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Don Quixote’s Impossible Quest for the Absolute in Literature: Fiction, Reflection, and Negative Theology (Routledge Studies in Latin American and Iberian Literature)

by William Franke

This book offers a reading particularly of Part II of Don Quixote, a reading that is embedded in a philosophical reflection on the revelation of religious truth in and through literature. Part II of Don Quixote is the far richer part for its meta-literary reflection on the novel itself as a genre and on life as such seen through the lens of self-reflection. The author has treated the phenomenon of modern self-reflexivity as originally theological in nature in previous publications (notably Dante’s Paradiso and the Theological Origins of Modern Thought: Toward a Speculative Philosophy of Self-Reflection, Routledge, 2021). The present endeavor expands this overall intellectual project, extending it into detailed consideration of what is recognizably another nodal great work inaugurating unprecedented forms of self-reflection in the early modern period. Reading the founding texts of literary and cultural tradition in this negative-theological key proves crucial to allowing them to release the full force of their religious vision in the present age, despite its sometimes obstinate secularity. This reading absorbs and reconciles the religious and secular readings of Miguel de Unamuno and José Ortega y Gasset, two of Spain’s outstanding philosophical luminaries. Both thinkers based their entire philosophies and their analyses of the Spanish national character and destiny on their interpretations of the Quixote. Negative theology deploys critical reason that critiques the limits of reason itself and opens toward an unfathomable (un)ground of All. Such speculative interpretation performs a synthesis of the secularizing and sacralizing tendencies that are both sublimely operative in the text of the Quixote. It thereby enables the work to emerge in the fully parodic and paradoxical vitality that other interpretations, governed by one paradigm or the other, access only partially. Rather than falling into one camp or the other, the proposed approach combines and resources both heritages, sacred and secular, in their deepest synergisms. Spanish baroque mysticism and contemporary post-secular thought are made to converge in highlighting the blessed, even sacred, donation that literature like Don Quixote preserves and transmits as our most precious and saving cultural heritage.

Donal Grant

by George Macdonald

Donal Grant is the story of Donal, a man who has just finished college and sets out on a journey to a nearby town. There, he finds a spiritual mentor and several of his family members. The story is filled with supernatural occurrences - ghosts, legends, and somnambulism. MacDonald, per usual, incorporates many "sermonettes" into the novel, and topics like evil and secrets and discussed with a religious bent. This is one of MacDonald's more challenging novels due to its 800 print page length and the realistic Scottish dialect he uses for dialogue, but the story is well worth the struggle. Fans of MacDonald will enjoy this less well-known work.

Donald MacKinnon's Theology: To Perceive Tragedy Without the Loss of Hope (T&T Clark Studies in English Theology)

by Andrew Bowyer

Andrew Bowyer presents the first comprehensive examination of Donald MacKinnon's theology in relation to his moral philosophy. He offers an original and creative reading of MacKinnon's methodology, and important insights into the key influences and core questions which stood at the heart of his work. Bowyer outlines MacKinnon's contributions to Anglican theology in the aftermath of the Second World War, highlighting the “therapeutic” nature of his approach in as far as it combined a call for intense self-awareness with a commitment to moral realism. . As one of the most influential Anglican theologians in the mid-twentieth century, MacKinnon's writings reveal him as a restive and unsystematic thinker. However, Bowyer argues that a series of reoccurring questions – 'obsessions' might better honour the memory of MacKinnon's temperament –appear throughout his work, relating to the tensions between the realism and idealism, the call to be “morally serious”, the nature of theological truth claims, and the perennially disruptive presence of Christ. Bowyer examines the key influences on MacKinnon's thought, the centrality of Christology to his project, his engagement with literature and literary criticism, as well as his response to Wittgenstein's later philosophy. This volume offers an appreciation of his contribution and a critique of his legacy.

