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Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST): A Strengths-Based Common Factors Approach

by Mo Yee Lee David Grove J. Scott Fraser Gilbert Greene Andy Solovey

Funders of mental health services to youth and families have increasingly required providers to use treatments deemed to be "evidence-based." There are several evidence-based family treatment (EBFT) approaches found to be effective with the same types of presenting problems and populations. All of these EBFTs claim to be based on similar theoretical approaches and have specified treatment protocols that providers must follow to be faithful to the model. These EBFTs are expensive for agencies to establish and maintain. Many agencies that initially adopted one of these EBFTs later de-adopted it because they could not sustain it when billing Medicaid is the only way to pay for such services. Meta-analyses of treatment outcome studies have found that various theoretical approaches to therapy are effective, but no one approach is more effective than any other. What accounts for client improvement is not the specific treatment approach, but rather the factors they all have in common. To provide an effective, affordable, and flexible approach to family treatment the authors of this book developed and have conducted researched on an approach they call Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST). I-FAST is a meta-model organized around the common factors to family treatment. Such a model does not require practitioners to learn a completely new way to provide treatment but rather it builds on and incorporates the clinical strengths and skills they already possess. This book is a manual for how to faithfully and flexibly provide I-FAST. A manual for a meta-model to treatment based on the common factors has never been provided. This book provides clear guidelines illustrated by cases examples for not only how to provide I-FAST but also how to teach and supervise it as well as how to integrate I-FAST with the rest of an agency's services and programs.

Integrative Framing Analysis: Framing Health through Words and Visuals (Routledge Research in Communication Studies)

by Viorela Dan

Much of framing scholarship focuses either exclusively on the analysis of words or of visuals. This book aims to address this gap by proposing a six-step approach to the analysis of verbal frames, visual frames and the interplay between them—an integrative framing analysis. This approach is then demonstrated through a study investigating the way words and visuals are used to frame people living with HIV/AIDS in various communication contexts: the news, public service announcements and special interest publications. This application of integrative framing analysis reveals differences between verbal frames and visual frames in the same messages, underscoring the importance of looking at these frames together.

Integrative Framing Analysis: Framing Health through Words and Visuals (Routledge Research in Communication Studies)

by Viorela Dan

Much of framing scholarship focuses either exclusively on the analysis of words or of visuals. This book aims to address this gap by proposing a six-step approach to the analysis of verbal frames, visual frames and the interplay between them—an integrative framing analysis. This approach is then demonstrated through a study investigating the way words and visuals are used to frame people living with HIV/AIDS in various communication contexts: the news, public service announcements and special interest publications. This application of integrative framing analysis reveals differences between verbal frames and visual frames in the same messages, underscoring the importance of looking at these frames together.

An Integrative Paradigm for Mental Health Care: Ideas and Methods Shaping the Future

by James H. Lake

This crucial volume provides a concise overview of the conceptual foundations and clinical methods underlying the rapidly emerging subspecialty of integrative mental healthcare. It discusses methods for guiding practitioners to individualized integrative strategies that address unique symptoms and circumstances for each patient and includes practical clinical techniques for developing interventions addressed at wellness, prevention, and treatment. Included among the overview:Meeting the challenges of mental illness through integrative mental health care.Evolving paradigms and their impact on mental health careModels of consciousness: How they shape understandings of normal mental functioning and mental illnessFoundations of methodology in integrative mental health careTreatment planning in integrative mental health careThe future of mental health careA New Paradigm for Integrative Mental Healthcare is relevant and timely for the increasing numbers of patients seeking integrative and alternative care for depressed mood, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other mental health problems such as fatigue and chronic pain. “Patients are crying out for a more integrative approach, and this exemplary book provides the template for achieving such a vision.” -Jerome Sarris, MHSc, PhD, ND“For most conventionally trained clinicians the challenge is not “does CAM work?” but “how do I integrate CAM into my clinical practice?” Lake’s comprehensive approach answers this central question, enabling the clinician to plan truly integrative and effective care for the mind and body.”-Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH

Integrative Practice in and for Larger Systems: Transforming Administration and Management of People, Organizations, and Communities

by Harold E. Briggs Verlea G. Briggs Adam C. Briggs

Successful integrative practice begins at the nexus of intrapersonal and interpersonal levels of macro practice, and requires a nuanced sensitivity to both. Integrative Practice in and for Larger Systems guides readers through the development of a cohesive practice model to transform the management of community agencies. Specifically, the new model emphasizes accountability and awareness to the covert aspects of organizational culture and politics that underwrite effective service delivery. The book also addresses a broad scope of issues that require thoughtful consideration, including policy evaluations, interagency community-based practice, innovation implementation across larger systems, direct-service program management, and program and organization development. Written from the vantage point of administering and managing community agency-based practice using evidence-informed approaches, the text is an essential resource for students seeking to learn both agency and interagency management practices.

