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Engineering of Sport 6: Volume 1: Developments for Sports

by Steve Haake Eckehard Moritz

This proceedings volume of the ISEA 2006 examines sports engineering, an interdisciplinary subject which encompasses and integrates not only sports science and engineering but also biomechanics, physiology and anatomy, and motion physics. This is the first title of its kind in the emerging field of sports technology.

The Engineering of Sport 6: Volume 3: Developments for Innovation

by Eckehard Moritz Steve Haake

This proceedings volume of the ISEA 2006 examines sports engineering, an interdisciplinary subject which encompasses and integrates not only sports science and engineering but also biomechanics, physiology and anatomy, and motion physics. This is the first title of its kind in the emerging field of sports technology.

Engineering of Sport 6: Volume 2: Developments for Disciplines

by Eckehard Moritz Steve Haake

This proceedings volume of the ISEA 2006 examines sports engineering, an interdisciplinary subject which encompasses and integrates not only sports science and engineering but also biomechanics, physiology and anatomy, and motion physics. This is the first title of its kind in the emerging field of sports technology.

The Engineering of Sport 7: Vol. 2

by Margaret Estivalet Pierre Brisson

During the last years, artificial turf pitches have become commonly used for sports like hockey, tennis, rugby and football. The acceptance of this sport surface has found obj- tions in sports like football because first generations of artificial turf showed many problems and differences respect to the natural grass. These differences have been reduced but a serious problem exists yet: skin injuries due to sliding. This problem has been called “turf-burns”. The risk of this turf burn curbs the players when playing on artificial turf (Lees and Nolan, 1998). Gaulrapp et al. found that the number of injuries on artificial turf was higher than on natural grass and these skin injuries frequently occur during a sliding trackle (Gaulrapp et al., 1999). These injuries are caused by two mechanisms: burn and scrape. It is possible that burn is due to an increase of temperature and it occurs when the player is sliding on the surfaces; it is possible that the scrape occurs when this slide starts because the friction is higher in this moment. This problem is being studied and some testing devices have been developed.

The Engineering of Sport 7: Vol. 2

by Margaret Estivalet Pierre Brisson

During the last years, artificial turf pitches have become commonly used for sports like hockey, tennis, rugby and football. The acceptance of this sport surface has found obj- tions in sports like football because first generations of artificial turf showed many problems and differences respect to the natural grass. These differences have been reduced but a serious problem exists yet: skin injuries due to sliding. This problem has been called “turf-burns”. The risk of this turf burn curbs the players when playing on artificial turf (Lees and Nolan, 1998). Gaulrapp et al. found that the number of injuries on artificial turf was higher than on natural grass and these skin injuries frequently occur during a sliding trackle (Gaulrapp et al., 1999). These injuries are caused by two mechanisms: burn and scrape. It is possible that burn is due to an increase of temperature and it occurs when the player is sliding on the surfaces; it is possible that the scrape occurs when this slide starts because the friction is higher in this moment. This problem is being studied and some testing devices have been developed.

The Engineering of Sport 7: Vol. 1

by Margaret Estivalet Pierre Brisson

This proceedings volume of the ISEA 2008 examines sports engineering, an interdisciplinary subject which encompasses and integrates not only sports science and classical engineering but also aims to bridge the gap between the analysis of the equipment and the athlete himself. The areas of interest include the mechanics, biomechanics and dynamics of sport, the physiology, anatomy and the analysis of movement, instrumentation, equipment design, surface interaction, materials and modelling, and many others. These various topics could be part of technology applications practically in every sport. The proceedings will be of particular interest among others to Engineering, Physics, Mathematics and Sports Science Departments and will act as a forum where research, industry and the sports sector can exchange state of the art technology, dedicated knowledge and innovative ideas.

