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Interdisziplinäre Meinungsführerforschung: Eine systematische Literaturanalyse

by Katrin Jungnickel

Katrin Jungnickel befasst sich aus kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Sicht mit Meinungsführern als Personen, die andere in besonderem Maße informieren und beeinflussen. Die Autorin zeigt, dass das Phänomen Meinungsführerschaft in verschiedenen Bereichen von Interesse ist: Unternehmen möchten wissen, wie und von wem Meinungen über ihr Produkt verbreitet werden. Im Gesundheitswesen erhofft man sich Einblick in die Diffusion von gesundheitsbewussten Verhaltensweisen. In der Politik fragt man danach, wie Meinungsführer Wahlentscheidungen beeinflussen. Gleichzeitig feilt die Informatik an Algorithmen, um einflussreiche Nutzer auf Online-Plattformen zu erkennen. Mit Hilfe einer systematischen Literaturanalyse von 443 wissenschaftlichen Beiträgen der letzten 20 Jahre sammelt und ordnet das Buch alle diese Forschungsrichtungen. Es liefert einen umfassenden Überblick über Erkenntnisse der Meinungsführerforschung, ihre interdisziplinäre Vernetzung und methodische Weiterentwicklung.

Interdisziplinäre Rechtsforschung

by Christian Boulanger Julika Rosenstock Tobias Singelnstein

Der Band bietet eine Einführung in die Rechtssoziologie und die interdisziplinäre Rechtsforschung, die sich im Anschluss an die Socio-legal Studies und die Law and Society-Forschung im angelsächsischen Raum auch im deutschsprachigen Raum herausbildet. Die 16 Beiträge erschließen in exemplarischer Weise die theoretischen, methodischen und inhaltlichen Grundlinien der Beforschung von Recht in den verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen – darunter z.B. Soziologie, Politikwissenschaft, Rechtswissenschaft, Kriminologie, Ethnologie und Philosophie. Sie geben den LeserInnen einerseits einen fundierten Überblick im Sinne einer Bestandsaufnahme. Andererseits werden zentrale Fragestellungen zukünftiger Forschungen und damit Perspektiven des Feldes skizziert. Neben den theoretischen und methodischen Grundlagen der Rechtsforschung entsteht so anhand von beispielhaften Forschungsfragen ein multiperspektivisches Bild der wissenschaftlichen Befassung mit Recht als sozialem Phänomen in den verschiedenen Disziplinen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf empirischen, zeitgenössischen und gesellschaftswissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen in den Bereichen „Funktion, Genese und Wirkung Recht“, „Anwendung und Durchsetzung von Recht“ sowie „Wandel von Recht“. Hierin zeigt sich der Charakter der interdisziplinären Rechtsforschung als einer Grundlagendisziplin, die auf eine lange Forschungstradition in Rechtssoziologie, Rechtstatsachenforschung und Rechtswirkungsforschung aufbaut.Die HerausgeberInnenDr. Christian Boulanger ist Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Dr. Julika Rosenstock ist Wissenschaftliche Angestellte der Hamburger Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kultur.Prof. Dr. Tobias Singelnstein lehrt an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Interdisziplinäre Risikoforschung: Eine Bibliographie

by Gerhard Banse Gotthard Bechmann

Risiken und Gefahren technischer Entwicklung waren im letzten Jahrzehnt nicht nur Gegenstand heftiger Kontroversen in Politik und Öffentlichkeit, sondern führten dazu, daß sich in der Wissenschaft ein neues Forschungsthema mit explosiv ansteigender Zahl von Veröffentlichungen herausbildete. Die Wahrnehmung, Analyse und Bewertung von technikbedingten Risiken und Gefahren hat eine fachübergreifende Risikoforschung entstehen lassen, an der sich gleichermaßen Ingenieure, Naturwissenschaftler und Sozialwissenschaftler beteiligen und die sich inzwischen als interdisziplinäre, anwendungsbezogene Wissenschaft etabliert hat. Dieser Band stellt den ersten Versuch dar, dieses neue Forschungsfeld für den deutschsprachigen Raum systematisch an Hand einer Bibliographie darzustellen. Die Literatur wird dabei nach einem mehrdimensionalen Ordnungsschema systematisiert und klassifiziert. Eine selektive Biographie englischsprachiger Monographien und Sammelbände ist als Anhang beigefügt. In der Einleitung geben die Autoren einen Überblick über Entstehungsbedingungen, theoretische und disziplinäre Ansätze, analytische Kategorien und thematische Felder und stellen einen einheitlichen Bezugsrahmen für die Risikoforschung vor.

