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Ein theologischer Briefwechsel: Herausgegeben von Giuseppe Franco

by Hans Albert Giuseppe Franco

Dieser Band enthält eine Auswahl aus dem großen Bestand an Briefen, die Hans Albert zu Religionsfragen und zur Theologiekritik geschrieben hat. Er gibt neue und überraschende Einblicke in seinen Gedankenaustausch mit renommierten Theologen (Gerhard Ebeling, Heinzpeter Hempelmann, Peter Knauer, Armin Kreiner, Hans Küng, Helge Siemers), Religionsphilosophen (Helmut Groos, Hermann Lübbe) und dem Religionskritiker Karlheinz Deschner. Diese Korrespondenz gibt auch Auskunft über biographisch-historische Hintergründe, über die Entwicklung von Alberts Denken sowie über die Rezeption seiner Auffassungen und seine lebhafte Beteiligung an theologischen Auseinandersetzungen. Der von Albert vertretene Kritische Rationalismus ist mit der Forderung nach kritisch-rationaler Prüfung von Überzeugungen aller Art, mit der Zurückweisung verschiedener, fragwürdiger Formen von Rechtfertigungen und mit der Kritik an Immunisierungsstrategien nicht nur eine Herausforderung für die Theologie, sondern auch für eine mit dem christlichen Glauben zu vereinbarende Philosophie.

Eine Theologie der Menschenrechte: Frieden und Recht • Band 2 (Gerechter Frieden)

Die christliche Rezeption der Menschenrechte als grundlegendste Rechte, die einem Menschen zukommen, gestaltete sich in der Vergangenheit durchaus ambivalent. Der in diesem Band vorliegende Entwurf einer Theologie der Menschenrechte geht der fundamentalen Bedeutung der Menschenrechte für Theorie und Praxis des gerechten Friedens nach. Dabei stehen auch Fragen seiner Tragfähigkeit und Anschlussfähigkeit im Mittelpunkt der interdisziplinären Betrachtung.

Einflussfaktoren religiöser Bildung: Eine qualitativ-explorative Studie

by Judith Könemann Clauß Peter Sajak Simone Lechner

Das Buch leistet auf empirischer Ebene einen Beitrag zur Debatte über die Bedeutsamkeit unterschiedlicher religiöser Lernorte – insbesondere von Religionsunterricht und Katechese. Mit Hilfe von zwölf leitfadengestützten Interviews werden an biografischen Schnittstellen erste Kriterien und Parameter von Nachhaltigkeit und Wirksamkeit religiöser Lernprozesse gewonnen.

Einführung in das Kultur- und Kunstmanagement

by Peter Bendixen

Das Buch führt in das Arbeitsgebiet des Kulturmanagers ein und vermittelt neben allgemeinen ökonomischen Grundlagen Basiswissen zu den zentralen Aspekten dieses Arbeitsgebietes: Markt- und Öffentlichkeitskontakte, finanzielle Sicherung, Organisation und strukturelle Anpassung von Kulturprojekten. Ein Praxiskapitel und Hinweise zu Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten und -erfordernissen ergänzen den Band. Geeignet als Einführung für alle, die im Spannungsfeld von Kunst und Kommerz tätig werden wollen.

Einführung in den Okkultismus und Spiritismus (Grenzfragen des Nerven- und Seelenlebens #109)

by Rudolf Tischner

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Einführung in den Okkultismus und Spiritismus (Grenzfragen des Nerven- und Seelenlebens #109)

by Rudolf Tischner

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Einführung in die Methoden der sozialwissenschaftlichen Religionsforschung

by Gert Pickel Kornelia Sammet

In den letzten Jahren hat die wissenschaftliche Beschäftigung mit Religion erheblich zugenommen. Sehr häufig fehlt den Forschenden jedoch das dafür notwendige methodische Rüstzeug. Hier will dieses Lehrbuch Abhilfe schaffen. Es führt ein in methodologische Prämissen und das praktische Vorgehen der etablierten sozialwissenschaftlichen Methoden und bezieht sie auf speziellen Gegebenheiten der Religion als Forschungsgegenstand. Der Forschungsprozess und ein breites Spektrum an Methoden der qualitativen wie der quantitativen Sozialforschung werden knapp vorgestellt sowie anhand beispielhafter Studien illustriert und erklärt.

