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Biblical Scholarship and the Church: A Sixteenth-Century Crisis of Authority (Routledge New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies)

by Allan K. Jenkins Patrick Preston

Conflicting claims to authority in relation to the translation and interpretation of the Bible have been a recurrent source of tension within the Christian church, and were a key issue in the Reformation debate. This book traces how the authority of the Septuagint and later that of the Vulgate was called into question by the return to the original languages of scripture, and how linguistic scholarship was seen to pose a challenge to the authority of the teaching and tradition of the church. It shows how issues that remained unresolved in the early church re-emerged in first half of the sixteenth century with the publication of Erasmus’ Greek-Latin New Testament of 1516. After examining the differences between Erasmus and his critics, the authors contrast the situation in England, where Reformation issues were dominant, and Italy, where the authority of Rome was never in question. Focusing particularly on the dispute between Thomas More and William Tyndale in England, and between Ambrosius Catharinus and Cardinal Cajetan in Italy, this book brings together perspectives from biblical studies and church history and provides access to texts not previously translated into English.

Biblical Scholarship in an Age of Controversy: The Polemical World of Hugh Broughton (1549-1612)

by Kirsten Macfarlane

This book provides a new account of a distinctive, important, but forgotten moment in early modern religious and intellectual history. In the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, Christian scholars were investing heavily in techniques for studying the Bible that would now be recognised as the foundations of modern biblical criticism. According to previous studies, this process of transformation was caused by academic elites whose work, whether religious or secular in its motivations, paved the way for the Bible to be seen as a human document rather than a divine message. At the time, however, such methods were not simply an academic concern, and they pointed in many directions other than that of secular modernity. Biblical Scholarship in an Age of Controversy establishes previously unknown religious and cultural contexts for the practice of biblical criticism in the early modern period, and reveals the diversity of its effects. The central figure in this story is the itinerant and bitterly divisive English scholar Hugh Broughton (1549-1612), whose prolific writings in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and English offer a new and surprising image of Protestant intellectual culture. In this image, scholarly advances were not impeded but inspired by strict scripturalism; criticism was driven by missionary ideals, even as actual proselytization was sidelined; and learned neo-Latin texts were repackaged to appeal to ordinary believers. Seen through the eyes of Broughton and his neglected colleagues and followers, the complex and unexpected contributions of reformed Protestant intellectuals and laypeople to longer-term religious and cultural change finally become visible.

Biblical Scholarship in an Age of Controversy: The Polemical World of Hugh Broughton (1549-1612)

by Kirsten Macfarlane

This book provides a new account of a distinctive, important, but forgotten moment in early modern religious and intellectual history. In the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, Christian scholars were investing heavily in techniques for studying the Bible that would now be recognised as the foundations of modern biblical criticism. According to previous studies, this process of transformation was caused by academic elites whose work, whether religious or secular in its motivations, paved the way for the Bible to be seen as a human document rather than a divine message. At the time, however, such methods were not simply an academic concern, and they pointed in many directions other than that of secular modernity. Biblical Scholarship in an Age of Controversy establishes previously unknown religious and cultural contexts for the practice of biblical criticism in the early modern period, and reveals the diversity of its effects. The central figure in this story is the itinerant and bitterly divisive English scholar Hugh Broughton (1549-1612), whose prolific writings in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and English offer a new and surprising image of Protestant intellectual culture. In this image, scholarly advances were not impeded but inspired by strict scripturalism; criticism was driven by missionary ideals, even as actual proselytization was sidelined; and learned neo-Latin texts were repackaged to appeal to ordinary believers. Seen through the eyes of Broughton and his neglected colleagues and followers, the complex and unexpected contributions of reformed Protestant intellectuals and laypeople to longer-term religious and cultural change finally become visible.

Biblical Semantic Logic: A Preliminary Analysis (Biblical Seminar)

by Arthur Gibson

Biblical Semantic Logic first appeared in 1981, and seeks to show that the study of biblical and ancient Near Eastern languages and literatures can be established on a logical basis. In a new prologue for this edition, Gibson reviews some of the scholarly treatment of the topic since the appearance of the first edition. He addresses the topics of originality and infinity and also suggests that deep areas of literary creativity resemble cosmology and pure mathematics. Gibson then demonstrates how the central areas of biblical usage (names, predicates expressions of quantity, idioms) can be mapped employing some contemporary philosophy, logic and linguistics. There is criticism of some previous scholarly interpretations, expecially where these have led to the underestimation of the conceptual and logical sensitivity of biblical narrative.