Interessenorganisation: Begriffsbestimmung, Definition und Typologie (essentials)

by Deniz Z. Ertin

Das vorliegende Buch beschäftigt sich mit der Begriffsbestimmung und Definition von Interessenorganisationen. Dabei wird die Nutzung unterschiedlicher Begriffe in der deutschen und englischen politikwissenschaftlichen Literatur diskutiert. Des Weiteren werden auch die begriffsgeschichtlichen und theoretischen Aspekte dieser Begriffe erläutert und ausgeführt. Neben der Definition des Begriffs werden auch die verschiedenen Typologien von Interessenorganisation untersucht und differenziert. Anhand von praktischen Beispielen werden diese Typologien diskutiert und angewendet.

Interessenvermittlung und staatliche Regulation (Studien zur Sozialwissenschaft #85)

by Klaus Schubert

Der Autor diskutiert den z.Z. wichtigsten politisch-ökonomischen Erklärungsansatz zum wirtschaftlichen und politischen "Aufstieg und Fall von Nationen" (Mancur Olson)

Interessenvertretung in der Altenpflege: Zwischen Staatszentrierung und Selbstorganisation

by Wolfgang Schroeder

Wolfgang Schroeder untersucht den Einfluss, den die zumeist weiblichen Beschäftigten auf ihre Arbeitsbedingungen haben. Mittels umfassender Befragungen zeigt er empirisch gesichert auf, wie schwach deren Selbstorganisation bisher ausgeprägt ist. Diskutiert werden die historischen, arbeitsbezogenen und institutionellen Ursachen, warum sie die Handlungsspielräume bislang als eher gering und die Hindernisse für bessere Arbeitsbedingungen als eher hoch einschätzen. Dabei wird deutlich, dass die Pflegenden über das Potenzial und die Strategien für eine zeitgemäße Interessenvertretung verfügen. Diese zu nutzen ist besonders wichtig, weil so nicht nur attraktivere Arbeitsbedingungen geschaffen werden können, sondern auch das Problem des Fachkräftemangels behoben werden kann.

The Interest: How the British Establishment Resisted the Abolition of Slavery

by Michael Taylor

'A critical piece of history and a devastating exposé' Shashi Tharoor, author of Inglorious EmpireFor two hundred years, the abolition of slavery in Britain has been a cause for self-congratulation - but no longer.In 1807, Parliament outlawed the slave trade in the British Empire, but for the next quarter of a century, despite heroic and bloody rebellions, more than 700,000 people in the British colonies remained enslaved. And when a renewed abolitionist campaign was mounted, making slave ownership the defining political and moral issue of the day, emancipation was fiercely resisted by the powerful 'West India Interest'. Supported by nearly every leading figure of the British establishment - including Canning, Peel and Gladstone, The Times and Spectator - the Interest ensured that slavery survived until 1833 and that when abolition came at last, compensation worth billions in today's money was given not to the enslaved but to the slaveholders, entrenching the power of their families to shape modern Britain to this day.Drawing on major new research, this long-overdue and ground-breaking history provides a gripping narrative account of the tumultuous and often violent battle - between rebels and planters, between abolitionists and the pro-slavery establishment - that divided and scarred the nation during these years of upheaval. The Interest reveals the lengths to which British leaders went to defend the indefensible in the name of profit, showing that the ultimate triumph of abolition came at a bitter cost and was one of the darkest and most dramatic episodes in British history.'Scintillating ... gripping ... compulsively readable' Guardian'Fascinating ... riveting and first-rate' The Times'A thoroughly researched and potent historical account' David Lammy MP

Interest Groups and the New Democracy Movement in Hong Kong (Routledge Contemporary China Series)

by Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo

A new era in the democracy movement in Hong Kong began on July 1, 2003, when half a million people protested on the streets, and has included the 2012 anti-National Education campaign, the 2014 Occupy Central Movement and the rapid rise of localist groups. The new democracy movement in Hong Kong is characterized by a diversity of interest groups calling for political reform, policy change and the territory’s autonomy vis-à-vis the central government in Beijing. These groups include lawyers, teachers, students, nativists, workers, Catholics, human rights activists, environmental activists and intellectuals. This book marks a new attempt at understanding the activities of the various interest groups in their quest for democratic participation, governmental responsiveness and openness. They are utilizing new and unconventional modes of political participation, such as the Occupy Central Movement, cross-class mobilization, the use of technology and cyberspace, and human rights activities with cross-boundary implications for China’s political development. The book will be useful to students, researchers, officials, diplomats and journalists interested in the political change of Hong Kong and the implications for mainland China.