The Engineering of Sport 7: Vol. 1

by Margaret Estivalet Pierre Brisson

This proceedings volume of the ISEA 2008 examines sports engineering, an interdisciplinary subject which encompasses and integrates not only sports science and classical engineering but also aims to bridge the gap between the analysis of the equipment and the athlete himself. The areas of interest include the mechanics, biomechanics and dynamics of sport, the physiology, anatomy and the analysis of movement, instrumentation, equipment design, surface interaction, materials and modelling, and many others. These various topics could be part of technology applications practically in every sport. The proceedings will be of particular interest among others to Engineering, Physics, Mathematics and Sports Science Departments and will act as a forum where research, industry and the sports sector can exchange state of the art technology, dedicated knowledge and innovative ideas.

Engineering of Stem Cells (Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology #114)

by Ulrich Martin

I am very pleased to present this volume on engineering stem cells in Advances in Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology. This volume stays abreast of recent developments in stem cell biology and the high expectations concerning the dev- opment of stem cell based regenerative therapies. Regenerative medicine is the focus of current biomedical research, with unique challenges related to scientific, technical and ethical issues of stem cell research, and the potential added value of connecting biomedicine with enabling techno- gies such as materials sciences, mechanical- and nano-engineering. Research activities in regenerative medicine include strategies in endogenous regeneration of injured or degenerated tissues by means of gene therapy or cell transplantation, as well as complex approaches to replace or reconstruct lost or malformed tissue structures, by applying tissue engineering approaches. In most cases, the speci- ized functional cell types of interest cannot be isolated from the diseased organ or expanded to a sufficient degree, and various stem and progenitor cell types rep- sent the only applicable cell source. In almost all cases, stem cells have to be engineered, sometimes for functional improvement, in many cases to produce large numbers of cells, and frequently to achieve efficient and specific differentiation in the cell type(s) of interest.

Engineering of Thermoplastic Elastomer with Graphene and Other Anisotropic Nanofillers (Engineering Materials)

by Abhijit Bandyopadhyay Poulomi Dasgupta Sayan Basak

This book is an effort to tether all the exuberant observations on adding nanomaterial in the TPE matrix. With an enhanced processing property along with amplified recyclability and reprocessing feature, thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) proves to be one of the most significant polymeric materials till date. As the scientific world evolves, these advanced materials have attuned themselves with various anisotropic nanomaterials to induce an enhanced property effect on the final product. On an additional note, authors have done extensive research on graphene, the most multifaceted element in the filler family keeping TPE and its derivate as the matrix martial. Cogitating the idea of a multidimensional readership, authors have analyzed the synthesis, derivatization, and properties of graphene and its derivatives separately. Apart from reviewing the future prospects and the potential application of these nano-filled advanced materials, they have kept the structure–property relationship of graphene-based composites at the cynosure to provide firm understanding on the blossoming of these elastomeric composites. The authors believe this book is a potential content for both professionals and academicians.

Engineering Open-Source Medical Devices: A Reliable Approach for Safe, Sustainable and Accessible Healthcare

by Arti Ahluwalia Carmelo De Maria Andrés Díaz Lantada

This book focuses on the challenges and potentials of open source and collaborative design approaches and strategies in the biomedical field. It provides a comprehensive set of good practices and methods for making these safe, innovative and certifiable biomedical devices reach patients and provide successful solutions to healthcare issues. The chapters are sequenced to follow the complete lifecycle of open source medical technologies. The information provided is eminently practical, as it is supported by real cases of study, in which collaboration among medical professionals, engineers and technicians, patients and patient associations, policy makers, regulatory bodies, and citizens has proven beneficial. The book is also supported by an online infrastructure, UBORA, through which open-source medical devices can be collaboratively developed and shared for the democratization of medical technology and for promoting accessible biomedical engineering education.

