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Angelica's Book and the World of Reading in Late Renaissance Italy (Cultures of Early Modern Europe)

by Brendan Dooley Beat Kümin Brian Cowan

Through the lens of a history of material culture mediated by an object, Angelica's Book and the World of Reading in Late Renaissance Italy investigates aspects of women's lives, culture, ideas and the history of the book in early modern Italy. Inside a badly damaged copy of Straparola's 16th-century work, Piacevoli Notti, acquired in a Florentine antique shop in 2010, an inscription is found, attributing ownership to a certain Angelica Baldachini. The discovery sets in motion a series of inquiries, deploying knowledge about calligraphy, orthography, linguistics, dialectology and the socio-psychology of writing, to reveal the person behind the name. Focusing as much on the possible owner as upon the thing owned, Angelica's Book examines the genesis of the Piacevoli Notti and its many editions, including the one in question. The intertwined stories of the book and its owner are set against the backdrop of a Renaissance world, still imperfectly understood, in which literature and reading were subject to regimes of control; and the new information throws aspects of this world into further relief, especially in regard to women's involvement with reading, books and knowledge. The inquiry yields unexpected insights concerning the logic of accidental discovery, the nature of evidence, and the mission of the humanities in a time of global crisis. Angelica's Book and the World of Reading in Late Renaissance Italy is a thought-provoking read for any scholar of early modern Europe and its culture.

Angelina Jolie: A Biography (Greenwood Biographies)

by Kathleen A. Tracy

Angelina Jolie has understandably created a mystique in the eyes of the public. A rare beauty and skilled actress, she has already earned an Emmy, Golden Globe, and Academy award. Her unconventional personal life, however, has consistently drawn as much attention as her acting skills. Over the past decade, fans have watched her evolve from Hollywood's rebellious wild child - infamous for her bold tattoos and shocking two-year marriage to actor Billy-Bob Thornton - to a mother and committed human rights advocate. Together she and Brad Pitt have adopted three international children, sparking an adoption trend among other celebrities. Best known for portraying strong, edgy women in film, Jolie exudes her own strength off-screen as she gracefully balances the pressures of family life, humanitarian efforts, and a flourishing career.This detailed biography includes a chronology of significant events, illustrations, and a bibliography of print and electronic resources. Ideal for fans and general readers looking to learn more about one of today's most intriguing and sought-after celebrities.

Angels and Other Cows: A Celestial Adventure into AI Worlds, the Social Good, and Unknown Connections (Artificial Intelligence, Simulation and Society)

by Petra Ahrweiler

This open access novel uses fantasy and romance to pique readers' interest in understanding how AI technologies can be used for social justice across very different political and social terrains. Can you truly reach out to somebody who is in every aspect the direct opposite of yourself? Gabriel and Tilda, the two protagonists of this futuristic novel, are very different people. They work at a Berlin-based international aid company, and the only thing they can agree on is that the world is in a shambles: Scarce public resources, conflict and crises, inequalities, religious and socio-cultural belief systems that cement social injustice, have created a world as deeply divided and set apart as Gabriel and Tilda. They are sent on company business to recruit international partners for a social development project on global justice, and start travelling the world together. On their adventurous journey through many countries, they learn about the impacts of culture on social welfare systems, while trying to define their own relationship, which is intermingled with generational power games and milieu-specific worldview struggles. In Gabriel and Tilda’s attempts to bridge the deep gulf between their personalities, the novel creates a metaphor for finding a cohesive model of global justice using artificial intelligence that can integrate highly contextualized, national value cultures. Gabriel and Tilda are supported by two guardian angels: Assigned to save the planet through interpersonal and intercultural integration, the angels GA and TA team up with English Benedictine monk and mystic guru Bede Griffiths who is very keen to help Tilda and Gabriel in their model pilot of unlikely love.

