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Showing 28,576 through 28,600 of 41,553 results

Pragmatism, Spirituality and Society: Border Crossings, Transformations and Planetary Realizations

by Ananta Kumar Giri

This book explores border crossing among pragmatism, spirituality and society. It opens up American pragmatism to dialogues with pragmatism and spiritual quest from other traditions such as India and China thus making contemporary pragmatism a part of much needed planetary conversations. It cultivates new visions and practices of spiritual pragmatism building upon the seminal works of Charles Sanders Pierce, William James, Sri Aurobindo, John Dewey, Martin Heidegger, Mahatma Gandhi, B.R. Ambedkar, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Luce Irigaray which can help us rethink and transform conventional conceptions and constructions of practice, pragmatism, language, religion, politics, society, culture and democracy and create new relationships of pragmatism, spirituality and society.

The Prague Orgy: The Ghost Writer; Zuckerman Unbound; The Anatomy Lesson; The Prague Orgy (Vintage International Series #4)

by Philip Roth

In search of the unpublished manuscript of a martyred Yiddish writer, American novelist Nathan Zuckerman travels to Soviet-occupied Prague in the mid-1970s. There, in a nation straightjacketed by totalitarian Communism, he discovers a literary predicament marked by an institutionalised oppression that is rather different from his own. He also discovers, among the subjugated writers with whom he quickly becomes embroiled in a series of bizarre and poignant adventures, an appealingly perverse kind of heroism. The Prague Orgy, consisting of entries from Zuckerman's notebooks recording his sojourn among these outcast artists, completes the trilogy and epilogue Zuckerman Bound. It provides a startling ending to Roth's intricately designed magnum opus on the unforeseen consequences of art.

Prähistorische Anthropologie: Eine Standortbestimmung (essentials)

by Bernd Herrmann

Bernd Herrmann erläutert die Grundlagen der Prähistorischen Anthropologie. Grundsätzliches Thema dieses Forschungsgebietes ist die Untersuchung körperlicher Überreste von Menschen historischer Zeiträume mit dem Ziel der Aufdeckung ihrer Lebensumstände. Damit werden Kenntnisse über Menschen vor allem der Nacheiszeit gewonnen, die Rekonstruktion von Einflüssen auf ihr Leben wird ermöglicht.

Prairie Courtship (Mills And Boon Love Inspired Ser.)

by Dorothy Clark

No one could love a female doctor–Emma Allen knows that well. But her spinsterhood bothers her less than the lack of opportunity to use her medical training.

Praise For All Seasons

by James Quinn

The collected hymns of James Quinn, SJ, featuring unpublished and well-known works. Many of these texts are drawn from Quinn's earliest works, published in 1969 in the collection New Hymns for all Seasons.

The Praise of Folly

by Desiderius Erasmus Anthony Grafton

Desiderius Erasmus (1466–1536) was a Dutch humanist, scholar, and social critic, and one of the most important figures of the Renaissance. The Praise of Folly is perhaps his best-known work. Originally written to amuse his friend Sir Thomas More, this satiric celebration of pleasure, youth, and intoxication irreverently pokes fun at the pieties of theologians and the foibles that make us all human, while ultimately reaffirming the value of Christian ideals. No other book displays quite so completely the transition from the medieval to the modern world, and Erasmus's wit, wisdom, and critical spirit have lost none of their timeliness today.This Princeton Classics edition of The Praise of Folly features a new foreword by Anthony Grafton that provides an essential introduction to this iridescent and enduring masterpiece.

The Praise of Folly

by Desiderius Erasmus Anthony Grafton

Desiderius Erasmus (1466–1536) was a Dutch humanist, scholar, and social critic, and one of the most important figures of the Renaissance. The Praise of Folly is perhaps his best-known work. Originally written to amuse his friend Sir Thomas More, this satiric celebration of pleasure, youth, and intoxication irreverently pokes fun at the pieties of theologians and the foibles that make us all human, while ultimately reaffirming the value of Christian ideals. No other book displays quite so completely the transition from the medieval to the modern world, and Erasmus's wit, wisdom, and critical spirit have lost none of their timeliness today.This Princeton Classics edition of The Praise of Folly features a new foreword by Anthony Grafton that provides an essential introduction to this iridescent and enduring masterpiece.

