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Showing 35,026 through 35,050 of 100,000 results

Dr. Charles David Spivak: A Jewish Immigrant and the American Tuberculosis Movement (Timberline Books)

by Jeanne Abrams

Part biography, part medical history, and part study of Jewish life in turn-of-the-century America, Jeanne Abrams's book tells the story of Dr. Charles David Spivak - a Jewish immigrant from Russia who became one of the leaders of the American Tuberculosis Movement. Born in Russia in 1861, Spivak immigrated to the United States in 1882 and received his medical degree from Philadelphia's Jefferson Medical College by 1890. In 1896, his wife's poor health brought them to Colorado. Determined to find a cure, Spivak became one of the most charismatic and well-known leaders in the American Tuberculosis Movement. His role as director of Denver's Jewish Consumptives' Relief Society sanatorium allowed his personal philosophies to strongly influence policies. His unique blend of Yiddishkeit, socialism, and secularism - along with his belief in treating the "whole" patient - became a model for integrating medical, social, and rehabilitation services that was copied across the country. Not only a national leader in the crusade against tuberculosis but also a luminary in the American Jewish community, Dr. Charles Spivak was a physician, humanitarian, writer, linguist, journalist, administrator, social worker, ethnic broker, and medical, public health, and social crusader. Abrams's biography will be a welcome addition to anyone interested in the history of medicine, Jewish life in America, or Colorado history.

Dr Johnson's London: Everyday Life In London 1749-1770 (Life of London)

by Liza Picard

'A Baedeker of the past, absorbing and revealing in equal measure' Peter Ackroyd'Brings the age's tortuous splendours and profound murkiness vividly to life' ObserverWhen Dr Johnson published his great Dictionary in 1755, London was the biggest city in Europe. The opulence of the rich and the comfort of the 'middling' sort contrasted sharply with the back-breaking labour and pitiful wages of the poor. Executions were rated one of the best amusements, but there was bullock-hunting and cock-fighting too. Crime, from pickpockets to highwaymen, was rife, prisons were poisonous and law-enforcement rudimentary.Dr Johnson's London is the result of the author's passionate interest in the practical details of the everyday life of our ancestors: the streets, houses and gardens; cooking, housework, laundry and shopping; clothes and cosmetics; medicine, sex, hobbies, education and etiquette. The book spans the years 1740 to 1770, starting when the gin craze was gaining ground and ending when the east coast of America was still British. While brilliantly recording the strangeness and individuality of the past, Dr Johnson's London continually reminds us of parallels with the present day.

Dr Johnson's Women

by Norma Clarke

Dr Johnson's friendships with the leading women writers of the day was an important feature of his life and theirs. He was willing to treat women as intellectual equals and to promote their careers: something ignored by his main biographer, James Boswell. Dr Johnson's Women investigates the lives and writings of six leading female authors Johnson knew well: Elizabeth Carter, Charlotte Lennox, Elizabeth Montagu, Hester Thrale, Hannah More and Fanny Burney. It explores their relationships with Johnson, with each other and with the world of letters. It shows what it was like to be a woman writer in the 'Age of Johnson'. It is often assumed that women writers in the eighteenth century suffered the same restrictions and obstacles that confronted their Victorian successors. Norma Clarke shows that this was by no means the case. Highlighting the opportunities available to women of talent in the eighteenth century, Dr Johnson's Women makes clear just how impressive and varied their achievements were.

Dr. med. Johann Georg Varrentrapp: Sozialmediziner und Pionier der öffentlichen Gesundheitspflege (Edition Centaurus – Neuere Medizin- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte)

by Katharina Sara Hammas

Katharina Sara Hammas zeigt in dieser Arbeit, dass der Frankfurter Mediziner Johann Georg Varrentrapp (1809-1866) neben seiner Funktion als Leiter des Hospitals zum heiligen Geist jahrzehntelang ein Pionier auf dem Gebiet der öffentlichen Gesundheitspflege war. Er engagierte sich für die Einführung des Einzelhaftsystems im Rahmen der Gefängnisreform und machte sich als Vorkämpfer in der Bauhygiene, Armenfürsorge sowie Städteentwässerung einen Namen. Insbesondere am Bau der Kanalisation in Frankfurt war er maßgeblich beteiligt.

