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Theoretical Perspectives on Autobiographical Memory (NATO Science Series D: #65)

by M. A. Conway David C. Rubin Hans Spinnler Willem A. Wagenaar

The meeting Theoretical Perspectives on Autobiographical Memory was held at the Grange Hotel, Grange-over-Sands, in the Lake District region of North Western England, July 1991. The workshop was financed by a generous grant from the NATO Scientific Affairs Division under the Advanced Research Workshop programme and without this funding the meeting would not have been possible: the organisers and delegates gratefully acknowledge the support of the NATO Advanced Research Workshops programme. Thirty-five scientists from five different NATO countries attended the workshop and twenty-seven delegates presented papers. The two aims of the workshop were to bring together in one forum a number of comparatively separate approaches to autobiographical memory and to promote theory in the area generally . These aims were fulfilled in the presentations and discussions, particularly the final discussion session, in which delegates focussed on the central issues of the nature, structure, and functions of autobiographical memory and how these emerge in different research areas. The present volume contains the papers arising from the workshop. We thank Mrs. Sheila Whalley for secretarial help and Fiona Hirst and Stephen Anderson für practical assistance in coordinating registration for the workshop.

Theoretical Perspectives on Cognitive Aging

by Timothy A. Salthouse

The phenomenon of age-related cognitive decline has long been controversial, both in terms of mere existence, and with respect to how it is explained. Some researchers have dismissed it as an artifact of declining health or lower levels of education, and others have attributed it to general changes occurring in the external environment. Still other interpretations have been based on the "use it or lose it" principle -- known as the Disuse Hypothesis -- or on the idea that there are qualitative differences in either the structure or the process of cognition across the adult years. Perhaps the most popular approach at present relies on the information-processing perspective and attempts to identify the critical processing component most responsible for age-related differences in cognition. The primary purposes of this book are first to review the evidence of age-related differences in cognitive functioning and then to evaluate the major explanations proposed to account for the negative relations between age and cognition that have been established. Included is a discussion of theoretical dimensions and levels of scientific theorizing assumed to be helpful in understanding and evaluating alternative perspectives on cognitive aging. The various perspectives are then covered in detail and analyzed. The text concludes with observations about the progress that has been made in explaining cognitive aging phenomena, plus recommendations for research practices that might contribute to greater progress in the future.

Theoretical Perspectives on Cognitive Aging

by Timothy A. Salthouse

The phenomenon of age-related cognitive decline has long been controversial, both in terms of mere existence, and with respect to how it is explained. Some researchers have dismissed it as an artifact of declining health or lower levels of education, and others have attributed it to general changes occurring in the external environment. Still other interpretations have been based on the "use it or lose it" principle -- known as the Disuse Hypothesis -- or on the idea that there are qualitative differences in either the structure or the process of cognition across the adult years. Perhaps the most popular approach at present relies on the information-processing perspective and attempts to identify the critical processing component most responsible for age-related differences in cognition. The primary purposes of this book are first to review the evidence of age-related differences in cognitive functioning and then to evaluate the major explanations proposed to account for the negative relations between age and cognition that have been established. Included is a discussion of theoretical dimensions and levels of scientific theorizing assumed to be helpful in understanding and evaluating alternative perspectives on cognitive aging. The various perspectives are then covered in detail and analyzed. The text concludes with observations about the progress that has been made in explaining cognitive aging phenomena, plus recommendations for research practices that might contribute to greater progress in the future.

Theoretical Principles of Sociology, Volume 1: Macrodynamics

by Jonathan H. Turner

In a general study of Sociological Theory, social processes are usually broken down into three tiers: macrodynamics (societies and large-scale institutions), microdynamics (interpersonal encounters), and mesodynamics (corporations, communities, smaller organizations). In this seminal work, the author pulls these separate areas of research into one comprehensive general theory of social reality. More than analytical distinctions or research terminology, the author demonstrates that the social world actually unfolds along these three (macro, micro, and meso) levels of interaction. By developing a set of explanatory, testable, repeatable principles, the author creates a general empirical framework for sociological research. The three volumes of Principles of Sociology explore each level of social dynamics individually, with cross-references to bring the three together. This work will be essential for researchers in Sociological Theory and Social Psychology. Individual volumes will present new research of interest for researchers in Race and Ethnicity, Stratification, Demography, Political Sociology, Organizations and Community Movements, Motivation and Emotions.

