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Surrounding Free Will: Philosophy, Psychology, Neuroscience

This volume showcases cutting-edge scholarship from The Big Questions in Free Will project, funded by a grant from the John Templeton Foundation and directed by Alfred R. Mele. It explores the subject of free will from the perspectives of neuroscience; social, cognitive, and developmental psychology; and philosophy (both traditional and experimental). The volume consists of fourteen new articles and an introduction from top-ranked contributors, all of whom bring fresh perspectives to the question of free will. They investigate questions such as: How do children conceive of free will and how does their concept of free will develop? How does lowered or raised confidence in the existence of free will affect our behavior? What modifies our power to resist temptation? What do lay folk mean by free will? What brain processes underlie decisions? How does the conscious experience of voluntary action contribute to the neural control of behavior? What are the neural differences between deliberate choosing and arbitrary picking? How do neuroscientific studies of decision making in monkeys bear on human free will? Is determinism compatible with free will? What can a proper understanding of causation tell us about free will? What is moral responsibility? Readers interested in the current and future direction of scholarship on free will find this volume essential reading.

Survey Methodology and Missing Data: Tools and Techniques for Practitioners

by Seppo Laaksonen

This book focuses on quantitative survey methodology, data collection and cleaning methods. Providing starting tools for using and analyzing a file once a survey has been conducted, it addresses fields as diverse as advanced weighting, editing, and imputation, which are not well-covered in corresponding survey books. Moreover, it presents numerous empirical examples from the author's extensive research experience, particularly real data sets from multinational surveys.

Surveying Human Vulnerabilities across the Life Course (Life Course Research and Social Policies #3)

by Michel Oris Caroline Roberts Dominique Joye Michèle Ernst Stähli

This open access book details tools and procedures for data collections of hard-to-reach, hard-to-survey populations. Inside, readers will discover first-hand insights from experts who share their successes as well as their failures in their attempts to identify and measure human vulnerabilities across the life course. Coverage first provides an introduction on studying vulnerabilities based on the Total Error Survey framework. Next, the authors present concrete examples on how to survey such populations as the elderly, migrants, widows and widowers, couples facing breast cancer, employees and job seekers, displaced workers, and teenagers during their transition to adulthood. In addition, one essay discusses the rationale for the use of life history calendars in studying social and psychological vulnerability while another records the difficulty the authors faced when trying to set-up an online social network to collect relevant data. Overall, this book demonstrates the importance to have, from the very beginning, a dialogue between specialists of survey methods and the researchers working on social dynamics across the life span. It will serve as an indispensable resource for social scientists interested in gathering and analyzing data on vulnerable individuals and populations in order to construct longitudinal data bases and properly target social policies.

Survival Analysis: Models and Applications

by Xian Liu

Survival analysis concerns sequential occurrences of events governed by probabilistic laws. Recent decades have witnessed many applications of survival analysis in various disciplines. This book introduces both classic survival models and theories along with newly developed techniques. Readers will learn how to perform analysis of survival data by following numerous empirical illustrations in SAS. Survival Analysis: Models and Applications: Presents basic techniques before leading onto some of the most advanced topics in survival analysis. Assumes only a minimal knowledge of SAS whilst enabling more experienced users to learn new techniques of data input and manipulation. Provides numerous examples of SAS code to illustrate each of the methods, along with step-by-step instructions to perform each technique. Highlights the strengths and limitations of each technique covered. Covering a wide scope of survival techniques and methods, from the introductory to the advanced, this book can be used as a useful reference book for planners, researchers, and professors who are working in settings involving various lifetime events. Scientists interested in survival analysis should find it a useful guidebook for the incorporation of survival data and methods into their projects.

Survival Guide Psychiatrie

by Doris Krüger

Das Buch führt praxisorientiert und konsequent den Assistenzart durch die Hindernisse im ersten Jahr der Psychiatrie. Es beantwortet zahlreiche organisatorische Fragen und ist der Rote Faden, der Anfängern zu Beginn ihrer Berufszeit die Unsicherheit nehmen soll.

