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George W. Bush and the Redemptive Dream: A Psychological Portrait (Inner Lives)

by Dan P. McAdams

George W. Bush remains a highly controversial figure, a man for whom millions of Americans have very strong feelings. Dan McAdams' book offers an astute psychological portrait of Bush, one of the first biographies to appear since he left office as well as the first to draw systematically from personality science to analyze his life. McAdams, an international leader in personality psychology and the narrative study of lives, focuses on several key events in Bush's life, such as the death of his sister at age 7, his commitment to sobriety on his 40th birthday, and his reaction to the terrorist attacks of September 11, and his decision to invade Iraq. He sheds light on Bush's life goals, the story he constructed to make sense of his life, and the psychological dynamics that account for his behavior. Although there are many popular biographies of George W. Bush, McAdams' is the first true psychological analysis based on established theories and the latest research. Short and focused, written in an engaging style, this book offers a truly penetrating look at our forty-third president.

Georges Bataille: Core Cultural Theorist (PDF)

by Dr Paul Hegarty

Long recognized in France as a central figure in French cultural thought, the range and significance of Batille's ideas are now being grasped in the English speaking world. His influence on Derrida, Foucault, Kristeva and Baudrillard is now more clearly understood and Bataille has emerged as a front-rank cultural theorist who posed questions and paradoxes that were extraordinarily prescient. This book offers a comprehensive and detailed presentation and analysis of the full range of his writings - political, philosophical, aesthetic, literary, anthropological and cultural. And tackles his thoughts on waste, sacrifice, death, eroticism, surplus, ecstasy and drunkenness, offering the best available guide to this challenging and utterly unique thinker.

Georges Bataille: The Sacred and Society (Key Sociologists)

by William Pawlett

In this comprehensive and engaging study Georges Bataille’s central ideas – the sacred, community and eroticism – are explored in detail. Bataille’s project to understand social bonds and energies at their most fundamental level and to re-energise society by challenging individualism is argued to be of continuing relevance to sociological thought. Bataille’s infamous Collège de Sociologie is placed in the intellectual context of Durkheimian and Maussian sociology. Social effervescence, gift exchange, and the dual, ambivalent and volatile nature of the sacred emerge as the central threads of Bataille’s thought, ideas which challenge both capitalist hegemony and the reductive notion of society as exclusively normative and repressive. The study concludes by applying Bataille’s ideas to contemporary issues including de-secularisation and the rise of religious fundamentalism, the vicarious experience of transgressive violence, and finally, to consumerism and the violence of globalisation. The study seeks to reposition Bataille as a key figure in sociological theory.

Georges Bataille: The Sacred and Society (Key Sociologists)

by William Pawlett

In this comprehensive and engaging study Georges Bataille’s central ideas – the sacred, community and eroticism – are explored in detail. Bataille’s project to understand social bonds and energies at their most fundamental level and to re-energise society by challenging individualism is argued to be of continuing relevance to sociological thought. Bataille’s infamous Collège de Sociologie is placed in the intellectual context of Durkheimian and Maussian sociology. Social effervescence, gift exchange, and the dual, ambivalent and volatile nature of the sacred emerge as the central threads of Bataille’s thought, ideas which challenge both capitalist hegemony and the reductive notion of society as exclusively normative and repressive. The study concludes by applying Bataille’s ideas to contemporary issues including de-secularisation and the rise of religious fundamentalism, the vicarious experience of transgressive violence, and finally, to consumerism and the violence of globalisation. The study seeks to reposition Bataille as a key figure in sociological theory.

Georges Bataille: An Intellectual Biography

by Dr Michael Richardson Michael Richardson

George Bataille (1867-1962) is widely recognized as one of the most important thinkers of the twentieth century. This is the first book in English to examine Bataille's work as a whole. It offers an accessible introduction to a complex and often ambiguous thinker.

Georges Bataille

by Dr Michael Richardson Michael Richardson

George Bataille (1867-1962) is widely recognized as one of the most important thinkers of the twentieth century. This is the first book in English to examine Bataille's work as a whole. It offers an accessible introduction to a complex and often ambiguous thinker.

Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)

by Jorge Mateu Mahiques Ramon Giraldo

Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis Explore the intersection between geostatistics and functional data analysis with this insightful new reference Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis presents a unified approach to modelling functional data when spatial and spatio-temporal correlations are present. The Editors link together the wide research areas of geostatistics and functional data analysis to provide the reader with a new area called geostatistical functional data analysis that will bring new insights and new open questions to researchers coming from both scientific fields. This book provides a complete and up-to-date account to deal with functional data that is spatially correlated, but also includes the most innovative developments in different open avenues in this field. Containing contributions from leading experts in the field, this practical guide provides readers with the necessary tools to employ and adapt classic statistical techniques to handle spatial regression. The book also includes: A thorough introduction to the spatial kriging methodology when working with functions A detailed exposition of more classical statistical techniques adapted to the functional case and extended to handle spatial correlations Practical discussions of ANOVA, regression, and clustering methods to explore spatial correlation in a collection of curves sampled in a region In-depth explorations of the similarities and differences between spatio-temporal data analysis and functional data analysis Aimed at mathematicians, statisticians, postgraduate students, and researchers involved in the analysis of functional and spatial data, Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis will also prove to be a powerful addition to the libraries of geoscientists, environmental scientists, and economists seeking insightful new knowledge and questions at the interface of geostatistics and functional data analysis.

Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)

by Jorge Mateu Ramón Giraldo

Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis Explore the intersection between geostatistics and functional data analysis with this insightful new reference Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis presents a unified approach to modelling functional data when spatial and spatio-temporal correlations are present. The Editors link together the wide research areas of geostatistics and functional data analysis to provide the reader with a new area called geostatistical functional data analysis that will bring new insights and new open questions to researchers coming from both scientific fields. This book provides a complete and up-to-date account to deal with functional data that is spatially correlated, but also includes the most innovative developments in different open avenues in this field. Containing contributions from leading experts in the field, this practical guide provides readers with the necessary tools to employ and adapt classic statistical techniques to handle spatial regression. The book also includes: A thorough introduction to the spatial kriging methodology when working with functions A detailed exposition of more classical statistical techniques adapted to the functional case and extended to handle spatial correlations Practical discussions of ANOVA, regression, and clustering methods to explore spatial correlation in a collection of curves sampled in a region In-depth explorations of the similarities and differences between spatio-temporal data analysis and functional data analysis Aimed at mathematicians, statisticians, postgraduate students, and researchers involved in the analysis of functional and spatial data, Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis will also prove to be a powerful addition to the libraries of geoscientists, environmental scientists, and economists seeking insightful new knowledge and questions at the interface of geostatistics and functional data analysis.

Geothermal Energy and Society (Lecture Notes in Energy #67)

by Adele Manzella Agnes Allansdottir Anna Pellizzone

This book addresses the societal aspects of harnessing geothermal resources for different uses, such as power production, heating and cooling. It introduces a theoretical framework for a social scientific approach to the field, and presents a preliminary collection of empirical case studies on geothermal energy and society from across the world. By providing a conceptual and methodological framework to the study of geothermal energy and societies, it brings together information and analyses in the field that to date have been sparse and fragmented.The contributors explore the diverse aspects of the relationship between the harnessing of geothermal resources and the societies and local communities in which these developments take place. After introducing geothermal technologies, renewable energy concepts as well as their social and policy context and the regulative and environmental aspects of geothermal energy, the book analyzes and discusses twelve global case studies, and compares the social engagement tools applied with those used in other sectors. Of interest to researchers from a range of disciplines who wish to explore the issues surrounding energy and society, it is also a valuable resource for geothermal experts and postgraduate students wish to study the field in greater detail.

Geotourismus: Inwertsetzung und Schutz unseres Geo-Erbes (RaumFragen: Stadt – Region – Landschaft)

by Heidi Elisabeth Megerle

Geotourismus, lange als eine Form des Nischentourismus betrachtet, hat sich zu einer nachgefragten Form des Thementourismus entwickelt. Im letzten Jahrzehnt erwies sich Geotourismus sogar als das am schnellsten wachsende Tourismussegment. Geoparks sind die wesentlichen Träger des Geotourismus. Sie sind keine zusätzliche Naturschutzkategorie, sondern eine Prädikatisierung für Gebiete, die ein herausragendes Geopotential aufweisen sowie eine Strategie zur nachhaltigen Regionalentwicklung. Ihre spezifischen Geotope und Geolandschaften (Geodiversität) nutzen sie für ein geotouristisches Standortmarketing. Über Geobildung wird Interesse für geotouristische Angebote geweckt und ein Bewusstsein für den Geotopschutz aufgebaut, der nach wie vor ein Stiefkind des Naturschutzes ist. Bereits seit dem Jahr 2000 besteht das Netzwerk der European Geoparks. In Deutschland können zusätzlich Nationale GeoParks anerkannt werden. 2015 wurde mit den UNESCO Global Geoparks eine weitere Kategorie von UNESCOStätten – neben den Welterbestätten und den Biosphärenreservaten – ins Leben gerufen. Als Modellregionen für nachhaltige Entwicklung sollen sie aufzeigen, wie Ziele der globalen Nachhaltigkeitsagenda 2030 auf kommunaler und regionaler Ebene umgesetzt werden können.