Donald MacKinnon's Theology: To Perceive Tragedy Without the Loss of Hope (T&T Clark Studies in English Theology)

by Andrew Bowyer

Andrew Bowyer presents the first comprehensive examination of Donald MacKinnon's theology in relation to his moral philosophy. He offers an original and creative reading of MacKinnon's methodology, and important insights into the key influences and core questions which stood at the heart of his work. Bowyer outlines MacKinnon's contributions to Anglican theology in the aftermath of the Second World War, highlighting the “therapeutic” nature of his approach in as far as it combined a call for intense self-awareness with a commitment to moral realism. . As one of the most influential Anglican theologians in the mid-twentieth century, MacKinnon's writings reveal him as a restive and unsystematic thinker. However, Bowyer argues that a series of reoccurring questions – 'obsessions' might better honour the memory of MacKinnon's temperament –appear throughout his work, relating to the tensions between the realism and idealism, the call to be “morally serious”, the nature of theological truth claims, and the perennially disruptive presence of Christ. Bowyer examines the key influences on MacKinnon's thought, the centrality of Christology to his project, his engagement with literature and literary criticism, as well as his response to Wittgenstein's later philosophy. This volume offers an appreciation of his contribution and a critique of his legacy.

The Donatist Church in an Apocalyptic Age (Oxford Early Christian Studies)

by Jesse A. Hoover

The Donatist Church in an Apocalyptic Age examines an apocalypse that never happened, seen through the eyes of a dissident church that no longer exists. Jesse A. Hoover considers Donatists, members of an ecclesiastical communion that for a brief moment formed the majority church in Roman North Africa—modern Tunisia, Algeria, and Libya—before fading away sometime between the fifth and seventh centuries. Hoover studies how Donatists perceived the end of the world to offer a glimpse into the inner life of the dissident communion: what it valued, whom it feared, and how it defined its place in history while on the cusp of history's end. By recovering these appeals to apocalyptic themes in surviving Donatist writings, this study uncovers a significant element within the dissident movement's self-perception that has so far gone unexamined. In contrast to previous assessments, it argues that such eschatological expectations are not out of sync with the wider world of Latin Christianity in late antiquity, and that they functioned as an effective polemical strategy designed to counter their opponents' claim to be the true church in North Africa.

The Donatist Church in an Apocalyptic Age (Oxford Early Christian Studies)

by Jesse A. Hoover

The Donatist Church in an Apocalyptic Age examines an apocalypse that never happened, seen through the eyes of a dissident church that no longer exists. Jesse A. Hoover considers Donatists, members of an ecclesiastical communion that for a brief moment formed the majority church in Roman North Africa—modern Tunisia, Algeria, and Libya—before fading away sometime between the fifth and seventh centuries. Hoover studies how Donatists perceived the end of the world to offer a glimpse into the inner life of the dissident communion: what it valued, whom it feared, and how it defined its place in history while on the cusp of history's end. By recovering these appeals to apocalyptic themes in surviving Donatist writings, this study uncovers a significant element within the dissident movement's self-perception that has so far gone unexamined. In contrast to previous assessments, it argues that such eschatological expectations are not out of sync with the wider world of Latin Christianity in late antiquity, and that they functioned as an effective polemical strategy designed to counter their opponents' claim to be the true church in North Africa.

Donne's Augustine: Renaissance Cultures Of Interpretation

by Katrin Ettenhuber

The poet and preacher John Donne (1572-1631) was one of the most influential authors of early modern England. Donne's Augustine examines his response to an iconic figure in the history of Western religious thought: Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430). Katrin Ettenhuber argues that Renaissance culture saw not only a revival of the classics, but was equally indebted to the intellectual and literary legacy of the Church Fathers. The study recovers an Augustinian tradition of interpretation which permeated the religious world of the period, but which has until now been largely overlooked. She presents a comprehensive re-evaluation of Donne's writings, ranging from the poems to less familiar prose works, situates him carefully in the poetic, intellectual, and political contexts which frame his works, and engages with recent developments in both literary and historical studies. Donne's Augustine is the first sustained study of Donne's reading practices, and of the theological sources which shaped his thought. It discovers a range of medieval and early modern texts which transformed the imagination of literary writers in the period but which have been neglected so far: devotional manuals, Scripture commentaries, and religious commonplace books (often in Latin). The study pays close attention to the intellectual and political conditions which informed the reception of Augustine's works, and offers detailed readings of Donne's texts which illuminate the literary aspects of his patristic heritage. Donne's Augustine makes a significant contribution to our understanding of the larger reading and writing culture of Renaissance England, and of the religious debates and controversies in the decades leading up to the Civil War.

