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Christ, Power and Mammon: Karl Barth and John Howard Yoder in Dialogue

by Scott Thomas Prather

Thisbook examines the role of the New Testament concept of the 'principalities andpowers' in the thought of Karl Barth and John Howard Yoder, showing how thisbiblical concept of power is central to the fundamental theological convictionsof each thinker. Prather offers a scholarly account of the underexploredtheological and ethical import of a major biblical theme and the book addressesquestions and concerns from a wide range of academic and lay theologicalinterest. He brings Barth and Yoder into dialogue here and examines the threecrucial areas: the 'confessional' distinction of church and world; thedemonization of political power; and the intrinsic relation between thepolitical and economic powers. Whileother theologians have rightly identified a 'christocentric' connection betweenthe thought of Barth and Yoder, no attempt has been made to bring them togetherthrough the sustained analysis of a single doctrinal or ethical issue - this bookdoes just that.

Christ, Power and Mammon: Karl Barth and John Howard Yoder in Dialogue

by Scott Thomas Prather

Thisbook examines the role of the New Testament concept of the 'principalities andpowers' in the thought of Karl Barth and John Howard Yoder, showing how thisbiblical concept of power is central to the fundamental theological convictionsof each thinker. Prather offers a scholarly account of the underexploredtheological and ethical import of a major biblical theme and the book addressesquestions and concerns from a wide range of academic and lay theologicalinterest. He brings Barth and Yoder into dialogue here and examines the threecrucial areas: the 'confessional' distinction of church and world; thedemonization of political power; and the intrinsic relation between thepolitical and economic powers. Whileother theologians have rightly identified a 'christocentric' connection betweenthe thought of Barth and Yoder, no attempt has been made to bring them togetherthrough the sustained analysis of a single doctrinal or ethical issue - this bookdoes just that.

Christ Redeemed 'Us' from the Curse of the Law: A Jewish Martyrological Reading of Galatians 3.13 (The Library of New Testament Studies #524)

by Jarvis J. Williams

Jarvis J. Williams argues that the Jewish martyrological ideas, codified in 2 and 4 Maccabees and in selected texts in LXX Daniel 3, provide an important background to understanding Paul's statements about the cursed Christ in Gal. 3.13, and the soteriological benefits that his death achieves for Jews and Gentiles in Galatians. Williams further argues that Paul modifies Jewish martyrology to fit his exegetical, polemical, and theological purposes, in order to persuade the Galatians not to embrace the 'other' gospel of their opponents. In addition to providing a detailed and up to date history of research on the scholarship of Gal. 3.13, Williams provides five arguments throughout this volume related to the scriptural, theological and conceptual, lexical, grammatical and polemical points of contact, and finally the discontinuities between Galatians and Jewish martyrological ideas. Drawing on literature from Second Temple traditions to directly compare with Gal. 3.13, Williams adds new insights to Paul's defense of his Torah-free-gentile-inclusive gospel, and his rhetoric against his opponents.

Christ Redeemed 'Us' from the Curse of the Law: A Jewish Martyrological Reading of Galatians 3.13 (The Library of New Testament Studies #524)

by Jarvis J. Williams

Jarvis J. Williams argues that the Jewish martyrological ideas, codified in 2 and 4 Maccabees and in selected texts in LXX Daniel 3, provide an important background to understanding Paul's statements about the cursed Christ in Gal. 3.13, and the soteriological benefits that his death achieves for Jews and Gentiles in Galatians. Williams further argues that Paul modifies Jewish martyrology to fit his exegetical, polemical, and theological purposes, in order to persuade the Galatians not to embrace the 'other' gospel of their opponents. In addition to providing a detailed and up to date history of research on the scholarship of Gal. 3.13, Williams provides five arguments throughout this volume related to the scriptural, theological and conceptual, lexical, grammatical and polemical points of contact, and finally the discontinuities between Galatians and Jewish martyrological ideas. Drawing on literature from Second Temple traditions to directly compare with Gal. 3.13, Williams adds new insights to Paul's defense of his Torah-free-gentile-inclusive gospel, and his rhetoric against his opponents.