Interest Groups and the New Democracy Movement in Hong Kong (Routledge Contemporary China Series)

by Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo

A new era in the democracy movement in Hong Kong began on July 1, 2003, when half a million people protested on the streets, and has included the 2012 anti-National Education campaign, the 2014 Occupy Central Movement and the rapid rise of localist groups. The new democracy movement in Hong Kong is characterized by a diversity of interest groups calling for political reform, policy change and the territory’s autonomy vis-à-vis the central government in Beijing. These groups include lawyers, teachers, students, nativists, workers, Catholics, human rights activists, environmental activists and intellectuals. This book marks a new attempt at understanding the activities of the various interest groups in their quest for democratic participation, governmental responsiveness and openness. They are utilizing new and unconventional modes of political participation, such as the Occupy Central Movement, cross-class mobilization, the use of technology and cyberspace, and human rights activities with cross-boundary implications for China’s political development. The book will be useful to students, researchers, officials, diplomats and journalists interested in the political change of Hong Kong and the implications for mainland China.

The Interesting Narrative And Other Writings (PDF)

by Olaudah Equiano Vincent Carretta

This is an account of the slave trade by a native African, former slave. Olaudah Equiano recounts his kidnapping at the age of ten in Africa, his service as the slave of an officer in the British Navy and his years of labour on slave ships until he was able to purchase his freedom in 1766. As a free man on a Central American plantation, he supervised slaves. Increasingly disgusted by their treatment, he returned to England in 1771. In England he worked for the resettlement of blacks in Sierra Leone, married an English woman and became a leading and respected figure in the anti-slave movement. This narrative is an autobiography and a treatise on religion, politics and economics.

The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano: The Black History Classic (Capstone Classics)

by Olaudah Equiano

DISCOVER THE INDIGNITIES AND REALITIES OF SLAVERY FROM A CAPTIVATING FIRST-HAND NARRATIVEOlaudah Equiano’s interesting narrative is an astonishing first-hand account of kidnapping, enslavement and eventual emancipation that has horrified and enlightened readers for over 200 years. The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano is a seminal work in a genre that seeks to help us better shape the present by understanding our violent past.An insightful Introduction from Atlantic slave trade expert Michael Taylor sheds light on Equiano’s life, including his spiritual conversion, his wide travels, and the impact of his writing on the eventual abolition of slavery.

The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano: The Black History Classic (Capstone Classics)

by Olaudah Equiano

DISCOVER THE INDIGNITIES AND REALITIES OF SLAVERY FROM A CAPTIVATING FIRST-HAND NARRATIVEOlaudah Equiano’s interesting narrative is an astonishing first-hand account of kidnapping, enslavement and eventual emancipation that has horrified and enlightened readers for over 200 years. The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano is a seminal work in a genre that seeks to help us better shape the present by understanding our violent past.An insightful Introduction from Atlantic slave trade expert Michael Taylor sheds light on Equiano’s life, including his spiritual conversion, his wide travels, and the impact of his writing on the eventual abolition of slavery.

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano: With a foreword by David Olusoga

by Olaudah Equiano

Equiano's narrative is the most significant autobiographical account of slavery to emerge from Britain's centuries as a slave trading and slave owning power. It remains as powerful today as it was when first published in 1789.It tells the story of Equiano's remarkable life, recounting his years of slavery, working on ships that carried him across the empire and into battle during the Seven Years War, and the extraordinary story of how he was able to purchase his own freedom. Travelling to Britain as a free man Equiano settled in London and there became a leading figure in the early abolition movement.The publication of his narrative was carefully timed to coincide with the first attempt to abolish the slave trade. Describing his own experiences of slavery as both victim and witness, the book became a sensation and its author the most famous black person in Georgian Britain.In this new edition, leading historian David Olusoga sets the book in its historical context helping us to understand this complex, spiritual, politically astute and deeply passionate man. Although Equiano did not live to see the abolition of the slave trade or slavery his voice was critical to that that long campaign.

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano (Collins Classics)

by Olaudah Equiano

HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.

