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Pragmatics and Philosophy. Connections and Ramifications (Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology #22)

by Alessandro Capone

This book shows how pragmatics and philosophy are interconnected, and explores the consequences and ramifications of this innovative idea, especially in addressing and solving the problem of breaking Grice's circle. The author applies philosophy in order to get to a better understanding of pragmatics, and pragmatics in order to get a better understanding of philosophy. The book starts with a chapter on the non-cancellability of explicatures and the role that this idea plays in the resolution of Grice’s circle, and proceeds with the discussion of other topics in which explicatures or cancellability play an important and decisive role. While the reader proceeds in the reading of this book, they accumulate notions and pieces of knowledge which will be of invaluable use when arriving at the chapter on conversational presuppositions (and related chapters), where the author expresses his most radical views: namely that (potential) presuppositions are indeed cancellable, contrary to what many believe.

The Pragmatics of Indirect Reports: Socio-philosophical Considerations (Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology #8)

by Alessandro Capone

This monograph on indirect reports offers insights on the semantics/pragmatics interface and a refinement of the notion of explicature. The volume is written in an engaging style and guides the reader through the theoretical problems and their ramifications. The thorniest problem in the study of indirect reports is their polyphonic nature, and how the listener distinguishes between the reporter’s voice and the original speaker’s voice, either by contextual clues or, in the absence of such clues, by resorting to pragmatic principles. The introductory chapter discusses the main issues that will be addressed in the volume. The next chapters focus on the various aspects of indirect reports, covering both theory and practical applications.

Pragmatics, Semantics and the Case of Scalar Implicatures (Palgrave Studies in Pragmatics, Language and Cognition)

by Salvatore Pistoia Reda

This book is an advanced debate on the nature of scalar implicatures, one of the most popular topics in philosophical linguistics in the last 20 years. Leading theorists in the field offer an up-to-date presentation of the subject in a way that will help readers to orient themselves in the vast literature on the topic.

Pragmatics, Truth, and Language (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science #38)

by R.M. Martin

Richard Martin's thoroughly philosophical as well as thoroughly tech­ nical investigations deserve continued and appreciative study. His sympathy and good cheer do not obscure his rigorous standard, nor do his contemporary sophistication and intellectual independence obscure his critical congeniality toward classical and medieval philosophers. So he deals with old and new; his papers, in his neat self-descriptions, consist of reminders, criticisms, and constructions. They might also be seen as studies in the understanding of truth, ramifying as widely in mathematics, logic, and epistemology as well as metaphysics, as such understanding has required. For us it is a pleasant occasion to welcome Richard Martin's new Boston Studies, and to note his continuously con­ collection to the structive and critical interventions at the Boston Colloquium for the of Science. Philosophy Boston University Center for the R. S. COHEN Philosophy and History of Science M. W. WARTOFSKY July 1979 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS EDITORIAL PREFACE vii PREFACE xi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS xv I. Truth and Its Illicit Surrogates II. Some Reminders concerning Truth, Satisfaction, and Reference 17 III. On Disquotation and Intensionality 30 IV. On Truth, Belief, and Modes of Description 42 V. The Pragmatics of Self-Reference 55 VI. On Suppositio and Denotation 72 VII. Of Time and the Null Individual 82 VIII. Existence and Logical Form 95 IX. Tense, Aspect, and Modality 110 X. Of 'Of' 130 XI. Events and Actions: Brand and Kim 144 XII. Why I Am Not a Montague Grammarian 160 XIII.

Pragmatische Urteile in der unmittelbaren Patientenversorgung: Moraltheorie an den Anfängen Klinischer Ethikberatung (Gesundheit und Medizin im interdisziplinären Diskurs)

by Bernhard Bleyer

Wozu braucht ein Krankenhaus eine Ethikberatung? Und was an dieser Beratung ist ethisch? Das Buch erklärt die Hintergründe der Entstehungsprozesse Klinischer Ethikberatung. Es gewährt neue Einblicke in schwerwiegende Entscheidungskonflikte des klinischen Alltags und deckt die vehementen Auseinandersetzungen auf, die sich öffentlich daran anschlossen. Auf der Suche nach dem Ethikverständnis der Klinischen Ethikberatung trifft das Buch auf bisher nicht ausgewertete Hinweise. Schritt für Schritt wird eine Systematik rekonstruiert, die die Gestalt einer bedeutsamen philosophischen Denkrichtung erkennen lässt.