Integrative Practice in and for Larger Systems: Transforming Administration and Management of People, Organizations, and Communities

by Harold E. Briggs Verlea G. Briggs Adam C. Briggs

Successful integrative practice begins at the nexus of intrapersonal and interpersonal levels of macro practice, and requires a nuanced sensitivity to both. Integrative Practice in and for Larger Systems guides readers through the development of a cohesive practice model to transform the management of community agencies. Specifically, the new model emphasizes accountability and awareness to the covert aspects of organizational culture and politics that underwrite effective service delivery. The book also addresses a broad scope of issues that require thoughtful consideration, including policy evaluations, interagency community-based practice, innovation implementation across larger systems, direct-service program management, and program and organization development. Written from the vantage point of administering and managing community agency-based practice using evidence-informed approaches, the text is an essential resource for students seeking to learn both agency and interagency management practices.

Integrative psychische Gesundheitsversorgung: Grundlagen, Theorie und klinische Anwendungen

by James H. Lake

Dieser wichtige Band bietet einen prägnanten Überblick über die konzeptionellen Grundlagen und klinischen Methoden, die der schnell entstehenden Subspezialität der integrativen psychischen Gesundheitspflege zugrunde liegen. Es werden Methoden erörtert, die Praktiker zu individualisierten integrativen Strategien anleiten, die sich mit den einzigartigen Symptomen und Umständen jedes einzelnen Patienten befassen, und es enthält praktische klinische Techniken zur Entwicklung von Interventionen, die auf Wohlbefinden, Prävention und Behandlung ausgerichtet sind.In der Übersicht enthalten:· Bewältigung der Herausforderungen psychischer Erkrankungen durch integrative psychiatrische Versorgung.· Sich verändernde Paradigmen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die psychische Gesundheitsversorgung· Modelle des Bewusstseins: Wie sie das Verständnis von normaler psychischer Funktion und psychischer Krankheit prägen· Methodische Grundlagen der integrativen psychiatrischen Versorgung· Behandlungsplanung in der integrativen psychiatrischen Versorgung· Die Zukunft der psychischen GesundheitspflegeA New Paradigm for Integrative Mental Healthcare (Ein neues Paradigma für die integrative psychische Gesundheitspflege) ist für die wachsende Zahl von Patienten, die eine integrative und alternative Behandlung für depressive Verstimmungen, Angstzustände, ADHS, bipolare Störungen, Schizophrenie und andere psychische Gesundheitsprobleme wie Müdigkeit und chronische Schmerzen suchen, relevant und zeitgemäß."Die Patienten schreien nach einem integrativen Ansatz, und dieses beispielhafte Buch liefertdie Vorlage für die Verwirklichung einer solchen Vision." -Jerome Sarris, MHSc, PhD, ND"Für die meisten konventionell ausgebildeten Kliniker besteht die Herausforderung nicht in der Frage "Funktioniert die Alternativmedizin?", sondern "Wie integriere ich die Alternativmedizin in meine klinische Praxis?" Lakes umfassender Ansatz beantwortet diese zentrale Frage und befähigt den Kliniker, eine wirklich integrative und effektive Pflege für Geist und Körper zu planen." -Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH

Integrative Social Work Practice with Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Other Forcibly Displaced Persons (Essential Clinical Social Work Series)

