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The Problem with Grace: Reconfiguring Political Theology

by Vincent Lloyd

This book develops a post-secular, post-sectarian political theology, taking that burgeoning field in a new direction. With his bold suggestion that political philosophy must begin with political theology, Vincent Lloyd investigates a series of religious concepts such as love, faith, liturgy, and revelation and explores their political relevance by extracting them from their Christian theological context while refusing to reduce them to secular terms. He assembles an unusual canon of thinkers "too Jewish to be Christian and too Christian to be Jewish"—Simone Weil, James Baldwin, Franz Kafka, and Gillian Rose—to aid him in his explorations. Unique in its serious attention to both theological writing about politics and the work of academic philosophers and theorists, The Problem with Grace deepens our understanding of political theological vocabulary as a way back to the everyday world. Politics is not about redemption, but about grappling with the ever-present difficulties, tragedies, and comedies of ordinary life.

The Problem with Interreligious Dialogue: Plurality, Conflict and Elitism in Hindu-Christian-Muslim Relations (Bloomsbury Advances in Religious Studies)

by Muthuraj Swamy

Muthuraj Swamy provides a fresh perspective on the world religions paradigm and 'interreligious dialogue'. By challenging the assumption that 'world religions' operate as essential entities separate from the lived experiences of practitioners, he shows that interreligious dialogue is in turn problematic as it is built on this very paradigm, and on the myth of religious conflict. Offering a critique of the idea of 'dialogue' as it has been advanced by its proponents such as religious leaders and theologians whose aims are to promote inter-religious conversation and understanding, the author argues that this approach is 'elitist' and that in reality, people do not make sharp distinctions between religions, nor do they separate political, economic, social and cultural beliefs and practices from their religious traditions. Case studies from villages in southern India explore how Hindu, Muslim and Christian communities interact in numerous ways that break the neat categories often used to describe each religion. Swamy argues that those who promote dialogue are ostensibly attempting to overcome the separate identities of religious practitioners through understanding, but in fact, they re-enforce them by encouraging a false sense of separation. The Problem with Interreligious Dialogue: Plurality, Conflict and Elitism in Hindu-Christian-Muslim Relations provides an innovative approach to a central issue confronting Religious Studies, combining both theory and ethnography.

The Problem with Interreligious Dialogue: Plurality, Conflict and Elitism in Hindu-Christian-Muslim Relations (Bloomsbury Advances in Religious Studies)

by Muthuraj Swamy

Muthuraj Swamy provides a fresh perspective on the world religions paradigm and 'interreligious dialogue'. By challenging the assumption that 'world religions' operate as essential entities separate from the lived experiences of practitioners, he shows that interreligious dialogue is in turn problematic as it is built on this very paradigm, and on the myth of religious conflict. Offering a critique of the idea of 'dialogue' as it has been advanced by its proponents such as religious leaders and theologians whose aims are to promote inter-religious conversation and understanding, the author argues that this approach is 'elitist' and that in reality, people do not make sharp distinctions between religions, nor do they separate political, economic, social and cultural beliefs and practices from their religious traditions. Case studies from villages in southern India explore how Hindu, Muslim and Christian communities interact in numerous ways that break the neat categories often used to describe each religion. Swamy argues that those who promote dialogue are ostensibly attempting to overcome the separate identities of religious practitioners through understanding, but in fact, they re-enforce them by encouraging a false sense of separation. The Problem with Interreligious Dialogue: Plurality, Conflict and Elitism in Hindu-Christian-Muslim Relations provides an innovative approach to a central issue confronting Religious Studies, combining both theory and ethnography.

Problematizing Religious Freedom (Studies in Global Justice #9)

by Arvind Sharma

The concept of religious freedom is the favoured modern human rights concept, with which the modern world hopes to tackle the phenomenon of religious pluralism, as our modern existence in an electronically shrinking globe comes to be increasingly characterised by this phenomenon. To begin with, the concept of religious freedom, as embodied in Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, seems self-evident in nature. It is the claim of this book, however, that although emblematic on the one hand, the concept is also problematic on the other, and the implications of the concept of religious freedom are far from self-evident, despite the ready acceptance the term receives as embodying a worthwhile goal. This book therefore problematizes the concept along legal, constitutional, ethical and theological lines, and especially from the perspective of religious studies, so that religious freedom in the world could be enlarged in a way which promotes human flourishing.