Praktiken des Komponierens: Soziologische, wissenstheoretische und musikwissenschaftliche Perspektiven

by Tasos Zembylas Martin Niederauer

Die Autoren untersuchen kompositorische Schaffensprozesse, wobei weder einzelne KomponistInnen noch ihre Werke im Vordergrund stehen. Sie erweitern die Selbstbeschreibungen der KomponistInnen beziehungsweise deren Ich-Perspektiven durch einen soziologisch und wissenstheoretisch inspirierten Ansatz, um Inhalte herauszuarbeiten, die sonst im Hintergrund der situativen Aufmerksamkeit bleiben. Somit richtet sich das Interesse der Autoren auf jene Komponenten und Bedingungen, die künstlerische Handlungsfähigkeit konstituieren. Kompositionsprozesse werden folglich als offene und dynamische Vorgänge betrachtet. Hören, Fühlen, Vorstellen, Suchen, Entwerfen, Ausprobieren, Spielen, Nachdenken, Notieren und Korrigieren stellen eine kleine Auswahl der vielschichtigen kompositorischen Aktivitäten dar. Künstlerisch-praktisches Können bildet sich aus einer steten Verzahnung solcher Aktivitäten, denen kognitive, sinnliche, körperliche und erfahrungsgeleitete Wissensformen zugrunde liegen.

Präsenzen 2.0: Körperinszenierung in Medienkulturen (Medienkulturen im digitalen Zeitalter)

by Kornelia Hahn Martin Stempfhuber

Dieser Band widmet sich der sozialwissenschaftlichen Erforschung des Zusammenhangs von symbolischen Körperrepräsentationen und sozialen Strukturen. Das Augenmerk wird dabei auf Körperpolitiken, Körperpraktiken oder Körperwissen in (Neuen) Medienwelten gelegt. Im Gegensatz zu Ansätzen, in denen dieser Zusammenhang ausschließlich mit Bezug auf Situationen von Kopräsenz untersucht wird, steht hier die Untersuchung von Körperzeichen im Vordergrund, deren (Re-)Produktion durch technologisch basierte Interaktionsrahmen und Settings beeinflusst ist. Körper und ihre Inszenierungen werden dabei als ein Forschungsgegenstand etabliert, dessen leibliches Substrat nicht einfach als Apriori akzeptiert werden kann, sondern durch medial vermittelte Praktiken überhaupt erst hervorgebracht wird. Der Band versammelt neuere soziologische Beiträge und klassische Referenztexte, die den Körper als Medium und die (weitere) Körperinszenierung durch technologische Medien miteinander in Beziehung setzen.

Praxis denken: Konzepte und Kritik

by Thomas Alkemeyer Volker Schürmann Jörg Volbers

Der Begriff der Praxis hat Konjunktur in den Sozialwissenschaften und Kulturtheorien. Doch bietet er mehr als nur eine Kritik des Subjekts im Namen von Körper, Materialität und Performativität? Themen wie Ethik, Sprache und Reflexivität werden fallen gelassen oder nur als Beobachtungsobjekte gesehen. Die Praxistheorie kann so ihren eigenen kritischen Anspruch nicht verteidigen. Der Band zeigt, wie anstößig und fruchtbar Praxistheorie dagegen sein kann, wenn es die Themen der Tradition neu zu denken versucht, anstatt sie nur zurückzuweisen.

