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Showing 67,651 through 67,675 of 68,144 results

The World-Directedness of Emotional Feeling: On Affect and Intentionality

by Jean Moritz Müller

This book engages with what are widely recognized as the two core dimensions of emotion. When we are afraid, glad or disappointed, we feel a certain way; moreover, our emotion is intentional or directed at something: we are afraid of something, glad or disappointed about something. Connecting with a vital strand of recent philosophical thinking, Müller conceives of these two aspects of emotion as unified. Examining different possible ways of developing the view that the feeling dimension of emotion is itself intentional, he argues against the currently popular view that it is a form of perception-like receptivity to value. Müller instead proposes that emotional feeling is a specific type of response to value, an affective ‘position-taking’. This alternative conceives of emotional feeling as intimately related to our cares and concerns. While situating itself within the analytic-philosophical debate on emotion, the discussion crucially draws on ideas from the early phenomenological tradition and thinks past the theoretical strictures of many contemporary approaches to this subject. The result is an innovative view of emotional feeling as a thoroughly personal form of engagement with value.

World Englishes in English Language Teaching

by Alex Baratta

This book provides an in-depth exploration of World Englishes and their place in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom. It opens with a critical assessment of the research to date that includes analysis of competing and complementary terms such as English as an International Language (EIL), Global English, English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) and 'Glocal English'. Here, and throughout the work, the author problematizes the terminologies used to define and describe Englishes, arguing for example for the need to distinguish between Chinglish and China English. The book then turns to an examination of three case study varieties of non-inner circle English: Konglish, Singlish and Indian English; before exploring the results of an original empirical study into language attitudes concerning several varieties of English among language teachers and learners. Finally, sample exercises for the classroom are provided. This book will be of particular interest to language teachers and teacher trainers, and to students and scholars of EFL and applied linguistics more broadly.

The World of Bereavement: Cultural Perspectives on Death in Families (International and Cultural Psychology)

by Joanne Cacciatore John DeFrain

This visionary work explores the sensitive balance between the personal and private aspects of grief, the social and cultural variables that unite communities in bereavement, and the universal experience of loss. Its global journey takes readers into the processes of coping, ritual, and belief across established and emerging nations, indigenous cultures, and countries undergoing major upheavals, richly detailed by native scholars and practitioners. In these pages, culture itself is recognized as formed through many lenses, from the ancestral to the experiential. The human capacity to mourn, endure, and make meaning is examined in papers such as: Death, grief, and culture in Kenya: experiential strengths-based research. Death and grief in Korea: the continuum of life and death.To live with death: loss in Romanian culture.The Brazilian ways of living, dying, and grieving.Death and bereavement in Israel: Jewish, Muslim, and Christian perspectives.Completing the circle of life: death and grief among Native Americans.It is always normal to remember: death, grief, and culture in Australia.The World of Bereavement will fascinate and inspire clinicians, providers, and researchers in the field of death studies as well as privately-held professional training programs and the bereavement community in general.

The World of Deaf Infants: A Longitudinal Study (Perspectives on Deafness)

by Kathryn P. Meadow-Orlans Patricia Elizabeth Spencer Lynne Sanford Koester

What is the impact of an infant's diminished hearing on the infant and its parents? How does communication develop in cases of diminished hearing? How does diminished hearing affect social and cognitive development? What types of early interventions can improve communication and development in infants with diminished hearing? The World of Deaf Infants presents the results of a 15-year research study that addresses these questions. Through their research, perhaps the largest, long-term comparison of deaf and hearing infants, Meadow-Orlans's team provides a comprehensive and intimate look into the world of deaf infants. For a core group of 80 families that includs all four combinations of parent-infant hearing status, data was collected longitudinally at 9, 12, 15, and 18 months, and mother-infant interactions were recorded and observed in both structured and unstructured settings. Mothers' facial, vocal, and tactile behaviors during interactions were related to infants' temperament and stress; mothers' linguistic and communication behaviors, as well as their overall responsiveness, were related to children's language; and the effects of support provided to mothers were evaluated and explored. The results were dramatic, particularly those on infant attachment behaviors and the importance of visual attention to the overall development of deaf infants. This comprehensive work provides a foundation on which researchers, teachers, students, and parents can build to improve communication, cognitive and social development, and to enhance the world of deaf infants.

