolkit for practitioners on how to change their game for bigger and better outcomes. It offers a fresh and exciting perspective on the seemingly intractable issues in sport. It presents a practical and empowering pathway for readers to apply the examples and tools to the outcomes that they aspire to achieve in their sport, such as increased fun and excitement, life-skills building, gender inclusion, increased sportspersonship, greater parity and avoidance of one-sided competition, and positive parental roles. The book also reveals how community leagues as well as national and international sport governing bodies are using re-design to accelerate player skill development, tactical awareness, and physical fitness.

Re-Encountering Jung: Analytical psychology and contemporary psychoanalysis

by Robin S. Brown

Since the split between Freud and Jung, psychoanalysis and analytical psychology have largely developed in an atmosphere of mutual disregard. Only in recent years have both discourses shown signs of an increasing willingness to engage. Re-Encountering Jung: Analytical Psychology and Contemporary Psychoanalysis is the first edited volume devoted to a reconciliation between these two fields. The contributors explore how Jungian thinking influences, challenges, and is challenged by recent developments in the psychoanalytic mainstream. In examining the nature of the split, figures from both sides of the conversation seek to establish lines of contrast and commonality so as to reflect an underlying belief in the value of reciprocal engagement. Each of the chapters in this collection engages the relationship between Jungian and psychoanalytic thinking with the intention of showing how both lines of discourse might have something to gain from attending more to the voice of the other. While several of the contributing authors offer new perceptions on historical concerns, the main thrust of the collection is in exploring contemporary debates. Re-Encountering Jung reflects a unique undertaking to address one of the longest-standing and most significant rifts in the history of depth psychology. It will be of great interest to all academics, students and clinicians working within the fields of psychoanalysis and analytical psychology.

Re-Encountering Jung: Analytical psychology and contemporary psychoanalysis

by Robin S. Brown

Since the split between Freud and Jung, psychoanalysis and analytical psychology have largely developed in an atmosphere of mutual disregard. Only in recent years have both discourses shown signs of an increasing willingness to engage. Re-Encountering Jung: Analytical Psychology and Contemporary Psychoanalysis is the first edited volume devoted to a reconciliation between these two fields. The contributors explore how Jungian thinking influences, challenges, and is challenged by recent developments in the psychoanalytic mainstream. In examining the nature of the split, figures from both sides of the conversation seek to establish lines of contrast and commonality so as to reflect an underlying belief in the value of reciprocal engagement. Each of the chapters in this collection engages the relationship between Jungian and psychoanalytic thinking with the intention of showing how both lines of discourse might have something to gain from attending more to the voice of the other. While several of the contributing authors offer new perceptions on historical concerns, the main thrust of the collection is in exploring contemporary debates. Re-Encountering Jung reflects a unique undertaking to address one of the longest-standing and most significant rifts in the history of depth psychology. It will be of great interest to all academics, students and clinicians working within the fields of psychoanalysis and analytical psychology.

Re-envisioning Psychology: Debating Paradigmatic Foundations

by Parul Bansal

This book studies the ideological nature of mainstream scientific psychology. It raises critical questions about the dominant forms of psychological theorization and praxis, based on their validity, social relevance and power privileges. Re-envisioning Psychology critically interrogates scientific images of the mind, individual, gender, development, society and culture that mainstream psychology promotes. The issues taken up in this book revolve around the pivotal concerns of psychology’s scientific basis, its dominant quantitative research methodology, the construction of ‘individual’ as the unit of analysis, the conceptualization of ‘social’, ‘cultural’ and ‘gender’ in relation to individualism, and the understanding of abnormality as shaped by the discourses of medical science and capitalism.Comprehensive and topical, the book will be useful to students, researchers, and teachers of psychology, applied psychology, social work, gender and women studies, and sociology. It will also be of interest to professional counsellors and psychotherapists.

Re-envisioning Psychology: Debating Paradigmatic Foundations

by Parul Bansal

This book studies the ideological nature of mainstream scientific psychology. It raises critical questions about the dominant forms of psychological theorization and praxis, based on their validity, social relevance and power privileges. Re-envisioning Psychology critically interrogates scientific images of the mind, individual, gender, development, society and culture that mainstream psychology promotes. The issues taken up in this book revolve around the pivotal concerns of psychology’s scientific basis, its dominant quantitative research methodology, the construction of ‘individual’ as the unit of analysis, the conceptualization of ‘social’, ‘cultural’ and ‘gender’ in relation to individualism, and the understanding of abnormality as shaped by the discourses of medical science and capitalism.Comprehensive and topical, the book will be useful to students, researchers, and teachers of psychology, applied psychology, social work, gender and women studies, and sociology. It will also be of interest to professional counsellors and psychotherapists.

