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Showing 12,351 through 12,375 of 77,492 results

Corporate Social Responsibility auf dem Finanzmarkt: Nachhaltiges Investment - politische Strategien - ethische Grundlagen

by Gotlind B. Ulshöfer Gesine Bonnet

Finanzmärkte stellen in erster Linie Märkte zur Geldbeschaffung dar, auf denen Nachhaltigkeit kaum eine Rolle zu spielen scheint. Trotzdem reagieren Finanzmärkte auch auf Forderungen nach mehr gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung von Unternehmen. Welche Rolle spielen dabei soziale Gerechtigkeit und Umweltschutz wirklich? Antworten geben in diesem Sammelband ganz unterschiedliche Akteure und Beobachter des Finanzmarkts: Experten aus Banken und Ratingagenturen, Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Vertreter der Politik und der Zivilgesellschaft. Sie diskutieren, welcher Anreize oder auch politischer Rahmenbedingungen dieser Markt bedarf, um auch im globalen Maßstab zum Wohl von Mensch und Umwelt ausgerichtet zu sein. Und sie erkunden, wie die Investoren selbst Unternehmensentscheidungen hin zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit zu befördern können.

Corporate Social Responsibility aus Nachfragersicht: Eine Analyse der Wirkungen des CSR-Images auf den Erfolg der Markenführung (Innovatives Markenmanagement)

by Stephan Hanisch

Stephan Hanisch deckt auf Basis einer breit angelegten empirischen Untersuchung eine hohe Branchenabhängigkeit der CSR-Relevanz auf und kann damit erstmals deren stets postulierter Generalisierbarkeit widersprechen. Im Strukturgleichungsmodell wird zugleich die Wichtigkeit der Authentizität von CSR-Maßnahmen und damit die Markenidentität als hierfür taugliches Führungskonzept bestätigt.

Corporate Social Responsibility in the Construction Industry

by Michael Murray Andrew Dainty

The construction process, right through from planning and design to use and demolition, has a major impact on society. Traditionally, concern has been focused on its environmental impact and the quest for sustainability, but this has now extended into the wider remit of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Essentially, this means that businesses must act (voluntarily) in a socially ethical manner by developing a policy that encompasses the core principles enshrined by CSR. A unique presentation on a topic of emerging importance, Corporate Social Responsibility in the Construction Industry is essential reading for all built environment undergraduate and post-graduate courses, as well as CEOs and senior managers within construction businesses who may be about to embark on developing a CSR strategy.

Corporate Social Responsibility in the Construction Industry

by Mike Murray Andrew Dainty

The construction process, right through from planning and design to use and demolition, has a major impact on society. Traditionally, concern has been focused on its environmental impact and the quest for sustainability, but this has now extended into the wider remit of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Essentially, this means that businesses must act (voluntarily) in a socially ethical manner by developing a policy that encompasses the core principles enshrined by CSR. A unique presentation on a topic of emerging importance, Corporate Social Responsibility in the Construction Industry is essential reading for all built environment undergraduate and post-graduate courses, as well as CEOs and senior managers within construction businesses who may be about to embark on developing a CSR strategy.

Corporate Social Responsibility - Mythen und Maßnahmen: Unternehmen verantwortungsvoll führen, Regulierungslücken schließen

by Gisela Burckhardt

In Zeiten der Globalisierung und Massenproduktion rückt verantwortungsvolle Unternehmensführung immer mehr in das Bewusstsein der Unternehmen. Damit Corporate Social Responsibility in Organisationen nicht als reine PR-Maßnahme angesehen wird, braucht es jedoch zunächst ein tiefes Verständnis, was sich hinter dem Begriff eigentlich verbirgt. Dieses Buch zeigt die Bandbreite von Unternehmensverantwortung zwischen Freiwilligkeit und Regulierung in globalen Lieferketten auf. Es stellt Maßnahmen und Initiativen von Unternehmen vor und gibt konkrete Empfehlungen, wie sinnvolle und nachhaltige CSR-Maßnahmen in Organisationen umgesetzt werden können.

Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in China (SpringerBriefs in Business)

by Kwang-Yong Shin

The CSR report has become a very important tool which can help corporations to set up strategies and build their core competencies. This book presents a range of cases from different industries. Based on the analysis of the enterprise survival environment, it points out the necessity and significance of CSR. The book analyzes the current situation and development trend of CSR in China, as well as its international developing trend. By analyzing the management framework and formulation process of the CSR report, this book provides businesses with guiding principles for preparing the CSR report.

Corporate Social Responsibility, the Fight Against Corruption and Tax Behaviour (CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance)

by Manuel Castelo Branco

This book introduces in an accessible way how CSR and its reporting are being used to address problems of corruption and tax evasion or tax avoidance. It discusses the efforts, both of organizations and governments to integrate these issues into CSR practices and the developments that have occurred at the levels of national and international legislation. The book analyses governments efforts to compel or try to induce companies to have practices more in line with what is expected of them in terms of combating corruption and paying their fair share. The book is suitable for students of CSR and Business Ethics, practitioners and researchers on CSR and corporate issues.

Corporate Tribalism: White Men/White Women and Cultural Diversity at Work

by Thomas Kochman Jean Mavrelis

The 2008 elections shattered historical precedents and pushed race and gender back to the forefront of our national consciousness. The wide range of reactions to the efforts of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Sarah Palin dramatically reflected ongoing conflicts over diversity in our society, especially in the venue where people are most likely to encounter them: work. As more and more people who aren’t white men enter corporate America, we urgently need to learn how to avoid clashes over these issues and how to resolve them when they do occur. Thomas Kochman and Jean Mavrelis have been helping corporations successfully do that for over twenty years. Their diversity training and consulting firm has helped managers and employees at numerous companies recognize and overcome the cultural bases of miscommunication between ethnic groups and across gender lines—and in Corporate Tribalism they seek to share their expertise with the world. In the first half of the book, Kochman addresses white men, explicating the ways that their cultural background can motivate their behavior, work style, and perspective on others. Then Mavrelis turns to white women, focusing on the particular problems they face, including conflicts with men, other women, and themselves. Together they emphasize the need for a multicultural—rather than homogenizing—approach and offer constructive ideas for turning the workplace into a more interactive community for everyone who works there. Written with the wisdom and clarity gained from two decades of hands-on work, Corporate Tribalism will be an invaluable resource as we look toward a future beyond the glass ceiling.

Corporate Tribalism: White Men/White Women and Cultural Diversity at Work

by Thomas Kochman Jean Mavrelis

The 2008 elections shattered historical precedents and pushed race and gender back to the forefront of our national consciousness. The wide range of reactions to the efforts of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Sarah Palin dramatically reflected ongoing conflicts over diversity in our society, especially in the venue where people are most likely to encounter them: work. As more and more people who aren’t white men enter corporate America, we urgently need to learn how to avoid clashes over these issues and how to resolve them when they do occur. Thomas Kochman and Jean Mavrelis have been helping corporations successfully do that for over twenty years. Their diversity training and consulting firm has helped managers and employees at numerous companies recognize and overcome the cultural bases of miscommunication between ethnic groups and across gender lines—and in Corporate Tribalism they seek to share their expertise with the world. In the first half of the book, Kochman addresses white men, explicating the ways that their cultural background can motivate their behavior, work style, and perspective on others. Then Mavrelis turns to white women, focusing on the particular problems they face, including conflicts with men, other women, and themselves. Together they emphasize the need for a multicultural—rather than homogenizing—approach and offer constructive ideas for turning the workplace into a more interactive community for everyone who works there. Written with the wisdom and clarity gained from two decades of hands-on work, Corporate Tribalism will be an invaluable resource as we look toward a future beyond the glass ceiling.