Survival in Groups (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Counselling and Psychotherapy)

by Tom Douglas

In his latest book, Tom Douglas turns his attention to the skills of group membership. While there is an extensive literature on basic groupwork practice, none of the existing books address the functions of groups exclusively from the viewpoint of members.Survival in Groups examines the influences and pressures which can exist in groups and explains what to look for in order to see these factors at work. It stresses the fact that the ability to see the processes of a group in action can enable group members to make consciously directed contributions to the group based on an understanding of what is involved. The final chapters discuss methods of integrating personal learning about group outcomes.Illustrated throughout with practice-based examples, Survival in Groups is aimed at the many students of social work, counselling, nursing and social care who are required to participate in groups, but who are unclear about what this involves. With its summaries, lists of basic concepts and brief annotated bibliography, the book will also be of use to busy professionals in the social care field where teamwork or groupwork is emphasised.

Survival of the Virtuous: The Evolution of Moral Psychology

by Dennis L. Krebs

Do good guys finish last? Did we evolve to look out for number one? Are we bad by nature? At first glance, the theory of evolution seems to imply that all organisms are evolved to be selfish. In this book, evolutionary psychologist Dennis Krebs explains how virtuous behaviors such as altruism, justice, honesty, loyalty, self-control, purity, and respect for authority, have evolved in humans and other species. He argues that the key to solving puzzles of morality--such as what it is, how we acquire moral traits, why we sometimes behave badly, and how we make moral decisions--lies in figuring out what adaptive functions moral traits served in early human environments and how they are influenced by social learning, culture, and strategic social interactions in the modern world. Arguing that the primary function of virtuous behaviors is to enable individuals to advance their own interests and examining the moral decision-making mechanisms that evolved to serve these functions, this book considers the "new brain" mechanisms that are unique to humans and "old brain" mechanisms that we share with other species, illuminating how these work in conjunction with each other to guide our moral choices. Survival of the Virtuous is accessibly written for academic and scholarly readers interested in understanding how moral traits evolved in the human species.

Survival of the Virtuous: The Evolution of Moral Psychology

by Dennis L. Krebs

Do good guys finish last? Did we evolve to look out for number one? Are we bad by nature? At first glance, the theory of evolution seems to imply that all organisms are evolved to be selfish. In this book, evolutionary psychologist Dennis Krebs explains how virtuous behaviors such as altruism, justice, honesty, loyalty, self-control, purity, and respect for authority, have evolved in humans and other species. He argues that the key to solving puzzles of morality--such as what it is, how we acquire moral traits, why we sometimes behave badly, and how we make moral decisions--lies in figuring out what adaptive functions moral traits served in early human environments and how they are influenced by social learning, culture, and strategic social interactions in the modern world. Arguing that the primary function of virtuous behaviors is to enable individuals to advance their own interests and examining the moral decision-making mechanisms that evolved to serve these functions, this book considers the "new brain" mechanisms that are unique to humans and "old brain" mechanisms that we share with other species, illuminating how these work in conjunction with each other to guide our moral choices. Survival of the Virtuous is accessibly written for academic and scholarly readers interested in understanding how moral traits evolved in the human species.

Survival Psychology

by J. Leach

' should be made standard reading for those dealing with disaster/survival situations, it is also very informative in helping the general reader understand the psychology of survivors...The text makes compulsive reading and the book is hard to put down. It is worth examining, no matter where your professional interest lies.'- Duncan MacPaul, Nursing Times. Why do so many people die without need? How can an exceptional few survive extraordinarily harsh conditions sometimes after months or years of deprivation? Recent years have seen remarkable improvements in survival training and technology, yet most people still perish quickly in the face of adversity. In this book John Leach seeks to answer these questions by considering the psychology of human survival; how groups and individuals behave before, during and after life threatening events. Both short and long-term survival are addressed as well as the psychological consequences of hunger, thirst, cold, heat, crowding, isolation, fatigue and sleep deprivation. The essence of this work is distilled into a set of principles for psychological first-aid for use in the field.

Survival Strategies for Parenting Children with Bipolar Disorder: Innovative Parenting and Counseling Techniques for Helping Children with Bipolar Disorder and the Conditions That May Occur With It

by George Lynn

Lynn offers clear, practical advice on recognizing the symptoms, understanding medication and accessing the necessary support at school as well as the managing the day-to-day challenges of parenting a child with Bipolar Disorder. His book will provide guidance and support for parents and carers as well as being a useful resource for professionals.