Christ, Shepherd of the Nations: The Nations as Narrative Character and Audience in John's Apocalypse (The Library of New Testament Studies #577)

by Jon Morales

Does John's Apocalypse envision destruction or salvation for the nations of the world? Scholarly views on this issue range from extreme (total destruction) to extreme (universal salvation). Jon Morales maintains that the question must be reframed to highlight, not only the destiny of the nations, but also their dilemma within the drama of world history. Using narrative methodology, Morales asks four key questions concerning the nations: What is John's story of the nations? How does he tell this story? What is John's message to the nations? And what is his message to the church concerning the nations? Literary characters cannot be understood in the abstract, but must be rather discovered sequentially in the development of an entire narrative. The nations in Revelation are no exception. Understanding that previous studies have neglected to situate the nations within Revelation's larger plot, or in interaction with other narrative characters, Morales concludes that John's purpose is to show that the nations belong to God. John achieves his purpose in part by deploying a novel metaphor, virtually unexplored until now – Christ, shepherd of the nations

Christ, Shepherd of the Nations: The Nations as Narrative Character and Audience in John's Apocalypse (The Library of New Testament Studies #577)

by Jon Morales

Does John's Apocalypse envision destruction or salvation for the nations of the world? Scholarly views on this issue range from extreme (total destruction) to extreme (universal salvation). Jon Morales maintains that the question must be reframed to highlight, not only the destiny of the nations, but also their dilemma within the drama of world history. Using narrative methodology, Morales asks four key questions concerning the nations: What is John's story of the nations? How does he tell this story? What is John's message to the nations? And what is his message to the church concerning the nations? Literary characters cannot be understood in the abstract, but must be rather discovered sequentially in the development of an entire narrative. The nations in Revelation are no exception. Understanding that previous studies have neglected to situate the nations within Revelation's larger plot, or in interaction with other narrative characters, Morales concludes that John's purpose is to show that the nations belong to God. John achieves his purpose in part by deploying a novel metaphor, virtually unexplored until now – Christ, shepherd of the nations

Christ the Emperor: Christian Theology and the Roman Emperor in the Fourth Century AD (Oxford Studies in Late Antiquity)

by Nathan Israel Smolin

Politics and diplomacy have always been as much about the social and cultural contexts within which political actors operate as they are about the political structures themselves. This was also true of the Roman Empire of the fourth century AD, ruled by the Emperor Constantine the Great--a society marked by social, religious, and political transformation as the empire came under the influence of the Christian Church. Studies of this period often note the difficulty of understanding its politics due to a lack of sources that discuss questions central to political theory. This has led to deprecating views of the Late Empire as an age of unquestioning despotism, political decline, and social decay. Recent scholarship has correctly pushed back against this viewpoint, emphasizing the vibrancy of art, architecture, and social life during this period; however, relatively little attention has yet been given to the deeply consequential effects of Christian theology on the period's politics. Christ the Emperor argues that the alleged absence of explicit political theorizing in fourth century texts is the result of a migration of these discourses from the realm of "secular" politics to that of public Christian theology, where questions fundamental to political theory were analyzed and debated in more far-reaching ways than ever before. When fourth century bishops and Emperors wished to discuss the pressing questions of legitimacy, succession, hierarchy, equality, unity, diversity, and power, they did so largely in and through Christian theology. To understand how these political and social actors thought about and enacted political theory, Nathan Israel Smolin turns to theological sources. In doing so, he reveals this period as one of profound political, social, and religious ferment, in which ideas and structures fundamental to the history of the following millennia were developed and contested--ideas that continue to shape our world today.

Christ the Emperor: Christian Theology and the Roman Emperor in the Fourth Century AD (Oxford Studies in Late Antiquity)

by Nathan Israel Smolin

Politics and diplomacy have always been as much about the social and cultural contexts within which political actors operate as they are about the political structures themselves. This was also true of the Roman Empire of the fourth century AD, ruled by the Emperor Constantine the Great--a society marked by social, religious, and political transformation as the empire came under the influence of the Christian Church. Studies of this period often note the difficulty of understanding its politics due to a lack of sources that discuss questions central to political theory. This has led to deprecating views of the Late Empire as an age of unquestioning despotism, political decline, and social decay. Recent scholarship has correctly pushed back against this viewpoint, emphasizing the vibrancy of art, architecture, and social life during this period; however, relatively little attention has yet been given to the deeply consequential effects of Christian theology on the period's politics. Christ the Emperor argues that the alleged absence of explicit political theorizing in fourth century texts is the result of a migration of these discourses from the realm of "secular" politics to that of public Christian theology, where questions fundamental to political theory were analyzed and debated in more far-reaching ways than ever before. When fourth century bishops and Emperors wished to discuss the pressing questions of legitimacy, succession, hierarchy, equality, unity, diversity, and power, they did so largely in and through Christian theology. To understand how these political and social actors thought about and enacted political theory, Nathan Israel Smolin turns to theological sources. In doing so, he reveals this period as one of profound political, social, and religious ferment, in which ideas and structures fundamental to the history of the following millennia were developed and contested--ideas that continue to shape our world today.

