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Another Economy is Possible: Culture and Economy in a Time of Crisis

by Manuel Castells

Throughout the Western world, governments and financial elites responded to the financial crisis of 2008 by trying to restore the conditions of business as usual, but the economic, social and human damage inflicted by the crisis has given rise to a reconsideration of the inevitability of unfettered capitalism as a fact of life. A number of economic practices and organizations emerged in Europe and the United States that embodied alternative values: the value of life over the value of money; the effectiveness of cooperation over cut-throat competition; the social responsibility of corporations and responsible regulation by governments over the short-term speculative strategies that brought the economy to the brink of catastrophe. This book examines the blossoming of innovative new experiments in organizing work and life that emerged in the wake of the financial crisis: cooperatives, barter networks, ethical banking, community currencies, shared time banks, solidarity networks, sharing of goods, non-monetary transactions, etc., experiments that paved the way for the emergence of a sharing economy in all domains of activity oriented toward the satisfaction of human needs. Other innovations included the creation of cryptographic virtual currencies, epitomized by bitcoin, which blended a libertarian, entrepreneurial spirit with information technology to provide an alternative to standard forms of currency. On the basis of a cross-cultural analysis of alternative economic practices, this book develops an important theoretical argument: that the economy, as a human practice, is shaped by culture, and that the diversity of cultures, as revealed in a time of crisis, implies the possibility of different economies depending on the values and power relations that define economic institutions. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars in sociology, economics and the social sciences generally, and to anyone who wishes to understand how our societies and economies are changing today.

Another Economy is Possible: Culture and Economy in a Time of Crisis

by Manuel Castells

Throughout the Western world, governments and financial elites responded to the financial crisis of 2008 by trying to restore the conditions of business as usual, but the economic, social and human damage inflicted by the crisis has given rise to a reconsideration of the inevitability of unfettered capitalism as a fact of life. A number of economic practices and organizations emerged in Europe and the United States that embodied alternative values: the value of life over the value of money; the effectiveness of cooperation over cut-throat competition; the social responsibility of corporations and responsible regulation by governments over the short-term speculative strategies that brought the economy to the brink of catastrophe. This book examines the blossoming of innovative new experiments in organizing work and life that emerged in the wake of the financial crisis: cooperatives, barter networks, ethical banking, community currencies, shared time banks, solidarity networks, sharing of goods, non-monetary transactions, etc., experiments that paved the way for the emergence of a sharing economy in all domains of activity oriented toward the satisfaction of human needs. Other innovations included the creation of cryptographic virtual currencies, epitomized by bitcoin, which blended a libertarian, entrepreneurial spirit with information technology to provide an alternative to standard forms of currency. On the basis of a cross-cultural analysis of alternative economic practices, this book develops an important theoretical argument: that the economy, as a human practice, is shaped by culture, and that the diversity of cultures, as revealed in a time of crisis, implies the possibility of different economies depending on the values and power relations that define economic institutions. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars in sociology, economics and the social sciences generally, and to anyone who wishes to understand how our societies and economies are changing today.

Another Invisible Hand: The Transformation of Social Structure (China Perspectives)

by Li Peilin

There have been two “hands” exerting influence on China’s resource allocation and economic development: one is tangible (government intervention), and the other intangible (market regulation). This book focuses on a third factor, “another invisible hand,” which is social structure transformation. This two part study explores the process of China's social structure transformation while conducting a theoretical examination of its characteristics. The first part presents a theoretical analysis of the nature of social structure transformation and its economic consequences, both in general and within the Chinese context. The second part examines the transformation of urban and rural societies in contemporary China from different perspectives; including state-owned enterprises, laid-off urban workers, rural migrants, and rural industrialization. The book is written for scholars, researchers and students across the social sciences and area studies, including Sociology, Urban studies, Rural studies, Contemporary China studies and all those who are interested in economic development in China.