Pragmatism in Philosophical Inquiry: Theoretical Considerations and Case Studies (SpringerBriefs in Philosophy)

by Nicholas Rescher

This book showcases the history and theory of pragmatism and its alignment to the sensibilities of contemporary analytic philosophy. It does this not only by describing its mode of operation and explaining its legitimating rationale, but also by substantiating its claims by a series of instructive case studies. The unifying insight of this approach is that the natural criterion of merit within any goal-oriented enterprise—be its orientation practical or cognitive—pivots on its contribution to the effective and efficient realization of the aims at issue. The aim of this volume is to describe and illustrate this broadened conception of pragmatism as a far-reaching and many-sided approach to philosophical inquiry. Theoretical considering apart, it offers a variety of case studies to illustrate the range and fertility of this approach.Nicholas Rescher has published extensively on the history and theory of pragmatism and on its alignment to the sensibilities of contemporary analytic philosophy over the last 30 years.

Pragmatist Ethics for a Technological Culture (The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics #3)

by Jozef Keulartz Michiel Korthals Maartje Schermer Tsjalling Swierstra

Our technological culture has an extremely dynamic character: old ways of reproducing ourselves, managing nature and keeping animals are continually replaced by new ones; norms and values with respect to our bodies, food production, health care and environmental protection are regularly being put up for discussion. This constantly confronts us with new moral problems and dilemmas. In discussion with other approaches this book argues that pragmatism, with its strong emphasis on the interaction between technology and values, gives us both procedural help and stresses the importance of living and cooperating together in tackling these problems and dilemmas. The issues in this book include the interaction of technology and ethics, the status of pragmatism, the concept of practice, and discourse ethics and deliberative democracy. It has an interactive design, with original contributions alternating with critical comments. The book is of interest for students, scholars and policymakers in the fields of bioethics, animal ethics, environmental ethics, pragmatist philosophy and science and technology studies.

The Pragmeme of Accommodation: The Case of Interaction around the Event of Death (Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology #13)

by Vahid Parvaresh Alessandro Capone

This volume brings together a wide array of papers which explore, among other things, to what extent languages and cultures are variable with respect to the interactions around the event of death. Motivated by J. L. Mey’s idea of the pragmeme, a situated speech act, the volume has both theoretical and practical implications for scholars working in different fields of enquiry. As the papers in this volume reveal, despite the terminological differences between various disciplines, the interactions around the event of death serve to provide solace, not only to the dying, but also to the family and friends of the deceased, thus helping them to “accommodate” to the new state of affairs.

Pragmemes and Theories of Language Use (Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology #9)

by Keith Allan Alessandro Capone Istvan Kecskes

This volume offers recent developments in pragmatics and adjacent territories of investigation, including important new concepts such as the pragmatic act and the pragmeme, and combines developments in neighboring disciplines in an integrative holistic pragmatic approach. The young science of pragmatics has, from its inception, differentiated itself from neighboring fields in the humanities, especially the disciplines dealing with language and those focusing on the social and anthropological aspects of human behavior, by focusing on the language user in his or her societal environment.This collection of papers continues that emphasis on language use, and pragmatic acts in their context. The editors and contributors share a perspective that essentially considers language as a system for communication and wants to look at language from a societal perspective, and accept the view that acts of interpretation are essentially embedded in culture. In an interdisciplinary approach, some authors explore connections with social theory, in particular sociology or socio-linguistics, some offer a political stance (critical discourse analysis), others explore connections with philosophy and philosophy of language, and several papers address problems in theoretical pragmatics.

Praxis Framework

by Adrian Dooley

Praxis Framework provides a single, integrated framework for the management of projects, programmes and portfolios. Written by Adrian Dooley Hon FAPM, and published by APM, Praxis takes the principles of existing, proven guides and adapts them so that they have a common terminology, structure and approach. The resulting framework, combining knowledge, processes, competence and capability maturity, makes Praxis a must read for anyone committed to advancing the cause of professional P3 practice. This book is fully aligned to the Praxis Framework certification at foundation and practitioner level.

