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Zionism and the Biology of Jews (History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences #19)

by Raphael Falk

This book offers a unique perspective on Zionism. The author, a geneticist by training, focuses on science, rather than history. He looks at the claims that Jews constitute a people with common biological roots. An argument that helps provide justification for the aspirations of this political movement dedicated to the return of the Jewish people to their homeland. His study explores two issues. The first considers the assertion that there is a biology of the Jews. The second deals with attempts to integrate this idea into a consistent history. Both issues unfolded against the background of a romantic national culture of Western Europe in the 19th century: Jews, primarily from Eastern Europe, began to believe these notions and soon they took the lead in the re-formulation of Jewish and Zionist existence. The author does not intend to present a comprehensive picture of the biological literature of the origins of a people and the blood relations between them. He also recognizes that the subject is emotionally-loaded. The book does, however, present a profound mediation on three overlapping questions: What is special or unique to the Jews? Who were the genuine Jews? And how can one identify Jews? This volume is a revised and edited English version of Tzionut Vehabiologia shel Hayehudim, published in 2006.

Zisterzienser: Norm, Kultur, Reform — 900 Jahre Zisterzienser (Schriftenreihe des Interdisziplinären Zentrums für Ethik an der Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder))

by M. Stolpe Ulrich Knefelkamp

Auf dem "Europäischen Zisterzienserforum 1998" widmeten sich mehr als 20 Referenten aktuellen Fragen der Zisterzienserforschung. Dabei galt es zu klären, welche "Voraussetzungen und Motive" vorlagen, als sich die Zisterzienser von Frankreich aus über Europa ausbreiteten. Ausgehend von der Klosteranlage und ihrer Architektur zeigte das Forschungsfeld "Kloster und Umfeld" den Einfluß auf die Besiedlung und den Ausbau der Kulturlandschaften auf. Der Themenschwerpunkt "Reformversuche, Umbruch und Nachwirken" leitete in die Neuzeit über. Hier spannte sich der Bogen von Bildungseinrichtungen des Ordens, wie dem Kolleg in Frankfurt (Oder) über Frauenstifte und den Beschreibungen Fontanes bis hin zum Einfluß der Zisterzienser auf die Wirtschaftstheorie des 20. Jahrhunderts.

Zivilrecht im Wandel: Festschrift für Peter Derleder zum 75. Geburtstag

by Kai-Oliver Knops Heinz Georg Bamberger Gerrit Hölzle

Peter Derleder, Universitätsprofessor und herausragender Zivilrechtsdogmatiker, Mitherausgeber, Kommentator, Kritiker, Praktiker als Richter und Rechtsanwalt, engagierter Lehrer, Förderer und Prüfer des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses, Literatur- und Kunstliebhaber, begeht am 3. März 2015 seinen 75. Geburtstag. Um ihn zu ehren, haben sich Freunde, Kollegen, Mitstreiter und Weggefährten zu einer facettenreichen Festschrift zusammengefunden, die seinem Wirken in den vergangenen 10 Jahren gewidmet ist und thematisch vor allem die derzeitigen Arbeitsschwerpunkte des Jubilars im Miet- und Wohnungseigentumsrecht, im Bank-, Insolvenz- und Verbraucherrecht, aber auch zu Grundfragen des Zivilrechts, des Rechts wie der Gerechtigkeit überhaupt in Bezug nimmt.​

Zookeeping: An Introduction to the Science and Technology

by Mark D. Irwin John B. Stoner Aaron M. Cobaugh

As species extinction, environmental protection, animal rights, and workplace safety issues come to the fore, zoos and aquariums need keepers who have the technical expertise and scientific knowledge to keep animals healthy, educate the public, and create regional, national, and global conservation and management communities. This textbook offers a comprehensive and practical overview of the profession geared toward new animal keepers and anyone who needs a foundational account of the topics most important to the day-to-day care of zoo and aquarium animals. The three editors, all experienced in zoo animal care and management, have put together a cohesive and broad-ranging book that tackles each of its subjects carefully and thoroughly. The contributions cover professional zookeeping, evolution of zoos, workplace safety, animal management, taxon-specific animal husbandry, animal behavior, veterinary care, public education and outreach, and conservation science. Using the newest techniques and research gathered from around the world, Zookeeping is a progressive textbook that seeks to promote consistency and the highest standards within global zoo and aquarium operations.

Zookeeping: An Introduction to the Science and Technology

by Mark D. Irwin John Stoner Aaron M. Cobaugh

As species extinction, environmental protection, animal rights, and workplace safety issues come to the fore, zoos and aquariums need keepers who have the technical expertise and scientific knowledge to keep animals healthy, educate the public, and create regional, national, and global conservation and management communities. This textbook offers a comprehensive and practical overview of the profession geared toward new animal keepers and anyone who needs a foundational account of the topics most important to the day-to-day care of zoo and aquarium animals. The three editors, all experienced in zoo animal care and management, have put together a cohesive and broad-ranging book that tackles each of its subjects carefully and thoroughly. The contributions cover professional zookeeping, evolution of zoos, workplace safety, animal management, taxon-specific animal husbandry, animal behavior, veterinary care, public education and outreach, and conservation science. Using the newest techniques and research gathered from around the world, Zookeeping is a progressive textbook that seeks to promote consistency and the highest standards within global zoo and aquarium operations.