by Nancy J. Murakami Mashura Akilova

This textbook provides theoretical and clinical knowledge needed by social workers and other practitioners involved in humanitarian emergency response. Social workers are well positioned to serve coordinating and leadership roles in this interdisciplinary field due to their holistic training. This book weaves together micro, mezzo, and macro levels of practice into integrated social work practice. Its historical account of humanitarian emergencies, coverage of social work frameworks and principles, and review of existing best practices at the clinical, community, and policy levels ground the reader in a field of social work that requires consideration of historical frameworks alongside innovative responses to the complexity of humanitarian emergencies.The contributors incorporate best practices as well as address gaps in awareness, knowledge, and skills that they have observed and studied worldwide. Some of the topics explored include:Social Work with Displaced Children, Women, LGBTQI+, Asylum SeekersReturn and Reintegration of Displaced Populations and Reconstruction in Post-conflict SocietiesCulture, Trauma, and Loss: Integrative Social Work Practice with Refugees and Asylum SeekersClinical Social Work Practice with Forcibly Displaced Persons Grounded in Human Rights and Social Justice PrinciplesIntegrative Social Work Practice with Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Other Forcibly Displaced Persons is adoptable as a primary text for MSW and doctoral elective courses on global social work or international social work practice with persecuted and forcibly displaced people. This textbook is targeted to clinical social work or policy courses as well, and can be supplemental reading for required courses for migration and forced displacement majors. It is also useful for social workers or interdisciplinary practitioners working around the globe with displaced populations.

Integrative Suchtarbeit: Innovative Modelle, Praxisstrategien und Evaluation

by Hilarion Petzold Peter Schay Wolfgang Scheiblich

Die nach wie vor gravierenden gesellschaftlichen Probleme im Umgang mit Sucht, die unverändert hohe Zahl Abhängigkeitskranker und die damit verbundenen Probleme machen eine breite Übersicht über Therapiekonzepte notwendig. Die Fortschritte der Forschung und die Erfahrungen der therapeutischen Praxis machen diese Dokumentation klinischen und psychosozialen Wissens möglich, wie sie in so umfassender Form bislang nicht vorliegt. Im Kontext der aktuellen Diskussion bietet der Band "Integrative Suchtarbeit" einen umfassenden Theorie-Praxis-Überblick.

Integrative Suchttherapie: Theorie, Methoden, Praxis, Forschung

by Hilarion Petzold Peter Schay Wolfgang Ebert

Das Werk gibt einen Überblick über moderne Theoriekonzepte, Behandlungsmodelle und -methoden, Forschung zur Qualitätssicherung in der Suchttherapie (Drogenabhängigkeit, Alkoholismus) aus hoch- und niedrigschwelligen Praxisfeldern. Die Autorinnen und Autoren vertreten methodenübergreifende Konzepte der Integrativen Therapie und Psychologischer Psychotherapie, einer ganzheitlichen und differentiellen Soziotherapie und Beratung.

Integrative Supervision, Meta-Consulting, Organisationsentwicklung: Ein Handbuch für Modelle und Methoden reflexiver Praxis

by Hilarion Petzold

Innovative wissenschaftliche Theorie der Supervison auf höchstem Niveau: Sozialpsychologische, systemische, organisationssoziologische und psychotherapiewissenschaftliche Konzepte werden in einem konsistenten Modell der Integrativen Supervision zusammengefasst. Vorgestellt wird eine methodisch griffige, kreative Praxeologie mit zahlreichen Interventionsmethoden und Tools aus Gestalttherapie, Psychodrama, Imaginationsverfahren, Gruppendynamik und Arbeit mit kreativen Medien. In Anbindung zu den praxisorientierten Themenfeldern Organisationsentwickung, reflexives Management und Metaconsulting liegt ein Handbuch vernetzten Denkens und ein jetzt erweiterter Standardtext vor.

Integrative Systems Approaches to Natural and Social Dynamics: Systems Science 2000

by Michael Matthies Horst Malchow Jürgen Kriz

At the start of the new millennium, mankind is challenged by a paradox: the more we know about the world the more uncertain we become in understanding and predicting how it works. This book presents an outline of a new basis for Systems Science, and a methodology for its application in complex environmental, economic, social, and technological systems.

Integrierte Sozialplanung für die Versorgung im Alter: Grundlagen, Bausteine, Praxisbeispiele (Perspektiven Sozialwirtschaft und Sozialmanagement)

by Herbert Schubert

Angesichts der Veränderung von Bedarfsstrukturen im Rahmen des demografischen Wandels in Deutschland steht die kommunale Sozialplanung vor der Herausforderung, die Versorgung im Alter sicherzustellen, ohne den Gesamtzusammenhang der Altersgruppen in der Kommune aus den Augen zu verlieren. Im vorliegenden Buch wird Altenhilfeplanung grundlagentheoretisch vorgestellt und in innovativen Modellen und Konzepten weiterentwickelt. Die Wirklichkeit einer neuorientierten Planungspraxis wird anhand von gelungenen Beispielen aus Quartieren und Gemeinden Deutschlands und der Schweiz aufgezeigt.