The Praxis of Indirect Reports: Cognitive, Sociopragmatic, and Philosophical Issues (Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology #21)

by Mostafa Morady Moghaddam

This book discusses the concept of indirect reporting in relation to sociopragmatic, philosophical, and cognitive factors. In addition, it deals with several state-of-the-art topics with regard to indirect reports, such as trust, politeness, refinery and photosynthetic processes and cognitive features. The book presents socio-cognitive accounts of indirect reports that take into consideration Grice’s Cooperation Principle and Sperber and Wilson’s Relevance Theory. It discusses direct and indirect reports and their similarities and differences, with a focus on the neglected role of the hearer in indirect reports. It presents an extensive comparison of translation and indirect reports (with a detailed discussion on reporting/translating slurring), and examines politeness issues and the role of trust. It deals with the main principles governing the use and interpretation of indirect reports (among them, the Principle of Commitment and the Principle of Immunity). Finally, the book discusses the idea of ‘common core’ and cross-cultural studies in reported speech and illustrates by means of an analysis of Persian reported speech, how subjectivity and uncertainty are presented among Persian speakers.

A Praxis of Presence in Curriculum Theory: Advancing Currere against Cultural Crises in Education (Studies in Curriculum Theory Series)

by William F. Pinar

Building on his seminal methodological contribution to the field – currere – here William F. Pinar posits a praxis of presence as a unique form of individual engagement against current cultural crises in education. Bringing together a series of updated essays, articles, and new writings to form this comprehensive volume, Pinar first demonstrates how a praxis of presence furthers the study of curriculum as lived experience to overcome self-enclosure, restart lived and historical time, and understand technology through a process of regression, progression, analysis, and synthesis. Pinar then further illustrates how this practice can inform curricular responses to countering presentism, narcissism, and techno-utopianism in educators’ work with "digital natives." Ultimately, this book offers researchers, scholars, and teacher educators in the fields of curriculum theory, the sociology of education, and educational policy more broadly the analytical and methodological tools by which to advance their understanding of currere, and in doing so, allows them to tackle the main cultural issues that educators face today.

A Praxis of Presence in Curriculum Theory: Advancing Currere against Cultural Crises in Education (Studies in Curriculum Theory Series)

by William F. Pinar

Building on his seminal methodological contribution to the field – currere – here William F. Pinar posits a praxis of presence as a unique form of individual engagement against current cultural crises in education. Bringing together a series of updated essays, articles, and new writings to form this comprehensive volume, Pinar first demonstrates how a praxis of presence furthers the study of curriculum as lived experience to overcome self-enclosure, restart lived and historical time, and understand technology through a process of regression, progression, analysis, and synthesis. Pinar then further illustrates how this practice can inform curricular responses to countering presentism, narcissism, and techno-utopianism in educators’ work with "digital natives." Ultimately, this book offers researchers, scholars, and teacher educators in the fields of curriculum theory, the sociology of education, and educational policy more broadly the analytical and methodological tools by which to advance their understanding of currere, and in doing so, allows them to tackle the main cultural issues that educators face today.

Praxisorientierung und Gemeinschaftskonzeption: Hermann Mosler als Wegbereiter der westdeutschen Völkerrechtswissenschaft nach 1945 (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht #262)

by Felix Lange

Dieses Buch vergewissert sich der Ursprünge der Völkerrechtstradition. Die heutige Debatte über die Rolle des Völkerrechts in den internationalen Beziehungen geht auf die Diskussionen des Kalten Krieges zurück. In Westdeutschland entstand nach 1945 ein völkerrechtlicher Ansatz, der bis heute für seinen Praxisbezug und die Idee einer auf Verfassungsprinzipien beruhenden internationalen Gemeinschaft bekannt ist. Auf Grundlage des Werkes und Nachlasses von Hermann Mosler, der als der bedeutendste Völkerrechtler der Bundesrepublik gilt, wird die Genese der praxisorientierten Gemeinschaftskonzeption im Kontext der politischen Entwicklung Deutschlands während des Kalten Krieges analysiert. Die Anknüpfung an die Weimarer Völkerrechtstradition, Lehren aus der nationalsozialistischen Vergangenheit, die Westintegration unter Konrad Adenauer und Moslers katholischer Universalismus werden dabei als Faktoren hervorgehoben, die einen spezifisch westdeutschen Ansatz im Völkerrecht hervorbrachten.

