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Beyond Worksheets: Creative Ways to Teach and Engage Students

by Amy Minter Mayer

Make better use of the tools you already have to improve learning outcomes and improve your work-life balance Beyond Worksheets helps K-12 teachers make learning fun, engaging, and relevant using the latest research, actionable classroom strategies, and the ed tech software and systems they already have. Used correctly, these tools let you deepen learning, student engagement, and student participation. As a former teacher, author Amy Minter Mayer knows that, regardless of schoolwide initiatives and rollouts, it's what happens behind the closed doors of a classroom that affects the teacher's success. She wrote Beyond Worksheets as a self-paced guide that empowers teachers, without waiting for school-wide adoption of new tools. Readers will: Learn skills to cultivate classroom culture in a technology-infused environment Transform teaching strategies to meet the needs and challenges of learners Prepare effective lessons that include accommodations while also supporting student focus and engagement using research and brain-based approaches Access templates, strategies, and techniques any educator can employ to drive engagement and increase learning in the classroom Beyond Worksheets is for teachers and instructional leaders who want to make the most of available on-hand tools and the latest research with strategies and resources that will help students learn and improve the lives of teachers.

Beziehung und Deutung im psychotherapeutischen Prozeß: Aus der Sicht verschiedener therapeutischer Schulen

by Toni Reinelt Wilfried Datler

Beziehung und Deutung aus der Sicht verschiedener psychotherapeutischer Schulen: Zur Entstehung und Konzeption des vorliegenden Bandes Walter Spiel Es ist das entscheidende Merkmal der psychotherapeutischen Ausbildung und Forschung an meiner Klinik (Universitätsklinik für Neuropsychiatrie des Kindes­ und Jugendalters, Wien), verschiedene Schulauffassungen und therapeutische Set­ tings in ihrer Wirkungsweise, Effizienz und Kapazität, bezogen auf die verschie­ densten Krankheitsbilder, darzustellen. Im Rahmen dieses Programms organi­ sierte Toni Reinelt im Sommersemester 1984 ein Seminar über "Deutung und Beziehung im therapeutischen Prozeß", zu dem eine Reihe namhafter Referenten eingeladen war. Dabei sollte es vor allem um die Erhellung dieser Thematik aus tiefenpsychologischer Sicht gehen; doch ließen die dort zur Sprache gekommenen Themen, Positionen und Kontroversen bald fragen, ob an der Problematik von "Deutung und Beziehung" nicht die Charakteristik der einzelnen psychotherapeu­ tischen Schulen in ihrer jüngeren Gestalt insgesamt aufgezeigt und diskutiert wer­ den kann. Diese Überlegungen auch auf das Problem der Ausgestaltung psycho­ therapeutischer Prozesse auszuweiten, schien weiters deshalb reizvoll zu sein, weil das Problem der Verschränktheit von Deutung und Beziehung in letzter Zeit ins­ 1 besonders von Psychoanalytikern diskutiert wurde und deren bemerkenswerte Beiträge überdies die Frage provozierten, wie diese Verschränktheit inzwischen aus der Sicht anderer therapeutischer Richtungen beurteilt wird; denn einige jün­ 2 gere Arbeiten zur Therapeut-Patient-Beziehung legen ja durchaus die Erwartung nahe, daß auch in so manchen nichttiefenpsychologischen Schulen gewisse tradi­ tionelle Auffassungen zum Beziehungs- und Deutungsproblem verlassen bzw. erheblich weiterentwickelt und modifiziert wurden.

Beziehungsdiagnostik und Beziehungstherapie: Wo stehen wir heute?

Beziehungsgestaltung im interkulturellen Coaching: Eine erste empirische Annäherung

by Daniel Pauw

Daniel Pauw untersucht erstmals in einer internationalen Studie, wie Coaches mit Klienten unterschiedlicher kultureller Herkunft eine tragfähige Arbeitsbeziehung aufbauen und erhalten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass kulturelle Prägungen den Coachingprozess auf verschiedenste Weise beeinflussen können und welche Faktoren für eine erfolgreiche Beziehungsgestaltung besonders wichtig sind. Die Verknüpfung der Ergebnisse mit Erkenntnissen aus der interkulturellen Kommunikations- und Therapieforschung erweitert nicht nur die aktuelle Coachingforschung um eine interkulturelle Perspektive, sondern bietet auch Praktikern konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen für den kompetenten Umgang mit kultureller Diversität.Diese Arbeit wurde mit dem Erdinger Coaching-Preis 2016 ausgezeichnet.

