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Antisemitism, Islamophobia and the Politics of Definition (Palgrave Critical Studies of Antisemitism and Racism)
by David Feldman Marc VoloviciThis book, the first to explore the politics of definitions from an interdisciplinary perspective, encourages readers to reconsider the value and limits of definitions in confronting antisemitism and Islamophobia. In recent years, definitions of antisemitism and Islamophobia have become central to the struggle to combat the hostility, harassment and discrimination experienced by Jews and Muslims. Yet these definitions have also provoked fierce controversy: critics have questioned whether they are fit for purpose, or have criticised them as unwelcome attempts to restrict freedom of expression. In this edited collection, historians, social scientists and philosophers reflect on definitions of antisemitism and Islamophobia in both the past and the present. Its contributors investigate the different historical contexts which have shaped definitions and examine their different political purposes and meanings, as well as addressing contemporary debates, and identifying ways for us to move beyond our current impasse. This book therefore provides a broad and new perspective from which to comprehend present day minority politics.
Antisemitism on Social Media
by Monika Hübscher Sabine Von MeringAntisemitism on Social Media is a book for all who want to understand this phenomenon. Researchers interested in the matter will find innovative methodologies (CrowdTangle or Voyant Tools mixed with discourse analysis) and new concepts (tertiary antisemitism, antisemitic escalation) that should become standard in research on antisemitism on social media. It is also an invitation to students and up-and-coming and established scholars to study this phenomenon further. This interdisciplinary volume addresses how social media with its technology and business model has revolutionized the dissemination of antisemitism and how this impacts not only victims of antisemitic hate speech but also society at large. The book gives insight into case studies on different platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, and Telegram. It also demonstrates how social media is weaponized through the dissemination of antisemitic content by political actors from the right, the left, and the extreme fringe, and critically assesses existing counter-strategies. People working for social media companies, policy makers, practitioners, and journalists will benefit from the questions raised, the findings, and the recommendations. Educators who teach courses on antisemitism, hate speech, extremism, conspiracies, and Holocaust denial but also those who teach future leaders in computer technology will find this volume an important resource.
Antisemitism on Social Media
by Monika Hübscher and Sabine von MeringAntisemitism on Social Media is a book for all who want to understand this phenomenon. Researchers interested in the matter will find innovative methodologies (CrowdTangle or Voyant Tools mixed with discourse analysis) and new concepts (tertiary antisemitism, antisemitic escalation) that should become standard in research on antisemitism on social media. It is also an invitation to students and up-and-coming and established scholars to study this phenomenon further. This interdisciplinary volume addresses how social media with its technology and business model has revolutionized the dissemination of antisemitism and how this impacts not only victims of antisemitic hate speech but also society at large. The book gives insight into case studies on different platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, and Telegram. It also demonstrates how social media is weaponized through the dissemination of antisemitic content by political actors from the right, the left, and the extreme fringe, and critically assesses existing counter-strategies. People working for social media companies, policy makers, practitioners, and journalists will benefit from the questions raised, the findings, and the recommendations. Educators who teach courses on antisemitism, hate speech, extremism, conspiracies, and Holocaust denial but also those who teach future leaders in computer technology will find this volume an important resource.
Antisemitism Without Jews in Germany, France and the U.S.: Phantom Enemies (Palgrave Critical Studies of Antisemitism and Racism)
by William I. Brustein Luke GramithWhy does antisemitic messaging strike a chord in certain communities without Jews but fall flat in neighboring communities equally without Jews? This book focuses on antipathy towards Jews - expressed through successful electoral campaigns where a candidate or political party championed antisemitism - in communities located in three different nations where the Jewish population had virtually no history of interaction with the resident majority population of non-Jews. The cases are: the election of antisemitic deputies in the 1893 German Reichstag Elections from eastern Saxony; the election of a slate of antisemitic deputies to the French Chamber in 1898 from the southwestern French department of the Gers; and the significant proportion of votes for the antisemitic campaign of Gerald B. Winrod in the U.S. Senate Republican Party primary election in 1938 in Kansas. Each of these examples illustrates the existence of heightened levels of antisemitism in cases where few, if any, Jews had engagement with the majority population.