Pre-Exilic Israel, the Hebrew Bible, and Archaeology: Integrating Text and Artefact (The\library Of Hebrew Bible/old Testament Studies)

by Anthony J. Frendo

The nature of historical and archaeological research is such that biblical and archaeological evidence should both be taken into account so that we can attain a more reliable reconstruction of ancient Israel. Nowadays we are faced with numerous reconstructions which are very often diametrically opposed to each other owing to the different assumptions of scholars. An examination of certain issues of epistemology in the current climate of postmodernism, shows that the latter is self-defeating when it claims that we cannot attain any true knowledge about the past. Illustrations are taken from the history of pre-exilic Israel; however, the indissoluble unity of text and artefact is made clearer and more concrete through a detailed case study about the location of the house of Rahab as depicted in Joshua 2: 15, irrespective of whether this text is historical or not. Text and artefact should work hand in hand even when narratives turn out to be fictional, since thus there emerges a clearer picture of the external world which the author would have had in mind.

Precarious Youth in Contemporary Graphic Narratives: Young Lives in Crisis (Routledge Advances in Comics Studies)

by María Porras Sánchez Gerardo Vilches

This volume explores comics as examples of moral outrage in the face of a reality in which precariousness has become an inherent part of young lives. Taking a thematic approach, the chapters devote attention to the expression and representation of precarious subjectivities, as well as to the economic and professional precarity that characterizes comics creation and production. An international team of authors, young and senior systematically examines the representation of precarious youth in graphic fiction and autobiographic comics, superheroes and precarity, market issues and spaces of activism and vulnerability. With this structure, the book offers a global perspective and comprehensive coverage of different aspects of a complex and multifaceted field of knowledge, with a special attention to minorities and liminal subjects. The comics analyzed function as examples of "ethical solicitation" that bear witness of the precarious existence younger generations endure, while at the same time creating images that voice their outrage and might move readers to act. This timely and truly interdisciplinary volume will appeal to comics scholars and researchers in the areas of media and cultural studies, modern languages, education, art and design, communication studies, sociology, medical humanities and more.

Precarious Youth in Contemporary Graphic Narratives: Young Lives in Crisis (Routledge Advances in Comics Studies)

by María Porras Sánchez Gerardo Vilches

This volume explores comics as examples of moral outrage in the face of a reality in which precariousness has become an inherent part of young lives. Taking a thematic approach, the chapters devote attention to the expression and representation of precarious subjectivities, as well as to the economic and professional precarity that characterizes comics creation and production. An international team of authors, young and senior systematically examines the representation of precarious youth in graphic fiction and autobiographic comics, superheroes and precarity, market issues and spaces of activism and vulnerability. With this structure, the book offers a global perspective and comprehensive coverage of different aspects of a complex and multifaceted field of knowledge, with a special attention to minorities and liminal subjects. The comics analyzed function as examples of "ethical solicitation" that bear witness of the precarious existence younger generations endure, while at the same time creating images that voice their outrage and might move readers to act. This timely and truly interdisciplinary volume will appeal to comics scholars and researchers in the areas of media and cultural studies, modern languages, education, art and design, communication studies, sociology, medical humanities and more.

Precedent in the United States Supreme Court (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice #33)

by Christopher J. Peters

This volume presents a variety of both normative and descriptive perspectives on the use of precedent by the United States Supreme Court. It brings together a diverse group of American legal scholars, some of whom have been influenced by the Segal/Spaeth "attitudinal" model and some of whom have not. The group of contributors includes legal theorists and empiricists, constitutional lawyers and legal generalists, leading authorities and up-and-coming scholars. The book addresses questions such as how the Court establishes durable precedent, how the Court decides to overrule precedent, the effects of precedent on case selection, the scope of constitutional precedent, the influence of concurrences and dissents, and the normative foundations of constitutional precedent. Most of these questions have been addressed by the Court itself only obliquely, if at all. The volume will be valuable to readers both in the United States and abroad, particularly in light of ongoing debates over the role of precedent in civil-law nations and emerging legal systems.

Precedents, Statutes, and Analysis of Legal Concepts: Interpretation (Philosophy of Legal Reasoning: A Collection of Essays by Philosophers and Legal Scholars)

by Scott Brewer

At least since plato and Aristotle, thinkers have pondered the relationship between philosophical arguments and the "sophistical" arguments offered by the Sophists -- who were the first professional lawyers. Judges wield substantial political power, and the justifications they offer for their decisions are a vital means by which citizens can assess the legitimacy of how that power is exercised. However, to evaluate judicial justifications requires close attention to the method of reasoning behind decisions. This new collection illuminates and explains the political and moral importance in justifying the exercise of judicial power.