Dr. Nurse: Science, Politics, and the Transformation of American Nursing

by Dominique A. Tobbell

An analysis of the efforts of American nurses to establish nursing as an academic discipline and nurses as valued researchers in the decades after World War II. Nurses represent the largest segment of the U.S. health care workforce and spend significantly more time with patients than any other member of the health care team. Dr. Nurse probes their history to examine major changes that have taken place in American health care in the second half of the twentieth century. The book reveals how federal and state health and higher education policies shaped education within health professions after World War II. Starting in the 1950s, academic nurses sought to construct a science of nursing—distinct from that of the related biomedical or behavioral sciences—that would provide the basis for nursing practice. Their efforts transformed nursing’s labor into a valuable site of knowledge production and proved how the application of their knowledge was integral to improving patient outcomes. Exploring the knowledge claims, strategies, and politics involved as academic nurses negotiated their roles and nursing’s future, Dr. Nurse highlights how state-supported health centers have profoundly shaped nursing education and health care delivery.

Dr. Nurse: Science, Politics, and the Transformation of American Nursing

by Dominique A. Tobbell

An analysis of the efforts of American nurses to establish nursing as an academic discipline and nurses as valued researchers in the decades after World War II. Nurses represent the largest segment of the U.S. health care workforce and spend significantly more time with patients than any other member of the health care team. Dr. Nurse probes their history to examine major changes that have taken place in American health care in the second half of the twentieth century. The book reveals how federal and state health and higher education policies shaped education within health professions after World War II. Starting in the 1950s, academic nurses sought to construct a science of nursing—distinct from that of the related biomedical or behavioral sciences—that would provide the basis for nursing practice. Their efforts transformed nursing’s labor into a valuable site of knowledge production and proved how the application of their knowledge was integral to improving patient outcomes. Exploring the knowledge claims, strategies, and politics involved as academic nurses negotiated their roles and nursing’s future, Dr. Nurse highlights how state-supported health centers have profoundly shaped nursing education and health care delivery.

Dr. Susan I. Moody's Travels to Iran, 1909-1934: Courageous Odyssey (Routledge Research in Gender and History)

by Hoda Mahmoudi

This volume examines the life of the remarkable woman, Susan Moody, and her travels to Iran in the early 20th century during seismic changes in the world.Dr. Susan I. Moody’s Travels to Iran 1909-1934: Courageous Odyssey captures a fleeting moment of arresting change and shimmering possibility. Exploring the fading values of the 19th century and the emergent understandings of the 20th century, the author shows how one individual navigated such challenging times. This book explores the Industrial Revolution, the rise of the women’s movement, advances in medicine and healthcare, and the start of a new religion – The Baha’i Faith – of which Moody became a devoted member. Susan Moody was a pathbreaking artist and educator who became a physician later in life. She made the bold decision to leave the United States and travel to Iran in 1909 to serve women who effectively had no access to medical care. In examining Dr. Susan Moody’s story, this volume seeks to reflect on our own changing moment and the ever-present possibilities of improvement and advancement. By tracing her own courageous odyssey, we are invited to more deeply understand our own.This book will be of value to students and scholars alike interested in Women’s and Gender history and Social and Cultural history.