Christ the End of the Law: Romans 10.4 in Pauline Perspective (The Library of New Testament Studies)

by Robert Badenas

In this close textual analysis Badenas uses the term 'telos' as his starting point to delve into a closer examination of the Greek-speaking ancient world. The study divides into three key sections: a history of exegesis, a lexical study of telos, and an exegetical study of Rom 10:4. This final part enables an in-depth analysis of the place and role of Rom 10:4 within Romans 9:11, and, in turn, of Romans 9:11 within Paul's argument more generally. In so doing, Badenas is able to offer a more informed judgement of the use of the statement 'Christ is the end of the law,' contributing insightfully to an abundance of material which proclaims the statement without acknowledgement of its greater context.

Christ the Heart of Creation: The Heart Of Creation

by The Right Reverend and Right Honourable Lord Williams of Oystermouth Rowan Williams

In this wide-ranging book, Rowan Williams argues that what we say about Jesus Christ is key to understanding what Christian belief says about creator and creation overall. Through detailed discussion of texts from the earliest centuries to the present day, we are shown some of the various and subtle ways in which Christians have discovered in their reflections on Christ the possibility of a deeply affirmative approach to creation, and a set of radical insights in ethics and politics as well.Throughout his life, Rowan Williams has been deeply influenced by thinkers of the Eastern Christian tradition as well as Catholic and Anglican writers. This book draws on insights from Eastern Christianity, from the Western Middle Ages and from Reformed thinkers, from Calvin to Bonhoeffer – as well as considering theological insights sparked by philosophers like Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein. Christ the Heart of Creation concerns fundamental issues for Christian belief and Williams tackles them head-on: he writes with pellucid clarity and shows his gift for putting across what are inevitably complex ideas to a wide audience.

Christ the Heart of Creation

by Rowan Williams

In this wide-ranging book, Rowan Williams argues that what we say about Jesus Christ is key to understanding what Christian belief says about creator and creation overall. Through detailed discussion of texts from the earliest centuries to the present day, we are shown some of the various and subtle ways in which Christians have discovered in their reflections on Christ the possibility of a deeply affirmative approach to creation, and a set of radical insights in ethics and politics as well.Throughout his life, Rowan Williams has been deeply influenced by thinkers of the Eastern Christian tradition as well as Catholic and Anglican writers. This book draws on insights from Eastern Christianity, from the Western Middle Ages and from Reformed thinkers, from Calvin to Bonhoeffer – as well as considering theological insights sparked by philosophers like Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein. Christ the Heart of Creation concerns fundamental issues for Christian belief and Williams tackles them head-on: he writes with pellucid clarity and shows his gift for putting across what are inevitably complex ideas to a wide audience.

Christ the Lord The Road to Cana: The Road To Cana (Christ The Lord Ser.)

by Anne Rice

Herod Antipas rules Galilee, Pontius Pilate is the new Roman governor of Judea, and the Roman Empire rules the world. These are turbulent times for Israel, a troubled land of turmoil and insurrection.Now in his thirtieth year, Jesus and his tight-knit family endure a long, dusty winter of disruption and chaos. Whispers of his virgin birth still persist, and while he struggles with the demands of his family and the weight of his great destiny, those around him wait for some sign of the path he will take.But this quiet man of Nazareth is instead called upon to found a ministry which will utterly transform an unsuspecting world ...

