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Church Folk

by Michele Andrea Bowen

Theophilus Henry Simmons is young, single, sexy, and just about the finest black man any wishful mother and daughter have ever seen in Charleston, Mississippi. He's also a pastor. And when he starts courting the quiet, homespun Essie Lee Lane-and she accepts his marriage proposal-a few of the church folk decide to teach Essie what it really means to be a pastor's wife, and show her how little she knows about them. But as Theophilus gains prominence in his denomination, Essie evolves from a mousy parishioner into an independent and Godly woman. Now sporting an afro and driving her new purple Cadillac, Essie teaches the church folk what it really means to stand by your man-and your beliefs.

Church Fonts (Shire Library #871)

by Matthew Byrne

The font is perhaps the most important part of any church. For centuries, no infant in the parish was thought to be saved from damnation until christened and fonts, as the vessels for this crucial rite of passage, were a pre-eminent tool in the Church's fight against the Devil. Standing within the public space of the church – as with pews, rood screens and chantry chapels – fonts would have been paid for by the parishioners, and so the richness of their decoration was determined by the funds available and the prevailing architectural fashions of the time. Some of the more extravagant have elaborate multi-tiered covers, raised for use via ropes or chains and pulleys. In this fascinating introduction, Matthew Byrne explores the history of fonts in churches all over the nation, highlighting some of the most notable examples and explaining their evolution across the centuries.

Church Fonts (Shire Library #871)

by Matthew Byrne

In every English parish church, taking centre-stage in the nave, stands a font. For centuries, every infant in the parish was considered to have been saved from damnation once christened and fonts, as the vessels for this crucial rite of passage, were a pre-eminent tool in the Church's fight against the Devil. Standing within the public space of the church – as with pews, rood screens and chantry chapels – fonts would have been paid for by the parishioners, and so the richness of their decoration was determined by the funds available and the prevailing architectural fashions of the time. Some of the more extravagant have elaborate multi-tiered covers, raised for use via ropes or chains and pulleys. In this introduction to English fonts, Matthew Byrne explores numerous examples in churches all over the country, highlighting the most notable fonts and explaining their changing decoration across the centuries.

The Church for the World: A Theology of Public Witness

by Jennifer McBride

Drawing on the writings of German pastor-theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Jennifer M. McBride constructs a groundbreaking theology of public witness for Protestant church communities in the United States. In contrast to the triumphal manner in which many Protestants have engaged the public sphere, The Church for the World shows how the church can offer a nontriumphal witness to the lordship of Christ through repentant activity in public life. After investigating current Christian conceptions of witness in the United States, McBride offers a new theology for repentance as public witness, based on Bonhoeffer's thought concerning Christ, the world, and the church. McBride takes up Bonhoeffer's proposal that repentance may be reinterpreted "non-religiously," expanding and challenging common understandings of the concept. Finally, she examines two church communities that exemplify ecclesial commitments and practices rooted in confession of sin and repentance. Through these communities she demonstrates that confession and repentance may be embodied in various ways yet also discerns distinguishing characteristics of a redemptive public witness. The Church for the World offers important insights about Christian particularity and public engagement in a pluralistic society as it provides a theological foundation for public witness that is simultaneously bold and humble: when its mode of being in the world is confession of sin unto repentance, the church demonstrates Christ's redemptive work and becomes a vehicle of concrete redemption.

The Church for the World: A Theology of Public Witness

by Jennifer McBride

Drawing on the writings of German pastor-theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Jennifer M. McBride constructs a groundbreaking theology of public witness for Protestant church communities in the United States. In contrast to the triumphal manner in which many Protestants have engaged the public sphere, The Church for the World shows how the church can offer a nontriumphal witness to the lordship of Christ through repentant activity in public life. After investigating current Christian conceptions of witness in the United States, McBride offers a new theology for repentance as public witness, based on Bonhoeffer's thought concerning Christ, the world, and the church. McBride takes up Bonhoeffer's proposal that repentance may be reinterpreted "non-religiously," expanding and challenging common understandings of the concept. Finally, she examines two church communities that exemplify ecclesial commitments and practices rooted in confession of sin and repentance. Through these communities she demonstrates that confession and repentance may be embodied in various ways yet also discerns distinguishing characteristics of a redemptive public witness. The Church for the World offers important insights about Christian particularity and public engagement in a pluralistic society as it provides a theological foundation for public witness that is simultaneously bold and humble: when its mode of being in the world is confession of sin unto repentance, the church demonstrates Christ's redemptive work and becomes a vehicle of concrete redemption.