The Corporate Tribe: Organizational lessons from anthropology

by Danielle Braun Jitske Kramer

No challenge is entirely new. In 60,000 years of human existence, nearly every problem we face in modern business has already been seen…and solved. We just have to figure out how to apply that age-old tribal wisdom to our current circumstances. The Corporate Tribe will take you on a journey to discover the essence of culture and the secret to successful change programs. Along the way, it will introduce you to the cultural traditions of different people across the globe and provide you with the practical tools you need to apply what you find to today’s organizations. Through thirty compelling stories, The Corporate Tribe will reveal what, deep down, you already know. At turns unfamiliar and disruptive, illuminating and inspirational, The Corporate Tribe offers a powerful paradigm and skillset for tackling organizational and leadership challenges in the twenty-first century and beyond. It is a book for leaders, consultants and advisors who are looking for a fresh perspective and proven solutions, for those who want to build strong communities that are safe for diversity and ready for change. Danielle Braun and Jitske Kramer are corporate anthropologists. They look at organizations as tribes, organizational charts as kinship systems, leaders as chiefs and mission documents as totem poles. Travel with them to places where spirits linger after death, magic is real and rituals are the key to maintaining order and facilitating transition. You will never look at your organization—or approach its problems—the same way again.

The Corporate Tribe: Organizational lessons from anthropology

by Danielle Braun Jitske Kramer

No challenge is entirely new. In 60,000 years of human existence, nearly every problem we face in modern business has already been seen…and solved. We just have to figure out how to apply that age-old tribal wisdom to our current circumstances. The Corporate Tribe will take you on a journey to discover the essence of culture and the secret to successful change programs. Along the way, it will introduce you to the cultural traditions of different people across the globe and provide you with the practical tools you need to apply what you find to today’s organizations. Through thirty compelling stories, The Corporate Tribe will reveal what, deep down, you already know. At turns unfamiliar and disruptive, illuminating and inspirational, The Corporate Tribe offers a powerful paradigm and skillset for tackling organizational and leadership challenges in the twenty-first century and beyond. It is a book for leaders, consultants and advisors who are looking for a fresh perspective and proven solutions, for those who want to build strong communities that are safe for diversity and ready for change. Danielle Braun and Jitske Kramer are corporate anthropologists. They look at organizations as tribes, organizational charts as kinship systems, leaders as chiefs and mission documents as totem poles. Travel with them to places where spirits linger after death, magic is real and rituals are the key to maintaining order and facilitating transition. You will never look at your organization—or approach its problems—the same way again.

Corporate Volunteering, Responsibility and Employee Entrepreneurship (Routledge Studies in Entrepreneurship and Small Business)

by Aldona Glińska-Neweś Beata Glinka

Supporting employee entrepreneurship is among major challenges contemporary organizations face. Many facets of corporate entrepreneurship are investigated, and the body of knowledge in the field is growing rapidly; nevertheless, there are still knowledge and research gaps to be filled. Notably, while there are studies linking HRM with corporate entrepreneurship, studies on connections between CSR-oriented practices and corporate/employee entrepreneurship are to be developed.The main goal of this book is to explain relationships between corporate volunteering and employee entrepreneurship in organisations. The book combines two extremely vivid fields of research: entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility. Based on their own research, the authors present how participation in corporate volunteering, as one of the CSR practices in organisations, leads to strengthening employee entrepreneurial behaviour. The book offers a framework showing the role of CSR practices in shaping entrepreneurial and innovative employees’ behaviour.This book is aimed mainly at postgraduates, researchers and academics in the fields of entrepreneurship and corporate volunteering. As it touches vital fields of managerial education and management, it will also be of interest to master level students at universities or business schools as well as business practitioners.

