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Internationalism or Extinction (Universalizing Resistance)

by Noam Chomsky

In his new book, Noam Chomsky writes cogently about the threats to planetary survival that are of growing alarm today. The prospect of human extinction emerged after World War II, the dawn of a new era scientists now term the Anthropocene. Chomsky uniquely traces the duality of existential threats from nuclear weapons and from climate change—including how the concerns emerged and evolved, and how the threats can interact with one another. The introduction and accompanying interviews place these dual threats in a framework of unprecedented corporate global power which has overtaken nation states’ ability to control the future and preserve the planet. Chomsky argues for the urgency of international climate and arms agreements, showing how global popular movements are mobilizing to force governments to meet this unprecedented challenge to civilization’s survival.

Internationalization of Higher Education in East Asia: Trends of student mobility and impact on education governance (Routledge Critical Studies in Asian Education)

by Ka Ho Mok Kar Ming Yu

The rise in demand for higher education in the Asia-Pacific region is an undeniable reflection of the growing pace of globalization and the subsequent pressures imposed by it. Aspiring to become globally competitive and to position favourably in the global university league tables, governments in Asia have either engaged in a serious quest to become a regional education hub or they have concentrated on developing transnational higher education to create more opportunities, in order to meet their citizens’ pressing demand for higher education. Internationalization of Higher Education in East Asia critically examines and provides comparative perspectives on the major strategies that selected Asian countries and societies have adopted to transform their higher education sector and enhance their national competitiveness in the increasingly globalized world. This volume by leading scholars in the field of education development and policy studies makes critical reflections on how Asian governments in particular and universities in general have responded to the growing challenges of globalization by promoting more internationalization, student mobility and entrepreneurship in higher education. This book is an essential collection for policy makers, researchers and postgraduate students studying higher education, Asian education and international education.

Internationalization of Higher Education in East Asia: Trends of student mobility and impact on education governance (Routledge Critical Studies in Asian Education)

by Ka-Ho Mok Kar Ming Yu

The rise in demand for higher education in the Asia-Pacific region is an undeniable reflection of the growing pace of globalization and the subsequent pressures imposed by it. Aspiring to become globally competitive and to position favourably in the global university league tables, governments in Asia have either engaged in a serious quest to become a regional education hub or they have concentrated on developing transnational higher education to create more opportunities, in order to meet their citizens’ pressing demand for higher education. Internationalization of Higher Education in East Asia critically examines and provides comparative perspectives on the major strategies that selected Asian countries and societies have adopted to transform their higher education sector and enhance their national competitiveness in the increasingly globalized world. This volume by leading scholars in the field of education development and policy studies makes critical reflections on how Asian governments in particular and universities in general have responded to the growing challenges of globalization by promoting more internationalization, student mobility and entrepreneurship in higher education. This book is an essential collection for policy makers, researchers and postgraduate students studying higher education, Asian education and international education.

Internationalizing "International Communication" (The New Media World)

by Chin-Chuan Lee

International communication as a field of inquiry is, in fact, not very “internationalized.” Rather, it has been taken as a conceptual extension or empirical application of U.S. communication, and much of the world outside the West has been socialized to adopt truncated versions of Pax Americana’s notion of international communication. At stake is the “subject position” of academic and cultural inquirers: Who gets to ask what kind of questions? It is important to note that the quest to establish universally valid “laws” of human society with little regard for cultural values and variations seems to be running out of steam. Many lines of intellectual development are reckoning with the important dimensions of empathetic understanding and subjective consciousness. In Internationalizing "International Communication," Lee and others argue that we must reject both America-writ-large views of the world and self-defeating mirror images that reject anything American or Western on the grounds of cultural incompatibility or even cultural superiority. The point of departure for internationalizing “international communication” must be precisely the opposite of parochialism – namely, a spirit of cosmopolitanism. Scholars worldwide have a moral responsibility to foster global visions and mutual understanding, which forms, metaphorically, symphonic harmony made of cacophonic sounds.