Precedents, Statutes, and Analysis of Legal Concepts: Interpretation (Philosophy of Legal Reasoning: A Collection of Essays by Philosophers and Legal Scholars #2)

by Scott Brewer

At least since plato and Aristotle, thinkers have pondered the relationship between philosophical arguments and the "sophistical" arguments offered by the Sophists -- who were the first professional lawyers. Judges wield substantial political power, and the justifications they offer for their decisions are a vital means by which citizens can assess the legitimacy of how that power is exercised. However, to evaluate judicial justifications requires close attention to the method of reasoning behind decisions. This new collection illuminates and explains the political and moral importance in justifying the exercise of judicial power.

Predicates and Their Subjects (Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy #74)

by Susan Rothstein

Predicates and their Subjects is an in-depth study of the syntax-semantics interface focusing on the structure of the subject-predicate relation. Starting from where the author's 1983 dissertation left off, the book argues that there is syntactic constraint that clauses (small and tensed) are constructed out of a one-place unsaturated expression, the predicate, which must be applied to a syntactic argument, its subject. The author shows that this predication relation cannot be reduced to a thematic relation or a projection of argument structure, but must be a purely syntactic constraint. Chapters in the book show how the syntactic predication relation is semantically interpreted, and how the predication relation explains constraints on DP-raising and on the distribution of pleonastics in English. The second half of the book extends the theory of predication to cover copular constructions; it includes an account of the structure of small clauses in Hebrew, of the use of `be' in predicative and identity sentences in English, and concludes with a study of the meaning of the verb `be'.

Preparing a Guide to your Library and Information Service

by Sylvia P Webb

Discusses the choice of information that can be included as well as the different styles in which it can be presented.Covers not just the physical preparation but also distribution and publicity.Selected examples of interesting features.

Preparing a Guide to your Library and Information Service

by Sylvia P Webb

Discusses the choice of information that can be included as well as the different styles in which it can be presented.Covers not just the physical preparation but also distribution and publicity.Selected examples of interesting features.

Preparing for Doctoral Study in Nursing - E-Book: Preparing for Doctoral Study in Nursing - E-Book

by Laura A. Taylor Mary F. Terhaar

Are you ready to take your nursing career to the next level? Preparing for Doctoral Study in Nursing: Making the Most of the Year Before You Begin helps you make an informed decision about entering doctoral studies and choosing the nursing credential that helps you reach your career goals. Noted educators and doctoral mentors Laura A. Taylor and Mary F. Terhaar — along with a team of nursing leaders and scholars — describe the big picture for nurses educated at the highest level of scholarship, including the rising demand for advanced practice nurses and the future of nursing. The first and only comprehensive guide to preparing for a doctorate in nursing, this book helps you choose your path, make your decision, and develop a plan for success in doctoral study. Grounded in more than a decade of experience in preparing nurses for doctoral study, this one-of-a-kind text is the first comprehensive guide to the year before you apply. Fifteen chapters provide practical information and guidance to help you navigate the challenges on your journey. Historical overview of doctoral education in nursing creates a clear picture of present and future demand. Clear explanation of the different degrees and the careers they support helps to build confidence in your decision about which to pursue. Sixteen personal narratives describe a broad range of career paths open to nurses who earn doctoral degrees and introduce the nurse leaders who have walked them. Online Evolve Resources include podcasts that bring the experiences of contributing authors to life. Additional Evolve Resources include practical forms, worksheets, planners, and representations of models referenced in the text. Illustrations clarify complex content, helping to make it more memorable and useful, and links to additional online resources serve as a springboard for additional learning. The diversity of the contributors, backgrounds, interests, and accomplishments gives you a sense that you belong and that your authentic self will add value to our discipline and to global health. At once scholarly and warm, the style of this book makes it a must-read for nurses who aspire to careers of importance and leadership.

Preparing for the Future: An Essay on the Rights of Future Generations

by John Ahrens

Does the present generation have a moral obligation to conserve resources for future generations? Must we accept drastic reductions in our standard of living, and give up the ideals of individual liberty and technological progress in order to preserve the environment? PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE offers an unfashionably optimistic answer to these questions: that future generations cannot have a right to a share of existing resources, because only living persons can have rights. Rejecting the sacrifices that most traditional ethical principles would require of us, it advocates, instead, that members of the present generation may legitimately use all of the resources at their disposal to realize their own values.

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