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Showing 28,076 through 28,100 of 77,509 results

Globale Soziologie: Vergessene Theorien, verflochtene Geschichten (Neue Soziologische Theorie)

by Fabio Santos Clara Ruvituso

Die Herausgebenden legen mit „Globale Soziologie“ einen Band vor, der in Debatten um die Dekolonisierung der Disziplin interveniert. Sie vereinen Beiträge, die anhand dreier Fragenkomplexe die international bereits geebneten, im deutschsprachigen Raum jedoch kaum betretenen Wege zu einer Globalen Soziologie aufzeigen und erweitern. Sie stellen zunächst die Geschichte der Soziologie auf den Prüfstand und fragen, von welchen Standpunkten aus „klassische“ Theorien entworfen wurden und wessen Lebensrealitäten sie erfassen und adressieren. Insbesondere die ungleichen Voraussetzungen in der Konstruktion und Zirkulation von „Klassikern“ bei institutionell hergestellter Unsichtbarkeit anderer Werke finden Berücksichtigung. Zweitens gehen die Beiträge des Buchs der Frage nach, welche epistemologischen und methodologischen Schlüsse sich aus diesen historiographischen und theoretischen Kritiken und Rekonstruktionen ziehen lassen. Sie erarbeiten Vorschläge, die einen erkenntnistheoretischen Wandelhin zu einer reflexiven, multiperspektivischen und global verflochtenen Soziologie begründen und fortführen können. Drittens werden Schlüsselthemen identifiziert und anhand empirischer Studien aus der Arbeits-, Migrations- und Geschlechtersoziologie illustriert.

Globaler Katholizismus, Toleranz und die offene Gesellschaft: Eine empirische Studie über die Wertesysteme der Katholiken

by Arno Tausch Stanislaw Obirek

Dieses Buch bewertet systematisch die politischen und sozialen Werte der mehr als 1,3 Milliarden Katholiken auf der ganzen Welt, der bei weitem größten Konfession des westlichen Christentums. Auf der Grundlage einer umfassenden Analyse von Daten aus dem World Values Survey und anderen globalen Meinungsumfragen wirft das Buch ein neues Licht auf die Wertesysteme und Meinungen der Katholiken. Die Autoren heben zentrale Probleme und Herausforderungen hervor, mit denen die Kirche derzeit bei der Anpassung an die moderne Welt konfrontiert ist, einschließlich des katholischen Antisemitismus, der religiösen und sexuellen Toleranz und der Meinungen zur Demokratie, und bieten gleichzeitig eine anthropologische Reflexion darüber, wie gut sich die Kirche an die Anforderungen einer offenen Gesellschaft anpasst oder nicht.

Globalisation and Discourses of Human Rights (Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research #45)

by Joseph Zajda Sev Ozdowski

This book examines dominant discourses in human rights education globally. Using diverse paradigms, ranging from critical theory to discourse analysis, it examines major human rights education reforms and policy issues in a global culture. It also focuses on the ambivalent and problematic relationship between human rights education discourses, ideology and the state. The book discusses democracy, ideology and human rights, which are among the most critical and significant factors defining and contextualising the processes surrounding human rights education globally. It critiques human rights education practices and policy reforms, illustrating the shifts in the relationship between the state, ideology, and human rights education policy. The book also examines developments in research concerning human rights education. Readers will gain a more holistic understanding of the nexus between human rights education, and dominant ideologies, both locally and globally. The book also provides easily accessible, practical yet scholarly insights into international concerns in the field of human rights education in the context of global culture.

Globalisation and Education Reforms: Creating Effective Learning Environments (Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research #25)

by Joseph Zajda

This book analyses discourses of effective learning environments globally. It focuses on the student’s cultural identity and academic achievement, the significance of cultural and social capital to student’s academic achievement, motivational strategies enhancing engagement and performance, effective teaching strategies, and quality in education for all. The book discusses and evaluates the shifts in methodological approaches to effective learning environments and globalisation. It analyses such topics as the students’ cultural identity and achievement, motivational strategies for creating effective learning environment, constructivist pedagogy for critical thinking, dimensions of discrimination in schools globally, intelligence testing and the effects on academic achievement, and values education in the classroom. The book evaluates the shifts in methodological approaches to globalisation and effective learning environments globally, and their impact on education policy and pedagogy. It contributes in a very scholarly way, to a more holistic understanding of the nexus between globalisation, comparative education research and effective learning environments education reforms.

