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EMF Effects from Power Sources and Electrosmog (Electromagnetic Frequency Sensitivities)

by William J. Rea

The field of electromagnetic sensitivity is the new epidemic of the 21st century, and can cause disease of the automatic nerve system in any part of the body. This is as a result of chemical sensitivity, in which over 80,000 chemicals are involved, resulting in innumerable combinations. A cursory understanding of the combinations can help clinicians partially understand the associated problems and thus help in the diagnosis and treatment of electromagnetic sensitivities. But a basic understanding of environmentally induced illness and healing must first be understood by the clinicians before diseases occur such as cardiac arrhythmia, muscle spasms, and nerve pain. Key Features: Describes how an understanding of the vast combinations of electrical and chemical sensitivities will help in the diagnosis and treatment of electromagnetic sensitivities Reveals the complexity and multi-faceted presentation often seen in chemical sensitivity and chronic degenerative disease cases Provides information backed up by rigorous scientific data including hundreds of tables and figures as online resources Features a Dedication to Robert Becker, MD, an orthopedic surgeon who was one of the first clinicians to recognize the significance of EMF in medicine and surgery, and also to his assistant Andrew Marino, PhD, who helped develop the basic science of orthopedic electromagnet healing

EMF Effects from Power Sources and Electrosmog (Electromagnetic Frequency Sensitivities)

by William J. Rea

The field of electromagnetic sensitivity is the new epidemic of the 21st century, and can cause disease of the automatic nerve system in any part of the body. This is as a result of chemical sensitivity, in which over 80,000 chemicals are involved, resulting in innumerable combinations. A cursory understanding of the combinations can help clinicians partially understand the associated problems and thus help in the diagnosis and treatment of electromagnetic sensitivities. But a basic understanding of environmentally induced illness and healing must first be understood by the clinicians before diseases occur such as cardiac arrhythmia, muscle spasms, and nerve pain. Key Features: Describes how an understanding of the vast combinations of electrical and chemical sensitivities will help in the diagnosis and treatment of electromagnetic sensitivities Reveals the complexity and multi-faceted presentation often seen in chemical sensitivity and chronic degenerative disease cases Provides information backed up by rigorous scientific data including hundreds of tables and figures as online resources Features a Dedication to Robert Becker, MD, an orthopedic surgeon who was one of the first clinicians to recognize the significance of EMF in medicine and surgery, and also to his assistant Andrew Marino, PhD, who helped develop the basic science of orthopedic electromagnet healing

EMG Signals Characterization in Three States of Contraction by Fuzzy Network and Feature Extraction (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Bita Mokhlesabadifarahani Vinit Kumar Gunjan

Neuro-muscular and musculoskeletal disorders and injuries highly affect the life style and the motion abilities of an individual. This brief highlights a systematic method for detection of the level of muscle power declining in musculoskeletal and Neuro-muscular disorders. The neuro-fuzzy system is trained with 70 percent of the recorded Electromyography (EMG) cut off window and then used for classification and modeling purposes. The neuro-fuzzy classifier is validated in comparison to some other well-known classifiers in classification of the recorded EMG signals with the three states of contractions corresponding to the extracted features. Different structures of the neuro-fuzzy classifier are also comparatively analyzed to find the optimum structure of the classifier used.

The Emigrant Communities of Latvia: National Identity, Transnational Belonging, and Diaspora Politics (IMISCOE Research Series)

by Rita Kaša Inta Mieriņa

This open access volume examines experiences of contemporary Latvian migrants, thereby focusing on reasons for emigration, processes of integration in their host countries, and – in the case of return migration - re-integration in their home country. In the context of European migration, the book describes the case of Latvia, which is interesting due to the multiple waves of excessive emigration, continuously high migration potential among European Union member states, and diverse migrant characteristics. It provides a fascinating insight into the social and psychological aspects linked to migration in a comparative context. The data in this volume is rich in providing individual level perspectives of contemporary Latvian migrants by addressing issues such as emigrants’ economic, social and cultural inclusion in the host country, ties with the home country and culture, interaction with public authorities both in the host and home country, political views, and perspectives on the permanent settlement in migration or return. Through topics such as assimilation of children, relationships between emigrants representing different emigration waves, the complex identities and attachments of minority emigrants, and the role of culture and media in identity formation and presentation, this book addresses topics that any contemporary emigrant community is faced with.