Zoot Suit Riots (Landmarks of the American Mosaic)

by Roger Bruns

The Zoot Suit Riots in 1943 and the infamous Sleepy Lagoon murder trial of the preceding year represent a turning point in the cultural identity and historical experience of Mexican Americans in the United States. This engaging study of these regrettable events provides context for understanding the continuing battles in the 21st century over immigration policy and race relations.Although the "zoot suit" had earlier been a black youth fashion trend identified with jazz culture, by the 1940s, the zoot suit was adopted by Mexican American teenagers in wartime Los Angeles, who wore it as their unofficial "uniform" as an act of rebellion and to establish their cultural identity. For a week in June of 1943, the Zoot Suit Riots, instigated by Anglo-American servicemen and condoned by the Los Angeles police, terrorized the Mexican American community. The events were an ugly testament to the climate of racial tension and resentment in Los Angeles—and after similar riots began across the nation, it became apparent how endemic the problem was. This book traces these important historic events and their subsequent cultural and political influences on the Mexican American experience, especially the activist and reform efforts designed to prevent similar future injustices.General readers will gain an understanding of the challenges facing the Mexican American community in wartime Los Angeles, grasp the racial and cultural resistance of the larger Anglo-American society of the time, and see how the blatant injustices of the Sleepy Lagoon trial and the Zoot Suit Riots served to galvanize Latinos and others to fight back. Those conducting in-depth research will appreciate having access to original materials sourced from Federal and state archives as well as newspapers and other repositories of information provided in the book.

Zoot Suit Riots (Landmarks of the American Mosaic)

by Roger Bruns

The Zoot Suit Riots in 1943 and the infamous Sleepy Lagoon murder trial of the preceding year represent a turning point in the cultural identity and historical experience of Mexican Americans in the United States. This engaging study of these regrettable events provides context for understanding the continuing battles in the 21st century over immigration policy and race relations.Although the "zoot suit" had earlier been a black youth fashion trend identified with jazz culture, by the 1940s, the zoot suit was adopted by Mexican American teenagers in wartime Los Angeles, who wore it as their unofficial "uniform" as an act of rebellion and to establish their cultural identity. For a week in June of 1943, the Zoot Suit Riots, instigated by Anglo-American servicemen and condoned by the Los Angeles police, terrorized the Mexican American community. The events were an ugly testament to the climate of racial tension and resentment in Los Angeles—and after similar riots began across the nation, it became apparent how endemic the problem was. This book traces these important historic events and their subsequent cultural and political influences on the Mexican American experience, especially the activist and reform efforts designed to prevent similar future injustices.General readers will gain an understanding of the challenges facing the Mexican American community in wartime Los Angeles, grasp the racial and cultural resistance of the larger Anglo-American society of the time, and see how the blatant injustices of the Sleepy Lagoon trial and the Zoot Suit Riots served to galvanize Latinos and others to fight back. Those conducting in-depth research will appreciate having access to original materials sourced from Federal and state archives as well as newspapers and other repositories of information provided in the book.

Zur Staats- und Rechtsordnung der DDR: Juristische und sozialwissenschaftliche Beiträge 1977-1996

by Ulrich Lohmann

Die Staats- und Rechtsordnung der DDR ist in einer streitigen, oftmals ideologiebehafteten Diskussion. Der Band versammelt für juristisch und politisch Interessierte zeitgenössische bzw. rückschauende rechts- wie sozialwissenschaftlich fundierte Beiträge. Die Untersuchung und Darstellung der relevanten Rechtsbereiche folgt einer system-funktionalen Betrachtungsweise in Anwendung auf die DDR. Der zugrunde gelegte argumentativ-kritische – statt etwa apologetische oder diskreditierende – Ansatz dient der eigenen Urteilsbildung, insbesondere auch der jüngeren Generation.

Zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen im Zeitalter des Digitalen: Ethische und interdisziplinäre Perspektiven (Techno:Phil – Aktuelle Herausforderungen der Technikphilosophie #7)

by Gottfried Schweiger Michael Zichy

Digitalisierung ist eine Schlüsseltechnologie im 21. Jahrhundert und prägt heute das private Leben und den Alltag durch Internet, Laptop, Smartphone, KI oder Soziale Medien. Das gilt insbesondere auch für zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen – zum Beispiel in Familie, Beruf, Freundschaft, Liebe, Therapie. Solche Beziehungen sind für Menschen von großer Bedeutung, sie sind wichtig für die psychische und physische Gesundheit, für Erfahrungen der Anerkennung und für ein gutes Leben – dahinter steht die anthropologische These des Menschen als animal sociale. Die Veränderung von Beziehungen – und zwar nicht nur ihrer Form, sondern auch ihres Inhalts und ihrer Wertigkeit – durch die Digitalisierung bedarf daher der eingehenden ethischen und interdisziplinären Reflexion. In diesem Band werden ausgewählte Beziehungsformen unter den Bedingungen der Digitalisierung aus unterschiedlichen disziplinären Perspektiven reflektiert, um Chancen, Potentiale, aber auch Risiken und Herausforderungen sichtbar zu machen.

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