Theoretische und empirische Beiträge zur Verwahrlosungsforschung (Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiete der Psychiatrie #1)

by K. Hartmann

Zwei Bemerkungen seien dieser Arbeit vorausgeschickt. Die erste Vorbemerkung ist eine Erläuterung: Es soll gesagt werden, welchen Tei­ len der Monographie das besondere Interesse des Autors gilt. Wie ihr Titel zum Aus­ druck bringt, enthält die Arbeit theoretische und empirische Kapitel. Die empirischen Beiträge sind das Kapitel "Methodologie", das sich mit der Erhebung, Messung und Voraussage der Verwahrlosung befaßt, sowie das Kapitel "Untersuchungsergebnisse" , welches über eine Untersuchung von 1000 verwahrlosten männlichen Minderjährigen berichtet. Von diesen beiden empirischen Beiträgen ist dem Autor besonders an dem methodischen Teil gelegen, zumal die Untersuchungsresultate nur für eine bestimmte Population gelten, aber die Untersuchungsmethoden auch bei anderen Populationen angewandt werden können. Als theoretische Beiträge verstehen sich die Kapitel "Phänomenologie", "A. tiologie" und "Terminologie". Bei diesen drei Kapiteln liegt dem Autor besonders an dem terminologischen Exkurs, da in der Fachliteratur in bezug auf die Verwahrlosung erhebliche Zuordnungsschwierigkeiten bestehen - unter anderem vermutlich auch deshalb, weil sich keine Wissenschaft mit diesem Forschungs­ bereich so recht identifizieren will: Die körperlich begründbaren Geistes-und Gemüts­ leiden sind bisher die einzigen von der Psychiatrie als Krankheiten akzeptierten Seelenstörungen; der neurotischen Affektionen hat sich die Psychoanalyse angenom­ men; die Verwahrlosungsentwicklungen werden von der Psychiatrie im allgemeinen nicht als Krankheiten und von der Psychoanalyse in der Regel nicht als Neurosen anerkannt.

Theorie und Planung Psychologischer Experimente

by J. Bredenkamp

Wissenschaftliche Forschungsberichte Abteilung C:Psychologie Band 81

Theorie und Praxis der Gruppen- und Teamsupervision

by Kornelia Rappe-Giesecke

Theorie und Praxis des Mentalen Trainings in der Klavierpädagogik: Eine vergleichende Systematisierung methodischer Zugänge unter Einbeziehung sportwissenschaftlicher Studien

by Miho Ohki

Auftrittsangst ist ein weit verbreitendes Phänomen unter Musikern. Das Ziel der Forschung ist, mit Hilfe der Sportpsychologie die Techniken des Mentalen Trainings für die Klavierpädagogik systematisch und praxisorientiert auszubauen. Den Kern der Arbeit bilden folgende drei Forschungsfragen: 1. Welche Methoden des Mentalen Trainings werden in den Bereichen von Musik und Sport angewendet? 2. Ist es möglich, die Methoden des Mentalen Trainings für Musikausübende anzuwenden und in den Klavierunterricht systematisch zu integrieren? 3. Kann eine regelmäßige Anwendung des Mentalen Trainings den Umgang mit der Auftrittsangst verbessern? Um die erste Frage zu beantworten, wird zuerst die Fachliteratur beider Bereiche (Musik und Sport) betrachtet. Danach werden die in beiden Disziplinen genutzten Methoden systematisiert und ausführlich dargestellt, um die Anwendbarkeit des Mentalen Trainings im musikalischen Bereich zu überprüfen und systematisch in den Klavierunterricht zu integrieren. Anschließend wird der Einsatz des Mentalen Trainings in der Klavierpädagogik anhand einer kleinen Studie untersucht und hinsichtlich seiner Effektivität ausgewertet.

