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Showing 28,101 through 28,125 of 77,508 results

The Globalisation of Indian Business: Cross border Mergers and Acquisitions in Indian Manufacturing (Routledge Studies in the Economics of Business and Industry)

by Beena Saraswathy

Consolidation activities such as mergers and acquisitions (M&As) have been one of the major strategies adopted by Indian firms to withstand global competition. M&As experienced a substantial increase in value and volume during the post-liberalization era, facilitated by the presence of foreign subsidiaries in the Indian market as well as competitive pressure on domestic firms. The increased foreign investment through M&As brought new dimensions to the fore such as the implications on technological performance, efficiency, and more importantly, competition in the Indian market. The Globalisation of Indian Business: Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions in Indian Manufacturing provides an in-depth analysis of these issues, specifically aiming to understand whether the M&As strategies helped the firms to achieve their desired objectives in terms of improvement in technology, efficiency and market power in the context of the increase of M&As in India, using appropriate statistical and econometric techniques. The book is of additional importance in the context of the recently implemented Competition Act, replacing the thirty year old MRTP Act in India. The new Act aims to maintain competition and protect consumers’ interests without harming that of the producers’. Based on the analysis, broadly, the study cautions the regulators to rethink the efficiency defence argument and become more vigilant on the creation of monopolies. On the other side, it suggests firms should reconsider their post-merger integration strategy since consolidation has not led to a sustainable increase in market share of the surviving firms.

The Globalisation of Indian Business: Cross border Mergers and Acquisitions in Indian Manufacturing (Routledge Studies in the Economics of Business and Industry)

by Beena Saraswathy

Consolidation activities such as mergers and acquisitions (M&As) have been one of the major strategies adopted by Indian firms to withstand global competition. M&As experienced a substantial increase in value and volume during the post-liberalization era, facilitated by the presence of foreign subsidiaries in the Indian market as well as competitive pressure on domestic firms. The increased foreign investment through M&As brought new dimensions to the fore such as the implications on technological performance, efficiency, and more importantly, competition in the Indian market. The Globalisation of Indian Business: Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions in Indian Manufacturing provides an in-depth analysis of these issues, specifically aiming to understand whether the M&As strategies helped the firms to achieve their desired objectives in terms of improvement in technology, efficiency and market power in the context of the increase of M&As in India, using appropriate statistical and econometric techniques. The book is of additional importance in the context of the recently implemented Competition Act, replacing the thirty year old MRTP Act in India. The new Act aims to maintain competition and protect consumers’ interests without harming that of the producers’. Based on the analysis, broadly, the study cautions the regulators to rethink the efficiency defence argument and become more vigilant on the creation of monopolies. On the other side, it suggests firms should reconsider their post-merger integration strategy since consolidation has not led to a sustainable increase in market share of the surviving firms.

The Globalisation of Intercultural Education: The Politics of Macro-Micro Integration

by Christina Hajisoteriou Panayiotis Angelides

This book examines the intersection of globalisation and intercultural education by focusing on the trajectory of education policy: from development to adoption and implementation.The centrality of the nation-state has been constrained by a wide range of new socio-cultural, political and economic phenomena over the past decade such as globalisation, Europeanisation, modernisation, and global recession. The main implications of these developments have only just begun to unfold, and continue to be debated by policy-makers, academics, and educators. However, it is widely accepted that global socio-political and economic developments have allowed supranational institutions, functioning across nation states rather than within them, to perform many state functions with regards to education policy development and implementation. Yet, much remains unknown (and under-researched) about the impact of these still-nascent developments on the trajectory of intercultural education. This book sets out to fill in this gap by examining the intersection of globalisation and intercultural education through macro-micro integration. After all, for modern societies to establish social cohesion, education research should examine issues of citizenship, democracy, and intercultural education under the lens of globalisation.

Globalisation, Poverty And Conflict: A Critical 'development' Reader (PDF)

by Max Spoor

This state-of-the-art critical 'development' reader examines the inter-relationships between globalisation, poverty and conflict. It complements current debates in the field of development studies and, in an era in which development fatigue seems to have become more profound than ever before, it brings the importance of development once again to the forefront. The contributions represent current thinking on (and practice of) development policy, poverty reduction, the need for multi-level democratic institutions, and the containing and prevention of conflicts.