Christ, the Spirit, and Human Transformation in Gregory of Nyssa's In Canticum Canticorum (Oxford Studies in Historical Theology)

by Alexander L. Abecina

This book provides a comprehensive literary and theological analysis of Gregory of Nyssa's theology of union with God, culminating in a fresh reading of his final written work, In Canticum Canticorum (c.391), a collection of fifteen allegorical homilies on the Song of Songs. Part I gives the essential background for the study of In Canticum Canticorum by analysing several of Gregory's earlier works (c.370--385), tracing the main contours of his account of the human transformation and union with God. Author Alexander Abecina explores topics such as Gregory's theology of virginity and spiritual marriage, his theology of baptism, his trinitarian theology, and his Spirit-based Christology. In Part II Abecina builds on his key findings in Part I to structure a detailed analysis of In Canticum Canticorum. Engaging with the latest contemporary scholarship on Gregory of Nyssa, the author shows how Gregory's allegorical interpretation of the Song of Songs represents a corresponding account of human transformation and union with God from the perspective of subjective experience of this reality. Rather than marking a new development in Gregory's mature thought, Abecina demonstrates that the subjective experience gained from Gregory's reading of the Song of Songs recapitulates the key elements of his objective account and therefore renders coherent his earlier soteriological doctrine.

Christ, the Spirit, and Human Transformation in Gregory of Nyssa's In Canticum Canticorum (Oxford Studies in Historical Theology)

by Alexander L. Abecina

This book provides a comprehensive literary and theological analysis of Gregory of Nyssa's theology of union with God, culminating in a fresh reading of his final written work, In Canticum Canticorum (c.391), a collection of fifteen allegorical homilies on the Song of Songs. Part I gives the essential background for the study of In Canticum Canticorum by analysing several of Gregory's earlier works (c.370--385), tracing the main contours of his account of the human transformation and union with God. Author Alexander Abecina explores topics such as Gregory's theology of virginity and spiritual marriage, his theology of baptism, his trinitarian theology, and his Spirit-based Christology. In Part II Abecina builds on his key findings in Part I to structure a detailed analysis of In Canticum Canticorum. Engaging with the latest contemporary scholarship on Gregory of Nyssa, the author shows how Gregory's allegorical interpretation of the Song of Songs represents a corresponding account of human transformation and union with God from the perspective of subjective experience of this reality. Rather than marking a new development in Gregory's mature thought, Abecina demonstrates that the subjective experience gained from Gregory's reading of the Song of Songs recapitulates the key elements of his objective account and therefore renders coherent his earlier soteriological doctrine.

Christ the Stranger: The Theology Of Rowan Williams

by Benjamin Myers

Rowan Williams is a complex, creative and versatilethinker. Not only a theologian and church leader, he is also a poet, atranslator, a literary critic, a social theorist and historian. His imaginativevision brings together the streams of modern literature, patristic theology,Russian orthodoxy, German philosophy and Welsh piety. In this lucid and elegantguide, Benjamin Myers explores Williams' thought from the 1960s to the present.He shows that Williams has developed an immensely resourceful - anddistinctively Christian - response to some of the major social, moral andintellectual challenges of our time.

Christ the Stranger: The Theology Of Rowan Williams

by Benjamin Myers

Rowan Williams is a complex, creative and versatilethinker. Not only a theologian and church leader, he is also a poet, atranslator, a literary critic, a social theorist and historian. His imaginativevision brings together the streams of modern literature, patristic theology,Russian orthodoxy, German philosophy and Welsh piety. In this lucid and elegantguide, Benjamin Myers explores Williams' thought from the 1960s to the present.He shows that Williams has developed an immensely resourceful - anddistinctively Christian - response to some of the major social, moral andintellectual challenges of our time.

Christ the Tragedy of God: A Theological Exploration of Tragedy

by Kevin Taylor

Tragedy is a genre for exploring loss and suffering, and this book traces the vital areas where tragedy has shaped and been a resource for Christian theology. There is a history to the relationship of theology and tragedy; tragic literature has explored areas of theological interest, and is present in the Bible and ongoing theological concerns. Christian theology has a long history of using what is at hand, and the genre of tragedy is no different. What are the merits and challenges of placing the central narrative of the passion, death and resurrection of Christ in tragic terms? This study examines important and shared concerns of theology and tragedy: sacrifice and war, rationality and order, historical contingency, blindness, guilt, and self-awareness. Theologians such as Reinhold Niebuhr, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Martin Luther King Jr., Simone Weil, and Boethius have explored tragedy as a theological resource. The historical relationship of theology and tragedy reveals that neither is monolithic, and both remain diverse and unstable areas of human thought. This fascinating book will be of keen interest to theologians, as well as scholars in the fields of literary studies and tragic theory.