Angels in Islam: Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti's al-Haba'ik fi akhbar al-mala'ik (Culture and Civilization in the Middle East)

by Stephen Burge

Angels are a basic tenet of belief in Islam, appearing in various types and genres of text, from eschatology to law and theology to devotional material. This book presents the first comprehensive study of angels in Islam, through an analysis of a collection of traditions (hadīth) compiled by the 15th century polymath Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūtī (d. 911/1505). With a focus on the principal angels in Islam, the author provides an analysis and critical translation of hadith included in al-Suyuti’s al-Haba’ik fi akhbar al-mala’ik (‘The Arrangement of the Traditions about Angels’) – many of which are translated into English for the first time. The book discusses the issues that the hadīth raise, exploring why angels are named in particular ways; how angels are described and portrayed in the hadīth; the ways in which angels interact with humans; and the theological controversies which feature angels. From this it is possible to place al-Suyūtī’s collection in its religious and historical milieu, building on the study of angels in Judaism and Christianity to explore aspects of comparative religious beliefs about angels as well as relating Muslim beliefs about angels to wider debates in Islamic Studies. Broadening the study of Islamic angelology and providing a significant amount of newly translated primary source material, this book will be of great interest to scholars of Islam, divinity, and comparative religion.

Angels in Islam: Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti's al-Haba'ik fi akhbar al-mala'ik (Culture and Civilization in the Middle East)

by Stephen Burge

Angels are a basic tenet of belief in Islam, appearing in various types and genres of text, from eschatology to law and theology to devotional material. This book presents the first comprehensive study of angels in Islam, through an analysis of a collection of traditions (hadīth) compiled by the 15th century polymath Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūtī (d. 911/1505). With a focus on the principal angels in Islam, the author provides an analysis and critical translation of hadith included in al-Suyuti’s al-Haba’ik fi akhbar al-mala’ik (‘The Arrangement of the Traditions about Angels’) – many of which are translated into English for the first time. The book discusses the issues that the hadīth raise, exploring why angels are named in particular ways; how angels are described and portrayed in the hadīth; the ways in which angels interact with humans; and the theological controversies which feature angels. From this it is possible to place al-Suyūtī’s collection in its religious and historical milieu, building on the study of angels in Judaism and Christianity to explore aspects of comparative religious beliefs about angels as well as relating Muslim beliefs about angels to wider debates in Islamic Studies. Broadening the study of Islamic angelology and providing a significant amount of newly translated primary source material, this book will be of great interest to scholars of Islam, divinity, and comparative religion.

Angels in the Machinery: Gender in American Party Politics from the Civil War to the Progressive Era

by Rebecca Edwards

Angels in the Machinery offers a sweeping analysis of the centrality of gender to politics in the United States from the days of the Whigs to the early twentieth century. Author Rebecca Edwards shows that women in the U.S. participated actively and influentially as Republicans, Democrats, and leaders of third-party movements like Prohibitionism and Populism--decades before they won the right to vote--and in the process managed to transform forever the ideology of American party politics. Using cartoons, speeches, party platforms, news accounts, and campaign memorabilia, she offers a compelling explanation of why family values, women's political activities, and even candidates' sex lives remain hot-button issues in politics to this day.

Angels in the Machinery: Gender in American Party Politics from the Civil War to the Progressive Era

by Rebecca Edwards

Angels in the Machinery offers a sweeping analysis of the centrality of gender to politics in the United States from the days of the Whigs to the early twentieth century. Author Rebecca Edwards shows that women in the U.S. participated actively and influentially as Republicans, Democrats, and leaders of third-party movements like Prohibitionism and Populism--decades before they won the right to vote--and in the process managed to transform forever the ideology of American party politics. Using cartoons, speeches, party platforms, news accounts, and campaign memorabilia, she offers a compelling explanation of why family values, women's political activities, and even candidates' sex lives remain hot-button issues in politics to this day.

Angels of Modernism: Religion, Culture, Aesthetics 1910-1960

by S. Hobson

The angel can be viewed as a signal reference to modernist attempts to accommodate religious languages to self-consciously modern cultures. This book uses the angel to explore the relations between modernist literature and early twentieth-century debates over the secular and/or religious character of the modern age.

Angels with Dirty Faces: Five Inspiring Stories

by Casey Watson

Collection of 5 short stories – The Little Princess, No Place for Nathan, Daddy’s Boy, The Wild Child and Scarlett’s Secret – previously available as individual e-shorts.

Anger: The Conflicted History of an Emotion (Vices and Virtues)

by Barbara H. Rosenwein

Tracing the story of anger from the Buddha to Twitter, Rosenwein provides a much-needed account of our changing and contradictory understandings of this emotion All of us think we know when we are angry, and we are sure we can recognize anger in others as well. But this is only superficially true. We see anger through lenses colored by what we know, experience, and learn. Barbara H. Rosenwein traces our many conflicting ideas about and expressions of anger, taking the story from the Buddha to our own time, from anger’s complete rejection to its warm reception. Rosenwein explores how anger has been characterized by gender and race, why it has been tied to violence and how that is often a false connection, how it has figured among the seven deadly sins and yet is considered a virtue, and how its interpretation, once largely the preserve of philosophers and theologians, has been gradually handed over to scientists—with very mixed results. Rosenwein shows that the history of anger can help us grapple with it today.

