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Depression – The CommonSense Approach: A Clinical Psychologist’s Guide to Identifying and Dealing with Depression (The\commonsense Approach Ser.)

by Dr Tony Bates

In Depression – The CommonSense Approach, clinical psychologist Dr Tony Bates approaches the whole area of depression with sympathy, understanding and knowledge.Depression is far more common than we want to believe. There are many forms of depression and varying degrees of severity, but all are serious and debilitating for sufferers and their families. Dr Bates explains depression, outlines the common and not so common signs, looks briefly at some of the theories that have been put forward to explain it, and provides those affected with the necessary tools to help deal with it.This is a practical and easily accessible book. The prescriptive chapters will provide sufferers with the help they need to deal with self-defeating behaviours and to change patterns of relating to others that keep them vulnerable to depression. The key message is that clear and compassionate thinking helps build self-esteem and gives us back a trust in ourselves that gets lost when we become depressed. Dr Bates also address important issues that are frequently overlooked for partners and families who live with a depressed person.The CommonSense Approach series is a series of self-help guides that provide practical and sound ways to deal with many of life’s common complaints. Each book in the series is written for the layperson, and adopts a commonsense approach to the many questions surrounding a particular topic. It explains what the complaint is, how and why it occurs, and what can be done about it. It includes advice on helping ourselves, and information on where to go for further help. It encourages us to take responsibility for our own health, to be sensible and not always to rely on medical intervention for every ill.Other titles in the series include Depression – The CommonSense Approach, Menopause – The CommonSense Approach and Sleep – The CommonSense Approach.Depression – The CommonSense Approach: Table of ContentsForeword by Professor Paul GilbertIntroductionRecognising DepressonWhat Causes Depression? A Major Obstacle to Recovery: HopelessnessOvercoming Depression: A Recovery PlanGetting StartedIt’s the Thought that CountsChanging your Self-imagePutting it All Together: Tom’s StoryLiving with a Depressed PersonBeyond Depression: Staying Well and Dealing with SetbacksSelf-help Books: A Guided ReviewUseful Addresses

Depression And How To Survive It

by Professor Anthony Clare Spike Milligan

In 1982, leading psychiatrist and TV presenter Anthony Clare interviewed Spike Milligan for the radio series In The Psychiatrist's Chair, a show in which Clare led revealing interviews with a range of celebrities. He was so overwhelmed by Milligan's account of his forty years of depressive experiences that he knew he had found the person to help him illuminate and explore the mysterious and sometimes terrifying illness that is clinical depression. Depression and How to Survive It is the result of this collaboration, through which Anthony Clare charts the development of Spike Milligan's illness and the strategies he uses in dealing with the often misunderstood disorder of clinical depression. Drawing inspiration and advice from Spike's experience, Depression and How to Survive It is a book which takes you to the depths of human unhappiness in order to show you the way towards leading a happy life.A unique book about human psychology from one of Britain's most successful psychiatrists, providing a revelatory insight into the mind of Spike Milligan, everyone's favourite goon.

The Depression Cure: The Six-Step Programme to Beat Depression Without Drugs

by Dr Steve Ilardi

Based on extensive research with an amazing success rate, The Depression Cure outlines a step-by-step plan for recovery from depression, which focuses on six key lifestyle elements that have largely disappeared in healthy doses from modern life:- physical exercise - omega-3 fatty acids- natural sunlight exposure - restorative sleep- social connectedness- meaningful, engaging activityWith his six-step programme, Dr Ilardi not only makes sense of depression but offers a practical and straightforward plan for recovery. The Depression Cure is an essential guide for anyone seeking an alternative approach to depression treatment.

Depression For Dummies (For Dummies Ser.)

