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Perspectives on Purity and Purification in the Bible (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies)

by Baruch J. Schwartz Naphtali S. Meshel Jeffrey Stackert David P. Wright

This book is a collection of essays on purificaton and atonement in the Hebrew Bible that provides new insights into the discussion of these ideas by looking at the values of sociological and anthropological approaches to the topics. The collection also examines multivalence and polyvalence in ritual and asks to what extent it is possible to speak of the function or meaning of ritual, even within the highly systematic priestly texts.

Perspectives on Spiritual Intelligence (Routledge Science and Religion Series)

by Fraser Watts Marius Dorobantu

The topic of intelligence involves questions that cut deep into ultimate concerns and human identity, and the study of intelligence is an ideal ground for dialogue between science and religion. This volume investigates the notion of spiritual intelligence from a variety of perspectives, bringing together contributions from theology, computer science, linguistics, psychology, biology, and cognitive science. It defines spiritual intelligence as “processing things differently, not processing different things” and aims to describe it in naturalistic terms. Spiritual intelligence is not regarded as a separate mental module or a magical ability to interact with the supernatural but rather as a specific, more spiritual way of engagement with reality, which has observable cognitive, phenomenal, and linguistic characteristics. The book is valuable reading for those working at the interface between science and spirituality.

Perspectives on Spiritual Intelligence (Routledge Science and Religion Series)

The topic of intelligence involves questions that cut deep into ultimate concerns and human identity, and the study of intelligence is an ideal ground for dialogue between science and religion. This volume investigates the notion of spiritual intelligence from a variety of perspectives, bringing together contributions from theology, computer science, linguistics, psychology, biology, and cognitive science. It defines spiritual intelligence as “processing things differently, not processing different things” and aims to describe it in naturalistic terms. Spiritual intelligence is not regarded as a separate mental module or a magical ability to interact with the supernatural but rather as a specific, more spiritual way of engagement with reality, which has observable cognitive, phenomenal, and linguistic characteristics. The book is valuable reading for those working at the interface between science and spirituality.

Perspectives on Traditional Settlements and Communities: Home, Form and Culture in Indonesia

by Bagoes Wiryomartono

This book covers the relationship between societies and their culture in the context of traditional settlement in Indonesia. The focus of the study is on the search for meanings of local concepts. This study reveals and analyzes the concepts concerning home and their sociocultural strategies for maintaining a sense of community and identity. In this study, identifying local concepts becomes the hallmark and the hub of analyses that explore, verify and establish relations between ideas and phenomena. Based on these relations, this study attempts to capture the reality of the local world that upholds and sustains the communities’ values, norms and principles for what they may call a homeland. The book is organized into two parts. Part I describes a cross-regional habitation in Indonesia, while Part II presents four ethnic regions of Indonesia - Sa’dan Toraja, Bali, Naga and Minangkabau. Their unique traditions, customs, beliefs and attitudes serve to provide diversity in terms of their backgrounds and lifestyles, though they share the challenge of sustaining their sense of home in the face of modernity as characterized by changes and developments toward a technologically industrialized society. The central research questions are - What is development in terms of culture and environmental sustainability? How do these communities respond to modernity?

Perspectives on Work, Home, and Identity From Artisans in Telangana: Conversations Around Craft

by Chandan Bose

Providing an ethnographic account of the everyday life of a household of artisans in the Telangana state of southern India, Chandan Bose engages with craft practice beyond the material (in this case, the region's characteristic murals, narrative cloth scrolls, and ritual masks and figurines). In situating the voice of the artisans themselves as the central focus of study, simultaneous and juxtaposing histories of craft practice emerge, through which artisans assemble narratives about work, home, and identity through multiple lenses. These perspectives include: the language artisans use to articulate their experience of materials, materiality, and the physical process of making; the shared and collective memory of practitioners through which they recount the genealogy of the practice; the everyday life of the household and its kinship practices, given the integration of the studio-space and the home-space; the negotiations between practitioners and the nation-state over matters of patronage; and the capacities of artisans to both conform to and affect the practices of the neo-liberal market.