Christ the Tragedy of God: A Theological Exploration of Tragedy

by Kevin Taylor

Tragedy is a genre for exploring loss and suffering, and this book traces the vital areas where tragedy has shaped and been a resource for Christian theology. There is a history to the relationship of theology and tragedy; tragic literature has explored areas of theological interest, and is present in the Bible and ongoing theological concerns. Christian theology has a long history of using what is at hand, and the genre of tragedy is no different. What are the merits and challenges of placing the central narrative of the passion, death and resurrection of Christ in tragic terms? This study examines important and shared concerns of theology and tragedy: sacrifice and war, rationality and order, historical contingency, blindness, guilt, and self-awareness. Theologians such as Reinhold Niebuhr, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Martin Luther King Jr., Simone Weil, and Boethius have explored tragedy as a theological resource. The historical relationship of theology and tragedy reveals that neither is monolithic, and both remain diverse and unstable areas of human thought. This fascinating book will be of keen interest to theologians, as well as scholars in the fields of literary studies and tragic theory.

Christendom: The Triumph of a Religion

by Peter Heather

'A fascinating story about a religion in a surprisingly precarious position' Dan Jones, Sunday Times'Superb storytelling ... captivating and profound' Literary Review'A page-turner' The SpectatorIn the fourth century AD, a new faith exploded out of Palestine. Overwhelming the paganism of Rome, and converting the Emperor Constantine in the process, it resoundingly defeated a host of other rivals. Almost a thousand years later, all of Europe was controlled by Christian rulers, and the religion, ingrained within culture and society, exercised a monolithic hold over its population. But, as Peter Heather shows in this compelling history, there was nothing inevitable about Christendom's rise to Europe-wide dominance.In exploring how the Christian religion became such a defining feature of the European landscape, and how a small sect of isolated congregations was transformed into a mass movement centrally directed from Rome, Heather shows how Christendom constantly battled against both so-called 'heresies' and other forms of belief. From the crisis that followed the collapse of the Roman Empire, which left the religion teetering on the edge of extinction, to the astonishing revolution in which the Papacy emerged as the head of a vast international corporation, Heather traces Christendom's chameleon-like capacity for self-reinvention and willingness to mobilize well-directed force.Christendom's achievement was not, or not only, to define official Christianity, but - from its scholars and its lawyers, to its provincial officials and missionaries in far-flung corners of the continent - to transform it into an institution that wielded effective religious authority across nearly all of the disparate peoples of medieval Europe. This is its extraordinary story.

Christendom Destroyed: Europe 1517-1648 (The\penguin History Of Europe Ser.)

by Mark Greengrass

Mark Greengrass's gripping, major, original account of Europe in an era of tumultuous changeThis latest addition to the landmark Penguin History of Europe series is a fascinating study of 16th and 17th century Europe and the fundamental changes which led to the collapse of Christendom and established the geographical and political frameworks of Western Europe as we know it. From peasants to princes, no one was untouched by the spiritual and intellectual upheaval of this era. Martin Luther's challenge to church authority forced Christians to examine their beliefs in ways that shook the foundations of their religion. The subsequent divisions, fed by dynastic rivalries and military changes, fundamentally altered the relations between ruler and ruled. Geographical and scientific discoveries challenged the unity of Christendom as a belief-community. Europe, with all its divisions, emerged instead as a geographical projection. It was reflected in the mirror of America, and refracted by the eclipse of Crusade in ambiguous relationships with the Ottomans and Orthodox Christianity. Chronicling these dramatic changes, Thomas More, Shakespeare, Montaigne and Cervantes created works which continue to resonate with us. Christendom Destroyed is a rich tapestry that fosters a deeper understanding of Europe's identity today.

Christentum und Islam als politische Religionen: Ideenwandel im Spiegel gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen (Politik und Religion)

by Oliver Hidalgo Holger Zapf Philipp W. Hildmann

Der Band untersucht wichtige Stationen des Wandels politisch-religiöser Ideen im Christentum und im Islam als ideelle Anpassungsleistungen an die sich stetig verändernden gesellschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen bzw. auch als Gestaltungsversuche des Politischen auf Basis theologischer Prämissen. Damit leistet das Buch einen zentralen Beitrag zum Verständnis der genuin politischen Dimension von Religionen unabhängig von beobachtbaren Säkularisierungsprozessen und möglichen institutionellen Trennungen zwischen Staat und Kirche. Die versammelten Aufsätze loten konzeptionelle und methodische Zugangsmöglichkeiten zum Themenfeld aus und erschließen den politisch-religiösen Wandel in Christentum und Islam zum Teil in Einzelfallanalysen, zum Teil in vergleichender Perspektive.