Globalisation and Inclusive Schooling: Engaging Motivational Environments (Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research #36)

by Joseph Zajda

This book analyses discourses of inclusive schooling and engaging motivational environments globally. It focuses on the student’s identity, belonging, performance in the classroom, and the significance of cognitive, cultural, emotional and social capital to student’s academic achievement. The book discusses and evaluates the shifts in methodological approaches to inclusive and engaging learning environments. It analyses topics such as the students’ cultural identity and achievement, motivational strategies for creating engaging learning environment, the use of constructivist pedagogy for critical thinking, social constructivism, and values education in the classroom. The book also analyses and evaluates the shifts in methodological approaches to globalisation and inclusive schooling globally, and their impact on performing schools. It contributes in a very scholarly way, to a more holistic understanding of the nexus among globalisation, comparative education research, inclusive schooling and engaging learning environments.

Globalisation and its Discontents

by John Wiseman

Most analyses of globalization convey the message that it is an unstoppable force sweeping away national sovereignty and inevitably creating a brave new world of borderless and boundless consumerism. In such a context politics and democracy become irrelevant. This collection of essays develops a more critical and grounded analysis of the nature and implications of globalization. Many of the contributions to this book conclude that there are real political choices to be made. Even though the economic context has changed, politics still matters.

Globalisation and Leadership in Schools (Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research #42)

by Joseph Zajda Pamela Hallam

This book analyses dominant discourses of globalisation and leadership in schools. The chapters in this volume advance further the discussions of the nexus between globalisation and leadership in schools. The politics of education reforms, governance and school leadership in the 21st century reflect a new emerging paradigm of standards-driven and outcomes-defined educational policy change. This ethos of academic performance has affected the nature and the role of school leadership in the 21st century, and emerging educational challenges and strategies. Academic achievement, standards, and educational results overall, depend on the nature and quality of school leadership, teachers and school’s culture. Another emerging change affecting school leadership is autonomy in schools in designing curricula and managing resources, where the role of the school leader has grown far beyond that of administrator. School autonomy has also affected the changing role of school leadership. The other key role of effective leadership is the focus on diagnosing the school’s needs, and supporting, evaluating and developing teacher quality. Developing school leaders in the 21st century requires clearly defining their key leadership roles and responsibilities for leading and inspiring teachers to achieve high academic standards, and the quality of the curriculum, and acknowledging, and accepting their significant role in improving school‘s image, as a standards-driven and academically performing institution.The book contributes in a very scholarly way, to a more holistic understanding of the nexus between globalisation, and dominant discourses of leadership in schools.

Globalisation and Pandemic Management: Issues and Outcomes from COVID-19 (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Chris L. Peterson

This book considers the global response on governance after the pandemic while sociologically addressing the effects of COVID-19 on life and work experience.It presents the effects of COVID-19 on global and local labour markets, the development of digitisation and technology, of work health, and on the environment with respect to global warming and climate change. Linking COVID-19 to the progress of globalisation, the book considers the spread of the pandemic and its management as a response to neoliberalism.The book analyses national and international governance models for tackling future outcomes of emerging global issues such as technology, green industry and environment that may inform future management of global crises. As such, it will be of interest to scholars in the field of Global Studies, Governance, International Relations, Political Science, Complexity Studies, Environment Studies, Sociology, Disaster Management and Occupational Health.

Globalisation and Pandemic Management: Issues and Outcomes from COVID-19 (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Chris L. Peterson

This book considers the global response on governance after the pandemic while sociologically addressing the effects of COVID-19 on life and work experience.It presents the effects of COVID-19 on global and local labour markets, the development of digitisation and technology, of work health, and on the environment with respect to global warming and climate change. Linking COVID-19 to the progress of globalisation, the book considers the spread of the pandemic and its management as a response to neoliberalism.The book analyses national and international governance models for tackling future outcomes of emerging global issues such as technology, green industry and environment that may inform future management of global crises. As such, it will be of interest to scholars in the field of Global Studies, Governance, International Relations, Political Science, Complexity Studies, Environment Studies, Sociology, Disaster Management and Occupational Health.

Globalisation and Productivity Growth: Theory and Evidence

by H. Görg D. Greenaway R. Kneller

A great deal of public policy is harnessed to raising productivity growth. Although it is believed that the process is intimately linked to globalization, the precise links are less well known. This volume offers a comprehensive overview of links between international trade, foreign direct investment and productivity growth, providing a series of empirical analyses of these links.