by Laura L. Smith Charles H. Elliott

"What do you have to be depressed about?" Bet you've heard that one before. Or how about, "You're depressed? Just get over it!" Easier said than done, right? Or here's a favorite, "They have a pill for that now, you know." Unfortunately, such naïve armchair psychology rarely works for someone suffering from the very real plight of depression. All it does is seek to trivialize depression and characterize depressed people as "whiners" who have nothing better to do than to "complain about their lives." But the truth is, depression is a very real problem. In fact, the World Health Organization estimates that, on any given day, 121 million people worldwide suffer from depression. And depression rates continue to increase – for example, kids exhibit depression at nearly ten times the rate of previous generations. Theories abound as to why depression rates are increasing, but regardless of the cause, this scourge continues to rob its victims of happiness, joy, and the capacity to give and receive love. So why Depression For Dummies, when there's already a glut of self-help books on the market peddling so-called cures and remedies for depression? Because this book satisfies the need for a straight-talking, no-nonsense resource on depression. The only agenda of Depression For Dummies is to present you with the facts on depression and explain the options for dealing with it. Rest assured, this is no infomercial in a yellow and black cover. Here's just a sampling of what you'll find in Depression For Dummies: Demystifying the types of depression Discovering what goes on in the body of a depressed person Detecting and diagnosing depression Seeking help through therapy and medication Modifying depressed behavior and solving life's headaches Dealing with depression resulting from grief and relationship issues Cutting through the hype of alternative treatments for depression Moving beyond depression: Avoiding relapses and pursuing a happy life Top Ten lists on getting rid of a your bad mood and helping your kids and other family members out of depression So, whatever your level of depression – whether you suffer from occasional bouts or you find yourself seriously debilitated by depression – Depression For Dummies can give you the insight and tools you need to once again find enjoyment and happiness in life. All it takes is one step.

Depression For Dummies

by Laura L. Smith Charles H. Elliott

The good news on beating the blues Do you want the good, the bad, or the best news first? OK, the bad news is that an estimated 264+ million people worldwide suffer from a depressive illness. The good news is that we know how to defeat these illnesses better than ever before using a growing range of highly effective psychotherapies, medications, and other therapeutic methods that are improving all the time. And the best news: because of these advances, the majority of people no longer need to suffer the debilitating—and sometimes dangerous—effects of long-term depressive illness. The new edition of Depression For Dummies shows how you can make this happen for you by providing the latest and best information on how to banish the noonday demon and bring the sunshine back into your world. In this friendly, cheerful, no-nonsense guide, leading clinical psychologists Laura L. Smith and Charles H. Elliot give you the straight talk on what you face and proven, practical advice on how to punch back and win. Showing you how to know your enemy, they demystify common types of depression, explain its physical effects, and help identify the kind you have. Armed in this way, you can take firmer steps toward the lifestyle changes—as well as therapy or medication—that will put you back in control. Learn about different forms of depression Build simple, daily habits into your life that help banish the blues Understand conventional, alternative, and experimental therapies Move on: avoid relapses and stay happy! Whatever your level of depression—occasional bouts or long-term—this book gives you the insight, the tools, and the inner strength and persistence to put enjoyment back in your life.

Depression For Dummies (For Dummies Ser.)

by Laura L. Smith Charles H. Elliott

The good news on beating the blues Do you want the good, the bad, or the best news first? OK, the bad news is that an estimated 264+ million people worldwide suffer from a depressive illness. The good news is that we know how to defeat these illnesses better than ever before using a growing range of highly effective psychotherapies, medications, and other therapeutic methods that are improving all the time. And the best news: because of these advances, the majority of people no longer need to suffer the debilitating—and sometimes dangerous—effects of long-term depressive illness. The new edition of Depression For Dummies shows how you can make this happen for you by providing the latest and best information on how to banish the noonday demon and bring the sunshine back into your world. In this friendly, cheerful, no-nonsense guide, leading clinical psychologists Laura L. Smith and Charles H. Elliot give you the straight talk on what you face and proven, practical advice on how to punch back and win. Showing you how to know your enemy, they demystify common types of depression, explain its physical effects, and help identify the kind you have. Armed in this way, you can take firmer steps toward the lifestyle changes—as well as therapy or medication—that will put you back in control. Learn about different forms of depression Build simple, daily habits into your life that help banish the blues Understand conventional, alternative, and experimental therapies Move on: avoid relapses and stay happy! Whatever your level of depression—occasional bouts or long-term—this book gives you the insight, the tools, and the inner strength and persistence to put enjoyment back in your life.

Depression in Later Life

by Jill Manthorpe Steve Iliffe

The authors take a multidisciplinary approach and employ both medical and psycho-social models of depression. The medical model is used to identify symptoms, make diagnoses and work towards optimal treatment. Psycho-social perspectives provide insight into the scale and complexity of the condition and point to its social causes.

Depressive Illness: The Curse Of The Strong

by Tim Cantopher

This book has helped many thousands of those who have depression. This new edition, written by a leading consultant psychiatrist, explains that depression tests the strongest of us. Dr Cantopher guides the reader through the nature of depression, its history, symptoms, causes and treatments. He covers the latest information on medications, new guidelines as to the management of depression, and stresses that no one should be to blame for succumbing to depression.