Internationalizing Media Studies (Internationalizing Media Studies)

by Daya Kishan Thussu

The explosion of transnational information flows, made possible by new technologies and institutional changes (economic, political and legal) has profoundly affected the study of global media. At the same time, the globalization of media combined with the globalization of higher education means that the research and teaching of the subject faces immediate and profound challenges, not only as the subject of enquiry but also as the means by which researchers and students undertake their studies. Edited by a leading scholar of global communication, this collection of essays by internationally-acclaimed scholars from around the world aims to stimulate a debate about the imperatives for internationalizing media studies by broadening its remit, including innovative research methodologies, taking account of regional and national specificities and pedagogic necessities warranted by the changing profile of students and researchers and the unprecedented growth of media in the non-Western world. Transnational in its perspectives, Internationalizing Media Studies is a much-needed guide to the internationalization of media and its study in a global context.

Internationalizing Media Studies (Internationalizing Media Studies)

by Daya Kishan Thussu

The explosion of transnational information flows, made possible by new technologies and institutional changes (economic, political and legal) has profoundly affected the study of global media. At the same time, the globalization of media combined with the globalization of higher education means that the research and teaching of the subject faces immediate and profound challenges, not only as the subject of enquiry but also as the means by which researchers and students undertake their studies. Edited by a leading scholar of global communication, this collection of essays by internationally-acclaimed scholars from around the world aims to stimulate a debate about the imperatives for internationalizing media studies by broadening its remit, including innovative research methodologies, taking account of regional and national specificities and pedagogic necessities warranted by the changing profile of students and researchers and the unprecedented growth of media in the non-Western world. Transnational in its perspectives, Internationalizing Media Studies is a much-needed guide to the internationalization of media and its study in a global context.

Internationalizing social work education: Insights from leading figures across the globe

by Gurid Aga Askeland Malcolm Payne

Social work education has developed internationally over the past 50 years as part of wider processes of economic and cultural globalization. Diverse political and social events across the world have shaped social work and its education, leading to aims and methods that are shared and contested. This book brings together, through 13 interviews and biographies, the lives, experiences and contributions of leading social work educators from Comoros, the Caribbean, India, Mexico, Sweden, Switzerland, the United States and the United Kingdom. Their receipt of IASSW’s Katherine Kendall Award recognized that they were at the forefront of establishing and securing social work education during this period of internationalization. Exploring the aims and priorities of these leading social work educators, Askeland and Payne draw out a historical and contextual account of how social work education became widely adopted in different national and cultural environments. The Awardees’ diverse lives and professional experiences reveal the issues they faced, the paths they travelled and the prospects and threats confronting social work and its education more widely.

Internationalizing social work education: Insights from leading figures across the globe

by Gurid Aga Askeland Malcolm Payne

Social work education has developed internationally over the past 50 years as part of wider processes of economic and cultural globalization. Diverse political and social events across the world have shaped social work and its education, leading to aims and methods that are shared and contested. This book brings together, through 13 interviews and biographies, the lives, experiences and contributions of leading social work educators from Comoros, the Caribbean, India, Mexico, Sweden, Switzerland, the United States and the United Kingdom. Their receipt of IASSW’s Katherine Kendall Award recognized that they were at the forefront of establishing and securing social work education during this period of internationalization. Exploring the aims and priorities of these leading social work educators, Askeland and Payne draw out a historical and contextual account of how social work education became widely adopted in different national and cultural environments. The Awardees’ diverse lives and professional experiences reveal the issues they faced, the paths they travelled and the prospects and threats confronting social work and its education more widely.