Biblical Servant Leadership: An Exploration of Leadership for the Contemporary Context (Christian Faith Perspectives in Leadership and Business)

by Steven Crowther

This book explores the concepts from Scripture for Servant leadership and compare these findings with contemporary models of servant leadership. It is an examination of Christian leadership for the contemporary world in its global and increasing secular context. Leadership studies typically view leadership externally from the results. This is a good beginning but leadership needs to also view the inside of leadership in the person of the leader. Scripture is uniquely qualified in this area since its first concern is the person who leads not just in leadership behaviors. The author uses examples from both the Old and New Testament to establish a new shepherd model of leadership that moves beyond the servant mode to the mode of caring direction. This model will provide scholars and researchers as well as leaders themselves with a way of leading that overcomes negative forms of leadership which lead to failure.

Biblical Servant Leadership: An Exploration of Leadership for the Contemporary Context (Christian Faith Perspectives in Leadership and Business)

by Steven Crowther

This book explores the concepts from Scripture for Servant leadership and compare these findings with contemporary models of servant leadership. It is an examination of Christian leadership for the contemporary world in its global and increasing secular context. Leadership studies typically view leadership externally from the results. This is a good beginning but leadership needs to also view the inside of leadership in the person of the leader. Scripture is uniquely qualified in this area since its first concern is the person who leads not just in leadership behaviors. The author uses examples from both the Old and New Testament to establish a new shepherd model of leadership that moves beyond the servant mode to the mode of caring direction. This model will provide scholars and researchers as well as leaders themselves with a way of leading that overcomes negative forms of leadership which lead to failure.

Biblical Sound and Sense: Poetic Sound Patterns in Proverbs 10-29 (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies)

by Thomas P. McCreesh

The first chapter of this unusual and instructive work shows how the study of sound patterns in Old Testament Hebrew poetry is integral to the investigation of bublical poetry. Then several chapters describe and systematize the sound patterns, beginning with simpler examples of assonance and alliteration. The analysis gradually moves on to more complex configurations which link words and phrases, emphasize key words, mark off syntactical and semantic units, and highlight word repetition and word play. A relationship between sound pattern and meaning in each proverb is shown throughout.

Biblical Sterne: Rhetoric and Religion in the Shandyverse (New Directions in Religion and Literature)

by Ryan J. Stark

Is Laurence Sterne one of the great Christian apologists? Ryan Stark recommends him as such, perhaps to the detriment of the parson's roguish reputation. The book's aim, however, is not to dispel roguishness but rather to discern the theological motives behind Sterne's comic rhetoric, from Tristram Shandy and the sermons to A Sentimental Journey. To this end, Stark reveals a veritable avalanche of biblical themes and allusions to be found in Sterne, often and seemingly awkwardly in the middle of sex jokes, and yet the effect is not to produce irreverence. On the contrary, we find an irreverently reverent apologetic, Stark argues, and a priest who knows how to play gracefully with religious ideas. Through Sterne, in fact, we might rethink humour's role in the service of religion.

Biblical Sterne: Rhetoric and Religion in the Shandyverse (New Directions in Religion and Literature)

by Ryan J. Stark

Is Laurence Sterne one of the great Christian apologists? Ryan Stark recommends him as such, perhaps to the detriment of the parson's roguish reputation. The book's aim, however, is not to dispel roguishness but rather to discern the theological motives behind Sterne's comic rhetoric, from Tristram Shandy and the sermons to A Sentimental Journey. To this end, Stark reveals a veritable avalanche of biblical themes and allusions to be found in Sterne, often and seemingly awkwardly in the middle of sex jokes, and yet the effect is not to produce irreverence. On the contrary, we find an irreverently reverent apologetic, Stark argues, and a priest who knows how to play gracefully with religious ideas. Through Sterne, in fact, we might rethink humour's role in the service of religion.