Antisemitismus im Mediendiskurs: Die Affäre „Waldheim“ in der Tagespresse (Sprachwissenschaft)
by Helmut GruberAntisemitismus, Terrorismus und politischer Islam: Erkenntnisse aus internationalen Meinungsumfragen
by Arno TauschAngesichts der unfassbaren Pogrome, die die Terrororganisation Hamas, beginnend mit dem 7. Oktober 2023, in Israel verübte, und angesichts der Welle des globalen Antisemitismus und der antijüdischen Gewalt, die seither über die Welt hereingebrochen ist, ist eine empirisch orientierte Analyse von Antisemitismus, Terrorismus und politischem Islam von absoluter Wichtigkeit. Die Beiträge in diesem Buch versuchen, basierend auf Meinungsumfragen, einen aktuellen und empirisch abgesicherten Beitrag über das Verhältnis von Antisemitismus, Terrorismus und politischem Islam zu präsentieren, der dem internationalen Forschungsstand entspricht. Alles deutet darauf hin, dass der Antisemitismus der sogenannten "gemäßigten Islamisten" die Verbreitung der Ideologie des brutalen Terrorismus erst ermöglicht und sogar in Mode gebracht hat.
Antisemitismus und Recht: Interdisziplinäre Annäherungen
by Christoph SchuchWas heißt es, über Antisemitismus und Recht nachzudenken? Aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive betrachten die Beiträger*innen erstmals die Zusammenhänge dieses Forschungsfelds. Zugänge aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen wie unter anderem der Geschichtswissenschaft, Philosophie, Soziologie, Literaturwissenschaft und Rechtswissenschaft schließen erste Lücken, zeigen aber auch Probleme, Herausforderungen und Desiderate auf. Der Band schafft somit nicht zuletzt Grundlagen für ein verstärktes Wissen im Hinblick auf Antisemitismus in Rechtswissenschaft und -praxis.
Antisemitismus unter ,,muslimischen Jugendlichen": Empirische Perspektiven auf Antisemitismus im Zusammenhang mit Religiösem im Denken und Wahrnehmen Jugendlicher
by Stefan E. HößlIn seiner empirisch fundierten Studie untersucht Stefan E. Hößl Zusammenhänge zwischen Antisemitismus und Religiösem bei Jugendlichen, die sich als Musliminnen und Muslime definieren. Der Autor lässt eine rekonstruktive Analysehaltung zum Tragen kommen und fragt dabei, inwiefern Religiöses – fernab einer bloßen religiösen Selbstverortung der Jugendlichen – in ihrem Denken und Wahrnehmen einen Niederschlag findet. Auf der Basis der Auswertung qualitativ-narrativer und Leitfaden-Interviews arbeitet er zwei kontrastierende Konstellationen heraus. Aus seinen Ergebnissen leitet der Autor Reflexionen für die antisemitismuskritische Bildungsarbeit ab.
Antisemitismustheorien (essentials)
by Samuel SalzbornDas Buch fasst die theoretischen Erkenntnisse der sozialwissenschaftlichen Antisemitismusforschung zusammen. Berücksichtigt werden dabei die Mikro-, die Meso- und die Makroebene, was psychologische, soziologische und politikwissenschaftliche/philosophische Ansätze umfasst. Dargestellt werden Fragen des Individuums und der antisemitischen Persönlichkeit, der sozialen Vermittlung in Kultur, Gesellschaft und Masse sowie der gesellschaftlichen, ökonomischen und politischen Strukturen.