The World of Perception

by Maurice Merleau-Ponty

'In simple prose Merleau-Ponty touches on his principle themes. He speaks about the body and the world, the coexistence of space and things, the unfortunate optimism of science – and also the insidious stickiness of honey, and the mystery of anger.' - James ElkinsMaurice Merleau-Ponty was one of the most important thinkers of the post-war era. Central to his thought was the idea that human understanding comes from our bodily experience of the world that we perceive: a deceptively simple argument, perhaps, but one that he felt had to be made in the wake of attacks from contemporary science and the philosophy of Descartes on the reliability of human perception.From this starting point, Merleau-Ponty presented these seven lectures on The World of Perception to French radio listeners in 1948. Available in a paperback English translation for the first time in the Routledge Classics series to mark the centenary of Merleau-Ponty’s birth, this is a dazzling and accessible guide to a whole universe of experience, from the pursuit of scientific knowledge, through the psychic life of animals to the glories of the art of Paul Cézanne.

The World of Perception

by Maurice Merleau-Ponty

'In simple prose Merleau-Ponty touches on his principle themes. He speaks about the body and the world, the coexistence of space and things, the unfortunate optimism of science – and also the insidious stickiness of honey, and the mystery of anger.' - James ElkinsMaurice Merleau-Ponty was one of the most important thinkers of the post-war era. Central to his thought was the idea that human understanding comes from our bodily experience of the world that we perceive: a deceptively simple argument, perhaps, but one that he felt had to be made in the wake of attacks from contemporary science and the philosophy of Descartes on the reliability of human perception.From this starting point, Merleau-Ponty presented these seven lectures on The World of Perception to French radio listeners in 1948. Available in a paperback English translation for the first time in the Routledge Classics series to mark the centenary of Merleau-Ponty’s birth, this is a dazzling and accessible guide to a whole universe of experience, from the pursuit of scientific knowledge, through the psychic life of animals to the glories of the art of Paul Cézanne.

The World of Sex (Penguin Modern Classics)

by Henry Miller

In The World of Sex, Henry Miller, one of the most scandalous writers of the 20th century explains his literary project Henry Miller's bold, explicit novels scandalized readers and remade the literature of his day. In this uncompromising literary manifesto he argues that sex is at the heart of his writing because it is at the heart of life - a vital force as essential as bread, money, work or play. Drawing on his own experiences and on the writing of his famously banned novels in Paris, he shows sex as a mysterious realm that must be explored if we are to be truly free.

The World of the Japanese Mind: Conformity and Seken (SpringerBriefs in Sociology)

by Noriatsu Matsui

This book investigates the source from which the pressure to conform arises in Japanese society. Even though the contemporary Japanese word for “society” (Shakai) has a history of 140 years, it does not include the concept of respecting the individual but refers mainly to social frameworks and institutional aspects. At the same time, the traditional Japanese terms for “society”, primarily Seken, that have been in use for 1,400 years have embraced human relationships of the members of the group.The hypothesis of this book is that there is no “society” as such in Japanese people’s minds. By proposing a new model (the Hand-Carved Tripod Model) of conformity in Japan, the book shows the structure of the pressure to conform. The tripod is composed of ambiguous words, the sense of belonging, and the “air”, or understanding, that represents the unwritten rules and regulations of Seken.Conformity in Japanese people’s minds takesdifferent forms, from small residential groups to corporations at work, and to nationwide associations, but always dictates that people follow everyone else in the organization.This book examines the sense of being blocked in Japan that has prevailed over 30 years, during the period of the so-called Three Lost Decades in Japan. Examining phenomena such as low worker engagement, karoshi (death by overwork), high middle-age male suicide rates, bullying in school and at work, sex discrimination, hereditary membership in the Diet, and failure to provide adequate protection for whistle-blowers, this book reveals a common structure in Japanese minds: lack of respect for individuality, and the traditional and narrow sense of the world, i.e., Seken.This book will be beneficial to scholars and graduate students as well as to businesspeople who are interested in understanding the behavior and minds of Japanese people from the psychological,cultural, and historical viewpoints. It provides an integrated view of Japan’s Seken as the platform that generates their conformity.