Emigrating Beyond Earth: Human Adaptation and Space Colonization (Springer Praxis Books)

by Cameron M Smith Evan T. Davies

Emigrating Beyond Earth puts space colonization into the context of human evolution. Rather than focusing on the technologies and strategies needed to colonize space, the authors examine the human and societal reasons for space colonization. They make space colonization seems like a natural step by demonstrating that if will continue the human species' 4 million-year-old legacy of adaptation to difficult new environments. The authors present many examples from the history of human expansion into new environments, including two amazing tales of human colonization - the prehistoric settlement of the upper Arctic around 5,000 years ago and the colonization of the Pacific islands around 3,000 years ago - which show that space exploration is no more about rockets and robots that Arctic exploration was about boating!

Emil du Bois-Reymond (Meister der Heilkunde)

by Boruttau. Heinrich Boruttau. Heinrich

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Emil Fischer’s ‘’From My Life’’: English Translation of ‘’Aus Meinem Leben’’ (Springer Biographies)

by David M. Behrman Edward J. Behrman

This book is a translation of Emil Fischer’s autobiography published in 1922 by Verlag von Julius Springer, Berlin, Germany. It is the first translation of this work into English, guiding the reader through the life of a man who was one of the greatest chemists of all time. Emil Fischer published very important papers on sugars, purines, and peptides. His proof of the stereo chemistry of glucose remains one of the great intellectual and practical achievements of science. The book is of great benefit to the current and future generations of chemists, giving them the chance to get to know Emil Fischer's life story.

Emil Rathenau und das Werden der Großwirtschaft

by A. Riedler

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Émilie Du Châtelet and the Foundations of Physical Science (Routledge Focus on Philosophy)

by Katherine Brading

The centerpiece of Émilie Du Châtelet’s philosophy of science is her Foundations of Physics, first published in 1740. The Foundations contains epistemology, metaphysics, methodology, mechanics, and physics, including such pressing issues of the time as whether there are atoms, the appropriate roles of God and of hypotheses in scientific theorizing, how (if at all) bodies are capable of acting on one another, and whether gravity is an action-at-a-distance force. Du Châtelet sought to resolve these issues within a single philosophical framework that builds on her critique and appraisal of all the leading alternatives (Cartesian, Newtonian, Leibnizian, and so forth) of the period. The text is remarkable for being the first to attempt such a synthetic project, and even more so for the accessibility and clarity of the writing. This book argues that Du Châtelet put her finger on the central problems that lay at the intersection of physics and metaphysics at the time, and tackled them drawing on the most up-to-date resources available. It will be a useful source for students and scholars interested in the history and philosophy of science, and in the impact of women philosophers in the early modern period.

Émilie Du Châtelet and the Foundations of Physical Science (Routledge Focus on Philosophy)

by Katherine Brading

The centerpiece of Émilie Du Châtelet’s philosophy of science is her Foundations of Physics, first published in 1740. The Foundations contains epistemology, metaphysics, methodology, mechanics, and physics, including such pressing issues of the time as whether there are atoms, the appropriate roles of God and of hypotheses in scientific theorizing, how (if at all) bodies are capable of acting on one another, and whether gravity is an action-at-a-distance force. Du Châtelet sought to resolve these issues within a single philosophical framework that builds on her critique and appraisal of all the leading alternatives (Cartesian, Newtonian, Leibnizian, and so forth) of the period. The text is remarkable for being the first to attempt such a synthetic project, and even more so for the accessibility and clarity of the writing. This book argues that Du Châtelet put her finger on the central problems that lay at the intersection of physics and metaphysics at the time, and tackled them drawing on the most up-to-date resources available. It will be a useful source for students and scholars interested in the history and philosophy of science, and in the impact of women philosophers in the early modern period.

Emilie du Châtelet between Leibniz and Newton (International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d'histoire des idées #205)

by Ruth Hagengruber

Emilie du Châtelet was one of the most influential woman philosophers of the Enlightenment. Her writings on natural philosophy, physics, and mechanics had a decisive impact on important scientific debates of the 18th century. Particularly, she took an innovative and outstanding position in the controversy between Newton and Leibniz, one of the fundamental scientific discourses of that time.The contributions in this volume focus on this "Leibnitian turn". They analyze the nature and motivation of Emilie du Châtelet's synthesis of Newtonian and Leibnitian philosophy. Apart from the Institutions Physiques they deal with Emilie du Châtelet's annotated translation of Isaac Newton's Principia.The chapters presented here collectively demonstrate that her work was an essential contribution to the mediation between empiricist and rationalist positions in the history of science.