Beziehungsmedizin auf dem Monte Verità: 30 Jahre Psychosomatik in Ascona

by Ernst R. Petzold Walter Pöldinger

"Frech denken und vorsichtig handeln" hat Boris Luban-Plozza, einer der Pioniere für Psychosomatik im deutschen Sprachraum, immer wieder den Studenten eingeschärft, die auf den Monte Verità – den Berg der Wahrheit – kamen, um in Balint-Gruppen, die Beziehungsmedizin zusammen mit Professoren und Ärzten zu erleben. Fallweise wurden diese Modellgruppen durch Patienten und ihre Angehörigen ergänzt. Für Lehrzwecke wurden diese sogenannten Monte Verità-Gruppen filmisch festgehalten und stellen einen Teil des Ascona-Modells – eine Bezeichnung der WHO – dar. Dank der internationalen Stiftung "Psychosomatik und Sozialmedizin" in Ascona werden seit Jahren Preise für Medizinstudenten und Mitglieder des Pflegepersonals verliehen. Ausgezeichnet werden die besten Schilderungen von Beziehungserlebnissen mit Patienten. Von den begleitenden Vorträgen bekannter Experten, findet sich in dem Buch ein Vortrag von Erich Fromm: "Das Unsagbare, das Unaussprechliche und das Undenkbare". Ein Bericht über erste Balint-Gruppen in China zeigt ebenso wie die Liste der Preisträger die internationale Ausstrahlung des Geschehens auf dem Monte Verità – einem der wichtigsten Zentren für die Entwicklung der Psychosomatik.

Beziehungsqualität und kindliche Kooperations- und Bildungsbereitschaft: Eine Studie in Kindergarten und Grundschule

by Michael Glüer

Beziehungsqualität und Kooperation in Kindergarten und Schule stellen eine wesentliche Komponente für einen erfolgreichen Bildungsverlauf dar. Michael Glüer untersucht empirisch den geschlechtsspezifischen Einfluss der Beziehungsqualität zu sekundären Bezugspersonen auf die kindliche Kooperations- und Bildungsbereitschaft. Der Autor bietet einen Einblick in den aktuellen Forschungsstand zur Erfassung und Entwicklung von Bindungs- und Beziehungsqualität, Kooperations- und Bildungsbereitschaft zu ErzieherInnen und LehrerInnen in Kindergarten und Schule in Abhängigkeit vom kindlichen Geschlecht.

BFF?: The truth about female friendship

by Claire Cohen

Why do some friendships last a lifetime, while others fade away?How do you break up with a friend? How many 'best' friends should we be aiming for? From the time we start school, we are fed a diet of 'Best Friends Forever' - the idea that you should have a female soulmate to whom you tell all your secrets and who always has your back. It's the stuff of Hollywood films, but for most of us it isn't achievable. We spend years striving for a vision of female friendship that isn't realistic instead of searching for what suits us best or appreciating what we've already got.BFF? is an agenda-setting, personal and humorous book that pulls back the cover on the most underappreciated relationships in our lives to interrogate what modern friendship means, why we need it and what we can do to get the most from it. Featuring interviews with brilliant women, including Emma Barnett, Pandora Sykes, Nimco Ali and Jilly Cooper - as well as the intimate friendship stories of women from all walks of life - Claire Cohen argues that, unlike romance, friendship is much harder to pin down and. And it shows how often our friendships are taken for granted.An antidote to the idea that every woman must belong to a perfect girl gang, this book is a warm and reassuring guide to help women deepen their female friendships in ways that are meaningful and enduring._________________________________'It took me until my thirties to feel truly secure in my friendships - my female ones in particular. I truly believe that if I'd had a book like this when I was younger, it would have fallen into place sooner. That I'd have been happier, more trusting and able to deal with any bumps in the road. That's why I want us all to start telling the truth about female friendship. Because if I - raised in a house full of women, the product of two all-girls schools and the women's editor of a national newspaper - found it hard to trust, open up and had convinced myself that female friends 'weren't for me', then you might not have it worked out either.'