Church Growth in Britain: 1980 to the Present (Routledge Contemporary Ecclesiology)

by David Goodhew

There has been substantial church growth in Britain between 1980 and 2010. This is the controversial conclusion from the international team of scholars, who have drawn on interdisciplinary studies and the latest research from across the UK. Such church growth is seen to be on a large scale, is multi-ethnic and can be found across a wide range of social and geographical contexts. It is happening inside mainline denominations but especially in specific regions such as London, in newer churches and amongst ethnic minorities. Church Growth in Britain provides a forceful critique of the notion of secularisation which dominates much of academia and the media - and which conditions the thinking of many churches and church leaders. This book demonstrates that, whilst decline is happening in some parts of the church, this needs to be balanced by recognition of the vitality of large swathes of the Christian church in Britain. Rebalancing the debate in this way requires wholesale change in our understanding of contemporary British Christianity.

Church Growth in Britain: 1980 to the Present (Routledge Contemporary Ecclesiology)

by David Goodhew

There has been substantial church growth in Britain between 1980 and 2010. This is the controversial conclusion from the international team of scholars, who have drawn on interdisciplinary studies and the latest research from across the UK. Such church growth is seen to be on a large scale, is multi-ethnic and can be found across a wide range of social and geographical contexts. It is happening inside mainline denominations but especially in specific regions such as London, in newer churches and amongst ethnic minorities. Church Growth in Britain provides a forceful critique of the notion of secularisation which dominates much of academia and the media - and which conditions the thinking of many churches and church leaders. This book demonstrates that, whilst decline is happening in some parts of the church, this needs to be balanced by recognition of the vitality of large swathes of the Christian church in Britain. Rebalancing the debate in this way requires wholesale change in our understanding of contemporary British Christianity.

The Church History of Rufinus of Aquileia: Books 10 and 11

by Rufinus of Aquilea

Amidon offers the first English translation of Books 10 and 11 of Rufinus' Church History. Books 1-9 comprise a Latin translation of Eusebius' history. Books 10 and 11 are Rufinus' own continuation, covering the period 325-395. As the first Latin church history, this work exerted great influence over the subsequent scholarship of the Western Church.

Church in a World of Religions: Working Papers in Theology

by Tom Greggs

In this collection of essays, Tom Greggs explores the nature of the church in a world of many religions. Greggs' writings on the Church and on other religions emphasize the importance of attentiveness to Christ and the Holy Spirit, and both are simultaneously generous and particularist. The first part of the book addresses the Church as it is brought into being by the Spirit in glorifying God, celebrates the sacraments, respects the authority of the creeds, is generously Catholic, and critiques its own religion. The second part looks at the church in a pluralist context as it engages in inter-faith dialogue, expresses both particularism and universalism, speaks of Christ with many names, and reads scripture and understands the many covenants found there. Greggs offers a programmatic conclusion, setting an agenda for theologies of the church and of other religions and their simultaneous relationality.

Church in a World of Religions: Working Papers in Theology

by Tom Greggs

In this collection of essays, Tom Greggs explores the nature of the church in a world of many religions. Greggs' writings on the Church and on other religions emphasize the importance of attentiveness to Christ and the Holy Spirit, and both are simultaneously generous and particularist. The first part of the book addresses the Church as it is brought into being by the Spirit in glorifying God, celebrates the sacraments, respects the authority of the creeds, is generously Catholic, and critiques its own religion. The second part looks at the church in a pluralist context as it engages in inter-faith dialogue, expresses both particularism and universalism, speaks of Christ with many names, and reads scripture and understands the many covenants found there. Greggs offers a programmatic conclusion, setting an agenda for theologies of the church and of other religions and their simultaneous relationality.

Church in an Age of Global Migration: A Moving Body (Pathways for Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue)

by Susanna Snyder Agnes M. Brazal Joshua Ralston

Migration has become a defining feature of the contemporary age. It has brought about significant changes in political, economic, social, and religious landscapes. This volume explores a question that has been little considered to date: how are churches being transformed in the face of global migration? The book features contributors from diverse national, denominational, cultural, professional, and linguistic backgrounds. Their essays reveal the ways in which migrants and the phenomenon of migration expose longstanding gaps and failings within Christian communities. However, the prevalence of migration and migrants simultaneously opens up fresh possibilities for churches to grow, renew, becoming more authentic, dynamic, and diverse. Church in an Age of Global Migration presents a collage of embodied ecclesial practices, understandings, and realities that have emerged and are continuing to develop in the face of global migration. Committed to transnational and ecumenical dialogue, and to integrating practical and theoretical perspectives, this volume is the first to offer an in-depth analysis of the ways in which churches are being changed by migrants.