Einführung in die Politische Theologie (essentials)

by Jan Niklas Collet Jan-Hendrik Herbst

Politische Theologie erlebt derzeit ein Revival: Nachdem es eine längere Zeit lang still um die Politische Theologie geworden war, erfreut sie sich – nicht zuletzt angesichts multipler Krisenerscheinungen – aktuell wieder eines wachsenden Interesses. Aber was ist „Politische Theologie“ eigentlich? Die Einführung bietet eine begriffsgeschichtliche Orientierung und systematische Einordnung dieses schillernden Begriffs, eine vertiefende Auseinandersetzung mit den Politischen Theologien des Staatsrechtlers Carl Schmitt und des katholischen Theologen Johann Baptist Metz sowie eine Reflexion ausgewählter gegenwärtiger Diskussionsbeiträge in der deutschsprachigen katholischen Theologie. Das Buch verdeutlicht die ungebrochene Aktualität und Relevanz fundierter wissenschaftlicher und öffentlicher Auseinandersetzungen mit der Politischen Theologie.

Einführung in die Religionsphilosophie (Aus Natur und Geisteswelt #225)

by Paul Kalweit

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Einstein: His Space and Times (Jewish Lives)

by Steven Gimbel

The commonly held view of Albert Einstein is of an eccentric genius for whom the pursuit of science was everything. But in actuality, the brilliant innovator whose Theory of Relativity forever reshaped our understanding of time was a man of his times, always politically engaged and driven by strong moral principles. An avowed pacifist, Einstein’s mistrust of authority and outspoken social and scientific views earned him death threats from Nazi sympathizers in the years preceding World War II. To him, science provided not only a means for understanding the behavior of the universe, but a foundation for considering the deeper questions of life and a way for the worldwide Jewish community to gain confidence and pride in itself. Steven Gimbel’s biography presents Einstein in the context of the world he lived in, offering a fascinating portrait of a remarkable individual who remained actively engaged in international affairs throughout his life. This revealing work not only explains Einstein’s theories in understandable terms, it demonstrates how they directly emerged from the realities of his times and helped create the world we live in today.

Einstein Before Israel: Zionist Icon or Iconoclast?

by Professor Ze'ev Rosenkranz

Albert Einstein was initially skeptical and even disdainful of the Zionist movement, yet he affiliated himself with this controversial political ideology and today is widely seen as an outspoken advocate for a modern Jewish homeland in Palestine. What enticed this renowned scientist and humanitarian, who repeatedly condemned nationalism of all forms, to radically change his views? Was he in fact a Zionist? Einstein Before Israel traces Einstein's involvement with Zionism from his initial contacts with the movement at the end of World War I to his emigration from Germany in 1933 in the wake of Hitler's rise to power. Drawing on a wealth of rare archival evidence--much of it never before published--this book offers the most nuanced picture yet of Einstein's complex and sometimes stormy relationship with Jewish nationalism. Ze'ev Rosenkranz sheds new light on Einstein's encounters with prominent Zionist leaders, and reveals exactly what Einstein did and didn't like about Zionist beliefs, objectives, and methods. He looks at the personal, cultural, and political factors that led Einstein to support certain goals of Jewish nationalism; his role in the birth of the Hebrew University; his impressions of the emerging Jewish settlements in Palestine; and his reaction to mounting violence in the Arab-Jewish conflict. Rosenkranz explores a host of fascinating questions, such as whether Zionists sought to silence Einstein's criticism of their movement, whether Einstein was the real manipulator, and whether this Zionist icon was indeed a committed believer in Zionism or an iconoclast beholden to no one.