Another Invisible Hand: The Transformation of Social Structure (China Perspectives)

by Li Peilin

There have been two “hands” exerting influence on China’s resource allocation and economic development: one is tangible (government intervention), and the other intangible (market regulation). This book focuses on a third factor, “another invisible hand,” which is social structure transformation. This two part study explores the process of China's social structure transformation while conducting a theoretical examination of its characteristics. The first part presents a theoretical analysis of the nature of social structure transformation and its economic consequences, both in general and within the Chinese context. The second part examines the transformation of urban and rural societies in contemporary China from different perspectives; including state-owned enterprises, laid-off urban workers, rural migrants, and rural industrialization. The book is written for scholars, researchers and students across the social sciences and area studies, including Sociology, Urban studies, Rural studies, Contemporary China studies and all those who are interested in economic development in China.

Another Mother: Curating and Creating Voices of Adoption, Surrogacy and Egg Donation

by Shanta Everington

Another Mother gives voice to women who become mothers through the routes of adoption, surrogacy and egg donation, and their silent partners – the birth mothers, surrogate mothers and egg donors – who make motherhood possible for them. Exploring experiences of motherhood beyond the biological mother raising her child, Everington draws on interviews and a range of interdisciplinary approaches to produce illuminating personal testimonies which expand our understanding of what it means to be a mother. The life writing narratives also examine the unique and hidden relationships that exist between adopters and birth mothers, egg donors and women who become mothers through egg donation, and surrogates and women who become mothers through surrogacy. Offering a fresh approach to life writing, using hybrid form encompassing edited interview, re-imagined scenes, poetry, personal essay and quotation collage, this topical book is recommended for anyone interested in motherhood studies, gender and women’s studies, life writing studies, the sociology of reproduction, creative non-fiction writing approaches, oral history and ethnography studies.

Another Mother: Curating and Creating Voices of Adoption, Surrogacy and Egg Donation

by Shanta Everington

Another Mother gives voice to women who become mothers through the routes of adoption, surrogacy and egg donation, and their silent partners – the birth mothers, surrogate mothers and egg donors – who make motherhood possible for them. Exploring experiences of motherhood beyond the biological mother raising her child, Everington draws on interviews and a range of interdisciplinary approaches to produce illuminating personal testimonies which expand our understanding of what it means to be a mother. The life writing narratives also examine the unique and hidden relationships that exist between adopters and birth mothers, egg donors and women who become mothers through egg donation, and surrogates and women who become mothers through surrogacy. Offering a fresh approach to life writing, using hybrid form encompassing edited interview, re-imagined scenes, poetry, personal essay and quotation collage, this topical book is recommended for anyone interested in motherhood studies, gender and women’s studies, life writing studies, the sociology of reproduction, creative non-fiction writing approaches, oral history and ethnography studies.

Another World Is Possible If... (PDF)

by Susan George

Participants in the worldwide citizens' movement for social change and global justice like to proclaim that 'Another World Is Possible. ' But is it? To this popular slogan, Susan George adds a cautionary 'If' and suggests how we can indeed reach that other world. Whether you are a seasoned campaigner and confirmed 'world-changer,' someone who wonders how you can join in the growing citizens' movement, or someone who simply wants to know what this movement is about, this book is for you. You will discover that we are not condemned to glaring North-South inequalities, obscene wealth gaps, environmental destruction or inordinate power remaining in the hands of a small minority, if. . .

Anpassungsfähigkeit in Zeiten der Digitalisierung: Zur Bedeutung von Empowerment und innovativer Arbeitsorganisation (Dortmunder Beiträge zur Sozialforschung)

by Hendrik Lager

Hendrik Lager untersucht, wie Produktionsunternehmen im Kontext der Debatte um Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0 Umfelddynamik bewältigen. Am Beispiel der Lichtindustrie und des Maschinenbaus beleuchtet er, welche Rolle digitale Technologien sowie arbeitsorganisatorische und personelle Elemente bei der Generierung von Anpassungsfähigkeit spielen. Dabei werden Kompetenzbedarfe sowie Potentiale einer empowernden und innovativen Arbeitsorganisation zur Steigerung der Anpassungsfähigkeit von Fabriken analysiert. Die empirischen Erkenntnisse liefern einen wichtigen präzisierenden Beitrag zur Mikrofundierung des Dynamic-Capabilities-Konzepts.