Antoine de Chandieu: The Silver Horn of Geneva's Reformed Triumvirate (Oxford Studies in Historical Theology)
by Theodore G. Van RaalteOffering the first study in any language dedicated to the influential publications of the French Reformed theologian Antoine de Chandieu (1534-1591), Theodore Van Raalte begins by recalling Chandieu's reputation as it stood at the death of Theodore Beza in 1605. Poets in Geneva mourned the end of an era of star theologians, reminiscing about Geneva's Reformed triumvirate of gold, silver, and bronze: gold represented Calvin; silver Chandieu; and bronze Beza. Van Raalte's work sets Chandieu within the context of Reformed theology in Geneva, the wider history of scholastic method in the Swiss cantons, and the gripping social and political milieux of this tumultuous time. Chandieu was far from a mere ivory tower theologian: as a member of French nobility in possession of many estates and castles in France, he and his family acutely experienced the misery and triumph of the French Huguenots during the Wars of Religion. Connected to royalty from the beginning of his career, Chandieu later served the future Henry IV as personal military chaplain and cryptographer. His writings run the gamut from religious poetry (put to music by others in his lifetime) to carefully-crafted disputations which saw publication in his posthumous Opera Theologica in five editions between 1592 and 1620. Chandieu had developed a very elaborate form of the medieval quaestio disputata and made liberal use of hypothetical syllogisms. Van Raalte argues that Chandieu utilized scholastic method in theology for the sake of clarity of argument, rootedness in Scripture, and certainty of faith.
Antoine de Chandieu: The Silver Horn of Geneva's Reformed Triumvirate (Oxford Studies in Historical Theology)
by Theodore G. Van RaalteOffering the first study in any language dedicated to the influential publications of the French Reformed theologian Antoine de Chandieu (1534-1591), Theodore Van Raalte begins by recalling Chandieu's reputation as it stood at the death of Theodore Beza in 1605. Poets in Geneva mourned the end of an era of star theologians, reminiscing about Geneva's Reformed triumvirate of gold, silver, and bronze: gold represented Calvin; silver Chandieu; and bronze Beza. Van Raalte's work sets Chandieu within the context of Reformed theology in Geneva, the wider history of scholastic method in the Swiss cantons, and the gripping social and political milieux of this tumultuous time. Chandieu was far from a mere ivory tower theologian: as a member of French nobility in possession of many estates and castles in France, he and his family acutely experienced the misery and triumph of the French Huguenots during the Wars of Religion. Connected to royalty from the beginning of his career, Chandieu later served the future Henry IV as personal military chaplain and cryptographer. His writings run the gamut from religious poetry (put to music by others in his lifetime) to carefully-crafted disputations which saw publication in his posthumous Opera Theologica in five editions between 1592 and 1620. Chandieu had developed a very elaborate form of the medieval quaestio disputata and made liberal use of hypothetical syllogisms. Van Raalte argues that Chandieu utilized scholastic method in theology for the sake of clarity of argument, rootedness in Scripture, and certainty of faith.
Antonio Gramsci and the Question of Religion: Ideology, Ethics, and Hegemony
by Bruce GrelleAntonio Gramsci and the Question of Religion provides a new introduction to the thought of Gramsci through the prisms of religious studies and comparative ethics. Bruce Grelle shows that Gramsci’s key ideas – on hegemony, ideology, moral reformation, "traditional" and "organic" intellectuals – were formulated with simultaneous considerations of religion and politics. Identifying Gramsci’s particular brand of Marxism, Grelle offers an overview of Gramsci’s approach to religion and applies it to contemporary debates over the role of religion and morality in social order and social change. This book is ideal for students and scholars interested in Gramsci, religion, and comparative ethics.
Antonio Gramsci and the Question of Religion: Ideology, Ethics, and Hegemony
by Bruce GrelleAntonio Gramsci and the Question of Religion provides a new introduction to the thought of Gramsci through the prisms of religious studies and comparative ethics. Bruce Grelle shows that Gramsci’s key ideas – on hegemony, ideology, moral reformation, "traditional" and "organic" intellectuals – were formulated with simultaneous considerations of religion and politics. Identifying Gramsci’s particular brand of Marxism, Grelle offers an overview of Gramsci’s approach to religion and applies it to contemporary debates over the role of religion and morality in social order and social change. This book is ideal for students and scholars interested in Gramsci, religion, and comparative ethics.