Persuasion in Self-improvement Books (Postdisciplinary Studies in Discourse)

by Jeremy Koay

This book investigates how persuasion relates to values in self-improvement literature, revealing the discursive practices used to persuade and engage their readers, and construct a credible persona. The author adopts a corpus-driven approach that encompasses an examination of genre analysis and linguistic features such as narrative, pronoun, grammar and structure. The book further draws on insights from original interviews with writers and readers of self-improvement books, as well as people who do not read the genre. It begins by providing a helpful overview of the concepts of ideology and genre. A brief history of self-improvement books and their values and assumptions provide the context for the analysis. Where relevant, linguistic features in self-improvement books are compared with other genres (e.g. academic text, conversation, news). This book will be of interest to students and scholars in the fields of linguistics, culture and media studies.

The Persuasive Appeal of the Chronicler: A Rhetorical Analysis (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies)

by Rodney K. Duke

Drawing on ancient rhetorical principles, this work brings a novel approach to the exploration of the literary dynamics of the books of Chronicles. Contrary to those who have viewed the Chronicler as ploddy and dull, Duke maintains that the Chronicler understood the historiographical demands of his day. Utilizing traditions, genealogical material, speeches of authoritative characters and paradigmatic portrayal of events and characters, and moving from a cautious inductive presentation of his thesis to a more propositional form of argumentation, the Chronicler retold the story of Israel with skill and artistry.

Persuasive Artistry: Studies in New Testament Rhetoric in Honor of George A. Kennedy (The Library of New Testament Studies #50)

by Duane F. Watson

Crossing diverse strains of plants often yields a hybrid more vibrant than the parent strains. The same can be said of crossing diverse branches of knowledge, as in the integration of biblical and rhetorical studies that has produced the new hybrid of interpretative rhetorical criticism. This integration is due in no small measure to the creative efforts of George A. Kennedy. In this well-integrated volume of essays in his honour, 17 scholars display the influence of the approach taken by Kennedy and others upon the interpretation of the Gospels, Acts, Romans, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, and Ephesians.

Pesharim (Companion to the Qumran Scrolls)

by Timothy Lim

The Companion to the Qumran Scrolls series offers comprehensive and accessible introductions to the corpus of texts from Qumran. This volume, devoted to the characteristic biblical commentaries, discusses their contents and history, as well as their generic relationship to both New Testament and rabbinic scriptural exegesis. As with all the books in this series, this Guide is ideal for undergraduate and graduate classes.This book introduces the reader to one of the most important genres of sectarian writing from Qumran: the Pesharim, or biblical commentaries. Timothy Lim systematically discusses the textual characteristics of the quoted bible verses, the literary genre and its relationship with rabbinic midrash, the characteristics of sectarian exegesis, the nature of the historical allusions, and the common features, whether real or imagined, with the New Testament. Taking account of all relevant and recently published texts and with an annotated bibliography, this is an authoritative guide for the student or non-specialist scholar.

Peshat and Derash: Plain and Applied Meaning in Rabbinic Exegesis

by David Weiss Halivni

From the days of Plato, the problem of the efficacy and adequacy of the written word as a vehicle of human communication has challenged mankind, yet the mystery of how best to achieve clarity and exactitude of written expression has never been solved. The most repercussive instance of this universal problem has been the exegesis of the law embodied in Hebrew scripture. Peshat and Derash is the first book to trace the Jewish interpretative enterprise from a historical perspective. Applying his vast knowledge of Rabbinic materials to the long history of Jewish exegesis of both Bible and Talmud, Halivni investigates the tension that has often existed between the plain sense of the divine text (peshat) and its creative, Rabbinic interpretations (derash). Halivni addresses the theological implications of the deviation of derash from peshat and explores the differences between the ideological extreme of the religious right, which denies that Judaism has a history, and the religious left, which claims that history is all that Judaism has. A comprehensive and critical narration of the history and repercussions of Rabbinic exegesis, this analysis will interest students of legal texts, hermeneutics, and scriptural traditions, as well as anyone involved in Jewish studies.