Corporate Volunteering, Responsibility and Employee Entrepreneurship (Routledge Studies in Entrepreneurship and Small Business)

by Aldona Glińska-Neweś Beata Glinka

Supporting employee entrepreneurship is among major challenges contemporary organizations face. Many facets of corporate entrepreneurship are investigated, and the body of knowledge in the field is growing rapidly; nevertheless, there are still knowledge and research gaps to be filled. Notably, while there are studies linking HRM with corporate entrepreneurship, studies on connections between CSR-oriented practices and corporate/employee entrepreneurship are to be developed.The main goal of this book is to explain relationships between corporate volunteering and employee entrepreneurship in organisations. The book combines two extremely vivid fields of research: entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility. Based on their own research, the authors present how participation in corporate volunteering, as one of the CSR practices in organisations, leads to strengthening employee entrepreneurial behaviour. The book offers a framework showing the role of CSR practices in shaping entrepreneurial and innovative employees’ behaviour.This book is aimed mainly at postgraduates, researchers and academics in the fields of entrepreneurship and corporate volunteering. As it touches vital fields of managerial education and management, it will also be of interest to master level students at universities or business schools as well as business practitioners.

Corporate Volunteering und professionelles Freiwilligen-Management: Eine organisationssoziologische Betrachtung

by Claire Kim Schäfer

Was in den 90er Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts das Thema betrieblicher Umweltschutz war, ist heute das Thema Corporate Social Responsibility. Im Gegensatz zur damaligen Debatte um die Bereitschaft der Wirtschaft, für die ökologischen Folgen der Industrialisierung aufzukommen, geht es den Wi- schaftsunternehmen heute darum, durch soziale Projekte ihre gesellschaftliche Verantwortung zu belegen und sich gleichzeitig als erfolgreiche Akteure im Kontext der Globalisierung darzustellen. Selten wird Corporate Social Respon- bility dabei als eine der drei Säulen der Nachhaltigkeit (ökologische, soziale und ökonomische Nachhaltigkeit) dargestellt, sondern eher als etwas Neues präs- tiert, was abgekoppelt von der eher ungeliebten Debatte um Umweltschutz dazu dienen soll, das gesellschaftliche Image der Unternehmen zu verbessern. Neben ökonomischer Effizienz scheint mit dem gesellschaftlichen Engagement der Unternehmen ein weiteres – sehr modernes – Ziel der Privatwirtschaft auf, das vereinbar ist mit Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Konkurrenz. Claire Schäfer greift in ihrer Arbeit einen Sonderfall von Corporate Social Responsibility auf, der bisher in den Sozialwissenschaften nur wenig Aufme- samkeit fand. Corporate Volunteering ist ein Bereich von Corporate Social Responsibility, bei dem gesellschaftliches Engagement gezielt in die Untern- mensstrategien integriert und mit wirtschaftlichen Tätigkeiten des Unternehmens verbunden wird. Corporate Volunteering ist somit ein pro-aktiver Prozess der Wirtschaft, der vor allem an den Rändern der Organisation ein erhöhtes Koo- rationspotential notwendig macht und für den sich die Rolle der Freiwilligen- Manager im Sinne eines Schnittstellenmanagements als zentral erweist.

Corporate Welfare: Crony Capitalism That Enriches the Rich

by James T. Bennett

From the time of Alexander Hamilton's "Report on Manufactures" through the Great Depression, American towns and cities sought to lure footloose companies by offering lavish benefits. These ranged from taxpayer-financed factories, to tax exemptions, to outright gifts of money. This kind of government aid, known as "corporate welfare," is still around today. After establishing its historical foundations, James T. Bennett reveals four modern manifestations.His first case is the epochal debate over government subsidy of a supersonic transport aircraft. The second case has its origins in Southern factory relocation programs of the 1930s the practice of state and local governments granting companies taxpayer financed incentives. The third is the taking of private property for the enrichment of business interests. The fourth export subsidies has its genesis in the New Deal but matured with the growth of the Export-Import Bank, which subsidizes international business exchanges of America's largest corporate entities.Bennett examines the prospects for a successful anti-corporate welfare coalition of libertarians, free market conservatives, Greens, and populists. The potential for a coalition is out there, he argues. Whether a canny politician can assemble and maintain it long enough to mount a taxpayer counterattack upon corporate welfare is an intriguing question.