Praxistheorien und Religionswissenschaft: Neuere Theoriediskussionen in der empirischen Religionsforschung (Religionswissenschaft #27)

by Katharina Limacher Rafael Walthert

Im Anschluss an den practice turn, der zu Beginn des Jahrtausends vor allem von Arbeiten im Bereich der Science and Technology Studies getragen wurde, hat das theoretische Vokabular der Praxistheorien weitläufig Prominenz erlangt. In der Religionswissenschaft wird es dagegen nur zögerlich rezipiert. Die Beitragenden des Bandes nehmen sich dieses Zögerns an und liefern neben theoretischen Überlegungen, die nach den Implikationen und Potenzialen praxistheoretischer Konzepte für die Religionswissenschaft fragen, auch Beiträge, die Wege der Anwendung von Praxistheorien in empirischen Projekten aufzeigen.

Pray and Prosper

by Ernest Holmes

In this essay, which was first published in 1944, the distinguished New Thought leader, Ernest Holmes, discusses his understanding of prayer and its relationship to the infinite, the meaning and objective of prayer, and prayer’s relationship to internal spiritual transformation.

Pray for Me: Finding Faith in a Crisis

by Rick Hamlin

In a crisis, all you can do is trust. You have to surrender, and surrender is at the heart of prayer.When Rick Hamlin was rushed to the ER, he was immediately admitted to the ICU. No quick diagnosis was made, and for two weeks the doctors struggled to keep his body alive as Rick struggled to keep his faith alive. PRAY FOR ME is the story of one man's spiritual odyssey to learn how to pray in a new way as healing slowly came and a medical crisis became a spiritual opportunity--a chance for him to learn he was being called to something new, to be born anew. In the end the doctors were never able to diagnose the cause of his illness, but Rick is convinced that the healing came through prayer.

Pray for Me: Finding Faith in a Crisis

by Rick Hamlin

In a crisis, all you can do is trust. You have to surrender, and surrender is at the heart of prayer.When Rick Hamlin was rushed to the ER, he was immediately admitted to the ICU. No quick diagnosis was made, and for two weeks the doctors struggled to keep his body alive as Rick struggled to keep his faith alive. Pray for Me is the story of one man's spiritual odyssey to learn how to pray in a new way as healing slowly came and a medical crisis became a spiritual opportunity -- a chance for him to learn he was being called to something new, to be born anew. In the end the doctors were never able to diagnose the cause of his illness, but Rick is convinced that the healing came through prayer.

Pray For Me: The Life and Spiritual Vision of Pope Francis

by Robert Moynihan

Benedict XVI's retirement made news around the world, and changed the dynamics of the Catholic Church. The new pope, Francis I, has already brought a breath of fresh air into the papacy, the Vatican and the faith which has been beset by scandal in recent times. His humility, his charm, his concern for the poor, have captivated the world. But who is he?Pray For Me is the perfect, short introduction to Francis' life and spiritual teachings. It will be of interest not only to committed Catholics but also to those of other faiths, and none, who follow world events and wish to be as well informed as possible.

Pray Like This: Understanding Prayer in the Bible

by Rodney A. Werline

Werline encourages us to look at prayer in the following way: to attempt to understand how prayers are tied to particular cultural and social settings. Prayers are part of and expressions of a collection of cultural ideas that have been arranged within a system that seems coherent and obvious to those writings the biblical texts. Prayers participate in and express a person's worldview. Werline shows the ways that--though many biblical prayers are familiar to us--biblical texts and contemporary readers come from different worlds. The Hebrew Bible and the New Testament contain many prayers. Large volumes have been written on prayer within a single book, or within the writings of one author, like Paul, or an individual prayer, such as the Lord's Prayer. Werline does not examine every prayer in the Bible or even write exhaustively on a single prayer. He has highlighted a few significant features of each prayer, and some of the prayers vividly exhibit the influence of a particular society's vision. For example, he examines the prayers of 1 and 2 Kings and 1 and 2 Chronicles because of the ways they are tightly tied to the authors' views of history. The writers' interpretation of history profoundly influenced significant portions of the Bible as well as the literature of early Judaism.