Geplante Obsoleszenz: Hinter den Kulissen der Produktentwicklung (Forschung aus der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung #194)

by Erik Poppe Jörg Longmuß

Immer wieder liest man, dass Hersteller ihre Produkte bewusst so konstruieren, dass sie vorzeitig kaputtgehen. Die Leidtragenden: die Kunden. Viele Hersteller aber wollen den Verschleiß hinauszögern. Wie gehen sie vor, um Obsoleszenz zu planen? Der Band präsentiert erstmals die Sicht und die Erfahrungen derer, die Produkte entwickeln, konstruieren und fertigen. Die Beiträge beschäftigen sich mit Reparierbarkeit als Geschäftsmodell, Product Lifecycle Management, Obsoleszenz als Managementthema, der Rolle staatlicher Einflussnahme und den gesellschaftlichen Treibern der Kurzlebigkeit von Konsumartikeln.

Gerechtigkeit: Interdisziplinäre Grundlagen

by Andreas Dornheim Winfried Franzen Alexander Thumfart Arno Waschkuhn

Gerechtigkeit ist ein Grundthema der politischen Philosophie seit Platon und Aristoteles bis hin zu John Rawls und Michael Walzer. Der Topos der Gerechtigkeit hat also stets politische Implikationen. Das gilt insbesondere für die Gerechtigkeitsdebatte im Blick auf die deutsche Vereinigung und ihre normativen Integrationsprobleme, zumal gerade in Ostdeutschland die Gerechtigkeitsvorstellungen weiterhin stark vom Gedanken der sozialen Gleichheit geprägt sind. Die Beiträge des Bandes sind hieran orientiert und entfalten in interdisziplinärer Weise einen Gerechtigkeitsdiskurs, der sich im Sinne einer neuen und innovativen Synergie aus philosophischen, soziohistorischen, soziologischen, politikwissenschaftlichen, feministischen, kommunikationstheoretischen sowie transnationalen Einsichtsgewinnen zusammenfügt.

Gerechtigkeit als Zufall: Zur rhetorischen Evolution des Rechts (TRACE Transmission in Rhetorics, Arts and Cultural Evolution)

by Fabian Steinhauer

Blinde Evolution lautet ein Motto der Rechtswissenschaft nach ihren theologischen und metaphysischen Enttäuschungen. Das Werk bietet eine vorzügliche Einführung in die Theorie der Rechtsevolution. Mit anschaulichen Fallbeispielen, einem kurzen wissenschaftshistorischen Überblick, einer systematischen Zusammenfassung der Kernargumente und einer kritischen Reflexion ist das Buch hervorragend als Einführung und als weiterführender Impuls geeignet. Gegenüber den bisher eher ökonomisch orientierten Darstellungen zu Evolution und Recht erweitert diese Darstellung die Perspektive auf rhetorische Kulturtechniken und evolutionäre Prozesse.

Gerechtigkeit, Gleichheit, Freiheit und Vernunft: Über vier Grundbegriffe der politischen Philosophie

by Jürgen Ritsert

X ist gerecht, X ist gleich Y, X ist frei und X ist vernünftig deutlich. Dieser Essay informiert über diese Tatsache anhand von kurzen Kommentaren zu ausgewählten Passagen aus Texten zur Sozialphilosophie und Gesellschaftstheorie. Über den trotz ihrer mannigfaltigen Unterschiede und Gegensätze bestehenden inneren Zusammenhang der vier normativen Prinzipien wird ebenfalls in klarer und kompakter Form Auskunft gegeben.

Gerechtigkeit in der Schule

by Sören Umlauft Claudia Dalbert

Im schulischen Kontext sind die (Un-)Gerechtigkeitserfahrungen mit dem Handeln der LehrerInnen von besonderer Bedeutung, da diese das System Schule stellvertretend verkörpern und Schule wiederum als Exempel für Gesellschaft funktioniert. Gerechtigkeitserfahrungen erfüllen zwei Funktionen: Sie bestärken das Vertrauen darin, auch zukünftig gerecht behandelt zu werden. Und es entsteht die Verpflichtung, sich auch selbst gerecht zu verhalten, um weiterhin ein geschätztes Mitglied der Gemeinschaft zu sein. Daher können (Un-)Gerechtigkeitserfahrungen mit LehrerInnen z.B. das Sozialverhalten von SchülerInnen, aber auch das Leistungsverhalten, Aspekte des emotionalen Erlebens oder das Vertrauen in zukünftige Gerechtigkeit erklären. Weil (Un-)Gerechtigkeitserfahrungen mit LehrerInnen so wichtig sind, stellt sich die Frage, von welchen Bedingungen diese Erfahrungen abhängen (Handeln der LehrerInnen, Persönlichkeit der SchülerInnen, Klassencharakteristika). Das Buch beschreibt Befunde zu den oben genannten Fragen und leitet daraus Überlegungen für eine optimale Gestaltung des LehrerInnenhandelns ab.