Anger and Aggression: An Essay on Emotion (Springer Series in Social Psychology)

by J. R. Averill

In recent years, a great deal has been written on the topic of aggression; another book on the same topic might seem superfluous at this time. However, the present volume is not just-or even primarily-about aggres­ sion. It is, rather, a book on anger. Anger and aggression are closely related phenomena, and it is not possible to discuss one without the other. Yet, not all anger is aggressive, nor can all aggression be attributed to anger. Therefore, somewhat different considerations apply to each. Even more importantly, the type of theoretical generalizations one can make differs depending upon whether the primary focus is on anger or aggression. The present volume is subtitled "an essay on emotion." This indicates that the generalizations to be drawn have more to do with emotional responses (e.g., grief, love, envy, etc.) than with various forms of aggression (e.g., riots, war, crimes of violence, etc.). Stated somewhat differently, anger is here being used as a paradigm case for the study of emotion, not for the study of aggression.

Anger Management Games for Children

by Deborah Plummer

This book helps adults to understand, manage and reflect on children's anger. Featuring a wealth of games, it is designed to foster successful anger management strategies for children aged 5-12. It covers the theory behind the games, and includes a broad range of activities: active and passive, verbal and non-verbal, and for different sized groups.

Angewandte Ethnologie: Perspektiven einer anwendungsorientierten Wissenschaft

by Sabine Klocke-Daffa

Die Beiträge des Buches leiten umfassend in die Angewandte Ethnologie ein und schlagen damit eine Brücke zwischen Forschung und Anwendung. Mehr als 40 Ethnolog*innen aus über 30 Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen, Museen, Vereinen und freien Berufen stellen Aufgabenfelder und Anwendungsbereiche vor.Der Inhalt · Teil I Anwendungsorientierte Ethnologie: Genese / Aufgabenfelder / Kritik · Ethische Reflexionen · Theorie und Praxis · Methoden und Analyseverfahren· Teil II Themenfelder und Anwendungsbereiche: Entwicklungszusammenarbeit · Bildungsarbeit und Globales Lernen · Frühpädagogik und Schulbildung · Integration / Soziale Arbeit / Flüchtlingshilfe · Interkulturelle Trainings · Journalismus und Medienarbeit · Marketing · Medizinethnologie und Public Health · Museumsarbeit · Organisationsethnologie · Sportethnologie · Tourismus· Teil III Anwendungsorientierte Ethnologie in der Hochschule: Studium und Beruf · Praxis · Bibliotheksarbeit · Modelle Die HerausgeberinPrivatdozentin Dr. Sabine Klocke-Daffa lehrt Ethnologie an der Universität Tübingen.

Angewandte Gestalttheorie in Psychotherapie und Psychohygiene

by Hans-Jürgen Walter

Hans-Jürgen Walter belegt in seinen Arbeiten zu Psychotherapie und Soziotherapie, Sozialarbeit und Sozialpädagogik, Organisationsentwicklung und Politik die theoretische Fruchtbarkeit und Praxisrelevanz der Gestalttheorie der Berliner Schule für verschiedene Arbeitsfelder, in denen Menschen in psychotherapeutischer, erzieherischer und politischer Absicht aufeinander einwirken. Das inzwischen modern gewordene Integrationsparadigma ist in diesen Arbeiten aus den letzten zwanzig Jahren ohne Zugeständnisse an einen seichten Eklektizismus konsistent verwirklicht. Dabei zeigt Walter die selten anzutreffende Begabung, auf verschiedenen Anwendungsgebieten Gedanken von höchster theoretischer Subtilität in produktiver und verständlicher Weise in konkrete praktische Forderungen umzusetzen.

Angewandte Phänomenologie: Zum Spannungsverhältnis von Konstruktion und Konstitution

by Jochen Dreher

Dieser Band geht u.a. der Frage nach, wie eine Verbindung zwischen der streng egologisch, reflexiv vorgehenden Phänomenologie und den empirisch und historisch ausgerichteten Sozialwissenschaften hergestellt werden kann. Zudem werden folgende Fragestellungen aufgegriffen: Wie kann im Spannungsfeld von phänomenologischer und sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung die Herausbildung sozialer Beziehungs-, Vergemeinschaftungs-, Abgrenzungsphänomene erklärt werden? Verschiedenartige Antworten auf diese Fragen offeriert vorliegender Sammelband.