Dr. Susan I. Moody's Travels to Iran, 1909-1934: Courageous Odyssey (Routledge Research in Gender and History)

by Hoda Mahmoudi

This volume examines the life of the remarkable woman, Susan Moody, and her travels to Iran in the early 20th century during seismic changes in the world.Dr. Susan I. Moody’s Travels to Iran 1909-1934: Courageous Odyssey captures a fleeting moment of arresting change and shimmering possibility. Exploring the fading values of the 19th century and the emergent understandings of the 20th century, the author shows how one individual navigated such challenging times. This book explores the Industrial Revolution, the rise of the women’s movement, advances in medicine and healthcare, and the start of a new religion – The Baha’i Faith – of which Moody became a devoted member. Susan Moody was a pathbreaking artist and educator who became a physician later in life. She made the bold decision to leave the United States and travel to Iran in 1909 to serve women who effectively had no access to medical care. In examining Dr. Susan Moody’s story, this volume seeks to reflect on our own changing moment and the ever-present possibilities of improvement and advancement. By tracing her own courageous odyssey, we are invited to more deeply understand our own.This book will be of value to students and scholars alike interested in Women’s and Gender history and Social and Cultural history.

Drachenflug: Wirtschaftsmacht China quo vadis?

by Helmut Becker Niels Straub

Der chinesische Drache erwacht: Zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts entwickelte sich China zur wichtigsten Wachstumsregion der Welt. Der Reformkurs der kommunistischen Führung - Ende der 1970er Jahre - leitete den unvergleichlichen Wirtschaftsboom ein. Die Autoren stellen die entscheidende Frage, ob der eingeschlagene Weg dauerhaft ist. Ermöglicht er eine langfristige Stabilität unter der Allmachtstellung der kommunistischen Partei? Für die überzeugende Antwort blicken sie auf die über 4000-jährige Geschichte Chinas. Lässt sich der gegenwärtige Wiederaufstieg mit der gesellschaftlichen Ordnungstradition, Mentalität und Kultur vereinbaren?

Drachenzucht für Einsteiger: Ein "gefährlicher" Zeitvertreib für Hobby-Genetiker

by Paul Knoepfler Julie Knoepfler

Kann man einen Drachen züchten? Kann er dann Feuer spucken und fliegen? Können wir ihm eine eindrucksvolle Größe verleihen? Wie schlau sollen wir unseren Drachen machen, und können wir ihn trainieren? Wie wahrscheinlich ist es, dass wir bei unserem Versuch, einen Drachen zu bauen, umkommen? Und geht das auch mit Einhörnern?Die Welt begeistert sich seit Jahrhunderten für Drachen und sie haben noch immer einen festen Platz in der Popkultur wie Smaug in „Der kleine Hobbit“ und die Drachen in „Game of Thrones“. Die Leute lieben Drachen und sind neugierig zu erfahren, ob man tatsächlich einen Drachen erschaffen kann. In diesem ungewöhnlichen Buch geht es darum, wie wir mit den allerneuesten wissenschaftlichen Techniken theoretisch einen Drachen erschaffen könnten. Dabei behandeln wir modernste wissenschaftliche Themen wie CRISPR, Biohacking, Stammzellenforschung und Bioengineering. Das Buch steckt voller Fakten, doch der Humor kommt nicht zu kurz, und es regt Leser*innen überdies an, sich Gedanken über den Einfluss von Wissenschaft und Technik auf unsere Gesellschaft zu machen. Unterwegs wirft das Buch einen satirischen Blick auf die Wissenschaft an vorderster Front, die oft in den Medien maßlos gehypt wird. Es diskutiert Schlüsseltechnologien, die ins Spiel kommen, wenn wir uns vorstellen, unsere Idee, einen Drachen zu bauen, in feuerspuckende Realität umzusetzen. Während wir all diese Themen diskutieren, sprechen wir auch über die ethischen Probleme, die sich beim „Bau“ eines Drachens ergeben, und die Möglichkeiten, einen ähnlichen Ansatz zu nutzen, um andere mythische Wesen, wie z.B. ein Einhorn, zu erschaffen. Dieses Buch, das jeden ansprechen sollte, enthält viele eindrucksvolle Illustrationen und andere interessante Abbildungen, darunter Drachendarstellungen, Bilder von Flugsaurierskeletten und vieles mehr.