Integrierte Verbandskommunikation (essentials)

by Manfred Bruhn

​Verbände haben sich mit einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Anspruchsgruppen auseinanderzusetzen. Zudem existieren verschiedene Möglichkeiten der Kommunikation bzw. der Zielgruppenansprache. Die Relevanz einer Integrierten Kommunikation über alle Kommunikationsinstrumente ist daher unbestritten. Der Beitrag zeigt auf, wie die Besonderheiten der Verbandskommunikation im Rahmen einer Integrierten Kommunikation Berücksichtigung finden. Zudem werden Erfolgsbeispiele von Verbänden aufgezeigt, die eine effektive und effiziente Integrierte Kommunikation erfolgreich in der Praxis umsetzen.

Integrität: Aufnahme einer sozialphilosophischen Personalie (Edition Moderne Postmoderne)

by Arnd Pollmann

Was bedeutet es, Integrität zu besitzen? In der kapitalistischen Spätmoderne wird es zunehmend schwieriger, »integer« zu sein und auch zu bleiben. Wachsende soziale Desintegration und Entfremdung lassen personale Attribute wie »Unbestechlichkeit«, »Selbsttreue«, »Rechtschaffenheit«, »Ganzheit« und »Unversehrtheit« an Bedeutung gewinnen. Bislang fehlte eine philosophische Theorie, die diese und weitere Bedeutungsdimensionen des Integritätsbegriffes umfassend zu erhellen und zu vermitteln vermochte. Mit »Integrität« liegt die erste deutschsprachige Monographie zum Thema vor. Sie gibt den Blick frei auf Integritätsgefährdungen und -verletzungen, die für unsere Zeit typisch sind.

Integrität: Aufnahme einer sozialphilosophischen Personalie (Edition Moderne Postmoderne)

by Arnd Pollmann

Was bedeutet es, Integrität zu besitzen? In der kapitalistischen Spätmoderne wird es zunehmend schwieriger, »integer« zu sein und auch zu bleiben. Wachsende soziale Desintegration und Entfremdung lassen personale Attribute wie »Unbestechlichkeit«, »Selbsttreue«, »Rechtschaffenheit«, »Ganzheit« und »Unversehrtheit« an Bedeutung gewinnen. Bislang fehlte eine philosophische Theorie, die diese und weitere Bedeutungsdimensionen des Integritätsbegriffes umfassend zu erhellen und zu vermitteln vermochte. Mit »Integrität« liegt die erste deutschsprachige Monographie zum Thema vor. Sie gibt den Blick frei auf Integritätsgefährdungen und -verletzungen, die für unsere Zeit typisch sind.

Integrität und Verantwortung: Hannah Arendts Konzept der Rechtspersonalität und die Zerstörung der Person im Nationalsozialismus (Edition Moderne Postmoderne)

by Barbara Bushart

Der Totalitarismus wollte den Menschen auf ein Gattungswesen reduzieren. Hannah Arendts politische Theorie hingegen basiert auf einem Verständnis vom Menschen als Person, der sich im Handeln und Sprechen in seiner Einmaligkeit enthüllt und zusammen mit anderen eine gemeinsame Welt schafft. Barbara Bushart legt in ihrer rechtstheoretischen Untersuchung dar, wie Rechtsdogmen und -techniken die Pluralität sowohl zu realisieren helfen als auch zu zerstören wissen. Die Fokussierung auf die Interdependenz von Recht und der Verwirklichung menschlicher Potenziale ergänzt dabei die wachsende Forschung zum Arendt'schen Rechtsverständnis um eine bisher vernachlässigte Facette.

The Intellectual and the People in Egyptian Literature and Culture: Am?ra and the 2011 Revolution

by Ayman A. El-Desouky

The Intellectual and the People in Egyptian Literature and Culture uses the notion of am?ra – the Egyptian concept of collective and connective agency – to explore the relationship between the Egyptian intellectual and 'the people' in contemporary Egyptian literature and culture.

Intellectual Base of Social Work Practice: Tools for Thought in a Helping Profession

by Harold Lewis Jayne Silberman

This much-needed exploration of the cognitive side of social work practice provides a framework for improving social work practice and education.

Intellectual Base of Social Work Practice: Tools for Thought in a Helping Profession

by Harold Lewis Jayne Silberman

This much-needed exploration of the cognitive side of social work practice provides a framework for improving social work practice and education.