Émilie du Châtelets Institutions physiques: Über die Rolle von Prinzipien und Hypothesen in der Physik (Frauen in Philosophie und Wissenschaft. Women Philosophers and Scientists)

by Andrea Reichenberger

Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Studie steht die Frage nach der Tragweite und Anwendungsrelevanz der Methodenlehre Émilie du Châtelets für die Physik im 18. Jahrhundert, mit der sich die Französin an der Diskussion um Energie- und Impulserhaltung und um das Prinzip der kleinsten Wirkung beteiligte. Andrea Reichenberger zeigt, dass Prinzipien und Hypothesen für Émilie du Châtelet als Fundament und Gerüst wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis gelten. Im Zusammenspiel beider Komponenten erweisen sich das Prinzip des Widerspruchs und das Prinzip des zureichenden Grundes als regulative Leitlinien und Handlungsmaxime für die auf Hypothesen gestützte Theoriebildung und -begründung. Die sich daraus ergebenden Konsequenzen für den Status und Inhalt der Newtonschen Axiome werden exemplarisch aufgezeigt.

Emission and Scattering Techniques: Studies of Inorganic Molecules, Solids, and Surfaces (Nato Science Series C: #73)

by Peter R. Day

Centrally important to the progress of inorganic chemistry is the application of new physical techniques for determining crystal and molecular structures. Electronic structure, too, can now be explored by a large variety of spectros­ copic techniques, most of them of quite recent origin. Realizing how essential it was to bring together experts in the techniques themselves and those who might use them for their own chemical purposes, Professor Furlani and I began in the early 1970's to organize small meetings at which this kind of interchange could take place. The first, funded by the Italian National Research Council and Ministry of Education, was at Frascati in 1971. It was followed by others at Oxford (1974) and Pugnochiuso (1977), funded under the NATO Advanced Study Institutes programme. Lectures given at the Oxford Advanced Study Institute were published by D. Reidel under the title Electronic States of Inorganic Compounds: New Experimental Techniques. A three­ year interval between these Institutes has proved suitable both for introducing new generations of potential users to the methods and allowing us to incorporate advances in the methods themselves. In fact, since the last Advanced Study Institute in the series several important advances have occurred, particularly in electron, ion and neutron spectros­ copies. We concentrated the course for 1980 on these newer aspects, though the more specialized lectures were prefaced with introductory material for those not familiar with the general principles.

Emission Factors of Carbonaceous Particulate Matter and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Residential Solid Fuel Combustions (Springer Theses)

by Guofeng Shen

Emission inventory is basic for the understanding of environmental behaviors and potential effects of compounds, however, current inventories are often associated with relatively high uncertainties. One important reason is the lack of emission factors (EFs), especially for the residential solid fuel combustion in developing countries. In the present study, emission factors of a group of pollutants including particulate matter, organic carbon, elemental carbon (sometimes known as black carbon) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were measured for a variety of residential solid fuels including coal, crop straw, wood, and biomass pellets in rural China. The study provided a large number of emission factors that can be further used in emission estimation. Composition profiles and isomer ratios were investigated and compared so as to be used in source apportionment. In addition, the present study identified and quantified the influence of factors like fuel moisture, volatile matter on emission performance. The publication of the study will be of interest and helpful to the readers in the field of air pollution, human health, fuel saving and energy consumption etc. Guofeng Shen works at the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences, Jiangsu Academy of Environmental Sciences, China.

Emission of Radio Waves in Particle Showers: Validation of Microscopic Simulations with the SLAC T-510 Experiment and their Potential in the Future Square Kilometre Array (Springer Theses)

by Anne Zilles

This thesis offers the first laboratory validation of microscopic simulations of radio emission from particle showers, including a detailed description of the simulation study. It presents a potential future avenue for resolving the mass composition of cosmic rays via radio detection of air showers. Particle showers are created from cascading interactions when high-energy particles collide with matter, e.g. with air in the case of cosmic radiation, or with a particle detector in the case of experiments at CERN. These showers can consist of billions of particles, mostly electrons, positrons and photons. They emit radio waves when the absorbing medium is in a magnetic field, and this radio emission can be used as a novel means of detecting and drawing inferences on the shower and the primary particle. The new method is currently being established in cosmic ray research, where large antenna arrays may soon replace or complement traditional particle detectors. In this study, a complete microscopic simulation of a radio-emission experiment conducted at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), Stanford/USA, is performed, and the underlying physical models are validated. The model is subsequently applied to the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project, which is a large interferometer for radio astronomy. It is demonstrated that the SKA, with some modifications, might also be used for cosmic ray research based on radio detection of high-energy particles from the cosmos.