Dracula: An International Perspective

by Marius-Mircea Crișan

This volume analyses the role of Bram Stoker’s Dracula and its sequels in the evolution of the Gothic. As well as the transformation of the Gothic location—from castles, cemeteries and churches to the modern urban gothic—this volume explores the evolution of the undead considering a range of media from the 19th century protagonist to sympathetic contemporary vampires of teen Gothic. Based on an interdisciplinary approach (literature, tourism, and film), the book argues that the development of the Dracula myth is the result of complex international influences and cultural interactions. Offering a multifarious perspective, this volume is a reference work that will be useful to both academic and general readers.

Dracula: An International Perspective (PDF)

by Marius-Mircea Crișan

This volume analyses the role of Bram Stoker’s Dracula and its sequels in the evolution of the Gothic. As well as the transformation of the Gothic location—from castles, cemeteries and churches to the modern urban gothic—this volume explores the evolution of the undead considering a range of media from the 19th century protagonist to sympathetic contemporary vampires of teen Gothic. Based on an interdisciplinary approach (literature, tourism, and film), the book argues that the development of the Dracula myth is the result of complex international influences and cultural interactions. Offering a multifarious perspective, this volume is a reference work that will be useful to both academic and general readers.

Dracula: The Origins and Influence of the Legendary Vampire Count

by Giles Morgan

Few fictional characters have proven to be as enduringly popular as the legendary Count Dracula. First published in 1897, Bram Stoker's gothic masterpiece thrilled and disturbed Victorian society with its dark and compelling themes of violence, lust, cruelty and death.For many, the elegant but threatening figure of Dracula has come to epitomise the concept of the vampire. It is thought that Stoker took the name Dracula from the real-life historical figure of Vlad the Impaler, a medieval Romanian prince with a dark and sinister reputation.However, Stoker was also influenced by European literary creations such as The Vampyre, written in 1819 by John Polidori, the personal physician of Lord Byron. Polidori based his central character on the personality of the infamous poet and in doing so did much to crystalise the modern concept of the vampire as a sophisticated and sensual aristocrat.It is arguably within the medium of film, however, that the figure of Dracula has achieved its greatest fame within popular culture.In Dracula: The Origins and Influence of the Legendary Vampire Count, author Giles Morgan examines the roots of the vampire myth and the creation of Bram Stoker's masterpiece of horror.

Dracula and the Eastern Question: British and French Vampire Narratives of the Nineteenth-Century Near East

by M. Gibson

This book sets the writings of Merimee, Le Fanu, Stoker and Verne in the context in which they were written - namely the response to Balkan, Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian politics. Gibson analyzes their works to reveal that the vampire acts as an allegory of the Near East through which constitutes a challenge to the 'orientalism' argument of today.

Drag in the Global Digital Public Sphere: Queer Visibility, Online Discourse and Political Change (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies)

by Niall Brennan David Gudelunas

This volume explores drag in global online spaces as a distinct departure from the established success, and limitations, of RuPaul’s Drag Race. Centered around discourses of LGBTQ+ visibility and political mobilization, the book addresses how these discourses have moved beyond the increasingly limited qualities of the television series to reconfigure the parameters of drag in emerging communities and spaces. By reconceiving of drag in new settings, this volume uncovers the crucial social and political potential for community-building in an increasingly fragmented and isolated global space. Chapters by a diverse team of authors delve into the recognition of new articulations of LGBTQ+ visibility and political mobility through drag in online space; the implications of drag celebrity for issues such as labor and profit in the digital sphere; the (re)appropriation of mainstream drag in emerging online environments and communities; and the reverberations of drag in underrepresented and under-researched areas of the world. Offering new insights into the rise of drag in a global digital public sphere, this book will be of interest to scholars and students of media studies, cultural studies, digital media and cultural studies, critical race studies, gender studies, sexuality studies, queer theory, film, and television studies.