Donne’s God (Routledge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture)

by P.M. Oliver

His contemporaries recognised John Donne (1572-1631) as a completely new kind of poet. He was, wrote one enthusiast, ‘Copernicus in Poetrie’. But in the winter of 1614-15 Donne abandoned part-time versification for full-time priestly ministry, quickly becoming one of the most popular preachers of his time. While his verse has never been short of modern admirers, his sermons have recently begun to receive their full share of serious attention. Yet there exists almost no theologically-informed criticism to assist readers with navigating, let alone appreciating, the intricacies of Donne’s religious thinking. The need for such criticism is especially urgent since many readers approach his writing today with little previous knowledge of Christian doctrine or history. This book supplies that deficiency. Starting from the assumption that theology is inevitably the product of the human imagination, a perception that is traced back to major early Christian writers (and something that Donne implicitly acknowledged), it probes the complex amalgam that constituted his ever-shifting vision of the deity. It examines his theological choices and their impact on his preaching, analysing the latter with reference to its sometimes strained relationship with Christian orthodoxy and the implications of this for any attempt to determine how far Donne may legitimately be viewed as a mouthpiece for the Jacobean and Caroline Church of England. The book argues that the unconventionality that characterises his verse is also on display in his sermons. As a result it presents Donne as a far more creative and risk-taking religious thinker than has previously been recognised, especially by those determined to see him as a paragon of conventional Christian orthodoxy.

Donne’s God (Routledge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture)

by P.M. Oliver

His contemporaries recognised John Donne (1572-1631) as a completely new kind of poet. He was, wrote one enthusiast, ‘Copernicus in Poetrie’. But in the winter of 1614-15 Donne abandoned part-time versification for full-time priestly ministry, quickly becoming one of the most popular preachers of his time. While his verse has never been short of modern admirers, his sermons have recently begun to receive their full share of serious attention. Yet there exists almost no theologically-informed criticism to assist readers with navigating, let alone appreciating, the intricacies of Donne’s religious thinking. The need for such criticism is especially urgent since many readers approach his writing today with little previous knowledge of Christian doctrine or history. This book supplies that deficiency. Starting from the assumption that theology is inevitably the product of the human imagination, a perception that is traced back to major early Christian writers (and something that Donne implicitly acknowledged), it probes the complex amalgam that constituted his ever-shifting vision of the deity. It examines his theological choices and their impact on his preaching, analysing the latter with reference to its sometimes strained relationship with Christian orthodoxy and the implications of this for any attempt to determine how far Donne may legitimately be viewed as a mouthpiece for the Jacobean and Caroline Church of England. The book argues that the unconventionality that characterises his verse is also on display in his sermons. As a result it presents Donne as a far more creative and risk-taking religious thinker than has previously been recognised, especially by those determined to see him as a paragon of conventional Christian orthodoxy.

Donne's Religious Writing: A Discourse of Feigned Devotion

by P. M. Oliver

This, the first book to focus solely on Donne's religious writing, also places his work in a literary context and attempts to reach a more realistic assessment of its originality than has been possible hitherto. The prose works that are examined in detail include the controversial treatises Bianthanatos and Pseudo-Martyr, the satirical Ignatius His Conclave, the much-quoted Essays and Devotions and, of course, Donne's sermons.

Donne's Religious Writing: A Discourse of Feigned Devotion

by P. M. Oliver

This, the first book to focus solely on Donne's religious writing, also places his work in a literary context and attempts to reach a more realistic assessment of its originality than has been possible hitherto. The prose works that are examined in detail include the controversial treatises Bianthanatos and Pseudo-Martyr, the satirical Ignatius His Conclave, the much-quoted Essays and Devotions and, of course, Donne's sermons.

