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Doing Grounded Theory (Qualitative Research Kit #9)

by Dr Uwe Flick

This short, easy to read introduction to grounded theory will help you to employ the method in your research project. Uwe Flick discusses each stage of the process of doing grounded theory research, including formulating a research question through analysis of data, theoretical sampling, sorting and saturation, data collection, coding and forming theories from data.

Doing Grounded Theory (Qualitative Research Kit #9)

by Dr Uwe Flick

This short, easy to read introduction to grounded theory will help you to employ the method in your research project. Uwe Flick discusses each stage of the process of doing grounded theory research, including formulating a research question through analysis of data, theoretical sampling, sorting and saturation, data collection, coding and forming theories from data.

Doing Harder Time?: The Experiences of an Ageing Male Prison Population in England and Wales

by Natalie Mann

In his seminal text Society of Captives, Gresham Sykes discusses the general pains of imprisonment to which all prisoners are subjected: the deprivation of liberty, the deprivation of heterosexual relationships, and the deprivation of autonomy. Sykes recognised that different prisoners experience these pains differently, and as a result, are affected to a greater or lesser degree by their time inside. In this groundbreaking book, Natalie Mann investigates the idea that apart from the general pains of imprisonment discussed by Sykes, certain characteristics which certain prisoners hold makes them more likely to suffer from what she terms term 'added pains', i.e. the extra difficulties, deprivations and frustrations which exist within certain subsections of the prison population. The ageing prison population is a key example of a group who experience added pains of imprisonment. Their weaker appearance, their old-fashioned views and their less able bodies are all factors which result in them experiencing extra problems within prison. It is these added pains and the ageing men's experiences of them, which this book addresses. Framed within the theoretical perspective of structuration theory, but also drawing on aspects of Goffman's interactionism and Bourdieu's concept of habitus, this book offers a unique interpretation of research carried out with ageing prisoners and their prison officers and shows the reality of prison for those who are reaching the end of their life course.

Doing Harder Time?: The Experiences of an Ageing Male Prison Population in England and Wales

by Natalie Mann

In his seminal text Society of Captives, Gresham Sykes discusses the general pains of imprisonment to which all prisoners are subjected: the deprivation of liberty, the deprivation of heterosexual relationships, and the deprivation of autonomy. Sykes recognised that different prisoners experience these pains differently, and as a result, are affected to a greater or lesser degree by their time inside. In this groundbreaking book, Natalie Mann investigates the idea that apart from the general pains of imprisonment discussed by Sykes, certain characteristics which certain prisoners hold makes them more likely to suffer from what she terms term 'added pains', i.e. the extra difficulties, deprivations and frustrations which exist within certain subsections of the prison population. The ageing prison population is a key example of a group who experience added pains of imprisonment. Their weaker appearance, their old-fashioned views and their less able bodies are all factors which result in them experiencing extra problems within prison. It is these added pains and the ageing men's experiences of them, which this book addresses. Framed within the theoretical perspective of structuration theory, but also drawing on aspects of Goffman's interactionism and Bourdieu's concept of habitus, this book offers a unique interpretation of research carried out with ageing prisoners and their prison officers and shows the reality of prison for those who are reaching the end of their life course.

Doing Hermeneutic Phenomenological Research: A Practical Guide

by Lesley Dibley Suzanne Dickerson Mel Duffy Roxanne Vandermause

This practical guide offers an approachable introduction to doing hermeneutic phenomenological research across the health and social sciences. Grounded in real world research, it integrates philosophy, methodology and method in accessible ways, helping you realize the potential of using phenomenology to guide research. The book maps the complete research process and shows how to apply key philosophical tenets to your project, demonstrating the close relationship between philosophy and research practice. It: Shows step-by-step how to translate philosophy into research methodology and turn methodology into robust research design Focuses on applied practice, illustrating theoretical discussions with examples and case studies Promotes advanced thinking about hermeneutic phenomenology in an easy to understand way Highlights the need for researchers to engage reflexively with the whole research process.