Re-envisioning Theoretical Psychology: Diverging Ideas and Practices (Palgrave Studies in the Theory and History of Psychology)

by Thomas Teo

This volume presents a re-envisioning of the field of theoretical psychology and offers unique visions for its present and future from leaders of North American philosophical psychology. It contends that theoretical psychology has reached ‘middle-age’ and must consider new directions to renew its growth. Rooted in a range of research traditions and the intellectual biographies of its authors, it paves the way toward this necessary revitalization of the content, activities, responsibilities, and hopes of theoretical psychology. The authors situate their analyses in the context of the increasing gap between alternative and mainstream and between the discipline and the profession of psychology. They demonstrate that changes in society, culture and technology, the internationalization of the psychological humanities, and the cross-fertilization of intellectual innovations from other disciplines now afford possibilities for new orientations in theoretical psychology. The volume aims to do justice to psychological topics, human beings, and the intellectual problems that psychologists encounter, while also providing space for (meta)theoretical engagement, often neglected in the discipline. Together, the chapters in this collection make the case that a renewal of the discipline and practice of psychology is a task that is best accomplished collectively, and, despite significant disagreements, in solidarity.

Re/Formation and Identity: The Intersectionality of Development, Culture, and Immigration (Advances in Immigrant Family Research)

by Deborah J. Johnson Susan S. Chuang Jenny Glozman

This innovative book applies contemporary and emergent theories of identity formation to timely questions of identity re/formation and development in immigrant families across diverse ethnicities and age groups. Researchers from across the globe examine the ways in which immigrants from Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America dynamically adjust, adapt, and resist aspects of their identities in their host countries as a form of resilience. The book provides a multidisciplinary approach to studying the multidimensional complexities of identity development and immigration and offers critical insights on the experiences of immigrant families. Key areas of coverage include: Factors that affect identity formation, readjustment, and maintenance, including individual differences and social environments. Influences of intersecting immigrant ecologies such as family, community, and complex multidimensions of culture on identity development. Current identity theories and their effectiveness at addressing issues of ethnicity, culture, and immigration. Research challenges to studying various forms of identity. Re/Formation and Identity: The Intersectionality of Development, Culture, and Immigration is an essential resource for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians, professionals, and policymakers in the fields of developmental, social, and cross-cultural psychology, parenting and family studies, social work, and all interrelated disciplines.

Re/Imagining Depression: Creative Approaches to “Feeling Bad”

by Julie Hollenbach Robin Alex McDonald

What is depression? An “imagined sun, bright and black at the same time?” A “noonday demon?” In literature, poetry, comics, visual art, and film, we witness new conceptualizations of depression come into being. Unburdened by diagnostic criteria and pharmaceutical politics, these media employ imagery, narrative, symbolism, and metaphor to forge imaginative, exploratory, and innovative representations of a range of experiences that might get called “depression.” Texts such as Julia Kristeva’s Black Sun: Depression and Melancholia (1989), Andrew Solomon’s The Noonday Demon (2000), Allie Brosh’s cartoons, “Adventures in Depression” (2011) and “Depression Part Two” (2013), and Lars von Trier’s film Melancholia (2011) each offer portraits of depression that deviate from, or altogether reject, the dominant language of depression that has been articulated by and within psychiatry. Most recently, Ann Cvetkovich’s Depression: A Public Feeling (2012) has answered the author’s own call for a multiplication of discourses on depression by positing crafting as one possible method of working through depression-as-“impasse.” Inspired by Cvetkovich’s efforts to re-shape the depressive experience itself and the critical ways in which we communicate this experience to others, Re/Imagining Depression: Creative Approaches to “Feeling Bad” harnesses critical theory, gender studies, critical race theory, affect theory, visual art, performance, film, television, poetry, literature, comics, and other media to generate new paradigms for thinking about the depressive experience. Through a combination of academic essays, prose, poetry, and interviews, this anthology aims to destabilize the idea of the mental health “expert” to instead demonstrate the diversity of affects, embodiments, rituals and behaviors that are often collapsed under the singular rubric of “depression.”

Re-imagining Professional Experience in Initial Teacher Education: Narratives of Learning

by Ange Fitzgerald Graham Parr Judy Williams

This book takes a fresh look at 'professional experience' in initial teacher education in Australia. Using collaborative narrative methodologies, the authors critically explore the ways in which one faculty of education engages with schools, industry, the teaching profession and government policy to deliver an innovative professional experience program. It includes chapters offering new perspectives on more traditional practicums in schools, as well as those reporting on exciting partnership initiatives where pre-service teachers, teacher educators and practitioners work together to teach and learn in new and mutually beneficial ways. There is a particular focus on the professional learning of all stakeholders from across the professional experience program. The book allows readers to gain a new understanding of the experiences and learning opportunities available to all stakeholders when a professional experience program makes a priority of boundary work, relational work and identity work. With the critical and creative power of narrative to convey what other research methodologies cannot, it shows how one institution has developed a variety of innovative approaches and structures in response to on-going debates on quality in teacher education, the role of educational partnerships in teacher preparation and the personal and professional insights gained from such opportunities.

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