Donors, Devotees, and Daughters of God: Temple Women in Medieval Tamilnadu (South Asia Research)

by Leslie C. Orr

Through the use of epigraphical evidence, Leslie C. Orr brings into focus the activities and identities of the temple women (devadasis) of medieval South India. This book shows how temple women's initiative and economic autonomy involved them in medieval temple politics and allowed them to establish themselves in roles with particular social and religious meanings. This study suggests new ways of understanding the character of the temple woman and, more generally, of the roles of women in Indian religion and society.

Don't Dread: Overcoming the Spirit of Dread with the Supernatural Power of God

by Joyce Meyer

Do You Dread What's Ahead?Dread often comes as a small negative feeling about ordinary, everyday situations. It is so subtle that it can sneak into your thoughts without notice, causing undue anxiety that steals your faith. Don't let it rob you of your peace and joy! Learn to stop this silent deceiver today.In this life-changing book, Joyce Meyer reveals the forms dread can take to destroy the abundant life God has provided for you. God's Word gives you the ability to recognize these 'little foxes' and the power to confront them as soon as they appear. Discover how to:Use the power of God to defeat fearSee even ordinary tasks in a spiritual lightDeal with repetitive or long-standing problems in a new wayReplace dread with a joyful expectancy of God's best.You are anointed by God to live each day in the freedom He intended for you. Don't allow dread's unhealthy expectations to defeat your faith. Instead, overcome the spirit of dread with the supernatural power of God!

Don't Drop the Mic: The Power of Your Words Can Change the World

by T. D. Jakes

Communicate boldly and effectively like never before with #1 New York Times bestselling author Bishop T.D. Jakes.​In Don't Drop the Mic, Bishop Jakes speaks to readers about communication and how the ways we speak and interact with others can be part of our everyday ministries. He helps readers understand: Why the way we speak and the words we use matterHow speaking well, no matter your topic or audience, improves your chances of getting the result you wantHow to craft your message, whether it's a simple email or a speech under the spotlights, to connect with listenersWhy good communication is important for building connection and communityHow sharing God's Word produces abundant fruitDrawing lessons from Scripture and his own life, Jakes gives career advice for those who have or want to grow into a speaking career, but he also provides clear direction and insight for everyone who gives presentations, writes emails, or talks to other people in their job or home life.There will be practical advice about how to craft insightful and meaningful communications, but the heart of this book is really about how we can communicate more clearly to build community and share the hope of Christ in our everyday lives.The more adept we become at using all available resources to convey our message, the greater our impact. From lovers to litigators, entrepreneurs to entertainers, and bloggers to board members, we all want to communicate more effectively, intimately, and efficiently. Whether you're interviewing for a new position, proposing a new business plan, auditioning for a performance, delivering a report for your committee, teaching Sunday school, or sharing your heart with a loved one, this book will help.

Don't Look Back (Reunion Revelations #3)

by Margaret Daley

Who, what, where, when and why. Those were the questions journalism professor Jameson King lived by. But the murder of his protege , a young newspaper reporter, remained a mystery. One that Jameson–and the reporter's grief-stricken sister–vowed to solve. But working with Cassie Winters wasn't easy.

Don't Quit in the Dip: Stay Focused on God's Promises for You

by Shaun Nepstad

Heal from yesterday's pain and find hope for tomorrow with this inspirational guide -- and learn how God's faithfulness is working for your good, even when times are tough. If we are truly blessed to be a blessing, then we can take the lessons we learn in hardships and turn them around to help others navigate through their seasons of struggle. Hope and healing are the two words God has given us. Hope for tomorrow and healing from yesterday. Shaun Nepstad believes God wants to use our stories to bring hope and healing to others. When it comes to life, we've all asked, "Is there more?" We want to believe there's more to life than what we're currently experiencing. But the problem is, so much in life promises more but doesn't deliver. There's actually only One who can deliver the "more" we need, and that is Jesus. He delivers more than what we ask for or can even imagine. Consistently. Without fail. No matter what our situation looks like. Don't Quit in the Dip inspires us to keep fighting. To keep believing. And to keep helping us experience God's full blessing.