Einstein’s Brain: Genius, Culture, and Social Networks

by Sal Restivo

This book reviews the research on Einstein’s brain from a sociological perspective and in the context of the social brain paradigm. Instead of “Einstein, the genius of geniuses” standing on the shoulders of giants, Restivo proposes a concept of Einstein the social being standing on the shoulders of social networks. Rather than challenging Einstein’s uniqueness or the uniqueness of his achievements, the book grounds Einstein and his achievements in a social ecology opposed to the myths of the “I,” individualism, and the very idea of “genius.” “Einstein” is defined by the particular configuration of social networks that he engaged as his life unfolded, not by biological inheritances.

Einstein's Jewish Science: Physics at the Intersection of Politics and Religion

by Steven Gimbel

Is relativity Jewish? The Nazis denigrated Albert Einstein’s revolutionary theory by calling it "Jewish science," a charge typical of the ideological excesses of Hitler and his followers. Philosopher of science Steven Gimbel explores the many meanings of this provocative phrase and considers whether there is any sense in which Einstein’s theory of relativity is Jewish. Arguing that we must take seriously the possibility that the Nazis were in some measure correct, Gimbel examines Einstein and his work to explore how beliefs, background, and environment may—or may not—have influenced the work of the scientist. You cannot understand Einstein’s science, Gimbel declares, without knowing the history, religion, and philosophy that influenced it. No one, especially Einstein himself, denies Einstein's Jewish heritage, but many are uncomfortable saying that he was being a Jew while he was at his desk working. To understand what "Jewish" means for Einstein’s work, Gimbel first explores the many definitions of "Jewish" and asks whether there are elements of Talmudic thinking apparent in Einstein’s theory of relativity. He applies this line of inquiry to other scientists, including Isaac Newton, René Descartes, Sigmund Freud, and Émile Durkheim, to consider whether their specific religious beliefs or backgrounds manifested in their scientific endeavors. Einstein's Jewish Science intertwines science, history, philosophy, theology, and politics in fresh and fascinating ways to solve the multifaceted riddle of what religion means—and what it means to science. There are some senses, Gimbel claims, in which Jews can find a special connection to E = mc2, and this claim leads to the engaging, spirited debate at the heart of this book.

Einstellungen und Verhalten der deutschen Bevölkerung: Analysen mit dem ALLBUS (Blickpunkt Gesellschaft)

by Pascal Siegers Sonja Schulz Oshrat Hochman

Die Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage Sozialwissenschaften (ALLBUS) gehört zu den wichtigsten Datenquellen, um den sozialen Wandel in der Bundesrepublik seit 1980 zu untersuchen. Die Beiträge zum Band untersuchen verschiedene Themen anhand der reichen Datenquellen aus dem ALLBUS und reihen sich in die Tradition dieser Sozialforschung ein. Sie können drei Schwerpunktthemen zugeordnet werden.

Ekklesia: Three Inquiries in Church and State (TRIOS)

by Paul Christopher Johnson Pamela E. Klassen Winnifred Fallers Sullivan

Ekklesia: Three Inquiries in Church and State offers a New World rejoinder to the largely Europe-centered academic discourse on church and state. In contrast to what is often assumed, in the Americas the relationship between church and state has not been one of freedom or separation but one of unstable and adaptable collusion. Ekklesia sees in the settler states of North and South America alternative patterns of conjoined religious and political power, patterns resulting from the undertow of other gods, other peoples, and other claims to sovereignty. These local challenges have led to a continuously contested attempt to realize a church-minded state, a state-minded church, and the systems that develop in their concert. The shifting borders of their separation and the episodic conjoining of church and state took new forms in both theory and practice. The first of a closely linked trio of essays is by Paul Johnson, and offers a new interpretation of the Brazilian community gathered at Canudos and its massacre in 1896–97, carried out as a joint churchstate mission and spectacle. In the second essay, Pamela Klassen argues that the colonial churchstate relationship of Canada came into being through local and national practices that emerged as Indigenous nations responded to and resisted becoming “possessions” of colonial British America. Finally, Winnifred Sullivan’s essay begins with reflection on the increased effort within the United States to ban Bibles and scriptural references from death penalty courtrooms and jury rooms; she follows with a consideration of the political theological pressure thereby placed on the jury that decides between life and death. Through these three inquiries, Ekklesia takes up the familiar topos of “church and state” in order to render it strange.