Angewandte Regressionsanalyse: Theorie, Technik und Praxis (Studienskripten zur Soziologie)

by Dieter Urban Jochen Mayerl

Das Lehrbuch erläutert die Durchführung und Interpretation von klassischen Regressionsanalysen (nach der OLS-Methode) und von logistischen Regressions­analysen (nach der ML-Methode). Im Text wird insbesondere auf die Überprüfung der Anwendungsvoraussetzungen von Regressionsschätzungen eingegangen. Auch werden typische Fehlschlüsse und häufig anzutreffende Fehlinterpretationen behandelt (u.a. bei Determinationskoeffizienten, bei standardisierten Regressionskoeffi­zienten und bei zentrierten Effekten). Zudem werden erweiterte Verfahren wie z.B. Teststärkeanalysen, Regressionen mit Dummy-Variablen und Modellschätzungen mit Moderator- und Mediatorvariablen erläutert. Die Form der Darstellung ist praxisorientiert. Alle Verfahren werden an Beispielen erläutert (inkl. der für die Praxis erforderlichen SPSS-Anweisungen).Neu in der fünften Auflage sind (u.a.):Regressionsanalyse bei fehlenden WertenBootstrapping in der RegressionsanalyseBerechnung durchschnittlicher marginaler Effekte (AME) mit SPSS.Die AutorenDr. Dieter Urban ist Professor für Soziologie am Institut für Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Stuttgart. Dr. Jochen Mayerl ist Juniorprofessor am Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften der TU Kaiserslautern.

The Angkorian World (Routledge Worlds)

by Mitch Hendrickson Miriam T. Stark Damian Evans

The Angkorian World explores the history of Southeast Asia’s largest ancient state from the first to mid-second millennium CE. Chapters by leading scholars combine evidence from archaeology, texts, and the natural sciences to introduce the Angkorian state, describe its structure, and explain its persistence over more than six centuries. Comprehensive and accessible, this book will be an indispensable resource for anyone studying premodern Asia. The volume’s first of six sections provides historical and environmental contexts and discusses data sources and the nature of knowledge production. The next three sections examine the anthropogenic landscapes of Angkor (agrarian, urban, and hydraulic), the state institutions that shaped the Angkorian state, and the economic foundations on which Angkor operated. Part V explores Angkorian ideologies and realities, from religion and nation to identity. The volume’s last part reviews political and aesthetic Angkorian legacies in an effort to explain why the idea of Angkor remains central to its Cambodian descendants. Maps, graphics, and photographs guide readers through the content of each chapter. Chapters in this volume synthesise more than a century of work at Angkor and in the regions it influenced. The Angkorian World will satisfy students, researchers, academics, and the knowledgeable layperson who seeks to understand how this great Angkorian Empire arose and functioned in the premodern world.

The Angkorian World (Routledge Worlds)

by Mitch Hendrickson Miriam T. Stark Damian Evans

The Angkorian World explores the history of Southeast Asia’s largest ancient state from the first to mid-second millennium CE. Chapters by leading scholars combine evidence from archaeology, texts, and the natural sciences to introduce the Angkorian state, describe its structure, and explain its persistence over more than six centuries. Comprehensive and accessible, this book will be an indispensable resource for anyone studying premodern Asia. The volume’s first of six sections provides historical and environmental contexts and discusses data sources and the nature of knowledge production. The next three sections examine the anthropogenic landscapes of Angkor (agrarian, urban, and hydraulic), the state institutions that shaped the Angkorian state, and the economic foundations on which Angkor operated. Part V explores Angkorian ideologies and realities, from religion and nation to identity. The volume’s last part reviews political and aesthetic Angkorian legacies in an effort to explain why the idea of Angkor remains central to its Cambodian descendants. Maps, graphics, and photographs guide readers through the content of each chapter. Chapters in this volume synthesise more than a century of work at Angkor and in the regions it influenced. The Angkorian World will satisfy students, researchers, academics, and the knowledgeable layperson who seeks to understand how this great Angkorian Empire arose and functioned in the premodern world.