The Church in Anglican Theology: A Historical, Theological and Ecumenical Exploration

by Kenneth A. Locke

This book is the first systematic attempt to describe a coherent and comprehensive Anglican understanding of Church. Rather than focusing on one school of thought, Dr Locke unites under one ecclesiological umbrella the seemingly disparate views that have shaped Anglican reflections on Church. He does so by exploring three central historical developments: (1) the influence of Protestantism; (2) the Anglican defence of episcopacy; and (3) the development of the Anglican practice of authority. Dr Locke demonstrates how the interaction of these three historical influences laid the foundations of an Anglican understanding of Church that continues to guide and shape Anglican identity. He shows how this understanding of Church has shaped recent Anglican ecumenical dialogues with Reformed, Lutheran, Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches. Drawing on the principle that dialogue with those who are different can lead to greater self-understanding and self-realization, Dr Locke demonstrates that Anglican self-identity rests on firmer ecclesiological foundations than is sometimes supposed.

The Church in Anglican Theology: A Historical, Theological and Ecumenical Exploration

by Kenneth A. Locke

This book is the first systematic attempt to describe a coherent and comprehensive Anglican understanding of Church. Rather than focusing on one school of thought, Dr Locke unites under one ecclesiological umbrella the seemingly disparate views that have shaped Anglican reflections on Church. He does so by exploring three central historical developments: (1) the influence of Protestantism; (2) the Anglican defence of episcopacy; and (3) the development of the Anglican practice of authority. Dr Locke demonstrates how the interaction of these three historical influences laid the foundations of an Anglican understanding of Church that continues to guide and shape Anglican identity. He shows how this understanding of Church has shaped recent Anglican ecumenical dialogues with Reformed, Lutheran, Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches. Drawing on the principle that dialogue with those who are different can lead to greater self-understanding and self-realization, Dr Locke demonstrates that Anglican self-identity rests on firmer ecclesiological foundations than is sometimes supposed.

The Church in Antioch in the First Century CE: Communion and Conflict (The Library of New Testament Studies #244)

by Michelle Slee

The book explores the problems faced by the church in Antioch in the mid-first century CE once the decision was taken to welcome Gentiles into the church. Slee argues that a particular problem was the celebration of the Eucharist, since some Jewish Christians felt that the table-fellowship this involved inevitably brought the risk of contamination (because of Gentile contact with idolatry). She suggests this was the subject debated at the Jerusalem conference described in Acts 15 and Galatians 2, and it was the eventual decision of the Antioch church to hold separate Eucharists that led to Paul's break with the church (Gal 2:11-14). Thus even at the end of the first century CE the Antioch church was still divided on the issue.

The Church in Council: Conciliar Movements, Religious Practice and the Papacy from Nicaea to Vatican II (International Library of Historical Studies)

by Norman Tanner

Councils have long been of fundamental importance to the historical development of the Catholic Church. From the First Council of Nicaea in 325 CE to the reforming Second Vatican Council of 1962-5, the conciliar movement has more often than not represented the interests and prerogatives of the mass of the faithful: frequently - especially from medieval times - as a bulwark against the untrammelled supremacy of the Pope. Further to the removal of the papacy to Avignon in 1305, and the subsequent influence exerted over its popes by the French crown, many Catholics began to question the idea of absolute papal authority. Doubts about the Pope's legitimacy to govern the universal Church unchecked were further reinforced by the disaster of the Great Schism (1378-1417), with one pope based in Rome and the other in Avignon. In these dangerous circumstances, with western Catholicism rocked to its foundation by scandal and political manoeuvering, conciliarism took hold as the most effective way of deciding the future course of church leadership. Norman Tanner is arguably the outstanding scholar of church councils writing in English. In this volume, which assembles some of his best work on the topic, he reflects on the legacy of conciliarism, and shows how and why the apostolic spirit of Nicaea was to resurface at Vatican II.