Doing Hermeneutic Phenomenological Research: A Practical Guide

by Lesley Dibley Suzanne Dickerson Mel Duffy Roxanne Vandermause

This practical guide offers an approachable introduction to doing hermeneutic phenomenological research across the health and social sciences. Grounded in real world research, it integrates philosophy, methodology and method in accessible ways, helping you realize the potential of using phenomenology to guide research. The book maps the complete research process and shows how to apply key philosophical tenets to your project, demonstrating the close relationship between philosophy and research practice. It: Shows step-by-step how to translate philosophy into research methodology and turn methodology into robust research design Focuses on applied practice, illustrating theoretical discussions with examples and case studies Promotes advanced thinking about hermeneutic phenomenology in an easy to understand way Highlights the need for researchers to engage reflexively with the whole research process.

Doing Hermeneutic Phenomenological Research: A Practical Guide

by Lesley Dibley Suzanne Dickerson Mel Duffy Roxanne Vandermause

This practical guide offers an approachable introduction to doing hermeneutic phenomenological research across the health and social sciences. Grounded in real world research, it integrates philosophy, methodology and method in accessible ways, helping you realize the potential of using phenomenology to guide research. The book maps the complete research process and shows how to apply key philosophical tenets to your project, demonstrating the close relationship between philosophy and research practice. It: Shows step-by-step how to translate philosophy into research methodology and turn methodology into robust research design Focuses on applied practice, illustrating theoretical discussions with examples and case studies Promotes advanced thinking about hermeneutic phenomenology in an easy to understand way Highlights the need for researchers to engage reflexively with the whole research process.

Doing History: Investigating with Children in Elementary and Middle Schools

by Keith C. Barton Linda S. Levstik

Now in its fifth edition, Doing History offers a unique perspective on teaching and learning history in the elementary and middle grades. Through case studies of teachers and students in diverse classrooms and from diverse backgrounds, it shows children engaging in authentic historical investigations, often in the context of an integrated social studies curriculum. The premise is that children can engage in valid forms of historical inquiry—collecting and analyzing data, examining the perspectives of people in the past, considering multiple interpretations, and creating evidence-based historical accounts. Grounded in contemporary sociocultural theory and research, the text features vignettes in each chapter showing communities of teachers and students doing history in environments rich in literature, art, writing, discussion, and debate. The authors explain how the teaching demonstrated in the vignettes reflects basic principles of contemporary learning theory. Doing History emphasizes diversity of perspectives in two ways: readers encounter students from a variety of backgrounds, and students themselves look at history from multiple perspectives. It provides clear guidance in using multiple forms of assessment to evaluate the specifically historical aspects of children’s learning.

Doing History: Investigating with Children in Elementary and Middle Schools

by Keith C. Barton Linda S. Levstik

Now in its fifth edition, Doing History offers a unique perspective on teaching and learning history in the elementary and middle grades. Through case studies of teachers and students in diverse classrooms and from diverse backgrounds, it shows children engaging in authentic historical investigations, often in the context of an integrated social studies curriculum. The premise is that children can engage in valid forms of historical inquiry—collecting and analyzing data, examining the perspectives of people in the past, considering multiple interpretations, and creating evidence-based historical accounts. Grounded in contemporary sociocultural theory and research, the text features vignettes in each chapter showing communities of teachers and students doing history in environments rich in literature, art, writing, discussion, and debate. The authors explain how the teaching demonstrated in the vignettes reflects basic principles of contemporary learning theory. Doing History emphasizes diversity of perspectives in two ways: readers encounter students from a variety of backgrounds, and students themselves look at history from multiple perspectives. It provides clear guidance in using multiple forms of assessment to evaluate the specifically historical aspects of children’s learning.

Doing History: Investigating with Children in Elementary and Middle Schools

by Linda S. Levstik Keith C. Barton

Now in its sixth edition, Doing History offers a unique perspective on teaching and learning history in the elementary and middle grades. Through case studies of teachers and students in diverse classrooms and from diverse backgrounds, it shows children engaging in authentic historical investigations, often in the context of an integrated social studies curriculum. The book is grounded in the view that children can engage in valid forms of historical inquiry—asking questions, collecting and analyzing evidence, examining the varied perspectives and experiences of people in the past, and creating evidence-based historical accounts and interpretations. Grounded in contemporary sociocultural theory and research, the text features vignettes in each chapter showing communities of teachers and students doing history in environments rich in literature, art, writing, and discussion. The authors explain how these classrooms reflect contemporary principles of teaching and learning, and thus, the descriptions not only provide specific examples of successful activities but also place them in a context that allows teachers to adapt and apply them in a wide range of settings. Doing History emphasizes diversity in two ways: Readers encounter students from a variety of backgrounds and see how their diverse experiences can form the foundation for learning, and they also see examples of how teachers can engage students with diverse experiences and perspectives in the past, including those that led to conflict and oppression. The book also discusses principles for working with English learners and newcomers, and it provides guidance in using multiple forms of assessment to evaluate the specifically historical aspects of children’s learning. Updates to this edition include updated historical and instructional examples to ensure currency, new suggestions for children’s literature to support good teaching, expanded attention to teaching about oppressed groups in history, and greater attention to when historical perspective taking is and is not appropriate.