Corporate Welfare: Crony Capitalism That Enriches the Rich

by James T. Bennett

From the time of Alexander Hamilton's "Report on Manufactures" through the Great Depression, American towns and cities sought to lure footloose companies by offering lavish benefits. These ranged from taxpayer-financed factories, to tax exemptions, to outright gifts of money. This kind of government aid, known as "corporate welfare," is still around today. After establishing its historical foundations, James T. Bennett reveals four modern manifestations.His first case is the epochal debate over government subsidy of a supersonic transport aircraft. The second case has its origins in Southern factory relocation programs of the 1930s the practice of state and local governments granting companies taxpayer financed incentives. The third is the taking of private property for the enrichment of business interests. The fourth export subsidies has its genesis in the New Deal but matured with the growth of the Export-Import Bank, which subsidizes international business exchanges of America's largest corporate entities.Bennett examines the prospects for a successful anti-corporate welfare coalition of libertarians, free market conservatives, Greens, and populists. The potential for a coalition is out there, he argues. Whether a canny politician can assemble and maintain it long enough to mount a taxpayer counterattack upon corporate welfare is an intriguing question.

Corporate White-Collar Crime Scandals: Detection, Investigation, Reconstruction

by Petter Gottschalk

By examining white-collar crime scandals using the theory of convenience, Petter Gottschalk offers ways to improve the detection of crime signals and investigative skills in fraud examinations, as well as improve change management measures. Chapters take the reader chronologically through different key aspects of corporate white-collar crime, moving from the importance and impact of detection through whistleblowing, into how this evolves into an investigation and the role of fraud investigators. Finally, Gottschalk looks at the resulting restructure of the organization. Detailed case studies also offer critical analysis of why and how misconduct and crime should face consequences in the form of sanctions. Business school students and management consultants will find the combination of important theory and case studies useful in developing an understanding of the topic, and looking into successful resolutions. Criminal justice and law scholars will also find this to be a useful read in analysing the consequences of corporate white-collar crime.

The Corporation: Rethinking the Iconic Form of Business Organization (Research in the Sociology of Organizations #78)

by Renate E. Meyer Stephan Leixnering Jeroen Veldman

For more than a century, the corporation has shaped our thinking of organizations. This deeply institutionalized form is still regarded as both the iconic business organization and the core structural unit of our economic order. Today, however, it stands at a crossroads. Economic, social, and environmental failures of the recent past as well as misconduct and scandals are widely associated with deficits of the corporate form and its governance. The Corporation engages with current issues of the corporation as an institutionalized organizational form, approaching the concept from the backgrounds of organization theory, law, and economics, combining different theoretical views and empirical approaches. This volume addresses the corporation's entanglement with capitalism, examines a spectrum of constitutive features and purposes of the corporate form, offers historical perspectives on its emergence, and provides reflections on its future development. Encouraging you to rethink the corporation, each contribution also adds to the conceptual development of the corporate form as the iconic business organization.

The Corporation: Rethinking the Iconic Form of Business Organization (Research in the Sociology of Organizations #78)

by Renate E. Meyer, Stephan Leixnering and Jeroen Veldman

For more than a century, the corporation has shaped our thinking of organizations. This deeply institutionalized form is still regarded as both the iconic business organization and the core structural unit of our economic order. Today, however, it stands at a crossroads. Economic, social, and environmental failures of the recent past as well as misconduct and scandals are widely associated with deficits of the corporate form and its governance. The Corporation engages with current issues of the corporation as an institutionalized organizational form, approaching the concept from the backgrounds of organization theory, law, and economics, combining different theoretical views and empirical approaches. This volume addresses the corporation's entanglement with capitalism, examines a spectrum of constitutive features and purposes of the corporate form, offers historical perspectives on its emergence, and provides reflections on its future development. Encouraging you to rethink the corporation, each contribution also adds to the conceptual development of the corporate form as the iconic business organization.