The Church in the Age of Constantine: The Theological Challenges

by Johannes Roldanus

The Church in the Age of Constantine provides a refined theological screening of the doctrinal and ethical thinking during the fourth century. Relating biblical essentials to ancient cosmology and anthropology, Roldanus uses the concept of ‘contextualisation’ to appreciate this process. He makes clear that, however much the winning positions were dependent on the interfering of the State, the theological reflection went nevertheless its proper way, conditioned as it was by various understandings of salvation-in-Christ. There was a natural concern to relate salvation to the most important elements of the existing culture. Providing models for reflection on inculturation, this study helps students to focus on the essentials and to form and unprejudiced opinion on this crucial period of history.

The Church in the Age of Constantine: The Theological Challenges

by Johannes Roldanus

The Church in the Age of Constantine provides a refined theological screening of the doctrinal and ethical thinking during the fourth century. Relating biblical essentials to ancient cosmology and anthropology, Roldanus uses the concept of ‘contextualisation’ to appreciate this process. He makes clear that, however much the winning positions were dependent on the interfering of the State, the theological reflection went nevertheless its proper way, conditioned as it was by various understandings of salvation-in-Christ. There was a natural concern to relate salvation to the most important elements of the existing culture. Providing models for reflection on inculturation, this study helps students to focus on the essentials and to form and unprejudiced opinion on this crucial period of history.

The Church in the Early Middle Ages: The I.B.Tauris History of the Christian Church (I.B.Tauris History of the Christian Church)

by G.R. Evans

The creation of a new history of the Church at the beginning of the third millennium is an ambitious but necessary project. Perhaps nowhere is it needed more than in re-describing the Church's development - its life and its thinking - in the period that followed the end of the 'early Church' in antiquity. The cultural, social and political dominance of Christendom in what we now call 'the West', from about 600-1300, made the Christian Church a shaper of the modern world in respects which go far beyond its religious infleunce. Writing with her customary authority, and with a magisterial grasp of the original sources, G R Evans brings this formative era vividly to life both for the student of religious history and general reader. She concentrates as much on the colourful human episodes of the time as on broader institutional and intellectual developments. The result is a compelling and thoroughly modern introduction to devotional and theological thought in the early Middle Ages as well as to ecclesiastical and pastoral life at large.

The Church in the Early Modern Age (I.B.Tauris History of the Christian Church)

by C. Scott Dixon

The years 1450-1650 were a momentous period for the development of Christianity. They witnessed the age of Reformation and Counter-Reformation: perhaps the most important era for the shaping of the faith since its foundation. C Scott Dixon explores how the ideas that went into the making of early modern Christianity re-oriented the Church to such an extent that they gave rise to new versions of the religion. He shows how the varieties and ambivalences of late medieval theology were now replaced by dogmatic certainties, where the institutions of Christian churches became more effective and 'modern', staffed by well-trained clergy. Tracing these changes from the fall of Constantinople to the end of the Thirty Years' War, and treating the High Renaissance and the Reformation as part of the same overall narrative, the author offers an integrated approach to widely different national, social and cultural histories. Moving beyond Protestant and Catholic conflicts, he contrasts Western Christianity with Eastern Orthodoxy, and examines the Church's response to fears of Ottoman domination.

The Church in the Long Eighteenth Century: The I.B.Tauris History of the Christian Church (I.B.Tauris History of the Christian Church)

by David Hempton

Winner of the 2012 American Society of Church History Albert Outler PrizeDavid Hempton's history of the vibrant period between 1650 and 1832 engages with a truly global story: that of Christianity not only in Europe and North America, but also in Latin America, Africa, Russia and Eastern Europe, India, China, and South-East Asia. Examining eighteenth-century religious thought in its sophisticated national and social contexts, the author relates the narrative of the Church to the rise of religious enthusiasm pioneered by Pietists, Methodists, Evangelicals and Revivalists, and by important leaders like August Hermann Francke, Jonathan Edwards and John Wesley. He places special emphasis on attempts by the Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch and British seaborne powers to export imperial conquest, commerce and Christianity to all corners of the planet. This leads to discussion of the significance of Catholic and Protestant missions, including those of the Jesuits, Moravians and Methodists. Particular attention is given to Christianity's impact on the African slave populations of the Caribbean Islands and the American colonies, which created one of the most enduring religious cultures in the modern world. Throughout the volume changes in Christian belief and practice are related to wider social trends, including rapid urban growth, the early stages of industrialization, the spread of literacy, and the changing social construction of gender, families and identities.