Theorie und Praxis des systemischen Ansatzes: Die Systemtheorie Watzlawicks und Luhmanns verständlich erklärt

by Joop Willemse Falko Von Ameln

Dieses Buch bietet eine verständliche Einführung in das systemische Denken und Arbeiten auf der Grundlage der neueren Systemtheorie. Es führt dabei erstmalig zwei Perspektiven und Theorierichtungen in einem Werk zusammen: Die Systemtheorie Paul Watzlawicks sowie den soziologischen Ansatz von Niklas Luhmann. Ziel ist es, die Grundlagen des systemischen Arbeitens für Studierende, Dozenten und Praktiker eingängig und alltagsnah zu erklären, mit klaren Definitionen und zahlreichen Beispielen aus allen Lebensbereichen. Das Buch ist geeignet für die Vertiefung im Studium und für die Anwendung in Therapie, Beratung und sozialer Arbeit. Dabei werden die Praxisfelder Familie, Wohngruppen und Organisationen besonders beleuchtet. Leserinnen und Lesern dieses Buches werden die Denkweisen der genannten Theorien auf unterhaltsame Weise vermittelt und ein selbstständiger, kreativer Umgang mit ihnen ermöglicht.

Theorie und Praxis in der Lehrerbildung: Verhältnisbestimmungen aus der Perspektive von Fachdidaktiken (Edition Fachdidaktiken)

by Christian Harteis Carina Caruso Alexander Gröschner

Der Band unternimmt den Versuch, Beiträge aus unterschiedlichen Fachdidaktiken zusammenzutragen, die sich der Verhältnisbestimmung von Theorie und Praxis widmen und der Frage nachgehen, wie eine Verknüpfung von Theorie und Praxis am Lernort Hochschule konzipiert, angeleitet und erfolgreich gestaltet werden kann. Die Beiträge aus unterschiedlichen Domänen skizzieren, wie das im Zusammenhang mit Praktika obligatorische Lehren, Lernen und Forschen als Lerngelegenheit gestaltet werden kann, sodass angehende Lehrpersonen Theorie und Praxis miteinander in Beziehung setzen, relationieren und systematisieren und somit die Professionalisierung durch Praktika einen nachhaltigen Lerngewinn erzielt.

Theorien der Psychologie: Band 6: Die Verhaltensanalyse

by E. Scheerer

Theorien in der Entwicklungspsychologie

by Lieselotte Ahnert

Dieses einzigartige Lehrbuch stellt die Grundtheorien der Entwicklungspsychologie dar. Alle Kapitel wurden von führenden Experten verfasst. So ist es ideal für Studierende im Bachelor-Studiengang Psychologie, wie auch für alle Studiengänge mit entwicklungspsychologischen Inhalten. Auch für Quereinsteiger auf Masterlevel, sowie Berufseinsteiger und Weiterbildungsteilnehmer im pädagogischen Bereich bietet es einen idealen und fundierten Überblick über die fundamentalen Theorien.

Theories and Applications in the Detection of Deception: A Psychophysiological and International Perspective

by Gershon Ben-Shakhar John J. Furedy

"Polygraphy;' "lie detection;' and the "detection of deception" are all terms that refer to an application of the science of psychophysiology, which itself employs physiological measures to study and differentiate between psychological processes. The issues raised by polygraphy are controversial. One such issue is whether the polygraph is a genuinely scientifically based application, or merely a purported application, of psychophysiology. Such concerns are of interest not only to polygraph practitioners and to specialists in psychophysiology, but also to such other specialists as those in the legal and forensic professions. Moreover, there are two sorts of nonspecialists who should also be concerned. On the one hand, there are the potential "users" of the polygraph-for example, a manager who employs a polygrapher to check on subordinates; on the other hand, there are those "used by" the polygraph - the employee who is subjected to the poly­ graphic examination. To begin with the user of the polygraph, this person should know not only about its overall accuracy, but also about the rationales of the various detection methods and their validity for different purposes in different sorts of situations. This infor­ mation is important, because even for the potential user there are costs as well as benefits. Aside from the lack of trust generated by the polygraph, there have also been successful suits by employees against employers, so there are traps in polygraph usage that employers (and managers) need to keep in mind.

