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Transzendentale Genesis des Bewusstseins und der Erkenntnis: Studie zum Konstitutionsprozess in der Phänomenologie von Edmund Husserl durch wertende und synthetische Bewusstseinsleistungen (Phaenomenologica #210)

by Kristina Montagova

Die alltägliche Erfahrung jedes einzelnen Menschen ist der Ausgangspunkt von Edmund Husserls genetischer Phänomenologie. Anhand dieser Erfahrung kann das Bewusstseinsleben als solches analysiert werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit baut auf der präzisen Erforschung der Strukturen von Bewusstsein und Erkenntnis auf, die sich auf der vorapperzeptiven und vorprädikativ apperzeptiven Ebene konstituieren. Dabei zeigt sich, dass bestimmte Aktivitäten des Bewusstseins Vorstufen höherer Aktivitäten sind. Zwei dieser grundlegenden Aktivitäten analysiert die Autorin eingehend: die synthetische und die fühlend-wertende. Aus dieser Untersuchung geht ein neues Verständnis der Intentionalität und Sinngebung hervor, die einerseits eine vereinheitlichende Richtung, andererseits einen fühlend-wertenden Bezug herstellen. Dass damit auch eine Zweiseitigkeit der Bewusstseinskonstitution einher geht, ist das Ergebnis dieser hervorragenden Forschungsarbeit. In ihren Ausführungen zeigt die Autorin auch deutlich, dass die scheinbaren Brüche der phänomenologischen Methodik Husserls nur vor dem Hintergrund des Ringens um bessere Lösungen bestimmter Probleme zu verstehen sind. Viele Resultate aus dem Spätwerk Husserls lassen sich so als Modifikationen von Ansätzen erkennen, die schon in den Logischen Untersuchungen angelegt sind.Diese umfassende Studie der einzelnen Schichten der Bewusstseinsbildung erfolgt mit Hilfe der genetisch-phänomenologischen Methode. Das Gesamtwerk Husserls einschließlich der neuen Editionen und der noch unveröffentlichten Forschungsmanuskripte sowie die aktuelle Forschungslage sind in die Arbeit einbezogen. Die Gliederung verfolgt dabei konsequent den konstitutiv-genetischen Aufbau einer Bewusstseinsleistung auf einer anderen, tiefer liegenden. Viele Beispiele aus der jedem zugänglichen Erfahrung illustrieren den Text, der sich zugleich durch eine hohe Komplexität, eine tief gehende Analyse und genaue Kenntnis des Husserlschen Werkes wie auch durch gute Lesbarkeit und Verständlichkeit auszeichnet.

The Trap of Proximity Violence: Research and Insights into Male Dominance and Female Resistance

by Ignazia Bartholini

This book aims at shifting the emphasis from a general vision of gender-based violence to a more opaque, yet equally destructive one, that related to "proximity violence".The first type of violence is exercised in multiple situations and in the generality of relationships experienced by people involving others who are both strangers to and intimate with each other. Proximity violence provides and includes a fiduciary kind of "proximity", of "dependent intimacy", where the trust that the victim places in the other (her tormentor) favours the exercise of violence itself, allowing it to take place, thus making it practically imperceptible when not actually normal, in extreme cases.In turn, this confidence is comparable to "a veil of Maja" which, in conditions of vulnerability typical of victims, attenuates the consequences of the violence undergone or the omens of what becomes violent action.The conceptual triad: proximity violence, vulnerability, resistance-resilience is explored here, in the three main chapters and in the details aimed at identifying, in the final chapter, the mutual interconnections. This book will be of particular interest and use to undergraduate and graduate students of sociology and gender studies

Trapped: The Terrifying True Story Of A Young Girl's Secret World Of Abuse

by Rosie Lewis

Trapped was a Sunday Times bestseller and the first memoir from foster carer Rosie Lewis.

Trapped: Part 1 of 3

by Rosie Lewis

Trapped can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts. This is PART 1 of 3 (Chapters 1-10 of 35). You can read Part 1 two weeks ahead of release of the full-length eBook and paperback.

Trapped: Part 2 of 3

by Rosie Lewis

Trapped can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts. This is PART 2 of 3 (Chapters 11-23 of 35). You can read Part 2 one week ahead of release of the full-length eBook and paperback.