World of the Third and Hegemonic Capital: Between Marx and Freud (Marx, Engels, and Marxisms)

by Anjan Chakrabarti Anup Dhar

This book brings together Marxian philosophy and Lacanian psychoanalysis to argue that the hegemonic form of global capital is founded on the foreclosure of class and world of the third. The authors counterpose the world of the third to the mainstream notion of the third world, seen as a lacking other in desperate need of aid and development. Thus, for them, the hegemonic form of global capital is engendered through the foregrounding of the poor, victim third world and the foreclosure of the non-capitalist world of the third. Building on what they characterize as an ab-original reading of Marxian historical materialism and the Lacanian real, the authors seek to conceptualize a counter-hegemonic revolutionary subject as a basis for postcapitalist alternatives to the hegemonic form of global capital.

The World of Touch

by David Katz

For the first time, David Katz's classic monograph The World of Touch has been translated into English. Regarded as one of the premiere experimental psychologists, Katz vigorously opposed the atomism and "tachistoscopic" mentality typical of the sensory psychology of his day. In The World of Touch, Katz sought to dispel the invidious distinction between the supposedly higher (e.g., vision, audition) and lower (e.g., touch) senses. To help touch regain its original prominence in the field, Katz demonstrated, through very simple, yet creative experiments, how fascinating the abilities of touch are, and how valuable the tactual stimulus can be in specifying objects, surfaces, substances, and events. In addition, Katz emphasized the importance of higher-order invariants in the perception of objects, and the holistic quality of perception in time as well as space.

The World of Touch

by David Katz

For the first time, David Katz's classic monograph The World of Touch has been translated into English. Regarded as one of the premiere experimental psychologists, Katz vigorously opposed the atomism and "tachistoscopic" mentality typical of the sensory psychology of his day. In The World of Touch, Katz sought to dispel the invidious distinction between the supposedly higher (e.g., vision, audition) and lower (e.g., touch) senses. To help touch regain its original prominence in the field, Katz demonstrated, through very simple, yet creative experiments, how fascinating the abilities of touch are, and how valuable the tactual stimulus can be in specifying objects, surfaces, substances, and events. In addition, Katz emphasized the importance of higher-order invariants in the perception of objects, and the holistic quality of perception in time as well as space.

The World within the Group: Developing Theory for Group Analysis (The New International Library of Group Analysis)

by Martin Weegmann

The World within the Group is an original and ambitious endeavour to connect group analysis to philosophy, history, and modern social theory. The book argues that group analysis needs theoretical renewal to remain relevant, and that philosophy is a valuable resource for such thinking. In particular, the work of three philosophers is examined: Nietzsche, Dewey, and Gadamer, each being associated with "pragmatic-perspective" inquiry. The author demonstrates that group analysis is compatible with such inquiry, and that we understand and intervene from within the horizon of specific traditions of training and theory. Group analysis typifies an unremitting relational stance, valuing openness of dialogue, and moving in and out of the perspectival worlds of the participants. The book also offers a re-formulation of the concept of social unconscious, seen as a discursive world of production and articulation. Drawing on contemporary social theories, it chimes with the spirit of Elias's historical approach.