Engineering Ophthalmology

by Mohsen Shahinpoor David Soltanpour Parsa Shahinpoor

This book is the first of its kind to present the engineering aspects of medical vision ophthalmology. It showcases an array of amazing systems and devices involving biomimetic microrobotics and artificial muscles. It introduces ophthalmology and the fundamentals of vision and discusses robotic surgical systems, implantable micropump assemblies, and synthetic muscle-based diaphragm pump apparatuses. It throws light on the surgical correction of ptosis by polymeric artificial muscles as well as systems and devices for correcting hyperopia, myopia, and presbyopia. The book also reviews synthetic muscle-based multi-powered active contact lenses, surgical correction of human-eye refractive errors using active composite artificial muscle implants, and double-accommodating intraocular accordion lens.

Engineering Ophthalmology

by Mohsen Shahinpoor David Soltanpour Parsa Shahinpoor

This book is the first of its kind to present the engineering aspects of medical vision ophthalmology. It showcases an array of amazing systems and devices involving biomimetic microrobotics and artificial muscles. It introduces ophthalmology and the fundamentals of vision and discusses robotic surgical systems, implantable micropump assemblies, and synthetic muscle-based diaphragm pump apparatuses. It throws light on the surgical correction of ptosis by polymeric artificial muscles as well as systems and devices for correcting hyperopia, myopia, and presbyopia. The book also reviews synthetic muscle-based multi-powered active contact lenses, surgical correction of human-eye refractive errors using active composite artificial muscle implants, and double-accommodating intraocular accordion lens.

Engineering Optics (Springer Series In Optical Sciences Ser. #35)

by Keigo Iizuka

Engineering Optics is a book for students who want to apply their knowledge of optics to engineering problems, as well as for engineering students who want to acquire the basic principles of optics. It covers such important topics as optical signal processing, holography, tomography, holographic radars, fiber optical communication, electro- and acousto-optic devices, and integrated optics (including optical bistability). Practical examples, such as the video disk, the Fresnel zone plate, and many more, appear throughout the text, together with numerous solved exercises. There is an entirely new section in this updated edition on 3-D imaging.

Engineering Optics (Springer Series in Optical Sciences #35)

by Keigo Iizuka

Engineering Optics is a book for students who want to apply their knowledge of optics to engineering problems, as well as for engineering students who want to acquire the basic principles of optics. It covers such important topics as optical signal processing, holography, tomography, holographic radars, fiber optical communication, electro- and acousto-optic devices, and integrated optics (including optical bistability). Practical examples, such as the video disk, the Fresnel zone plate, and many more, appear throughout the text, together with numerous solved exercises. There is an entirely new section in this updated edition on 3-D imaging.

Engineering Optics

by Keigo Iizuka

"Which area do you think I should go into?" or "Which are the areas that have the brightest future?" are questions that are frequently asked by students trying to decide on a field of specialization. My advice has always been to pick any field that combines two or more disciplines such as Nuclear Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Optoelectronics, or even Engineering Optics. With the ever growing complexity of today's science and technology, many a problem can be tackled only with the cooperative effort of more than one discipline. Engineering Optics deals with the engineering aspects of optics, and its main emphasis is on applying the knowledge. of optics to the solution of engineering problems. This book is intended both for the physics student who wants to apply his knowledge of optics to engineering problems and for the engineering student who wants to acquire the basic principles of optics. The material in the book was arranged in an order that would progres­ sively increase the student's comprehension of the subject. Basic tools and concepts presented in the earlier chapters are then developed more fully and applied in the later chapters. In many instances, the arrangement of the material differs from the true chronological order. The following is intended to provide an overview of the organization of the book. In this book, the theory of the Fourier transforms was used whenever possible because it provides a simple and clear explanation for many phenomena in optics. Complicated mathematics have been com­ pletely eliminated.