Survivalguide Bachelor: Dein Erfolgscoach fürs ganze Studium - Nie mehr Leistungsdruck, Stress & Prüfungsangst - Bestnoten mit Lerntechniken, Prüfungstipps!

by Gabriele Bensberg Jürgen Messer

Studieren hat es in sich! Die neue Selbstständigkeit meistern, neue Menschen kennenlernen, Studienpläne, Referate, Prüfungen und Leistungsdruck bewältigen. Und natürlich auch Freizeit haben und die schönen Seiten des Lebens genießen. – Wer sich fragt, wie das alles unter einen Hut zu kriegen ist, findet Hilfen in diesem Buch: Es gibt Tipps für jede Phase des Studiums, von der Zeit kurz vor Studienbeginn bis zu den letzten Prüfungen. Die Autoren kennen alle kleinen und großen Nöte der »Studis« genau, denn sie leiten seit Jahrzehnten sehr erfolgreich eine studentische Beratungsstelle.Der Ratgeber kommt gleich zur Sache: Wie rüste ich mich physisch und psychisch fürs Studium? Durch Bewegung, Ernährung, Entspannung und Genuss, Verstärkungstechniken und Selbstgespräche. Was hilft mir wirklich beim Lernen? Arbeitsplatz optimieren, Lernpläne erstellen, ein gutes Zeitmanagement, Gedächtnistipps und effektive Prüfungsstrategien anwenden. Und was tun im Notfall? Tipps und Tricks für Motivations- und Konzentrationsprobleme, Prüfungsangst und Schreibblockaden! Das Buch ist in einer lockeren, verständlichen und liebevollen Sprache geschrieben. Es macht Mut, baut nach Misserfolgen wieder auf, gibt konkreten Rat, tritt auch mal „in den Hintern“ und verführt zum Lachen. - Mit vielen Arbeitsblättern, Videos mit Entspannungsübungen und Experteninterviews zu verschiedenen Studiengängen im Web.

Survivalguide Bachelor. Leistungsdruck, Prüfungsangst, Stress und Co? Erfolgreich mit Lerntechniken, Prüfungstipps ... so überlebst Du das Studium

by Gabriele Bensberg Jürgen Messer

Durch das Bachelor-Studium hat sich das Studieren verändert. Häufige Prüfungen und überfrachtete Studienpläne setzen Studierende unter Druck, die Prüfungsangst nimmt zu. Die Autoren leiten eine Beratungsstelle des Studentenwerks, sie kennen diese Nöte. In ihrem Ratgeber zeigen sie auf einfühlsame und humorvolle Weise, wie sich Studierende physisch und psychisch stärken können: durch Bewegung, Entspannungstechniken und Genuss. Sie vermitteln Strategien für effektives Lernen, für das Stressmanagement sowie Hilfen zur Bewältigung der Prüfungsangst.

Survivalguide PiA: Die Psychotherapie-Ausbildung meistern (Psychotherapie: Praxis)

by Birgit Lindel

Dieses Buch bietet konkrete Tipps zur Psychotherapieausbildung, die nach dem Psychologiestudium für die Zulassung zum Psychotherapeuten erforderlich ist. Die „Psychotherapeuten in Ausbildung“ (PiA) leisten dabei schnell fachlich qualifizierte Arbeit, deren Rahmen jedoch nicht im Einzelnen geregelt ist. Hier helfen gute Infos, die das Buch bietet. Geschrieben für alle, die eine Psychotherapeutenausbildung in Erwägung ziehen oder sich gerade in ihr befinden – z. B. Studierende der Psychologie, aber auch „fertige“ Psycholog/inn/en, die nach ihrem abgeschlossenen Studium eine Psychotherapeutenausbildung anfangen möchten sowie auch „PiAs“ selbst (Psychotherapeut/inn/en im Ausbildungsprozess).Aus dem InhaltTherapieausbildung zum PP und KJP – Ausbildungsarten – Ausbildungsinstitute – Theoretische Ausbildung – Inhalt der Praktischen Tätigkeit – Strukturen der Psychiatrien und Aufgaben von Psychologen – Nützliches und Wichtiges während der Praktischen Tätigkeit und anderer Ausbildungsteile –Supervision ––Antragstellung, Falldokumentation, Abrechnung – Abschluss der Ausbildung – Prüfung und Zeit danach.Die Autorin Dr. rer. nat. Birgit Ute Lindel, approbierte Psychotherapeutin; angestellt in einer Klinik.