António Vieira: Six Sermons
by Mónica Leal Silva Liam BrockeyThis volume is the first English translation and annotation of the sermons of António Vieira, a major cultural figure in the Portuguese-speaking world. Born in Lisbon in 1608, Vieira was a Jesuit who lived and worked in both Europe and Brazil in the service of the church and the Portuguese crown. His sermons are among the most renowned pieces of baroque oratory in the Portuguese language. These carefully selected sermons offer insight into Vieira's visionary thought on social and spiritual matters. In the Sermon for the Success of Portuguese Arms against the Dutch, Vieira inveighs against God for His apparent abandonment of the Portuguese and begs for divine intervention. His Sermon of St. Anthony is an allegory that addresses the inequities that he witnessed in Brazil. The Sexagesima Sermon parodies literary clichés from his time while prescribing a more effective, if harsher, style of preaching. The Sermon of the Good Thief is a rebuke to the imperial officials who used their positions for personal enrichment, and a warning to kings against complicity with corruption. Vieira's Sermon XXVII addresses African slaves and their Brazilian masters, attempting to comfort the first group in their trials and to admonish the second for their brutality. Finally, the Sermon called Arm tells the story of the relic of Francis Xavier's arm sent from India to Italy in 1614, and pays tribute to the obedience of Vieira's Jesuit predecessor.
António Vieira: Six Sermons
by Mónica Leal Silva Liam BrockeyThis volume is the first English translation and annotation of the sermons of António Vieira, a major cultural figure in the Portuguese-speaking world. Born in Lisbon in 1608, Vieira was a Jesuit who lived and worked in both Europe and Brazil in the service of the church and the Portuguese crown. His sermons are among the most renowned pieces of baroque oratory in the Portuguese language. These carefully selected sermons offer insight into Vieira's visionary thought on social and spiritual matters. In the Sermon for the Success of Portuguese Arms against the Dutch, Vieira inveighs against God for His apparent abandonment of the Portuguese and begs for divine intervention. His Sermon of St. Anthony is an allegory that addresses the inequities that he witnessed in Brazil. The Sexagesima Sermon parodies literary clichés from his time while prescribing a more effective, if harsher, style of preaching. The Sermon of the Good Thief is a rebuke to the imperial officials who used their positions for personal enrichment, and a warning to kings against complicity with corruption. Vieira's Sermon XXVII addresses African slaves and their Brazilian masters, attempting to comfort the first group in their trials and to admonish the second for their brutality. Finally, the Sermon called Arm tells the story of the relic of Francis Xavier's arm sent from India to Italy in 1614, and pays tribute to the obedience of Vieira's Jesuit predecessor.
Anxious Angels: A Retrospective View of Religious Existentialism
by G. PattisonExistentialism was one of the most important influences on twentieth-century thought, especially in the period between the 1920s and early 1960s. Best known in its atheistic representatives such as Sartre, it also numbered many significant religious thinkers. Anxious Angels is a critical introduction to these religious existentialists, who are treated as a coherent group in their own right and not merely derivative of secular existentialism. The book argues that they constitute a distinctive religious voice that continues to merit attention in an era of postmodernity.
Anxious Histories: Narrating the Holocaust in Jewish Communities at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century
by Jordana SilversteinOver the last seventy years, memories and narratives of the Holocaust have played a significant role in constructing Jewish communities. The author explores one field where these narratives are disseminated: Holocaust pedagogy in Jewish schools in Melbourne and New York. Bringing together a diverse range of critical approaches, including memory studies, gender studies, diaspora theory, and settler colonial studies, Anxious Histories complicates the stories being told about the Holocaust in these Jewish schools and their broader communities. It demonstrates that an anxious thread runs throughout these historical narratives, as the pedagogy negotiates feelings of simultaneous belonging and not-belonging in the West and in Zionism. In locating that anxiety, the possibilities and the limitations of narrating histories of the Holocaust are opened up once again for analysis, critique, discussion, and development.