Engineering Optics (Springer Series in Optical Sciences #35)

by Keigo Iizuka

The first edition of this textbook was published only last year, and now, the publisher has decided to issue a paperback edition. This is intended to make the text more affordable to everyone who would like to broaden their knowledge of modem problems in optics. The aim of this book is to provide a basic understanding of the impor­ tant features of the various topics treated. A detailed study of all the sub­ jects comprising the field of engineering optics would fill several volumes. This book could perhaps be likened to a soup: it is easy to swallow, but sooner or later heartier sustenance is needed. It is my hope that this book will stimulate your appetite and prepare you for the banquet that could be yours. I would like to take this opportunity to thank those readers, especially Mr. Branislav Petrovic, who sent me appreciative letters and helpful com­ ments. These have encouraged me to introduce a few minor changes and improvements in this edition.

Engineering Optics 2.0: A Revolution in Optical Theories, Materials, Devices and Systems

by Xiangang Luo

This book provides comprehensive information on the history and status quo of a new research field, which we refer to as Engineering Optics 2.0. The content covers both the theoretical basis and the engineering aspects in connection with various applications. The field of Engineering Optics employs optical theories to practical applications in a broad range of areas. However, the foundation of traditional Engineering Optics was formed several hundred years ago, and the field has developed only very gradually. With technological innovations in both the fabrication and characterization of microstructures, the past few decades have witnessed many groundbreaking changes to the bases of optics, including the generalizing of refraction, reflection, diffraction, radiation and absorption theories. These new theories enable us to break through the barriers in traditional optical technologies, yielding revolutionary advances in traditional optical systems such as microscopes, telescopes and lithography systems.

Engineering Optimization in Design Processes: Proceedings of the International Conference, Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Center, Germany, September 3–4, 1990 (Lecture Notes in Engineering #63)

by Hans A. Eschenauer Claus Mattheck Niels Olhoff

These proceedings contain the texts of 37 contributions presented at the International Conference on Engineering Optimization in an Industrial Environment, which took place on 3 - 4 September 1990 at the Karlsruhe Nuclear Hesearch Center, I~H Germany. The presentations consisted of oral and poster contributions arranged in five sessions: • Shape and layout optimization • Structural optimization with advanced materials • Optimal designs with special structural and material beha viour • Sensitivity analysis - Programme systems • Optimization with stability constraints - Special problems The editors wish to express their appreciation to all authors and invited speakers for their in­ teresting contributions. The proceedings cover a wide range of topics in structural optimization representing the present state of the art in the fields of research and in the industrial environment as well. The editors hope that this book will also contribute towards new ideas and concepts in a world of ever decreasing natural resources and ever increasing demands for lighter and yet stronger and safer technical components. I"inally, the editors wish to thank all colleagues who helped in the organisation of the conference, especially Mrs. E. Schroder anq Dr. K.llethge, as well as Mr. A. von lIagen and Mrs. E. Haufelder, Springer Publishing Company, Heidelberg for the good cooperation and help in the publication of these proceedings.

Engineering Physics of High-Temperature Materials: Metals, Ice, Rocks, and Ceramics