Christentum und Islam in der Geschichte: Zwischen Bewunderung und Polemik (Wiener Beiträge zur Islamforschung)

by Evrim Erşan Akkılıç Christine Ratkowitsch

Dieser Band setzt sich in einem interdisziplinären Kontext mit mannigfaltigen Aspekten der Begegnungen zwischen Islam und Christentum in der christlichen und islamischen Geschichte auseinander. Die Spuren dieser Begegnungen reichen weit zurück und lassen sich in historischen, literarischen und theologischen Texten nachverfolgen. Die Beiträge richten einen detaillierten und fokussierten Blick auf die gegenseitigen Wahrnehmungen bzw. Spannungsverhältnisse, die Auswirkungen bis in die heutige Zeit haben.

Christian: The Politics of a Word in America

by Matthew Bowman

Religious diversity has long been a defining feature of the United States. But what may be even more remarkable than the sheer range of faiths is the diversity of political visions embedded in those religious traditions. Matthew Bowman delves into the ongoing struggle over the potent word “Christian,” not merely to settle theological disputes but to discover its centrality to American politics. As Christian: The Politics of a Word in America shows, for many American Christians, concepts like liberty and equality are rooted in the transcendent claims about human nature that Christianity offers. Democracy, equality under the law, and other basic principles of American government are seen as depending on the Christian faith’s sustenance and support. Yet despite this presumed consensus, differing Christian beliefs have led to dispute and disagreement about what American society and government should look like. While many white American Protestants associate Christianity with Western Euro-American civilization, individual liberty, and an affirmation of capitalism, other American Christians have long rejected those assumptions. They maintain that Christian principles demand political programs as wide-ranging as economic communalism, international cooperation, racial egalitarianism, and social justice. The varieties of American Christian experience speak to an essentially contested concept of political rights and wrongs. Though diverse Christian faiths espouse political visions, Christian politics defy clear definition, Bowman writes. Rather, they can be seen as a rich and varied collection of beliefs about the interrelationships of divinity, human nature, and civic life that engage and divide the nation’s Christian communities and politics alike.

Christian: The Politics of a Word in America

by Matthew Bowman

Religious diversity has long been a defining feature of the United States. But what may be even more remarkable than the sheer range of faiths is the diversity of political visions embedded in those religious traditions. Matthew Bowman delves into the ongoing struggle over the potent word “Christian,” not merely to settle theological disputes but to discover its centrality to American politics. As Christian: The Politics of a Word in America shows, for many American Christians, concepts like liberty and equality are rooted in the transcendent claims about human nature that Christianity offers. Democracy, equality under the law, and other basic principles of American government are seen as depending on the Christian faith’s sustenance and support. Yet despite this presumed consensus, differing Christian beliefs have led to dispute and disagreement about what American society and government should look like. While many white American Protestants associate Christianity with Western Euro-American civilization, individual liberty, and an affirmation of capitalism, other American Christians have long rejected those assumptions. They maintain that Christian principles demand political programs as wide-ranging as economic communalism, international cooperation, racial egalitarianism, and social justice. The varieties of American Christian experience speak to an essentially contested concept of political rights and wrongs. Though diverse Christian faiths espouse political visions, Christian politics defy clear definition, Bowman writes. Rather, they can be seen as a rich and varied collection of beliefs about the interrelationships of divinity, human nature, and civic life that engage and divide the nation’s Christian communities and politics alike.

The Christian Academic in Higher Education: The Consecration of Learning

by John Sullivan

This book offers a Christian engagement with the realities of academic life and work. Examining this topic from intellectual, institutional and spiritual perspectives, the author explores how the two identities – as a Christian and an academic – can both coexist and complement one another. The author provides a ‘road map’ for academics demonstrating the interaction between religious faith and the responsibilities, challenges and opportunities of university scholarship and teaching. Addressing questions such as the contentious nature of religious faith in the university environment, the expression of faith within the role of professor, and the consequences of consecrating oneself to learning, this pioneering and practical volume will be relevant to Christian scholars in any academic discipline.

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