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Showing 10,626 through 10,650 of 41,130 results

Ethnic, Racial and Religious Inequalities: The Perils of Subjectivity (Migration, Minorities and Citizenship)

by M. Macey

This book challenges some of the most basic assumptions underpinning the growing interest in religion, including: that religion is increasing and secularisation is decreasing and that religion is the main component of identity for all minority ethnic people.

Ethnic Religious Minorities in Iran

by S. Behnaz Hosseini

This book explores the experiences of the ethnic and religious minorities of Iran, such as Jews, Yarsani, Christian, Sabean Mandaean, Bahai, Zoroastrian, Baluch, Kurd, and others and provides a historical overview of their position in society before and after the 1979 Islamic revolution and highlights their contribution to the country's history, diversity, and development. It also focuses on the historical, sociopolitical, and economic factors that affected the minorities' development during the last century. Author Behnaz Hosseini has shaped this book with authentic material and has assembled the experiences and opinions of academics of diverse backgrounds who approach the minorities’ issues in Iran in a constructive and ingenious way: from debating their efforts to preserve their identity and cultural heritage and ensure their survival to discussing their relations with the majority and other minorities, the role of religion in everyday life, and their contribution to the rich cultural history of Iran.

Ethnicity, Identity and Faith in the Current Migratory Crisis: Continuity and Change in Migrants’ Religiousness in Southern Europe

by Roberta Ricucci

This monograph considers the Catholic/Christian religious identity of young immigrants within the migratory diasporas in Southern Europe. It details important ethnographical work on various groups, such as the family, ethnic communities, and peers. The author also considers the role of institutional figures in mainstream society. These include teachers, administrators, and social workers. This valuable research material helps readers to better understand the viewpoint of young people (especially the children of immigration) in relation to various environments which are important in their lives. The investigation examines theoretical and practical questions regarding the study of relations between religion and migrations. It pays particular attention to both the youth perspective and the effects of the current refugee crisis on the perception of religious diversity and identity. Coverage also looks at similarities and differences between young migrant and their native peers. In addition, three case studies further help illustrate the main points of the author's argument. The book uses preliminary research carried out in Italy. It also features interviews collected in Portugal and Spain. Those interviewed include people with migratory background who are permanent residents, belong to the second generations, or are recently-arrived asylum seekers. Overall, the author provides readers with an interesting and innovative portrait of children of immigrants and their relations with faith in the post-secularized Europe: indeed, by considering both academic debates and original empirical data, the book offers the possibility of reframing the link between migrations and religious identities.

Ethnische Kolonien: Entstehung, Funktion und Wandel am Beispiel türkischer Moscheen und Cafés

by Rauf Ceylan

Das Buch bietet einen wichtigen und fundierten Beitrag zur aktuellen Integrationsdebatte. Der Autor untersucht türkische Moscheen und Cafés als "Ethnische Kolonien". Dabei gelingt ein einmaliger Einblick in eine unbekannte Welt mitten in Deutschland.

Ethnocentric Political Theory: The Pursuit of Flawed Universals (International Political Theory)

by Bhikhu Parekh

Western political theory has many great strengths but also a few weaknesses. Among the latter should be included its ethnocentricity, its tendency to universalize the local. The political theorist makes universal statements about human beings, societies and states without making a close study of them, and about reason, tradition, human nature and moral ideals without appreciating how differently these are understood in different societies and traditions. These statements are often an uncritical universalisation of his society’s modes of thought and experience. This book traces this tendency in different areas of moral and political life, and argues that a critical engagement between different perspectives offers one possible way to counter this tendency. Seeking universally valid knowledge is a legitimate ambition, but Western political theory cannot realise it without the help of the non-Western as its critical interlocutor.

