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Ambient Literature: Towards a New Poetics of Situated Writing and Reading Practices

by Tom Abba Jonathan Dovey Kate Pullinger

This book considers how a combination of place-based writing and location responsive technologies produce new kinds of literary experiences. Building on the work done in the Ambient Literature Project (2016–2018), this books argues that these encounters constitute new literary forms, in which the authored text lies at the heart of an embodied and mediated experience. The visual, sonic, social and historic resources of place become the elements of a live and emergent mise-en-scène. Specific techniques of narration, including hallucination, memory, history, place based writing, and drama, as well as reworking of traditional storytelling forms combine with the work of app and user experience design, interaction, software authoring, and GIS (geographical information systems) to produce ambient experiences where the user reads a textual and sonic literary space. These experiences are temporary, ambiguous, and unpredictable in their meaning but unlike the theatre, the gallery, or the cinema they take place in the everyday shared world. The book explores the potentiality of a new literary form produced by the exchange between location-aware cultural objects, writers and readers. This book, and the work it explores, lays the ground for a new poetics of situated writing and reading practices.

Ambige Verhältnisse: Uneindeutigkeit in Kunst, Politik und Alltag (Edition Kulturwissenschaft #222)

by Bernhard Groß Verena Krieger Michael Lüthy Andrea Meyer-Fraatz

Ambivalenzen, Mehrdeutigkeit und Vagheit begegnen uns in allen Bereichen des Lebens. Ambiguität wird dabei unterschiedlich bewertet: Rechtspopulisten beuten die Angst davor aus, während Künstler Ambiguität gezielt einsetzen, um gesellschaftliche Konflikte zu dynamisieren. Die »Ambiguität der Ambiguität« in Kunst, Politik und Alltag wird in diesem Band aus Perspektive der Kunstgeschichte, Film-, Literatur- und Politikwissenschaft, Pädagogik, Psychologie, Soziologie und Philosophie untersucht. Die kulturellen Formen und Bewertungen von Ambiguität sowie ihr strategischer Einsatz werden ergründet, um zu einem besseren Verständnis von ambiguitätsbedingten Konflikten beizutragen.

Ambiguität und Geschlecht in der Neuzeit: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven (Historische Geschlechterforschung #14)

by Frank Becker Patricia Plummer

Was geschieht, wenn das binäre Geschlechtermodell irritiert wird, also die gesellschaftlich etablierte Unterscheidung zwischen Mann und Frau nicht greift? Wird geschlechtliche Ambiguität toleriert oder werden die Unterscheidung und die Unterscheidbarkeit erzwungen? Die Beiträger*innen besprechen dazu Fallanalysen aus dem Zeitraum vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. Aus unterschiedlichen Fachperspektiven zeigen sie auf, wie Ambiguität eine epistemische Offenheit generiert, deren Auflösung sich kulturabhängig und epochenübergreifend verschieden gestaltet - von einer Bereicherung und Etablierung neuer Werte bis zu Zurückweisung und Widerstand.

The Ambiguities of Desistance: Ex-offenders, Higher Education and the Desistance Journey (Emerald Points)

by David Honeywell

Introducing nuanced and rich data around the growing interest in desistance and what leads someone to move away from crime, this book explores the ongoing and individual desistance journeys of ex-offenders during re-integration into society. Through in-depth interviews and his own lived experiences as a prisoner, the author highlights the importance of Higher Education in the desistance process as a conduit for change and rehabilitation. He explores the complex life process of the ex-offender, investigating the introspective and existential experiences that lead individuals towards an ongoing desistance journey in which they re-evaluate their sense of selves and develop new identities. Arguing that in the current criminal justice system the focus on crime overshadows the more complex and unending process of desistance, the author showcases how the system provides no formal rite of passage for ex-offenders attempting to re-integrate into society. In response to this, this book synthesises and critically reviews desistance theory as it has emerged within contemporary criminology, and offers an opportunity for readers to engage with the complexities of the lives analysed in this research.