Corporations, Classes and Capitalism (Routledge Revivals)

by John Scott

First published in 1985, Corporations, Classes and Capitalism raises some crucial questions – how important are large multinational companies? Who really controls the economy? Is government policy able to influence business activities? John Scott examines the transformation of industrial property over the last hundred years and, through the use of extensive empirical data, relates this transformation to the actual structure of control over business decision-making. The book considers the rival theories of industrial society and capitalist society and argues that neither provides a satisfactory account of the development of industrial capitalism. Building on these theories, and the critical debates they have generated, John Scott develops an alternative model of corporate control – control through a constellation of interests. He argues that this new form of impersonal possession has emerged in Britian, America, Australia and Canada but is not so strongly developed in other economies. This book will be of interest to students of sociology, political science, and economics.

Corporations, Classes and Capitalism (Routledge Revivals)

by John Scott

First published in 1985, Corporations, Classes and Capitalism raises some crucial questions – how important are large multinational companies? Who really controls the economy? Is government policy able to influence business activities? John Scott examines the transformation of industrial property over the last hundred years and, through the use of extensive empirical data, relates this transformation to the actual structure of control over business decision-making. The book considers the rival theories of industrial society and capitalist society and argues that neither provides a satisfactory account of the development of industrial capitalism. Building on these theories, and the critical debates they have generated, John Scott develops an alternative model of corporate control – control through a constellation of interests. He argues that this new form of impersonal possession has emerged in Britian, America, Australia and Canada but is not so strongly developed in other economies. This book will be of interest to students of sociology, political science, and economics.

Corporatism and the Myth of Consensus: Working Hours Legislation in Finland in the 1990s

by Roger Bobacka

This title was first published in 2001. Its main focus is on corporatism - which is largely concerned with representative structures between the state and organized interests. The book covers corporatism in both theoretical and descriptive forms and looks at consensus building in practice. Throughout the book corporatism is discussed with reference to the working hours regulation in Finland. Looking at the decision making process for fixing working hours regulations in Finland leads to a discussion on consensus and how the regulations were put forward and agreed, with an examination of the Finnish Parliamentary Committee for Labour Affairs and their role in policy making. Finally the book investigates the results of working hours regulation in Finland after it has been put into practice; and carries out a comparison between corporate pluralist Finland and a non-corporatist UK, to show if different labour market policies reflect how working hours are arranged on the shop floor.

Corporatism and the Myth of Consensus: Working Hours Legislation in Finland in the 1990s

by Roger Bobacka

This title was first published in 2001. Its main focus is on corporatism - which is largely concerned with representative structures between the state and organized interests. The book covers corporatism in both theoretical and descriptive forms and looks at consensus building in practice. Throughout the book corporatism is discussed with reference to the working hours regulation in Finland. Looking at the decision making process for fixing working hours regulations in Finland leads to a discussion on consensus and how the regulations were put forward and agreed, with an examination of the Finnish Parliamentary Committee for Labour Affairs and their role in policy making. Finally the book investigates the results of working hours regulation in Finland after it has been put into practice; and carries out a comparison between corporate pluralist Finland and a non-corporatist UK, to show if different labour market policies reflect how working hours are arranged on the shop floor.

Corporatism since the Great Recession: Challenges to Tripartite Relations in Denmark, the Netherlands and Austria

by Mikkel Mailand

This illuminating book considers the roles of social partners in regulating work and welfare through corporatist arrangements in three countries – all of which have strong traditions for social partner involvement. In the comparative study of Denmark, the Netherlands and Austria, Mikkel Mailand illustrates how the frequency of tripartite agreements has either been stable or has increased since the Great Recession of 2008, in spite of challenges from trade unions’ loss of power and political developments. He therefore demonstrates that social partners are still strong enough to be included in corporatist arrangements. Moreover, the book posits that economic crisis in a 30 year perspective appears a stronger explanatory factor for corporatist development than social partner strength, government strength and government ideology. Using qualitative methods to offer a nuanced insight into corporatism within these countries, Corporatism since the Great Recession will be a useful read for both academics and students in industrial relations, political economy and other social science disciplines addressing the formulation of work and welfare related policies.

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