Depressive Illness: The Curse Of The Strong

by Tim Cantopher

'People affected by depression tell me this is the most powerful and helpful book ever written on the topic. I keep meeting people who say this book changed their lives.' - Jeremy Vine, BBC Radio 2Do you have depression?Firstly, stop blaming yourself.Secondly, don't struggle on alone - read this book instead. It has helped thousands of people just like you.Dr Tim Cantopher knows two essential truths about depression and depressive illness. One: it's strong people who are most vulnerable to it; people whose standards are high, whose ethics are powerful, who want their lives to be meaningful. Strong people, like you.Two: depression is a physical illness, and this book explains just that. Depressive Illness will explain all the above in detail, and more importantly, give you effective ways to get well and stay well. It covers symptoms, what to do when you get ill, medication, recovery, lifestyle changes, psychotherapy and problem-solving skills, including mindfulness. Most of all, take heart - people recover from depressive illness and remain mentally well, and you can, too.

Der Energy Bus: Ihr Wegweiser für die Praxis

by Jon Gordon Amy Kelly Beate Darius

In seinem internationalen Mega-Bestseller "Der Energy Bus" führte Jon Gordon Leser weltweit in die Welt der positiven Energie ein, um Individuen, Teams, ja sogar ganzen Organisationen zu helfen, Negativität zu überwinden, das Beste aus sich selbst und anderen herauszuholen sowie positive, geeinte und erfolgreiche Teams aufzubauen. In dem jetzt vorliegenden Begleiter zu seinem modernen Klassiker liefert er seinen Lesern eine Sammlung erprobter Tools und einen Fahrplan, wie sie ihr Leben, ihre Arbeit und ihr Team auf ein höheres Level bringen können. Die Ideen vom "Energy Bus" werden im "Energy Bus - Ihr Wegweiser für die Praxis" weiterentwickelt. Hier erfahren Sie nun, wie die 10 Prinzipien in der Praxis umgesetzt werden. Sie lernen: - wie Sie Negativität transformieren und positive Energie kultivieren können - bei sich selbst und in Ihrer Organisation. - wie Sie durch die Verzweigungen und Windungen navigieren, die Ihren Erfolg sabotieren. - wie Sie das Beste in sich und anderen hervorbringen und produktiver und erfüllter werden. - wie Sie eine überzeugende Vision für Ihr Leben und Team entwickeln. - wie Sie mit größerer Konzentration, Optimismus, Leidenschaft und Sinn leben und arbeiten. Vollgepackt mit Werkzeugen, zum Nachdenken anregenden Fragen, Case Studies und Best Practices ist "Der Energy Bus - Ihr Wegweiser für die Praxis" Ihr Schlüssel, um die Macht von positiver Energie für mehr Leistung und Erfüllung bei der Arbeit und im privaten Leben zu aktivieren.

Der Wau-Effekt: Mit tierischer Unterstützung zu mehr innerer Stärke und Gelassenheit

by Michaela Knabe

Was machen die Menschen anders, die trotz Misserfolgen, Krisen und stürmischer Phasen den Kopf nicht in den Sand stecken? Die ihre täglichen Herausforderungen souverän und gelassen meistern, sich schnell von Rückschlägen erholen und sogar gestärkt daraus hervorgehen? Sie verfügen über die sogenannte Resilienz, die psychische Widerstandskraft. Diese innere Stärke sorgt dafür, dass Menschen trotz hoher Anforderungen leistungsstark und handlungsfähig bleiben - auch in stürmischen Zeiten. Das Buch von Michaela Knabe erläutert, wie die Arbeit mit dem "Co-Trainer" Hund dazu beitragen kann, diese innere Stärke zu entwickeln. Hunde sind von Natur aus resilient und daher die perfekten Lehrmeister für persönliches Wachstum. Am Beispiel von 10 Faktoren wird jeweils aus menschlicher und Hund-Perspektive beschrieben, welche Bedeutung diese Kompetenzen für die persönliche Resilienz haben. Lassen Sie sich mitreißen vom "Wau-Effekt" des Buches und lernen Sie von unserem Partner mit der kalten Schnauze.