Ethnografie: Eine Einführung (Qualitative Sozialforschung)

by Stefan Thomas

Diese Einführung in die Ethnografie wendet sich an alle Sozialwissenschaftler*innen, die ethnografisch forschen wollen. Ethnografie ist im strikten Sinne als Feldforschung zu verstehen. Ethnografisch Forschende müssen sich hinaus in die Sozialwelt wagen. Aus diesem Grund ist Ethnografie immer zuerst teilnehmende Beobachtung. Zugleich lässt sich diese im Rückgriff auf den empirischen Werkzeugkoffer durch eine Vielzahl an methodischen Zugängen erweitern. Wichtig ist zudem die Konzentration auf den Gegenstand beim Schreiben. In dem Buch werden entlang der typischen Stationen des Forschungsprozesses die Herausforderungen der ethnografischen Feldarbeit dargestellt. Die Einführung möchte gleichzeitig praktisch sein, indem konkrete Umsetzungsperspektiven aufgezeigt werden. Am Ende sollten Leser und Leserin soweit vorbereitet sein, um ein eigenes Ethnografieprojekt durchführen zu können.

Ethnografie und Deutung: Gruppensupervision als Methode reflexiven Forschens

by Jochen Bonz Katharina Eisch-Angus Marion Hamm Almut Sülzle

Ethnografische Feldforschung hat das anspruchsvolle Ziel, Annäherungen an das Wirklichkeitserleben und die alltäglichen Handlungspraxen anderer Menschen zu ermöglichen. Der Forschungsprozess zeichnet sich durch eine Komplexität aus, die selbst für qualitative empirische Sozialforschung ungewöhnlich ist; die gewonnenen Daten sind sehr vielschichtig. Die ethnografische Gruppensupervision für Feldforschende ist eine Antwort auf diese Herausforderungen. Der Band stellt dieses Instrumentarium zur Reflexion und Auswertung ethnografischer Feldforschungen in Form von methodologischen Erläuterungen und konkreten Praxisbeispielen vor.

Ethnographic Theology: An Inquiry into the Production of Theological Knowledge

by N. Wigg-Stevenson

This book uses ethnography as theological practice, yielding a theology constructed at the intersection of church, academy and everyday life. Drawing on the author's research in her Baptist church, the resulting 'ethnographic theology' produces creative theological insights, while also proposing fresh alternatives for Christian thought and action.

Ethnographies of Moral Reasoning: Living Paradoxes of a Global Age

by K. Sykes

Rather than measure the actions of their subjects by reference to either universal rationality or cultural relativism, contributors in this volume describe ordinary people as they value human relationships and reason through the commonplace contradictions of their local way of life in a global age.

Ethnography as Christian Theology and Ethics

by Christian Scharen Aana Marie Vigen

In response to a variety of critical intellectual currents (post-colonial, post-modern, and post-liberal) scholars in Christian theology and ethics are increasingly taking up the tools of ethnography as a means to ask fundamental moral questions and to make more compelling and credible moral claims. Privileging particularity, rather than the more traditional effort to achieve universal or at least generalizable norms in making claims regarding the Christian life, echoes the most fundamental insight of the Christian traditionGÇöthat God is known most fully in Jesus of Nazareth. Echoing this scandal of particularity at the heart of the Christian tradition, theologians and ethicists involved in ethnographic research draw on the particular to seek out answers to core questions of their discipline: who God is and how we become the people we are, how to conceptualize moral agency in relation to God and the world, and how to flesh out the content of conceptual categories such as justice that help direct us in our daily decisions and guiding institutions.

Ethnography as Christian Theology and Ethics

by Christian Scharen Aana Marie Vigen

In response to a variety of critical intellectual currents (post-colonial, post-modern, and post-liberal) scholars in Christian theology and ethics are increasingly taking up the tools of ethnography as a means to ask fundamental moral questions and to make more compelling and credible moral claims. Privileging particularity, rather than the more traditional effort to achieve universal or at least generalizable norms in making claims regarding the Christian life, echoes the most fundamental insight of the Christian traditionGÇöthat God is known most fully in Jesus of Nazareth. Echoing this scandal of particularity at the heart of the Christian tradition, theologians and ethicists involved in ethnographic research draw on the particular to seek out answers to core questions of their discipline: who God is and how we become the people we are, how to conceptualize moral agency in relation to God and the world, and how to flesh out the content of conceptual categories such as justice that help direct us in our daily decisions and guiding institutions.