The Intellectual Culture of Puritan Women, 1558-1680 (Early Modern Literature in History)

by Johanna Harris Elizabeth Scott-Baumann

This collection of essays by leading scholars in the field reveals the major contribution of puritan women to the intellectual culture of the early modern period. It demonstrates that women's roles within puritan and broader communities encompassed translating and disseminating key texts, producing an impressive body of original writing.

Intellectual disability: A conceptual history, 1200–1900 (Disability History Ser.)

by Patrick McDonagh

This collection of essays investigates the historical genealogy of our contemporary ideas of intellectual or learning disability. The essays engage with literary, educational, cultural, legal, religious, psychiatric and philosophical histories to track how and why these precursor ideas arose and explore how they helped shape current concepts.

Intellectual disability: A conceptual history, 1200–1900 (Disability History Ser.)

by Patrick McDonagh

This collection explores the historical origins of our modern concepts of intellectual or learning disability. The essays, from some of the leading historians of ideas of intellectual disability, focus on British and European material from the Middle Ages to the late-nineteenth century and extend across legal, educational, literary, religious, philosophical and psychiatric histories. They investigate how precursor concepts and discourses were shaped by and interacted with their particular social, cultural and intellectual environments, eventually giving rise to contemporary ideas. The collection is essential reading for scholars interested in the history of intelligence, intellectual disability and related concepts, as well as in disability history generally.

Intellectual Disability and Being Human: A Care Ethics Model (Routledge Advances in Disability Studies)

by Chrissie Rogers

Intellectual disability is often overlooked within mainstream disability studies, and theories developed about disability and physical impairment may not always be appropriate when thinking about intellectual (or learning) disability. This pioneering book, in considering intellectually disabled people's lives, sets out a care ethics model of disability that outlines the emotional caring sphere, where love and care are psycho-socially questioned, the practical caring sphere, where day-to-day care is carried out, and the socio-political caring sphere, where social intolerance and aversion to difficult differences are addressed. It does so by discussing issue-based everyday life, such as family, relationships, media representations and education, in an evocative and creative manner. This book draws from an understanding of how intellectual disability is represented in all forms of media, a feminist ethics of care, and capabilities, as well as other theories, to provide a critique and alternative to the social model of disability as well as illuminate care-less spaces that inhabit all the caring spheres. The first two chapters of the book provide an overview of intellectual disability, the debates surrounding disability, and outline the model. Having begun to develop an innovative theoretical framework for understanding intellectual disability and being human, the book then moves onto empirical and narrative driven issue-based chapters. The following chapters build on the emergent framework and discuss the application of particular theories in three different substantive areas: education, mothering and sexual politics. The concluding remarks draw together the common themes across the applied chapters and link them to the overarching theoretical framework. An important read for all those studying and researching intellectual or learning disability, this book will be an essential resource in sociology, philosophy, criminology (law), social work, education and nursing in particular.

Intellectual Disability and Being Human: A Care Ethics Model (Routledge Advances in Disability Studies)

by Chrissie Rogers

Intellectual disability is often overlooked within mainstream disability studies, and theories developed about disability and physical impairment may not always be appropriate when thinking about intellectual (or learning) disability. This pioneering book, in considering intellectually disabled people's lives, sets out a care ethics model of disability that outlines the emotional caring sphere, where love and care are psycho-socially questioned, the practical caring sphere, where day-to-day care is carried out, and the socio-political caring sphere, where social intolerance and aversion to difficult differences are addressed. It does so by discussing issue-based everyday life, such as family, relationships, media representations and education, in an evocative and creative manner. This book draws from an understanding of how intellectual disability is represented in all forms of media, a feminist ethics of care, and capabilities, as well as other theories, to provide a critique and alternative to the social model of disability as well as illuminate care-less spaces that inhabit all the caring spheres. The first two chapters of the book provide an overview of intellectual disability, the debates surrounding disability, and outline the model. Having begun to develop an innovative theoretical framework for understanding intellectual disability and being human, the book then moves onto empirical and narrative driven issue-based chapters. The following chapters build on the emergent framework and discuss the application of particular theories in three different substantive areas: education, mothering and sexual politics. The concluding remarks draw together the common themes across the applied chapters and link them to the overarching theoretical framework. An important read for all those studying and researching intellectual or learning disability, this book will be an essential resource in sociology, philosophy, criminology (law), social work, education and nursing in particular.

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