Anreizsysteme für Leadership-Organisationen: Employer Branding und Anreizsysteme der Next Practice (Leadership und Angewandte Psychologie)

by Corinna Von Au

Der vorliegende siebte Band der Reihe Leadership und Angewandte Psychologie beleuchtet die Grenzen klassischer (finanzieller) Anreizsysteme und die Möglichkeiten holistischer (immaterieller) Anreizsysteme, die die gesamte Organisation betreffen. Neben wissenschaftlichen Beiträgen finden sich konkrete Next-Practice-Impulse von Vertretern verschiedener Unternehmensbranchen und -größen.

Ansätze eines Global Health Systems oder Krisenmanagement in der COVID-19 Pandemie (BestMasters)

by Emily Moira Lamprecht

Mit Anlauf der ersten COVID-19-Impfprogramme stellte sich schnell heraus, dass Teile der Welt einen leichteren Zugang zu den unter Hochdruck entwickelten Impfstoffen erhielten als andere. Trotz der globalen Impfinitiative COVAX, die es sich zum Ziel gesetzt hatte, eine gerechte Verteilung für alle zu erreichen, bildete sich ein ausgeprägtes Nord-Süd-Gefälle. Eine derart ungerechte Verteilung der Impfstoffe wirft nicht nur Fragen internationaler Gerechtigkeit auf, sondern gefährdet die Sicherheit aller Menschen weltweit, indem sie für alle Länder eine effektive Bekämpfung der Pandemie erschwert oder gar verhindert. Das Buch untersucht daher Faktoren, die zur beobachteten ungleichen Verteilung geführt haben und zeigt auf, wo Ansprüche an Gerechtigkeit noch nicht erfüllt wurden. Angelehnt an die Forschungserkenntnisse endet die Autorin mit Empfehlungen für die Politik, um bei zukünftigen pandemischen Lagen effektivere und gerechtere Maßnahmen treffen zu können. Für die Analyse wurden sechs Expertenpanels des Harvard Global Health Institute anhand der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring (2015) theoriegeleitet ausgewertet. Eingang finden alle Phasen – von der Entwicklung, Produktion und Verteilung bis zur Impfung vor Ort.

Ansturm der Algorithmen: Die Verwechslung von Urteilskraft mit Berechenbarkeit (Die blaue Stunde der Informatik)

by Wolf Zimmer

Der durch die „Blumenkinder“ des Silicon Valley entfesselte digitale Rausch droht, die Vernunft durch den Aberglauben zu ersetzen, man könne die Welt rechnend vervollkommnen. Wer aber glaubt, die Probleme einer ungewissen Welt mit technologischen Gewissheiten lösen zu können, hat weder etwas von der Welt noch etwas von der Technologie verstanden. Im digitalen Sittenbild aus Silizium und Statistik ersetzt Rechnen das Denken, Wahrscheinlichkeit wird für Wahrheit ausgegeben und Korrelation verdrängt Kausalität. Die Hohepriester der Digitalisierung fragen nicht, ob wir das, was sie verkünden, für gut und richtig halten. Gut und richtig sind keine Kategorien des Digitalen.

Antarctica as Cultural Critique: The Gendered Politics of Scientific Exploration and Climate Change (Critical Studies in Gender, Sexuality, and Culture)

by E. Glasberg

Arguing that Antarctica is the most mediated place on earth and thus an ideal location for testing the limits of bio-political management of population and place, this book remaps national and postcolonial methods and offers a new look on a 'forgotten' continent now the focus of ecological concern.