The World within the Group: Developing Theory for Group Analysis (The New International Library of Group Analysis)

by Martin Weegmann

The World within the Group is an original and ambitious endeavour to connect group analysis to philosophy, history, and modern social theory. The book argues that group analysis needs theoretical renewal to remain relevant, and that philosophy is a valuable resource for such thinking. In particular, the work of three philosophers is examined: Nietzsche, Dewey, and Gadamer, each being associated with "pragmatic-perspective" inquiry. The author demonstrates that group analysis is compatible with such inquiry, and that we understand and intervene from within the horizon of specific traditions of training and theory. Group analysis typifies an unremitting relational stance, valuing openness of dialogue, and moving in and out of the perspectival worlds of the participants. The book also offers a re-formulation of the concept of social unconscious, seen as a discursive world of production and articulation. Drawing on contemporary social theories, it chimes with the spirit of Elias's historical approach.

Worldmaking: Psychology and the Ideology of Creativity (Palgrave Studies in the Theory and History of Psychology)

by Michael Hanchett Hanson

Michael Hanchett Hanson weaves together the history of the development of the psychological concepts of creativity with social constructivist views of power dynamics and pragmatic insights. He provides an engaging, thought-provoking analysis to interest anyone involved with creativity, from psychologists and educators to artists and philosophers.

World's Ends

by Paul Chaplin

The Coronavirus crisis uniquely offers dramatic insights into psychology: individual, crowd and political. As a Certified CBT Practitioner, and former barrister and solicitor, with his unique life experience, Paul offers his own insights on this world-changing crisis. Blowing suddenly from the East, a world crisis which has convulsed and transformed Britain. A pandemic crisis, for which the UK Government had no Plan.Or Did It?See examined for the first time how the UK Government had a SARS-Cov pandemic Plan in place since 2011 ready to deal with 250,000 covid deaths and avoid closing down the country.And see, too, the documents showing how, in three short weeks of February and March 2020, the UK Government UK ditched that careful Plan, and Locked down instead.Did the Government follow the science? Or were Focus Groups used to decide what the science should say?Read how the UK Government paid for professional psychologists’ advice on how most to threaten the UK population with death messages and how the use of death forecasts, invented in days, were deliberately used to create Coronaphobia.See how the UK Government suppressed the existing SARS-Cov research and models, created over 10 years by experts, so you could not check its new terror messaging and then read for yourself the hidden (but not secret) UK Government documents, and the court papers documenting legal challenges, which claim the Government lied about the science.This best-selling CBT author now details how we can each cope with the psychological pressures induced by mass-media stories, statistics of doom, the reality of isolation and social distancing. By offering CBT insights and practical exercises, Paul shows how to extract individual comfort and peace from a time of crisis. It is by focusing on the reality of You in the now, with clarity and understanding, that the new worlds formed by the coronavirus crisis can best be lived.By using the techniques and exercises in this book, You can learn not just to live with isolation, but gain distinct benefits from it. You can learn how physical social distancing can actually bring you closer. And save for those very few who have sadly succumbed, whether of or with this virus, the journey of You has not ended. It now treads unexpected paths. This book is a guide to navigating hope in your lived reality, by realising the Power of You.

Worlds of Autism: Across The Spectrum Of Neurological Difference. Univ. Of Minnesota

by Joyce Davidson and Michael Orsini

Since first being identified as a distinct psychiatric disorder in 1943, autism has been steeped in contestation and controversy. Bringing together innovative work on autism by international scholars in the social sciences and humanities, 'Worlds of Autism' boldly challenges the deficit narrative prevalent in both popular and scientific accounts of autism spectrum disorders, instead situating autism within an abilities framework that respects the complex personhood of individuals with autism.