Biblical Studies and the Shifting of Paradigms, 1850-1914 (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies)

by Henning Graf Reventlow William R. Farmer

The volume contains the contributions to a symposium in which specialists in different fields worked together in the attempt to throw by their cooperation more light on the conditions - theological convictions and worldview, political climate, influence of state officials, educational institutions and churches - which were influential in the development of biblical studies in the second half of the 19th century. The discussion originated with a special problem: the thesis of William Farmer, one of the co-editors of the volume, that the appointment of Heinrich Julius Holtzmann, who defended the priority of the gospel of Mark as the oldest synoptic gospel, to the New Testament professorship in Strasbourg in 1872 was the result of a direct intervention of the emperial chancellor Bismarck in the context of the kulturkampf, who wished thereby to weaken the Roman Catholic position defending the supremacy of the chair of St Peter by the authority of the gospel of St Matthew (Mt 16,18). The question belongs in the broader context of the presuppositions of Bible exegesis in the second half of the 19th century. As both editors agreed that the matter is not yet finally settled, it seemed to be essential for coming to deeper insights into the conditions under which biblical exegesis was enacted in the 19th century to broaden the scenery and to include other aspects that might throw more light on a period widely unknown to many scholars belonging to the present generation. Therefore specialists of different fields joined a symposium in order to elucidate from their respective viewpoints and interests basic themes and methods of biblical exegesis, scientific theology and the relations between state and university in the 19th centruy, especially during the period of the second Reich. But the themes were not restricted to this special area. They included also a wider outlook into the first half of the century and across the borders of Germany into other European countries. So the volume contains a collection of essays which have in common that all of them contribute to a better knowledge of the inner and outer conditions which formed climate and results of Biblical interpretation in the period.

Biblical Theology for Ethical Leadership: Leaders From Beginning To End (Christian Faith Perspectives In Leadership And Business Ser.)

by Aaron Perry

This book argues that ethical leadership without a theological foundation is lacking a firm foundation. It begins with a critical assessment of ethical leadership as a leadership theory, showing how ethics and theology became separated, creating the space for ethical leadership outside of theology. Nevertheless, the author argues that ethical leadership without a biblical basis is weak, though one need not be religious to embrace the leadership principles of biblical theology. Unfolding Christology, anthropology, eschatology, and contextualized leadership as four key aspects of biblical theology for ethical leadership, this book will appeal to those studying leadership, business, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Biblical Theology for Ethical Leadership

by Aaron Perry

This book argues that ethical leadership without a theological foundation is lacking a firm foundation. It begins with a critical assessment of ethical leadership as a leadership theory, showing how ethics and theology became separated, creating the space for ethical leadership outside of theology. Nevertheless, the author argues that ethical leadership without a biblical basis is weak, though one need not be religious to embrace the leadership principles of biblical theology. Unfolding Christology, anthropology, eschatology, and contextualized leadership as four key aspects of biblical theology for ethical leadership, this book will appeal to those studying leadership, business, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Biblical Theology: (pdf)

by James K. Mead

In this, the first overview of biblical theology in nearly thirty years, James K. Mead addresses the core issues of biblical theology essential to both Old Testament and New Testament study. Can we draw theological principles from Scripture? What methods will give useful results for theological exploration of biblical texts? Aptly synthesizing classic and recent scholarship while asserting his own theological findings, Mead provides an excellent overview of the history of biblical theology and a thorough examination of its basic issues, methods, and themes.

The Biblical Tour of Hell (The Library of New Testament Studies #485)

by Matthew Ryan Hauge

It is difficult to underestimate the significance of the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31 within the biblical tradition. Although hell occupies a prominent position in popular Christianrhetoric today, it plays a relatively minor role in the Christian canon. The most important biblical texts that explicitly describe the fate of the dead are in the Synoptic Gospels. Yet among these passages, only the Lukan tradition is intent on explicitly describing the abode of the dead; it is the only biblical tour of hell. Hauge examines the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31, uniquely the only 'parable' that is set within a supernatural context. The parables characteristically feature concrete realities of first-century Mediterranean life, but the majority of Luke 16:19-31 is narrated from the perspective of the tormented dead. This volume demonstrates that the distinctive features of the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus are the result of a strategic imitation, creative transformation, and Christian transvaluation of the descent of Odysseus into the house of hades in Odyssey Book 11, the literary model par excellence of postmortem revelation in antiquity.