Pray Like This: Understanding Prayer in the Bible

by Rodney A. Werline

Werline encourages us to look at prayer in the following way: to attempt to understand how prayers are tied to particular cultural and social settings. Prayers are part of and expressions of a collection of cultural ideas that have been arranged within a system that seems coherent and obvious to those writings the biblical texts. Prayers participate in and express a person's worldview. Werline shows the ways that--though many biblical prayers are familiar to us--biblical texts and contemporary readers come from different worlds. The Hebrew Bible and the New Testament contain many prayers. Large volumes have been written on prayer within a single book, or within the writings of one author, like Paul, or an individual prayer, such as the Lord's Prayer. Werline does not examine every prayer in the Bible or even write exhaustively on a single prayer. He has highlighted a few significant features of each prayer, and some of the prayers vividly exhibit the influence of a particular society's vision. For example, he examines the prayers of 1 and 2 Kings and 1 and 2 Chronicles because of the ways they are tightly tied to the authors' views of history. The writers' interpretation of history profoundly influenced significant portions of the Bible as well as the literature of early Judaism.

Pray A to Z: A Practical Guide To Pray For Your Community

by Amelia Rhodes

Pray A-Z: A Practical Guide to Praying for Your Community will help you topically organize your prayer requests and lay the burdens of your community at the feet of our Heavenly Father. Whether you are praying for a friend's adoption journey, a neighbor's bankruptcy, or a family member's cancer, this book will give you Bible verses, prayer prompts, and prayer starts to guide you through praying for even the most difficult issues that affect the people you know and love. Perfect for either individual or group prayer, Pray A-Z will help you experience the peace that comes from communicating with God.

Prayer: A Guide for the Perplexed (Guides for the Perplexed)

by Ashley Cocksworth

Central to the Christian life is the practice of prayer. But what, theologically speaking, is going on when we pray? What does prayer have to do with religious belief and action? Does prayer make a difference? Prayer: A Guide for the Perplexed addresses these and other key questions regarding the Christian theology of prayer. Beginning with Evagrius of Ponticus's 'On Prayer', Ashley Cocksworth finds in this early document a profound expression of the 'integrity' of the experience of prayer and theological thought. Seeking throughout to integrate systematic theology and the spirituality of prayer, individual chapters explore the meaning of some of the core doctrines of lived Christian faith – the Trinity, creation, providence, and the Christian life – as they relate to the practice of prayer. Complete with an annotated bibliography of sources on prayer to promote further reading, this volume appeals to academics and general readers alike.

Prayer: A Guide for the Perplexed (Guides for the Perplexed)

by Ashley Cocksworth

Central to the Christian life is the practice of prayer. But what, theologically speaking, is going on when we pray? What does prayer have to do with religious belief and action? Does prayer make a difference? Prayer: A Guide for the Perplexed addresses these and other key questions regarding the Christian theology of prayer. Beginning with Evagrius of Ponticus's 'On Prayer', Ashley Cocksworth finds in this early document a profound expression of the 'integrity' of the experience of prayer and theological thought. Seeking throughout to integrate systematic theology and the spirituality of prayer, individual chapters explore the meaning of some of the core doctrines of lived Christian faith – the Trinity, creation, providence, and the Christian life – as they relate to the practice of prayer. Complete with an annotated bibliography of sources on prayer to promote further reading, this volume appeals to academics and general readers alike.

Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home

by Richard Foster

This book is a comprehensive, profound and immediately accessible book which opens the way for all to increase their understanding and develop their practice of prayer. Richard Foster explores the riches of the historical classics of prayer as well as his own personal experience. No one who reads Prayer will remain unmoved; all will find encouragement within its pages.

Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God

by Timothy Keller

'"Can't anyone teach me how to pray?" Millions of people today are asking the same question. There is a sense of the necessity of prayer - we have to pray. But how?'Prayer is central to Christian faith; indeed, as Timothy Keller notes in his introduction, it is the main way we experience deep change. Yet so many people struggle with prayer - a struggle that the author himself has shared. This wise and inspiring book is the fruit of those struggles, offering a real and glorious vision of what it can mean to seek God in prayer. Keller begins by giving a theological underpinning of what prayer actually is - both conversation and encounter with a personal God - before describing how we can learn to pray, and then deepen that prayer. Finally he gives detailed, practical suggestions on how to make prayer a part of the reality of daily life.

Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference?

by Philip Yancey

Multi-award winning spirituality writer Philip Yancey is loved throughout the world for his honest, insightful and inspirational writing. PRAYER: DOES IT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE? carries all the hallmarks of classic Yancey, a journalist by training. His quest to unravel the mysteries of prayer reads as the journal of a fellow traveller: questioning, challenging, lamenting the unexplainable and rejoicing in the discovery of awesome insights. His journey is beautifully illustrated with moving true stories drawn from around the world.PRAYER: DOES IT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE? tackles the following questions: What is prayer? What difference does it make? Why and how should we pray? What about unanswered prayer? How should we understand prayer for physical healing?Focusing on such a universal theme, this is potentially Yancey's biggest book yet. To date, his books have sold over 14 million copies, and have been translated into 25 languages. His first book with Hodder, SOUL SURVIVOR, sold over 90,000 copies in just five years.

Prayer after Augustine: A study in the development of the Latin tradition (Changing Paradigms in Historical and Systematic Theology)

by Jonathan D. Teubner

The influence of the theology and philosophy of Augustine of Hippo on subsequent Western thought and culture is undisputed. Prayer after Augustine: A Study in the Development of the Latin Tradition argues that the notion of the 'Augustinian tradition' needs to be re-thought; and that already in the generation after Augustine in the West such a re-thinking is already and richly manifest in more than one influential form. In this work, Jonathan D. Teubner encourages philosophical, moral, and historical theologians to think about what it might mean that the Augustinian tradition formed in a distinctively Augustinian fashion, and considers how this affects how they use, discuss, and evaluate Augustine in their work. This is exemplified by Augustine's reflections on prayer and how they were taken up, modified, and handed on by Boethius and Benedict, two critically influential figures for the development of Latin medieval philosophical and theological cultures. Teubner analyses and exemplifies the particular theme of prayer and the other topics it constellates in Augustine and to show how it already forms a distinctively 'Augustinian' concept of tradition that was to prove to have fascinatingly diverse manifestations. Part I traces the development of Augustine's understanding of prayer. Patience and hope as articulated in prayer sit at the centre of Augustine's understanding of Christian existence. In Part II, Teubner turns to suggest how this is picked up by Boethius and Benedict.

Prayer after Augustine: A study in the development of the Latin tradition (Changing Paradigms in Historical and Systematic Theology)

by Jonathan D. Teubner

The influence of the theology and philosophy of Augustine of Hippo on subsequent Western thought and culture is undisputed. Prayer after Augustine: A Study in the Development of the Latin Tradition argues that the notion of the 'Augustinian tradition' needs to be re-thought; and that already in the generation after Augustine in the West such a re-thinking is already and richly manifest in more than one influential form. In this work, Jonathan D. Teubner encourages philosophical, moral, and historical theologians to think about what it might mean that the Augustinian tradition formed in a distinctively Augustinian fashion, and considers how this affects how they use, discuss, and evaluate Augustine in their work. This is exemplified by Augustine's reflections on prayer and how they were taken up, modified, and handed on by Boethius and Benedict, two critically influential figures for the development of Latin medieval philosophical and theological cultures. Teubner analyses and exemplifies the particular theme of prayer and the other topics it constellates in Augustine and to show how it already forms a distinctively 'Augustinian' concept of tradition that was to prove to have fascinatingly diverse manifestations. Part I traces the development of Augustine's understanding of prayer. Patience and hope as articulated in prayer sit at the centre of Augustine's understanding of Christian existence. In Part II, Teubner turns to suggest how this is picked up by Boethius and Benedict.

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