Ekklesia: Three Inquiries in Church and State (TRIOS)

by Paul Christopher Johnson Pamela E. Klassen Winnifred Fallers Sullivan

Ekklesia: Three Inquiries in Church and State offers a New World rejoinder to the largely Europe-centered academic discourse on church and state. In contrast to what is often assumed, in the Americas the relationship between church and state has not been one of freedom or separation but one of unstable and adaptable collusion. Ekklesia sees in the settler states of North and South America alternative patterns of conjoined religious and political power, patterns resulting from the undertow of other gods, other peoples, and other claims to sovereignty. These local challenges have led to a continuously contested attempt to realize a church-minded state, a state-minded church, and the systems that develop in their concert. The shifting borders of their separation and the episodic conjoining of church and state took new forms in both theory and practice. The first of a closely linked trio of essays is by Paul Johnson, and offers a new interpretation of the Brazilian community gathered at Canudos and its massacre in 1896–97, carried out as a joint churchstate mission and spectacle. In the second essay, Pamela Klassen argues that the colonial churchstate relationship of Canada came into being through local and national practices that emerged as Indigenous nations responded to and resisted becoming “possessions” of colonial British America. Finally, Winnifred Sullivan’s essay begins with reflection on the increased effort within the United States to ban Bibles and scriptural references from death penalty courtrooms and jury rooms; she follows with a consideration of the political theological pressure thereby placed on the jury that decides between life and death. Through these three inquiries, Ekklesia takes up the familiar topos of “church and state” in order to render it strange.

Ekklesia: Three Inquiries in Church and State (TRIOS)

by Paul Christopher Johnson Pamela E. Klassen Winnifred Fallers Sullivan

Ekklesia: Three Inquiries in Church and State offers a New World rejoinder to the largely Europe-centered academic discourse on church and state. In contrast to what is often assumed, in the Americas the relationship between church and state has not been one of freedom or separation but one of unstable and adaptable collusion. Ekklesia sees in the settler states of North and South America alternative patterns of conjoined religious and political power, patterns resulting from the undertow of other gods, other peoples, and other claims to sovereignty. These local challenges have led to a continuously contested attempt to realize a church-minded state, a state-minded church, and the systems that develop in their concert. The shifting borders of their separation and the episodic conjoining of church and state took new forms in both theory and practice. The first of a closely linked trio of essays is by Paul Johnson, and offers a new interpretation of the Brazilian community gathered at Canudos and its massacre in 1896–97, carried out as a joint churchstate mission and spectacle. In the second essay, Pamela Klassen argues that the colonial churchstate relationship of Canada came into being through local and national practices that emerged as Indigenous nations responded to and resisted becoming “possessions” of colonial British America. Finally, Winnifred Sullivan’s essay begins with reflection on the increased effort within the United States to ban Bibles and scriptural references from death penalty courtrooms and jury rooms; she follows with a consideration of the political theological pressure thereby placed on the jury that decides between life and death. Through these three inquiries, Ekklesia takes up the familiar topos of “church and state” in order to render it strange.

Ekklesia: Three Inquiries in Church and State (TRIOS)