Drag in the Global Digital Public Sphere: Queer Visibility, Online Discourse and Political Change (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies)

by Niall Brennan David Gudelunas

This volume explores drag in global online spaces as a distinct departure from the established success, and limitations, of RuPaul’s Drag Race. Centered around discourses of LGBTQ+ visibility and political mobilization, the book addresses how these discourses have moved beyond the increasingly limited qualities of the television series to reconfigure the parameters of drag in emerging communities and spaces. By reconceiving of drag in new settings, this volume uncovers the crucial social and political potential for community-building in an increasingly fragmented and isolated global space. Chapters by a diverse team of authors delve into the recognition of new articulations of LGBTQ+ visibility and political mobility through drag in online space; the implications of drag celebrity for issues such as labor and profit in the digital sphere; the (re)appropriation of mainstream drag in emerging online environments and communities; and the reverberations of drag in underrepresented and under-researched areas of the world. Offering new insights into the rise of drag in a global digital public sphere, this book will be of interest to scholars and students of media studies, cultural studies, digital media and cultural studies, critical race studies, gender studies, sexuality studies, queer theory, film, and television studies.

Drag, Interperformance, and the Trouble with Queerness (Interdisciplinary Research in Gender)

by Katie Horowitz

This story of drag kings and queens at Cleveland, Ohio’s most popular gay bar reveals that these genres have little in common and introduces interperformance, a framework for identity formation and coalition building that provides strategies for repairing longstanding rifts in the LGBT community. Drag, Interperformance, and the Trouble with Queerness is the first book centered on queer life in this growing midwestern hub and the first to focus simultaneously on kinging and queening. It shows that despite the shared heading of drag, these iconically queer institutions diverge in terms of audience, movement vocabulary, stage persona, and treatment of gender, class, race, and sexuality. Horowitz argues that the radical (in)difference between kings and queens provides a window into the perennial rift between lesbians and gay men and challenges the assumption that all identities subsumed under the queer umbrella ought to have anything in common culturally, politically, or otherwise. Drawing on performer interviews about the purpose of drag, contestations over space, and the eventual shuttering of the bar they called home, Horowitz offers a new way of thinking about identity as a product of relations and argues that relationality is our best hope for building queer communities across lines of difference. The book will be key reading for students and faculty in the interdisciplinary fields of feminist, gender, and sexuality studies; performance studies; American studies; cultural studies; ethnography; and rhetoric. It will be useful to graduate students and faculty interested in queer culture, gender performance, and transgender studies. At the same time, the clear and relatable writing style will make it accessible to undergraduates and well suited to upper-level courses in queer theory, LGBTQ identities, performance studies, and qualitative research methods.

Drag, Interperformance, and the Trouble with Queerness (Interdisciplinary Research in Gender)

by Katie Horowitz

This story of drag kings and queens at Cleveland, Ohio’s most popular gay bar reveals that these genres have little in common and introduces interperformance, a framework for identity formation and coalition building that provides strategies for repairing longstanding rifts in the LGBT community. Drag, Interperformance, and the Trouble with Queerness is the first book centered on queer life in this growing midwestern hub and the first to focus simultaneously on kinging and queening. It shows that despite the shared heading of drag, these iconically queer institutions diverge in terms of audience, movement vocabulary, stage persona, and treatment of gender, class, race, and sexuality. Horowitz argues that the radical (in)difference between kings and queens provides a window into the perennial rift between lesbians and gay men and challenges the assumption that all identities subsumed under the queer umbrella ought to have anything in common culturally, politically, or otherwise. Drawing on performer interviews about the purpose of drag, contestations over space, and the eventual shuttering of the bar they called home, Horowitz offers a new way of thinking about identity as a product of relations and argues that relationality is our best hope for building queer communities across lines of difference. The book will be key reading for students and faculty in the interdisciplinary fields of feminist, gender, and sexuality studies; performance studies; American studies; cultural studies; ethnography; and rhetoric. It will be useful to graduate students and faculty interested in queer culture, gender performance, and transgender studies. At the same time, the clear and relatable writing style will make it accessible to undergraduates and well suited to upper-level courses in queer theory, LGBTQ identities, performance studies, and qualitative research methods.