Pesky Essays on the Logic of Philosophy (Logic, Argumentation & Reasoning #6)

by Kenneth G. Lucey

This collection of essays explores the philosophy of human knowledge from a multitude of perspectives, with a particular emphasis upon the justification component of the classical analysis of knowledge and with an excursion along the way to explore the role of knowledge in Texas Hold ‘Em poker.An important theme of the collection is the role of knowledge in religion, including a detailed argument for agnosticism. A number of the essays touch upon issues in philosophical logic, among them a fascinating new counter-example to Modus Ponens. The collection is rounded out with essays on causality and the philosophy of mind.The author’s perspective on the philosophy of human knowledge is fresh and challenging, as evidenced by essays entitled “On Epistemic Preferability;” “On Being Unjustified;” “The Logic of ‘Unless’” and “Is ‘This sentence is true.’ True?”An interesting feature of The Logic of Philosophy: Pesky Essays is the inclusion of responses to several of its key essays, contributed by such prominent contemporary philosophers as Roderick Chisholm, Ted Sider and Tomas Kapitan.

Pétain's Jewish Children: French Jewish Youth And The Vichy Regime, 1940-1942 (Oxford Historical Monographs)

by Daniel Lee

Pétain's Jewish Children examines the nature of the relationship between the Vichy regime and its Jewish citizens in the period 1940 to 1942. Previous studies have generally viewed the experiences of French Jewry during the Second World War through the lenses of persecution, resistance, or rescue; an approach which has had the unintended effect of stripping Jewish actors of their agency. This volume, however, draws attention to the specific category of French Jewish youth which reveals significant exceptions to Vichy's antisemitic policies, wherein the regime's desire for a reinvigorated youth and the rebirth of the nation took precedence over its racial laws. While Jews were becoming marginalised from the civil service and liberal professions, the New Order did not seek to exclude young French Jews from participating in a series of youth projects that aimed to rebuild France in the aftermath of its defeat to Germany. For example, the Jewish scouts' emphasis on manual work and a return to the land ensured that it was looked upon favourably by Vichy, who rewarded the scouts financially. Similarly, young French Jews were called up to take part in the Chantiers de la Jeunesse, Vichy's alternative to compulsory military service. In considering the roles of some of Vichy's lesser known ministers with responsibilities for youth, for whom antisemitism was not a priority, Pétain's Jewish Children illuminates the tensions between Vichy's ambition for national regeneration and its racial policies, rendering any simple account of its antisemitism misleading. While hindsight may point to the contrary, this volume shows that the emergence of the new regime did not signal the beginning of the end for French Jewry. In Vichy's first two years, while ambiguity reigned, possibilities to integrate and participate with the New Order endured and Jews were constantly presented with new avenues to probe and explore. After this point, the drastic policy changes fuelled by Prime Minister Pierre Laval and the head of Vichy Police, René Bousquet, coupled with the total occupation of France by German forces in November 1942, reduced the possibilities for coexistence almost to nothing.

Peter: The Myth, the Man and the writings

by Fred Lapham

This book critically examines all the early and important Petrine pseudepigrapha to identify a distinctive Petrine theology which, it is believed, was later swamped by the tide of western orthodoxy. Despite the diversity of the books and tractates, ranging from Jewish-Christian writings to avowedly Gnostic works, a remarkably consistent Petrine tradition does emerge; and Peter is shown essentially to be neither the impetuous, undiscerning, and even vacillating figure portrayed in the Gospels and Acts, nor the magisterial and pontifical figure of later Church tradition, but a visionary who was concerned above all to hold together both the moral and cognitive aspects of the Faith.

Peter: The Myth, the Man, and the Writings (The Library of New Testament Studies #239)

by Fred Lapham

This book critically examines all the early and important Petrine pseudepigrapha to identify a distinctive Petrine theology which, it is believed, was later swamped by the tide of western orthodoxy. Despite the diversity of the books and tractates, ranging from Jewish-Christian writings to avowedly Gnostic works, a remarkably consistent Petrine tradition does emerge; and Peter is shown essentially to be neither the impetuous, undiscerning, and even vacillating figure portrayed in the Gospels and Acts, nor the magisterial and pontifical figure of later Church tradition, but a visionary who was concerned above all to hold together both the moral and cognitive aspects of the Faith.