by Nirmal K. Sinha Shoma Sinha

ENGINEERING PHYSICS OF HIGH-TEMPERATURE MATERIALS Discover a comprehensive exploration of high temperature materials written by leading materials scientists In Engineering Physics of High-Temperature Materials: Metals, Ice, Rocks, and Ceramics distinguished researchers and authors Nirmal K. Sinha and Shoma Sinha deliver a rigorous and wide-ranging discussion of the behavior of different materials at high temperatures. The book discusses a variety of physical phenomena, from plate tectonics and polar sea ice to ice-age and intraglacial depression and the postglacial rebound of Earth’s crust, stress relaxation at high temperatures, and microstructure and crack-enhanced Elasto Delayed Elastic Viscous (EDEV) models. At a very high level, Engineering Physics of High-Temperature Materials (EPHTM) takes a multidisciplinary view of the behavior of materials at temperatures close to their melting point. The volume particularly focuses on a powerful model called the Elasto-Delayed-Elastic-Viscous (EDEV) model that can be used to study a variety of inorganic materials ranging from snow and ice, metals, including complex gas-turbine engine materials, as well as natural rocks and earth formations (tectonic processes). It demonstrates how knowledge gained in one field of study can have a strong impact on other fields. Engineering Physics of High-Temperature Materials will be of interest to a broad range of specialists, including earth scientists, volcanologists, cryospheric and interdisciplinary climate scientists, and solid-earth geophysicists. The book demonstrates that apparently dissimilar polycrystalline materials, including metals, alloys, ice, rocks, ceramics, and glassy materials, all behave in a surprisingly similar way at high temperatures. This similarity makes the information contained in the book valuable to all manner of physical scientists. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: A thorough introduction to the importance of a unified model of high temperature material behavior, including high temperature deformation and the strength of materials An exploration of the nature of crystalline substances for engineering applications, including basic materials classification, solid state materials, and general physical principles Discussions of forensic physical materialogy and test techniques and test systems Examinations of creep fundamentals, including rheology and rheological terminology, and phenomenological creep failure models Perfect for materials scientists, metallurgists, and glaciologists, Engineering Physics of High-Temperature Materials: Metals, Ice, Rocks, and Ceramics will also earn a place in the libraries of specialists in the nuclear, chemical, and aerospace industries with an interest in the physics and engineering of high-temperature materials.

Engineering Physics of High-Temperature Materials: Metals, Ice, Rocks, and Ceramics

by Nirmal K. Sinha Shoma Sinha

ENGINEERING PHYSICS OF HIGH-TEMPERATURE MATERIALS Discover a comprehensive exploration of high temperature materials written by leading materials scientists In Engineering Physics of High-Temperature Materials: Metals, Ice, Rocks, and Ceramics distinguished researchers and authors Nirmal K. Sinha and Shoma Sinha deliver a rigorous and wide-ranging discussion of the behavior of different materials at high temperatures. The book discusses a variety of physical phenomena, from plate tectonics and polar sea ice to ice-age and intraglacial depression and the postglacial rebound of Earth’s crust, stress relaxation at high temperatures, and microstructure and crack-enhanced Elasto Delayed Elastic Viscous (EDEV) models. At a very high level, Engineering Physics of High-Temperature Materials (EPHTM) takes a multidisciplinary view of the behavior of materials at temperatures close to their melting point. The volume particularly focuses on a powerful model called the Elasto-Delayed-Elastic-Viscous (EDEV) model that can be used to study a variety of inorganic materials ranging from snow and ice, metals, including complex gas-turbine engine materials, as well as natural rocks and earth formations (tectonic processes). It demonstrates how knowledge gained in one field of study can have a strong impact on other fields. Engineering Physics of High-Temperature Materials will be of interest to a broad range of specialists, including earth scientists, volcanologists, cryospheric and interdisciplinary climate scientists, and solid-earth geophysicists. The book demonstrates that apparently dissimilar polycrystalline materials, including metals, alloys, ice, rocks, ceramics, and glassy materials, all behave in a surprisingly similar way at high temperatures. This similarity makes the information contained in the book valuable to all manner of physical scientists. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: A thorough introduction to the importance of a unified model of high temperature material behavior, including high temperature deformation and the strength of materials An exploration of the nature of crystalline substances for engineering applications, including basic materials classification, solid state materials, and general physical principles Discussions of forensic physical materialogy and test techniques and test systems Examinations of creep fundamentals, including rheology and rheological terminology, and phenomenological creep failure models Perfect for materials scientists, metallurgists, and glaciologists, Engineering Physics of High-Temperature Materials: Metals, Ice, Rocks, and Ceramics will also earn a place in the libraries of specialists in the nuclear, chemical, and aerospace industries with an interest in the physics and engineering of high-temperature materials.