Worlds of Common Sense: Equality, Identity, and Two Modes of Impulse Management (International Contributions in Psychology)

by Pauline Pepinsky

This book explores the construction and maintenance of alternative worlds of common sense. Employing a comparative approach, Dr. Pepinsky monitors events in Norway and the United States over several decades, treating these countries as prototypes of societies that are classifiable as modern Western democracies, but which exhibit marked contrasts in size and cultural homogeneity. She examines the conditions under which different social realities are generated, the assumptions that they presuppose, and the practices that sustain them. She then goes on to analyze the methods by which continuity is maintained and the grounds upon which changes are legitimized over time.Pepinsky directs her book at an interdisciplinary audience. She addresses problems of increasing concern in the social sciences and in the world at large. Cultural differences in modal perspective affect the formulation of public policies and also contribute to intergroup tensions, as interpersonal relations are simultaneously becoming intercultural encounters within many contemporary societies. Researchers and students in social and cross-cultural psychology, ethnography, sociology, and political science will find this work of considerable interest.

Worlds Of Experience: Interweaving Philosophical And Clinical Dimensions In Psychoanalysis

by Donna Orange George Atwood Robert Stolorow

The intersubjective perspective regards all psychological processes as emanating from personal interrelatedness. First presented by Robert D. Stolorow in his classic work Faces in a Cloud (1978), it is one of the most powerful concepts to be introduced into the post-Freudian era. In Worlds of Experience, Dr. Stolorow and two eminent colleagues elaborate on intersubjectivity, going beyond the clinical and theoretical questions of earlier work to explore the philosophical underpinnings of psychoanalytic theory and practice. The culmination of three decades of collaborative work, this book will be essential reading for academics, students, and clinicians.

Worldwide Perspectives on Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals [3 volumes]: [3 volumes]

by Paula Gerber

This three-volume set is a rich resource for readers in any discipline interested in understanding the global, regional, and domestic experiences of LGB people.This interdisciplinary set makes a vital contribution to understanding how LGB rights are progressing—and in some cases, regressing—around the globe. The three volumes look at the lived experiences of LGB people from varied perspectives and provide comprehensive coverage on a wide variety of topics ranging from LGB youth and LGB aging to the approaches to LGB people of different religions, including Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Chapters focus on topics including the ongoing criminalization of same-sex sexual conduct and how international human rights law can be used to improve the lives of LGB people. Particular attention is paid to the rights of bisexuals, a group often ignored in works focusing on sexual orientation.Volume 1 focuses on history, politics, and culture relating to LGB people; Volume 2 focuses on the laws—domestic and international—governing LGB people; and Volume 3 provides snapshots of the current state of LGB experience in countries worldwide, presented by geographical region: Europe, the Americas, Africa, the Middle East, and the Asia Pacific region.

Worldwide Perspectives on Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals [3 volumes]: [3 volumes]

This three-volume set is a rich resource for readers in any discipline interested in understanding the global, regional, and domestic experiences of LGB people.This interdisciplinary set makes a vital contribution to understanding how LGB rights are progressing—and in some cases, regressing—around the globe. The three volumes look at the lived experiences of LGB people from varied perspectives and provide comprehensive coverage on a wide variety of topics ranging from LGB youth and LGB aging to the approaches to LGB people of different religions, including Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Chapters focus on topics including the ongoing criminalization of same-sex sexual conduct and how international human rights law can be used to improve the lives of LGB people. Particular attention is paid to the rights of bisexuals, a group often ignored in works focusing on sexual orientation.Volume 1 focuses on history, politics, and culture relating to LGB people; Volume 2 focuses on the laws—domestic and international—governing LGB people; and Volume 3 provides snapshots of the current state of LGB experience in countries worldwide, presented by geographical region: Europe, the Americas, Africa, the Middle East, and the Asia Pacific region.