Trapped: Part 3 of 3

by Rosie Lewis

Trapped can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts. This is PART 3 of 3 (Chapters 24-35 of 35). You can read Part 3 on release of the full-length eBook and paperback.

Trash Talk: The Only Book About Destroying Your Rivals That Isn't Total Garbage

by Rafi Kohan

&“You&’re mad at me, but I am killing you.&”—NBA star Gary Payton&“Find the hate.&”—NFL star Warren Sapp&“Why can&’t you be more like Rafi Kohan?&”—your mom, probably Whether in basketball, football, or MMA, athletes talk trash to each other—and sometimes to fans—like it&’s their job. And in some ways, it is: sports only matter if we decide to care about them. And insulting your opponent, or playing the heel, is probably the fastest route to making someone care. Talking smack is as old as the bible; it&’s perhaps the original sport. But until now, there&’s never been a book about it. In this lively, often hilarious history, Rafi Kohan interviews some of the world&’s top competitors—on the petty rivalries and mind games that fuel them. He talks to point guards and soccer strikers, cricketers and insult comedians, forming a theory along the way about the surprising and influential role that name-calling plays in our world. Brilliantly original and wide-ranging, Trash Talk is a book for sports fans, culture mavens, or anyone looking to get an edge.

Trauer an Schulen: Basiswissen und Hinweise zum Umgang mit Sterben und Tod

by Matthias Böhmer Georges Steffgen

Das Buch befasst sich mit dem Umgang mit Trauer an Schulen. Es werden Trauerreaktionen von Kindern und Jugendlichen beschrieben und Trauergründe dargestellt: Tod aufgrund einer chronischen Erkrankung, plötzliche Todesfälle wie Suizid, Unfall und schwere zielgerichtete Gewalt. Entsprechende Interventionsmaßnahmen werden vorgestellt. Abschließend wird auf die Grenzen dieser Interventionsmaßnahmen in der Schule eingegangen.

Trauer in Zeiten der Corona-Krise: Eine qualitative Untersuchung zum Trauererleben weiblicher Adoleszenter während der Covid-19-Pandemie (BestMasters)

by Davina Klevinghaus

Die Covid-19-Pandemie tangiert das Alltagserleben zahlreicher junger Menschen in Deutschland mitunter gravierend. Wie kann es unter diesen Umständen gelingen, die Trauer nach dem Verlust einer nahestehenden Person in ein von Unabwägbarkeiten und radikalen Veränderungen geprägtes Leben zu integrieren? Welche Belastungen und Ressourcen rücken in Anbetracht der ubiquitären Bedrohung durch das Coronavirus besonders in den Fokus? Auf diese Fragen sowie auf weitere Spezifika des Trauererlebens weiblicher Adoleszenter im Zuge der Pandemie wird - rekurrierend auf Bezugstheorien der Trauer- und Stressforschung - der Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit gerichtet. Die geführten Interviews deuten auf erhebliche interindividuelle Unterschiede im Pandemie- und Verlusterleben sowie in den Verarbeitungsformen der eigenen Trauer hin. Zugleich lassen sich zahlreiche geteilte Erfahrungen rekonstruieren. Insofern bieten die Analysen einen grundlegenden Reflexionsanlass im Hinblick auf die Partizipationsmöglichkeiten junger Menschen, den Zugang zu trauerbezogenen Unterstützungsangeboten sowie auf den gesamtgesellschaftlichen Umgang mit Sterben, Tod und Trauer.

Trauer verstehen: Formen, Erklärungen, Hilfen

by Kerstin Lammer

Trauer verstehenTrauernden wirksam helfen, ihren Verlust zu bewältigen und sich in einer veränderten Lebenssituation neu zu orientieren – das leistet professionelle Trauerbegleitung. Wie das geht, zeigt dieses Buch. Kurz und bündig werden die Ergebnisse neuerer internationaler Trauerforschung aufbereitet und zu einem Praxismodell entwickelt. Drei Querschnitte präsentieren: - Studien, die Formen der Trauer beschreiben,- Theorien, die Trauer psychologisch erklären,- Modelle, die Trauer bewältigen helfenMit vielen Schaubildern und Beispielen aus der Praxis.Formen, Erklärungen, HilfenDer Leser, die Leserin findet ein verständliches Buch, das mit Mythen über Trauerprozesse aufräumt und eine hilfreiche Basis für die Bewältigungsarbeit mit Betroffenen sein kann. Die Autorin identifiziert Aufgaben, die Trauernde nach dem Verlust eines für sie bedeutsamen Menschen bewältigen müssen. Sie entwickelt daraus – als geeignetere Alternative zu gängigen Phasenmodellen – ihr Aufgabenmodell der Trauerbegleitung:- Tod begreifen helfen (Realisation)- Reaktionen Raum geben (Initiation)- Anerkennung des Verlusts äußern (Validation)- Übergänge unterstützen (Progression)- Erinnern und Erzählen ermutigen (Rekonstruktion)- Risiken und Ressourcen einschätzen (Evaluation)Eine praxisnahe Basis für die professionelle Beratung Trauernder

