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Training and Supervision for Counselling in Action (PDF)

by Windy Dryden Professor Brian Thorne

Seminars by Professor Windy Dryden. See the man live and in action. To find out more and to book your place go to ______________________________________ SAGE celebrated the 20th Anniversary of the Counselling in Action in November 2008. To view the video - click here -------------------------------------------------------------- `An excellent compilation..... Given the explosion in the demand for both counselling and supervision, this book should be required reading for all those putting a toe in these complex waters. However, I think it is also a salutary guide for those already practising as trainers and supervisors. I found the issues raised stimulated me to think again about my own practice and to profit from that exercise' - Counselling, The Journal of The British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy This accessible book explores the issues involved in both the training and supervision of counsellors and in the preparation of those who are to undertake supervisory and training roles. The number of training courses is growing and counsellors must undergo supervision if they are to be accredited by professional bodies. In this volume, leading trainers and supervisors from different counselling traditions discuss the responsibilities and the professional and practical issues involved, and a trainee and supervisee give an insider's view of what it feels like to be in these positions. The closing chapter deals with the important issue of training for counsellor trainers and supervisors.

Training and Supervision in Sport and Exercise Psychology

by Paul Mccarthy Lindsey Burns Bryan McCann Sahen Gupta

Training and Supervision in Sport and Exercise Psychology presents a labyrinth of choices and challenges for trainees and supervisors, such as training and supervision mixing the science of doing sport and exercise psychology with the art of judgement and decision-making to deliver services to athletes. With a multitude of skills to master and competencies to gain, trainees and supervisors need assurances about best practice in their field and the assessments they can trust.Including cases, trainee autobiographical cases, and examples of good practice drawn from current and ex-trainees who have become sport psychology consultants, this book aims to educate trainees how to deal competently with professional and ethical guidelines. We aim to educate trainees to get started in service delivery, set up placement, work with clients, use supervision effectively, conduct academic research, and write sound assessments before preparing for a viva voce and beginning the transition to the workplace. This book shall serve trainees and their supervisors on their journey through to qualified status.Training and supervision to become a sport and exercise psychologist is of the utmost importance in the growing profession of sport and exercise psychology. This book aims to bring clarity, guidance, and support to learning and mastering professional skills in applied sport psychology service delivery. This book is key reading for undergraduates and postgraduates studying sport and exercise psychology and those studying for taught and professional doctorates in sport and exercise psychology.

Training and Supervision in Sport and Exercise Psychology

by Paul Mccarthy Lindsey Burns Bryan McCann Sahen Gupta

Training and Supervision in Sport and Exercise Psychology presents a labyrinth of choices and challenges for trainees and supervisors, such as training and supervision mixing the science of doing sport and exercise psychology with the art of judgement and decision-making to deliver services to athletes. With a multitude of skills to master and competencies to gain, trainees and supervisors need assurances about best practice in their field and the assessments they can trust.Including cases, trainee autobiographical cases, and examples of good practice drawn from current and ex-trainees who have become sport psychology consultants, this book aims to educate trainees how to deal competently with professional and ethical guidelines. We aim to educate trainees to get started in service delivery, set up placement, work with clients, use supervision effectively, conduct academic research, and write sound assessments before preparing for a viva voce and beginning the transition to the workplace. This book shall serve trainees and their supervisors on their journey through to qualified status.Training and supervision to become a sport and exercise psychologist is of the utmost importance in the growing profession of sport and exercise psychology. This book aims to bring clarity, guidance, and support to learning and mastering professional skills in applied sport psychology service delivery. This book is key reading for undergraduates and postgraduates studying sport and exercise psychology and those studying for taught and professional doctorates in sport and exercise psychology.

Training and Training Standards: Psychological Therapies in Primary Care

by Douglas Hooper Philippa Weitz

The surge of interest in psychological therapies in GP settings makes this book timely and important for the development of this field in the 21st century. As well as the suggested syllabus for training counsellors and psychotherapists (agreed by the Counselling and Psychotherapy Forum for Primary Care), the book deals with much wider issues. Chapters deal with practitioner issues - both student and professional - management issues, and the provision of supervision and mentoring for the new counsellor as well as planning Continuous Professional Development. Chapters dealing with the history of the remarkable rise in these services help set the context of the rapid development of primary care counselling. The term 'primary care counselling' denotes the context of primary care within which psychological therapies take place and encompasses practitioners from a wide variety of therapeutic traditions. The emphasis throughout is on thorough going preparation of the new counsellor/therapist to meet the proper counselling standards required in primary care practice. It will be of value to students, course providers, counselling practice managers, supervisors as well as those who commission services and general practice doctors.