Globalisation and the Challenges of Development in Contemporary India (Dynamics of Asian Development)

by Sita Venkateswar Sekhar Bandyopadhyay

This volume brings together multidisciplinary, situated and nuanced analyses of contingent issues framing a rapidly changing India in the 21st century. It moves beyond the ready dichotomies that are often extended to understand India as a series of contrasts and offers new insights into the complex realities of India today, thereby enabling us to anticipate the decades to come.The editors focus on three major themes, each discussed in a section: The first section, Framing the Macro-Economic Environment, defines the framework for interrogating globalisation and socio-economic changes in India over the last few decades of the 20th century spiraling into India in the 21st century. The next section, Food Security and Natural Resources, highlights critical considerations involved in feeding a burgeoning population. The discussions pose important questions in relation to the resilience of both people and planet confronting increasingly unpredictable climate-induced scenarios. The final section, Development, Activism and Changing Technologies, discusses some of the social challenges of contemporary India through the lens of inequalities and emergent activisms. The section concludes with an elaboration of the potential and promise of changing technologies and new social media to build an informed and active citizenry across existing social divides.

Globalisation, Cultural Diversity and Human Rights (Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research #44)

by Joseph Zajda Yvonne Vissing

This book analyses major discourses of cultural diversity and human rights. The chapters contained in this book examine critically major issues confronting cultural diversity and human rights, both locally and globally. They analyze the challenges that different societies are confronted with, as they attempt to implement, protect and defend cultural diversity and human rights in an ever-changing world, and culturally diverse environment. Topics covered include celebrating cultural diversity in sport, human rights legacies of the African slave trade and the long-term implications of colonialism, assessment of human rights and sports, effectiveness in intercultural dialogue in dominant discourses of cultural diversity and human rights, and the rising importance of cultural diversity and human rights in sport for children and youth.This book will be helpful to readers to explore their own views and consider more broadly what may be in the best interests of a fair and just society, as envisioned in human rights treaties, human rights education in schools, and cultural diversity.

Globalisation, Cultural Diversity and Schooling (Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research #41)

by Joseph Zajda Suzanne Majhanovich

This book analyses dominant discourses of globalisation, cultural diversity and schooling. The collection in this volume advance further the discussions on the phenomenon of globalisation, and its far-reaching effects on our world, and consider cultural diversity in its broadest sense, as it manifests itself in a globalised world. Zajda has argued that globalisation represents a synthesis of technology, ideology and organisation, specifically related to border crossings of people, global finance and trade, IT convergence as well as cross-cultural communication. The reality of cultural diversity has been brought into stronger focus because of globalisation. Cultural diversity, always present in society is more evident today because of globalisation. The ways society copes with cultural diversity have changed such that the embrace of cultural diversity as part of identity is encouraged in liberal democracies. Cultural diversity, as presented in this volume is seen in a broad contextand includes factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientations, socio-economic status, culture, age, and physical ability as well as a variety of beliefs and values. The book contributes in a very scholarly way, to a more holistic understanding of the nexus between globalisation, cultural diversity, democracy, and equality for all.

Globalisation, Development and Plantation Labour in India

by P. K. Viswanathan K. J. Joseph

This book provides a detailed examination of the impact of globalisation on plantation labour, dominated by women labour, in India. The studies presented here highlight the perpetuation of low wages, inferior social status and low human development of workers in this sector and point out the movement of labour away from this sector and the resultant labour shortage. It also highlights the perils involved in doing away with the Plantation Labour Act 1951 and provides a plausible way forward for improving the conditions of plantation workers. Rich in empirical analysis, this volume will prove essential for scholars and researchers of labour economics, development studies, gender studies and sociology.

Globalisation, Development and Plantation Labour in India

by P. K. Viswanathan K. J. Joseph

This book provides a detailed examination of the impact of globalisation on plantation labour, dominated by women labour, in India. The studies presented here highlight the perpetuation of low wages, inferior social status and low human development of workers in this sector and point out the movement of labour away from this sector and the resultant labour shortage. It also highlights the perils involved in doing away with the Plantation Labour Act 1951 and provides a plausible way forward for improving the conditions of plantation workers. Rich in empirical analysis, this volume will prove essential for scholars and researchers of labour economics, development studies, gender studies and sociology.

Globalisation, Economic Inclusion and African Workers: Making the Right Connections

by Kate Meagher Laura Mann Maxim Bolt

This book addresses the question of whether greater inclusion in the global economy offers a solution to rising unemployment and poverty in contemporary Africa. The authors trace the connection between global demographic change and new mechanisms of economic inclusion via global value chains, digital networks, labour migration, and corporate engagement with the bottom of the pyramid, challenging the claim that African workers have become functionally irrelevant to the global economy. They expose the shift of global demand for African workers from formal to increasingly informalised labour arrangements, mediated by social enterprises, labour brokers, graduate entrepreneurs and grassroots associations. Focusing on global employment connections initiated from above and from below, the authors examine whether global labour linkages increase or reduce problems of vulnerable and unstable working conditions within African countries, and considers the economic and political conditions needed for African workers to capture the gains of inclusion in the global economy. This book was previously published as a special issue of the Journal of Development Studies.