Doing History: Investigating with Children in Elementary and Middle Schools

by Linda S. Levstik Keith C. Barton

Now in its sixth edition, Doing History offers a unique perspective on teaching and learning history in the elementary and middle grades. Through case studies of teachers and students in diverse classrooms and from diverse backgrounds, it shows children engaging in authentic historical investigations, often in the context of an integrated social studies curriculum. The book is grounded in the view that children can engage in valid forms of historical inquiry—asking questions, collecting and analyzing evidence, examining the varied perspectives and experiences of people in the past, and creating evidence-based historical accounts and interpretations. Grounded in contemporary sociocultural theory and research, the text features vignettes in each chapter showing communities of teachers and students doing history in environments rich in literature, art, writing, and discussion. The authors explain how these classrooms reflect contemporary principles of teaching and learning, and thus, the descriptions not only provide specific examples of successful activities but also place them in a context that allows teachers to adapt and apply them in a wide range of settings. Doing History emphasizes diversity in two ways: Readers encounter students from a variety of backgrounds and see how their diverse experiences can form the foundation for learning, and they also see examples of how teachers can engage students with diverse experiences and perspectives in the past, including those that led to conflict and oppression. The book also discusses principles for working with English learners and newcomers, and it provides guidance in using multiple forms of assessment to evaluate the specifically historical aspects of children’s learning. Updates to this edition include updated historical and instructional examples to ensure currency, new suggestions for children’s literature to support good teaching, expanded attention to teaching about oppressed groups in history, and greater attention to when historical perspective taking is and is not appropriate.

Doing Human Service Ethnography

by Katarina Jacobsson Jaber Gubrium

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Human service work is performed in many places – hospitals, shelters, households, prisons, schools, clinics – and is characterised by a complex mixture of organising principles, relations and rules. Using ethnographic methods, researchers can investigate these site-specific complexities, providing multi-dimensional and compelling analyses. Bringing together both theoretical and practical material, this book shows researchers how ethnography can be carried out within human service settings. It provides an invaluable guide on how to apply ethnographic creativeness and offers a more humanistic and context-sensitive approach in the field of health and social care to generating valid knowledge about today’s service work.

Doing Human Service Ethnography

by Katarina Jacobsson and Jaber F. Gubrium

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Human service work is performed in many places – hospitals, shelters, households, prisons, schools, clinics – and is characterised by a complex mixture of organising principles, relations and rules. Using ethnographic methods, researchers can investigate these site-specific complexities, providing multi-dimensional and compelling analyses. Bringing together both theoretical and practical material, this book shows researchers how ethnography can be carried out within human service settings. It provides an invaluable guide on how to apply ethnographic creativeness and offers a more humanistic and context-sensitive approach in the field of health and social care to generating valid knowledge about today’s service work.

Doing Indefinite Time: An Ethnography of Long-Term Imprisonment in Switzerland (Palgrave Studies in Prisons and Penology)

by Irene Marti

This open access book provides insights into the everyday lives of long-term prisoners in Switzerland who are labelled as ‘dangerous’ and are preventatively held in indefinite, probably lifelong, incarceration. It explores prisoners’ manifold ways of inhabiting the prison which can be used to challenge well established notions about the experience of imprisonment, such as ‘adaptation’, ‘coping’, and ‘resistance’. Drawing on ethnographic data generated in two high-security prisons housing male offenders, this book explores how the various spaces of the prison affect prisoners’ sense of self and experience of time, and how, in particular, the indeterminate nature of their imprisonment affects their perceptions of place and space.It sheds light on prisoners’ subjective, emplaced and embodied perceptions of the prisons' various everyday time-spaces in the cell, at work, and during leisure time, and the forms of agency they express. It provides insight into prisoners’ everyday habits, practices, routines, and rhythms as well as the profoundly existential issues that are engendered, (re)arranged, and anchored in these everyday contexts. It also offers insights into the penal policies, norms, and practices developed and followed by prison authorities and staff.