The Drag Queen Anthology: The Absolutely Fabulous but Flawlessly Customary World of Female Impersonators

by Lisa Underwood

Examine the cultural and political implications of male-to-female gender performance! The Drag Queen Anthology: The Absolutely Fabulous but Flawlessly Customary World of Female Impersonators examines the phenomena of male-to-female gender performance and the people who live it. This provocative collection of original essays explores the possibilities, limitations, ironies, and controversies surrounding men who perform as women to an audience that knows the truth but celebrates the illusion. The book&’s contributors call on extensive backgrounds in sociology, anthropology, theater, literature-even military studies-and use a variety of approaches to address common themes and genres of presentation, performance, and style in a wide range of historical settings and cultures. The Drag Queen Anthology explores female impersonation in the past and present, addressing the often-contradictory cultural impulses found in the performance of femininity. The book examines the important issues of this unique form of gendering, including the cultural and sociopolitical implications of drag, the symbolic cultural ideals associated with women, the impact of the performer&’s social identities on his performance, and the reactions of the GLBT, straight, and feminist communities to drag. The book looks at traditional drag performance, challenges accepted perceptions about female impersonation, and exposes the notion of the effeminate drag queen as an outdated myth. The Drag Queen Anthology examines the important issues of male-to-female gender performance, including: how drag queen performance is used to attain situational status and power how drag queens challenge contemporary notions of gender what embodiment occurs when men undertake performances of femininity how drag queen performance is viewed as a theatrical presentation of self what representations of drag queens in film suggest about current gender relations why communities organize around drag queen performers how drag queen performance differs on-stage and off how male-to-female gendered performance intersects with performances of sexual identity, social class, race, age, and ethnicity The Drag Queen Anthology: The Absolutely Fabulous but Flawlessly Customary World of Female Impersonators is an indispensable resource on drag&’s core elements of performance and parody and how each affects contemporary notions of gender.

The Drag Queen Anthology: The Absolutely Fabulous but Flawlessly Customary World of Female Impersonators

by Lisa Underwood

Examine the cultural and political implications of male-to-female gender performance! The Drag Queen Anthology: The Absolutely Fabulous but Flawlessly Customary World of Female Impersonators examines the phenomena of male-to-female gender performance and the people who live it. This provocative collection of original essays explores the possibilities, limitations, ironies, and controversies surrounding men who perform as women to an audience that knows the truth but celebrates the illusion. The book&’s contributors call on extensive backgrounds in sociology, anthropology, theater, literature-even military studies-and use a variety of approaches to address common themes and genres of presentation, performance, and style in a wide range of historical settings and cultures. The Drag Queen Anthology explores female impersonation in the past and present, addressing the often-contradictory cultural impulses found in the performance of femininity. The book examines the important issues of this unique form of gendering, including the cultural and sociopolitical implications of drag, the symbolic cultural ideals associated with women, the impact of the performer&’s social identities on his performance, and the reactions of the GLBT, straight, and feminist communities to drag. The book looks at traditional drag performance, challenges accepted perceptions about female impersonation, and exposes the notion of the effeminate drag queen as an outdated myth. The Drag Queen Anthology examines the important issues of male-to-female gender performance, including: how drag queen performance is used to attain situational status and power how drag queens challenge contemporary notions of gender what embodiment occurs when men undertake performances of femininity how drag queen performance is viewed as a theatrical presentation of self what representations of drag queens in film suggest about current gender relations why communities organize around drag queen performers how drag queen performance differs on-stage and off how male-to-female gendered performance intersects with performances of sexual identity, social class, race, age, and ethnicity The Drag Queen Anthology: The Absolutely Fabulous but Flawlessly Customary World of Female Impersonators is an indispensable resource on drag&’s core elements of performance and parody and how each affects contemporary notions of gender.