Angles Of Vision: How To Understand Social Problems

by Leonard Beeghley

Angles of Vision is a compact text that provides students with basic information about social problems and teaches them a strategy for understanding these issues. Students learn how to distinguish between individual and structural analyses and the importance of placing issues in a historical and international context to gain a clearer understanding. In so doing, students come to appreciate that sociology is a hypothesis-testing discipline. The author uses metaphors, vignettes, and humor to convey the fundamental concepts, key findings, and methods by which sociologists understand social problems. } Angles of Vision is a compact text that provides students with basic information about social problems and teaches them a strategy for understanding these issues. Students learn how to distinguish between individual and structural analyses and the importance of placing issues in a historical and international context to gain a clearer understanding. In so doing, students come to appreciate that sociology is a hypothesis-testing discipline. The author uses metaphors, vignettes, and humor to convey the fundamental concepts, key findings, and methods by which sociologists understand social problems.Each chapter is organized to facilitate students understanding. First the issue is presented. The reasons why it is considered a social problem are explained along with a brief history. Second, historical and international data on the issue are sketched, ordinarily in simple tables or figures. The historical data go back as far as plausible, usually a century or more. The international data usually compare the U.S. with Western European nations, such as the U.K., France, and others. Third, the consequences of the issue are discussed. Fourth, the way individuals affect and are affected by the problem is outlined. Fifth, the relationship between social structure and the problem is explained. Finally, the implications of the problem are reviewed. *Jargon-free writing style and use of humor and anecdotes clearly illustrate concepts and hold students interest. *Historical and international data provide students with a broader and more empirical basis with which to examine social problems. *Looks at social problems from different angles of vision such as individual or structural. *Emphasizes the importance of hypothesis testing.. Angles of Vision is a compact text that provides students with a strategy for understanding social problems.Ten readable chapters cover:abortion, gender inequality, racial and ethnic inequality, poverty, drugs, homicide, aging, health.Chapters begin with a brief outline of what is to follow, and end with a short list of further reading. Each chapter succinctly addresses the dimensions of the problem, its consequences, its effect on individuals, its effect on the social structure, and its implications. Key studies, comprehensive historical and comparative data, fundamental concepts, and key methods are explained using metaphors, vignettes, and humor that will draw your students in, while giving them a firm grounding in social problems. }

Angles Of Vision: How To Understand Social Problems

by Leonard Beeghley

Angles of Vision is a compact text that provides students with basic information about social problems and teaches them a strategy for understanding these issues. Students learn how to distinguish between individual and structural analyses and the importance of placing issues in a historical and international context to gain a clearer understanding. In so doing, students come to appreciate that sociology is a hypothesis-testing discipline. The author uses metaphors, vignettes, and humor to convey the fundamental concepts, key findings, and methods by which sociologists understand social problems. } Angles of Vision is a compact text that provides students with basic information about social problems and teaches them a strategy for understanding these issues. Students learn how to distinguish between individual and structural analyses and the importance of placing issues in a historical and international context to gain a clearer understanding. In so doing, students come to appreciate that sociology is a hypothesis-testing discipline. The author uses metaphors, vignettes, and humor to convey the fundamental concepts, key findings, and methods by which sociologists understand social problems.Each chapter is organized to facilitate students understanding. First the issue is presented. The reasons why it is considered a social problem are explained along with a brief history. Second, historical and international data on the issue are sketched, ordinarily in simple tables or figures. The historical data go back as far as plausible, usually a century or more. The international data usually compare the U.S. with Western European nations, such as the U.K., France, and others. Third, the consequences of the issue are discussed. Fourth, the way individuals affect and are affected by the problem is outlined. Fifth, the relationship between social structure and the problem is explained. Finally, the implications of the problem are reviewed. *Jargon-free writing style and use of humor and anecdotes clearly illustrate concepts and hold students interest. *Historical and international data provide students with a broader and more empirical basis with which to examine social problems. *Looks at social problems from different angles of vision such as individual or structural. *Emphasizes the importance of hypothesis testing.. Angles of Vision is a compact text that provides students with a strategy for understanding social problems.Ten readable chapters cover:abortion, gender inequality, racial and ethnic inequality, poverty, drugs, homicide, aging, health.Chapters begin with a brief outline of what is to follow, and end with a short list of further reading. Each chapter succinctly addresses the dimensions of the problem, its consequences, its effect on individuals, its effect on the social structure, and its implications. Key studies, comprehensive historical and comparative data, fundamental concepts, and key methods are explained using metaphors, vignettes, and humor that will draw your students in, while giving them a firm grounding in social problems. }