The Ambiguities of Desistance: Ex-offenders, Higher Education and the Desistance Journey (Emerald Points)

by David Honeywell

Introducing nuanced and rich data around the growing interest in desistance and what leads someone to move away from crime, this book explores the ongoing and individual desistance journeys of ex-offenders during re-integration into society. Through in-depth interviews and his own lived experiences as a prisoner, the author highlights the importance of Higher Education in the desistance process as a conduit for change and rehabilitation. He explores the complex life process of the ex-offender, investigating the introspective and existential experiences that lead individuals towards an ongoing desistance journey in which they re-evaluate their sense of selves and develop new identities. Arguing that in the current criminal justice system the focus on crime overshadows the more complex and unending process of desistance, the author showcases how the system provides no formal rite of passage for ex-offenders attempting to re-integrate into society. In response to this, this book synthesises and critically reviews desistance theory as it has emerged within contemporary criminology, and offers an opportunity for readers to engage with the complexities of the lives analysed in this research.

Ambiguity and Sexuality: A Theory of Sexual Identity (Future of Minority Studies)

by W. Wilkerson

A new account of the formation of sexual identity, coined 'emerged fusion', which avoids the traps of the essentialism versus constructivism debate, and offers a viable third alternative. This book is a theoretical tool that will be useful in sociology, queer studies, and gender studies as a new approach to understanding sexual identity.

Ambiguous Childhoods: Peer Socialisation, Schooling and Agency in a Zambian Village

by Nana Clemensen

Growing up with social and economic upheaval in the peripheries of global neoliberalism, children in rural Zambia are presented with diverging social and moral protocols across homes, classrooms, church halls, and the streets. Mostly unmonitored by adults, they explore the ambiguities of adult life in playful interactions with their siblings and kin across gender and age. Drawing on rich linguistic-ethnographic details of such interactions combined with observations of school and household procedures, the author provides a rare insight into the lives, voices, and learning paths of children in a rural African setting.

The Ambiguous Multiplicities: Materials, Episteme and Politics of Cluttered Social Formations

by A. Mubi Brighenti

This book proposes a historical-conceptual journey into the cluttered social formations that have remained outside of mainstream sociology. In particular, it reviews urban crowds, mediated publics, global masses, population, the sovereign people and the multitude and addresses the question: 'What is the building block of the social?'.

Ambiguous Pleasures: Sexuality and Middle Class Self-Perceptions in Nairobi

by Rachel Spronk

Among both male and female young urban professionals in Nairobi, sexuality is a key to achieving a ‘modern’ identity. These young men and women see themselves as the avant garde of a new Africa, while they also express the recurring worry of how to combine an ‘African’ identity with the new lifestyles with which they are experimenting. By focusing on public debates and their preoccupations with issues of African heritage, gerontocratic power relations and conventional morality on the one hand, and personal sexual relationships, intimacy and self-perceptions on the other, this study works out the complexities of sexuality and culture in the context of modernity in an African society. It moves beyond an investigation of a health or development perspective of sexuality and instead examines desire, pleasure and eroticism, revealing new insights into the methodology and theory of the study of sexuality within the social sciences. Sexuality serves as a prism for analysing how social developments generate new notions of self in postcolonial Kenya and is a crucial component towards understanding the way people recognize and deal with modern changes in their personal lives.

Ambiguous Transitions: Gender, the State, and Everyday Life in Socialist and Postsocialist Romania

by Jill Massino

Focusing on youth, family, work, and consumption, Ambiguous Transitions analyzes the interplay between gender and citizenship postwar Romania. By juxtaposing official sources with oral histories and socialist policies with everyday practices, Jill Massino illuminates the gendered dimensions of socialist modernization and its complex effects on women’s roles, relationships, and identities. Analyzing women as subjects and agents, the book examines how they negotiated the challenges that arose as Romanian society modernized, even as it clung to traditional ideas about gender. Massino concludes by exploring the ambiguities of postsocialism, highlighting how the legacies of the past have shaped politics and women’s lived experiences since 1989.

Ambitionierte Komplizenschaft: Eine ethnographische Studie zu kindlichen Praktiken in der Schulvorbereitung (Methodologisch-Methodische Perspektiven auf Kindheit(en))

by Juliane Engel

In der ethnographischen Studie wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie Kinder am Angebot der institutionellen Schulvorbereitung teilnehmen bzw. wie sie dieses (mit-)hervorbringen. Hierfür wurden die Kinder über ihr letztes Kindergartenjahr hinweg während dieses Arrangements begleitet und teilnehmend beobachtet. Neben den aktuellen Konzepten der Kindheitsforschung spielen hierzu praxistheoretische Zugänge eine zentrale Rolle und deren relationale Perspektive auf Schulvorbereitung, als soziales Gefüge aus Akteur:innen, Artefakten und den zugrundeliegenden Strukturen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, wie sich Kinder innerhalb der Schulvorbereitung zu Kompliz:innen der Fachkräfte und deren pädagogischen Schulvorbereitungsprogramme entwickeln. Mit der „Ambitionierten Komplizenschaft“ stellt die Arbeit darüber hinaus eine konzeptionelle Weiterentwicklung vor, indem sie das besondere Engagement der beobachteten Kinder während der Schulvorbereitung betont.