Globalisation, Economic Inclusion and African Workers: Making the Right Connections

by Kate Meagher Laura Mann Maxim Bolt

This book addresses the question of whether greater inclusion in the global economy offers a solution to rising unemployment and poverty in contemporary Africa. The authors trace the connection between global demographic change and new mechanisms of economic inclusion via global value chains, digital networks, labour migration, and corporate engagement with the bottom of the pyramid, challenging the claim that African workers have become functionally irrelevant to the global economy. They expose the shift of global demand for African workers from formal to increasingly informalised labour arrangements, mediated by social enterprises, labour brokers, graduate entrepreneurs and grassroots associations. Focusing on global employment connections initiated from above and from below, the authors examine whether global labour linkages increase or reduce problems of vulnerable and unstable working conditions within African countries, and considers the economic and political conditions needed for African workers to capture the gains of inclusion in the global economy. This book was previously published as a special issue of the Journal of Development Studies.

Globalisation, Education, and Reform in Brunei Darussalam (International and Development Education)

by Le Ha Phan Keith Wood Asiyah Kumpoh Rosmawijah Jawawi Hardimah Said

This book focuses on the intertwined relationships between globalisation, nation-building, education, and reform as manifested throughout the modern history of Brunei Darussalam, an Islamic monarchy located on the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia. It is the first book dedicated to the examination of Brunei’s education system, schooling, teacher education, and society in close connection with the national philosophy Melayu Islam Beraja (MIB) or Malay Islamic Monarchy. The authors provide a historical understanding of the country’s education and tell Brunei’s story of educational reform and change in its own language, narratives, accounts, and unique standpoints. Interdisciplinary chapters draw on significant historical and textual sources in three languages, namely Arabic, English, and Malay, to contribute to scholarship on education studies, international and comparative education, and international and development education.

Globalisation, Ideology and Education Policy Reforms: Paradigms And Ideologies (Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research #11)

by Joseph Zajda

Globalisation, Ideology and Education Policy Reforms, which is the 11th volume in the 12-volume book series Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research, presents scholarly research on major discourses concerning globalisation and the politics of education reforms. It reviews some of the ideological imperatives fueling education reforms. It examines critically education reforms within their social, political and global dimensions. It provides an easily accessible, practical yet scholarly source of information about recent developments in globalisation, ideology and trends in education reforms. Above all, the book offers the latest fi- ings to the critical issues concerning major discourses surrounding the nexus between ideology and education reforms in the global culture. It is a sourcebook of ideas for researchers, practitioners and policy makers in education, and schooling around the world. It offers a timely overview of current policy issues affecting education reforms globally. It provides directions in education, and policy research, relevant to progressive pedagogy, social change and transformational educational reforms in the twenty-first century. The book critically examines the overall interplay between the state, ideology and current discourses of education reforms in the global culture. It draws upon recent studies in the areas of globalisation, academic achievement, standards, equity and the role of the State (Apple 2004; Carnoy 1999; Zajda et al. 2008). It explores conceptual frameworks and methodological approaches applicable in the research covering the State, globalisation and quality-driven education reforms.

Globalisation, Ideology and Social Justice Discourses (Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research #30)

by Joseph Zajda Yvonne M. Vissing Suzanne Majhanovich

This book examines dominant discourses in social justice education globally. It presents cutting-edge research on the major global trends in education, social justice and policy research. Using diverse paradigms, ranging from critical theory to discourse analysis, the book examines major social justice and equity education reforms and policy issues in a global culture, with a focus on the ambivalent and problematic relationship between social justice education discourses, ideology and the state. The book discusses democracy, ideology and social justice, which are among the most critical and significant factors defining and contextualising the processes surrounding social justice education reforms globally. It critiques current social justice education practices and policy reforms, illustrating the shifts in the relationship between the state, ideology, and social justice education policy.Written by authors from diverse backgrounds and regions, this book examines current developments in research concerning social justice education. It enables readers to gain a more holistic understanding of the nexus between social justice education, and dominant ideologies, both locally and globally. It also provides an easily accessible, practical, yet scholarly insights into local and global trends in the field of social justice education. Discourses of Globalization, Ideology and Social Justice, with contributions from key scholars worldwide, should be required reading for a broad spectrum of users, including policy-makers, academics, graduate students, education policy researchers, administrators, and practitioners.