The Church in the Modern Age: The I.B.Tauris History of the Christian Church (I.B.Tauris History of the Christian Church)

by Jeremy Morris

Given the diversity and complexity of developments in the twentieth century, a history of the Christian Church in the modern period is in some ways the most challenging volume of all to write. But Jeremy Morris succeeds in presenting a coherent account of the Church. He emphasises the changing relationship of Western churches to the many forms of Christianity in other parts of the world, while also departing from the Eurocentric worldview of previous histories. His volume offers three major perspectives. The first is political, in which the history of the modern Church is assessed through a prism of international conflicts and international relations. The second perspective is regional, in which coverage is given not only to Europe and the Americas , but to Christianity in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, the Pacific Rim and Australasia. The author's third major perspective is institutional, in which he discusses particular Christian traditions and their relationships with each other, with other faiths and with wider cultures. An epilogue evaluates the future and prospects for Christianity in the new millennium.

The Church in the Nineteenth Century: The I.B.Tauris History of the Christian Church (I.B.Tauris History of the Christian Church)

by Frances Knight

The nineteenth century was one of the most fascinating and volatile periods in Christian history. It was during this time that Christianity evolved into a truly global religion, which led to an ever greater variety of ways for Christians to express and profess their faith. Frances Knight addresses the crucial question of how Christianity contributed to individual identity in a context of of widespread urbanisation and modernisation. She explores important topics such as the Evangelical revival led by the likes of the founder of the Christian Mission - later the Salvation Army - William Booth; the Oxford Movement under Newman, Keble and Pusey; Mormonism and Protestant revivalism in the USA; socialism and the impacts of Karl Marx and anarchism; continuing theological divisions between Protestants and Catholics; and the development of pilgrimage and devotion at places like Lourdes and Knock. Her book also examines the most significant intellectual trends, such as the rise of critical approaches to the Bible, and the different directions that these took in Britain and America. The author's unique emphasis on the 'ordinary' experience of Christians worldwide makes her volume indispensable for students and general readers who will be fascinated by this sensitive twenty-first century perspective on the nineteenth century.

The Church in the Shadow of the Mosque: Christians and Muslims in the World of Islam

by Sidney H. Griffith

Amid so much twenty-first-century talk of a "Christian-Muslim divide"--and the attendant controversy in some Western countries over policies toward minority Muslim communities--a historical fact has gone unnoticed: for more than four hundred years beginning in the mid-seventh century, some 50 percent of the world's Christians lived and worshipped under Muslim rule. Just who were the Christians in the Arabic-speaking milieu of Mohammed and the Qur'an? The Church in the Shadow of the Mosque is the first book-length discussion in English of the cultural and intellectual life of such Christians indigenous to the Islamic world. Sidney Griffith offers an engaging overview of their initial reactions to the religious challenges they faced, the development of a new mode of presenting Christian doctrine as liturgical texts in their own languages gave way to Arabic, the Christian role in the philosophical life of early Baghdad, and the maturing of distinctive Oriental Christian denominations in this context. Offering a fuller understanding of the rise of Islam in its early years from the perspective of contemporary non-Muslims, this book reminds us that there is much to learn from the works of people who seriously engaged Muslims in their own world so long ago.

Church in the Wild: Evangelicals in Antebellum America

by Brett Malcolm Grainger

Emerson and the Transcendentalists get credit for revolutionizing religious life in America by introducing a new appreciation of nature. But in this reconsideration of faith in the antebellum period, Brett Malcolm Grainger argues that it was Evangelical revivalists who transformed everyday religious life and spiritualized the natural environment.

Church, Kingship, and Lay Investiture in England, 1089-1135 (PDF)

by Norman Frank Cantor

In the latter part of the eleventh century a revolutionary group within the Western Church, centered in the papacy, attempted to overthrow the early medieval system of church-state relations by which the church in each country was under control of the kings and other secular rulers. Here is a comprehensive history of these controversies during the crucial period from the death of Archbishop Lanfranc in 1089 to the end of the reign of Henry I in 1135. The greater part of the book is concerned with the pontificate of Archbishop Anselm (1093-1109) and includes the first substantial account of the episcopal career of this famous theologian. In a concluding chapter, the obscure period in the history of the English Church from 1109 to 1135 is investigated, and the methods by which Henry I reasserted royal authority over the Church are indicated.Originally published in 1958.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.

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