Survivalguide PiA: Die Psychotherapie-Ausbildung meistern

by Birgit Lindel Ina Sellin

Die Situation der Psychologen in Ausbildung (PiA) ist nach der Einführung des Psychotherapeutengesetzes katastrophal: Nach durchschnittlich 13 Semestern Studium ist für die Zulassung als Psychotherapeut eine praktische Ausbildung erforderlich. Die PiA leisten schnell fachlich qualifizierte Arbeit – deren Bezahlung jedoch nicht gesetzlich geregelt ist. Viele PiA fühlen sich ausgebeutet. Die Autorinnen – selbst zwei ehemalige PiA - verfassten diesen Praxisleitfaden. Die konkreten Tipps bieten in dieser finanziell und psychisch belastenden Situation Hilfestellung - durch Informationen zur Rechtslage, zu Ausbildungsinstituten, Netzwerkinfos u.v.m.

Survivalguide Schreiben: Ein Schreibcoaching fürs Studium Bachelor-, Master- und andere Abschlussarbeiten Vom Schreibmuffel zum Schreibfan!

by Gabriele Bensberg

Wenn Studierenden das Schreiben wissenschaftlicher Texte schwer fällt, kann es für sie zum Fluch werden ­- bis hin zur Angst, an der Abschlussarbeit zu scheitern. Die Autorin, erfahrene Studierenden-Beraterin und Schreibcoach, zeigt in diesem Buch, wie Studierende aufbauend auf ihren alltäglichen Schreibaktivitäten im Internet eine Brücke zum wissenschaftlichen Schreiben schlagen können. Das Buch bietet Handlungsanleitungen und Problemlösungen für alle Phasen der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit und dient darüber hinaus als psychologischer Begleiter.

Survivalguide Studium: Quickguide zu weniger Stress und guten Noten

by Gabriele Bensberg

Studieren hat es in sich heutzutage - nicht erst seit Beginn der Corona-Pandemie! Doch hier kommt ein kleines Buch, das Dir auf wenigen Seiten den Weg durch den Studi-Alltagsdschungel zeigt. Es gibt viele handliche Tipps rund um Themen wie Arbeitsplatz, Zeitmanagement, Lernmethoden, Möglichkeiten, die Gedächtnisleistung zu steigern sowie die Vorbereitung von Prüfungen und das Schreiben wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten. - Du leidest unter Prüfungsangst oder Schreibblockaden? Lass Dich nicht entmutigen - denn auch das ist lösbar, dieser Ratgeber sagt Dir, wie! Und nicht zuletzt hat er noch hilfreiche Tipps parat, wie Du ganz allgemein eine individuelle Lebensvision entwickelst, Dir Ziele setzt und Selbstvertrauen gewinnst, um Deinen eigenen Weg zu finden und diesen auch bei Widerständen zu gehen - denn wer sich über all dies im Klaren ist, den werfen die Probleme des Studienalltags auch nicht so schnell aus der Bahn. Kurz: Dies ist Dein Guide für den tollen Lebensabschnitt, der sich Studium nennt!

Surviving and Thriving in Care and Beyond: Personal and Professional Perspectives (The Systemic Thinking and Practice Series)

by Sara Barratt

This is a book about children who have to grow up apart from their biological parents, the impact of this on their lives and on those who look after them, and how we can respond to the challenges this poses in order that they can grow and develop in healthy directions. It provides a systemic framework to describe working with children and adults who are or have been in care or adopted, as well as working with their adoptive parents and carers, highlighting their own narratives and those of professionals working with them. The authors have tried to make space for multiple voices to speak and describe aspects of the care system and life beyond. There are contributions from those who have been brought up away from their biological parents, their adoptive parents and foster or kinship carers. There are also contributions from researchers and professionals with expertise in working with children in substitute care, who describe their theoretical and clinical approaches, privileging the voices of those with whom they work.

Surviving and Thriving in Care and Beyond: Personal and Professional Perspectives (The Systemic Thinking and Practice Series)

by Sara Barratt

This is a book about children who have to grow up apart from their biological parents, the impact of this on their lives and on those who look after them, and how we can respond to the challenges this poses in order that they can grow and develop in healthy directions. It provides a systemic framework to describe working with children and adults who are or have been in care or adopted, as well as working with their adoptive parents and carers, highlighting their own narratives and those of professionals working with them. The authors have tried to make space for multiple voices to speak and describe aspects of the care system and life beyond. There are contributions from those who have been brought up away from their biological parents, their adoptive parents and foster or kinship carers. There are also contributions from researchers and professionals with expertise in working with children in substitute care, who describe their theoretical and clinical approaches, privileging the voices of those with whom they work.