Design for Wellbeing: An Applied Approach (Design for Social Responsibility)

by Ann Petermans Rebecca Cain

Design for Wellbeing charts the development and application of design research to improve the personal and societal wellbeing and happiness of people. It draws together contributions from internationally leading academics and designers to demonstrate the latest thinking and research on the design of products, technologies, environments, services and experiences for wellbeing. Part I starts by conceptualising wellbeing and takes an in-depth look at the rise of the design for wellbeing movement. Part II then goes on to demonstrate design for wellbeing in practice through a broad range of domains from products and environments to services. Among others, we see emerging trends in the design of interiors and urban spaces to support wellbeing, designing to enable and support connectedness and social interaction, and designing for behaviour change to tackle unhealthy eating behaviour in children. Significantly, the body of work on subjective wellbeing, design for happiness, is increasing, and several case studies are provided on this, demonstrating how design can contribute to support the wellbeing of people. Part III provides practical guidance for designing for wellbeing through a range of examples of tools, methods and approaches, which are highly user-centric, participatory, critical and speculative. Finally, the book concludes in Part IV with a look at future challenges for design for wellbeing. This book provides students, researchers and practitioners with a detailed assessment of design for wellbeing, taking a distinctive global approach to design practice and theory in context. Design for Wellbeing concerns designers and organisations but also defines its broader contribution to society, culture and economy.

Design for Wellbeing: An Applied Approach (Design for Social Responsibility)

by Ann Petermans Rebecca Cain

Design for Wellbeing charts the development and application of design research to improve the personal and societal wellbeing and happiness of people. It draws together contributions from internationally leading academics and designers to demonstrate the latest thinking and research on the design of products, technologies, environments, services and experiences for wellbeing. Part I starts by conceptualising wellbeing and takes an in-depth look at the rise of the design for wellbeing movement. Part II then goes on to demonstrate design for wellbeing in practice through a broad range of domains from products and environments to services. Among others, we see emerging trends in the design of interiors and urban spaces to support wellbeing, designing to enable and support connectedness and social interaction, and designing for behaviour change to tackle unhealthy eating behaviour in children. Significantly, the body of work on subjective wellbeing, design for happiness, is increasing, and several case studies are provided on this, demonstrating how design can contribute to support the wellbeing of people. Part III provides practical guidance for designing for wellbeing through a range of examples of tools, methods and approaches, which are highly user-centric, participatory, critical and speculative. Finally, the book concludes in Part IV with a look at future challenges for design for wellbeing. This book provides students, researchers and practitioners with a detailed assessment of design for wellbeing, taking a distinctive global approach to design practice and theory in context. Design for Wellbeing concerns designers and organisations but also defines its broader contribution to society, culture and economy.

Design the Long Life You Love: A Step-by-Step Guide to Love, Purpose, Well-Being, and Friendship

by Ayse Birsel

Design a long life full of love, purpose, well-being, and friendship, at any age, using the creative tools of award-winning product designer, author, and world's #1 life coach Ayse Birsel.What does it mean to craft the life you want, as you grow older? For industrial designer and author Ayse Birsel, the answer draws on key principles of design—like optimism, empathy, collaboration, open-mindedness, and holistic thinking—as well as the experiences of older people on the pioneering frontiers of long life. Longer life is a thrilling, modern opportunity, and like so many parts of life it needs to be thoughtfully designed. Thinking about a long life is very exciting indeed. It&’s also a new phenomenon. Fifty years ago, living into one&’s seventies was considered the mark of a long life. Today, seventy feels young, eighty feels normal, and ninety is within reach. Birsel believes this new horizon of life is as important and exciting as the invention of moving pictures. Or that of automobiles, or even space travel. Her point is, when a change this big happens, innovation follows.This book is for everyone who is interested in defining their long life, using design thinking tools. It&’s an interactive book with exercises that will help you think creatively by asking you to visualize your life. It is full of insights learned from wise people who have lived the longest. It is organized into the four themes of Love, Purpose, Well-Being, and Friendship, and contains insights that will help you love better, find purpose, practice well-being, and make friends. Drawing on Birsel&’s year-long codesign research with older people, Design the Long Life You Love offers readers of all ages—from those in their twenties and thirties just starting out, to those in mid-life looking for a change, to those in later life who are the experts for us all—thought-provoking questions, exercises for self-exploration, and interviews with innovative entrepreneurs and thought-leaders to guide them on their own journeys of crafting the next phase of life. Focusing on four keys areas—Love, Purpose, Well-Being, and Friendship—this book pairs life lessons from people who've lived the longest with design tools to help you plan your own long life, whether you're looking ahead to retirement, a home post-children, or starting a new project that makes you come alive.Playfulness is key to creating a long life, and readers will find that reflected in this joy-filled book. Whimsical, two-color drawings, illustrated interviews with thought-leaders, and interactive exercises will put you in the mindset of a designer as you foster creativity and explore what your own long life can look like. When it comes to our lives, we are our own innovators—so let's begin to learn how to do just that.Welcome to Design the Long Life You Love!