The Worm at the Core: On the Role of Death in Life

by Sheldon Solomon Jeff Greenberg Tom Pyszczynski

Proof of a ground-breaking psychological theory: that the fear of death is the hidden motive behind almost everything we do.'A joy ... The Worm at the Core asks how humans can learn to live happily while being intelligently aware of our impending doom, how knowledge of death affects the decisions we make every day, and how we can stop fear and anxiety overwhelming us' Charlotte Runcie, Daily Telegraph'Provocative, lucid and fascinating' Financial Times'An important, superbly readable and potentially life-changing book . . . suggests one should confront mortality in order to live an authentic life' Tim Lott, Guardian 'Deep, important, and beautifully written ... utterly original' Daniel Gilbert

Worn: Footwear, Attachment and the Affects of Wear

by Ellen Sampson

In a culture preoccupied with newness and a fashion system largely predicated upon it, what is the significance of worn clothes and why do they have the power to affect us so deeply? How are relationships to clothing produced and maintained through the embodied practices of wearing, maintenance and repair? Through a focus upon a single garment, the shoe, this book calls on readers to reconsider the value of the marks of wear at a time when fast fashion reigns supreme and interest in damaged, or worn, garments quietly increases.Originating in an experimental practice-based methodology which placed wearing at its center, this book presents the act of wearing as a tool for developing knowledge, of 'being in' or 'being with', rather than observing from the outside. Bringing together anthropological and psychoanalytic theory with practices of handmaking, wearing, and photography, this book asks what is the embodied experience of wearing and the affect of the worn? Beautifully illustrated in full color throughout, Worn is the first book to focus exclusively on the significance of imperfect garments as important aspects of our material world and culture.

Worn: Footwear, Attachment and the Affects of Wear

by Ellen Sampson

In a culture preoccupied with newness and a fashion system largely predicated upon it, what is the significance of worn clothes and why do they have the power to affect us so deeply? How are relationships to clothing produced and maintained through the embodied practices of wearing, maintenance and repair? Through a focus upon a single garment, the shoe, this book calls on readers to reconsider the value of the marks of wear at a time when fast fashion reigns supreme and interest in damaged, or worn, garments quietly increases.Originating in an experimental practice-based methodology which placed wearing at its center, this book presents the act of wearing as a tool for developing knowledge, of 'being in' or 'being with', rather than observing from the outside. Bringing together anthropological and psychoanalytic theory with practices of handmaking, wearing, and photography, this book asks what is the embodied experience of wearing and the affect of the worn? Beautifully illustrated in full color throughout, Worn is the first book to focus exclusively on the significance of imperfect garments as important aspects of our material world and culture.

Worry and its Psychological Disorders: Theory, Assessment and Treatment (Wiley Series in Clinical Psychology)

by Graham C. L. Davey Adrian Wells

Anxiety-based disorders are among the most common mental health problems experienced in the population today. Worry is a prominent feature of most anxiety-based disorders including generalized anxiety disorder, specific phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Written by international experts, Worry and its Psychological Disorders offers an up-to-date and complete overview of worry in a single volume. Divided into four sections, the book explores the nature of worry, the assessment of worry, contemporary theories of chronic and pathological worry, and the most recently developed treatment methods. It includes in-depth reviews of new assessment instruments and covers treatment methods such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Metacognitive Therapy. Useful case studies are also included. This important volume provides an invaluable resource for clinical practitioners and researchers. It will also be of relevance to those studying clinical or abnormal psychology at advanced level.

The Worry Cure: Stop worrying and start living

by Dr Robert L. Leahy

Do you worry that you'll say the wrong thing, wear the wrong outfit, or look out of place? Or maybe that you'll make a mistake at work, disappoint your partner, or overlook a serious health problem? Or perhaps you just worry too much - constantly running what-if scenarios through your head? Of course you do - we all do. Worry is a central issue in many people's lives; 38% of people say they worry every day. In this groundbreaking book, Dr Robert Leahy offers new insight, advice and practical techniques for everyone who has ever had a sleepless night. Using the most recent research and his 25 years of experience treating patients, Dr Leahy helps us understand why we worry and how best to defeat it. In his easy-to-follow-programme, he tells you how to: Identify productive and unproductive worry; Accept reality and commit to change; Turn 'failure' into opportunity; Use your emotions rather than worry about them. Combining stories from his practice with unique approaches to reducing worry, The Worry Cure is an essential companion for everyone who is anxious.

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