Gerhard on Music: Selected Writings

by Roberto Gerhard Meirion Bowen

This title was first published in 2000: Catalan-born composer Roberto Gerhard (1896-1970) left significant legacies - both musical and documentary. Exiled in Cambridge with the onset of the Spanish Civil War, he gradually achieved wide recognition by performers and conductors, in both Britain and America, as a composer whose music was essential to the modern repertoire. In this work, the author collects many of the composer's articles, reviews, lectures and broadcasts to demonstrate the full extent and continuity of Gerhard's artistic and creative thinking. The writings have been arranged thematically to emphasize the evolution of Gerhard's musical interests. His attachment to Spanish and Catalonian traditions broadened into a fascination with folk music of all kinds. His studies with Schoenberg in the mid 1920s gave him the key to his own creative individuality; thereafter, his imaginative vitality led him eventually to experiment with electronic and concrete music and he continued breaking new ground, even in his final years.

Gerhard on Music: Selected Writings

by Roberto Gerhard Meirion Bowen

This title was first published in 2000: Catalan-born composer Roberto Gerhard (1896-1970) left significant legacies - both musical and documentary. Exiled in Cambridge with the onset of the Spanish Civil War, he gradually achieved wide recognition by performers and conductors, in both Britain and America, as a composer whose music was essential to the modern repertoire. In this work, the author collects many of the composer's articles, reviews, lectures and broadcasts to demonstrate the full extent and continuity of Gerhard's artistic and creative thinking. The writings have been arranged thematically to emphasize the evolution of Gerhard's musical interests. His attachment to Spanish and Catalonian traditions broadened into a fascination with folk music of all kinds. His studies with Schoenberg in the mid 1920s gave him the key to his own creative individuality; thereafter, his imaginative vitality led him eventually to experiment with electronic and concrete music and he continued breaking new ground, even in his final years.

Gerlinda Smaus: Beiträge zur feministischen Kriminologie (Schriftenreihe des Strafvollzugsarchivs)

Gerlinda Smaus gilt als wichtigste feministische Kriminologin im deutschen Sprachraum. Sie selbst bezeichnet ihren theoretischen Ansatz als einen sowohl materialistischen wie interaktionistischen. Dabei bezieht sie sich stets auf konkrete Praxisbereiche (Kriminalität, Strafrecht, Strafvollzug) und bezieht empirische Untersuchungen zu speziellen Problemfeldern ein (Frauengefängnisse, Sexualität im Gefängnis, Vergewaltigung etc.). Ihre einschlägigen Veröffentlichungen sind über viele Zeitschriften und Sammelbände verteilt. Johannes Feest und Brunilda Pali legen erstmals eine Sammlung der wichtigsten Texte vor. Als Einführung haben sie mit der Autorin eine ausführliche Konversation über die Hintergründe ihres Werkes und über ihre Erfahrungen als Frau im akademischen Betrieb geführt.

German Family Enterprises: A Sourcebook of Structure, Growth, Downfall and Corporate Longevity

by Laura K. Seibold Maximilian Lantelme Hermut Kormann

The second edition of this professional guide presents an extended overview of the German family enterprise landscape including its structure and industry distribution. Its goal is to provide a detailed assessment of the development of German family enterprises. Based on several new scientific studies conducted by the authors, the prerequisits of corporate longevity and mature growth are investigated in detail. Analyzing data from over 500 family firms, the book offers a valuable reference guide for market research and academic research on family-owned enterprises. A unique factor: the authors’ revealing insights into the decline of family firms.

German Football: History, Culture, Society

by Alan Tomlinson Christopher Young

This topical book provides unprecedented analysis of football's place in post-war and post-reunification Germany. The expert team of German and British contributors offers wide-ranging perspectives on the significance of football in German sporting and cultural life, showing how it has emerged as a focus for an expression of German national identity and pride in the post-war era. Some of the themes examined include: footballing expressions of local, regional and national identity ethnic dynamics, migrant populations and Europeanization German football’s commercial economy women’s football. Key moments in the history of German football are also explored, such as the victories in 1954, 1972 and 1990, the founding of the Bundesliga, and the winning bid for the 2006 World Cup.