by Paul Christopher Johnson Pamela E. Klassen Winnifred Fallers Sullivan

Ekklesia: Three Inquiries in Church and State offers a New World rejoinder to the largely Europe-centered academic discourse on church and state. In contrast to what is often assumed, in the Americas the relationship between church and state has not been one of freedom or separation but one of unstable and adaptable collusion. Ekklesia sees in the settler states of North and South America alternative patterns of conjoined religious and political power, patterns resulting from the undertow of other gods, other peoples, and other claims to sovereignty. These local challenges have led to a continuously contested attempt to realize a church-minded state, a state-minded church, and the systems that develop in their concert. The shifting borders of their separation and the episodic conjoining of church and state took new forms in both theory and practice. The first of a closely linked trio of essays is by Paul Johnson, and offers a new interpretation of the Brazilian community gathered at Canudos and its massacre in 1896–97, carried out as a joint churchstate mission and spectacle. In the second essay, Pamela Klassen argues that the colonial churchstate relationship of Canada came into being through local and national practices that emerged as Indigenous nations responded to and resisted becoming “possessions” of colonial British America. Finally, Winnifred Sullivan’s essay begins with reflection on the increased effort within the United States to ban Bibles and scriptural references from death penalty courtrooms and jury rooms; she follows with a consideration of the political theological pressure thereby placed on the jury that decides between life and death. Through these three inquiries, Ekklesia takes up the familiar topos of “church and state” in order to render it strange.

Ekklesia: Three Inquiries in Church and State (TRIOS)

by Paul Christopher Johnson Pamela E. Klassen Winnifred Fallers Sullivan

Ekklesia: Three Inquiries in Church and State offers a New World rejoinder to the largely Europe-centered academic discourse on church and state. In contrast to what is often assumed, in the Americas the relationship between church and state has not been one of freedom or separation but one of unstable and adaptable collusion. Ekklesia sees in the settler states of North and South America alternative patterns of conjoined religious and political power, patterns resulting from the undertow of other gods, other peoples, and other claims to sovereignty. These local challenges have led to a continuously contested attempt to realize a church-minded state, a state-minded church, and the systems that develop in their concert. The shifting borders of their separation and the episodic conjoining of church and state took new forms in both theory and practice. The first of a closely linked trio of essays is by Paul Johnson, and offers a new interpretation of the Brazilian community gathered at Canudos and its massacre in 1896–97, carried out as a joint churchstate mission and spectacle. In the second essay, Pamela Klassen argues that the colonial churchstate relationship of Canada came into being through local and national practices that emerged as Indigenous nations responded to and resisted becoming “possessions” of colonial British America. Finally, Winnifred Sullivan’s essay begins with reflection on the increased effort within the United States to ban Bibles and scriptural references from death penalty courtrooms and jury rooms; she follows with a consideration of the political theological pressure thereby placed on the jury that decides between life and death. Through these three inquiries, Ekklesia takes up the familiar topos of “church and state” in order to render it strange.

Ekklesia: Three Inquiries in Church and State (TRIOS)

by Paul Christopher Johnson Pamela E. Klassen Winnifred Fallers Sullivan

Ekklesia: Three Inquiries in Church and State offers a New World rejoinder to the largely Europe-centered academic discourse on church and state. In contrast to what is often assumed, in the Americas the relationship between church and state has not been one of freedom or separation but one of unstable and adaptable collusion. Ekklesia sees in the settler states of North and South America alternative patterns of conjoined religious and political power, patterns resulting from the undertow of other gods, other peoples, and other claims to sovereignty. These local challenges have led to a continuously contested attempt to realize a church-minded state, a state-minded church, and the systems that develop in their concert. The shifting borders of their separation and the episodic conjoining of church and state took new forms in both theory and practice. The first of a closely linked trio of essays is by Paul Johnson, and offers a new interpretation of the Brazilian community gathered at Canudos and its massacre in 1896–97, carried out as a joint churchstate mission and spectacle. In the second essay, Pamela Klassen argues that the colonial churchstate relationship of Canada came into being through local and national practices that emerged as Indigenous nations responded to and resisted becoming “possessions” of colonial British America. Finally, Winnifred Sullivan’s essay begins with reflection on the increased effort within the United States to ban Bibles and scriptural references from death penalty courtrooms and jury rooms; she follows with a consideration of the political theological pressure thereby placed on the jury that decides between life and death. Through these three inquiries, Ekklesia takes up the familiar topos of “church and state” in order to render it strange.

Elaborations on Emptiness: Uses of the Heart Sūtra

by Donald S. Lopez Jr.