Training and Training Standards: Psychological Therapies in Primary Care

by Douglas Hooper Philippa Weitz

The surge of interest in psychological therapies in GP settings makes this book timely and important for the development of this field in the 21st century. As well as the suggested syllabus for training counsellors and psychotherapists (agreed by the Counselling and Psychotherapy Forum for Primary Care), the book deals with much wider issues. Chapters deal with practitioner issues - both student and professional - management issues, and the provision of supervision and mentoring for the new counsellor as well as planning Continuous Professional Development. Chapters dealing with the history of the remarkable rise in these services help set the context of the rapid development of primary care counselling. The term 'primary care counselling' denotes the context of primary care within which psychological therapies take place and encompasses practitioners from a wide variety of therapeutic traditions. The emphasis throughout is on thorough going preparation of the new counsellor/therapist to meet the proper counselling standards required in primary care practice. It will be of value to students, course providers, counselling practice managers, supervisors as well as those who commission services and general practice doctors.

Training bei Dyskalkulie und Rechenstörungen: Ein Manual zur Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen

by Doris Freiberger Carina Aringer Julia Büchinger Patricia Furlan

Das vorliegende Programm ist ein umfassendes Manual, welches allen Schülerinnen und Schülern helfen soll, die Probleme mit mathematischen Grundlagen und / oder das Störungsbild der „Dyskalkulie“ entwickelt haben. Es richtet sich an Trainerinnen und Trainer, die im Bereich „Dyskalkulie“ tätig sind, Therapeutinnen und Therapeuten in diesem Bereich, sowie Kindergärten und Schulen. Das Manual dient der Prävention und als Ergänzung zum Unterrichtsstoff, ebenso zur gezielten Förderung im Einzel – oder Gruppensetting dyskalkuler Kinder und Jugendlicher.

Training computerizzato di coordinazione visuo-motoria TCCVM (Metodologie Riabilitative in Logopedia #19)

by Laura Piccardi Claudio Vitturini Francesca Figliozzi Maria Rosa Pizzamiglio

Il volume ha lo scopo di produrre un valido ed efficace strumento di riabilitazione delle disabilità di coordinazione oculo-manuale per bambini dai 0 ai 18 mesi e/o per bambini affetti da patologie genetiche e neurologiche con gravi difficoltà visuo-motorie. Il Training Computerizzato di Coordinazione Visuo-Motoria (TCCVM) è strutturato in modo semplice con stimoli visivi e uditivi gradevoli articolati in 5 livelli di difficoltà che compaiono su uno schermo touch-screen. Tali caratteristiche lo rendono fruibile sia nel contesto riabilitativo che in quello familiare. Il volume comprende un CD con il training, un manuale di installazione e istruzioni. All’interno del volume è stata descritta la riabilitazione effettuata con il TCCVM in due bambine affette da differente patologia (Sindrome di Rett e Sindrome Cri-du-Chat) con grave disturbo di coordinazione occhio-mano, che hanno ottenuto importanti miglioramenti dopo l’utilizzo di questo strumento.

Training Counselling Supervisors: Strategies, Methods and Techniques (Counselling Supervision series)

by Elizabeth Holloway and Michael Carroll

`Experienced supervisors would find it useful to read as a part of their continuous professional development′ - Counselling at Work Highlighting the crucial themes intrinsic to the supervision process, this volume offers a varied selection of methods for educating supervisors. Experienced international trainers describe how they teach critical elements in the practice of supervision and outline their models for teaching in the context of their practice. The book covers a wide range of topics including: contracting; reflective processes; supervision in group and multicultural contexts; and evaluation. The text is organized to bring continuity across the elements addressed, and to heighten awareness of educational methods as a whole. Case studies and exercises for teaching are provided.