Ethnologische Studien an Indonesischen Schöpfungsmythen: Ein Beitrag zur Kultur-Analyse Südostasiens

by W. Münsterberger

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

The Ethnopoetics of Shamanism

by M. Santos Marcel de Lima

Over the last century, Western portrayals of shamanism have changed radically toward an ethnopoetics of shamanism. While shamanic practices had long been indirectly registered by Westerners, it is only since the late nineteenth century that they have taken on symbolic import within discourses of primitivism and debates over magic and rationality.

Ethos: A Critique of Eurocentric Modernity

by Ahmad Kasravi

Ethos is a radical critique of Eurocentrism. In it, Ahmad Kasravi unleashes a scathing attack on Europe's self-perceived superiority as well as on Eastern promoters of the idea. Kasravi proceeds to outline the ills of post-Enlightenment European civilization: imperialism, colonialism, capitalism, Orientalism. Embedded in Europe's notions of “progress,” these phenomena have in reality brought about social Darwinism, racism, war-mongering, materialism, mindless consumerism, inequality and immorality in the world. Disputing the rationality or civility of these Western tokens, Kasravi warns Euro-enthusiasts in his country of the consequences of wholesale Westernization and instead advocates for a vernacular modernity premised on the noble virtues of Iranian culture and of rationalist Islam. In the process, Kasravi created the theoretical framework and the lexicon which many of his other works build upon, and which generations of other Iranian intellectuals of various persuasions would draw on. Placed in the context of similar polemical works from the global South, Ethos's import transcends the Iranian setting. It presents an embryonic articulation of post-colonial discourse which would, decades later, come to maturity and international recognition in the works of Edward Said and others.

Ethos: A Critique of Eurocentric Modernity

by Ahmad Kasravi

Ethos is a radical critique of Eurocentrism. In it, Ahmad Kasravi unleashes a scathing attack on Europe's self-perceived superiority as well as on Eastern promoters of the idea. Kasravi proceeds to outline the ills of post-Enlightenment European civilization: imperialism, colonialism, capitalism, Orientalism. Embedded in Europe's notions of “progress,” these phenomena have in reality brought about social Darwinism, racism, war-mongering, materialism, mindless consumerism, inequality and immorality in the world. Disputing the rationality or civility of these Western tokens, Kasravi warns Euro-enthusiasts in his country of the consequences of wholesale Westernization and instead advocates for a vernacular modernity premised on the noble virtues of Iranian culture and of rationalist Islam. In the process, Kasravi created the theoretical framework and the lexicon which many of his other works build upon, and which generations of other Iranian intellectuals of various persuasions would draw on. Placed in the context of similar polemical works from the global South, Ethos's import transcends the Iranian setting. It presents an embryonic articulation of post-colonial discourse which would, decades later, come to maturity and international recognition in the works of Edward Said and others.

Ethos, Bioethics, and Sexual Ethics in Work and Reception of the Anatomist Niels Stensen: Circulation of Love (Philosophy and Medicine #117)

by Frank Sobiech

This book offers a unique and comprehensive outline of the ethos, the bioethics and the sexual ethics of the renowned anatomist and founder of modern geology, Niels Stensen (1638-1686). It tells the story of a student who is forced to defend himself against his professor who tries to plagiarize his first discovery, the “Ductus Stenonis”: the first performance test for the young researcher. The focal points are questions of bioethics, especially with regard to human reproduction, sexual ethics, the beginning of life and the ensoulment of the embryo, together with frontiers of pastoral care. The book delineates Stensen’s ethos as well as its medico-ethical and theological implications and reception by researchers and physicians from the 17th century until today, and asks about his lasting significance. Despite dating back more than 300 years, Stensen’s character and his work offer up surprisingly topical answers to current questions on the nature of professional ethics in medical science and practice. Furthermore, “Ethos, Bioethics, and Sexual Ethics in Work and Reception of the Anatomist Niels Stensen (1638-1686): Circulation of Love” is the first academic book on bioethics and sexual ethics with a foreword by the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. A fascinating book for bioethicists, physicians, members of health professions, scientists, and theologians.