An Anxious Inheritance: Religious Others and the Shaping of Sunni Orthodoxy
by Aaron W. HughesAn Anxious Inheritance reveals the tensions between the early framers of Islam and the ever-expandable category of non-Muslims. Examining the encounter with these religious others, and showing how the Qur'an functioned as both a script to understand them and a map to classify them, this study traces the key role that these religious others played in what would ultimately emerge as (Sunni) orthodoxy. This orthodoxy would appear to be the natural outgrowth of the Prophet Muhammad's preaching, but it ultimately amounted to little more than a retroactive projection of later ideas onto the earliest period. Non-Muslims (among them Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians) and the "wrong" kinds of Muslims (e.g., the Shi'a) became integral--by virtue of their perceived stubbornness, infidelity, heresy, or the like--to the understanding of what true religion was not and, just as importantly, what it should be. These non-Muslims were rarely real individuals or groups; rather, they functioned as textual foils that could be conveniently orchestrated, and ultimately controlled, to facilitate Muslim self-definition. Without such religious others proper belief could, quite literally, not be articulated. Shedding new light on the early history of Islam, while also problematizing the binary of orthodoxy/heresy in the study of religion, An Anxious Inheritance makes significant contributions to a number of diverse academic fields.
An Anxious Inheritance: Religious Others and the Shaping of Sunni Orthodoxy
by Aaron W. HughesAn Anxious Inheritance reveals the tensions between the early framers of Islam and the ever-expandable category of non-Muslims. Examining the encounter with these religious others, and showing how the Qur'an functioned as both a script to understand them and a map to classify them, this study traces the key role that these religious others played in what would ultimately emerge as (Sunni) orthodoxy. This orthodoxy would appear to be the natural outgrowth of the Prophet Muhammad's preaching, but it ultimately amounted to little more than a retroactive projection of later ideas onto the earliest period. Non-Muslims (among them Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians) and the "wrong" kinds of Muslims (e.g., the Shi'a) became integral--by virtue of their perceived stubbornness, infidelity, heresy, or the like--to the understanding of what true religion was not and, just as importantly, what it should be. These non-Muslims were rarely real individuals or groups; rather, they functioned as textual foils that could be conveniently orchestrated, and ultimately controlled, to facilitate Muslim self-definition. Without such religious others proper belief could, quite literally, not be articulated. Shedding new light on the early history of Islam, while also problematizing the binary of orthodoxy/heresy in the study of religion, An Anxious Inheritance makes significant contributions to a number of diverse academic fields.
Any Dream Will Do: A Novel
by Debbie MacomberTHE BRAND NEW NOVEL - AND A NUMBER ONE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! - FROM BESTSELLING AUTHOR DEBBIE MACOMBER.‘Beautifully written with a fine eye for details and a good dollop of sweet romance, Any Dream Will Do is a delightful read from an author who has the unique ability of holding the reader in the palm of her hand’ Jaffa Reads Too***It’s never too late to start again. Two unlikely friends find the strength in each other to overcome their painful pasts.Shay Benson adored her younger brother. She did all she could to keep Caden on the straight and narrow. But one day her best intentions got Shay into the worst trouble of her life. By protecting Caden, Shay sacrificed herself.Drew Douglas adored his wife. But since losing Katie, all he could do was focus on their two beautiful children; everything else came a distant second.Shay and Drew are each in need a fresh start, and when they meet by chance it’s an unexpected blessing for them both. Drew helps Shay to get back on her feet, and she reignites his sense of purpose. But when a devastating secret is uncovered, Shay and Drew’s new lives are threatened. It will take all of their strength, faith and trust to protect the bright future they dream of.Debbie Macomber: Meet friends you'll call family. ‘[Debbie’s] books have a warm, cosy feel to them and she has a knack of creating characters who you genuinely care about’ Bookaholic Confessions‘Joyous and inspiring’ Cosy Books Blog'This is perfect holiday reading from a master of romantic women’s fiction' CultureFly'A romance novel that you can really get your teeth into. Engaging characters and a brilliant story.' Frost Magazine
Anyang: A Chronicle of the Discovery, Excavation, and Reconstruction of the Ancient Capital of the Shang Dynasty (China Academic Library)
by Chi LiThis book presents an anthology of English-language archaeological and anthropological writings by Li Chi, the founding father of modern archaeology in China. It is divided into 15 chapters; in the first two, Dr. Li sets the stage by introducing the principal characters involved in the first “act” of this modern archaeological drama; in the third and fourth chapters, he describes the status of Chinese archaeology during the early years of the twentieth century and highlights the contributions of prominent foreigners. Starting with the fifth chapter, Dr. Li begins detailing the excavations and describes the principle finds of the Anyang expedition. In turn, the book’s closing chapters present a summary of the findings and descriptions of some of the major publications that this monumental project has yielded. For readers who are interested in Chinese civilization, what will appeal to them most are the details of the excavations of Yin Hsü (the ruins of the Yin Dynasty), including building foundations, bronzes, chariots, pottery, stone and jade, and thousands of oracle bones, which are vividly shown in historical pictures. These findings transformed the Yin Shang culture from legend into history and thus moved China’s history forward by hundreds of years, shocking the world. The anthology also includes Li Chi’s reflections on central problems in Chinese anthropology, which are both enlightening and thought-provoking.