Don't Quit in the Dip: Stay Focused on God's Promises for You

by Shaun Nepstad

Heal from yesterday's pain and find hope for tomorrow with this inspirational guide -- and learn how God's faithfulness is working for your good, even when times are tough. If we are truly blessed to be a blessing, then we can take the lessons we learn in hardships and turn them around to help others navigate through their seasons of struggle. Hope and healing are the two words God has given us. Hope for tomorrow and healing from yesterday. Shaun Nepstad believes God wants to use our stories to bring hope and healing to others. When it comes to life, we've all asked, "Is there more?" We want to believe there's more to life than what we're currently experiencing. But the problem is, so much in life promises more but doesn't deliver. There's actually only One who can deliver the "more" we need, and that is Jesus. He delivers more than what we ask for or can even imagine. Consistently. Without fail. No matter what our situation looks like. Don't Quit in the Dip inspires us to keep fighting. To keep believing. And to keep helping us experience God's full blessing.

Don’t Worry: From the million-copy bestselling author of Zen

by Shunmyo Masuno

Feel your everyday stresses melt away with 48 simple, accessible and achievable lessons in this beautiful mindfulness guideFrom the renowned Bhuddist monk and million-copy bestselling author of Zen: The Art of Simple Living, Shunmyo Masuno_________Learn to let go of stress, change how you worry, and improve your life for good with this invaluable companion for reducing anxiety and maintaining calm.Shunmyo Masuno, Zen Buddhist Monk and million copy bestselling author of Zen: The Art of Simple Living, will teach you how to relieve the anxieties of everyday life in 48 vital, easy-to-achieve lessons.With Don't Worry, you will learn how to:Focus on the here and now Improve your most important relationships Take a step back from your worries Regain control of your thoughts Learn ways to accept yourself as you areBy following these simple steps, you can enjoy a calmer, more relaxed, positive version of yourself.

Doris Lessing and Sufi Equilibrium: The Evolving Form of the Novel

by S. Fahim

The purpose of this study is to examine the rationale of Doris Lessing's development from Classical Realism to mysticism and forms of science fiction and to consider the unifying motifs that appear throughout her novels in her consistent search for Sufi Equilibrium. The four novels selected in this study represent significant stages in Lessing's work. Chapter one focuses on The Grass is Singing, which represents the author's early traditionally realistic writing, to show how far the preoccupations of Lessing's later novels find expression in this early work. Chapter two studies The Golden Notebook, which marks a turning point in formal structure in Lessing's canon and is selected as evidence of her interest in Sufism at that early stage. Chapter three concentrates on the study of The Memoirs of a Survivor, which has elicited a comparatively limited amount of criticism but which proves to be a major achievement when brought into line with Sufi methods of writing. Chapter four considers Lessing's science fiction series, 'Canopus in Argos', tracing sources from Oriental literature - a key which unlocks many areas of obscurity.

Dorotheus of Gaza and Ascetic Education (Oxford Early Christian Studies)

by Michael W. Champion

Dorotheus of Gaza and Ascetic Education approaches fundamental questions about the role and function of education in late antiquity through a detailed study of the thought of Dorotheus of Gaza, a sixth-century Palestinian monk. It illumines the thought of a significant figure in Palestinian monasticism, clarifies relationships between ascetic and classical education, and contributes to debates about how different educational projects related to late-antique cultural change. Dorotheus appropriates and reconfigures classical discourses of rhetoric, philosophy, and medicine and builds on earlier ascetic traditions. Education is a powerful site for the reconfiguration and reproduction of culture, and Dorotheus' educational programme can be read as a microcosm of the wider culture he aims to construct partly through his adaptation and representation of classical and ascetic discourses. Key features of his educational programme include the role of the notion of godlikeness, the governing role of humility as an epistemic virtue intended to organize affective and ethical development, and his notion of education as life-long habituation. For Dorotheus, education is irreducibly affective and transformative rather than merely informative at the individual and communal scales. His epistemology and ethics are set within an account of the divine plan of salvation which is intended to provide a narrative framework through which his students come to understand the world and their place in it. His account of ways of knowing and ordering knowledge, ethics and moral development, emotions of education, and relationships between affect, cognition, and ethical action aims towards transformation of his students and their communities.