The ETIM: China's Islamic Militants and the Global Terrorist Threat (PSI Guides to Terrorists, Insurgents, and Armed Groups)

by J. Todd Reed Diana Raschke

This comprehensive account examines the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM)—the most significant Muslim militant group in China—including its origins, objectives, ideology, leadership, and tactics.To effectively engage China on counterterrorism issues, we must understand the capabilities and intentions of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), the most significant Muslim militant group in China. The ETIM: China's Islamic Militants and the Global Terrorist Threat is the first book to focus specifically on the ETIM, a terrorist group that demands an independent Muslim state for the Uyghur ethnic minority in northwest China. This fascinating study offers a comprehensive account of the group's origins, objectives, ideology, leadership, and tactics. It details the historical and contemporary contexts of the Uyghur separatist movement, the ETIM's alleged ties to international terrorist networks, and the Chinese government's interest in promoting the ETIM as a significant international problem. In addition, the book addresses conflicting claims about the membership and viability of the organization, noting where the Chinese government has apparently manipulated information about the ETIM to suit its own goals. A final chapter explores how various countries define ETIM activities and what that means for relations with China.

The ETIM: China's Islamic Militants and the Global Terrorist Threat (PSI Guides to Terrorists, Insurgents, and Armed Groups)

by J. Todd Reed Diana Raschke

This comprehensive account examines the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM)—the most significant Muslim militant group in China—including its origins, objectives, ideology, leadership, and tactics.To effectively engage China on counterterrorism issues, we must understand the capabilities and intentions of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), the most significant Muslim militant group in China. The ETIM: China's Islamic Militants and the Global Terrorist Threat is the first book to focus specifically on the ETIM, a terrorist group that demands an independent Muslim state for the Uyghur ethnic minority in northwest China. This fascinating study offers a comprehensive account of the group's origins, objectives, ideology, leadership, and tactics. It details the historical and contemporary contexts of the Uyghur separatist movement, the ETIM's alleged ties to international terrorist networks, and the Chinese government's interest in promoting the ETIM as a significant international problem. In addition, the book addresses conflicting claims about the membership and viability of the organization, noting where the Chinese government has apparently manipulated information about the ETIM to suit its own goals. A final chapter explores how various countries define ETIM activities and what that means for relations with China.

Etrog: How A Chinese Fruit Became a Jewish Symbol

by David Z. Moster

Every year before the holiday of Sukkot, Jews all around the world purchase an etrog—a lemon-like fruit—to participate in the holiday ritual. In this book, David Z. Moster tracks the etrog from its evolutionary home in Yunnan, China, to the lands of India, Iran, and finally Israel, where it became integral to the Jewish celebration of Sukkot during the Second Temple period. Moster explains what Sukkot was like before and after the arrival of the etrog, and why the etrog’s identification as the “choice tree fruit” of Leviticus 23:40 was by no means predetermined. He also demonstrates that once the fruit became associated with the holiday of Sukkot, it began to appear everywhere in Jewish art during the Roman and Byzantine periods, and eventually became a symbol for all the fruits of the land, and perhaps even the Jewish people as a whole.

Etrog: How A Chinese Fruit Became a Jewish Symbol

by David Z. Moster

Every year before the holiday of Sukkot, Jews all around the world purchase an etrog—a lemon-like fruit—to participate in the holiday ritual. In this book, David Z. Moster tracks the etrog from its evolutionary home in Yunnan, China, to the lands of India, Iran, and finally Israel, where it became integral to the Jewish celebration of Sukkot during the Second Temple period. Moster explains what Sukkot was like before and after the arrival of the etrog, and why the etrog’s identification as the “choice tree fruit” of Leviticus 23:40 was by no means predetermined. He also demonstrates that once the fruit became associated with the holiday of Sukkot, it began to appear everywhere in Jewish art during the Roman and Byzantine periods, and eventually became a symbol for all the fruits of the land, and perhaps even the Jewish people as a whole.