Designed for More: Unleashing Christ's Vision for Unity in a Deeply Divided World

by Lucas Ramirez

Designed for More calls every Christian to consider how, through collective movement, they can bring about Christ's daring vision for unity in the Church to impact the world like never before.Our world is divided and fragmented.Even among followers of Christ, God's great story of reconciliation has been crippled because the messengers of that story are unreconciled.But God designed us for so much more. Thankfully, He has hidden incredible lessons in nature to help solve complex human problems.Designed for More draws groundbreaking implications for how to achieve unity and collective movement through new research on a jaw-dropping phenomenon of flocking starlings known as a murmuration. This marvel is one of nature's most spectacular sights: Imagine hundreds of thousands of birds in motion, caressing the sky like a brush on canvas. It is a beautiful madness that is completely ordered.Join authors Lucas Ramirez and Mike DeVito as they unveil the power of the murmuration principles in order to inspire unity in individuals and the Church as a whole.Birds first taught us to fly, and now they will teach us to unify!

Designing Your Life: Build a Life that Works for You

by Bill Burnett Dave Evans

A well-designed life means a life well-lived. Whether you’re 20, 40, 60 or older, many of us are still looking for an answer to that perennial question, ‘What do I want to be when I grow up?’The phenomenally successful Life Design course, devised by Silicon Valley design innovators Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, has been tried and tested by thousands of people, from students to mid-career professionals to retirees contemplating a whole new future. Now in book form for the first time, their simple method will teach you how to use basic design tools to create a life that will work for you. Using lots of real-life stories and proven techniques like reframing, prototyping and mind-mapping you will learn how to build your way forwards, step-by-positive-step, to a life that’s better by a design of your own making.

Designing Your New Work Life: The #1 New York Times bestseller for building the perfect career

by Bill Burnett

We will spend up to 120,000 hours at work in our lifetimes.But how do we best use those hours? And how do we adapt to today's working world?'Life has questions. They have answers' New York Times_____________________________________From the #1 New York Times bestselling authors of Designing Your LifeWith this innovative and deeply empowering book, all of us can find answers to these challenging questions. It offers a fresh understanding of the politics and psychology of work and, by sharing the 'design thinking' principles that have been fuelling the growth of Silicon Valley, helps us to build a working life that is rewarding and meaningful.Designing Your New Work Life features updated creative tools to:Redesign your current jobOptimise your hybrid work and workspaceUp your communication gameAdapt to any disruptionLaunch your next career chapter

Designing Your Work Life: How to Thrive and Change and Find Happiness at Work

by Dave Evans Bill Burnett

‘Life has questions. They have answers’ New York TimesWe will spend up to 120,000 hours at work in our lifetimes. But how best to use those hours is one of our most challenging questions.We all want to find meaning at work, but our managers can’t get it for us. And as companies work to be more nimble and shift according to changing markets, the workplace is increasingly unpredictable. It’s up to each of us to define and find our own happiness in this ever-moving landscape, which is rich with opportunity and possibility. Designing Your Work Life helps you understand the politics and psychology of work and equips you with the ‘design thinking’ principles – the innovative methodology pioneered at Stanford that has been fuelling the growth of Silicon Valley – to build a working life that works for you. Designers don't analyse, worry, think, complain their way forward; they build their way forward. Perfect for anyone hoping to improve their current job, aiming for a promotion or even switching career paths, as well as recent graduates thinking about their future, Designing Your Work Life is a deeply empowering read. Part business book, part inspirational and innovative self-help, this book will help you answer one of life’s most challenging questions.