‚Doing Inequality‘: Prozesse sozialer Ungleichheit im Blick qualitativer Sozialforschung (Sozialstrukturanalyse)

by Laura Behrmann Falk Eckert Andreas Gefken Peter A. Berger

Die Beiträge des Bandes zeigen und diskutieren das Potenzial einer mikrosoziologischen, prozessorientierten – qualitativen – Ungleichheitsforschung. Sie spüren Praktiken sozialer Besser- und Schlechterstellung in den Bereichen Bildung, Arbeit, soziale Beziehungen und Migration auf. Mit der interpretativen, handlungstheoretischen oder praxissoziologischen Perspektive machen sie das „Doing Inequality“, die Gemachtheit und die Vollzugswirklichkeit sozialer Ungleichheit sowie die Rolle von Akteuren bei der Herstellung, der Reproduktion und dem Wandel von sozialen Ungleichheiten zentral. Soziale Ungleichheiten ergeben sich aus der regelmäßig ungleichen Verteilung „wertvoller Güter“ einer Gesellschaft. Doch wie werden diese zugeteilt, angeeignet oder vorenthalten?

Doing Innovation: Gestaltung von Innovationsarbeit in sich selbst antizipierender Gesellschaft

by Ronald Staples

Ronald Staples geht der Frage nach, wie eine Organisation heute entscheiden kann, was übermorgen als neu gegolten haben wird. In einer detaillierten Fallstudie rekonstruiert der Autor diese Frage als Übersetzungsprobleme. Innovationsverfahren werden als Übersetzungsleistungen verstanden, die sich aus widerstreitenden Anforderungen an die Gestaltung von Zukunft ergeben. Die Innovationssemantik zeigt sich als eine spezifische Semantik einer Gesellschaft, die ihre Zukunft gestalten muss, ohne wissen zu können, wie diese Zukunft aussehen wird.

Doing International Research: Global and Local Methods

by Christopher Williams

This energetic and thought-provoking book encourages a reflexive, non-nationalistic approach to doing world research and sets out how to understand, plan, do and use this research. Williams introduces a range of frameworks, from desk-based studies and traditional ethnography to the use of internet, satellites, robots, drones and ‘big data’, and provides exciting, interdisciplinary examples. This book is presented in a clear international style and uses creative approaches to researching peoples, places and world systems. It explains: desk-based research using international data including documentaries, museum objects, archives, data-sets and working with groups such as refugees, tourists and migrants distance research using online videos, surveys and remote methods such as video conferencing and crowdsourcing fieldwork abroad, including ethnography, street observation and mapping. The book is also accompanied by a website, with the following features: For Students Weblinks for each chapter Examples/summaries/templates related to text marked with Additional thinking zones An overview of data capture technologies For Lecturers Copies of all the figures and thinking zones for use in teaching material PowerPoint slides for each chapter Built upon the foundations of the author’s 30 years of research experience, and including original case studies from international students, this is an essential guide for anyone in the social sciences using or doing international and global research.

Doing International Research: Global and Local Methods

by Christopher Williams

This energetic and thought-provoking book encourages a reflexive, non-nationalistic approach to doing world research and sets out how to understand, plan, do and use this research. Williams introduces a range of frameworks, from desk-based studies and traditional ethnography to the use of internet, satellites, robots, drones and ‘big data’, and provides exciting, interdisciplinary examples. This book is presented in a clear international style and uses creative approaches to researching peoples, places and world systems. It explains: desk-based research using international data including documentaries, museum objects, archives, data-sets and working with groups such as refugees, tourists and migrants distance research using online videos, surveys and remote methods such as video conferencing and crowdsourcing fieldwork abroad, including ethnography, street observation and mapping. The book is also accompanied by a website, with the following features: For Students Weblinks for each chapter Examples/summaries/templates related to text marked with Additional thinking zones An overview of data capture technologies For Lecturers Copies of all the figures and thinking zones for use in teaching material PowerPoint slides for each chapter Built upon the foundations of the author’s 30 years of research experience, and including original case studies from international students, this is an essential guide for anyone in the social sciences using or doing international and global research.