Problems in the Philosophy of Religion: Critical Studies of the Work of John Hick

by Harold Hewitt Jr

In 1989 John Hick published his Gifford Lectures under the title An Interpretation of Religion, a work which provided important new insights about the nature of the world's religions. Soon after, a group of scholars from around the world gathered in Claremont, California to discuss, analyze and criticize An Interpretation of Religion. This book is a written record of those proceedings - including Hick's responses - that serves to clarify both Hick's position as well as the issues which concern his critics.

Problems of Evil and the Power of God (Routledge Philosophy of Religion Series)

by James A. Keller

Why do bad things happen, even to good people? If there is a God, why aren't God's existence and God's will for humans more apparent? And if God really does miracles for some people, why not for others? This book examines these three problems of evil - suffering, divine hiddenness, and unfairness if miracles happen as believers claim - to explore how different ideas of God's power relate to the problem of evil. Keller argues that as long as God is believed to be all-powerful, there are no adequate answers to these problems, nor is it enough for theists simply to claim that human ignorance makes these problems insoluble. Arguing that there are no good grounds for the belief that God is all-powerful, Keller instead defends the understanding of God and God's power found in process theism and shows how it makes possible an adequate solution to the problems of evil while providing a concept of God that is religiously adequate.

Problems of Evil and the Power of God (Routledge Philosophy of Religion Series)

by James A. Keller

Why do bad things happen, even to good people? If there is a God, why aren't God's existence and God's will for humans more apparent? And if God really does miracles for some people, why not for others? This book examines these three problems of evil - suffering, divine hiddenness, and unfairness if miracles happen as believers claim - to explore how different ideas of God's power relate to the problem of evil. Keller argues that as long as God is believed to be all-powerful, there are no adequate answers to these problems, nor is it enough for theists simply to claim that human ignorance makes these problems insoluble. Arguing that there are no good grounds for the belief that God is all-powerful, Keller instead defends the understanding of God and God's power found in process theism and shows how it makes possible an adequate solution to the problems of evil while providing a concept of God that is religiously adequate.

Problems of Religious Diversity (Exploring the Philosophy of Religion #Vol. 1)

by Paul J. Griffiths

Exploring Religious Diversity analyzes the philosophical questions raised by the fact that many religions in the world often appear to contradict each other in doctrine and practice. Analyzes the philosophical questions raised by the fact that many religions in the world often appear to contradict each other in doctrine and practice. Evaluates the fundamental philosophical underpinnings of the debates between religious and non-religious approaches to religious diversity. Contains a glossary that defines the book's key technical terms and how they are related to one another.

Problems of Religious Diversity (Exploring the Philosophy of Religion)

by Paul J. Griffiths

Exploring Religious Diversity analyzes the philosophical questions raised by the fact that many religions in the world often appear to contradict each other in doctrine and practice. Analyzes the philosophical questions raised by the fact that many religions in the world often appear to contradict each other in doctrine and practice. Evaluates the fundamental philosophical underpinnings of the debates between religious and non-religious approaches to religious diversity. Contains a glossary that defines the book's key technical terms and how they are related to one another.