Despierte con esperanza: Devocional

by Joel Osteen Victoria Osteen

Start each day with a smile using the faith-filled Scripture, prayers, and readings in this uplifting devotional from Lakewood Church's Joel and Victoria Osteen.How you start the day often determines what kind of day you're going to have. When you wake up in the morning, it's easy to lie in bed thinking negative thoughts. You don't realize it, but that's setting the tone for a lousy day.In this devotional, Joel and Victoria Osteen offer an inspiring tool to help you set your mind for a positive, happy, faith-filled day. You will read Scripture, reflect on a daily reading, pray a special prayer, and meditate on a thought for the day -- all with a goal to starting the day off grateful, thinking about God's goodness, expecting His favor, and setting the tone for a blessed, productive day. Just a few minutes each morning can make a big difference. When you wake up to hope, you'll not only have a better attitude but you'll see more of God's blessings and favor.

Destination Fabulous: Finding your way to the best you yet

by Anna Murphy

'Full of uplifting advice, practical wisdom and kind intelligence: I certainly felt more fabulous after reading it.' Elizabeth Day'A witty, warm, wise and illuminating guide to how to be your best self, inside and out. Deliciously upbeat and brimful of positivity, it's a perfect roadmap for the years ahead. I loved it.' Mariella Frostrup'Finally a book that challenges our tedious fixation with youth and turns the old rules about ageing upside down and inside out. With practical advice and spiritual insights, Destination Fabulous offers the kind of life-affirming guidance for womanhood I only wish I had known when I was 20.' Chioma Nnadi,'Anna Murphy joyfully reframes the gift of growing up, and older.' Kenya Hunt'A joyous celebration of the pleasures of growing older, and an empowering manifesto for changing our attitudes to age.' Justine Picardie 'Perhaps the most important thing I have learned when it comes to appearance is that looking your best self is, more than anything, about what is going on inside. The more fully realised you are, the more you find your purpose, the more that will shine out of you and the better you will look.'Anna MurphyFrom the Fashion Director of The Times comes a wise, inspiring and invigorating guide to making the most of life as a grown-up woman - from the practical (how to dress your best) to the existential (how to feel your best).At 50, Anna Murphy feels more visible than at any point in her life to date. Her new book, Destination Fabulous, is the toolkit you need to embrace your age and celebrate the wisdom and inner beauty that comes with it.It's not about impossible goals. It's not about running a marathon (unless you want it to be). It's not about denying the ageing process, nor attempting to erase its signs. It's not about letting everything go, either. It's about balance. It's about the possible and the present. And it's about the future you want. How do you lift and smooth your face naturally? Should you go grey, and, if so, how? How do you deal with menopause? Anna combines her knowledge from years of writing about fashion and beauty with her openness to the alternative ways of thinking found in disciplines such as yoga and Chinese medicine. For her natural is always best.As for fashion, Anna knows better than anyone that this can be the ultimate route into surfacing the true you. She shares all her tricks for finding your way to a wardrobe that will transform not just the way you look but the way you feel. And she shares the highlights of her conversations over the years with super-stylish agers such as Iris Apfel and Miuccia Prada. How have they got it right?Drawing on the wisdom of writers as diverse as Pema Chödrön and Eckhart Tolle, Dorothy Rowe and Osho, Nora Ephron and Mary Oliver, she writes about saying goodbye to what doesn't serve you and welcoming what does; about forging relationships that work for you as well as others; and about finding your purpose, whether in your personal or professional life. Discover how the bumps on her road have helped her find her way to her true path. Her hope is that this book will help you to find yours, too.

Destination Simple: Everyday Rituals for a Slower Life

by Brooke McAlary

How to harness the power of daily rituals to create a calmer, happier life. We live life in the fast lane. We are over-worked, over-connected and over-stressed, and we compete over how busy and important and sleep-deprived we are. But we don't have to.Brooke McAlary knows first-hand the power of simplifying and living with less. After being diagnosed with postnatal depression, she embraced a more intentional life. Then, when the Covid-19 pandemic hit, she had to review her everyday routines – and expectations. She looked for ways to adapt them to fit a life in lockdown, all the while protecting and prioritising her health, energy and passion.In this fully revised edition of Destination Simple, with an entirely new introduction and updates throughout in light of the pandemic, Brooke shows us how to harness the power of daily rituals to change the flow of our busy lives and create lasting, postive change.