Interne Erhebungen in Wirtschaftsstrafsachen mit Auslandsbezug: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Fälle VW, DFB und FIFA (Juridicum - Schriften zum Wirtschaftsstrafrecht #2)

by Oliver Jedynak

Die Dissertation durchmisst ein ausweislich des Koalitionsvertrages für die 19. Legislaturperiode gesetzgeberisch noch unzulänglich strukturiertes Feld des Wirtschaftsstrafrechts. Oliver Jedynak untersucht die besonderen Schwierigkeiten bei internen Erhebungen, bei denen die Anforderungen unterschiedlicher Rechtsgebiete zu beachten sind. Auch die Tätigkeit eines Unternehmensanwalts wirft eine Reihe rechtlicher und praktischer Fragen auf, wenn es darum geht, Unternehmen im Hinblick auf drohende oder bereits anhängige Ermittlungsverfahren zu beraten. Hier spielt insbesondere die Frage nach der Beschlagnahmefreiheit von anwaltlichen Unterlagen eine große Rolle. Durch die aktuellen Fälle VW, DFB und FIFA sowie das Urteil des BVerfG in der Causa Jones-Day sind interne Erhebungen wieder in den Fokus der Öffentlichkeit gerückt.

Interne Organisationskommunikation: Theoretische Fundierungen und praktische Anwendungsfelder

Dieser Sammelband öffnet die Perspektive auf vielfältige Ausprägungen und Einsatzmöglichkeiten der internen Kommunikation, wie ihre Bedeutung unter AufsichtsrätInnen, innerhalb politischer Parteien, gesetzlicher Interessenvertretungen oder Großunternehmen. Die Beiträge umfassen die Themenfelder Berufsbild Interne KommunikationsmanagerIn, wissenschaftliche Verortung der internen Kommunikation, Kommunikation von gesetzlichen Interessenvertretungen, Storytelling, Narration, Mitarbeiterzeitung, Führungskräftekommunikation, Mitarbeitermotivation und Internal Branding. Das Buch bietet wissenschaftlich fundierte Erkenntnisse aus der Praxis sowie Querschnittwissen wie die 10 Erfolgsfaktoren der internen Kommunikation.

Interne Organisationskommunikation und agile Rationalität: Ein systemtheoretisches Framing der agilen Organisation und ihrer internen Kommunikationen (Organisationskommunikation)

by Oliver Haidukiewicz

Seit Ende der 90er-Jahre kursiert das Konzept der Agilität in der Organisationsforschung und versucht vor allem für Unternehmen zu eruieren, wie qua Schnelligkeit und Flexibilität der Unternehmensprozesse mit steigender Umweltvolatilität und -ambiguität umgegangen werden kann. Dominierend sind dabei managementorientierte Betrachtungen von Führung, Strategie, Kultur und vor allem Struktur. In sie werden in jüngerer Zeit zunehmend Vorstellungen einer internen, stationären Organisationskommunikation integriert, die klassisch-instrumenteller Natur sind und die das Konzept innerhalb der Organisation fördern, umsetzen und anleiten sollen. Wenig Beachtung finden hingegen aktuell noch kritische Stimmen zur Agilität, die einen Gegenpol zur ausschließlichen Befürwortung zweckorientierter Agilisierungen bilden. Die vorliegende Arbeit fragt zum einen danach, was passiert, wenn das spezifische Konzept der Agilität aus einem Management- und stark Akteurs-orientierten Betrachtungsrahmen herausgelöst und mit einer neuen, systemtheoretisch geprägten Organisationsauffassung nach Luhmann synthetisiert wird und eruiert zum anderen, was dies für Implikationen für die bisherigen Sichtweisen der internen Organisationskommunikation in Verbindung mit dem Konzept hat.

Internet: Technik – Nutzung – Social Media (Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung)

by Peter Bühler Patrick Schlaich Dominik Sinner

Neben einem kurzen Abriss über die Entstehungsgeschichte des Internets lernen Sie in diesem Buch u. a. was Protokolle, Domains sowie Server sind und welche Rolle Sie beim Aufbau einer Internetverbindung spielen. Im darauffolgenden Kapitel wird das Leben mit dem Internet genauer beleuchtet. Hier erfahren Sie beispielsweise, wie Sie das Internet für Ihre persönlichen Zwecke optimal nutzen. Der letzte große Schwerpunkt dieses Werks führt Sie an Twitter, Facebook und Co. heran. Mit verständlichen Abbildungen und Grafiken zeigen Ihnen die Verfasser, wie sich Social-Media-Plattformen als Marketinginstrumente einsetzen lassen. Aufgrund der ausgewogenen Mischung aus Theorie und Praxis ist dieses Internet-Buch ein solides Nachschlagewerk für:Studenten und AuszubildendeLaien und Neulinge Praktiker aus der Mediengestaltung