Problems of Religious Pluralism

by John Harwood Hick

Problems of Society: An Esoteric View, from Luciferic Past to Ahrimanic Future

by Rudolf Steiner

‘Whatever turbulent outward events occur in the world, whatever form is taken by things seeking to work their way out of the depths of human evolution, we only really hearken to the true, underlying nature of these events ... if we observe the world from a spiritual perspective.’ – Rudolf Steiner. In seeking to heal the many social crises of our time, Rudolf Steiner urges us to turn away from ‘fixed principles, theories or social dogmas’ and to rediscover the real nature of the human being. This inner reality – that cannot be understood in materialistic or deterministic ways – is the only basis on which society can truly be founded. But it is not sufficient to speak of well-meaning ideas, he says, unless we are also active in working for change; change that begins with each of us. In 1919, a year marked by strong social and political upheavals, Steiner was deeply concerned with questions relating to society. Having published a book on the subject (Towards Social Renewal), he embarked on a major campaign to publicize his ‘threefold’ social ideas. In addition to public lectures, however, Steiner sought to deepen the subject in a series of talks to members of the Anthroposophical Society. These lectures, gathered in this volume, reveal the ‘inner’ or ‘esoteric’ aspects of the social question. They complement Steiner’s very practical efforts to realize threefolding in the historical context of his time. Whilst Steiner’s suggestions for social change may not seem self-evident to pragmatic thinking, they will strike a resonant chord in many who seek deeper answers to the social problems of our times – problems that politicians seem unable to remedy. Amidst the many themes tackled here, Steiner addresses the issue of nationalism as a retrograde tendency; the tasks of Central Europe and Britain in relation to the East; the incarnation of Ahriman in the West, and the historical incarnation of Lucifer in the third millennium BC.

Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on International Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities (Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research #678)

by Daniel Barredo-Ibáñez Farrah Bérubé Paulo Carlos López-López Daniel H. Mutibwa

This is an open access book. CISOC’2022 – The 2022 International Conference on International Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities, invites the entire scientific, academic and professional community to present their contributions, which can be written in French, English, Spanish or Portuguese. All papers (full articles) will be submitted to a “double-blind review” by at least two members of the Scientific Committee, based on relevance, originality, importance and clarity. The papers presented must bring discussions on actual theoretical, or methodological, or empirical workshop proposals around Social Sciences and Humanities. The topics proposed for the Conference are related to: Psychology, Education, History, Linguistics and language, Political science, Religious studies, Philosophy, Globalization, Humanities, Archaeology, Anthropology, Inter-cultural studies, Development, Geography, Library and Information Sciences.

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Democracy and Social Transformation (Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research #793)

This is an open access book. Faculty of Social and Political Science, State Islamic University Walisongo Semarang, has been playing significant roles in building global peace and justice by conducting scientific research and creating a space for academic dialogue and discussion. This goal is in line with our vision to be a Research Faculty based on the unity of sciences for humanity and civilization. As part of the efforts to create a space for academic dialogue at a global level, we organize an international conference which aims to develop scientific knowledge, build institutional capacity, and strengthen international networking. The conference is also held to support State Islamic University Walisongo Semarang in achieving its vision to be an Islamic world-class university. The conference raises the issue of democracy and social transformation to capture the social and political dynamics. The selection of this topic is based on the idea that technological development is becoming a crucial issue within modern society in which people tend to experience alienation within the rapid social and political transformation. Democracy as a political system that ensures transparency, citizen participation, and human rights protection is now under threat. Having the fact that there is a growing tendency of using transactional politics to win political interests such as the use of money and identity in political processes, therefore, political analysts consider this situation as the regression of democracy. Rapid social and cultural transformation as a consequence of advanced technology creates problems in modern society. On one hand, technology has made the life of people easier. However, on the other hand, the sense of humanity’s values and principles is declining. This situation can be observed in the decrease in social solidarity and the rise of individualism. Modernity that values productivity and economic growth has brought a negative impact on the life of human being and nature. The exploitative character of industrialization has created an ecological crisis. Advanced information technology has loosened social cohesivity and the rise of instrumental rationality has removed local genius or local wisdom from the life of society. Since the ultimate goal of humanity is respecting the dignity of human beings, hence, bringing back humanity to the center of the development program is crucial, especially in the current social and political dynamics. In the political context, humanity means respecting the basic rights of the citizen and putting them as a subject of political development and not perceiving citizens as only an instrument to win political power. Based on the above background, this conference is organized. The overall goal of the conference is to mainstream humanity in the current social and political change. The conference is also expected to be an arena for scholars and experts in social and political science as well as practitioners and policymakers to meet and exchange ideas and perspectives for a better future of our society.