Globalisation, Values Education and Teaching Democracy (Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research #35)

by Joseph Zajda Pamela Hallam John Whitehouse

This book critiques dominant discourses and debates pertaining to values education, cultural identity and teaching democracy, set against the backdrop of growing social stratification and unequal access to quality education. It addresses discourses concerning globalisation, ideologies and the state, as well as approaches to values education and teaching democracy in schools. The book explores the ambivalent and problematic connections between the state, globalisation, values education and teaching democracy. It also explores conceptual frameworks and methodological approaches applicable to research on values education, multiculturalism and identity politics. Drawing on diverse paradigms, ranging from critical theory to globalisation, and by focusing on globalisation, ideology and values education, the book critically examines research dealing with cultural diversity and its impact of identity politics. Given the need for a multiple perspective approach, the authors have diverse backgrounds and hail from different countries and regions, offer a wealth of insights, contributing to a more holistic understanding of the nexus between values education, multiculturalism and national identity. With contributions from key scholars worldwide, the book should be required reading for a broad spectrum of users, including policy-makers, academics, graduate students, education policy researchers, administrators and practitioners.

Globalisierung: Wirtschaft - Politik - Kultur - Gesellschaft

by Ditmar Brock

Dieses Buch will dem Leser einen Überblick über wirtschaftliche, politische, kulturelle und gesellschaftliche Aspekte der Globalisierung geben. Besonderen Wert wird im ersten Teil auf die Analyse der jüngsten Phase wirtschaftlicher Globalisierung gelegt. Im zweiten Teil wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie das politische System auf diese aktuellen Herausforderungen reagieren kann. Im Mittelpunkt der Darstellung kultureller Globalisierung stehen dagegen die verschiedenen Wege, wie die schon seit Jahrtausenden Sprach- und Kulturgrenzen überwunden wurden. Schließlich wird untersucht, was aus diesen Entwicklungen für die Zukunft von Gesellschaften folgt, deren Grundlage immer in der erfolgreichen territorialen wie sozialen Abschließung gegen andere Gesellschaften bestand. Dabei zeigt sich, dass sich zwar Entwicklungen in Richtung auf eine Weltgesellschaft ausmachen lassen, diese aber keineswegs zu einem Welteinheitsstaat oder gar zu einer Welteinheitskultur führen werden.

Globalisierung als Auto-Kapitalismus: Studien zur Globalität moderner Gesellschaften

by Philipp Hessinger Markus Pohlmann

Die in dem Buch versammelten Beiträge der Festschrift für Gert Schmidt sprechen einzelne Facetten der globalen Wandlungsdynamik des Kapitalismus mit dem Ziel an, den „Wandel des Wandels“ in der Ökonomie greifbar werden zu lassen. Sie begeben sich auf die Suche nach einem neuen Muster der „institutional nestedness“ und der normativen Ordnung von globalen Wirtschaften, kapitalistischen Organisationen und ökonomischen Eliten. Ist fortwährende Globalisierung eine Begleiterscheinung des sich automatisch reproduzierenden Kapitalismus? Die Vorstellung einer Globalisierung als „Auto“-Kapitalismus spielt auf das Spannungsfeld zwischen einem sich selbst reproduzierenden, verselbständigten globalen Kapitalismus und seinen neuen institutionellen Prägungen an.

Globalisierung, Bildung und grenzüberschreitende Mobilität (Sozialstrukturanalyse)

by Jurgen Gerhards Sören Carlson Jürgen Gerhards Silke Hans

Transnationales Humankapital, beispielsweise in Form von Fremdsprachenkenntnissen und interkulturellen Kompetenzen, ist eine Ressource, die im Rahmen von Globalisierungsprozessen immer bedeutsamer wird und zu neuen sozialen Ungleichheiten führt. Der Band beschäftigt sich im ersten Teil mit den veränderten Makrokontexten und Ideologien, die transnationales Humankapital zu einer bedeutsamen Ressource werden lassen, sowie mit den Institutionen, die dessen Vermittlung – insbesondere im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter – dienen. Im zweiten Teil liegt der Schwerpunkt auf den sozial ungleich verteilten Zugangschancen zu transnationalem Humankapital. Im dritten Teil geht es um die möglichen Renditen transnationalen Humankapitals und die dadurch entstehenden Ungleichheiten. Die einzelnen Beiträge nutzen unterschiedlichste qualitative und quantitative Vorgehensweisen und bieten Einsichten aus einer Vielzahl europäischer und nichteuropäischer Länder.​

Globalisierung der Medien?: Medienpolitik in der Informationsgesellschaft

by Patrick Donges Otfried Jarren Heribert Schatz

Die Erwartungen, die an Begriffe wie Informationsgesellschaft oder Globalisierung geknüpft werden, sind hoch: Interaktivität, neue Formen der Partizipation und der internationalen Produktion sollen unsere Gesellschaft von Grund auf verändern. Die Beiträge des Bandes liefern eine Bestandsaufnahme der Informationsgesellschaft und diskutieren aus verschiedenen Perspektiven die Globalisierung unterschiedlicher Medien. Sie zeigen, auf welche neuen Gegebenheiten sich Medienpolitik einstellen muß, welche neuen Akteure und neuen Formen der Regulierung erwartbar sind.