Surviving and Transcending a Traumatic Childhood: The Dark Thread

by Linda Skogrand John DeFrain Nikki DeFrain Jean Jones

A powerful guide to transcending childhood trauma—from the people who’ve done itIt’s like a dark thread woven through a piece of cloth: You can’t pull it out without unraveling the whole thing. And it shows up here and there among all the other threads.Surviving and Transcending a Traumatic Childhood: The Dark Thread weaves together 90 stories of survival to create a silver lining of hope for those struggling to heal from childhood trauma. This unique book documents the endless challenges facing children and adults who have been subjected to physical, emotional, and psychological abuse, and examines the proactive coping strategies that have made their recoveries a success. Each poignant story reveals an amazing capacity for growth and an ability to adapt emotionally that offers a positive spirit to others suffering abuse.Surviving and Transcending a Traumatic Childhood: The Dark Thread examines how 90 people who have experienced childhood trauma and abuse have been able to rise above the suffering to not only endure, but prevail. In their own words, trauma survivors discuss what happened to them as children and the process they went through to become healthy, happy adults. Their stories are heartfelt, heartbreaking, and sometimes surprising in the variety of traumatic experiences, the intensity of the stress, and the number of people who were forced to deal with multiple issues in childhood, including sexual and physical abuse, alcoholism, neglect, and violence. The stories told in Surviving and Transcending a Traumatic Childhood: The Dark Thread explore: when the trauma began common feelings associated with trauma therapy and support groups getting married escaping abuse the role of religion and spirituality significant people who provided help types of homes where abuse occurred the positive effects of surviving trauma school life patterns of survival and much moreSurviving and Transcending a Traumatic Childhood: The Dark Thread also includes a list of resources that might be helpful to those in the process of transcending trauma and a self-study guide for developing a deeper understanding of the healing process.

Surviving and Transcending a Traumatic Childhood: The Dark Thread

by Linda Skogrand John DeFrain Nikki DeFrain Jean Jones

A powerful guide to transcending childhood trauma—from the people who’ve done itIt’s like a dark thread woven through a piece of cloth: You can’t pull it out without unraveling the whole thing. And it shows up here and there among all the other threads.Surviving and Transcending a Traumatic Childhood: The Dark Thread weaves together 90 stories of survival to create a silver lining of hope for those struggling to heal from childhood trauma. This unique book documents the endless challenges facing children and adults who have been subjected to physical, emotional, and psychological abuse, and examines the proactive coping strategies that have made their recoveries a success. Each poignant story reveals an amazing capacity for growth and an ability to adapt emotionally that offers a positive spirit to others suffering abuse.Surviving and Transcending a Traumatic Childhood: The Dark Thread examines how 90 people who have experienced childhood trauma and abuse have been able to rise above the suffering to not only endure, but prevail. In their own words, trauma survivors discuss what happened to them as children and the process they went through to become healthy, happy adults. Their stories are heartfelt, heartbreaking, and sometimes surprising in the variety of traumatic experiences, the intensity of the stress, and the number of people who were forced to deal with multiple issues in childhood, including sexual and physical abuse, alcoholism, neglect, and violence. The stories told in Surviving and Transcending a Traumatic Childhood: The Dark Thread explore: when the trauma began common feelings associated with trauma therapy and support groups getting married escaping abuse the role of religion and spirituality significant people who provided help types of homes where abuse occurred the positive effects of surviving trauma school life patterns of survival and much moreSurviving and Transcending a Traumatic Childhood: The Dark Thread also includes a list of resources that might be helpful to those in the process of transcending trauma and a self-study guide for developing a deeper understanding of the healing process.

Surviving Brain Damage After Assault: From Vegetative State to Meaningful Life (After Brain Injury: Survivor Stories)

by Barbara A. Wilson Samira Kashinath Dhamapurkar Anita Rose

At the age of twenty eight Gary was assaulted by a gang with baseball bats and a hammer, resulting in several skull fractures and severe brain damage. For nineteen months he had little awareness of his surroundings before he started to show some recovery. This inspirational book documents his exceptional journey. The book presents a series of interviews with Gary, his mother Wendie, who never gave up, the medical team who initially treated him, and the therapists who worked with him over a period of three years. Through their testimony we learn about the devastating effects which can follow a serious assault to the head, and the long process of recovery over several years. With specialist rehabilitation and continuing family support Gary has exceeded expectations and, apart from some minor physical problems, he is now a normal young man. Surviving Brain Damage after Assault shows that, contrary to popular belief, considerable gains can be made by people who have experienced a long period of reduced consciousness. The book will be of great value to all professionals working in rehabilitation - psychologists, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, social workers and rehabilitation doctors, and to people who have sustained a brain injury and their families.