Biblical Truths: The Meaning of Scripture in the Twenty-first Century

by Dale B. Martin

A leading biblical scholar’s landmark work challenges the historical realism that has dominated the discipline for more than two centuries How can a modern person, informed by science and history, continue to recite the traditional creeds and confessions of the Christian church? What does the Bible mean and how do we verify biblical truths? In this groundbreaking book, a leading biblical scholar urges readers to be more creative interpreters of biblical texts, mapping out an alternative way of reading that is not first and foremost about understanding what those texts would have meant for the original authors and readers. Limiting our study to the ancient meaning of the text, he argues, has produced either bad history, or bad theology, or both. One cannot derive robustly orthodox Christian doctrine or theology from a mere “historical” interpretation of the Bible. Martin offers instead theological readings of the New Testament that are faithful to Christian orthodoxy as generally understood, but without attempting a “foundationalist” understanding of the meaning of the text. His provocative and ambitious book demonstrates how theology and scripture can remain vital in the twenty-first century.

Biblical Wisdom and the Victorian Literary Imagination (New Directions in Religion and Literature)

by Denae Dyck

Examining the creative thought that arose in response to 19th-century religious controversies, this book demonstrates that the pressures exerted by historical methods of biblical scholarship prompted an imaginative recovery of wisdom literature.During the Victorian period, new approaches to the interpretation of sacred texts called into question traditional ideas about biblical inspiration, motivating literary transformations of inherited symbols, metaphors, and forms. Drawing on the theoretical work of Paul Ricoeur, Denae Dyck considers how Victorian writers from a variety of belief positions used wisdom literature to reframe their experiences of questioning, doubt, and uncertainty: Elizabeth Barrett Browning, George MacDonald, George Eliot, John Ruskin, and Olive Schreiner. This study contributes to the reassessment of historical and contemporary narratives of secularization by calling attention to wisdom literature as a vital, distinctive genre that animated the search for meaning within an increasingly ideologically diverse world.

Biblical Wisdom and the Victorian Literary Imagination (New Directions in Religion and Literature)

by Denae Dyck

Examining the creative thought that arose in response to 19th-century religious controversies, this book demonstrates that the pressures exerted by historical methods of biblical scholarship prompted an imaginative recovery of wisdom literature.During the Victorian period, new approaches to the interpretation of sacred texts called into question traditional ideas about biblical inspiration, motivating literary transformations of inherited symbols, metaphors, and forms. Drawing on the theoretical work of Paul Ricoeur, Denae Dyck considers how Victorian writers from a variety of belief positions used wisdom literature to reframe their experiences of questioning, doubt, and uncertainty: Elizabeth Barrett Browning, George MacDonald, George Eliot, John Ruskin, and Olive Schreiner. This study contributes to the reassessment of historical and contemporary narratives of secularization by calling attention to wisdom literature as a vital, distinctive genre that animated the search for meaning within an increasingly ideologically diverse world.

Bichara: Moro Chanceries and Jawi Legacy in the Philippines (Islam in Southeast Asia)

by Isaac Donoso

This book focuses on the written heritage of Muslims in the Philippines, the historical constitution of chancelleries within the Islamic sultanates, and the production of official letters to conduct local and international diplomacy. The standard narrative on Muslims in the Philippines is one that centres political and armed struggles within the region. However, two important aspects remain unattended: the cultural and intellectual production of the sultanates, and the Moro involvement in Southeast Asian Islamic civilization. This book connects the development and personality of the Philippine sultanates into the regional context of local communities that adopted an international faith. Political alliances and religious missions altered different ethnolinguistic groups and furnished them with the Word, the Qur’anic message, and the Arabic script. Indeed, customary orality and Adab shaped a way of being and acting modelled after what was called the Bichara. Particularly, the book studies the Moro Letter as cultural craft with political meaning, and Jawi heritage in the Philippines. A general catalogue of Jawi manuscripts from the National Archives of the Philippines is provided as appendix.