The Interface Effect

by Alexander R. Galloway

Interfaces are back, or perhaps they never left. The familiar Socratic conceit from the Phaedrus, of communication as the process of writing directly on the soul of the other, has returned to center stage in today's discussions of culture and media. Indeed Western thought has long construed media as a grand choice between two kinds of interfaces. Following the optimistic path, media seamlessly interface self and other in a transparent and immediate connection. But, following the pessimistic path, media are the obstacles to direct communion, disintegrating self and other into misunderstanding and contradiction. In other words, media interfaces are either clear or complicated, either beautiful or deceptive, either already known or endlessly interpretable. Recognizing the limits of either path, Galloway charts an alternative course by considering the interface as an autonomous zone of aesthetic activity, guided by its own logic and its own ends: the interface effect. Rather than praising user-friendly interfaces that work well, or castigating those that work poorly, this book considers the unworkable nature of all interfaces, from windows and doors to screens and keyboards. Considered allegorically, such thresholds do not so much tell the story of their own operations but beckon outward into the realm of social and political life, and in so doing ask a question to which the political interpretation of interfaces is the only coherent answer. Grounded in philosophy and cultural theory and driven by close readings of video games, software, television, painting, and other images, Galloway seeks to explain the logic of digital culture through an analysis of its most emblematic and ubiquitous manifestation – the interface.

The Interface Effect

by Alexander R. Galloway

Interfaces are back, or perhaps they never left. The familiar Socratic conceit from the Phaedrus, of communication as the process of writing directly on the soul of the other, has returned to center stage in today's discussions of culture and media. Indeed Western thought has long construed media as a grand choice between two kinds of interfaces. Following the optimistic path, media seamlessly interface self and other in a transparent and immediate connection. But, following the pessimistic path, media are the obstacles to direct communion, disintegrating self and other into misunderstanding and contradiction. In other words, media interfaces are either clear or complicated, either beautiful or deceptive, either already known or endlessly interpretable. Recognizing the limits of either path, Galloway charts an alternative course by considering the interface as an autonomous zone of aesthetic activity, guided by its own logic and its own ends: the interface effect. Rather than praising user-friendly interfaces that work well, or castigating those that work poorly, this book considers the unworkable nature of all interfaces, from windows and doors to screens and keyboards. Considered allegorically, such thresholds do not so much tell the story of their own operations but beckon outward into the realm of social and political life, and in so doing ask a question to which the political interpretation of interfaces is the only coherent answer. Grounded in philosophy and cultural theory and driven by close readings of video games, software, television, painting, and other images, Galloway seeks to explain the logic of digital culture through an analysis of its most emblematic and ubiquitous manifestation – the interface.

The Interface Envelope: Gaming, Technology, Power

by James Ash

In The Interface Envelope, James Ash develops a series of concepts to understand how digital interfaces work to shape the spatial and temporal perception of players. Drawing upon examples from videogame design and work from post-phenomenology, speculative realism, new materialism and media theory, Ash argues that interfaces create envelopes, or localised foldings of space time, around which bodily and perceptual capacities are organised for the explicit production of economic profit. Modifying and developing Bernard Stiegler's account of psychopower and Warren Neidich's account of neuropower, Ash argues the aim of interface designers and publishers is the production of envelope power. Envelope power refers to the ways that interfaces in games are designed to increase users perceptual and habitual capacities to sense difference. Examining a range of examples from specific videogames, Ash identities a series of logics that are key to producing envelope power and shows how these logics have intensified over the last thirty years. In turn, Ash suggests that the logics of interface envelopes in videogames are spreading to other types of interface. In doing so life becomes enveloped as the environments people inhabit becoming increasingly loaded with digital interfaces. Rather than simply negative, Ash develops a series of responses to the potential problematics of interface envelopes and envelope power and emphasizes their pharmacological nature.

The Interface Envelope: Gaming, Technology, Power

by James Ash

In The Interface Envelope, James Ash develops a series of concepts to understand how digital interfaces work to shape the spatial and temporal perception of players. Drawing upon examples from videogame design and work from post-phenomenology, speculative realism, new materialism and media theory, Ash argues that interfaces create envelopes, or localised foldings of space time, around which bodily and perceptual capacities are organised for the explicit production of economic profit. Modifying and developing Bernard Stiegler's account of psychopower and Warren Neidich's account of neuropower, Ash argues the aim of interface designers and publishers is the production of envelope power. Envelope power refers to the ways that interfaces in games are designed to increase users perceptual and habitual capacities to sense difference. Examining a range of examples from specific videogames, Ash identities a series of logics that are key to producing envelope power and shows how these logics have intensified over the last thirty years. In turn, Ash suggests that the logics of interface envelopes in videogames are spreading to other types of interface. In doing so life becomes enveloped as the environments people inhabit becoming increasingly loaded with digital interfaces. Rather than simply negative, Ash develops a series of responses to the potential problematics of interface envelopes and envelope power and emphasizes their pharmacological nature.