The BFRB Recovery Workbook: Effective Recovery from Hair Pulling, Skin Picking, Nail Biting, and Other Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors

by Dr. Marla Deibler Dr Dr. Renae Reinardy

So, you want to work on recovery from your body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB)? Chances are, this is not the first time you've thought about changing your BFRB. And it's probably not the first time you've taken action to overcome it.This workbook provides evidence-based tools consistent with the most up-to-date behavioral science to examine your BFRB in a new way, shift perspective on how you relate to your BFRB experience, reduce the behavior with individually tailored interventions, and transform your life and sense of self for the better.Written by licensed clinical psychologists, this integrative behavioral therapy (IBT) approach is rooted in behavioral and cognitive psychology, utilizing CBT, ACT, DBT and habit reversal training, and is applicable to all BFRBs, including nail biting, hair pulling, and skin picking. Make your way through the workbook at your own pace, with the authors' compassionate guidance, and return to it as often as needed.

Bi: The Hidden Culture, History and Science of Bisexuality

by Dr Julia Shaw

A WATERSTONES BEST BOOK OF 2022: POLITICS Bi: The Hidden Culture, History and Science of Bisexuality explores all that we know about the world’s largest sexual minority. It is a personal journey that starts with Dr Julia Shaw’s own openly bisexual identity, and celebrates the resilience and beautiful diversity of the bi community. From the hunt for a bi gene, to the relationship between bisexuality and consensual non-monogamy, to asylum seekers who need to prove their bisexuality in a court of law, there is more to explore than most have ever realised.

The Bi-Personal Field: Experiences in Child Analysis (The New Library of Psychoanalysis #Vol. 38)

by Antonino Ferro

In The Bi-Personal Field Antonino Ferro sets out his new conceptual system for analysis, considering not only the inner world of the patient but the continued interaction of that world with the inner world of the analyst. The book takes a fresh look at the main aspects of theory and technique in psychoanalysis in the light of Kleinian developments. It reflects the drastic changes due to the thinking of Bion. Illustrated with numerous detailed clinical examples, the author claims that the basic focus of the analytic relationship is the conscious and unconscious interpersonal/ intersubjective processes going on between the analyst and patient.

The Bi-Personal Field: Experiences in Child Analysis (The New Library of Psychoanalysis)

by Antonino Ferro

In The Bi-Personal Field Antonino Ferro sets out his new conceptual system for analysis, considering not only the inner world of the patient but the continued interaction of that world with the inner world of the analyst. The book takes a fresh look at the main aspects of theory and technique in psychoanalysis in the light of Kleinian developments. It reflects the drastic changes due to the thinking of Bion. Illustrated with numerous detailed clinical examples, the author claims that the basic focus of the analytic relationship is the conscious and unconscious interpersonal/ intersubjective processes going on between the analyst and patient.

The Bi-sexuality of Daniel Defoe: A Psychoanalytic Survey of the Man and His Works

by Leo Abse

This book presents an intriguing and novel Freudian overview of all Daniel Defoe's major works by confronting various psychoanalytic hypotheses regarding Defoe. It is an original, well-documented, and compelling cross-disciplinary approach to identity issues and creative genius of Defoe.

The Bi-sexuality of Daniel Defoe: A Psychoanalytic Survey of the Man and His Works

by Leo Abse

This book presents an intriguing and novel Freudian overview of all Daniel Defoe's major works by confronting various psychoanalytic hypotheses regarding Defoe. It is an original, well-documented, and compelling cross-disciplinary approach to identity issues and creative genius of Defoe.