Antecedents of Censuses from Medieval to Nation States: How Societies and States Count

by Dylan Riley Rebecca Jean Emigh Patricia Ahmed

Antecedents of Censuses From Medieval to Nation States, the first of two volumes, examines the influence of social formations on censuses from the medieval period through current times. The authors argue that relative influence of states and societies is probably not linear, but depends on the actual historical configuration of the states and societies, as well as the type of population information being collected. They show how information gathering is an outcome of the interaction between states and social forces, and how social resistance to censuses has frequently circumvented their planning, prevented their implementation, and influenced their accuracy.

Anthony Giddens: The Last Modernist

by Stjepan Mestrovic

Anthony Giddens is arguably the world's leading sociologist. In this controversial contribution to the Giddens debate, Stjepan Mestrovic takes up and criticizes the major themes of his work - particularly the concept of 'high modernity' as opposed to 'postmodernity' and his attempted construction of a 'synthetic' tradition based on human agency and structure. Testing Giddens' theories against what is happening in the real world from genocide in Africa to near secession in Quebec, Mestrovic discerns in the construction of synthetic traditions not the promise of freedom held out by Giddens but rather the ominous potential for new forms of totalitarian control.

Anthony Giddens: The Last Modernist

by Stjepan Mestrovic

Anthony Giddens is arguably the world's leading sociologist. In this controversial contribution to the Giddens debate, Stjepan Mestrovic takes up and criticizes the major themes of his work - particularly the concept of 'high modernity' as opposed to 'postmodernity' and his attempted construction of a 'synthetic' tradition based on human agency and structure. Testing Giddens' theories against what is happening in the real world from genocide in Africa to near secession in Quebec, Mestrovic discerns in the construction of synthetic traditions not the promise of freedom held out by Giddens but rather the ominous potential for new forms of totalitarian control.

Anthro-Vision: How Anthropology Can Explain Business and Life

by Gillian Tett

As heard on BBC Radio 4's Start the WeekA revelatory model that explains how we buy, sell, work and live.'Absolutely brilliant.' DANIEL KAHNEMAN'Will turn your world upside down in the best possible way. Fun, profound and bursting with important insights.' TIM HARFORD'Anyone working to rebuild a more equal world will benefit from Tett's well-argued case that to solve twenty-first-century problems, we must expand our fields of vision and fill in old blind spots with new empathy.' MELINDA GATES___For over a century, anthropologists have immersed themselves in unfamiliar cultures, uncovering the hidden rituals that govern how people act. Now, a new generation of anthropologists are using these methods in a different context - to illuminate the behaviour of consumers and businesses at home.In Anthro-Vision, Gillian Tett - bestselling author, Financial Times journalist, and anthropology PhD - reveals how anthropology can make sense of people's behaviour, in business and beyond. She outlines how anthropology helps explain consumer habits - revealing the 'webs of meaning' that underpin how we shop, and unpicking the subtle cultural shifts driving the rise of green investment. She explores how anthropology can shed light on the workplace, identifying the hidden tribes within the office, and pinpointing which rituals are binding together a team. And she shows how we can all use anthropology in our own lives, too: helping us make better decisions, navigate risk - even work out what our peers are really thinking.Along the way, Tett draws on stories from Tajik villages and Amazon warehouses, Japanese classrooms and Wall Street trading floors, all to reveal the power of anthropology in action.The result is a wholly new way to make sense of human behaviour. In a short-sighted world, we can all learn to see clearly - using the power of Anthro-Vision.__'Tett provides readers with a new intellectual framework - grounded in her deep understanding of anthropology and her path-breaking journalism - that can fundamentally transform how we approach solving society's most wicked problems . . . I cannot recommend it highly enough.' MARIANA MAZZUCATO'A fascinating and compelling demonstration that all of us, especially economists, can benefit from the insights of anthropology: the worm's-eye, not just the bird's-eye, view of how people behave.' MERVYN KING'In a world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, we need an antidote to tunnel vision, argues Gillian Tett. That antidote is Anthro-Vision . . . Admirers of her journalism will love this book, but they will also learn a great deal from it.' NIALL FERGUSON'Looking at the world like an anthropologist has long given Gillian Tett the edge over the rest of us as a journalist and thinker. With this book she generously shares her secret recipe - and explains why we may all need Anthro-Vision to see a way through some of today's most pressing global challenges.' STEPHANIE FLANDERS