The Big Bang and God: An Astro-Theology

by Chandra Wickramasinghe Theodore Walker

As advanced by astronomer-cosmologist Sir Fred Hoyle, astronomy, biology, astrobiology, astrophysics, and cosmology converge agreeably with natural theology. In The Big Bang and God, these interdisciplinary convergences are developed by an astronomer collaborating with a theologian.

Big Bold Beautiful: The soul-seeker's guide to creating an empowered purpose-driven life

by Kate Taylor

Big, Bold, Beautiful is the ultimate empowerment guide that takes you on a journey of discovery to connect to your authentic self, get your sparkle back and create a life where you can thrive – not just survive.Life design and empowerment coach Kate Taylor uses a unique mix of psychological tools and spiritual practices to form her Practical Magic coaching method. She blends straight-talking strategy with a dash of spiritual sauce to create an alchemy of measured action combined with a connection to something greater than us – where the true magic happens.Divided into seven steps, Kate brings you easy-to-implement practical tools sprinkled with a dash of woo, so that you can create the vibrant, powerful change you've been yearning for. Join Kate as she shows you how to embrace a melting pot of modalities. Try using SMART targets alongside pendulums to set goals; address your inner critic by challenging negative thought patterns and performing an elements release ritual on a Full Moon; or seek self-empowerment through rewiring limiting beliefs using NLP and tapping into the power of crystals.

The Big Book of Festivals

by Joan-Maree Hargreaves Marita Bullock

Explore some of the most thrilling cultural and religious festivals from around the world!From Diwali, the Indian festival of light, to the Spanish tomato-throwing festival La Tomatina, to the Belgian Festival of Giants, this book is the perfect introduction to some of the world's most incredible cultural and religious celebrations.Exquisitely illustrated by Liz Rowland, every page is packed with fascinating fun filled facts!Some festivals are outrageously joyful, others are more serious. All of them bring people together to mark the big events in life. So dive into this riotous explosion of colour as we feast, sing, cry and celebrate the diversity of festivals and traditions this wonderful world of ours has to offer.'Gorgeous.' Reading Time'Perfect for young children . . . to introduce them to diverse celebrations and cultures.' Read Me Another Story'Incredibly immersive.' Indian Link

Big Brother: Reality TV in the Twenty-First Century

by J. Bignell

Jonathan Bignell presents a wide-ranging analysis of the television phenomenon of the early twenty-first century: Reality TV, exploring its cultural and political meanings, explaining the genesis of the form and its relationship to contemporary television production, and considering how it connects with, and breaks away from, factual and fictional conventions in television. Relationships with surveillance, celebrity and media culture are examined, leading to an appraisal of the directions that television culture is taking in the new century. His highly-readable style is accessible to readers at all levels of Culture and Media studies.

The Big Deal of Taking Small Steps to Move Closer to God

by Vashti McKenzie

THE BIG DEAL... shows how to develop a stronger relationship with God and more effective spiritual lifestyle by taking small steps that lead to big changes. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Geneva} span.Apple-tab-span {white-space:pre} Been running for Jesus a long time (I'm not tired yet) Been singing for Jesus a long time (I'm not tired yet) Been running by day and praying by night (I'm not tired yet) I've gotta get going, it's a mighty hard fight (No...I'm not tired yet) I've been serving God a long time (I'm not tired yet) I've been living for God a long time (I'm not tired yet) I've been praying to the Lord a long time (I'm not tired yet) It's an uphill journey but all I've got to say is (I'm not tired yet) The old spiritual song lifts you, but you are tired. Or maybe you're bored. You're still going to church. You're still praying. You're still serving. You're still giving. Deep within you, faith remains. But you feel a longing. You're not seeking fireworks. You're not a pew-sitter, safe in some spiritual comfort zone, looking for a thrill from the Lord. Your trust in God is secure. But you feel a longing for something more, deeper, fresher. If you've ignored these innermost feelings thinking they're no big deal, this basic yet dynamic program that Bishop Vashti McKenzie has implemented in more than two hundred churches with astounding results is for you. Individuals who have had many years of Christian life discovered a renewed sense of calling and purpose. Even new believers were invigorated in their faith-building process. Bishop McKenzie prescribes very small changes-such as adding a mere thirty seconds of prayer daily-that lead to radical closeness to God. And building an enjoyable, meaningful relationship with the Almighty doesn't mean striving for perfection. Small steps-but meaningful steps-collectively evolve into intimacy with God. And the big deal result is greater ability to biblically address life challenges. The big deal is that you're even more available to serve family, church, and community: truly in "no ways tired." Increasing spirituality is incremental, not monumental. Mustard-seed-like increases in positive actions (and corresponding decreases in negative ones) yield mountain-moving growth!