Globalisierung der Weltwirtschaft: Schlussbericht der Enquete-Kommission

by Deutscher Bundestag

Dieser Bericht stellt die großen ökonomischen, ökologischen, gesellschaftlichen und politischen Herausforderungen der Zeit in klarer Sprache dar und gibt der Politik Handlungsempfehlungen. Alle wichtigen Bereiche werden dabei angesprochen. Jenseits der emotionalen Auseinadersetzung um die Auswirkungen der Globalisierung vermittelt der Bericht ein Bild von den Aufgaben, denen sich die deutsche und internationale Politik stellen müssen.

Globalisierung nach der Corona-Krise: oder wie eine resiliente Produktion gelingen kann – Ein Essay

by Hartmut Frey Engelbert Westkämper Dieter Beste

Unterbrochene Lieferketten, Schwierigkeiten im Nachschub einfachster medizinischer Schutzkleidung (z. B. Mundschutz) im Rahmen der Corona-Krise bieten Anlass die Globalisierung zu hinterfragen. Den gegenwärtigen Spielregeln der Globalisierung sind die Perspektiven einer digitalisierten Wirtschaftsordnung mit entsprechenden Geschäftsmodellen für die Zukunft gegenübergestellt. Es ist dargelegt, welche Prozesse und Verfahren diese Entwicklung unterstützen und es ist ein Ausblick gegeben, wie sich diese Entwicklung auch auf bildungs- und forschungspolitische Aspekte auswirken kann.

Globalisierung Süd (Leviathan Sonderhefte)

by Axel Paul Alejandro Pelfini Boike Rehbein

Die soziale Welt hat sich seit 1989 grundlegend verändert. Man hatte ein „Ende der Geschichte“ und die weltweite Ausbreitung westlicher Institutionen erwartet. Stattdessen ist die multizentrische Welt der Vergangenheit zurückgekehrt, in der auch Gesellschaften des globalen Südens eine Rolle spielen. Anhand konkreter Regional- und Länderbeispiele aus Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika fragt der Band nach der Brauchbarkeit unseres theoretischen Vokabulars, nach angemessenen Kategorien zur Beschreibung langfristiger und grundlegender sozialer Wandlungsprozesse und damit auch nach der möglicherweise zeitlich und räumlich beschränkten Reichweite dominanter Globalisierungsdiskurse.

Globalisierung und Vergangenheitsbearbeitung: Eine makrosoziologische Analyse von Transitional Justice

by Dominik Pfeiffer

Dominik Pfeiffer entwickelt ein neues Theoriewerkzeug zur Analyse der Globalisierung von Transitional Justice, die ein vor einigen Jahrzehnten entstandener soziopolitischer Prozess ist, der sich durch und über eine Einbettung in Weltkultur (die „World Polity“) vollzogen hat. Es kam nicht nur zu einer weitgehenden Normalisierung, sondern auch zu einer Rationalisierung des Umgangs mit massiver Gewalt und Gräueltaten. Die Globalisierung von Transitional Justice ist als eine ambivalente Entwicklung zu begreifen, die zugleich für zu wenig und zu viel globale Gerechtigkeit sorgt: So entziehen sich trotz allem immer wieder mächtige Staaten der Ahndung von Makrogewalt, während gleichzeitig an anderen Orten Aufarbeitungsprozesse maßgeblich durch globale Normen und Mechanismen beeinflusst werden.

Globalising Sociolinguistics: Challenging and Expanding Theory

by Dick Smakman Patrick Heinrich

This book challenges the predominance of mainstream sociolinguistic theories by focusing on lesser known sociolinguistic systems, from regions of Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, South America, the European Mediterranean, and Slavic regions as well as specific speech communities such as those speaking Nivkh, Jamaican Creole, North Saami, and Central Yup’ik. In nineteen chapters, the specialist authors look at key sociolinguistic aspects of each region or speech community, such as gender, politeness strategies, speech patterns and the effects of social hierarchy on language, concentrating on the differences from mainstream models. The volume, introduced by Miriam Meyerhoff, has been written by the leading expert of each specific region or community and includes contributions by Rajend Mesthrie, Marc Greenberg and Daming Xu. This publication draws together connections across regions/communities and considers how mainstream sociolinguistics is incomplete or lacking. It reveals how lesser-known cultures can play an important role in the building of theory in sociolinguistics. Globalising Sociolinguistics is essential reading for any researcher in sociolinguistics and language variation and will be a key reference for advanced sociolinguistics courses.