The Interface of Competition Law, Industrial Policy and Development Concerns: The Case of South Africa (Munich Studies on Innovation and Competition #8)

by Balthasar Strunz

This book analyses essential concepts of competition law and industrial policy, and shows where the two areas clash with and complement each other, respectively. The discussion takes place in the context of developing countries, taking into consideration their realities and specific needs. South Africa serves as a real-world example for competition law that goes beyond the notion of consumer welfare. An in-depth analysis of the enforcement of South African law illustrates how the law is used both to combat the negative effects of past industrial policy, and to accommodate current economic and social needs.The book is intended for all readers with an interest in the enforcement of competition law in developing countries. It will particularly benefit those who want to learn about unorthodox approaches that integrate the concept of “public interest” and social imperatives into the application of competition law.

Interfaces between Science and Society

by Ângela Guimarães Pereira Sofia Guedes Vaz Sylvia Tognetti

The project of science has been to provide answers to questions about the world and how it works. Often, this lofty role has been characterised by a narrow and dogmatic scientific training, an unwillingness to communicate to differing stakeholder needs, a refusal to accept and to manage uncertainty, complexity and value commitments, and the reduction of knowledge assessment to colleague peer review on narrowly technical issues. Times have changed. As the world faces increasingly disparate challenges, science is subjected to increasingly vehement demands from a society calling for transparency, openness and public participation in science policy. Science is going through an evolutionary process. Perhaps the most painful process it has ever encountered. Research on the interfaces between science and society is a burgeoning area. A new conception of knowledge now appears to be emerging, based on the awareness of complexity, uncertainty and a plurality of legitimate perspectives and interests. Democracy is extending into the previously quite exclusive scientific realm, and science must now submit to public scrutiny and participation in the governance of knowledge. This book provides much-needed reflections on the methods and tools for knowledge quality assurance, particularly on its inputs to extended policy and decision-making processes. The overall aim is to improve the relationship between science and society. The discussion involves six themes: communicating between plural perspectives; accepting and learning how to manage uncertainty, complexity and value commitments; acknowledging new conceptions of knowledge; implementing transparency, openness and participation in science policy; valuing community-based research; and exploring how new ICT can support inclusive governance. Taken together, these themes provide both a framework and vision on how to conceive, discuss and evaluate the changes that are occurring. The chapters cover theory, practice, approaches, experiences, ideas and suggestions for a move beyond "talking the talk" to "walking the walk". Science and policy interfaces are dynamic processes needing to permanently redefine themselves and their roles. This book contributes to the enrichment and deepening of our understanding of these important new trends in the social relations of science, which are fundamental to our understanding of the prospects for further progress. The book will be essential reading for scientists, policy-makers, managers and the public.

Interfaces between Science and Society

by Ângela Guimarães Pereira Sofia Guedes Vaz Sylvia Tognetti

The project of science has been to provide answers to questions about the world and how it works. Often, this lofty role has been characterised by a narrow and dogmatic scientific training, an unwillingness to communicate to differing stakeholder needs, a refusal to accept and to manage uncertainty, complexity and value commitments, and the reduction of knowledge assessment to colleague peer review on narrowly technical issues. Times have changed. As the world faces increasingly disparate challenges, science is subjected to increasingly vehement demands from a society calling for transparency, openness and public participation in science policy. Science is going through an evolutionary process. Perhaps the most painful process it has ever encountered. Research on the interfaces between science and society is a burgeoning area. A new conception of knowledge now appears to be emerging, based on the awareness of complexity, uncertainty and a plurality of legitimate perspectives and interests. Democracy is extending into the previously quite exclusive scientific realm, and science must now submit to public scrutiny and participation in the governance of knowledge. This book provides much-needed reflections on the methods and tools for knowledge quality assurance, particularly on its inputs to extended policy and decision-making processes. The overall aim is to improve the relationship between science and society. The discussion involves six themes: communicating between plural perspectives; accepting and learning how to manage uncertainty, complexity and value commitments; acknowledging new conceptions of knowledge; implementing transparency, openness and participation in science policy; valuing community-based research; and exploring how new ICT can support inclusive governance. Taken together, these themes provide both a framework and vision on how to conceive, discuss and evaluate the changes that are occurring. The chapters cover theory, practice, approaches, experiences, ideas and suggestions for a move beyond "talking the talk" to "walking the walk". Science and policy interfaces are dynamic processes needing to permanently redefine themselves and their roles. This book contributes to the enrichment and deepening of our understanding of these important new trends in the social relations of science, which are fundamental to our understanding of the prospects for further progress. The book will be essential reading for scientists, policy-makers, managers and the public.

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