Training Counselling Supervisors: Strategies, Methods and Techniques (Counselling Supervision series)

by Elizabeth L. Holloway Michael Carroll

`Experienced supervisors would find it useful to read as a part of their continuous professional development′ - Counselling at Work Highlighting the crucial themes intrinsic to the supervision process, this volume offers a varied selection of methods for educating supervisors. Experienced international trainers describe how they teach critical elements in the practice of supervision and outline their models for teaching in the context of their practice. The book covers a wide range of topics including: contracting; reflective processes; supervision in group and multicultural contexts; and evaluation. The text is organized to bring continuity across the elements addressed, and to heighten awareness of educational methods as a whole. Case studies and exercises for teaching are provided.

Training der Impulskontrolle: Ein Manual zur Entwicklungsförderung von Kindern und Jugendlichen

by Doris Freiberger

Kinder mit einer Impulskontrollstörung fallen besonders durch ihre Persönlichkeit auf. Nach außen scheinen sie oft sehr stark zu sein, nach innen jedoch leiden sie an ihrem Unvermögen, Aufgaben so erledigen zu können wie andere gleichaltrige Kinder. Dieses Manual richtet sich an Pädagogen, Trainer und Ergotherapeuten, die mit Kindern und Jugendlichen zwischen 6-14 Jahren arbeiten und sie im Bereich der Impulskontrolle stärken möchten. Es beinhaltet komplette Stundenbilder mit Anleitungen zur Vorbereitung, benötigten Materialien und Stundenablauf.

Training emotionaler Kompetenzen: Tek - Schritt Für Schritt (Psychotherapie: Praxis)

by Matthias Berking

In diesem Buch erfahren Psychologische und Ärztliche Psychotherapeuten, Klinische Psychologen, Psychiater, Mitarbeiter in Beratungsstellen und Gesundheitscoaches, wie sie ihre Klienten darin unterstützen können, kompetent mit belastenden Gefühlen umzugehen. Diese Fähigkeit ist von zentraler Bedeutung für Wohlbefinden und psychische Gesundheit. Das Training emotionaler Kompetenzen (TEK) ist ein transdiagnostisch orientiertes Interventionsprogramm, welches immer dann eingesetzt werden kann, wenn Defizite in der Emotionsregulation als Ursache für reduziertes Wohlbefinden oder psychische Störungen angesehen werden. Das TEK ist primär als Gruppentraining konzipiert, kann aber auch im Einzelsetting eingesetzt werden. Anwendungsfelder ergeben sich (1) in der Behandlung psychischer Störungen in psychotherapeutischen Praxen, Ambulanzen und Kliniken, (2) in der Prävention psychischer Erkrankungen bei Risikogruppen, (3) für die Förderung der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung im nicht-klinischen Bereich. Aus dem Inhalt: Die zur Durchführung von TEK-Trainings notwendigen Materialien werden im Manual und zum Download im Internet zur Verfügung gestellt (Powerpoint-Präsentation, Arbeitsblätter, Fragebögen, Patientenbroschüre, Audio-Trainingslektionen etc.).

Training emotionaler Kompetenzen: Tek - Schritt Für Schritt (Psychotherapie: Praxis)

by Matthias Berking

Die eigenen Gefühle kompetent regulieren zu können – das ist zentral für die psychische Gesundheit und die effektive Auseinandersetzung mit der Umwelt. Ziel des Trainings emotionaler Kompetenzen (TEK) ist es, diese Kompetenzen systematisch aufzubauen und zu stärken.TEK wird eingesetzt (1) als flankierende Maßnahme in Ambulanz oder Klinik, (2) präventiv bei Risikogruppen, (3) Förderung der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung im nicht-klinischen Bereich. Es beruht auf den aktuellsten Befunden der klinischen Psychologie, der affektiven Neurowissenschaften und der Emotionsforschung und zeigt, wie die notwendigen Informationen über Emotionen vermittelt und effektive Emotionsregulationsstrategien erarbeitet und eingeübt werden.Alle notwendigen Materialien werden entweder im Manual oder zum Download im Internet zur Verfügung gestellt (Kursleiterunterlagen, Power-Point-Präsentation, Arbeitsblätter, Fragebogen zur Diagnostik emotionaler Kompetenzen, Patientenbroschüre, Audio-Trainingslektionen, Trainingskalender).Geschrieben für Psychologische und Ärztliche Psychotherapeuten, Klinische Psychologen, Psychiater, Mitarbeiter in Beratungsstellen.