by Lorenzo Cantoni Stefano Tardini

From music to gaming, information gathering to eLearning; eCommerce to eGovernment, Lorenzo Cantoni and Stefano Tardini's absorbing introduction considers the internet as a communication technology; the opportunities it affords us, the limitations it imposes and the functions it allows. Internet explores: the political economy of the internet hypertext computer mediated communication websites as communication conceptualizing users of the internet internet communities and practices. Perfect for students studying this modern phenomenon, and a veritable e-feast for all cyber junkies.


by Lorenzo Cantoni Stefano Tardini

From music to gaming, information gathering to eLearning; eCommerce to eGovernment, Lorenzo Cantoni and Stefano Tardini's absorbing introduction considers the internet as a communication technology; the opportunities it affords us, the limitations it imposes and the functions it allows. Internet explores: the political economy of the internet hypertext computer mediated communication websites as communication conceptualizing users of the internet internet communities and practices. Perfect for students studying this modern phenomenon, and a veritable e-feast for all cyber junkies.

The Internet: An Introduction to New Media (Berg New Media Series)

by Professor Lelia Green

Life without the internet, a very new technology, seems almost unimaginable for most people in western nations. Today the internet is intrinsic to media and communications, entertainment, politics, defence, business, banking, education and administrative systems as well as to social interaction. The Internet disentangles this extraordinarily complex information and communication technology from its place in our daily lives, allowing it to be examined anew. Technology has historically been shaped by governmental, military and commercial requirements, but the development of the internet is increasingly driven by its users. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and many other emerging applications are shifting the way we express ourselves, communicate with our friends, and even engage with global politics. At the same time three-quarters of the world's population remain effectively excluded from the internet. Packed with case studies drawn from around the world, The Internet presents a clear and up-to-date introduction to the social, cultural, technological and political worlds this new media form is creating.

Internet Addiction Among Cyberkids in China: Risk Factors and Intervention Strategies

by Qiaolei Jiang

Focusing on the two essential factors of the construction of risk, this book presents research revolving around the staging of and the coping with Internet addiction in China. Using ethnographic methods, it investigates the signs and treatment of Internet addiction and discusses the in-patient approaches used to help children overcome the addiction and to reduce the likelihood of relapse following discharge. Examining the individual level and broader social levels of the process as well as the links between the two, the findings provide valuable insights into the prevention and treatment of Internet addiction. To help readers better understand the signs of Internet addiction and preventive measures, the book addresses the following issues:Public concern and media coverage of Internet addiction in contemporary ChinaClinical assessment and risk factors of Internet addiction in adolescentsParent-narrated signs of Internet addiction in Chinese children and adolescentsCoping strategies and treatments for Internet addiction

Internet Addiction in Adolescents: The PROTECT Program for Evidence-Based Prevention and Treatment

by Katajun Lindenberg Sophie Kindt Carolin Szász-Janocha

This book presents a new, evidence-based cognitive behavioral intervention for the prevention and treatment of Internet addiction in adolescents. It provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of research regarding phenomenology, diagnostics, epidemiology, etiology, and treatment and prevention of Internet addiction as a new behavioral addiction. The book is divided into two sections. The first part of the book explores various bio-psycho-social factors that contribute to the development and maintenance of symptoms in young individuals. Chapters in the second part of the book discuss the PROTECT intervention to reduce Internet addiction in adolescents. PROTECT aims to modify risk factors and maintenance factors, specifically, boredom and motivational problems, procrastination and performance anxiety, social anxiety and maladaptive emotion regulation. The PROTECT intervention is a low-intensity approach which uses comprehensive case examples in order to increase cognitive dissonance and treatment motivation. In addition, PROTECT contains cognitive behavioral intervention techniques such as psychoeducation, behavior activation, cognitive restructuring, problem solving and emotion regulation. Topics featured in this book include:Adolescence and development-specific features of Internet addiction.An overview of modifiable risk factors and maintenance factors of Internet addiction.Environmental factors that affect the development of Internet addiction.Online and offline video gaming addiction. Social network addiction.Strategies that work in prevention and treatment. Internet Addiction in Adolescents is a must-have resource for researchers, professors, clinicians and related professionals as well as graduate students in clinical child, school, and developmental psychology, educational policy and politics, and social work as well as related disciplines.