(Drag) Queen of Scots: The dos & don’ts of a drag superstar

by Lawrence Chaney

The hilarious memoir from everyone's favourite Scottish drag queen and winner of RuPaul's Drag Race UK, Lawrence Chaaaneyyy.'It's no mystery or secret how much I enjoy Lawrence Chaney.' - RuPaul'Hilarious, eye-opening and very, very honest.' - LorraineLawrence Chaney has wowed audiences across the globe as the winner of RuPaul's Drag Race UK. From the tiny town of Helensburgh, near Glasgow, Lawrence has exploded on to the world stage, charming us with their charisma, humour and damn good looks. But as with any success story, it wasn't all plain sailing.In Lawrence (Drag) Queen of Scots, the loch ness legend themself takes us through the struggles faced to get to where they are now. From a little boy feeling self-conscious and turning to humour to avoid being bullied, to finding drag as a vehicle towards confidence and self-love. With their top tips on everything from padding and make-up to building your own drag community, you'll have all you need to strut your way to the top, too.You've seen the looks, the laughs, and my goodness you've seen a lot of tears, but now it's time to grab a bottle of Irn-Bru and dive heard first into the purple haze that is the world ofLAWRRREEENNNCE CHAAANEYYYYY!'Lawrence Chaney is the funniest queen by a country mile. She has delivered the laughs a locked down nation needed in abundance. But there's much more to Chaney than her quick wit. Her vulnerability is also part of her natural gift.' - Vogue'If you were obsessed with Lawrence when they were competing on Drag Race (and who wasn't?), you'll want to get yourself a copy asap' - Cosmopolitan

Drag Queens at the 801 Cabaret

by Leila J. Rupp Verta Taylor

It's Saturday night in Key West and the Girlie Show is about to begin at the 801 Cabaret. The girls have been outside on the sidewalk all evening, seducing passersby into coming in for the show. The club itself is packed tonight and smoke has filled the room. When the lights finally go down, statuesque blonds and stunning brunettes sporting black leather miniskirts, stiletto heels, and see-through lingerie take the stage. En Vogue's "Free Your Mind" blares on the house stereo. The crowd roars in approval. In this lively book, Leila J. Rupp and Verta Taylor take us on an entertaining tour through one of America's most overlooked subcultures: the world of the drag queen. They offer a penetrating glimpse into the lives of the 801 Girls, the troupe of queens who perform nightly at the 801 Cabaret for tourists and locals. Weaving together their fascinating life stories, their lavish costumes and eclectic music, their flamboyance and bitchiness, and their bawdy exchanges with one another and their audiences, the authors explore how drag queens smash the boundaries between gay and straight, man and woman, to make people think more deeply and realistically about sex and gender in America today. They also consider how the queens create a space that encourages camaraderie and acceptance among everyday people, no matter what their sexual preferences might be. Based on countless interviews with more than a dozen drag queens, more than three years of attendance at their outrageous performances, and even the authors' participation in the shows themselves, Drag Queens at the 801 Cabaret is a witty and poignant portrait of gay life and culture. When they said life is a cabaret, they clearly meant the 801.