Ambitious Like a Mother: Why Prioritizing Your Career Is Good for Your Kids

by Lara Bazelon

In this captivating and radical look at &“work-life balance,&” Lara Bazelon reframes our understanding of working women—and shows how prioritizing your career benefits mothers, kids, and society at large.In this singular cultural moment, mothers have unparalleled opportunities to succeed at work while continuing to face the same societal impediments that held back our mothers and grandmothers. We still encounter entrenched gender bias in the workplace and are expected to shoulder the lion&’s share of labor and burdens at home while being made to feel as if we&’re never doing enough. All the while we&’re told that the perfect work-life balance is possible, if only we try hard enough to achieve it.It&’s time to change the conversation—about work, life, and &“balance.&” Work and life are inextricably, intimately intertwined. We need to celebrate what we do give our children—even and especially in moments of imbalance—rather than apologizing for what we don&’t. In this way, we can model for our children how we use our talents to help others and raise awareness about the issues closest to our hearts. We can embrace the personal fulfillment and financial independence that pursuing meaningful work can bring as a way of showing our children how to live happy, purpose-driven lives. Bazelon argues not only that we can but that we should. Being ambitious at work and being a good mother to our children are not at odds—these qualities mutually reinforce each other.Backed up by research and filled with personal stories from Bazelon&’s life, as well as that of her mother and the many other women she interviewed across the cultural and financial spectrum, Ambitious Like a Mother is an anthem, a beacon for all to recognize and celebrate the pioneering women who reject the false idols of the Selfless Mother and Work-Life Balance, and a call to embrace your own ambitions and model your multiplicities for your children.

Ambivalence in Hardy: A Study of his Attitude Towards Women

by S. Dutta

This book re-examines the critical debate regarding Hardy's attitude to women: apologist or misogynist? With the help of manuscript evidence and references to Hardy's autobiography, letters, literary notebooks, marginalia, and the letters of his wives, this book combines a biographical approach with a feminist reading. Significant space is devoted to the 'minor' novels, the short stories, and to Hardy's real life literary relations with his contemporary women writers, his protégées and his two 'scribbling' wives, to balance the hitherto exclusive focus on the 'major' novels.

Ambivalences of Inclusion in Society and Social Work: Research-Based Reflections in Four European Countries (European Social Work Education and Practice)

by Stephan Bundschuh Maria José Freitas Càndid Palacín Bartrolí Nino Žganec

This book represents the work of the European Research Network: Inclusive Society and the Role of Social Work, which comprises researchers from Barcelona, Spain; Koblenz, Germany; Maastricht, The Netherlands; and Zagreb, Croatia. The authors present research results and reflections from these four different European countries to provide a comprehensive introduction and discussion of the ambivalences of inclusive processes in society and social work. The development towards an inclusive society is a subject of ongoing discussion in Europe. How the subject is addressed, through an examination of political and social characteristics, differs significantly by country. Each country-specific chapter includes evidence-based reflections on inclusive society and the role of social work: In The Netherlands, there is evidence of a top-down process implementing inclusive social policy and social work principles through the self-proclaimed ‘participation society’. In Spain, the process to inclusion is accompanied by the third sector often replacing governmental responsibilities, namely through the bottom-up activities of non-governmental organizations in social work. In Croatia, inclusion is a state initiative in transitioning society and an academic approach to deinstitutionalising social work. In Germany, inclusion is discussed in social systems theory and the reform of school systems. In the migration discourse it was introduced as a less-loaded alternative to integration. Ambivalences of Inclusion in Society and Social Work: Research-Based Reflections in Four European Countries is a useful resource for learners, teachers, practitioners, and researchers in social work, as well as those who have an interest in social policy, social welfare, and sociology.