Peter: Apostle For The Whole Church

by Pheme Perkins

Pheme Perkins searches for the historical Peter, and the influence his image has had for both Roman Catholics and Protestants. Pointing to portrayals of Peter in the Pauline and Johannine traditions, the synoptic Gospels, and the Book of Acts, Perkins argues that precisely because there is no single Petrine tradition in the New Testament, the apostle should serve as a unifying figure for many forms of Christianity. She shows how Peter should be viewed as a harmonising figure who captures the Christian imagination, not only because he is the most prominent of Jesus' disciples but also because his weaknesses and strengths reveal a character accessible to all Christians.

Peter Abelard: Philosophy and Christianity in the Middle Ages

by Leif Grane

Originally published in 1970, Peter Abelard provides an exploration into the social and religious background to the story of Abelard and Heloise. The book presents the twelfth century as an age of renaissance, which saw the revival of Greek philosophy and Roman law, a renaissance just as important as that which was to come three centuries later. Through an examination of the life of Peter Abelard, the book offers an insight into this age of enlightenment in which dialects flourished and religious thought began to break away from the bonds of traditionalism. Peter Abelard will appeal to those with an interest in religious and social history, medieval history, and the story of Abelard and Heloise.

Peter Abelard: Philosophy and Christianity in the Middle Ages

by Leif Grane

Originally published in 1970, Peter Abelard provides an exploration into the social and religious background to the story of Abelard and Heloise. The book presents the twelfth century as an age of renaissance, which saw the revival of Greek philosophy and Roman law, a renaissance just as important as that which was to come three centuries later. Through an examination of the life of Peter Abelard, the book offers an insight into this age of enlightenment in which dialects flourished and religious thought began to break away from the bonds of traditionalism. Peter Abelard will appeal to those with an interest in religious and social history, medieval history, and the story of Abelard and Heloise.

Peter Abelard

by Helen Waddell

A new edition of the historical novel Peter Abelard by Helen Waddell introduced by Kate Mosse, the bestselling author of The Burning Chambers and Labyrinth.The story of Heloise and Abelard is one of the most famous love stories of all time. He was a famous philosopher in 12th Century Paris and she was a gifted scholar. He takes on the role of her tutor and the two fall passionately in love. Heloise’s Uncle arranges for them to be married in secret but his motives are far from kind. He arranges a brutal attack on Abelard which leaves him a broken man. Both Heloise and Peter take holy orders but although separated physically their love for each other lasts for the rest of their lives.First published in 1933 and a huge bestseller in its time, Helen Waddell’s novel tells their story with an intoxicating mix of drama and sensitivity and her own extensive scholarly research allows her to portray 12th France with astonishing vigour.

Peter and the Beloved Disciple: Figures for a Community in Crisis (The Library of New Testament Studies #32)

by Kevin Quast

The common supposition that the Fourth Gospel presents a rivalry between Peter and the Beloved Disciple, in which Peter is subordinated to the hero of the Johannine Community, is here subjected to fresh scrutiny. After establishing working hypotheses regarding the Johannine Community and the function of representative figures in the Fourth Gospel, the author first examines the function of Peter independently of the Beloved Disciple. Here, he is the exemplary leader of 'the Twelve'. In those passages where the two characters are juxtaposed, it is evident that the Beloved Disciple is not inordinately exalted above Peter, who in fact enjoys a comparable status. Peter and the Beloved Disciple have complementary roles to play in relation to Jesus and his unfolding 'hour'. John 20 shows the Beloved Disciple as the example of a true believing disciple of Jesus, while concerned to give appropriate respect and support to the 'Apostolic' stream of traditions associated with Peter. The Gospel appendix, ch. 21, is concerned to hold together both sorts of traditions and allegiances. Finally, the author shows how the Gospel as a whole works coherently to encourage a wider view of Christian 'intercommunity' unity after the death of the Beloved Disciple.

Peter Berger and the Study of Religion

by Paul Heelas David Martin Linda Woodhead

Peter Berger is the most influential contemporary sociologist of religion. This collection of essays is the first in-depth study of his contribution to the field, providing a comprehensive introduction to his work and to current thought in the study of religion. Themes addressed include: * Berger on religion and theology* Religion, spirituality and the discontents of modernity* Secularization and de-secularizationA postscript by Peter Berger, responding to the essays, completes this overview of this major figure's work.