German Football: History, Culture, Society

by Alan Tomlinson Christopher Young

This topical book provides unprecedented analysis of football's place in post-war and post-reunification Germany. The expert team of German and British contributors offers wide-ranging perspectives on the significance of football in German sporting and cultural life, showing how it has emerged as a focus for an expression of German national identity and pride in the post-war era. Some of the themes examined include: footballing expressions of local, regional and national identity ethnic dynamics, migrant populations and Europeanization German football’s commercial economy women’s football. Key moments in the history of German football are also explored, such as the victories in 1954, 1972 and 1990, the founding of the Bundesliga, and the winning bid for the 2006 World Cup.

The German Good Life I Want: Voices of Turkish Origin Girls (Rekonstruktive Sozialisationsforschung)

by Pinar Burcu Güner

This book reports research on young Turkish women`s interpretation of a good life in Germany. There were two goals. The first was to identify how girls from Turkish origin living in Germany develop a positive view of themselves: How do they perceive opportunities for empowerment, agency, and emancipation? What are their inspirations and aspirations? The second goal was to establish how girls from Turkish origin living in Germany interpreted challenges to seeking a good life at school and in the wider society? With the support of focus groups, the life history interview method and socio-economic questionnaires four main categories were identified in the findings of the research: construction of identity; aspiration for education; marginalization; and living in a multicultural society.​

German Home Towns: Community, State, and General Estate, 1648–1871

by Mack Walker

German Home Towns is a social biography of the hometown Bürger from the end of the seventeenth to the beginning of the twentieth centuries. After his opening chapters on the political, social, and economic basis of town life, Mack Walker traces a painful process of decline that, while occasionally slowed or diverted, leads inexorably toward death and, in the twentieth century, transfiguration. Along the way, he addresses such topics as local government, corporate economies, and communal society. Equally important, he illuminates familiar aspects of German history in compelling ways, including the workings of the Holy Roman Empire, the Napoleonic reforms, and the revolution of 1848. Finally, Walker examines German liberalism's underlying problem, which was to define a meaning of freedom that would make sense to both the "movers and doers" at the center and the citizens of the home towns. In the book's final chapter, Walker traces the historical extinction of the towns and their transformation into ideology. From the memory of the towns, he argues, comes Germans' "ubiquitous yearning for organic wholeness," which was to have its most sinister expression in National Socialism's false promise of a racial community.A path-breaking work of scholarship when it was first published in 1971, German Home Towns remains an influential and engaging account of German history, filled with interesting ideas and striking insights—on cameralism, the baroque, Biedermeier culture, legal history and much more. In addition to the inner workings of community life, this book includes discussions of political theorists like Justi and Hegel, historians like Savigny and Eichhorn, philologists like Grimm. Walker is also alert to powerful long-term trends—the rise of bureaucratic states, the impact of population growth, the expansion of markets—and no less sensitive to the textures of everyday life.

German Ideology: From France to Germany and Back

by Louis Dumont

In this comparative anthropological analysis, Louis Dumont illuminates German and French ideology, European culture, and cultural interaction. His analysis of texts by Troeltsch, Thomas Mann, Goethe, and others, against the background of previously gathered evidence and of French common notions, specify the differences—otherwise frequently but vaguely alluded to—between French and German cultures. Anyone interested in the fate of national ideology and the concept of the individual will benefit from this radical reinterpretation of modern values and the place of modernity in history. "What François Furet did for French history, Dumont did for anthropology, turning it away from engaged politics and towards the sober study of the modern age." —Mark Lilla, London Review of Books "There are many fine things in Dumont's study. Beyond any doubt, his cultural anthropology of the modern spirit highlights some of the key energies of the of the last two centuries. . . . [An] impressive . . . detailed analysis." —Martin Swales, Times Higher Education Supplement "[An] unsettling, rich, demanding, profound study." —Publishers Weekly

German-Japanese Interchange of Data Analysis Results (Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization)

by Wolfgang Gaul Andreas Geyer-Schulz Yasumasa Baba Akinori Okada

This volume focuses on innovative approaches and recent developments in clustering, analysis of data and models, and applications: The first part of the book covers a broad range of innovations in the area of clustering, from algorithmic innovations for graph clustering to new visualization and evaluation techniques. The second part addresses new developments in data and decision analysis (conjoint analysis, non-additive utility functions, analysis of asymmetric relationships, and regularization techniques). The third part is devoted to the application of innovative data analysis methods in the life-sciences, the social sciences and in engineering. All contributions in this volume are revised and extended versions of selected papers presented in the German/Japanese Workshops at Karlsruhe (2010) and Kyoto (2012).

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