Trauma: A Social Theory (Cambridge Cultural Social Studies)

by Jeffrey C. Alexander

In this book Jeffrey C. Alexander develops an original social theory of trauma and uses it to carry out a series of empirical investigations into social suffering around the globe. Alexander argues that traumas are not merely psychological but collective experiences, and that trauma work plays a key role in defining the origins and outcomes of critical social conflicts. He outlines a model of trauma work that relates interests of carrier groups, competing narrative identifications of victim and perpetrator, utopian and dystopian proposals for trauma resolution, the performative power of constructed events, and the distribution of organizational resources. Alexander explores these processes in richly textured case studies of cultural-trauma origins and effects, from the universalism of the Holocaust to the particularism of the Israeli right, from postcolonial battles over the Partition of India and Pakistan to the invisibility of the Rape of Nanjing in Maoist China. In a particularly controversial chapter, Alexander describes the idealizing discourse of globalization as a trauma-response to the Cold War. Contemporary societies have often been described as more concerned with the past than the future, more with tragedy than progress. In Trauma: A Social Theory, Alexander explains why.

Trauma: A Social Theory

by Jeffrey C. Alexander

In this book Jeffrey C. Alexander develops an original social theory of trauma and uses it to carry out a series of empirical investigations into social suffering around the globe. Alexander argues that traumas are not merely psychological but collective experiences, and that trauma work plays a key role in defining the origins and outcomes of critical social conflicts. He outlines a model of trauma work that relates interests of carrier groups, competing narrative identifications of victim and perpetrator, utopian and dystopian proposals for trauma resolution, the performative power of constructed events, and the distribution of organizational resources. Alexander explores these processes in richly textured case studies of cultural-trauma origins and effects, from the universalism of the Holocaust to the particularism of the Israeli right, from postcolonial battles over the Partition of India and Pakistan to the invisibility of the Rape of Nanjing in Maoist China. In a particularly controversial chapter, Alexander describes the idealizing discourse of globalization as a trauma-response to the Cold War. Contemporary societies have often been described as more concerned with the past than the future, more with tragedy than progress. In Trauma: A Social Theory, Alexander explains why.

Trauma: Life Stories of Survivors

by Selma Leydesdorff

Traumatic experiences and their consequences are often the core of life stories told by survivors of violence. In Trauma: Life Stories of Survivors leading academics explore the relationship between the experiences of terror and helplessness that have caused trauma, the ways in which survivors remember, and the representation of these memories in the language and form of their life stories.International case studies include the migration of Ethiopian Jews to Israel, the life stories of Guatemalan war widows, violence in South Africa, persecution of political prisoners in South Africa and the former Czechoslovakia, lynching in the Mississippi Delta, resistance in Zimbabwe's liberation war, sexual abuse, and the ongoing Irish troubles. The volume reveals the complexity of remembering and forgetting traumatic experiences, and shows that survivors are likely to express themselves in stories containing elements that are imaginary, fragmented, and loaded with symbolism. Trauma: Life Stories of Survivors is a groundbreaking work of relevance across the social sciences. This new perspective on trauma will be of particular importance to researchers in psychology, history, women's studies, anthropology, sociology and cultural studies.