Bi-Valenz der Erfahrung: Assoziation, Imaginäres und Trieb in der Genesis der Subjektivität bei Husserl und Freud (Phaenomenologica #229)

by Jagna Brudzińska

Edmund Husserls Phänomenologie und Sigmund Freuds Psychoanalyse sind zwei große Denktraditionen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Erstmals wird in diesem Buch die lebendige problemgebundene Beziehung zwischen beiden untersucht, und zwar ausgehend von Husserls genetischer Phänomenologie. Im Fokus stehen drei große Erfahrungsbereiche des Menschen: die Assoziation, die Phantasie und der Trieb. Wie sich zeigt, spielen alle drei eine Schlüsselrolle, sowohl für Husserls als auch für Freuds Denken.Die Autorin hat für ihre Studie veröffentlichte wie auch unveröffentlichte Texte aus dem Werk Husserls berücksichtigt und die Ergebnisse lassen die Phänomenologie in einem neuen Licht erscheinen. So rücken in diesem Buch, anders als im allgemein-philosophischen Verständnis von Intentionalität, spezifische Formen der phantasmatischen und imaginären Intentionalität in den Vordergrund. Auf diese Weise betrachtet, zeigt sich die subjektive Erfahrung als eine menschliche Entwicklungsstruktur, die unter einer doppelten Ordnung steht: Wir und unsere Welt sind nicht nur durch Wahrnehmung strukturiert, sondern auch durch imaginäre Leistungen, durch triebhafte Tendenzen und unbewusste Wünsche. Die Autorin findet dafür den Begriff der Bi-Valenz, der Zweiwertigkeit der personalen Realität.Mit dieser Untersuchung werden zwei Ziele erreicht. Einerseits befreit die Autorin das Trieb-Verständnis der Psychoanalyse von seinem naturalistischen Rest, andererseits eröffnet sie für die Phänomenologie einen neuen Bereich anschaulicher Erfahrung: das dynamische Unbewusste. Das Medium dieser Erfahrung ist eine starke, produktive Phantasie, die aus triebhaften Quellen schöpft und unsere Realität mit-gestaltet. Der Band richtet sich an Studierende und Wissenschaftler, die sich für genetische Phänomenologie und die Philosophie der Psychoanalyse interessieren.

Bias, Belief, and Conviction in an Age of Fake Facts (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies)

by Anke Finger Manuela Wagner

In this book, authors engage in an interdisciplinary discourse of theory and practice on the concept of personal conviction, addressing the variety of grey zones that mark the concept. Bias, Belief, and Conviction in an Age of Fake Facts discusses where our convictions come from and whether we are aware of them, why they compel us to certain actions, and whether we can change our convictions when presented with opposing evidence, which prove our personal convictions "wrong". Scholars from philosophy, psychology, comparative literature, media studies, applied linguistics, intercultural communication, and education shed light on the topic of personal conviction, crossing disciplinary boundaries and asking questions not only of importance to scholars but also related to the role and possible impact of conviction in the public sphere, education, and in political and cultural discourse. By taking a critical look at personal conviction as an element of inquiry within the humanities and social sciences, this book will contribute substantially to the study of conviction as an aspect of the self we all carry within us and are called upon to examine. It will be of particular interest to scholars in communication and journalism studies, media studies, philosophy, and psychology.

Bias, Belief, and Conviction in an Age of Fake Facts (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies)

by Manuela Wagner Anke Finger

In this book, authors engage in an interdisciplinary discourse of theory and practice on the concept of personal conviction, addressing the variety of grey zones that mark the concept. Bias, Belief, and Conviction in an Age of Fake Facts discusses where our convictions come from and whether we are aware of them, why they compel us to certain actions, and whether we can change our convictions when presented with opposing evidence, which prove our personal convictions "wrong". Scholars from philosophy, psychology, comparative literature, media studies, applied linguistics, intercultural communication, and education shed light on the topic of personal conviction, crossing disciplinary boundaries and asking questions not only of importance to scholars but also related to the role and possible impact of conviction in the public sphere, education, and in political and cultural discourse. By taking a critical look at personal conviction as an element of inquiry within the humanities and social sciences, this book will contribute substantially to the study of conviction as an aspect of the self we all carry within us and are called upon to examine. It will be of particular interest to scholars in communication and journalism studies, media studies, philosophy, and psychology.

Bias in Quantifying Judgments (Psychology Revivals)

by E. C. Poulton

Originally published in 1989, this volume carefully catalogues and classifies the effect of bias on quantitative judgments. Each bias is described by model and examples of this bias are given. The examples include both theoretical investigations carried out in the laboratory to study bias and practical illustrations. They are accompanied by a discussion of methods of avoiding bias, where this is possible. An early look into this now widely recognised subject, this book was an invaluable resource for investigators and practitioners in applied science at the time.