Globalisation, Nation-Building and History Education (Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research #40)

by Joseph Zajda John Whitehouse

This book uses historiography and discourse analysis to provide a new insight into understanding the nexus between ideologies, the state, and nation-building—as depicted in history school textbooks. It focuses on the interpretation of social and political change, significant events, and examining possible new biases and omissions in school textbooks. The ‘Europeanization’ of history textbooks in the EU is an example of western-dominated Grand Narrative of pluralist democracy, multiculturalism, and human rights, according to the canon of a particularly European dimension. Various public debates in the USA, China, the Russian Federation (RF), Japan, and elsewhere, dealing with understandings of a nation-building, national identity, and history education point out to parallels between the political significance of school history and the history education debates globally.The book demonstrates that the issue of national identity and balanced representations of the past continue to dominate the debate surrounding the goals, dominant ideologies and content of history textbooks, and historical narratives. It concludes that competing discourses and ideologies will continue to define and shape the nature and significance of historical knowledge, ideologies and the direction of values education in history textbooks. This book provides an easily accessible, practical, yet scholarly insights into local and global trends in the field of history education, and should be required reading for a broad spectrum of users, including policy-makers, academics, graduate students, education policy researchers, administrators, and practitioners.

The Globalisation of Chinese Business Firms

by K. Olds H. Yeung

Chinese business firms and their networks of personal and business relationships, are becoming increasingly important players in the global economy. This book examines the global and regional operations of Chinese business firms and considers their implications for the management and organisation of these firms, aided by specific case studies. Written by leading researchers in this field, The Globalisation of Chinese Business Firms is a valuable and timely contribution to the study of Asian business systems.

The Globalisation of Higher Education: Developing Internationalised Education Research and Practice

by Timothy Hall Tonia Gray Greg Downey Michael Singh

This book argues that the neoliberal globalisation of higher education faces a need for recalibration. In light of increased concerns from universities in cultivating globalisation, this volume brings together a multi-ethnic and multilingual team of researchers who argue that the continued development of internationalized education now requires new research and practices. As university leaders seek to build the best programs to help students to go abroad, they can face a number of challenges – risk management, negotiating with diverse partners, designing rich experience-based learning and the hopes, fears and limitations of the students themselves. Consequently, the authors argue that changes are particularly important given the current US-centric and UK-centric structural readjustments to globalization policies across all fields of higher education and knowledge production. This multi-perspectival edited collection will appeal to students and scholars of global education, globalization and international education.

The Globalisation of Higher Education: Developing Internationalised Education Research and Practice

by Timothy Hall Tonia Gray Greg Downey Michael Singh

This book argues that the neoliberal globalisation of higher education faces a need for recalibration. In light of increased concerns from universities in cultivating globalisation, this volume brings together a multi-ethnic and multilingual team of researchers who argue that the continued development of internationalized education now requires new research and practices. As university leaders seek to build the best programs to help students to go abroad, they can face a number of challenges – risk management, negotiating with diverse partners, designing rich experience-based learning and the hopes, fears and limitations of the students themselves. Consequently, the authors argue that changes are particularly important given the current US-centric and UK-centric structural readjustments to globalization policies across all fields of higher education and knowledge production. This multi-perspectival edited collection will appeal to students and scholars of global education, globalization and international education.

The Globalisation of Indian Business: Cross border Mergers and Acquisitions in Indian Manufacturing (Routledge Studies in the Economics of Business and Industry)

by Beena Saraswathy

Consolidation activities such as mergers and acquisitions (M&As) have been one of the major strategies adopted by Indian firms to withstand global competition. M&As experienced a substantial increase in value and volume during the post-liberalization era, facilitated by the presence of foreign subsidiaries in the Indian market as well as competitive pressure on domestic firms. The increased foreign investment through M&As brought new dimensions to the fore such as the implications on technological performance, efficiency, and more importantly, competition in the Indian market. The Globalisation of Indian Business: Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions in Indian Manufacturing provides an in-depth analysis of these issues, specifically aiming to understand whether the M&As strategies helped the firms to achieve their desired objectives in terms of improvement in technology, efficiency and market power in the context of the increase of M&As in India, using appropriate statistical and econometric techniques. The book is of additional importance in the context of the recently implemented Competition Act, replacing the thirty year old MRTP Act in India. The new Act aims to maintain competition and protect consumers’ interests without harming that of the producers’. Based on the analysis, broadly, the study cautions the regulators to rethink the efficiency defence argument and become more vigilant on the creation of monopolies. On the other side, it suggests firms should reconsider their post-merger integration strategy since consolidation has not led to a sustainable increase in market share of the surviving firms.

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