Training emotionaler Kompetenzen: TEK - Schritt für Schritt

by Matthias Berking

Je höher unsere Emotionale Kompetenz ist, desto besser können wir mit Stress und belastenden Gefühlen umgehen. TEK – das Training emotionaler Kompetenzen – basiert auf aktuellen neurowissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen. Es eignet sich für den Einsatz in jeder Psychotherapie, bei Einzelgesprächen oder in der Gruppe. Sieben Phasen stärken die Kompetenzen von Patienten im Umgang mit Stress und negativen Emotionen: 1. Muskelentspannung, 2. Atem-Entspannung, 3. Bewertungsfreie Wahrnehmung, 4. Akzeptieren und Tolerieren, 5. Selbstunterstützung, 6. Analysieren und 7. Regulieren. Plus: Website mit Patientenbroschüre und Audiomaterialien.

Training emotionaler Kompetenzen

by Matthias Berking

Ein konstruktiver Umgang mit belastenden Emotionen ist von entscheidender Bedeutung für das Wohlbefinden und die psychische Gesundheit. Ziel des Trainings emotionaler Kompetenzen (TEK) ist es, die Kompetenzen zu vermitteln, die dafür notwendig sind. Das Training basiert auf aktuellen Erkenntnissen der Psychotherapieforschung und der affektiven Neurowissenschaften. Es eignet sich als eigenständige oder ergänzende Intervention bei der Behandlung und Prävention von psychischen Störungen sowie zur Förderung der Entwicklung der eigenen Persönlichkeit. Mit Online-Materialien.

Training for Change: Transforming Systems to be Trauma-Informed, Culturally Responsive, and Neuroscientifically Focused

by Alisha Moreland-Capuia

This book offers an integrated training and coaching system to facilitate change in systems that serve youth (education, healthcare, and juvenile justice). The integrated training and coaching system combines brain development, cultural responsivity, and trauma-informed practices. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the neurobiology of fear, brain development, trauma, substance use, and mental health, structural bias and environmental factors that pose a threat to healthy brain development. The book employs practical applications/recommendations and case examples that help solidify understanding of key concepts. Each chapter begins with a set of objectives and interactive exercises that builds on the next, thoughtfully challenging the reader (and giving specific, practical ways for the reader) to apply the information presented with the goal of "change". The text is written from the perspective of a trauma-informed addiction psychiatrist who has effectively facilitated systems change. Topics featured in this book include:Common threats to healthy brain development.The neurobiology of trauma.Applying trauma-informed practices and approaches.Cannabis and its impact on the brain.Labeling theory and implicit bias.Exploring the connection between fear and trauma.Rehabilitation versus habilitation.Managing stress through mindfulness. Training for Change will be of interest to graduate and advanced undergraduate students and researchers in the fields of cognitive psychology, criminology, public health, and child and adolescent development as well as parents, teachers, judges, attorneys, preventative medicine and pediatric providers.

Training for Work in the Informal Micro-Enterprise Sector: Fresh Evidence from Sub-Sahara Africa (Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects #3)

by Hans Christiaan Haan

In Sub-Sahara Africa, the sector of informal micro-enterprises (IMEs) is already employing a large share of the labour force in both urban and rural areas. This study reviews the ways in which the owners and workers of IMEs have acquired their vocational and management skills. It reviews the contributions of all the different training providers, including public sector training institutes, private sector training providers, and training centres run by NGOs and other non-profit organizations. The study finds that informal apprenticeship training is by far the most common source of various skills - in some countries it is likely to be responsible for 80-90% of all ongoing training efforts. Informal apprenticeship training presents a number of important advantages. At the same time it has a number of limitations. The study concludes that there is a major challenge to improve the transfer of relevant skills to IME operators, both through pre-employment training and skills upgrading. In view of the scope of the challenge to provide hundreds of thousands IME owners and workers, as well as large numbers of out of school youths with relevant practical and management skills, it suggests to build upon the strengths of the existing practices of informal apprenticeship training and to remedy its weaknesses by involving professional training providers in upgrading its training organization and delivery, quality and efficiency, and final training outcomes. It reviews the results of a number of innovative interventions in different African countries that are working in this direction. Finally, the study suggests that there is an interesting potential in ‘business-embedded training’ provided by private companies as part of their regular business operations.