Destino: Láncese hacia su propósito

by T. D. Jakes

Remember feeling a pull, sensing a divine guide that was leading you to the right place or person? DESTINY, that inner compass, directs you to fulfillment of your highest purpose. When you reflect on your life, you may be amazed that your greatest moments resulted from circumstances that you did not control or initiate. You were destined!Stepping into your destiny means fulfilling the role you were created to play in life. You thrive and find the great elixir of contentment when you have the courage to pursue your true purpose.Life offers more when destiny is our focus! Our divine purpose maneuvers us past challenges, pains, and shortcuts and even what appears on the surface to be failure. On deeper reflection, we understand them as catalysts that shift us toward authentic self-identity, greater exposure, and bold life adventures. Whether you are just starting out, starting over, or wondering if there is greater success than what you've already accomplished, now is the time to reset your inner compass. Clear your path of distractions and disruptions. Correct places where you have veered off course. Get unstuck. Embrace your God-given purpose and, with this revelatory guide from T.D. Jakes, dare to pursue the unseen order in your life circumstances that is your DESTINY.Discover the divine purpose of your dreams with this insightful guide from Bishop T. D. Jakes -- and learn how Biblical principles will propel your life to the next level.Have you ever sensed the pull of a divine guide that was leading you to the right place or person? Destiny, that inner compass, directs you to fulfillment of your highest purpose. When you reflect on your life, you may be amazed that you didn't control or initiate your greatest moments -- you were destined!Stepping into your destiny means fulfilling the role you were created to play in life. You will thrive and find contentment when you have the courage to pursue your true purpose.Life offers more when destiny is our focus! Our divine purpose maneuvers us past challenges, pains, and shortcuts. On deeper reflection, we understand our trials and failures as valuable lessons, the catalysts that shift us toward authentic self-identity, greater exposure, and bold life adventures.Whether you are starting out, starting over, or dreaming of greater success, now is the time to reset your inner compass, clear your path of distractions and disruptions, and correct places where you have veered off course. Get unstuck. Embrace your God-given purpose and, with this revelatory guide from T.D. Jakes, dare to pursue the unseen order in your life circumstances and fulfill your Destiny.

Destiny: Step into Your Purpose

by T. D. Jakes

Discover the divine purpose of your dreams with this insightful guide from Bishop T. D. Jakes -- and learn how Biblical principles will propel your life to the next level.Have you ever sensed the pull of a divine guide that was leading you to the right place or person? Destiny, that inner compass, directs you to fulfillment of your highest purpose. When you reflect on your life, you may be amazed that you didn't control or initiate your greatest moments -- you were destined!Stepping into your destiny means fulfilling the role you were created to play in life. You will thrive and find contentment when you have the courage to pursue your true purpose.Life offers more when destiny is our focus! Our divine purpose maneuvers us past challenges, pains, and shortcuts. On deeper reflection, we understand our trials and failures as valuable lessons, the catalysts that shift us toward authentic self-identity, greater exposure, and bold life adventures.Whether you are starting out, starting over, or dreaming of greater success, now is the time to reset your inner compass, clear your path of distractions and disruptions, and correct places where you have veered off course. Get unstuck. Embrace your God-given purpose and, with this revelatory guide from T.D. Jakes, dare to pursue the unseen order in your life circumstances and fulfill your Destiny.

Destiny Daily Readings: Inspirations for Your Life's Journey

by T. D. Jakes

Break distracting habits and realize your destiny with this portable volume of uplifting daily affirmations and devotionals from #1 New York Times bestselling author T.D. Jakes.In this eye-opening book, Bishop T.D. Jakes shares short, powerful messages that will inspire you to discover and enjoy God's design for your life every day. His message will inspire you to pay close attention to the structure of your life -- and to achieve your highest God-given aspirations.Destiny Daily Readings will help you maintain a biblical sense of focus and show you how destiny guides us all through life's many ups and downs. This valuable devotional will help you learn to play the lead role in your own life and stay determined, one day at a time.

Destiny Daily Readings: Inspirations for Your Life's Journey

by T. D. Jakes

Break distracting habits and realize your destiny with this portable volume of uplifting daily affirmations and devotionals from #1 New York Times bestselling author T.D. Jakes.In this eye-opening book, Bishop T.D. Jakes shares short, powerful messages that will inspire you to discover and enjoy God's design for your life every day. His message will inspire you to pay close attention to the structure of your life -- and to achieve your highest God-given aspirations.Destiny Daily Readings will help you maintain a biblical sense of focus and show you how destiny guides us all through life's many ups and downs. This valuable devotional will help you learn to play the lead role in your own life and stay determined, one day at a time.

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