Drag Queens at the 801 Cabaret

by Leila J. Rupp Verta Taylor

It's Saturday night in Key West and the Girlie Show is about to begin at the 801 Cabaret. The girls have been outside on the sidewalk all evening, seducing passersby into coming in for the show. The club itself is packed tonight and smoke has filled the room. When the lights finally go down, statuesque blonds and stunning brunettes sporting black leather miniskirts, stiletto heels, and see-through lingerie take the stage. En Vogue's "Free Your Mind" blares on the house stereo. The crowd roars in approval. In this lively book, Leila J. Rupp and Verta Taylor take us on an entertaining tour through one of America's most overlooked subcultures: the world of the drag queen. They offer a penetrating glimpse into the lives of the 801 Girls, the troupe of queens who perform nightly at the 801 Cabaret for tourists and locals. Weaving together their fascinating life stories, their lavish costumes and eclectic music, their flamboyance and bitchiness, and their bawdy exchanges with one another and their audiences, the authors explore how drag queens smash the boundaries between gay and straight, man and woman, to make people think more deeply and realistically about sex and gender in America today. They also consider how the queens create a space that encourages camaraderie and acceptance among everyday people, no matter what their sexual preferences might be. Based on countless interviews with more than a dozen drag queens, more than three years of attendance at their outrageous performances, and even the authors' participation in the shows themselves, Drag Queens at the 801 Cabaret is a witty and poignant portrait of gay life and culture. When they said life is a cabaret, they clearly meant the 801.

Drag Queens at the 801 Cabaret

by Leila J. Rupp Verta Taylor

It's Saturday night in Key West and the Girlie Show is about to begin at the 801 Cabaret. The girls have been outside on the sidewalk all evening, seducing passersby into coming in for the show. The club itself is packed tonight and smoke has filled the room. When the lights finally go down, statuesque blonds and stunning brunettes sporting black leather miniskirts, stiletto heels, and see-through lingerie take the stage. En Vogue's "Free Your Mind" blares on the house stereo. The crowd roars in approval. In this lively book, Leila J. Rupp and Verta Taylor take us on an entertaining tour through one of America's most overlooked subcultures: the world of the drag queen. They offer a penetrating glimpse into the lives of the 801 Girls, the troupe of queens who perform nightly at the 801 Cabaret for tourists and locals. Weaving together their fascinating life stories, their lavish costumes and eclectic music, their flamboyance and bitchiness, and their bawdy exchanges with one another and their audiences, the authors explore how drag queens smash the boundaries between gay and straight, man and woman, to make people think more deeply and realistically about sex and gender in America today. They also consider how the queens create a space that encourages camaraderie and acceptance among everyday people, no matter what their sexual preferences might be. Based on countless interviews with more than a dozen drag queens, more than three years of attendance at their outrageous performances, and even the authors' participation in the shows themselves, Drag Queens at the 801 Cabaret is a witty and poignant portrait of gay life and culture. When they said life is a cabaret, they clearly meant the 801.

Drag Queens at the 801 Cabaret

by Leila J. Rupp Verta Taylor

It's Saturday night in Key West and the Girlie Show is about to begin at the 801 Cabaret. The girls have been outside on the sidewalk all evening, seducing passersby into coming in for the show. The club itself is packed tonight and smoke has filled the room. When the lights finally go down, statuesque blonds and stunning brunettes sporting black leather miniskirts, stiletto heels, and see-through lingerie take the stage. En Vogue's "Free Your Mind" blares on the house stereo. The crowd roars in approval. In this lively book, Leila J. Rupp and Verta Taylor take us on an entertaining tour through one of America's most overlooked subcultures: the world of the drag queen. They offer a penetrating glimpse into the lives of the 801 Girls, the troupe of queens who perform nightly at the 801 Cabaret for tourists and locals. Weaving together their fascinating life stories, their lavish costumes and eclectic music, their flamboyance and bitchiness, and their bawdy exchanges with one another and their audiences, the authors explore how drag queens smash the boundaries between gay and straight, man and woman, to make people think more deeply and realistically about sex and gender in America today. They also consider how the queens create a space that encourages camaraderie and acceptance among everyday people, no matter what their sexual preferences might be. Based on countless interviews with more than a dozen drag queens, more than three years of attendance at their outrageous performances, and even the authors' participation in the shows themselves, Drag Queens at the 801 Cabaret is a witty and poignant portrait of gay life and culture. When they said life is a cabaret, they clearly meant the 801.

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