Peter Berger and the Study of Religion

by Paul Heelas David Martin Linda Woodhead

Peter Berger is the most influential contemporary sociologist of religion. This collection of essays is the first in-depth study of his contribution to the field, providing a comprehensive introduction to his work and to current thought in the study of religion. Themes addressed include: * Berger on religion and theology* Religion, spirituality and the discontents of modernity* Secularization and de-secularizationA postscript by Peter Berger, responding to the essays, completes this overview of this major figure's work.

Peter Geach: Philosophical Encounters (Synthese Library #213)

by H. A. Lewis

The present volume owes its existence to a proposal of Dr Esa Saarinen. Our aim was to celebrate the work of a living philosopher by presenting it both from his own point of view, through the medium of a philosophical autobiography, and from that of his closest philo­ sophical colleagues and adversaries. We felt that a philosophical career lived through vigorous controversy was best reflected not by adulation but in the spirit of that career - by open debate. Contributors were not constrained in their choice of topic, but their contributions fell naturally into groups linked with some of Peter Geach's principal areas of interest, and we have so grouped them in the book. There is an interweaving of biographical and philosophical themes, not only in Peter Geach's philosophical autobiography, but also in the introductions he has contributed to each section. Professor W. V. O. Quine's contribution, which consists of extracts from his correspondence with Peter Geach, has been set apart as it forms a natural bridge between Peter Geach's autobiography and the contri­ butions that follow. Their correspondence reproduced here throws new light on many familiar themes from the writings of both philosophers: among them, the objects of belief and other attitudes, issues in set theory, the nature of causality, and evolution in epistemology.

Peter L. Berger and the Sociology of Religion: 50 Years after The Sacred Canopy

by Titus Hjelm

How and why did The Sacred Canopy by Peter L. Berger (1929–2017) become a classic? How have scholars used Berger's ideas over the past 50 years since its publication? How are these ideas relevant to the future of the sociology of religion? Peter L. Berger and the Sociology of Religion explores these questions by providing a broad overview of Berger's work, as well as more focussed studies. The chapters discuss both aspects of Berger's classic text: the 'systematic' sociological theorising on religion and the 'historical' theorising on secularisation. The articles also critically examine Berger's reversal regarding secularisation and the suggested 'desecularisation' of the world. The approaches range from disciplinary history to applications of Berger's ideas. The book includes contributions from Nancy Ammerman, Steve Bruce, David Feltmate, Effie Fokas, Titus Hjelm, D. Paul Johnson, Hubert Knoblauch, Silke Steets, Riyaz Timol, and Bryan S. Turner.

Peter L. Berger and the Sociology of Religion: 50 Years after The Sacred Canopy

by Titus Hjelm

How and why did The Sacred Canopy by Peter L. Berger (1929–2017) become a classic? How have scholars used Berger's ideas over the past 50 years since its publication? How are these ideas relevant to the future of the sociology of religion? Peter L. Berger and the Sociology of Religion explores these questions by providing a broad overview of Berger's work, as well as more focussed studies. The chapters discuss both aspects of Berger's classic text: the 'systematic' sociological theorising on religion and the 'historical' theorising on secularisation. The articles also critically examine Berger's reversal regarding secularisation and the suggested 'desecularisation' of the world. The approaches range from disciplinary history to applications of Berger's ideas. The book includes contributions from Nancy Ammerman, Steve Bruce, David Feltmate, Effie Fokas, Titus Hjelm, D. Paul Johnson, Hubert Knoblauch, Silke Steets, Riyaz Timol, and Bryan S. Turner.

Peter L. Berger on Religion: The Social Reality of Religion (Key Thinkers in the Study of Religion)

by Titus Hjelm

Peter L. Berger on Religion provides an overview and critical assessment of the work of one of the most influential sociologists of the 20th century.Situating Berger’s writings on religion and secularisation in the broader framework of social constructionism, the book argues that neither he nor the research influenced by him consistently followed the constructionist paradigm. This assessment is informed by a close examination of The Sacred Canopy (1967), in particular. The volume also offers a Berger‑inspired constructionist framework for the study of religion.This book is an excellent resource for students and researchers interested in the intersection of religion and social theory.

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