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences for Humanity in Society 5.0 Era (Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research #811)

This is an open access book. Industrial Revolution 4.0 was started with the concept of the digital industrial era/information and communication technology era in Germany with 6 main pillars namely digital society, sustainable energy, smart mobility, healthy living, civil safety, and technology in the workplace. Indonesia has implemented Industry 4.0.The era of super smart society (society 5.0) was introduced by the Government of Japan in 2019, which was made in anticipation of the turmoil of disruption due to the Industrial Revolution 4.0, which led to a complex and ambiguous liberation. Where at that time Japan was experiencing a population reduction challenge that reduced the productive age population/workers, so Japan tried to improve this condition by implementing Society 5.0. It is feared that the invasion will erode the values ​​of human character that have been maintained so far.Society 5.0 is a society that can solve various challenges and social problems by utilizing various innovations that were born in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 such as the Internet of Things. Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and robots to improve the quality of human life. Society 5.0 can also be interpreted as a concept of society that is based on humans and technology.In facing the era of society 5.0, the world of education plays an important role in improving the quality of human resources. In addition to education, several elements and stakeholders such as the government, Community Organizations, and the whole community also take part in welcoming the era of society 5.0.There are five elements in Society 5.0, namely: emotional elements, intellectual elements, physical elements, social elements, and spiritual elements. These five elements are related to each other in a balance. With the Society 5.0 concept, it is hoped that it can minimize the negative impact of robotic technology and artificial intelligence so that it does not dominate human life without adequate control, but humans are actors who control and control robotic technology and artificial intelligence. Thus, Society 5.0 is a foresight in organizing an ideal social life, as a response to the industrial revolution 4.0 which is feared will degrade the role of humans due to dependence on advances in robotic technology and artificial intelligence. With Society 5.0, it is hoped that there will be a balance of life between the use of technology and a more humane quality of human life.This conference aims to achieve the following objectives:Producing theories of Islamic studies, education, economics, and law from an Islamic perspective through investigations of contemporary issues in a disruptive era.Innovation of new models and methods of integrative Islamic studies, education, economics, and law which are in harmony with humanity and religiosity.Promote the importance and relevance of Islamic-inspired human sciences for the sake of human civilization.Building scientific networks between Muslim scholars and universities throughout Indonesia and the world in collaboration to disseminate and develop a sustainable agenda of "Islamic studies, education, economics, and law".Develop a research center for Islamic studies, education, economics, and law, inspired by Islamic teachings and intellectual traditions.Encouraging Muslim scholars to answer existing problems related to the humanitarian crisis in the current context through scientific forum meetings.

Proceedings of the 3rd International Halal Conference (INHAC #2016)

by Nurhidayah Muhammad Hashim Nur Nafhatun Md Shariff Siti Fatahiah Mahamood Hanifah Musa Fathullah Harun Mohd Solahuddin Shahruddin Azri Bhari

This book contains selected papers which were presented at the 3rd International Halal Conference (INHAC 2016), organized by the Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, Malaysia. It addresses halal-related issues that are applicable to various industries and explores a variety of contemporary and emerging issues. Highlighting findings from both scientific and social research studies, it enhances the discussion on the halal industry (both in Malaysia and at the international level), and serves as an invitation to engage in more advanced research on the global halal industry.

Proceedings of the Art and Design International Conference (AnDIC #2016)

by Rusmadiah Anwar Muliyadi Mahamood D'zul Haimi Md. Zain Mohamad Kamal Abd Aziz Oskar Hasdinor Hassan Shahriman Zainal Abidin

This book of conference proceedings contains papers presented at the Art and Design International Conference (AnDIC 2016). It examines the impact of Cyberology, also known as Internet Science, on the world of art and design. It looks at how the rapid growth of Cyberology and the creation of various applications and devices have influenced human relationships. The book discusses the impact of Cyberology on the behaviour, attitudes and perceptions of users, including the way they work and communicate. With a strong focus on how the Cyberology world influences and changes the methods and works of artists, this book features topics that are relevant to four key players - artists, intermediaries, policy makers, and the audience - in a cultural system, especially in the world of art and design. It examines the development, problems and issues of traditional cultural values, identity and new trends in contemporary art. Most importantly, the book attempts to discuss the past, present and future of art and design whilst looking at some underlying issues that need to be addressed collectively.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies (Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research #773)

by Triono Ali Mustofa Syamsul Hidayat Mohammad Zakki Azani Muhammad Wildan Shohib