Bias in Quantifying Judgments (Psychology Revivals)

by E. C. Poulton

Originally published in 1989, this volume carefully catalogues and classifies the effect of bias on quantitative judgments. Each bias is described by model and examples of this bias are given. The examples include both theoretical investigations carried out in the laboratory to study bias and practical illustrations. They are accompanied by a discussion of methods of avoiding bias, where this is possible. An early look into this now widely recognised subject, this book was an invaluable resource for investigators and practitioners in applied science at the time.

Biased: Uncovering The Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, And Do

by Dr Jennifer Eberhardt

'Jennifer Eberhardt makes it clear that racism operates at all levels, and it fills me with hope to know that she is fighting it at all levels. More power to you, sister. The world needs you.' BENJAMIN ZEPHANIAH'A critically important book.' DAVID OLUSOGA, author of Black and British'Jennifer Eberhardt’s ground-breaking work has the power to shift the debate and help shape a fairer society.' DAVID LAMMY MP‘Jennifer Eberhardt gives us the opportunity to talk about race in new ways, ultimately transforming our thinking about ourselves and the world we want to create.’ MICHELLE ALEXANDER, author of The New Jim Crow‘Groundbreaking... essential reading for anyone interested in how we become a more just society.’ BRYAN STEVENSON, author of Just Mercy‘An illuminating and readable account of how racial stereotypes and assumptions can cause social devastation and keep huge inequalities in place.’ DR PRIYAMVADA GOPAL, University of Cambridge'This books should be required reading for everyone.' ROBIN DIANGELO, author of White Fragility'Read this book. Biased will enlighten your journey through race relations and associations.’ DAWN BUTLER MP______________________From one of the world’s leading experts on unconscious racial bias comes a landmark examination of one of the most culturally powerful issues of our time.We might think that we treat all people equally, but we don’t. Every day, unconscious biases affect our visual perception, attention, memory and behaviour in ways that are subtle and very difficult to recognise without in-depth scientific studies.Unconscious biases can be small and insignificant, but they affect every sector of society, leading to enormous disparities, from the classroom to the courtroom to the boardroom.But unconscious bias is not a sin to be cured, but a universal human condition, and one that can be overcome.In Biased, pioneering social psychologist Professor Jennifer Eberhardt explains how.

The Biased Mind: How Evolution Shaped our Psychology Including Anecdotes and Tips for Making Sound Decisions

by Jérôme Boutang Michel De Lara

Using a wealth of anecdotes, data from academic literature, and original research, this very accessible little book highlights how we all struggle to cope with the maelstrom of choices, influences and experiences that come our way. The authors have slogged through piles of dry research papers to provide many wonderful nuggets of information and surprising insights. For example: Why is an upside-down red triangle such a powerful warning sign on the road? What is the best kind of alibi? What makes the number 7 so special? Why is it better to whisper words of love into the left ear? Will that recent marriage last? Why is it that the French eat snails but not slugs? The reader will discover the amazing tools and shortcuts that millennia of evolution have built into our brains. And this knowledge is power! Knowing more about how the human mind connects the dots helps us understand why decision-making is so tricky. With insights from evolutionary psychology, we become better equipped to understand ourselves and others and to interact and communicate more effectively.

Biblical Servant Leadership: An Exploration of Leadership for the Contemporary Context (Christian Faith Perspectives in Leadership and Business)

by Steven Crowther

This book explores the concepts from Scripture for Servant leadership and compare these findings with contemporary models of servant leadership. It is an examination of Christian leadership for the contemporary world in its global and increasing secular context. Leadership studies typically view leadership externally from the results. This is a good beginning but leadership needs to also view the inside of leadership in the person of the leader. Scripture is uniquely qualified in this area since its first concern is the person who leads not just in leadership behaviors. The author uses examples from both the Old and New Testament to establish a new shepherd model of leadership that moves beyond the servant mode to the mode of caring direction. This model will provide scholars and researchers as well as leaders themselves with a way of leading that overcomes negative forms of leadership which lead to failure.