The Big Deal of Taking Small Steps to Move Closer to God

by Vashti McKenzie

THE BIG DEAL... shows how to develop a stronger relationship with God and more effective spiritual lifestyle by taking small steps that lead to big changes. Been running for Jesus a long time (I'm not tired yet) Been singing for Jesus a long time (I'm not tired yet) Been running by day and praying by night (I'm not tired yet) I've gotta get going, it's a mighty hard fight (No...I'm not tired yet) I've been serving God a long time (I'm not tired yet) I've been living for God a long time (I'm not tired yet) I've been praying to the Lord a long time (I'm not tired yet) It's an uphill journey but all I've got to say is (I'm not tired yet) The old spiritual song lifts you, but you are tired. Or maybe you're bored. You're still going to church. You're still praying. You're still serving. You're still giving. Deep within you, faith remains. But you feel a longing. You're not seeking fireworks. You're not a pew-sitter, safe in some spiritual comfort zone, looking for a thrill from the Lord. Your trust in God is secure. But you feel a longing for something more, deeper, fresher. If you've ignored these innermost feelings thinking they're no big deal, this basic yet dynamic program that Bishop Vashti McKenzie has implemented in more than two hundred churches with astounding results is for you. Individuals who have had many years of Christian life discovered a renewed sense of calling and purpose. Even new believers were invigorated in their faith-building process. Bishop McKenzie prescribes very small changes-such as adding a mere thirty seconds of prayer daily-that lead to radical closeness to God. And building an enjoyable, meaningful relationship with the Almighty doesn't mean striving for perfection. Small steps-but meaningful steps-collectively evolve into intimacy with God. And the big deal result is greater ability to biblically address life challenges. The big deal is that you're even more available to serve family, church, and community: truly in "no ways tired." Increasing spirituality is incremental, not monumental. Mustard-seed-like increases in positive actions (and corresponding decreases in negative ones) yield mountain-moving growth!

Big Dreams: The Science of Dreaming and the Origins of Religion

by Kelly Bulkeley

Big dreams are rare but highly memorable dream experiences that make a strong and lasting impact on the dreamer's waking awareness. Moving far beyond "I forgot to study and the finals are today" and other common scenarios, such dreams can include vivid imagery, intense emotions, fantastic characters, and an uncanny sense of being connected to forces beyond one's ordinary dreaming mind. In Big Dreams, Kelly Bulkeley provides the first full-scale cognitive scientific analysis of such dreams, putting forth an original theory about their formation, function, and meaning. Big dreams have played significant roles in religious and cultural history, but because of their infrequent occurrence and fantastical features, they have rarely been studied in light of modern science. We know a great deal about the religious manifestations of big dreams throughout history and around the world, but until now that cross-cultural knowledge has never been integrated with scientific research on their psychological roots in the brain-mind system. In Big Dreams, Bulkeley puts a classic psychological thesis to the scientific test by clarifying and improving it with better data, sharper analysis, and a broader evolutionary framework. He brings evidence from multiple sources, shows patterns of similarity and difference, questions prior assumptions, and provides predictive models that can be applied to new sets of data. The notion of a connection between dreaming and religion has always been intuitively compelling; Big Dreams transforms it into a solid premise of religious studies and brain-mind science. Combining evidence from religious studies, psychology, anthropology, evolutionary biology, and neuroscience, Big Dreams makes a compelling argument that big dreams are a primal wellspring of religious experience. They represent an innate, neurologically hard-wired capacity of our species that regularly provokes greater self-awareness, creativity, and insight into the existential challenges and spiritual potentials of human life.

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