Dorotheus of Gaza and Ascetic Education (Oxford Early Christian Studies)

by Michael W. Champion

Dorotheus of Gaza and Ascetic Education approaches fundamental questions about the role and function of education in late antiquity through a detailed study of the thought of Dorotheus of Gaza, a sixth-century Palestinian monk. It illumines the thought of a significant figure in Palestinian monasticism, clarifies relationships between ascetic and classical education, and contributes to debates about how different educational projects related to late-antique cultural change. Dorotheus appropriates and reconfigures classical discourses of rhetoric, philosophy, and medicine and builds on earlier ascetic traditions. Education is a powerful site for the reconfiguration and reproduction of culture, and Dorotheus' educational programme can be read as a microcosm of the wider culture he aims to construct partly through his adaptation and representation of classical and ascetic discourses. Key features of his educational programme include the role of the notion of godlikeness, the governing role of humility as an epistemic virtue intended to organize affective and ethical development, and his notion of education as life-long habituation. For Dorotheus, education is irreducibly affective and transformative rather than merely informative at the individual and communal scales. His epistemology and ethics are set within an account of the divine plan of salvation which is intended to provide a narrative framework through which his students come to understand the world and their place in it. His account of ways of knowing and ordering knowledge, ethics and moral development, emotions of education, and relationships between affect, cognition, and ethical action aims towards transformation of his students and their communities.

La Dosis de Aprobación: Cómo Romper con el Hábito de Complacer a la Gente

by Joyce Meyer

Todo el mundo quiere ser amado. Todos necesitamos afirmación, aceptación y aprobación. Seamos realistas; se siente bien ser apreciado y admirado. Pero cuando dependemos de la aprobación de los demás para sentirnos bien acerca de nosotros mismos, es imposible tener estabilidad emocional o una autoimagen saludable. Y cuando nuestro valor se basa en cómo la gente nos ve y no en el amor incondicional de Dios por nosotros, nuestro deseo de aprobación puede convertirse en una adicción. En LA DOSIS DE APROBACIÓN, la autora de éxitos número 1 del New York Times, Joyce Meyer, le ofrece conocimientos prácticos que le ayudarán a aprender cómo aceptarse a sí mismo y convertirse en la persona única que Dios le creó para que sea. Usted experimentará una mayor confianza, estabilidad emocional más sólida y relaciones más saludables, esa clase de vida que está realmente anhelando. Descubra hoy la verdad sobre el amor y la aprobación de Dios hacia usted. ¡Y disfrute de la libertad de ser la persona increíble que puede usted ser en Él! Derivado del material previamente publicado en Adicción a la aprobación.

Dostoevsky: Language, Faith and Fiction

by Rowan Williams

When an Archbishop of Canterbury takes time off to write a book about Dostoevsky, this is a sign of great hope and encouragement for The Church of England and for all those who seek God. The current rash of books hostile to religious faith will one day be an interesting subject for some sociological analysis.But to counter such work, is a book of the profoundest kind about the nature and purpose of religious belief. Terrorism, child abuse, absent fathers and the fragmentation of the family, the secularisation and the sexualisation of culture, the future of liberal democracy, the clash of cultures and the nature of national identity - so many of the anxieties that we think of as being quintessentially features of the early twenty first century and on, are present in the work of Dostoevsky - in his letters, his journalism and above all in his fiction. The world we inhabit as readers of his novels is one in which the question of what human beings owe to each other is left painfully and shockingly open and there is no place to stand from which we can construct a clear moral landscape. But the novels of Dostoevsky continually press home what else might be possible if we - characters and readers - saw the world in another light, the light provided by faith. In order to respond to such a challenge the novels invite us to imagine precisely those extremes of failure, suffering and desolation. There is an unresolved tension in Dostoevsky's novels- a tension between believing and not believing in the existence of God. In The Brothers Karamazov, we can all receive Ivan with a terrible kind of delight. Ivan's picture of himself we immediately recognise as self-portrait. The god that is dead for him is dead for us. This Karamazov God of tension and terror is often the only one we are able to find. This extraordinary book will speak to our generation like few others.

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