Trauma: Life Stories of Survivors (Routledge Studies In Memory And Narrative Ser. #Vol. 2)

by Selma Leydesdorff

Traumatic experiences and their consequences are often the core of life stories told by survivors of violence. In Trauma: Life Stories of Survivors leading academics explore the relationship between the experiences of terror and helplessness that have caused trauma, the ways in which survivors remember, and the representation of these memories in the language and form of their life stories.International case studies include the migration of Ethiopian Jews to Israel, the life stories of Guatemalan war widows, violence in South Africa, persecution of political prisoners in South Africa and the former Czechoslovakia, lynching in the Mississippi Delta, resistance in Zimbabwe's liberation war, sexual abuse, and the ongoing Irish troubles. The volume reveals the complexity of remembering and forgetting traumatic experiences, and shows that survivors are likely to express themselves in stories containing elements that are imaginary, fragmented, and loaded with symbolism. Trauma: Life Stories of Survivors is a groundbreaking work of relevance across the social sciences. This new perspective on trauma will be of particular importance to researchers in psychology, history, women's studies, anthropology, sociology and cultural studies.

Trauma: A Genealogy

by Ruth Leys

Psychic trauma is one of the most frequently invoked ideas in the behavioral sciences and the humanities today. Yet bitter disputes have marked the discussion of trauma ever since it first became an issue in the 1870s, growing even more heated in recent years following official recognition of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In a book that is bound to ignite controversy, Ruth Leys investigates the history of the concept of trauma. She explores the emergence of multiple personality disorder, Freud's approaches to trauma, medical responses to shellshock and combat fatigue, Sándor Ferenczi's revisions of psychoanalysis, and the mutually reinforcing, often problematic work of certain contemporary neurobiological and postmodernist theorists. Leys argues that the concept of trauma has always been fundamentally unstable, oscillating uncontrollably between two competing models, each of which tends at its limit to collapse into the other. A powerfully argued work of intellectual history, Trauma will rewrite the terms of future discussion of its subject.

Trauma: A Genealogy

by Ruth Leys

Psychic trauma is one of the most frequently invoked ideas in the behavioral sciences and the humanities today. Yet bitter disputes have marked the discussion of trauma ever since it first became an issue in the 1870s, growing even more heated in recent years following official recognition of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In a book that is bound to ignite controversy, Ruth Leys investigates the history of the concept of trauma. She explores the emergence of multiple personality disorder, Freud's approaches to trauma, medical responses to shellshock and combat fatigue, Sándor Ferenczi's revisions of psychoanalysis, and the mutually reinforcing, often problematic work of certain contemporary neurobiological and postmodernist theorists. Leys argues that the concept of trauma has always been fundamentally unstable, oscillating uncontrollably between two competing models, each of which tends at its limit to collapse into the other. A powerfully argued work of intellectual history, Trauma will rewrite the terms of future discussion of its subject.

Trauma: A Genealogy

by Ruth Leys

Psychic trauma is one of the most frequently invoked ideas in the behavioral sciences and the humanities today. Yet bitter disputes have marked the discussion of trauma ever since it first became an issue in the 1870s, growing even more heated in recent years following official recognition of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In a book that is bound to ignite controversy, Ruth Leys investigates the history of the concept of trauma. She explores the emergence of multiple personality disorder, Freud's approaches to trauma, medical responses to shellshock and combat fatigue, Sándor Ferenczi's revisions of psychoanalysis, and the mutually reinforcing, often problematic work of certain contemporary neurobiological and postmodernist theorists. Leys argues that the concept of trauma has always been fundamentally unstable, oscillating uncontrollably between two competing models, each of which tends at its limit to collapse into the other. A powerfully argued work of intellectual history, Trauma will rewrite the terms of future discussion of its subject.

Trauma: A Practitioner's Guide to Counselling

by Thom Spiers

In recent years a number of high-profile disasters have heightened public awareness of the impact of trauma. This book offers a comprehensive guide to all aspects of trauma counselling, covering: * trauma assessment * resourcing the trauma client * trauma aftercare * working with trauma in private practice * trauma and the therapist * a brief history of trauma. This practical and effective guide to trauma counselling will be invaluable to counsellors, GPs, social workers, human resource managers, emergency response organisations and all those involved in treating trauma victims using counselling skills.

Trauma: A Practitioner's Guide to Counselling

by Thom Spiers

In recent years a number of high-profile disasters have heightened public awareness of the impact of trauma. This book offers a comprehensive guide to all aspects of trauma counselling, covering: * trauma assessment * resourcing the trauma client * trauma aftercare * working with trauma in private practice * trauma and the therapist * a brief history of trauma. This practical and effective guide to trauma counselling will be invaluable to counsellors, GPs, social workers, human resource managers, emergency response organisations and all those involved in treating trauma victims using counselling skills.