Etty Hillesum: A Life Transformed

by Patrick Woodhouse

On 8 March 1941, a 27-year-old Jewish Dutch student living in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam made the first entry in a diary that was to become one of the most remarkable documents to emerge from the Nazi Holocaust. Over the course of the next two and a half years, an insecure, chaotic and troubled young woman was transformed into someone who inspired those with whom she shared the suffering of the transit camp at Westerbork and with whom she eventually perished at Auschwitz. Through her diary and letters, she continues to inspire those whose lives she has touched since. She was an extraordinarily alive and vivid young woman who shaped and lived a spirituality of hope in the darkest period of the twentieth century. This book explores Etty Hillesum's life and writings, seeking to understand what it was about her that was so remarkable, how her journey developed, how her spirituality was shaped, and what her profound reflections on the roots of violence and the nature of evil can teach us today.

Etty Hillesum: A Life Transformed

by The Revd Canon Patrick Woodhouse

On 8 March 1941, a 27-year-old Jewish Dutch student living in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam made the first entry in a diary that was to become one of the most remarkable documents to emerge from the Nazi Holocaust. Over the course of the next two and a half years, an insecure, chaotic and troubled young woman was transformed into someone who inspired those with whom she shared the suffering of the transit camp at Westerbork and with whom she eventually perished at Auschwitz. Through her diary and letters, she continues to inspire those whose lives she has touched since. She was an extraordinarily alive and vivid young woman who shaped and lived a spirituality of hope in the darkest period of the twentieth century. This book explores Etty Hillesum's life and writings, seeking to understand what it was about her that was so remarkable, how her journey developed, how her spirituality was shaped, and what her profound reflections on the roots of violence and the nature of evil can teach us today.

Eucharist: A Guide For The Perplexed (Guides for the Perplexed)

by Ralph N. McMichael

What is the Eucharist? This direct question would seem to yield an equally direct answer. However, as soon as we begin to answer it, we encounter an array of responses layered with various complexities. The answer is shaped by who answers, for example a roman catholic, an Anglican, or a Baptist. Perhaps, even the name 'Eucharist' would be contested. Answers to this question would reflect not only confessional differences but also the spectrum of theological and liturgical perspectives across Christianity. In this book, Ralph McMichael analyses these complexities/ perplexities raised by asking this questions.

The Eucharist: Origins and Contemporary Understandings

by Thomas O'Loughlin

Theological reflection upon the Eucharist is dominated by two paradigms: One approach interprets the Eucharist almost exclusively in theological terms, shaped by Scholasticism and the Reformation. Most discussions about the nature of the Eucharist, Eucharistic presence or the role of the priest follow these categories, even if they come in modern disguise. The other reads the Eucharist as an event which can be explored empirically. O'Loughlin develops a new understanding of the Eucharist. This can be done by looking afresh at the historical evidence and bringing it in dialogue with modern theology. In the past decades, historical research and new discoveries have changed our view of the origins and the development of the Eucharist. By bringing history into a fruitful dialogue with sacramental and liturgical theology, he shows not only ways how theology and practice can be brought closer together again, but also how current ecumenical divisions can be overcome. His book makes an important contribution to eucharistic theology, both for individual church traditions as well as for ecumenical dialogues.

The Eucharist: Origins and Contemporary Understandings

by Thomas O'Loughlin

Theological reflection upon the Eucharist is dominated by two paradigms: One approach interprets the Eucharist almost exclusively in theological terms, shaped by Scholasticism and the Reformation. Most discussions about the nature of the Eucharist, Eucharistic presence or the role of the priest follow these categories, even if they come in modern disguise. The other reads the Eucharist as an event which can be explored empirically. O'Loughlin develops a new understanding of the Eucharist. This can be done by looking afresh at the historical evidence and bringing it in dialogue with modern theology. In the past decades, historical research and new discoveries have changed our view of the origins and the development of the Eucharist. By bringing history into a fruitful dialogue with sacramental and liturgical theology, he shows not only ways how theology and practice can be brought closer together again, but also how current ecumenical divisions can be overcome. His book makes an important contribution to eucharistic theology, both for individual church traditions as well as for ecumenical dialogues.

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