This is an open access book. We cordially invite you to submit your papers for the International Conference on Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies (ICIMS) 2023, This conference is part of a conference program called International Summit on Science Technology and Humanity (ISETH) 2022 Organized by Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. This conference will be hosted online from Surakarta, Indonesia on 11–12 January 2023.

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Future of ASEAN (ICoFA) 2017 – Volume 2: Science and Technology

by Rizauddin Saian Mohd Azwan Abbas

This book examines how business, the social sciences, science and technology will impact the future of ASEAN. Following the ASEAN VISION 2020, it analyses the issues faced by ASEAN countries, which are diverse, while also positioning ASEAN as a competitive entity through partnerships. On the 30th anniversary of ASEAN, all ASEAN leaders agreed to the establishment of the ASEAN VISION 2020, which delineates the formation of a peaceful, stable and dynamically developed region while maintaining a community of caring societies in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia. In keeping with this aspiration, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis took the initial steps to organise conferences and activities that highlight the role of the ASEAN region. The Second International Conference on the Future of ASEAN (ICoFA) 2017 was organised by the Office of Academic Affairs, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis, to promote more comprehensive integration among ASEAN members. This book, divided into two volumes, offers a useful guide for all those engaged in research on business, the social sciences, science and technology. It will also benefit researchers worldwide who want to gain more knowledge about ASEAN countries

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Future of ASEAN (ICoFA) 2017 - Volume 1: Business and Social Sciences

by Ahmad Nizan Mat Noor Zeti Zuryani Mohd Zakuan Sarina Muhamad Noor

This book examines how business, the social sciences, science and technology will impact the future of ASEAN. Following the ASEAN VISION 2020, it analyses the issues faced by ASEAN countries, which are diverse, while also positioning ASEAN as a competitive entity through partnerships. On the 30th anniversary of ASEAN, all ASEAN leaders agreed to the establishment of the ASEAN VISION 2020, which delineates the formation of a peaceful, stable and dynamically developed region while maintaining a community of caring societies in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia. In keeping with this aspiration, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UitM) Perlis took the initial steps to organise conferences and activities that highlight the role of the ASEAN region. The Second International Conference on the Future of ASEAN (ICoFA) 2017 was organised by the Office of Academic Affairs, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis, to promote more comprehensive integration among ASEAN members. This book, divided into two volumes, offers a useful guide for all those engaged in research on business, the social sciences, science and technology. It will also benefit researchers worldwide who want to gain more knowledge about ASEAN countries.

Process Cosmology: New Integrations in Science and Philosophy (Palgrave Perspectives on Process Philosophy)

by Andrew M. Davis Maria-Teresa Teixeira Wm. Andrew Schwartz

This book newly articulates the international and interdisciplinary reach of Whitehead’s organic process cosmology for a variety of topics across science and philosophy, and in dialogue with a variety historical and contemporary voices. Integrating Whitehead’s thought with the insights of Bergson, James, Pierce, Merleau-Ponty, Descola, Fuchs, Hofmann, Grof and many others, contributors from around the world reveal the relevance of process philosophy to physics, cosmology, astrobiology, ecology, metaphysics, aesthetics, psychedelics, and religion. A global collection, this book expresses multivocal possibilities for the development of process cosmology after Whitehead.