Emissionen von Platinmetallen: Analytik, Umwelt- und Gesundheitsrelevanz

by Fathi Zereini Friedrich Alt

Mit Einführung des Abgas-Katalysators setzte die Diskussion über die möglichen Folgen von Platinmetall-Emissionen für die Umwelt ein. Nun liegt erstmals eine zusammenfassende Darstellung der bisherigen Forschungsergebnisse zu diesem aktuellen Thema vor. Anhand hochkarätiger Forschungsbeiträge aus Chemie, Geowissenschaften, Biologie und Medizin werden alle Aspekte der Platinmetall-Emissionen und ihre Auswirkungen auf Mensch und Natur zusammengestellt und diskutiert. Neben der Darstellung modernster Verfahren der Platinmetall-Analytik in verschiedenen Umweltkompartimenten und biologischen Materialien werden auch das geochemische Verhalten der Platinmetalle in Bezug auf ihre Mobilität, Löslichkeit und Bioverfügbarkeit in der Umwelt sowie ihr toxikologisches und allergologisches Gefährdungspotential aufgezeigt.

Emissions from Continuous Combustion Systems: Proceedings of the Symposium on Emissions from Continuous Combustion Systems held at the General Motors Research Laboratories Warren, Michigan September 27–28, 1971

by Walter Cornelius and William G. Agnew

This volume documents the proceedings of the Symposium on Emissions from Continuous Combustion Systems that was held at the General Motors Research Laboratories, Warren, Michigan on September 27 and 28, 1971. This symposium was the fifteenth in an annual series presented by the Research Laboratories. Each symposium has covered a different technical discipline. To be selected as the theme of a symposium, the subject must be timely and of vital interest to General Motors as well as to the technical community at large. For each symposium, the practice is to solicit papers at the forefront of research from recognized authorities in the technical discipline of interest. Approximately sixty scientists and engineers from academic, government and industrial circles in this country and abroad are then invited to join about an equal number of General Motors technical personnel to discuss freely the commissioned papers. The technical portion of the meeting is supplemented by social functions at which ample time is afforded for informal exchanges of ideas amongst the participants. By such a direct interaction of a small and select group of informed participants, it is hoped to extend the boundaries of research in the selected technical field.

Emissions of Air Pollutants: Measurements, Calculations and Uncertainties

by StefanReis RainerFriedrich

This book presents a wealth of new information that enables environmental scientists and authorities to design methods for measuring and modelling emission rates related to specific pollution sources, and thus to generate improved emission inventories and reduction strategies. The text shows how to carry out experiments to verify emission data, including tunnel and open motorway studies, comprehensive city experiments and tracer experiments.

Emissions of Atmospheric Trace Compounds (Advances in Global Change Research #18)

by Claire E. Reeves PauloArtaxo ClaireGranier

This book grows out of a 2001 workshop on "Emission of Chemical Species and Aerosols into the Atmosphere." The contents deal with inventories of emissions related to anthropogenic emissions or biomass burning; emissions from vegetation and soils; emissions of mineral and sea-salt aerosols; and emissions of sulphur compounds from the oceans. Concluding chapters show how atmospheric observations have been used to improve our knowledge of emissions.

Emissions Trading and Business

by Ralf Antes Bernd Hansjürgens Peter Letmathe

Emissions trading (ET) challenges business managers in an entirely new manner, changing the criteria by which environmental policy steers management decisions from hierarchical to monetary. The 24 contributions to this volume discuss ET theoretically and empirically in these broad topic areas: 1) Institutional design, decision making and innovation; 2) Investment and management strategies; 3) ET and business administration and 4) Effects of existing and emerging ET schemes.

Emissionshandel: Ökonomische Prinzipien, rechtliche Regelungen und technische Lösungen für den Klimaschutz

by Michael Lucht Gorden Spangardt

Ab 2005 wird der Emissionshandel europaweit als Klimaschutzinstrument eingesetzt. Durch den Handel mit limitierten Berechtigungen zum CO2-Ausstoß wird die globale politische Idee, dem Klimawandel entgegenzuwirken, mit marktwirtschaftlichen Methoden umgesetzt. Die Reduktion der Treibhausgasemissionen durch technische Maßnahmen soll somit dort stattfinden, wo diese ökonomisch am vorteilhaftesten ist. Die Einführung des Emissionshandels ist jedoch durch eine Vielzahl komplexer, miteinander verknüpfter ökonomischer, rechtlicher und technischer Fragen gekennzeichnet, welche in diesem Buch von Experten erörtert werden. Dazu gehören das tatsächliche Ausmaß des Klimawandels, Interessenkonflikte bei der Gesetzgebung und Allokation der Emissionsrechte, Konsequenzen für strategische Entscheidungen betroffener Unternehmen, Techniken der CO2-Reduktion und die Vision einer emissionsfreien Energiewirtschaft.