Theories and Practices of Psychoanalysis in Central Europe: Narrative Assemblages of Self-Analysis, Life Writing, and Fiction (History of Psychoanalysis)

by Agnieszka Sobolewska

Theories and Practices of Psychoanalysis in Central Europe explores the close relationship between psychoanalysis, psycho-medical discourses, literature, and the visual arts of the late 1800s and early 1900s in Central Europe. Agnieszka Sobolewska addresses the issue of theories and practices of psychoanalysis in Central Europe and the need to undertake interdisciplinary reflection on the specificity of psychoanalytic literary genres and fin-de-siècle psycho-medical discourses. With a focus on the circulation of Freudianism in the territories of present-day Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Germany, the book considers the creative transformations that psychoanalytic thought underwent in these countries and reflects on the specificity of psychoanalytic literary genres and the pivotal role of lifewriting genres in the psychoanalytic movement. Sobolewska’s work both fills a visible gap in research on the history of psychoanalysis in Central Europe before the outbreak of World War II and offers the first insightful analysis of the role of life writing in the development of psychoanalytic thought. Theories and Practices of Psychoanalysis in Central Europe will be of great interest to psychoanalysts in practice and in training as well as scholars of the history of psychoanalysis, the history of psychology, literature, cultural anthropology, and modernism.

Theories and Practices of Psychoanalysis in Central Europe: Narrative Assemblages of Self-Analysis, Life Writing, and Fiction (History of Psychoanalysis)

by Agnieszka Sobolewska

Theories and Practices of Psychoanalysis in Central Europe explores the close relationship between psychoanalysis, psycho-medical discourses, literature, and the visual arts of the late 1800s and early 1900s in Central Europe. Agnieszka Sobolewska addresses the issue of theories and practices of psychoanalysis in Central Europe and the need to undertake interdisciplinary reflection on the specificity of psychoanalytic literary genres and fin-de-siècle psycho-medical discourses. With a focus on the circulation of Freudianism in the territories of present-day Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Germany, the book considers the creative transformations that psychoanalytic thought underwent in these countries and reflects on the specificity of psychoanalytic literary genres and the pivotal role of lifewriting genres in the psychoanalytic movement. Sobolewska’s work both fills a visible gap in research on the history of psychoanalysis in Central Europe before the outbreak of World War II and offers the first insightful analysis of the role of life writing in the development of psychoanalytic thought. Theories and Practices of Psychoanalysis in Central Europe will be of great interest to psychoanalysts in practice and in training as well as scholars of the history of psychoanalysis, the history of psychology, literature, cultural anthropology, and modernism.

Theories for Mental Health Nursing: A Guide for Practice (PDF)

by Nicola Wright Theo Stickley

An understanding of the theories that shape and define mental health policy and practice is essential for every mental health nurse. This book gives you the knowledge you need to understand those complex and varying theories, concepts and approaches. It helps you to deconstruct mental health and become a critical practitioner by drawing on a wealth of literature and research. Topics covered include cognitive behavioural therapy, recovery, risk and critical theories. Every Chapter includes: - Learning objectives and chapter summaries which highlight the key points. - A detailed case study which challenges you to relate theory to practice. - An explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. It will be essential reading for all students of mental health nursing at pre-registration and practitioner level. It will also be valuable reading for those taking broader courses in mental health. Theo Stickley is Associate Professor of Mental Health at the University of Nottingham. Nicola Wright is Lecturer in Mental Health at the University of Nottingham.