Engineering Physiology: Bases of Human Factors Engineering/ Ergonomics

by Hiltrud J. Kroemer Karl H. Kroemer Katrin E. Kroemer-Elbert

This fifth edition of “Engineering Physiology” has the same purpose as the earlier prints: to provide physiological information which engineers, designers, supervisors, managers and other planners need to make work and equipment “fit the human.” Chapters have been revised, figures and tables updated. New material discusses, among other topics, models of the human body that provide practical and design-oriented information, biomechanics describing the body’s capabilities and limitations, effects of shift work / sleep loss on attitude and performance, and new techniques to measure body sizes and the resultant changes in applications of that information. The book does not replace standard (biological-medical-chemical) textbooks on human physiology; instead, it provides information on human features and functions which are basic to ergonomics or human (factors) engineering, terms often used interchangeably. It helps lay the foundations for teamwork among engineers and physiologists, biologists and physicians. Bioengineering topics concern bones and tissues, neural networks, biochemical processes, bio- and anthromechanics, biosensors, perception of information and related actions, to mention just a few areas of common interest. Such understanding provides the underpinnings for devising work tasks, tools, workplaces, vehicles, work-rest schedules, human-machine systems, homes and designed environments so that we humans can work and live safely, efficiently and comfortably.

Engineering Physiology: Bases of Human Factors Engineering/ Ergonomics

by Karl H. Kroemer Hiltrud J. Kroemer Katrin E. Kroemer-Elbert

This book discusses the architecture, functioning, and biomechanics of the human body, its bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The book explains energy extraction from food and drink, what efforts the body is capable of, and how our efforts depend on the coordination among the respiratory, circulatory, and metabolic systems. This text shows how the body monitors itself, how it reacts to work loads and the environment such as heat or cold, humidity and wind. The book also explains how to measure a person’s ability to work at high efficiency: by observation of breathing rate, heart beat frequency, oxygen consumption, and by careful evaluation of subjective judgements.The text discusses, in practical terms, effects of environmental conditions and how shift work arrangements during day, evening, and night affect task performance.

Engineering Practices for Agricultural Production and Water Conservation: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Innovations in Agricultural & Biological Engineering)

by Megh R. Goyal R. K. Sivanappan

This informative new book takes an interdisciplinary look at agricultural and food production and how new engineering practices can be used to enhance production. With contributions from international experts from India, Russia, China, Serbia, and USA, this book presents a selection of chapters on some of these emerging practices, focusing on soil and water conservation and management; agricultural processing engineering; water quality and management; emerging agricultural crops; renewable energy use in agriculture; and applications of nanotechnology in agriculture.

Engineering Practices for Agricultural Production and Water Conservation: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Innovations in Agricultural & Biological Engineering)

by Megh R. Goyal; R. K. Sivanappan

This informative new book takes an interdisciplinary look at agricultural and food production and how new engineering practices can be used to enhance production. With contributions from international experts from India, Russia, China, Serbia, and USA, this book presents a selection of chapters on some of these emerging practices, focusing on soil and water conservation and management; agricultural processing engineering; water quality and management; emerging agricultural crops; renewable energy use in agriculture; and applications of nanotechnology in agriculture.

Engineering Practices for Management of Soil Salinity: Agricultural, Physiological, and Adaptive Approaches (Innovations in Agricultural & Biological Engineering)

by S. K. Gupta Megh R. Goyal Anshuman Singh

Abiotic stresses are known to adversely impact agricultural productivity on millions of hectares globally, and it is projected that these problems are likely to increase, primarily due to anthropogenic interventions as well as climatic changes. Understanding abiotic stresses—especially salt stress on soil—calls for an interdisciplinary approach because salt-stressed soils need hydro-technical, chemical, and agronomic interventions as well as an understanding of plant response when exposed to these stresses. This volume explores and conveys the latest information on emerging technologies in the management of abiotic salt stress and their field applications. It brings together experts from various fields (academia, technology, and engineering) to provide the latest information and knowledge on this important challenge.

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