Trauma, Abandonment and Privilege: A guide to therapeutic work with boarding school survivors

by Thurstine Basset Nick Duffell

Trauma, Abandonment and Privilege discusses how ex-boarders can be amongst the most challenging clients for therapists; even experienced therapists may unwittingly struggle to skilfully address the needs of this client group. It looks at the effect on adults of being sent away to board in childhood and the problems associated with boarding, which have only recently been acknowledged by mainstream mental health professionals. This practice-based book is illustrated by case studies, diagrams and exercises and is divided into three parts: ‘Recognition; Acceptance; Change’. It aims to help readers understand the emotional processes of boarding and the psychological aspects of survival, outlining the steps toward recovery and the repercussions of survival. The book also explores how ex-boarders frequently struggle with intimate relationships with spouses and partners and offers interventions and strategies for those working with ex-boarder clients. Trauma, Abandonment and Privilege will be of interest to therapists, counsellors and mental health workers across the UK. It will also be relevant to those who are well acquainted with boarding schools based on the UK model, for example in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and India.

Trauma, Abandonment and Privilege: A guide to therapeutic work with boarding school survivors

by Thurstine Basset Nick Duffell

Trauma, Abandonment and Privilege discusses how ex-boarders can be amongst the most challenging clients for therapists; even experienced therapists may unwittingly struggle to skilfully address the needs of this client group. It looks at the effect on adults of being sent away to board in childhood and the problems associated with boarding, which have only recently been acknowledged by mainstream mental health professionals. This practice-based book is illustrated by case studies, diagrams and exercises and is divided into three parts: ‘Recognition; Acceptance; Change’. It aims to help readers understand the emotional processes of boarding and the psychological aspects of survival, outlining the steps toward recovery and the repercussions of survival. The book also explores how ex-boarders frequently struggle with intimate relationships with spouses and partners and offers interventions and strategies for those working with ex-boarder clients. Trauma, Abandonment and Privilege will be of interest to therapists, counsellors and mental health workers across the UK. It will also be relevant to those who are well acquainted with boarding schools based on the UK model, for example in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and India.

Trauma Among Older People: Issues and Treatment

by Leon Albert Hyer Steven Sohnle

Trauma Among Older Adults presents an integrative model of treatment that considers current theories of treatment in light of special considerations relating to elderly patients. The book provides case studies, vignettes, and discussions, and demonstrates the importance of considering the personality, memory, and familial history of an elderly individual who has suffered a trauma.

Trauma Among Older People: Issues and Treatment

by Leon Albert Hyer Steven Sohnle

Trauma Among Older Adults presents an integrative model of treatment that considers current theories of treatment in light of special considerations relating to elderly patients. The book provides case studies, vignettes, and discussions, and demonstrates the importance of considering the personality, memory, and familial history of an elderly individual who has suffered a trauma.

Trauma and Attachment (The Bowlby Centre Monograph Series)

by Kate White Sarah Benamer

This monograph contains a rich variety of material that is not usually included in traditional writings on trauma. In addition to the theoretical and clinical perspectives, poetry and storytelling join in to weave a vivid tapestry of multifaceted approaches to trauma. Whilst remaining true to its theoretical base (which, of course, is Bowlby's attachment theory), the monograph succeeds in locating its subject matter in wider perspectives, thus enabling the reader to appreciate the complexity of contributing factors. It is not easy to compile a single publication out of a conference; yet, this monograph achieves its objective by offering a coherent treatment of trauma that also includes some up-to-date approaches and innovations. The papers are written with authority, clarity and sensitivity and will provide the reader with a most beneficial elaboration of trauma from an attachment theory perspective.

Trauma and Attachment (The Bowlby Centre Monograph Series)

by Kate White Sarah Benamer

This monograph contains a rich variety of material that is not usually included in traditional writings on trauma. In addition to the theoretical and clinical perspectives, poetry and storytelling join in to weave a vivid tapestry of multifaceted approaches to trauma. Whilst remaining true to its theoretical base (which, of course, is Bowlby's attachment theory), the monograph succeeds in locating its subject matter in wider perspectives, thus enabling the reader to appreciate the complexity of contributing factors. It is not easy to compile a single publication out of a conference; yet, this monograph achieves its objective by offering a coherent treatment of trauma that also includes some up-to-date approaches and innovations. The papers are written with authority, clarity and sensitivity and will provide the reader with a most beneficial elaboration of trauma from an attachment theory perspective.

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