Emmetropia parallel rays of light from infinity come to a sharp focus on the retina

This image shows a light pathway entering the eye. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. Rays of light shown as thin dashed lines come from the left, towards the eye in the centre of the page. Arrows indicate the direction of the light. On the left side of the eye is the lens shown as a long thin oval. When the light goes through the lens it refracts and focuses on the retina at the back of the eye to the right of the image. There is no refraction error.

Emmetropia parallel rays of light from infinity come to a sharp focus on the retina (Large Print)

by Rnib Bookshare

This image shows a light pathway entering the eye. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. Rays of light shown as thin dashed lines come from the left, towards the eye in the centre of the page. Arrows indicate the direction of the light. On the left side of the eye is the lens shown as a long thin oval. When the light goes through the lens it refracts and focuses on the retina at the back of the eye to the right of the image. There is no refraction error.

Emmy Noether, die Noether-Schule und die moderne Algebra: Zur Geschichte einer kulturellen Bewegung (Mathematik im Kontext)

by Mechthild Koreuber

Emmy Noether und die Mitglieder der Noether-Schule gestalteten wesentlich die kulturelle Bewegung der modernen Algebra, die in den 1920er Jahren die Vorstellungen über Mathematik veränderte und zu einem neuen Verständnis der Mathematik als Strukturwissenschaft führte. In interdisziplinär angelegten Studien verbindet die Autorin biografische Forschungen zu Noether und den Mitgliedern der Noether-Schule mit wissenschaftstheoretischen Untersuchungen mathematischer Texte sowie einer aus dem Konzept der dichten Beschreibung abgeleiteten Analyse wissenschaftlicher Schulenbildung: Die Entstehung mathematischen Wissens als soziokultureller Prozess wird sichtbar und auch einer mathematisch nicht ausgebildeten Leserschaft zugänglich. Zahlreiche Details zum Ringen von Wissenschaftlerinnen um berufliche Anerkennung, zur Entstehung mathematischer Begriffe und Disziplinen sowie zum Leben und Wirken von Mathematiker/inne/n vermitteln ein Bild der Mathematik im ersten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts.

Emmy Noether's Wonderful Theorem

by Dwight E. Neuenschwander

"In the judgment of the most competent living mathematicians, Fräulein Noether was the most significant creative mathematical genius thus far produced since the higher education of women began."â€�Albert EinsteinThe year was 1915, and the young mathematician Emmy Noether had just settled into Göttingen University when Albert Einstein visited to lecture on his nearly finished general theory of relativity. Two leading mathematicians of the day, David Hilbert and Felix Klein, dug into the new theory with gusto, but had difficulty reconciling it with what was known about the conservation of energy. Knowing of her expertise in invariance theory, they requested Noether’s help. To solve the problem, she developed a novel theorem, applicable across all of physics, which relates conservation laws to continuous symmetriesâ€�one of the most important pieces of mathematical reasoning ever developed.Noether’s "first" and "second" theorem was published in 1918. The first theorem relates symmetries under global spacetime transformations to the conservation of energy and momentum, and symmetry under global gauge transformations to charge conservation. In continuum mechanics and field theories, these conservation laws are expressed as equations of continuity. The second theorem, an extension of the first, allows transformations with local gauge invariance, and the equations of continuity acquire the covariant derivative characteristic of coupled matter-field systems. General relativity, it turns out, exhibits local gauge invariance. Noether’s theorem also laid the foundation for later generations to apply local gauge invariance to theories of elementary particle interactions. In Dwight E. Neuenschwander’s new edition of Emmy Noether’s Wonderful Theorem, readers will encounter an updated explanation of Noether’s "first" theorem. The discussion of local gauge invariance has been expanded into a detailed presentation of the motivation, proof, and applications of the "second" theorem, including Noether’s resolution of concerns about general relativity. Other refinements in the new edition include an enlarged biography of Emmy Noether’s life and work, parallels drawn between the present approach and Noether’s original 1918 paper, and a summary of the logic behind Noether’s theorem.

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