Ambivalent Embrace: Jewish Upward Mobility in Postwar America

by Rachel Kranson

This new cultural history of Jewish life and identity in the United States after World War II focuses on the process of upward mobility. Rachel Kranson challenges the common notion that most American Jews unambivalently celebrated their generally strong growth in economic status and social acceptance during the booming postwar era. In fact, a significant number of Jewish religious, artistic, and intellectual leaders worried about the ascent of large numbers of Jews into the American middle class. Kranson reveals that many Jews were deeply concerned that their lives—affected by rapidly changing political pressures, gender roles, and religious practices—were becoming dangerously disconnected from authentic Jewish values. She uncovers how Jewish leaders delivered jeremiads that warned affluent Jews of hypocrisy and associated "good" Jews with poverty, even at times romanticizing life in America's immigrant slums and Europe's impoverished shtetls. Jewish leaders, while not trying to hinder economic development, thus cemented an ongoing identification with the Jewish heritage of poverty and marginality as a crucial element in an American Jewish ethos.

Ambivalent Europeans: Ritual, Memory and the Public Sphere in Malta

by Jon P. Mitchell

Ambivalent Europeans examines the implications of living on the fringes of Europe. In Malta, public debate is dominated by the question of Europe, both at a policy level - whether or not to join the EU - and at the level of national identity - whether or not the Maltese are 'European'. Jon Mitchell identifies a profound ambivalence towards Europe, and also more broadly to the key processes of 'modernisation'. He traces this tendency through a number of key areas of social life - gender, the family, community, politics, religion and ritual.

Ambivalent Europeans: Ritual, Memory and the Public Sphere in Malta

by Jon P. Mitchell

Ambivalent Europeans examines the implications of living on the fringes of Europe. In Malta, public debate is dominated by the question of Europe, both at a policy level - whether or not to join the EU - and at the level of national identity - whether or not the Maltese are 'European'. Jon Mitchell identifies a profound ambivalence towards Europe, and also more broadly to the key processes of 'modernisation'. He traces this tendency through a number of key areas of social life - gender, the family, community, politics, religion and ritual.

The Ambivalent State: Police-Criminal Collusion at the Urban Margins (Global and Comparative Ethnography)

by Javier Auyero Katherine Sobering

Over the last few decades, debates about policing in poor urban areas have turned from analyzing the state's neglect and abandonment into documenting its harsh interventions and punishing presence. Yet, we know very little about the covert world of state action that is hidden from public view. In The Ambivalent State, Javier Auyero and Katherine Sobering offer an unprecedented look into the clandestine relationships between police agents and drug dealers in Argentina. Drawing on a unique combination of ethnographic fieldwork and documentary evidence, including hundreds of pages of wiretapped phone conversations, they analyze the inner-workings of police-criminal collusion, its connections to drug markets, and how it promotes cynicism and powerlessness in daily life. They argue that an up-close examination of covert state action exposes the workings of an ambivalent state: one that both enforces the rule of law and functions as a partner in criminal behavior. The Ambivalent State develops a political sociology of violence that focuses not only on what takes place in police stations, courts, and poor neighborhoods, but also the clandestine actions and interactions of police, judges, and politicians that structure daily life at the urban margins.

AMBIVALENT STATE GCE C: Police-Criminal Collusion at the Urban Margins (Global and Comparative Ethnography)

by Javier Auyero Katherine Sobering

Over the last few decades, debates about policing in poor urban areas have turned from analyzing the state's neglect and abandonment into documenting its harsh interventions and punishing presence. Yet, we know very little about the covert world of state action that is hidden from public view. In The Ambivalent State, Javier Auyero and Katherine Sobering offer an unprecedented look into the clandestine relationships between police agents and drug dealers in Argentina. Drawing on a unique combination of ethnographic fieldwork and documentary evidence, including hundreds of pages of wiretapped phone conversations, they analyze the inner-workings of police-criminal collusion, its connections to drug markets, and how it promotes cynicism and powerlessness in daily life. They argue that an up-close examination of covert state action exposes the workings of an ambivalent state: one that both enforces the rule of law and functions as a partner in criminal behavior. The Ambivalent State develops a political sociology of violence that focuses not only on what takes place in police stations, courts, and poor neighborhoods, but also the clandestine actions and interactions of police, judges, and politicians that structure daily life at the urban margins.