Theories for Mental Health Nursing: A Guide for Practice

by Nicola Wright Theo Stickley

An understanding of the theories that shape and define mental health policy and practice is essential for every mental health nurse. This book gives you the knowledge you need to understand those complex and varying theories, concepts and approaches. It helps you to deconstruct mental health and become a critical practitioner by drawing on a wealth of literature and research. Topics covered include cognitive behavioural therapy, recovery, risk and critical theories. Every Chapter includes: - Learning objectives and chapter summaries which highlight the key points. - A detailed case study which challenges you to relate theory to practice. - An explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. It will be essential reading for all students of mental health nursing at pre-registration and practitioner level. It will also be valuable reading for those taking broader courses in mental health. Theo Stickley is Associate Professor of Mental Health at the University of Nottingham. Nicola Wright is Lecturer in Mental Health at the University of Nottingham.

Theories in and of Mathematics Education: Theory Strands in German Speaking Countries (ICME-13 Topical Surveys)

by Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs Andreas Vohns Oliver Schmitt Regina Bruder Willi Dörfler

This survey provides an overview of German meta-discourse on theories and mathematics education as a scientific discipline, from the 1970s to the 1990s. Two theory strands are offered: a semiotic view related to Peirce and Wittgenstein (presented by Willibald Dörfler), and the theory of learning activity by Joachim Lompscher (presented by Regina Bruder and Oliver Schmitt). By networking the two theoretical approaches in a case study of learning fractions, it clarifies the nature of the two theories, how they can be related to inform practice and renew TME-issues for mathematics education as a scientific discipline. Hans-Georg Steiner initiated the first of five international conferences on Theories of Mathematics Education (TME) to advance the founding of mathematics education as a scientific discipline, and subsequently German researchers have continued to focus on TME topics but within various theory strands.

Theories in Cognitive Psychology: The Loyola Symposium (Psychology Revivals)

by Robert L. Solso

Originally published in 1974, this volume presents up-to-date original research and theory in the field of cognition. The contributors survey the most intriguing problems of the area, including the construction of memory, retrieval from memory, concept formation, and problem solving. Also considered in the light of current cognitive theory are the fundamental questions of how language is formed and how learning takes place. The volume often views past theory and data from the perspective of new theoretical insights and provides challenging alternatives to the interpretation of previous experimentation.

Theories in Cognitive Psychology: The Loyola Symposium (Psychology Revivals)

Originally published in 1974, this volume presents up-to-date original research and theory in the field of cognition. The contributors survey the most intriguing problems of the area, including the construction of memory, retrieval from memory, concept formation, and problem solving. Also considered in the light of current cognitive theory are the fundamental questions of how language is formed and how learning takes place. The volume often views past theory and data from the perspective of new theoretical insights and provides challenging alternatives to the interpretation of previous experimentation.

Theories in Social Psychology

by Derek Chadee

Theories in Social Psychology is an edited volume that identifies and discusses in-depth the important theoretical perspectives and theories that underlie the discipline of social psychology. The only current book focusing specifically on the theories within social psychology Brings together a range of distinguished scholars in the field of social psychology – including Bertram F. Malle, Paul R. Nail, Richard E. Petty, Thomas Mussweiler, Faye J. Crosby, Miles Hewstone, Richard J. Crisp and Mein Koslowsky Critically discusses important perspectives and theories in the discipline allowing a deeper understanding of the theoretical framework Allows students and academics to reflect on theories and opens up future areas of enquiry

Theories in Social Psychology

by Derek Chadee

Theories in Social Psychology is an edited volume that identifies and discusses in-depth the important theoretical perspectives and theories that underlie the discipline of social psychology. The only current book focusing specifically on the theories within social psychology Brings together a range of distinguished scholars in the field of social psychology – including Bertram F. Malle, Paul R. Nail, Richard E. Petty, Thomas Mussweiler, Faye J. Crosby, Miles Hewstone, Richard J. Crisp and Mein Koslowsky Critically discusses important perspectives and theories in the discipline allowing a deeper understanding of the theoretical framework Allows students and academics to reflect on theories and opens up future areas of enquiry

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