The Anthropocene and its Future: The Challenges of Accelerating Social and Ecological Change

by Karl Bruckmeier

This book analyses the complex social and ecological processes of the Great Acceleration, the Great Transformation, and sustainable development that shape the future of the global society in the twenty-first century. The first process takes place for a longer time, the second over the past thirty years, with attempts to build a sustainable economy and society in the global policy of sustainable development. The processes and their interaction will be discussed with knowledge from inter- and transdisciplinary transformation research, social and political ecology, and theories of modern society. The guiding theoretical concepts for the social-ecological transformation will be clarified: the concepts of acceleration, transformation, and sustainable development, and the societal and ecological processes they include. To obtain a more detailed picture of the changes in the global social-ecological system, different parts of the global transformation, the digital transformation, the transformation of food systems, and the transformation of modes of living in the social lifeworld are described to show the complex changes in the epoch of the Anthropocene more concretely. The global change processes in society and nature are caused by human forces but are difficult to control through policy and governance. With the interdisciplinary integration of concepts and knowledge, it becomes possible to provide a more detailed picture, of the difficulties to achieve a sustainable future society.

Anthropocene Psychology: Being Human in a More-than-Human World (Concepts for Critical Psychology)

by Matthew Adams

This ground-breaking book critically extends the psychological project, seeking to investigate the relations between human and more-than-human worlds against the backdrop of the Anthropocene by emphasising the significance of encounter, interaction and relationships. Interdisciplinary environmental theorist Matthew Adams draws inspiration from a wealth of ideas emerging in human–animal studies, anthrozoology, multi-species ethnography and posthumanism, offering a framing of collective anthropogenic ecological crises to provocatively argue that the Anthropocene is also an invitation – to become conscious of the ways in which human and nonhuman are inextricably connected. Through a series of strange encounters between human and nonhuman worlds, Adams argues for the importance of cultivating attentiveness to the specific and situated ways in which the fates of multiple species are bound together in the Anthropocene. Throughout the book this argument is put into practice, incorporating everything from Pavlov’s dogs, broiler chickens, urban trees, grazing sheep and beached whales, to argue that the Anthropocene can be good to think with, conducive to a seeing ourselves and our place in the world with a renewed sense of connection, responsibility and love. Building on developments in feminist and social theory, anthropology, ecopsychology, environmental psychology, (post)humanities, psychoanalysis and phenomenology, this is fascinating reading for academics and students in the field of critical psychology, environmental psychology, and human–animal studies.

Anthropocene Psychology: Being Human in a More-than-Human World (Concepts for Critical Psychology)

by Matthew Adams

This ground-breaking book critically extends the psychological project, seeking to investigate the relations between human and more-than-human worlds against the backdrop of the Anthropocene by emphasising the significance of encounter, interaction and relationships. Interdisciplinary environmental theorist Matthew Adams draws inspiration from a wealth of ideas emerging in human–animal studies, anthrozoology, multi-species ethnography and posthumanism, offering a framing of collective anthropogenic ecological crises to provocatively argue that the Anthropocene is also an invitation – to become conscious of the ways in which human and nonhuman are inextricably connected. Through a series of strange encounters between human and nonhuman worlds, Adams argues for the importance of cultivating attentiveness to the specific and situated ways in which the fates of multiple species are bound together in the Anthropocene. Throughout the book this argument is put into practice, incorporating everything from Pavlov’s dogs, broiler chickens, urban trees, grazing sheep and beached whales, to argue that the Anthropocene can be good to think with, conducive to a seeing ourselves and our place in the world with a renewed sense of connection, responsibility and love. Building on developments in feminist and social theory, anthropology, ecopsychology, environmental psychology, (post)humanities, psychoanalysis and phenomenology, this is fascinating reading for academics and students in the field of critical psychology, environmental psychology, and human–animal studies.