Anglican Communion in Crisis: How Episcopal Dissidents and Their African Allies Are Reshaping Anglicanism

by Miranda K. Hassett

The sign outside the conservative, white church in the small southern U.S. town announces that the church is part of the Episcopal Church--of Rwanda. In Anglican Communion in Crisis, Miranda Hassett tells the fascinating story of how a new alliance between conservative American Episcopalians and African Anglicans is transforming conflicts between American Episcopalians--especially over homosexuality--into global conflicts within the Anglican church. In the mid-1990s, conservative American Episcopalians and Anglican leaders from Africa and other parts of the Southern Hemisphere began to forge ties in opposition to the American Episcopal Church's perceived liberalism and growing toleration of homosexuality. This resulted in dozens of American Episcopal churches submitting to the authority of African bishops. Based on wide research, interviews with key participants and observers, and months Hassett spent in a southern U.S. parish of the Episcopal Church of Rwanda and in Anglican communities in Uganda, Anglican Communion in Crisis is the first anthropological examination of the coalition between American Episcopalians and African Anglicans. The book challenges common views--that the relationship between the Americans and Africans is merely one of convenience or even that the Americans bought the support of the Africans. Instead, Hassett argues that their partnership is a deliberate and committed movement that has tapped the power and language of globalization in an effort to move both the American Episcopal Church and the worldwide Anglican Communion to the right.

Anglican Communion in Crisis: How Episcopal Dissidents and Their African Allies Are Reshaping Anglicanism (PDF)

by Miranda K. Hassett

The sign outside the conservative, white church in the small southern U.S. town announces that the church is part of the Episcopal Church--of Rwanda. In Anglican Communion in Crisis, Miranda Hassett tells the fascinating story of how a new alliance between conservative American Episcopalians and African Anglicans is transforming conflicts between American Episcopalians--especially over homosexuality--into global conflicts within the Anglican church. In the mid-1990s, conservative American Episcopalians and Anglican leaders from Africa and other parts of the Southern Hemisphere began to forge ties in opposition to the American Episcopal Church's perceived liberalism and growing toleration of homosexuality. This resulted in dozens of American Episcopal churches submitting to the authority of African bishops. Based on wide research, interviews with key participants and observers, and months Hassett spent in a southern U.S. parish of the Episcopal Church of Rwanda and in Anglican communities in Uganda, Anglican Communion in Crisis is the first anthropological examination of the coalition between American Episcopalians and African Anglicans. The book challenges common views--that the relationship between the Americans and Africans is merely one of convenience or even that the Americans bought the support of the Africans. Instead, Hassett argues that their partnership is a deliberate and committed movement that has tapped the power and language of globalization in an effort to move both the American Episcopal Church and the worldwide Anglican Communion to the right.

Anglicans, Dissenters and Radical Change in Early New England, 1686–1786

by James B. Bell

This book considers three defining movements driven from London and within the region that describe the experience of the Church of England in New England between 1686 and 1786. It explores the radical imperial political and religious change that occurred in Puritan New England following the late seventeenth-century introduction of a new charter for the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the Anglican Church in Boston and the public declaration of several Yale ‘apostates’ at the 1722 college commencement exercises. These events transformed the religious circumstances of New England and fuelled new attention and interest in London for the national church in early America. The political leadership, controversial ideas and forces in London and Boston during the run-up to and in the course of the War for Independence, was witnessed by and affected the Church of England in New England. The book appeals to students and researchers of English History, British Imperial History, Early American History and Religious History.

Anglicans, Dissenters and Radical Change in Early New England, 1686–1786

by James B. Bell

This book considers three defining movements driven from London and within the region that describe the experience of the Church of England in New England between 1686 and 1786. It explores the radical imperial political and religious change that occurred in Puritan New England following the late seventeenth-century introduction of a new charter for the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the Anglican Church in Boston and the public declaration of several Yale ‘apostates’ at the 1722 college commencement exercises. These events transformed the religious circumstances of New England and fuelled new attention and interest in London for the national church in early America. The political leadership, controversial ideas and forces in London and Boston during the run-up to and in the course of the War for Independence, was witnessed by and affected the Church of England in New England. The book appeals to students and researchers of English History, British Imperial History, Early American History and Religious History.

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