Training gespreksvaardigheden voor social work

by Maritza Gerritsen Ineke Vlasman

Binnen het hoger sociaal agogisch onderwijs word je opgeleid tot een professional die beschikt over een kennisbasis, juiste attitude en grote beheersing van diverse (gespreks)vaardigheden. Vaardigheden die je in de complexiteit van het werkveld op de juiste manier moet inzetten om de cliënt en zijn omgeving zo goed mogelijk te helpen. Juist die vaardigheden zijn moeilijk te leren vanuit een boek, maar gaan gepaard met frequente oefening, herhaling en het ontvangen van feedback. Dit boek is daarom gecombineerd met een website waarop filmfragmenten, ondersteunende informatie en toetsmateriaal te vinden is.Het boek behandelt de meest voorkomende vaardigheden voor social workers in praktische zin en bevat een groot aantal oefeningen die je kunt gebruiken om je verder te bekwamen in het voeren van gesprekken met cliënten, hun netwerk en je collega's.In de filmfragmenten op de website worden veel voorkomende vaardigheden voor social workers getoond, zowel met als zonder nadere uitleg. Boek en website sluiten aan bij de actualiteit van het hedendaagse onderwijs, competentiegericht en praktijkgericht. Ook hebben de auteurs gekozen voor een goede aansluiting bij de actualiteit van het werkveld door zowel het werken met cliënten, als het werken namens en voor cliënten te behandelen.Dit boek is bedoeld om social workers in opleiding (mwd, sph, pedagogiek) en andere sociaal agogische professionals, te ondersteunen bij het ontwikkelen van gespreksvaardigheden.

Training Guide for Visiting the Sick: More Than a Social Call

by Richard L Dayringer William G Justice

Understand the basic practical aspects of pastoral care-and make your visit to the sick meaningful for both of you! Training Guide for Visiting the Sick: More Than a Social Call is a useful handbook from a Christian perspective that provides the common sense and not-so-common answers to your questions on how best to minister to the sick. Drawing on his three decades of experience as a bedside hospital chaplain, the author explains appropriate and inappropriate behaviors and suggests things to say (or not to say) to truly make your next visit fruitful for you and the patient. More than simply an educational tool, this guidebook provides clergy and Christian laypeople with spiritual explanations and straightforward strategies to not only comfort the patient but also foster the sense of joy and accomplishment in oneself.Training Guide for Visiting the Sick: More Than a Social Call teaches you to glean a positive experience from a difficult task, the visit to the sick. The author shares his insights learned in his lengthy and distinguished career in this instructional guidebook. Honest and compassionate in its portrayal of the sick and dying, the book prepares the reader spiritually, emotionally, and even physically for the challenge of the visit while focusing on the distress and the needs of the patient. At times stating practical common sense, other times shining an insightful light on the less physical aspects of the visit, this educational handbook is invaluable for all who minister, or wish to minister, to the sick.Training Guide for Visiting the Sick: More Than a Social Call discusses: Jesus&’ Eleventh Commandment-To Love One Another how to prepare yourself spiritually and emotionally for the visit the hospital patient&’s world explanations of patients&’ possible emotional, financial, family, and spiritual distress do&’s and don&’ts to note before and during a visit to the patient&’s room the special needs of shut-ins ministering to the dying ministering to difficult patients ministering to Alzheimer&’s or comatose patientsTraining Guide for Visiting the Sick: More Than a Social Call is a practical educational guide for pastors, supervisors in clinical pastoral education programs, CPE students, college and seminary students in courses in ministry to the sick, police and fire department chaplains, and family and friends of hospitalized, nursing home, and assisted living patients/residents.