Doing Interview Research: The Essential How To Guide

by Uwe Flick

If you want to use interview methods in your research project but are not sure where to start, this book will get you up and running. With hands-on advice for every stage of the social research process, it helps you succeed in every step, from understanding interview research through to designing and conducting your study and working with data. The book: Discusses eight methods of interviewing in-depth, including semi-structured interviews, narrative interviews, focus groups and online interviews. Features over 75 case studies of real interview research from across the globe, including Australia, Canada, Germany, Norway, the Philippines and South Africa. Spotlights strategies for conducting ethical, inclusive research, including indigenous research approaches. Packed not only with learning features - including learning objectives, checklists of questions to ask yourself at every stage of your project, practical exercises to help you put your learning into practice and further reading so you can broaden your knowledge - it is also supported by online resources such as annotated transcripts and videos of mock interviews to empower any social science student to use interview research methods with confidence.

Doing Interview Research: The Essential How To Guide

by Uwe Flick

If you want to use interview methods in your research project but are not sure where to start, this book will get you up and running. With hands-on advice for every stage of the social research process, it helps you succeed in every step, from understanding interview research through to designing and conducting your study and working with data. The book: Discusses eight methods of interviewing in-depth, including semi-structured interviews, narrative interviews, focus groups and online interviews. Features over 75 case studies of real interview research from across the globe, including Australia, Canada, Germany, Norway, the Philippines and South Africa. Spotlights strategies for conducting ethical, inclusive research, including indigenous research approaches. Packed not only with learning features - including learning objectives, checklists of questions to ask yourself at every stage of your project, practical exercises to help you put your learning into practice and further reading so you can broaden your knowledge - it is also supported by online resources such as annotated transcripts and videos of mock interviews to empower any social science student to use interview research methods with confidence.

Doing Interview Research: The Essential How To Guide

by Uwe Flick

If you want to use interview methods in your research project but are not sure where to start, this book will get you up and running. With hands-on advice for every stage of the social research process, it helps you succeed in every step, from understanding interview research through to designing and conducting your study and working with data. The book: Discusses eight methods of interviewing in-depth, including semi-structured interviews, narrative interviews, focus groups and online interviews. Features over 75 case studies of real interview research from across the globe, including Australia, Canada, Germany, Norway, the Philippines and South Africa. Spotlights strategies for conducting ethical, inclusive research, including indigenous research approaches. Packed not only with learning features - including learning objectives, checklists of questions to ask yourself at every stage of your project, practical exercises to help you put your learning into practice and further reading so you can broaden your knowledge - it is also supported by online resources such as annotated transcripts and videos of mock interviews to empower any social science student to use interview research methods with confidence.

Doing Interviews (Qualitative Research Kit #2)

by Svend Brinkmann Steinar Kvale

This is a concise introduction to the richness and scope of interviewing in social science research, teaching the craft of interview research with practical, hands-on guidance. Incorporating discussion of the wide variety of methods in interview-based research and the different approaches to reading the data, this book will help you to navigate the broad field of qualitative research with confidence and get out there and start collecting your data.

Doing Interviews

by Steinar Kvale

Interviewing is an invaluable tool for the qualitative researcher. Steinar Kvale provides coverage of both the theoretical background and the practical aspects of the interview process, incorporating discussion of the wide variety of methods in interview based research and the different approaches to reading the data. Consideration is also given to the crucial issue of how to ensure scientific rigour.

Doing Interviews

by Steinar Kvale

Interviewing is an invaluable tool for the qualitative researcher. Steinar Kvale provides coverage of both the theoretical background and the practical aspects of the interview process, incorporating discussion of the wide variety of methods in interview based research and the different approaches to reading the data. Consideration is also given to the crucial issue of how to ensure scientific rigour.

Doing Interviews (Qualitative Research Kit #2)

by Steinar Kvale Svend Brinkmann

This is a concise introduction to the richness and scope of interviewing in social science research, teaching the craft of interview research with practical, hands-on guidance. Incorporating discussion of the wide variety of methods in interview-based research and the different approaches to reading the data, this book will help you to navigate the broad field of qualitative research with confidence and get out there and start collecting your data.

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