Process Theology: A Guide for the Perplexed (Guides for the Perplexed)

by Bruce G. Epperly

This is an introductory guide to Process Theology for undergraduates. As part of Contiuum's 'Guide for the Perplexed' series, this text provides an accessible introduction to process theology, aimed at nurturing the theological imagination of undergraduates, pastors and interested laypersons. It describes the major themes of process theology and relates them to the everyday lives and spiritual commitments of people today. In addition to addressing traditional theological issues, Epperly addresses cutting edge issues in theology and ethics such as pluralism and postmodernism, matters of life and death, science (technology and genetics), and emerging forms of Christianity. This text is designed for seminary and university classes as well as congregational study. It will help readers to overcome the obstacles created by the technical language often employed by process theologians. Continuum's Guides for the Perplexed are clear, concise and accessible introductions to thinkers, writers and subjects that students and readers can find especially challenging - or indeed downright bewildering. Concentrating specifically on what it is that makes the subject difficult to grasp, these books explain and explore key themes and ideas, guiding the reader towards a thorough understanding of demanding material.

Process Theology: A Guide for the Perplexed (Guides for the Perplexed)

by Bruce G. Epperly

This is an introductory guide to Process Theology for undergraduates. As part of Contiuum's 'Guide for the Perplexed' series, this text provides an accessible introduction to process theology, aimed at nurturing the theological imagination of undergraduates, pastors and interested laypersons. It describes the major themes of process theology and relates them to the everyday lives and spiritual commitments of people today. In addition to addressing traditional theological issues, Epperly addresses cutting edge issues in theology and ethics such as pluralism and postmodernism, matters of life and death, science (technology and genetics), and emerging forms of Christianity. This text is designed for seminary and university classes as well as congregational study. It will help readers to overcome the obstacles created by the technical language often employed by process theologians. Continuum's Guides for the Perplexed are clear, concise and accessible introductions to thinkers, writers and subjects that students and readers can find especially challenging - or indeed downright bewildering. Concentrating specifically on what it is that makes the subject difficult to grasp, these books explain and explore key themes and ideas, guiding the reader towards a thorough understanding of demanding material.

Processes of Believing: The Acquisition, Maintenance, and Change in Creditions (New Approaches to the Scientific Study of Religion #1)

by Hans-Ferdinand Angel Lluis Oviedo Raymond F. Paloutzian Anne L.C. Runehov Rüdiger J. Seitz

This volume answers the question: Why do we believe what we believe? It examines current research on the concept of beliefs, and the development in our understanding of the process of believing. It takes into account empirical findings in the field of neuroscience regarding the processes that underlie beliefs, and discusses the notion that beyond the interactive exploratory analysis of sensory information from the complex outside world, humans engage in an evaluative analysis by which they attribute personal meaning and relevance to the probabilistic representations of objects and events. Beliefs exert a strong influence on behaviour, decision-making, and identifying and solving problems. Despite their importance, beliefs have until recently not been at the centre of scientific interest. In fact, “belief” is an ill-defined phenomenon. From a transdisciplinary perspective the actual approaches to understanding belief seem incompatible as they attempt to highlight such different topics as “belief – religion”, “belief – spirituality”, “belief – faith”, “belief – knowledge”, “belief – attitude”, “belief – disbelief”, “belief – illusion”, and “believing – brain function”. This situation contradicts the idea that belief is close to pathological phenomena and that it should be eliminated from scientific discussions. Rather, believing is fundamental for understanding the many problems of every-day life. In fact, the book shows that beliefs are relevant for politics, international affairs, economy, law, or religions also in modern societies. This book presents the increasing scientific interest in beliefs and believing, and reflects the change in focus from the content aspect of belief towards the fluid nature of believing.

Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land: A History of Church and State in America (Religion in American Life)

by Edwin S. Gaustad

Should prayer be allowed in public schools? Should biology be taught according to Darwin or to the book of Genesis? Why is polygamy against the law? These are just a few of the questions that touch our lives directly and emerge out of the separation of church and state. In this volume, one of the most distinguished scholars of American religious history traces the complicated relationship of church and state from the early colonial period, through the unique American experiment in religious liberty after the Revolution, to the ongoing debate over religious issues in our schools and communities. Edwin Gaustad relates entertaining and edifying accounts of headline-grabbing court trials involving polygamy, witchcraft, and church taxation. He quotes moving passages from the speeches and writings of American Presidents and Supreme Court justices to prove that, to paraphrase Michelangelo, "religious liberty is made up of a series of trifles, but religious liberty is no trifle."

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