Internet Addiction in Psychotherapy (Palgrave Studies in Cyberpsychology)

by D. Kuss M. Griffiths

Current knowledge about effective internet addiction treatment is limited. This book explores how 20 international internet addiction therapy experts experience the presenting problem of internet addiction in psychotherapy.

The Internet and Beyond (BT Telecommunications Series #15)

by S. P. Sim J. Davies

We live in exciting times. We have over the last few years seen the birth of a new telecommunications service which will fundamentally change the way we live, much as the telephone has over the last 100 years. The birth of the Internet can be traced back to a conference on computer communications held in 1972. As a result of that conference a working group was set up, under the chairmanship of Vint Cerf, to propose new protocols to facilitate computer communications. In 1974 the working group published the transmission control protocol (fCP) and the Interworking protocol (lP). These were rapidly adopted and the number of computers linked using these protocols has almost doubled every year since. Thus the Internet was born. Another major step happened in 1990. Tim Berners Lee, a Scottish nuclear physicist working at CERN, created some higher level protocols. These still used TCP/IP for the networking, but defined how computers could communicate multimedia information and be linked together to form a World Wide Web of information. A number of computer databases adopted these protocols and things really took off in 1993 when Marc Andreesen at the University of Illinois developed Mosaic, the first client software (a browser) that gave a windows-style interface to these databases.

Internet and Change: An Ethnography of Knowledge and Flexible Work

by Jens Kjaerulff

In the lively debate over how Internet creates social and cultural change, the concept of change itself has not been well understood. Through an ethnographic exploration of telework and fine-grained descriptions of the material experience of Internet use, this book makes an important contribution to the theory of cultural change and the social analysis of technology. Kjaerulff argues that telework is mostly practiced informally, and that this form of flexible work is more prevalent than commonly assumed. Against conventional assertions that flexible work promotes alienation, he shows that the picture is far more complex and that the cultural conception ofwork changes through new practices of economic behavior.

Internet and Change: An Ethnography of Knowledge and Flexible Work (Intervention Press Ser.)

by Jens Kjaerulff

In the lively debate over how Internet creates social and cultural change, the concept of change itself has not been well understood. Through an ethnographic exploration of telework and fine-grained descriptions of the material experience of Internet use, this book makes an important contribution to the theory of cultural change and the social analysis of technology. Kjaerulff argues that telework is mostly practiced informally, and that this form of flexible work is more prevalent than commonly assumed. Against conventional assertions that flexible work promotes alienation, he shows that the picture is far more complex and that the cultural conception ofwork changes through new practices of economic behavior.

The Internet and Democracy in Global Perspective: Voters, Candidates, Parties, and Social Movements (Studies in Public Choice #31)

by Bernard Grofman Alexander H. Trechsel Mark Franklin

This volume provides an important update to our current understanding of politics and the internet in a variety of new contexts, both geographically and institutionally. The subject of e-democracy has morphed over the years from speculative and optimistic accounts of a future heightened direct citizen involvement in political decision-making and an increasingly withered state apparatus, to more prosaic investigations of party and governmental website content and micro level analyses of voters’ online activities. Rather than levelling the communications and participation playing field, most studies concluded that existing patterns of bias and power distribution were being repeated online, with the one exception of a genuine change in the potential for protest and e-activism. Across all of these accounts, the question remains whether the internet is a levelling communication tool that elevates the profile of marginalised players in the political system, or whether it is a medium that simply reinforces existing power and participatory biases. While employing case studies from various global perspectives, this book investigates the role of digital media and competitive advantage, campaigns and the effect of social media, online communication as way of fomenting nonviolent revolutions and the undeniable and important role of the internet on democracy around the world.