Ambivalent Transnational Belonging in American Literature (Routledge Transnational Perspectives on American Literature)

by Silvia Schultermandl

Ambivalent Transnational Belonging in American Literature discusses the extent to which transnational concepts of identity and community are cast within nationalist frameworks. It analyzes how the different narrative perspectives in texts by Olaudah Equiano, Catharina Maria Sedgwick, Henry James, Jamaica Kincaid, and Mohsin Hamid shape protagonists’ complex transnational subjectivities, which exist between or outside national frameworks but are nevertheless interpellated through the nation-state and through particular myths about liberal, sentimental, or cosmopolitan subjects. The notion of ambivalent transnational belonging yields insights into the affective appeal of the transnational as a category of analysis, as an aesthetic experience, and as an idea of belonging. This means bringing the transnational into conversation with the aesthetic and the affective so we may fully address the new conceptual challenges faced by literary studies due to the transnational turn in American studies.

Ambivalent Transnational Belonging in American Literature (Routledge Transnational Perspectives on American Literature)

by Silvia Schultermandl

Ambivalent Transnational Belonging in American Literature discusses the extent to which transnational concepts of identity and community are cast within nationalist frameworks. It analyzes how the different narrative perspectives in texts by Olaudah Equiano, Catharina Maria Sedgwick, Henry James, Jamaica Kincaid, and Mohsin Hamid shape protagonists’ complex transnational subjectivities, which exist between or outside national frameworks but are nevertheless interpellated through the nation-state and through particular myths about liberal, sentimental, or cosmopolitan subjects. The notion of ambivalent transnational belonging yields insights into the affective appeal of the transnational as a category of analysis, as an aesthetic experience, and as an idea of belonging. This means bringing the transnational into conversation with the aesthetic and the affective so we may fully address the new conceptual challenges faced by literary studies due to the transnational turn in American studies.

Ambivalente Gesellschaftlichkeit: Die Modernisierung der Vergesellschaftung und die Ordnungen der Ambivalenzbewältigung

by Matthias Junge

Das Buch zeigt die Bedeutung von Ambivalenz für den Vergesellschaftungsprozess auf. Dadurch wird ein neues Verständnis sozialer Ordnung als einer Vielfalt gleichzeitig nebeneinander bestehender Ordnungen ermöglicht.

Ambivalenzen der Gleichheit: Zwischen Diversität, sozialer Ungleichheit und Repräsentation (Gesellschaft der Unterschiede #63)

by Jens Kersten Stephan Rixen Berthold Vogel

Unsere Gesellschaft entwickelt gegenwärtig ein neues Verständnis von Gleichheit. Gesellschaft und Politik müssen auf soziale Ungleichheit reagieren, Diskriminierung verhindern und mit Identitätspolitiken umgehen. Doch was verbindet und was unterscheidet diese Dimensionen der Gleichheit bzw. Ungleichheit? Die Beiträger*innen des Bandes plädieren dafür, dass soziale Ungleichheit, Antidiskriminierung und Identitätspolitiken nicht gegeneinander ausgespielt werden dürfen. Vielmehr gilt es, auf der Grundlage sozialer Anerkennung ein mehrdimensionales Verständnis von Gleichheit zu entwickeln, das Hierarchien von Ungleichheit und vor allem auch Kompensationsspiralen vermeidet.

Ambivalenzen der Moderne — Chancen und Risiken der Identitätsarbeit von Jugendlichen (Forschung Soziologie #40)

by Ulrike Pörnbacher

Das Buch schildert auf der Basis einer qualitativen Studie die Chancen und Risiken der Identitätsarbeit von Jugendlichen unter dem Einfluß der gesellschaftlichen Modernisierung. Identität ist ein Thema, das an Aktualität gewonnen hat. Die Ursache dafür wird in den ambivalenten Modernisierungsprozessen gesehen, die eine neue Reflexion der Identitätsbildungsprozesse erfordern. In dieser Studie werden anhand von Interviews miteinheimisch-deutschen Jugendlichen und italienischen und türkischen Migrantenjugendlichen Forschungsergebnisse vorgestellt, die einen differenzierten Beitrag zur Identitätsarbeit von Jugendlichen heute leisten. Die Autorin wertet u.a. die Aspekte Aktionismus, Sinn des Lebens und Familienorientiertung aus.

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