Training Guide for Visiting the Sick: More Than a Social Call

by Richard L Dayringer William G Justice

Understand the basic practical aspects of pastoral care-and make your visit to the sick meaningful for both of you! Training Guide for Visiting the Sick: More Than a Social Call is a useful handbook from a Christian perspective that provides the common sense and not-so-common answers to your questions on how best to minister to the sick. Drawing on his three decades of experience as a bedside hospital chaplain, the author explains appropriate and inappropriate behaviors and suggests things to say (or not to say) to truly make your next visit fruitful for you and the patient. More than simply an educational tool, this guidebook provides clergy and Christian laypeople with spiritual explanations and straightforward strategies to not only comfort the patient but also foster the sense of joy and accomplishment in oneself.Training Guide for Visiting the Sick: More Than a Social Call teaches you to glean a positive experience from a difficult task, the visit to the sick. The author shares his insights learned in his lengthy and distinguished career in this instructional guidebook. Honest and compassionate in its portrayal of the sick and dying, the book prepares the reader spiritually, emotionally, and even physically for the challenge of the visit while focusing on the distress and the needs of the patient. At times stating practical common sense, other times shining an insightful light on the less physical aspects of the visit, this educational handbook is invaluable for all who minister, or wish to minister, to the sick.Training Guide for Visiting the Sick: More Than a Social Call discusses: Jesus&’ Eleventh Commandment-To Love One Another how to prepare yourself spiritually and emotionally for the visit the hospital patient&’s world explanations of patients&’ possible emotional, financial, family, and spiritual distress do&’s and don&’ts to note before and during a visit to the patient&’s room the special needs of shut-ins ministering to the dying ministering to difficult patients ministering to Alzheimer&’s or comatose patientsTraining Guide for Visiting the Sick: More Than a Social Call is a practical educational guide for pastors, supervisors in clinical pastoral education programs, CPE students, college and seminary students in courses in ministry to the sick, police and fire department chaplains, and family and friends of hospitalized, nursing home, and assisted living patients/residents.

Training Nonhuman Primates Using Positive Reinforcement Techniques: A Special Issue of the journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science

by Mark J. Prescott Hannah M. Buchanan-Smith

This special issue illustrates benefits to animals from positive reinforcement training (PRT) and--depending on the setting--to scientists, animal care staff, veterinarians, and in the case of the zoo, the visiting public. One important theme throughout is that training is a joint venture between human and nonhuman primate and can lead to a closer, richer relationship between the two. In summary, the editors hope this issue encourages further and wider application of PRT to primate management, care, and use, as well as aid those working with animals in applying PRT safely and effectively.

Training Nonhuman Primates Using Positive Reinforcement Techniques: A Special Issue of the journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science

by Mark J. Prescott Hannah M. Buchanan-Smith

This special issue illustrates benefits to animals from positive reinforcement training (PRT) and--depending on the setting--to scientists, animal care staff, veterinarians, and in the case of the zoo, the visiting public. One important theme throughout is that training is a joint venture between human and nonhuman primate and can lead to a closer, richer relationship between the two. In summary, the editors hope this issue encourages further and wider application of PRT to primate management, care, and use, as well as aid those working with animals in applying PRT safely and effectively.

Training Professionals Who Work With Gays and Lesbians in Educational and Workplace Settings

by Hilda Besner Charlotte I. Spungin

First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Training Professionals Who Work With Gays and Lesbians in Educational and Workplace Settings

by Hilda Besner Charlotte I. Spungin

First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Training Secrets of the World's Greatest Footballers: How Science is Transforming the Modern Game

by James Witts

Looking at every area of the game and with exclusive contributions from elite players, leading coaches and sports scientists from the world's leading clubs – including Barcelona, Real Madrid, Manchester United, Chelsea, Paris St Germain and Bayern Munich – this expert guide reveals how sports science ensures the likes of Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi and Gareth Bale deliver super-star performances every time. A brilliant combination of locker-room secrets and practical advice, this is a book that will interest both players and fans.

Training Secrets of the World's Greatest Footballers: How Science is Transforming the Modern Game

by James Witts

Looking at every area of the game and with exclusive contributions from elite players, leading coaches and sports scientists from the world's leading clubs – including Barcelona, Real Madrid, Manchester United, Chelsea, Paris St Germain and Bayern Munich – this expert guide reveals how sports science ensures the likes of Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi and Gareth Bale deliver super-star performances every time. A brilliant combination of locker-room secrets and practical advice, this is a book that will interest both players and fans.

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