Internet and Democracy in the Network Society (Routledge Studies in Global Information, Politics and Society)

by Jan A.G.M. van Dijk Kenneth L. Hacker

A seminal shift has taken place in the relationship between Internet usage and politics. At the turn of the century, it was presumed that digital communication would produce many positive political effects like improvements to political information retrieval, support for public debate and community formation or even enhancements in citizen participation in political decision-making. While there have been positive effects, negative effects have also occurred including fake news and other political disinformation, social media appropriation by terrorists and extremists, ‘echo-chambers’ and "filter bubbles", elections influenced by hostile hackers and campaign manipulation by micro-targeting marketing. It is time for critical re-evaluation. Designed to encourage critical thinking on the part of the student, internationally recognized experts, Jan A.G.M. van Dijk and Kenneth Hacker, chronicle the political significance of new communication technologies for the promotion of democracy over the last two decades. Drawing upon structuration theory and network theory and real-world case studies from across the globe, the book is logically structured around the following topics: Political Participation and Inclusion Habermas and the Reconstruction of Public Space Media and Democracy in Authoritarian States Democracy and the Internet in China E-government and democracy Views of democracy and Internet use Underpinned by up-to-date literature, this important textbook is aimed at students and scholars of communication studies, political science, sociology, political communication, and international relations.

Internet and Democracy in the Network Society (Routledge Studies in Global Information, Politics and Society)

by Jan A.G.M. van Dijk Kenneth L. Hacker

A seminal shift has taken place in the relationship between Internet usage and politics. At the turn of the century, it was presumed that digital communication would produce many positive political effects like improvements to political information retrieval, support for public debate and community formation or even enhancements in citizen participation in political decision-making. While there have been positive effects, negative effects have also occurred including fake news and other political disinformation, social media appropriation by terrorists and extremists, ‘echo-chambers’ and "filter bubbles", elections influenced by hostile hackers and campaign manipulation by micro-targeting marketing. It is time for critical re-evaluation. Designed to encourage critical thinking on the part of the student, internationally recognized experts, Jan A.G.M. van Dijk and Kenneth Hacker, chronicle the political significance of new communication technologies for the promotion of democracy over the last two decades. Drawing upon structuration theory and network theory and real-world case studies from across the globe, the book is logically structured around the following topics: Political Participation and Inclusion Habermas and the Reconstruction of Public Space Media and Democracy in Authoritarian States Democracy and the Internet in China E-government and democracy Views of democracy and Internet use Underpinned by up-to-date literature, this important textbook is aimed at students and scholars of communication studies, political science, sociology, political communication, and international relations.

Internet and Emotions (Routledge Studies in Science, Technology and Society #22)

by Tova Benski Eran Fisher

Nothing seems more far removed from the visceral, bodily experience of emotions than the cold, rational technology of the Internet. But as this collection shows, the internet and emotions intersect in interesting and surprising ways. Internet and Emotions is the fruit of an interdisciplinary collaboration of scholars from the sociology of emotions and communication and media studies. It features theoretical and empirical chapters from international researchers who investigate a wide range of issues concerning the sociology of emotions in the context of new media. The book fills a substantial gap in the social research of digital technology, and examines whether the internet invokes emotional states differently from other media and unmediated situations, how emotions are mobilized and internalized into online practices, and how the social definitions of emotions are changing with the emergence of the internet. It explores a wide range of behaviors and emotions from love to mourning, anger, resentment and sadness. What happens to our emotional life in a mediated, disembodied environment, without the bodily element of physical co-presence to set off emotional exchanges? Are there qualitatively new kinds of emotional exchanges taking place on the internet? These are only some of the questions explored in the chapters of this book, with quite surprising answers.

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