Biblical Servant Leadership: An Exploration of Leadership for the Contemporary Context (Christian Faith Perspectives in Leadership and Business)

by Steven Crowther

This book explores the concepts from Scripture for Servant leadership and compare these findings with contemporary models of servant leadership. It is an examination of Christian leadership for the contemporary world in its global and increasing secular context. Leadership studies typically view leadership externally from the results. This is a good beginning but leadership needs to also view the inside of leadership in the person of the leader. Scripture is uniquely qualified in this area since its first concern is the person who leads not just in leadership behaviors. The author uses examples from both the Old and New Testament to establish a new shepherd model of leadership that moves beyond the servant mode to the mode of caring direction. This model will provide scholars and researchers as well as leaders themselves with a way of leading that overcomes negative forms of leadership which lead to failure.

Bibliotherapy: The Interactive Process A Handbook

by Arleen McCarty Hynes

The recognition that literature can be a healing tool is as old as Aristotle's discussion of catharsis. In bibliotherapy an individual reads or listens to a work of literature specifically for its therapeutic value. But until now a real professional tool was lacking. This handbook, the first of its kind, is designed to teach both professionals and laypersons how to use the whole spectrum of literature—from poetry to science fiction—to promote greater self-knowledge, to renew the spirit, and, in general, to aid in the healing process. Beginning with an explanation of the theoretical basis for bibliotherapy, the authors then provide a comprehensive overview of the procedures and goals of the discipline. The material is presented in such a way that the process may be adapted to the particular educational or psychological approach favored by the practitioner for the therapeutic treatment of individuals who have been abused or are chemically dependent, physically disabled, emotionally disturbed, hospitalized, in correctional institutions, or simply facing difficult or stressful life situations. The authors also offer insights for using bibliotherapy to promote the healthy growth and development of children and to provide psychological help and guidance to adults and the aging. Case studies from practice and training experiences illustrate the principles of bibliotherapy; in addition, the authors include end-of-chapter study questions for persons involved in therapy and self-help and practicum guides for professionals. Taken together, these materials comprise a unique and invaluable reference work in a new and significant field.

Bibliotherapy: The Interactive Process A Handbook

by Arleen McCarty Hynes

The recognition that literature can be a healing tool is as old as Aristotle's discussion of catharsis. In bibliotherapy an individual reads or listens to a work of literature specifically for its therapeutic value. But until now a real professional tool was lacking. This handbook, the first of its kind, is designed to teach both professionals and laypersons how to use the whole spectrum of literature—from poetry to science fiction—to promote greater self-knowledge, to renew the spirit, and, in general, to aid in the healing process. Beginning with an explanation of the theoretical basis for bibliotherapy, the authors then provide a comprehensive overview of the procedures and goals of the discipline. The material is presented in such a way that the process may be adapted to the particular educational or psychological approach favored by the practitioner for the therapeutic treatment of individuals who have been abused or are chemically dependent, physically disabled, emotionally disturbed, hospitalized, in correctional institutions, or simply facing difficult or stressful life situations. The authors also offer insights for using bibliotherapy to promote the healthy growth and development of children and to provide psychological help and guidance to adults and the aging. Case studies from practice and training experiences illustrate the principles of bibliotherapy; in addition, the authors include end-of-chapter study questions for persons involved in therapy and self-help and practicum guides for professionals. Taken together, these materials comprise a unique and invaluable reference work in a new and significant field.

Bibliotherapy: A Clinical Approach for Helping Children (Psychology Revivals)

by John T. Pardeck; Jean A. Pardeck

First Published in 1993 Bibliotherapy provides literature for mental health professionals which can be used with a clinical approach in helping children with problems. For those not familiar with bibliotherapy, it provides an extensive introduction to the field including reviews of its effectiveness, value and limitations, as well as examples of practical application. Chapters include an overview of bibliotherapy, clinical application, changing role models, blended family, separation and divorce, child abuse, foster care, adoption, and childhood fears. Over 350 children’s books are listed, each briefly annotated, from which the clinician can select suitable material for therapeutic intervention. This book is an essential read for scholars, researchers, and practitioners of clinical psychology, psychology in general.

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