Anything but Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth
by Wayne BesenThe real story behind "ex-gay" ministries and reparative therapy! Nationally known activist Wayne Besen spent four years examining the phenomenon of "ex-gay" ministries and reparative therapies-interviewing leaders, attending conferences, and visiting ministries undercover as he accumulated hundreds of hours of research. The result is Anything but Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth, a groundbreaking exposé of the controversial movement that's revered by independent religious groups and reviled by gay and lesbian organizations. The book presents a historical perspective on the dispute, examining "ex-gay" groups such as Love In Action, Exodus International, Homosexuals Anonymous, and profiling a cast of characters that includes Pat Robertson, the Rev. Jerry Falwell, "ex-gay" poster boy John Paulk, National Association of Research and Therapy of Homosexuality activist Richard Cohen, and psychiatrist Dr. Robert Spitzer. An in-depth, well-researched, and historically significant account, Anything but Straight is full of startling facts and alarming surprises. The original content and novel material in the book includes: a first-ever comprehensive history of the "ex-gay" ministries and "reparative therapy" the inside story of the night the author photographed "ex-gay" poster boy John Paulk inside a gay bar the author's discovery that Anne Paulk lied about being a lesbian and has admitted to having a strong attraction to men BEFORE she became "ex-gay" previously undisclosed bizarre techniques used by the "ex-gay" ministries and "reparative therapists" the author's exclusive in-depth interviews with leading "ex-gay" leaders-they disclose their deepest secrets, hidden desires, and true motivations an extraordinary new study that shows that most "ex-gay" leaders have suffered from substance abuse or severe emotional problems-while many "ex-gay" leaders claim they were "unhappy being gay," this report helps prove that their dissatisfactions came not from their homosexuality, but from poor life choices and irresponsible behavior new revelations that one of the nation's leading "reparative therapists" hailed from a secretive cult that was scandalized for practicing nude therapy From the author: Through my extensive experience, I have learned that the extraordinary claims made by the "ex-gay" groups are without merit and the efficacy of their programs is dubious at best and harmful at worst . . . One frequent question I get is, "Why can't gay activists simply leave 'ex-gay' groups alone and let them go about their business?" This is exactly what happened for nearly three decades while "ex-gay" groups labored in near anonymity. But all this recently changed when the "ex-gay" groups intricately aligned themselves with the anti-gay political agenda of the Religious Right. With "ex-gays" added to their arsenal, the Right could disingenuously claim to love gay people and offer them "hope for change," while simultaneously fighting for punitive legislation. Their insidious message: Since gays and lesbians can change, there is no need for laws that protect them against arbitrary prejudice. Anything but Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth is an essential read for activists on both sides of the "ex-gay" fence, family members of gays and lesbians, Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian, and Transgender church members, psychiatric and social science professionals, and anyone who has dealt with "coming out" issues. An appendix of resources and a helpful bibliography make it easy to find additional information on this fascinating topic.</ul
Anything but Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth
by Wayne BesenThe real story behind "ex-gay" ministries and reparative therapy! Nationally known activist Wayne Besen spent four years examining the phenomenon of "ex-gay" ministries and reparative therapies-interviewing leaders, attending conferences, and visiting ministries undercover as he accumulated hundreds of hours of research. The result is Anything but Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth, a groundbreaking exposé of the controversial movement that's revered by independent religious groups and reviled by gay and lesbian organizations. The book presents a historical perspective on the dispute, examining "ex-gay" groups such as Love In Action, Exodus International, Homosexuals Anonymous, and profiling a cast of characters that includes Pat Robertson, the Rev. Jerry Falwell, "ex-gay" poster