The Anthropocene Reviewed: The Instant Sunday Times Bestseller

by John Green

A deeply moving and mind-expanding collection of personal essays in the first ever work of non-fiction from #1 internationally bestselling author John GreenThe Anthropocene is the current geological age, in which human activity has profoundly shaped the planet and its biodiversity. In this remarkable symphony of essays adapted and expanded from his ground-breaking, critically acclaimed podcast, John Green reviews different facets of the human-centered planet - from the QWERTY keyboard and Halley's Comet to Penguins of Madagascar - on a five-star scale.Complex and rich with detail, the Anthropocene's reviews have been praised as 'observations that double as exercises in memoiristic empathy', with over 10 million lifetime downloads. John Green's gift for storytelling shines throughout this artfully curated collection about the shared human experience; it includes beloved essays along with six all-new pieces exclusive to the book.

Anthropogenic Tropical Forests: Human–Nature Interfaces on the Plantation Frontier (Advances in Asian Human-Environmental Research)

by Noboru Ishikawa Ryoji Soda

The studies in this volume provide an ethnography of a plantation frontier in central Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Drawing on the expertise of both natural scientists and social scientists, the key focus is the process of commodification of nature that has turned the local landscape into anthropogenic tropical forests. Analysing the transformation of the space of mixed landscapes and multiethnic communities—driven by trade in forest products, logging and the cultivation of oil palm—the contributors explore the changing nature of the environment, multispecies interactions, and the metabolism between capitalism and nature. The project involved the collaboration of researchers specialising in anthropology, geography, Southeast Asian history, global history, area studies, political ecology, environmental economics, plant ecology, animal ecology, forest ecology, hydrology, ichthyology, geomorphology and life-cycle assessment.Collectively, the transdisciplinary research addresses a number of vital questions. How are material cycles and food webs altered as a result of large-scale land-use change? How have new commodity chains emerged while older ones have disappeared? What changes are associated with such shifts? What are the relationships among these three elements—commodity chains, material cycles and food webs? Attempts to answer these questions led the team to go beyond the dichotomy of society and nature as well as human and non-human. Rather, the research highlights complex relational entanglements of the two worlds, abruptly and forcibly connected by human-induced changes in an emergent and compelling resource frontier in maritime Southeast Asia.

Anthropological Data in the Digital Age: New Possibilities – New Challenges

by Jerome W. Crowder Mike Fortun Rachel Besara Lindsay Poirier

For more than two decades, anthropologists have wrestled with new digital technologies and their impacts on how their data are collected, managed, and ultimately presented. Anthropological Data in the Digital Age compiles a range of academics in anthropology and the information sciences, archivists, and librarians to offer in-depth discussions of the issues raised by digital scholarship. The volume covers the technical aspects of data management—retrieval, metadata, dissemination, presentation, and preservation—while at once engaging with case studies written by cultural anthropologists and archaeologists returning from the field to grapple with the implications of producing data digitally. Concluding with thoughts on the new considerations and ethics of digital data, Anthropological Data in the Digital Age is a multi-faceted meditation on anthropological practice in a technologically mediated world.

An Anthropological Economy of Debt (Routledge Studies in Anthropology)

by Pepita Ould Ahmed Bernard Hours

Debt is often thought of as a mere economic variable governed by a simplistic mechanical logic, ignoring its other facets. Whose debt, and debt of what exactly? This volume analyzes debt as a political and social construct, with a multiplicity of purposes and agents. All of these are vectors of meanings that are highly diverse, and of subtle distinctions; they show that debt is a transverse phenomenon, cutting across spaces that are not merely economic but also domestic, social and political. Each contributor takes a fresh view of the subject, dealing with debt at a different time, in a different society, on a different scale of observation. By adopting a determinedly interdisciplinary approach, the authors reveal in the phenomenon of debt a diversity of social and gendered determinants that amount in some cases to domination, allegiance or slavery, and in others to solidarity and emancipation. Debt is at one and the same time shared, imposed, political and gendered.

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