Globalising Sociolinguistics: Challenging and Expanding Theory

by Dick Smakman Patrick Heinrich

This book challenges the predominance of mainstream sociolinguistic theories by focusing on lesser known sociolinguistic systems, from regions of Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, South America, the European Mediterranean, and Slavic regions as well as specific speech communities such as those speaking Nivkh, Jamaican Creole, North Saami, and Central Yup’ik. In nineteen chapters, the specialist authors look at key sociolinguistic aspects of each region or speech community, such as gender, politeness strategies, speech patterns and the effects of social hierarchy on language, concentrating on the differences from mainstream models. The volume, introduced by Miriam Meyerhoff, has been written by the leading expert of each specific region or community and includes contributions by Rajend Mesthrie, Marc Greenberg and Daming Xu. This publication draws together connections across regions/communities and considers how mainstream sociolinguistics is incomplete or lacking. It reveals how lesser-known cultures can play an important role in the building of theory in sociolinguistics. Globalising Sociolinguistics is essential reading for any researcher in sociolinguistics and language variation and will be a key reference for advanced sociolinguistics courses.

Globalism and Local Democracy: Challenge and Change in Europe and North America

by R. Hambleton H. Savitch M. Stewart

This new book argues that cities and citizens are not helpless victims in a global flow of events. Three crucial questions are addressed through the three part structure: What is the nature of the globalization? What resulting challenges now confront cities and localities? How can local leaders respond to this changing environment in ways which strengthen local democracy? Written by leading urban scholars in Europe and North America the book draws on a range of disciplines to enhance academic understanding and illuminate lessons for policy and practice.

Globalism and Localization: Emergent Solutions to Ecological and Social Crises

by Jeanine M. Canty

Considering the context of the present ecological and social crisis, this book takes an interdisciplinary approach to explore the relationship between globalism and localization. Globalism may be viewed as a positive emergent property of globalization. The latter depicts a worldwide economic and political system, and arguably a worldview, that has directly increased planetary levels of injustice, poverty, militarism, violence, and ecological destruction. In contrast, globalism represents interconnected systems of exchange and resourcefulness through increased communications across innumerable global diversities. In an economic, cultural, and political framework, localization centers on small-scale communities placed within the immediate bioregion, providing intimacy between the means of production and consumption, as well as long-term security and resilience. There is an increasing movement towards localization in order to counteract the destruction wreaked by globalization, yet our world is deeply and integrally immersed within a globalized reality. Within this collection, contributors expound upon the connection between local and global phenomenon within their respective fields including social ecology, climate justice, ecopsychology, big history, peace ecology, social justice, community resilience, indigenous rights, permaculture, food justice, liberatory politics, and both transformative and transpersonal studies.

Globalism and Localization: Emergent Solutions to Ecological and Social Crises

by Jeanine M. Canty

Considering the context of the present ecological and social crisis, this book takes an interdisciplinary approach to explore the relationship between globalism and localization. Globalism may be viewed as a positive emergent property of globalization. The latter depicts a worldwide economic and political system, and arguably a worldview, that has directly increased planetary levels of injustice, poverty, militarism, violence, and ecological destruction. In contrast, globalism represents interconnected systems of exchange and resourcefulness through increased communications across innumerable global diversities. In an economic, cultural, and political framework, localization centers on small-scale communities placed within the immediate bioregion, providing intimacy between the means of production and consumption, as well as long-term security and resilience. There is an increasing movement towards localization in order to counteract the destruction wreaked by globalization, yet our world is deeply and integrally immersed within a globalized reality. Within this collection, contributors expound upon the connection between local and global phenomenon within their respective fields including social ecology, climate justice, ecopsychology, big history, peace ecology, social justice, community resilience, indigenous rights, permaculture, food justice, liberatory politics, and both transformative and transpersonal studies.