boy John Paulk, National Association of Research and Therapy of Homosexuality activist Richard Cohen, and psychiatrist Dr. Robert Spitzer. An in-depth, well-researched, and historically significant account, Anything but Straight is full of startling facts and alarming surprises. The original content and novel material in the book includes: a first-ever comprehensive history of the "ex-gay" ministries and "reparative therapy" the inside story of the night the author photographed "ex-gay" poster boy John Paulk inside a gay bar the author's discovery that Anne Paulk lied about being a lesbian and has admitted to having a strong attraction to men BEFORE she became "ex-gay" previously undisclosed bizarre techniques used by the "ex-gay" ministries and "reparative therapists" the author's exclusive in-depth interviews with leading "ex-gay" leaders-they disclose their deepest secrets, hidden desires, and true motivations an extraordinary new study that shows that most "ex-gay" leaders have suffered from substance abuse or severe emotional problems-while many "ex-gay" leaders claim they were "unhappy being gay," this report helps prove that their dissatisfactions came not from their homosexuality, but from poor life choices and irresponsible behavior new revelations that one of the nation's leading "reparative therapists" hailed from a secretive cult that was scandalized for practicing nude therapy From the author: Through my extensive experience, I have learned that the extraordinary claims made by the "ex-gay" groups are without merit and the efficacy of their programs is dubious at best and harmful at worst . . . One frequent question I get is, "Why can't gay activists simply leave 'ex-gay' groups alone and let them go about their business?" This is exactly what happened for nearly three decades while "ex-gay" groups labored in near anonymity. But all this recently changed when the "ex-gay" groups intricately aligned themselves with the anti-gay political agenda of the Religious Right. With "ex-gays" added to their arsenal, the Right could disingenuously claim to love gay people and offer them "hope for change," while simultaneously fighting for punitive legislation. Their insidious message: Since gays and lesbians can change, there is no need for laws that protect them against arbitrary prejudice. Anything but Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth is an essential read for activists on both sides of the "ex-gay" fence, family members of gays and lesbians, Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian, and Transgender church members, psychiatric and social science professionals, and anyone who has dealt with "coming out" issues. An appendix of resources and a helpful bibliography make it easy to find additional information on this fascinating topic.</ul
Anything Is Possible: How Nine Miracles of Jesus Reveal God's Love for You
by Joby MartinFrom mega-church pastor Joby Martin, an accessible yet theologically-rich look at nine miracles of Jesus and what they teach us about the miraculous power available to every believer. Miracles are impossible. They defy explanation. They can&’t be real. And yet, miracles surround us every day. Where we face something that we can&’t fix and run out of options. Where the limited and finite ability of man ends and unlimited and infinite will of God begins. Where what is impossible with man is possible with God. In Anything is Possible, Joby Martin, bestselling author and Lead Pastor of The Church of Eleven 22, examines nine miracles of Jesus—the miracle at the wedding of Cana, the story of the cripple at the pool of Bethesda, the feeding of the 5,000, the raising of Lazarus—and shows how each teaches us something unique about how God wants to relate to us. Written with New York Times bestselling author Charles Martin, Anything is Possible is an insightful and spiritually rich look the miracles of Christ, and how the greatest miracles of all changed everything. Ultimately, he encourages readers that God still does miracles today, that believers have access to the incredible power that raised Jesus from the dead, and, ultimately, reminds us not to seek miracles themselves, but the one who performs them.
Anytime Prayers for Everyday Moms
by No AuthorWhat any mom needs on a particular day is as varied as her to-do list, but every mom needs God's wisdom, power, and guidance. Whether asking God for the stamina to simply make it through the day, praying for a child in need, or praising God for the blessings of home and family, this book is a helpful resource to mothers.