Surviving Brain Damage After Assault: From Vegetative State to Meaningful Life (After Brain Injury: Survivor Stories)

by Barbara A. Wilson Samira Kashinath Dhamapurkar Anita Rose

At the age of twenty eight Gary was assaulted by a gang with baseball bats and a hammer, resulting in several skull fractures and severe brain damage. For nineteen months he had little awareness of his surroundings before he started to show some recovery. This inspirational book documents his exceptional journey. The book presents a series of interviews with Gary, his mother Wendie, who never gave up, the medical team who initially treated him, and the therapists who worked with him over a period of three years. Through their testimony we learn about the devastating effects which can follow a serious assault to the head, and the long process of recovery over several years. With specialist rehabilitation and continuing family support Gary has exceeded expectations and, apart from some minor physical problems, he is now a normal young man. Surviving Brain Damage after Assault shows that, contrary to popular belief, considerable gains can be made by people who have experienced a long period of reduced consciousness. The book will be of great value to all professionals working in rehabilitation - psychologists, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, social workers and rehabilitation doctors, and to people who have sustained a brain injury and their families.

Surviving Clinical Psychology: Navigating Personal, Professional and Political Selves on the Journey to Qualification

by James Randall

This vital new book navigates the personal, professional and political selves on the journey to training in clinical psychology. Readers will be able to explore a range of ways to enrich their practice through a focus on identities and differences, relationships and power within organisations, supervisory contexts, therapeutic conventions and community approaches. This book includes a rich exploration of how we make sense of personal experiences as practitioners, including chapters on self-formulation, personal therapy, and using services. Through critical discussion, practice examples, shared accounts and exercises, individuals are invited to reflect on a range of topical issues in clinical psychology. Voices often marginalised within the profession write side-by-side with those more established in the field, offering a unique perspective on the issues faced in navigating clinical training and the profession more broadly. In coming together, the authors of this book explore what clinical psychology can become. Surviving Clinical Psychology invites those early on in their careers to link ‘the political’ to personal and professional development in a way that is creative, critical and values-based, and will be of interest to pre-qualified psychologists and researchers, and those mentoring early-career practitioners.

Surviving Clinical Psychology: Navigating Personal, Professional and Political Selves on the Journey to Qualification

by James Randall

This vital new book navigates the personal, professional and political selves on the journey to training in clinical psychology. Readers will be able to explore a range of ways to enrich their practice through a focus on identities and differences, relationships and power within organisations, supervisory contexts, therapeutic conventions and community approaches. This book includes a rich exploration of how we make sense of personal experiences as practitioners, including chapters on self-formulation, personal therapy, and using services. Through critical discussion, practice examples, shared accounts and exercises, individuals are invited to reflect on a range of topical issues in clinical psychology. Voices often marginalised within the profession write side-by-side with those more established in the field, offering a unique perspective on the issues faced in navigating clinical training and the profession more broadly. In coming together, the authors of this book explore what clinical psychology can become. Surviving Clinical Psychology invites those early on in their careers to link ‘the political’ to personal and professional development in a way that is creative, critical and values-based, and will be of interest to pre-qualified psychologists and researchers, and those mentoring early-career practitioners.

Surviving Dementia: A Clinical and Personal Perspective

by Carol W. Berman

This text approaches the care of dementia patients via the experience of a psychiatrist as well as a caregiver, offering a holistic approach to care that is unlike any other book in the market. Laced with her experiences from both her professional and personal life, Huffington Post columnist and psychiatrist Dr. Carol W. Berman aims to educate mental health professionals on topics that they continue to grapple with, including diagnosis and treatment, behavioral challenges among patients, working with non-professional and professional caregivers, hospice care, and many other difficulties professionals face when caring for dementia patients. With the same easy-to-read yet informative tone Dr. Carol W. Berman is known for among her various clinical and lay resources, professionals find that this tool is an excellent resource for structuring care plans with the non-professional caregiver struggling with care management.Surviving Dementia: A Clinical and Personal Perspective is an outstanding resource for psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, social workers, and other physicians interested in models of dementia care.

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