Globalism, Nationalism, Tribalism: Bringing Theory Back In (PDF)

by Paul James

Paul James has written a magnificent account of the world's current condition, one that highlights the complexities and contradictions with which people, communities, and nations must contend and that does so in a compelling and creative style. Stressing the interaction between global and local forces, his writing style is lively and compelling as well as peppered with a wide range of citations, from Woman's Day to the Cambodian Daily (on the same page!)' - James N Rosenau, University Professor of International Affairs, The George Washington University Globalism, Nationalism, Tribalism establishes a new basis for understanding the changing nature of polity and community and offers unprecedented attention to these dominant trends. Paul James charts the contradictions and tensions we all encounter in an era of increasing globalization, from genocide and terrorism to television and finance capital. Globalism is treated as an uneven and layered process of spatial expansion, not simply one of disorder, fragmentation or rupture. Nor is it simply a force of homogenization. Nationalism is taken seriously as a continuing and important formation of contemporary identity and politics. James rewrites the modernism theories of the nation-state without devolving into the postmodernist assertion that all is invention or surface gloss. Tribalism is given the attention it has long warranted and is analyzed as a continuing and changing formation of social life, from the villages of Rwanda to the cities of the West. Theoretically adept and powerfully argued, this is the first comprehensive analysis that brings these crucial themes of contemporary life together.

Globalization: An Introduction to the End of the Known World

by Charles C. Lemert

"Globalization: An Introduction to the End of the Known World" surveys the history of globalization from the earliest of ancient texts through contemporary debates and the prospects for anticipating the new worlds to come. At the end of the twentieth century, debates over the nature of globalization were unable to agree on a simple resolution, except to say that globalization is economic, political, and cultural all at once. Cultural globalization affects everyone with a smartphone, on which global youth from Los Angeles to Jakarta listen to Jay-Z and Beyonce. States are torn in several directions at once by unsettling economic, political, and cultural forces. Lemert concludes with a serious outline of the possible ways of imagining what the still-unknown global world will become next ways including optimism, caution, and skepticism."

Globalization: An Introduction to the End of the Known World

by Charles C. Lemert

"Globalization: An Introduction to the End of the Known World" surveys the history of globalization from the earliest of ancient texts through contemporary debates and the prospects for anticipating the new worlds to come. At the end of the twentieth century, debates over the nature of globalization were unable to agree on a simple resolution, except to say that globalization is economic, political, and cultural all at once. Cultural globalization affects everyone with a smartphone, on which global youth from Los Angeles to Jakarta listen to Jay-Z and Beyonce. States are torn in several directions at once by unsettling economic, political, and cultural forces. Lemert concludes with a serious outline of the possible ways of imagining what the still-unknown global world will become next ways including optimism, caution, and skepticism."


by Malcolm Waters

The constraints of geography are shrinking and the world is becoming a single place. Globalization and the global society are increasingly occupying the centre of sociological debates. Widely discussed by journalists and a key goal for many businesses, globalization has become a buzz-word in recent years. In this extensively revised and restructured new edition of Globalization , Malcolm Waters provides a user-friendly introduction to the main arguments about the process, including a chapter on the critiques of the globalization thesis that have emerged since the first edition was published.


by Malcolm Waters

The constraints of geography are shrinking and the world is becoming a single place. Globalization and the global society are increasingly occupying the centre of sociological debates. Widely discussed by journalists and a key goal for many businesses, globalization has become a buzz-word in recent years. In this extensively revised and restructured new edition of Globalization , Malcolm Waters provides a user-friendly introduction to the main arguments about the process, including a chapter on the critiques of the globalization thesis that have emerged since the first edition was published.

Globalization and Antiglobalization: Dynamics of Change in the New World Order (New Regionalisms Ser.)

by Jonathan Rutherford

This title was first published in 2003. Globalisation can be seen to provide the context for epoch-defining changes in social and economic forms of organisation. However, it has also changed the context for and the organisational forms of politics, unleashing forces in support of, and in opposition to, the globalisation dynamic. This text examines the dynamics of change and development in two regions of the world economy, Latin America and Asia, and is a series of explorations into the forces, their political dynamics, and the responses of governments and citizens. The focus of the explorations, and regional case studies, is on the role of the nation-state, international organisations and social movements.

Globalization and Antiglobalization: Dynamics of Change in the New World Order

by Jonathan Rutherford

This title was first published in 2003. Globalisation can be seen to provide the context for epoch-defining changes in social and economic forms of organisation. However, it has also changed the context for and the organisational forms of politics, unleashing forces in support of, and in opposition to, the globalisation dynamic. This text examines the dynamics of change and development in two regions of the world economy, Latin America and Asia, and is a series of explorations into the forces, their political dynamics, and the responses of governments and citizens. The focus of the explorations, and regional case studies, is on the role of the nation-state, international organisations and social movements.

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