The Heart Sutra is perhaps the most famous Buddhist text, traditionally regarded as a potent expression of emptiness and of the Buddha's perfect wisdom. This brief, seemingly simple work was the subject of more commentaries in Asia than any other sutra. In Elaborations on Emptiness, Donald Lopez explores for the first time the elaborate philosophical and ritual uses of the Heart Sutra in India, Tibet, and the West. Included here are full translations of the eight extant Indian commentaries. Interspersed with the translations are six essays that examine the unusual roles the Heart Sutra has played: it has been used as a mantra, an exorcism text, a tantric meditation guide, and as the material for comparative philosophy. Taken together, the translations and essays that form Elaborations on Emptiness demonstrate why commentary is as central to modern scholarship on Buddhism as it was for ancient Buddhists. Lopez reveals unexpected points of instability and contradiction in the Heart Sutra, which, in the end, turns out to be the most malleable of texts, where the logic of commentary serves as a tool of both tradition and transgression.

Elaborations on Emptiness: Uses of the Heart Sūtra

by Donald S. Lopez Jr.

The Heart Sutra is perhaps the most famous Buddhist text, traditionally regarded as a potent expression of emptiness and of the Buddha's perfect wisdom. This brief, seemingly simple work was the subject of more commentaries in Asia than any other sutra. In Elaborations on Emptiness, Donald Lopez explores for the first time the elaborate philosophical and ritual uses of the Heart Sutra in India, Tibet, and the West. Included here are full translations of the eight extant Indian commentaries. Interspersed with the translations are six essays that examine the unusual roles the Heart Sutra has played: it has been used as a mantra, an exorcism text, a tantric meditation guide, and as the material for comparative philosophy. Taken together, the translations and essays that form Elaborations on Emptiness demonstrate why commentary is as central to modern scholarship on Buddhism as it was for ancient Buddhists. Lopez reveals unexpected points of instability and contradiction in the Heart Sutra, which, in the end, turns out to be the most malleable of texts, where the logic of commentary serves as a tool of both tradition and transgression.

Elasticized Ecclesiology: The Concept of Community after Ernst Troeltsch

by Ulrich Schmiedel

This study confronts the current crisis of churches. In critical and creative conversation with the German theologian Ernst Troeltsch (1865-1923), Ulrich Schmiedel argues that churches need to be “elasticized” in order to engage the “other.” Examining contested concepts of religiosity, community, and identity, Schmiedel explores how the closure of church against the sociological “other” corresponds to the closure of church against the theological “other.” Taking trust as a central category, he advocates for a turn in the interpretation of Christianity—from “propositional possession” to “performative project,” so that the identity of Christianity is “done” rather than “described.” Through explorations of classical and contemporary scholarship in philosophy, sociology, and theology, Schmiedel retrieves Troeltsch’s interdisciplinary thinking for use in relation to the controversies that encircle the construction of community today. The study opens up innovative and instructive approaches to the investigation of the practices of Christianity, past and present. Eventually, church emerges as a “work in movement,” continually constituted through encounters with the sociological and the theological “other.”

Elasticized Ecclesiology: The Concept of Community after Ernst Troeltsch

by Ulrich Schmiedel

This study confronts the current crisis of churches. In critical and creative conversation with the German theologian Ernst Troeltsch (1865-1923), Ulrich Schmiedel argues that churches need to be “elasticized” in order to engage the “other.” Examining contested concepts of religiosity, community, and identity, Schmiedel explores how the closure of church against the sociological “other” corresponds to the closure of church against the theological “other.” Taking trust as a central category, he advocates for a turn in the interpretation of Christianity—from “propositional possession” to “performative project,” so that the identity of Christianity is “done” rather than “described.” Through explorations of classical and contemporary scholarship in philosophy, sociology, and theology, Schmiedel retrieves Troeltsch’s interdisciplinary thinking for use in relation to the controversies that encircle the construction of community today. The study opens up innovative and instructive approaches to the investigation of the practices of Christianity, past and present. Eventually, church emerges as a “work in movement,” continually constituted through encounters with the sociological and the theological “other.”

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